Title |
Other Keywords |
Page |
Physics and Technology Challenges of Ultra Low Emittance Synchrotron Light Sources |
brightness, radiation, synchrotron, undulator |
11 |
Superconducting Accelerator Cavities on a Large Scale |
accelerator, field, linac, thermal |
16 |
CW Racetrack Microtrons |
accelerator, cw, field, microtron |
71 |
Present Status of Ion Cooler Rings |
cyclotron, injection, ion, laser |
76 |
Observation of Transverse Polarization in LEP |
laser, optics, photon, polarization |
147 |
- J. Badier, A. Blondel, M. Crozon, B. Dehning, L. Knudsen, J.-P. Koutchouk, M. Placidi, R. Schmidt
An Optimized E-P Insertion for LEP and LHC |
emittance, insertion, luminosity, proton |
156 |
Geometrical (Lienard-Wichert) Approach in Accelerator Physics |
field, radiation, synchrotron, vacuum |
198 |
- S.G. Arutunian, M.R. Mailian
Simulation of a Storage Ring Free Electron Laser with a Mapping Algorithm for Distribution Functions |
equilibrium, laser, radiation, simulation |
201 |
Simulation of High Energy Beam Focusing by a Plasma |
focusing, ion, plasma, positron |
222 |
Relativistic Acceleration and Retardation Effects on Photoemission of Intense Electron Short Pulses, in RF-FEL Photoinjectors |
acceleration, cathode, field, space-charge |
233 |
- J.-M. Dolique, M. Coacolo
Transverse Emittance of an Intense Electron Short Pulse Just Emitted by the Cathode of a RF-FEL Photoinjector: Influence of Electrodynamic Effects |
acceleration, cathode, emittance, field |
236 |
- J.-M. Dolique, M. Coacolo
Observation of Plasma Wakefield Effects during High-Current Relativistic Electron Beam Transport |
background, ion, laser, plasma |
239 |
- J.D. Miller, J. Goldhar, G. Joyce, K.T. Nguyen, R.F. Schneider, H.S. Uhm, D.J. Weidman
Experimental Studies of Emittance Growth Due to Initial Mismatch of a Space Charge Dominated Beam in a Solenoidal Focusing Channel |
emittance, halo, simulation, space-charge |
248 |
- D. Kehne, M. Reiser, H. Rudd
The Incoherent Beam-Beam Effect in Linear-on-Ring Colliders |
emittance, linac, positron, tune |
254 |
Nonlinear Dynamics of Electrons in Alternating-Sign Toroidal Magnetic Field |
acceleration, field, induction, instability |
257 |
- Y.L. Martirosian, M.L. Petrosian
The Spin Motion Calculation Using Lie Method in Collider Nonlinear Magnetic Field |
collider, equilibrium, insertion, polarization |
269 |
- Y. Eidelman, V. Yakimenko
Digital Computer Simulation of Three-Dimensional Ion Beam Extraction and Transport Systems |
ion, plasma, simulation, space-charge |
275 |
ELISE, a Code for Intensity Dependent Effects |
instability, lattice, lifetime, scattering |
284 |
Program DIMAD: Vectorization, Links with DA, LIELIB and COSY- |
alignment, coupling, lattice, resonance |
287 |
A Different Approach to Beam-Beam Interaction Simulation |
damping, lifetime, resonance, simulation |
291 |
Turnplot - A Graphical Tool for Analyzing Tracking Data |
resonance, sextupole, synchrotron, tune |
297 |
- V. Paxson, L. Schachinger
First Polarization Calculations in MAD |
field, optics, polarization, tune |
324 |
Properties of the Longitudinal Equilibrium Distribution in a Storage Ring |
damping, equilibrium, radiation, synchrotron |
416 |
Hourglass Effects for Asymmetric Colliders |
factory, lattice, luminosity, positron |
422 |
Emittance Measurement in a Magnetic Field |
cyclotron, emittance, field, simulation |
