Title |
Page |
Particle Amplitude Growth Due to Single or Repetitive Resonance Crossing |
1585 |
Construction of High Order Maps for Large Proton Accelerators |
1588 |
Refinement of the Hamilton-Jacobi Solution Using a Second Canonical Transformation |
1591 |
- W.E. Gabella, R.D. Ruth, R.L. Warnock
Tracking Studies for the Oxford Instruments Compact Electron Synchrotron |
1594 |
Suppression of Single Bunch Beam Breakup by Autophasing |
1597 |
- R.L. Gluckstern, F. Neri, J.B.J. van Zeijts
Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Thin Iris Collimator |
1600 |
- R.L. Gluckstern, W.F. Detlefs
Study of Loss Factor for Slots in the Vacuum Chamber |
1603 |
Bunched Beam Longitudinal Stability |
1606 |
Reduction of Beam Breakup Growth by Bleeding Cavities in Linear Accelerators |
1609 |
Observation of Magnetized Cooling in the IUCF Cooler |
1612 |
Tune Splitting in the Presence of Linear Coupling |
1615 |
The WKB Approximation and the Travelling-Wave Acceleration Cavity |
1618 |
Kick Factorization of Symplectic Maps |
1621 |
- A.J. Dragt, I.M. Gjaja, G. Rangarajan
Non-Linear Resonance Studies at the Synchrotron Radiation Center, Stoughton, Wisconsin |
1624 |
- E. Crosbie, J. Bridges, Y. Cho, D. Ciarlette, R. Kustom, Y. Liu, K. Symon, L. Teng, W. Trzeciak
Correction of Skew-Quadrupole Errors in RHIC |
1627 |
- G.F. Dell, H. Hahn, S.Y. Lee, G. Parzen, S. Tepikian
Invariant Metrics for Hamiltonian Systems |
1630 |
- G. Rangarajan, A.J. Dragt, F. Neri
Further Dynamic Aperture Studies on a Wiggler-Based Ultra-Low-Emittance Damping Ring Lattice |
1633 |
Analytic Closed Orbit Analysis for RHIC Insertion |
1636 |
Beam-Beam Interaction and High Order Resonances |
1639 |
Single Beam Crab Dynamics |
1642 |
Emittance Growth Due to Beam Motion |
1645 |
Adiabatic Invariance for Spatially Dependent Accelerating Structures |
1648 |
- J.R. Cary, D.L. Bruhwiler
Particle Tracking and Map Analysis for Compact Storage Rings |
1651 |
- M.F. Reusch, E. Forest, J.B. Murphy
Symplectic Full-Turn Maps in a Fourier Representation |
1654 |
Comments on the Behavior of 1 in Main Injector t Jump Schemes |
1657 |
A Comparison of Transition Jump Schemes for the Main Injector |
1660 |
- S. Peggs, A. Bogacz, F. Harfoush
Normalization of the Parameterized Courant-Snyder Matrix for Symplectic Factorization of a Parameterized Taylor Map |
1663 |
LEP Dynamic Aperture with Asymmetrical RF Distribution |
1666 |
Long-Term Stability Studies for the Large Hadron Collider |
1669 |
- F. Galluccio, Z. Guo, W. Scandale, F. Schmidt, A. Verdier
Compensation of Linear Lattice Imperfections in the Large Hadron Collider |
1672 |
- F. Galluccio, Z. Guo, T. Risselada, W. Scandale, F. Schmidt
High-Luminosity Insertion for a B-Meson Factory |
1675 |
Diffusive Transport Enhancement by Isolated Resonances and Distribution Tails Growth in Hadronic Beams |
1678 |
Evaluation of the Synchrotron Close Orbit |
1681 |
- Yu.A. Bashmakov, V.A. Karpov
Phase Trajectory Analysis at the Nonlinear Resonances |
1684 |
Emittance Calculation Using Liouville's Theorem for a Diagonalized Hamiltonian |
1687 |
Method for Calculating Strong Synchrotron Tune Modulation of Depolarizing Resonances in Storage Rings |
1690 |
First Turn Beam Correction for the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring |
1692 |
- Y. Qian, E. Crosbie, L. Teng
Uniform Beam Distributions Using Octupoles |
1695 |
- N. Tsoupas, H.A. Enge, R. Lankshear, C.L. Snead Jr., T.E. Ward, M. Zucker
Sensitivity Reduction against Misalignment of Quadrupole and Sextupole Magnets |
1698 |
- K. Tsumaki, N. Kumagai, H. Tanaka
Dynamic Aperture of Low Beta Lattices at Tevatron Collider |
1701 |
