Title |
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Geometrical (Lienard-Wichert) Approach in Accelerator Physics |
198 |
- S.G. Arutunian, M.R. Mailian
Simulation of a Storage Ring Free Electron Laser with a Mapping Algorithm for Distribution Functions |
201 |
Particle Orbit Tracking on a Parallel Computer: Hypertrack |
204 |
- B. Cole, G. Bourianoff, F. Pilat, R. Talman
Lattice Parameters Database and Operational Simulation at FNAL and SSCL |
207 |
- E. Barr, L. Michelotti, S. Peggs, A. Russell, S. Saritepe, C.G. Trahern, J. Zhou
Effects of Errors on the Dynamic Aperture of the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring |
210 |
- H. Bizek, E. Crosbie, E. Lessner, L. Teng, J. Wirsbinski
Parasitic Crossing at an Asymmetric B Factory, Apiary |
213 |
Effect of RF Phase Noise on the SSC Beam |
216 |
- J.A. Ellison, B.S. Newberger, H.-J. Shih
Optimizing a Nonlinear Collimation System for Future Linear Colliders |
219 |
- N. Merminga, R. Helm, J. Irwin, R.D. Ruth
Simulation of High Energy Beam Focusing by a Plasma |
222 |
Separation Criterion and Scaling Law for Long-Range Beam-Beam Interactions in the Tevatron |
225 |
Observation and Analysis of Time-Dependent Closed Orbit Motion in the LAMPF Proton Storage Ring |
228 |
- R. Hutson, D. Fitzgerald, R. Macek
Quantum Variances for Transverse SSC Injection Dynamics |
231 |
Relativistic Acceleration and Retardation Effects on Photoemission of Intense Electron Short Pulses, in RF-FEL Photoinjectors |
233 |
- J.-M. Dolique, M. Coacolo
Transverse Emittance of an Intense Electron Short Pulse Just Emitted by the Cathode of a RF-FEL Photoinjector: Influence of Electrodynamic Effects |
236 |
- J.-M. Dolique, M. Coacolo
Observation of Plasma Wakefield Effects during High-Current Relativistic Electron Beam Transport |
239 |
- J.D. Miller, J. Goldhar, G. Joyce, K.T. Nguyen, R.F. Schneider, H.S. Uhm, D.J. Weidman
Beam Dynamics in the Spiral Line Induction Accelerator |
242 |
- S. Slinker, G. Joyce, J. Krall, M. Lampe
Upgrade of the PHERMEX Accelerator |
245 |
- T.P. Hughes, R.L. Carlson, D.C. Moir
Experimental Studies of Emittance Growth Due to Initial Mismatch of a Space Charge Dominated Beam in a Solenoidal Focusing Channel |
248 |
- D. Kehne, M. Reiser, H. Rudd
Simulation Studies of Emittance Growth in RMS Mismatched Beams |
251 |
- A. Cucchetti, M. Reiser, T. Wangler
The Incoherent Beam-Beam Effect in Linear-on-Ring Colliders |
254 |
Nonlinear Dynamics of Electrons in Alternating-Sign Toroidal Magnetic Field |
257 |
- Y.L. Martirosian, M.L. Petrosian
Transport and Error Sensitivity in a Heavy-Ion Recirculator |
260 |
- W.M. Sharp, J.J. Barnard, S.S. Yu
3d and r, z Particle Simulation of Beams for Heavy Ion Fusion: The WARP Code |
263 |
- A. Friedman, D.A. Callahan, D.P. Grote, I. Haber, A.B. Langdon
Canonical Particle Tracking in Undulator Fields |
266 |
The Spin Motion Calculation Using Lie Method in Collider Nonlinear Magnetic Field |
269 |
- Y. Eidelman, V. Yakimenko
ASAP - A Symbolic Algebra Package for Accelerator Design |
272 |
- E. Bozoki, I. Ben-Zvi, A. Friedman
Digital Computer Simulation of Three-Dimensional Ion Beam Extraction and Transport Systems |
275 |
Digital Computer Simulation of Axisymmetric Electron Beams and Guns of Any Energy |
278 |
Using MOTER to Design PILAC |
281 |
- H.S. Butler, Z. Li, H.A. Thiessen
ELISE, a Code for Intensity Dependent Effects |
284 |
Program DIMAD: Vectorization, Links with DA, LIELIB and COSY- |
287 |
Aperture Determination by Long Term and Multiparticle Tracking |
288 |
A Different Approach to Beam-Beam Interaction Simulation |
291 |
Chromaticity Modelling in the Fermilab Main Ring |
294 |
Turnplot - A Graphical Tool for Analyzing Tracking Data |