437 |
Theory of Relativistic Electron Beam Bunching By the Wakefield Effects of a Background Plasma |
field, ion, plasma, wakefield |
455 |
Root-Mean-Square Emittance Analysis of a Multiple Beam System |
accelerator, cathode, emittance, plasma |
479 |
Coherent Beam-Beam Interaction in DANE |
betatron, collider, resonance, tune |
482 |
A New Approach to Potential Well Bunch Deformation |
accelerator, damping, impedance, injection |
488 |
A New Wake-Potential Calculation Method Using Orthogonal Polynomials |
accelerator, field, impedance, simulation |
491 |
Transverse Wake Field Characteristics of the KEK Positron Generator Linac |
accelerator, field, linac, positron |
494 |
- Y. Ogawa, A. Asami, T. Shidara, M. Takao
Longitudinal Wake Field Characteristics of the KEK Positron Generator Linac |
field, linac, positron, spectrum |
497 |
- M. Takao, A. Asami, Y. Ogawa, T. Shidara
Beam Pulse Shorting Phenomena in a RF Electron Gun |
cathode, electron gun, field, gun |
509 |
Beam Emittance and the Effects of the RF, Space Charge and Wake Fields - Application to the ATF Photoelectron Beam |
emittance, field, gun, laser |
511 |
Synchrotron Radiation Perturbations in Long Transport Lines |
betatron, emittance, radiation, synchrotron |
517 |
- G. Leleux, P. Nghiem, A. Tkatchenko
Overview of X-Ray Lithography at IBM Using a Compact Storage Ring |
alignment, radiation, synchrotron, x-ray |
542 |
The BNL Accelerator Test Facility and Experimental Program |
emittance, field, gun, laser |
550 |
An Update on Argonne's AWA |
gun, laser, linac, wakefield |
555 |
- M. Rosing, E. Chojnacki, W. Gai, C. Ho, R. Konecny, S. Mtingwa, J. Norem, P. Schoessow, J. Simpson
A New Look at Inverse Cerenkov Acceleration and Vacuum Laser Acceleration |
acceleration, accelerator, laser, vacuum |
558 |
- L.C. Steinhauer, W.D. Kimura, R.D. Romea
Pulse Power Driven High Power Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers |
bunching, field, simulation, spectrum |
561 |
- J.A. Nation, J.D. Ivers, G.S. Kerslick, L. Schachter, D. Shiffler
Status of PLS 2 GeV Linac Project |
gun, klystron, linac, vacuum |
575 |
- W. Namkung, M. Cho, I.S. Ko, T.N. Lee, Y.X. Luo, C. Ryu, S. Won
Control of Energy Sweep and Transverse Beam Motion in Induction Linacs |
acceleration, accelerator, brightness, induction |
581 |
The Brookhaven ATF Low-Emittance Beam Line |
acceleration, emittance, laser, linac |
604 |
Plasma Lenses for SLAC Final Focus Test Facility |
accelerator, focusing, plasma, simulation |
619 |
- D. Betz, P. Chen, D. Cline, M. Gundersen, C. Joshi, T. Katsouleas, J. Norem, S. Rajagopalan, J. Rosenzweig, J.J. Su, R. Williams
Direct Observation of Plasma Wakefield Caused by a Train of LINAC Bunches |
damping, linac, plasma, wakefield |
622 |
- A. Ogata, T. Kobayashi, T. Kozawa, K. Nakajima, H. Nakanishi, Y. Nishida, H. Shibata, T. Ueda, Y. Yoshida, N. Yugami
Efficiency and Frequency Stability in a High Power Microwave Gap |
cathode, klystron, tune, vacuum |
637 |
Fields and Trajectories in the Magnicon |
cw, cyclotron, field, simulation |
640 |
High-Current Relativistic Klystron Amplifier Development for Microsecond Pulse Lengths |
cathode, impedance, klystron, waveguide |
649 |
- M.V. Fazio, B.E. Carlsten, R. Faehl, T.J. Kwan, D.G. Rickel, R.M. Stringfield, P.J. Tallerico
Recycling of a LAMPF Klystron |
accelerator, cathode, klystron, modulator |