Adaptive Method of Closed Orbit Correction |
1704 |
Perturbation Treatment of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Toroidal Beam Tube |
1707 |
Impact of Cross-Sectional Changes in a Beam Tube on Beam Dynamics |
1710 |
Coupled-Bunch Instabilites in the APS Ring |
1713 |
Damping of Higher-Order Modes in a Threefold Symmetry Accelerating Structure |
1716 |
Wakefield Suppression Using Beatwave Structures |
1719 |
Measurement of Longitudinal Impedance for a KAON Test Pipe Model with TSD-Calibration Method |
1722 |
- Y. Yin, N. Ilinsky, C. Oram, P. Reinhardt-Nikulin
Calculation of Seed Values for Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Dipole Instability Due to Uneven Bucket Population |
1725 |
Simulation of Hollow Beams with Cancellation of Steady State Non-Linear Space-Charge |
1728 |
Stationary Longitudinal Phase Space Distributions with Space Charge |
1731 |
Characterization and Monitoring of Transverse Beam Tails |
1734 |
- J.T. Seeman, F.-J. Decker, I. Hsu, C. Young
Analysis of Resonant Longitudinal Instability in a Heavy Ion Induction Linac |
1737 |
An Investigation of the Source of a Low-Q, Low-Frequency Impedance Disrupting Bunch Coalescing in the Fermilab Main Ring |
1740 |
- P.L. Colestock, J. Griffin, G. Jackson, C. Jensen, J. Lackey, X. Lu
A Critical Survey of Stretched-Wire Impedance Measurements at Fermilab |
1743 |
- P.L. Colestock, P.J. Chou, B. Fellenz, M. Foley, F. Harfoush, K. Harkay, G. Jackson, Q. Kerns, D. McConnell, K.Y. Ng
Longitudinal Instability in the Fermilab Accumulaor During Slow Transition Crossing |
1746 |
Results from Longitudinal Impedance Measurements in the Fermilab Tevatron |
1749 |
- G. Jackson, S. A. Bogacz, P.J. Chou, P. Colestock, F. Harfoush, X. Lu, K.Y. Ng, W. Pellico, T. Sullivan, X.Q. Wang
Measurement of the Fermilab Main Ring Longitudinal Impedance |
1752 |
Measurement of the Resistive Wall Instability in the Fermilab Main Ring |
1755 |
A Test of Bunched Beam Stochastic Cooling in the Fermilab Tevatron Collider |
1758 |
- G. Jackson, E. Buchanan, J. Budlong, E. Harms, G. Lee, J. Marriner, D. McGinnis, R. Pasquinelli, D. Peterson, D. Poll, D. Rohde, P. Seifrid, D. Voy
The Self-Cooling of Charged Particle Beams in a Straight Line |
1761 |
Laser Cooling of Stored Beams in ASTRID |
1764 |
- J. S. Hangst, K. Berg-Sorensen, P.S. Jessen, M. Kristensen, K. Molmer, J.S. Nielsen, O. Poulsen, J.P. Schiffer, P. Shi
Theoretical Studies of the Ultra Slow Extraction for the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich |
1767 |
- K. Bongardt, D. Dinev, S. Martin, P.F. Meads Jr., H. Meuth, D. Prasuhn, H. Stockhorst, R. Wagner
Beam Property Measurements in the IUCF Cooler Ring |
1770 |
- M. Ball, D.D. Caussyn, J. Collins, V. Derenchuk, D. DuPlantis, G. East, T. Ellison, D. Friesel, B. Hamilton, B. Jones, S.Y. Lee, M.G. Minty, T. Sloan
Intrabeam Scattering in the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator |
1773 |
Ion Clearing by Cyclotron Resonance Shaking |
1776 |
Envelope Instability in the Fermilab Booster |
1779 |
- P. Zhou, J.B. Rosenzweig, S. Stahl
Multibunch Instability Investigation on a Cavity Equipped with a Broad HOM Suppressor |
1782 |
Beam Breakup in Recirculating Linacs |
1785 |
Electromagnetic Instablity of an Intense Beam in a Quadrupole Focusing System |
1788 |
Instability Calculations for the MIT-Bates South Hall Ring |
1791 |
- K.D. Jacobs, K. Balewski, P.T. Demos, J.B. Flanz, J. Wurtele, X.T. Yu, A. Zolfaghari
Diagnosis and Cure of a Transverse Instability in the NSLS VUV Ring |
1794 |
- J. Rose, R. Biscardi, W. Broome, R. D'Alsace, J. Keane, J.M. Wang
Modified Octupoles for Damping Coherent Instabilities |