297 |
- V. Paxson, L. Schachinger
RAMPRF: A Program for Synchronous Acceleration |
300 |
Application of Differential-and-Lie-Algebraic Techniques to the Orbit Dynamics of Cyclotrons |
303 |
- W.G. Davies, S.R. Douglas, G.E. Lee-Whiting, G.D. Pusch
Recovering Phase Density Distribution from Line Density |
306 |
DIMAD Based Interactive Simulation of the CEBAF Accelerator |
309 |
- M.H. Bickley, D.R. Douglas, R.V. Servranckx
A High-Order Moment Simulation Model |
312 |
- K.T. Tsang, D.P. Chernin, C. Kostas, A. Mondelli, J.J. Petillo
LEBT Modeling with ARGUS |
315 |
- J.J. Petillo, A. Mondelli
Model Performance of the New Tevatron Collider Lattice |
318 |
Conformal FDTD Modeling of 3-D Wake Fields |
321 |
- T.G. Jurgens, F.A. Harfoush
First Polarization Calculations in MAD |
324 |
Improvements in MAD in View of LHC Design |
327 |
Space-Charge Calculation for Bunched Beams with 3-D Ellipsoidal Symmetry |
330 |
- R.W. Garnett, T.P. Wangler
ZLIB: A Numerical Library for Differential Algebra and Lie Algebraic Treatment of Beam Dynamics |
333 |
Applications of ZMAP to the SSC |
336 |
- A.W. Chao, E. Forest, T. Sen, Y.T. Yan
Implementation of One-Turn Maps in SSCTRK Using ZLIB |
339 |
- S.K. Kauffmann, D.M. Ritson, Y.T. Yan
LIEMAP: A Program for Extracting a One-Turn Single Exponent Lie Generator Map |
342 |
- T. Sen, J. Irwin, Y.T. Yan
Effect of Tune Modulation on the Dynamic Aperture of the SSC Lattice |
345 |
- T. Sen, A.W. Chao, Y.T. Yan
Closed Orbit Correction in the SSC |
348 |
- G. Bourianoff, B. Cole, H. Ferede, F. Pilat
Design Characteristics of the Linac-LEB Transfer Line for the SSC |
351 |
- R.K. Bhandari, S. Penner, E. Seppi
354 |
Collimator Simulation for the TRIUMF KAON Factory Using DIMAD |
357 |
- U. Wienands, F.W. Jones, C.P. Parfitt
Dynamic Aperture and Extraction Studies for the SSC High Energy Booster |
360 |
- S.K. Dutt, A.W. Chao, D.E. Johnson, T. Sen, Y.T. Yan
Dynamic Aperture and Performance of the SSC Low Energy Booster Lattice |
363 |
- F. Pilat, G. Bourianoff, B. Cole, R. Talman, R. York
The Extension of the OSCAR2D Code to Compute Azimuthally Dependent Modes of Axially Symmetric Cavities |
366 |
- P. Fernandes, R. Parodi, G. Sabbi
The HIF Transport Code FOCI |
369 |
- D.W. Hewett, R.O. Bangerter
Comparison of Binning and Sorting of Magnets in the SSC High Energy Booster |
371 |
The Beam Dynamics Study in a Compact Synchrotron |
374 |
Compensation of RF Transients During Injection into the Collector Ring of the TRIUMF KAON Factory |
377 |
- S.R. Koscielniak, T.-S. Wang
Diffraction Radiation by a Charge Sheet Moving Past a Conducting Wedge |
380 |
Space Charge Effects in the SSC Low Energy Booster |
383 |
- S. Machida, G. Bourianoff, N.K. Mahale, N. Mehta, F. Pilat, R. Talman, R.C. York
Debunching and Capture in the LEB for the SSC |
386 |
Longitudinal Matching Between the LEB and the MEB for the SSC |
389 |
Constant of Motion and Dynamic Equations for One Dimensional Autonomous System, and Radiation Damping |
392 |
Beam Dynamics of Multi-Tank DTL and CCL Designs |
395 |
- C.C. Paulson, S.L. Mendelsohn, A.M.M. Todd
Electron Density Enhancement in a Quasi Isochronous Storage Ring |
398 |
Simultaneous Acceleration of H+ and H- in RFQ Linacs |
401 |
Limiting Density Distribution for Charged Particle Beams in Free Space |
404 |
Phase Space Distribution of Particles Near an Isolated Difference Resonance |
407 |
- J. Shi, Y. Huang, S. Ohnuma
Transient Beam Loading Reduction During Multi-Batch Coalescing in the Fermilab Main Ring |
410 |
First Turn Around Strategy for RHIC |
413 |
- J. Milutinovic, A.G. Ruggiero
Properties of the Longitudinal Equilibrium Distribution in a Storage Ring |
416 |
A Study of Misalignment Effects of the ANL-APS Electron Linac Focusing System |