670 |
- P.J. Tallerico, R.L. Cady
Prototype 500 MHz Planar RF Input Window for a B-Factory Accelerating Cavity |
coupling, klystron, vacuum, waveguide |
678 |
- J. Kirchgessner, P. Barnes, R. Gerlack, D. Moffat, H. Padamsee, D. Rubin, Q.S. Shu
Performance Characteristics of the CEBAF Klystron Amplifier |
accelerator, cathode, cw, klystron |
705 |
- E.W. McCune, R.A. Fickett
Comparison of SW and TW Non-Synchronous Accelerating Cavities as Used in Electron Beam Storage Rings |
accelerator, coupling, field, impedance |
716 |
- A. Zolfaghari, P.T. Demos, J.B. Flanz, K. Jacobs
A High Power Cross-Field Amplifier at X-Band |
accelerator, cathode, field, simulation |
719 |
- K. Eppley, J. Feinstein, K. Ko, N. Kroll, T. Lee, E. Nelson
Gated Field-Emission Cathodes for Microwave Devices |
accelerator, cathode, field, vacuum |
725 |
- P.M. McIntyre, H.P. Demroff, S.M. Elliott, B. Lee, J.D. Legg, Y. Pang, D.L. Parker, M. Popovic, M.D. Stewart, M.H. Weichold, W. Yu, W.K. Yue
High Power X-Band Coaxial Amplifier Experiments |
coupling, dielectric, field, simulation |
728 |
Cyclotron Autoresonance Maser (CARM) Amplifiers for RF Accelerator Drivers |
cyclotron, field, induction, wiggler |
754 |
- W.L. Menninger, D.L. Birx, C. Chen, B.G. Danly, D.L. Goodman, K.D. Pendergast, R.J. Temkin
Analysis and Optimisation of RF Power-Klystrons by FCI-Code |
bunching, field, klystron, simulation |
757 |
- E.-G. Schweppe, E. Demmel, S. Isagawa, H. Seifert, T. Shintake, M. Yoshida
Numerical Simulation of the SLAC X-100 Klystron Using RKTW2D |
accelerator, field, klystron, simulation |
760 |
250 GHz Cold Tests for the LLNL CARM Experiment |
cyclotron, insertion, vacuum, waveguide |
763 |
- B. Kulke, M. Caplan, R. Stever
Test Results from the LLNL 250 GHz CARM Experiment |
field, induction, waveguide, wiggler |
766 |
- B. Kulke, D. Bubp, M. Caplan, T. Houck, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., D.B. McDermott, D. Rogers, D. Trimble, R. VanMaren, G. Westenskow
A High-Power Free-Electron Maser for RF Acceleration |
acceleration, cyclotron, waveguide, wiggler |
772 |
- F. Hartemann, M. Bres, T.S. Chu, B.G. Danly, G. Faillon, G. Mourier, P. Papavaritis, R.J. Temkin, T. Trémeau
Measurements of High-Temperature RF and Microwave Properties of Selected Aluminas and Ferrites Used in Accelerators |
accelerator, dielectric, ferrite, field |
795 |
- R.M. Hutcheon, F.P. Adams, P. Lucuta, J.E. McGregor, B.H. Smith, M.S. de Jong
100 MW Klystron Development at SLAC |
field, gun, klystron, solenoid |
798 |
- A.E. Vlieks, R.S. Callin, G. Caryotakis, K.S. Fant, W.R. Fowkes, T.G. Lee, E.L. Wright
CONDOR Simulation of an 11.4GHz Traveling Wave Output Cavity |
field, impedance, klystron, simulation |
813 |
The Condition of -Ray Emission by Electrons Interacting with the Wall in Medium Energy Electron Storage Rings |
injection, scattering, shielding, vacuum |
828 |
Analysis of Uptime Efficiency of the SLC as Measured by Pulse Accounting |
accelerator, linac, positron, software |
836 |
- P. Krejcik, D. Bernstein, A. Gromme, D. Ohman, N. Spencer
First Two Years Operational Experience with LEP |
accumulation, commissioning, luminosity, tune |
848 |
- R. Bailey, T. Bohl, F. Bordry, H. Burkhardt, P. Collier, K. Cornelis, B. Desforges, A. Faugier, V. Hatton, H. Laeger, J. Miles, J. Poole, H. Schmickler, D. Vandeplassche, G. de Rijk