1797 |
- M. Cornacchia, W.J. Corbett, K. Halbach
Simulation of Longitudinal Phase Space in the SLC |
1800 |
Bench Measurements of Coupling Impedance of AGS Booster Components |
1803 |
A Feedback for Longitudinal Instabilities in the SLC Damping Rings |
1806 |
- Y. Chao, P. Corredoura, T. Limberg, H. Schwarz, P. Wilson
Beam Breakup with Finite Bunch Length |
1809 |
Beam Breakup with Longitudinal Halo |
1812 |
Microwave Instability at Transition-Stability Diagram Approach |
1815 |
Electron Beam Injector for Longitudinal Beam Physics Experiments |
1818 |
- J.G. Wang, M. Reiser, D.X. Wang
Analysis of the Longitudinal Instability in an Induction Linac |
1821 |
Shielded Coherent Synchrotron Radiation and its Possible Effect in the Next Linear Collider |
1824 |
Experiments on the Beam Breakup Instability in Long-Pulse Electron Beam Transport Through RF Cavity Systems |
1827 |
- R.M. Gilgenbach, R.A. Bosch, H. Ching, J. J. Choi, P.R. Menge, T.A. Spencer
Studies of Coupled-Bunch Modes in the Fermilab Booster |
1830 |
- K.C. Harkay, V.K. Bharadwaj, P.L. Colestock
Simulation of Multibunch Instabilites in the Damping Ring of JLC |
1833 |
Construction of an RF Quadrupole Magnet for Suppressing Transverse Coupled-Bunch Instabilities |
1836 |
- S. Sakanaka, T. Mitsuhashi
Ion Trapping in the CESR B-Factory |
1839 |
Longitudinal Beam Response Measurements at CESR |
1842 |
Nonlinear Effects in the SLC e+ Transport Line |
1845 |
- H. Braun, A.V. Kulikov, R. Pitthan, M. Woodley
Head-Tail Stability and Linear Coupling in the Tevatron |
1848 |
- G.P. Goderre, G. Annala, S. A. Bogacz, D. Herrup, S. Peggs, S. Saritepe, T. Sullivan, T. Williams
Low Loss Parameter for New CESR Electrostatic Separators |
1851 |
Coupled Bunch Motion in Large Size Rings |
1854 |
- P.L. Morton, R.D. Ruth, K.A. Thompson
Simulation and Stability of a Crab Cavity |
1857 |
- Z. Greenwald, S. Greenwald, D. Rice
Effects of Quadrupole Wake Field on RF Focusing in Linear Colliders |
1860 |
- A. N. Didenko, V.N. Gusarov, G.A. Kuzmenko
Realistic Modeling of Microwave Instability Effects on the Evolution of the Beam Energy-Phase Distribution in Proton Synchrotrons |
1863 |
Comparison Between Coasting and Bunched Beams on Optimum Stochastic Cooling and Signal Suppression |
1866 |
Beam Life-Time with Intrabeam Scattering and Stochastic Cooling |
1869 |
Beta Functions in the Presence of Linear Coupling |
1872 |
Dynamic Aperture Effects Due to Linear Coupling |
1875 |
Brown's Transport up to Third Order Aberration by Artificial Intelligence |
1878 |
- X. Jiawen, Q. Qingwen, X. Xi
Resonance Seeding of Stability Boundaries in Two and Four Dimensions |
1881 |
Beam Dynamics Design of an RFQ for the SSC Laboratory |
1884 |
- T.S. Bhatia, J. H. Billen, A. Cucchetti, F.W. Guy, G. Neuschaefer, L. Young
On Dynamic Aperture |
1887 |
Modelling of Space Charge Effects in the CERN Proton Synchrotron |
1890 |
Observation of Space-Charge Effects in the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring |
1893 |
- D. Neuffer, D. Fitzgerald, T. Hardek, R. Hutson, R. Macek, M. Plum, H. Thiessen, T.-S. Wang
Observations of the PSR Transverse Instability |
1896 |
- E. Colton, D. Fitzgerald, T. Hardek, R. Macek, D. Neuffer, M. Plum, H. Thiessen, T. Wang
Nonlinear Dynamics in the Booster of the Moscow Kaon Factory |
1899 |
- N.I. Golubeva, A.I. Iliev, Yu.V. Senichev
How to get a Separatrix Branch with Low Divergence at a 1/3-Integer Resonant Beam Slow Extraction |
1902 |
Racetrack Lattices for Low-Medium-Energy Synchrotrons |
1904 |
- A.I. Iliev, Yu.V. Senichev
Analytic Approach to Design of High Transition Energy Lattice with Modulated -Function |
1907 |