419 |
- A. Nassiri, G. Mavrogenes
Hourglass Effects for Asymmetric Colliders |
422 |
IONSCAN: A Program for Optimizing Charge-State Combinations and Calculating Operating Parameters for the Chalk River Superconducting Cyclotron |
425 |
A Study for Lattice Comparison for PLS 2 GeV Storage Ring |
428 |
Simulation of Accelerating Structures with Large Staggered Tuning |
431 |
Tracking with Space Charge in the Fermilab Booster |
434 |
Emittance Measurement in a Magnetic Field |
437 |
Collective Effects in Single Bunch Mode at the Photon Factory Storage Ring |
440 |
- N. Nakamura, K. Haga, M. Izawa, T. Katsura, S. Sakanaka
Error Analyses and Modeling for CEBAF Beam Optical Systems: Beam Line Element Specifications and Alignment Error Tolerances |
443 |
- D.R. Douglas, J.Y. Tang, R.C. York
The CEBAF Beam Transport System Lattice Design |
446 |
- B. Bowling, D.R. Douglas, L.H. Harwood, J. Kewisch, D.V. Neuffer, J.Y. Tang, R.C. York
Chromatic Correction in the CEBAF Beam Transport System |
449 |
Impedance for a Multi-Cell, Multi-Block Structure |
452 |
- I. Gjaja, R.L. Gluckstern, R. Li
Theory of Relativistic Electron Beam Bunching By the Wakefield Effects of a Background Plasma |
455 |
On the Impedance Due to Synchrotron Radiation |
458 |
- S. Heifets, A. Michailichenko
Transverse Phase Space in the Presence of Dispersion |
461 |
- N. Merminga, P.L. Morton, J.T. Seeman, W.L. Spence
Measurements of Synchro-Betatron Coupling by an RF Cavity in CESR |
464 |
- D. Rice, S. Greenwald, Z. Greenwald, S. Peck
Nearly Equal at CESR |
467 |
- P. Bagley, M. Billing, S. Krishnagopal, D. Rubin, R. Siemann, J. Welch
Beam-Beam Performance as a Function of at CESR |
470 |
Tune Modulated Beam-Beam Resonances in the Tevatron |
473 |
Is Beta Modulation More or Less Potent than Tune Modulation? |
476 |
Root-Mean-Square Emittance Analysis of a Multiple Beam System |
479 |
Coherent Beam-Beam Interaction in DANE |
482 |
Longitudinal Tune-Up of the SSC Drift-Tube and Coupled Cavity Linac Sections |
485 |
A New Approach to Potential Well Bunch Deformation |
488 |
A New Wake-Potential Calculation Method Using Orthogonal Polynomials |
491 |
Transverse Wake Field Characteristics of the KEK Positron Generator Linac |
494 |
- Y. Ogawa, A. Asami, T. Shidara, M. Takao
Longitudinal Wake Field Characteristics of the KEK Positron Generator Linac |
497 |
- M. Takao, A. Asami, Y. Ogawa, T. Shidara
Isochronous 180 Turns for the SLC Positron System |
500 |
- R.H. Helm, J.E. Clendenin, S.D. Ecklund, A.V. Kulikov, R. Pitthan
Chromatic Correction in the SLC Bunch Length Compressors |
503 |
- C.E. Adolphsen, P.J. Emma, T.H. Fieguth, W.L. Spence
Estimation of the Longitudinal Impedance of the ATF Damping Ring |
506 |
- M. Takao, K.L.F. Bane, T. Higo, K. Kanazawa, H. Nakayama, J. Urakawa, K. Yokoya
Beam Pulse Shorting Phenomena in a RF Electron Gun |
509 |
Beam Emittance and the Effects of the RF, Space Charge and Wake Fields - Application to the ATF Photoelectron Beam |
511 |
On the Low-Beta Optics for Round and Flat Beams in Colliders |
514 |
Synchrotron Radiation Perturbations in Long Transport Lines |
517 |
- G. Leleux, P. Nghiem, A. Tkatchenko
Beam-Breakup Calculations for the DARHT Accelerator |
520 |
- P. Allison, M.J. Burns, G.J. Caporaso, A.G. Cole
Incoherent Beam-Beam Effects for Round Beams in the Novosibirsk Phi-Factory Project |
523 |
- N.S. Dikansky, P.M. Ivanov, D.V. Pestrikov, E.A. Simonov
Longitudinal Beam-Beam Effects for an Ultra-High Luminosity Regime |
526 |
- V.V. Danilov, P.M. Ivanov, E.A. Perevedentsev, E.A. Simonov, A.N. Skrinsky
Compensation of Coherent Tune Shift of Betatron Oscillation in Storage Rings |
529 |
- V.V. Parkhomchuk, A.A. Sery, V.D. Shiltsev