Installation of the Superconducting Magnets in the HERA Tunnel |
collider, proton, quench, vacuum |
857 |
- I. Borchardt, D. Brauer, S. Chermenin, D. Degèle, K. Escherich, H.J. Fiebig, H. Grabe, J. Holz, D. Hubert, R. Kus, M. Leenen, H. Maywald, O. Peters, B. Petersen, K. Pieczora, U. Riemer, Z. Sanok, P. Schmüser, S. Schollmeier, W. Schwarz, G. Tödten, D. Trines, S. Wolff
Precision Power Supply Control Module |
accelerator, feedback, spectrum, thermal |
935 |
- N. Dobeck, B. Lamora, J. Larkin, M. O'Sullivan, C. Sharp
Precision Current Regulation of Multipole Magnets Using Commercial SMPS |
accelerator, feedback, multipole, quadrupole |
946 |
- C. Sibley, O. Calvo, T. Russ
The Frascati -Factory Injection System |
damping, injection, linac, positron |
961 |
- R. Boni, S. Kulinski, M. Preger, B. Spataro, M. Vescovi, G. Vignola
POISSON Study of Electrostatic Septa for the MIT-Bates SHR |
accelerator, extraction, field, injection |
990 |
The Ultra-Fast Injection Kicker for SXLS |
field, injection, kicker, synchrotron |
993 |
Applications of the Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) for High Gradient Accelerator Structure |
accelerator, field, rf breakdown, vacuum |
1008 |
- H. Matsumoto, M. Akemoto, H. Hayano, A. Miura, T. Naito, S. Takeda
Superconducting Niobium Sputter-Coated Copper Cavity Modules for the LEP Energy Upgrade |
accelerator, cryomodule, field, thermal |
1023 |
- C. Benvenuti, P. Bernard, D. Bloess, G. Cavallari, E. Chiaveri, E. Haebel, N. Hilleret, J. Tückmantel, W. Weingarten
A Cooling-Water System for the Accelerator Test Facility |
accelerator, collider, controls, feedback |
1031 |
- M. Akemoto, Y. Nishinomiya, A. Suyama
RF Pulses with Flat Output Waveform Generator in RF Power Upgrade System |
accumulation, coupling, field, linac |
1048 |
- B.Y. Bogdanovich, A.P. Ignatyev, V.A. Senyukov
Calculations of the Conditions for Bunched-Beam e-p Instability in the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (PSR) |
injection, instability, proton, simulation |
1077 |
New Developments on the Generation of Arbitrary Polarized Radiation from Insertion Devices |
field, polarization, radiation, undulator |
1083 |
Short Wavelength FELs |
accelerator, laser, radiation, wiggler |
1110 |
Initial Operation of the Vanderbilt Free Electron Laser |
field, laser, spectrum, wiggler |
1115 |
- P.A. Tompkins, F. Amirmadhi, W.D. Andrews, K. Becker, C.A. Brau, J. Kiaie, M.R. Marc
Spectrum of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation |
bunching, radiation, spectrum, synchrotron |
1118 |
- T. Nakazato, F. Arai, M. Ikezawa, K. Ishi, R. Kato, Y. Kondo, H. Mishiro, N. Niimura, S. Niwano, T. Ohsaka, M. Oyamada, Y. Shibasaki, Y. Shibata, T. (Tokohu) Takahashi, T. Tsutaya, S. Urasawa
The SSRL Injector Beam Position Monitoring Systems |
CAMAC, booster, field, injection |
1151 |
- W. Lavender, S. Baird, M. Borland, S. Brennan, R. Hettel, H.-D. Nuhn, R. Ortiz, J. Safranek, J. Sebek, C. Wermelskirchen, J. Yang
DELTA Beam Position Monitor |
accelerator, beam position monitor, crystal, pick-up |
1154 |
- S. Brinker, R. Heisterhagen, K. Wille
Beam Position Measurement System for SRRC |
feedback, monitoring, radiation, synchrotron |
1157 |
Emittance Measurements of FEL Accelerators Using Optical Transition Radiation Methods |
accelerator, emittance, field, quadrupole |
1204 |
- R.B. Fiorito, D.H. Dowell, A.R. Lowrey, A.H. Lumpkin, D.W. Rule, W.C. Sellyey, R.L. Tokar
Beam Spot Size Measurement Using Beamstrahlung Signals at the SLC Interaction Point |
field, photon, positron, radiation |
1207 |
- E. Gero, P. Chen, W. Kozanecki
Real Time Spectrum Analyzer |
laser, linac, software, spectrum |
1225 |
- M. Bergher, E. Jules, A. Louis-Joseph
Fast Ion Chambers for SLC |
accelerator, impedance, ion, radiation |
1240 |
Diagnostic Instrumentation for the SSRL 3 GeV Injector |
accelerator, booster, commissioning, vacuum |
1243 |
- J. Sebek, M. Baltay, M. Borland, J. Cerino, L. Emery, R. Hettel, H. Morales, D. Mostowfi, J.-L. Pellegrin, M. Rowen, J. Safranek, V. Smith, J. Voss, J.N. Weaver, H. Wiedemann, Y. Yin, B. Youngman
Bunch Length Measurement Using Beam Spectrum |
lattice, spectrum, synchrotron, x-ray |
1246 |
- Z. Greenwald, D.L. Hartill, R.M. Littauer, S.B. Peck, D.H. Rice
Betatron Tune Measurement and Control in the PETRA Proton Ring |
betatron, field, proton, tune |
1276 |
Feed Forward RF Control System of the Accelerator Test Facility |
field, klystron, linac, target |
1323 |
- I. Ben-Zvi, J. Xie, R. Zhang
Phase and Amplitude Stabilization of Short-Pulsed, High-Power Microwave Amplifiers |
feedback, induction, klystron, simulation |
1335 |
- D. Hopkins, T. Orzechowski, G. Westenskow, D. Yu, S. Yu
PLS Linac Instrument and Control System |
accelerator, klystron, linac, timing |
1368 |
- C. Ryu, S.S. Chang, J.H. Kim, M.S. Kim, D.K. Liu, W. Namkung, S. Won
Control System of the Superconducting X-Ray Lithography (SXLS) at Brookhaven |
CAMAC, accelerator, diagnostics, synchrotron |
1374 |
- E. Desmond, J. Galayda, W. Louie, B. Martin, R. Rose
The SSRL Injector Control System |
CAMAC, accelerator, linac, synchrotron |
1383 |
- C. Wermelskirchen, S. Brennan, T. Götz, W. Lavender, R. Ortiz, M. Picard, J. Yang
A Longitudinal Multibunch Feedback System for PEP |
emittance, feedback, radiation, synchrotron |
1410 |
- H.-D. Nuhn, P. Friedrichs, H. Schwarz, Y. Sun, H. Winick, W. Xie, R. Yotam
Optimal, Real-Time Control-Colliders |
collider, feedback, luminosity, photon |
1440 |
The Trajectory Control in the SLC Linac |
feedback, field, lattice, linac |
1499 |
- I.C. Hsu, C.E. Adolphsen, T.M. Himel, J.T. Seeman
Machine Protection Schemes for the SLC |
accelerator, controls, damping, linac |
1502 |
Beam Diagnostics Using Transition Radiation Produced by a 100 MeV Electron Beam |
diagnostics, radiation, transition radiation, vacuum |
1534 |
- M. Jablonka, J.C. Derost, X. Hanus, J. Leroy, L. Wartski
A Beam Diagnostic System for ELSA |
accelerator, betatron, extraction, tune |
1543 |
- M. Schillo, K.H. Althoff, W.v. Drachenfels, T. Goetz, D. Husmann, M. Neckenig, M. Picard, W. Schauerte, F.J. Schittko, J. Wenzel
Bunch Monitor for an S-Band Electron Linear Accelerator |
accelerator, field, linac, pick-up |
1558 |
Optical Fiber Cherenkov Detector for Beam Current Monitoring |
Cherenkov radiation, monitoring, photon, radiation |
1567 |
- I.V. Pishchulin, O.B. Romashkin, N.G. Solov'ev
Electron Beam Pumped Semiconductor Laser for Particle Beam Diagnostics |
accelerator, ion, laser, radiation |
1570 |
- O.V. Garkusha, I.V. Pishchulin, O.V. Romashkin, N.G. Solov'ev
Method and Apparatus for Multifunctional Nonperturbing Diagnostics of H- Beams |
ion, laser, photon, target |
1573 |
- A.S. Artiomov, A.K. Gevorkov, V.V. Limar, V.P. Sidorov, N.G. Vaganov
Tracking Studies for the Oxford Instruments Compact Electron Synchrotron |
field, lattice, synchrotron, tune |
1594 |
Observation of Magnetized Cooling in the IUCF Cooler |
cathode, electron cooling, equilibrium, proton |
1612 |
Adiabatic Invariance for Spatially Dependent Accelerating Structures |
emittance, radio-frequency |
1648 |
- J.R. Cary, D.L. Bruhwiler
Wakefield Suppression Using Beatwave Structures |
accelerator, damping, instability, wakefield |
1719 |
Characterization and Monitoring of Transverse Beam Tails |
accelerator, betatron, emittance, linac |
1734 |
- J.T. Seeman, F.-J. Decker, I. Hsu, C. Young
The Self-Cooling of Charged Particle Beams in a Straight Line |
acceleration, cathode, field, ion |
1761 |
Beam Property Measurements in the IUCF Cooler Ring |
electron cooling, proton, space-charge, tune |
1770 |
- M. Ball, D.D. Caussyn, J. Collins, V. Derenchuk, D. DuPlantis, G. East, T. Ellison, D. Friesel, B. Hamilton, B. Jones, S.Y. Lee, M.G. Minty, T. Sloan
Beam Breakup in Recirculating Linacs |
accelerator, bunching, recirculation, site |
1785 |
Electromagnetic Instablity of an Intense Beam in a Quadrupole Focusing System |
focusing, instability, quadrupole, waveguide |
1788 |
Electron Beam Injector for Longitudinal Beam Physics Experiments |
cathode, focusing, induction, instability |
1818 |
- J.G. Wang, M. Reiser, D.X. Wang
Experiments on the Beam Breakup Instability in Long-Pulse Electron Beam Transport Through RF Cavity Systems |
accelerator, field, focusing, instability |
1827 |
- R.M. Gilgenbach, R.A. Bosch, H. Ching, J. J. Choi, P.R. Menge, T.A. Spencer
Ion Trapping in the CESR B-Factory |
background, ion, lifetime, tune |
1839 |
Brown's Transport up to Third Order Aberration by Artificial Intelligence |
accelerator, field |
1878 |
- X. Jiawen, Q. Qingwen, X. Xi
A Compact RF Driven H- Ion Source for Linac Injection |
extraction, ion, plasma, vacuum |
1910 |
- J.P. Rymer, G.A. Engeman, R.W. Hamm, J.M. Potter
The BNL Toroidal Volume H- Source |
extraction, field, ion, plasma |
1913 |
Optimization of an RF Driven H- Ion Source |
extraction, field, ion, plasma |
1919 |
- K.N. Leung, W.F. DiVergilio, C.A. Hauck, W.B. Kunkel, D.S. McDonald
Current Density Calculation of a High Frequency Ion Source |
cathode, field, ion, ionization |
1940 |
SLC Polarized Beam Source Electron Optics Design |
field, gun, optics, vacuum |
1964 |
- K.R. Eppley, R.A. Early, W.B. Herrmannsfeldt, T.L. Lavine, R.H. Miller, D.C. Schultz, C.M. Spencer, A.D. Yeremian
An RF Modulated Electron Gun Pulser for Linacs |
cathode, electron gun, gun, impedance |
1970 |
Scaling Study of Pseudospark Produced Electron Beam |
cathode, emittance, plasma, vacuum |
1972 |
- K.K. Jain, B.N. Ding, M.J. Rhee
Applications of Diamond Films to Photocathode Electron Guns and Accelerators |
accelerator, laser, thermal, vacuum |
1981 |
- C.P. Beetz, D. Carroll, D. Doering, B. Lincoln, K. Segall, M. Vasas, D. Wall, D.R. Winn
Development of Laser Optics for the AWA Photocathode |
accelerator, laser, photon, vacuum |
1984 |
Flat-Beam RF Photocathode Sources for Linear Collider Applications |
cathode, collider, emittance, space-charge |
1987 |
Electron Beam Generation from a Superemissive Cathode |
cathode, emittance, field, plasma |
1990 |
- T.-Y. Hsu, M.A. Gundersen, G. Kirkman-Amemiya, R.-L. Liou
Quantum Yield Measurements of Photocathodes Illuminated by Pulsed Ultraviolet Laser Radiation |
cathode, irradiation, laser, vacuum |
1993 |
- A.T. Young, P. Chen, W.B. Kunkel, K.N. Leung, C.Y. Li, J.M. Watson
3D Numerical Thermal Stress Analysis of the High Power Target for the SLC Positron Source |
collider, positron, target, thermal |
1996 |
- E.M. Reuter, J.A. Hodgson
Investigation of an Intense H- Ion Beam Produced by a Volume Source |
acceleration, accelerator, background, ion |
2011 |
- M. Bacal, P. Devynck, C. Michaut, Z. Sledziewski, F.P.G. Valckx
Single Bunched Beam Generation Using Conventional Electron Gun for JLC Injector |
accelerator, cathode, gun, monitoring |
2014 |
- M. Akemoto, H. Akiyama, T. Naito, J. Urakawa
Measures to Alleviate the Back Bombardment Effect of Thermionic RF Electron Gun |
cathode, emittance, field, laser |
2017 |
Development of Thermionic-Cathode RF Electron Gun at IHEP |
cathode, field, gun, injection |
2020 |
- J. Xie, J. Gao, Y. Huang, H. Liu, Y. Wang, R. Zhang
Design and Modeling of a 17 GHz Photocathode RF Gun |
cathode, gun, laser, space-charge |
2026 |
- C.L. Lin, S.C. Chen, B. Danly, R. Temkin, J.S. Wurtele
Strain Enhanced Electron Spin Polarization Observed in Photoemission from InGaAs |
lattice, photon, polarization, x-ray |
2029 |
- T. Maruyama, E.L. Garwin, R. Prepost, J.S. Smith, J.D. Walker, G.H. Zapalac
Development of Polarized Electron Sources Using AlGaAs-GaAs Superlattice and Using Strained GaAs |
collider, laser, photon, polarization |
2032 |
- H. Aoyagi, T. Baba, T. Furuya, H. Horinaka, K. Itoga, Y. Kamiya, T. Kato, Y. Kurihara, M. Mizuta, S. Nakamura, T. Nakanishi, T. Omori, T. Saka, Y. Takeuchi, M. Tsubata, M. Yoshioka
Accelerator Test Facility for the JLC Project |
accelerator, damping, klystron, x-band |
2047 |
Recent Developments in Intense Polarized Hydrogen and Deuterium Ion Sources |
ion, laser, polarization, proton |
2083 |
Ion Sources for Commercial Ion Implanter Applications |
cathode, field, implantation, ion |
2088 |
- S.R. Walther, C.M. McKenna, B.O. Pedersen
Overall Simulation of a Positron Beam Generated by Photons from Channeled MultiGeV Electrons |
crystal, photon, positron, simulation |
2101 |
- X. Artru, R. Chehab, A. Jejcic, J. Maillard, J. Silva
Electron Emission from Ferroelectric Ceramics |
cathode, field, impedance, polarization |
2104 |
- J.D. Ivers, R. Advani, J.A. Nation, L. Schachter
Time-Resolved Emittance Measurements of an Excimer-Laser-Driven Metal Photocathode |
cathode, emittance, laser, plasma |
2107 |
- T. Kauppila, R. Carlson, D. Moir, R. Ridlon
Septum Magnet for Electron Slow Extraction from the Yerevan Synchrotron |
extraction, field, septum, vacuum |
2146 |
- A.Z. Babaian, G.B. Bagdasarian, E.A. Ludmirsky, V.T. Nickogosian, J. Rummler, A.R. Toumanian, A.G. Zacharian
New Final Focus System for the SLAC Linear Collider |
commissioning, field, quadrupole, radiation |
2152 |
- N. Toge, W.W. Ash, H. Band, A.O. Bazarko, Y.-C. Chao, R. Erickson, R. Gray, S.S. Hertzbach, R.R. Kofler, D. Mansour, C.M. Spencer, J. Turk, C. Zeitlin, V. Ziemann
A Dipole Magnet Model for Compact Synchrotron Light Source |
field, finite element, synchrotron, x-ray |
2251 |
- M. Kitamura, N. Maki, H. Tomeoku, H. Yamamoto
SLC Polarized Beam Source Ultra-High-Vacuum Design |
accelerator, gun, ion, vacuum |
2284 |
- T.L. Lavine, J.E. Clendenin, E.L. Garwin, E.W. Hoyt, M.W. Hoyt, R.H. Miller, J.A. Nuttall, D.C. Schultz, D. Wright
Photon Stimulated Desorption of Neutral Species from Aluminum |
accelerator, photon, spectrum, synchrotron |
2286 |
ANL Advanced Photon Source Crotch Absorber Design |
photon, radiation, thermal, vacuum |
2301 |
- M. Choi, J.D. Gonczy, J.W. Howell, R.C. Niemann
Ion Clearing and Photoelectron Production in the 200 MeV SXLS Ring |
injection, ion, photon, tune |
2313 |
SXLS Phase II Vacuum System |
field, ion, photon, vacuum |
2316 |
- J.C. Schuchman, T.S. Chou, H. Halama, H. Hsieh, T. Kim, S. Pjerov, F. Staicu
The Cryogenic Operation of the Superconducting Magnet System in the HERA Proton Storage Ring: Cool Down, Steady State Operation, Quench Recovery Processes |
proton, quench, superconducting magnet, thermal |
2319 |
- G. Horlitz, M. Clausen, H. Herzog, R. Lange, H. Lierl
Development and Performance of Electrostatic Deflector Insulators for the Chalk River Superconducting Cyclotron |
cathode, cyclotron, thermal, vacuum |
2337 |
- C.R. Hoffmann, J.F. Mouris
Permanent Magnet-Based Dipole for a Small Storage Ring |
field |
2351 |
CEBAF Cryomodule Testing |
accelerator, acceptance, cryomodule, waveguide |
2381 |
- K. Jordan, R. Bundy, I.E. Campisi, K. Crawford, M. Drury, J.P. Kelley, T. Lee, J. Marshall, J. Preble, J. Robb, W.J. Schneider, E. Stitts, R.M. Sundelin, H. Whitehead, M. Wiseman
Performance of Superconducting Cavities for CEBAF |
accelerator, field, thermal, vacuum |
2384 |
- P. Kneisel, J. Mammosser, G. Rao, K. Saito, R. Sundelin
Production of Superconducting Niobium Cavities for CEBAF |
accelerator, dielectric, field, site |
2390 |
- M. Dzenus, K. Iversen, D. Kiehlmann, M. Peiniger
First Operation of MACSE the Saclay Pilot Superconducting Electron Linac |
acceleration, accelerator, field, linac |
2393 |
- B. Aune, C. Antoine, Phung Ngoc B., B. Bonin, P. Bosland, S. Buhler, J.M. Cavedon, S. Chel, C. Chianelli, A. Curtoni, M. Desmons, J. Fagot, M. Fouaidy, J. Gastebois, A. Godin, F. Gougnaud, G. Gourcy, J.F. Gournay, F. Guemas, X. Hanus, C. Henriot, J. Jablonka, J.M. Joly, M. Juillard, T. Junquera, E. Klein, F. Koechlin, P. Leconte, A. Mosnier, M. Prome, H. Safa, T. Tourrette, A. Veyssiere
Superconducting RF Activities at Peking University |
acceleration, brightness, field, ion |
2396 |
- C. Chen, J. Song, G. Wang, L. Wang, B. Zhang, K. Zhao
Test Results on 3 GHz Structures for a Superconducting Linear Collider |
acceleration, collider, field, quench |
2417 |
- R.W. Roth, J. Graber, J. Kirchgessner, V.G. Kurakin, D. Moffat, G. Muller, H. Padamsee, H. Piel, J. Pouryamout, D. Reschke, D. Rubin, J. Sears, Q.S. Shu
Status of the Superconducting Cavity Program for HERA |
coupling, field, klystron, radiation |
2429 |
- B. Dwersteg, G. Enderlein, W. Korber, A. Matheisen, W.-D. Moller, D. Proch, D. Renken, J. Sekutowicz
Transient Heat Conduction Analysis in Superconducting Cavities |
field, instability, quench, thermal |
2435 |
Beam Dynamics of Cooled Heavy Ion Beams |
impedance, ion, scattering, spectrum |
2492 |
Impedance Measurements with Strongly Cooled Beams at LEAR |
coupling, electron cooling, impedance, shielding |
2509 |
- J. Bosser, M. Chanel, M. Gurevitch, D. Manglunki, D. Mohl, F. Pedersen, G. Tranquille, D. Vandeplassche
Control of Coupled-Bunch Instabilities in High-Current Storage Rings |
damping, feedback, impedance, kicker |
2537 |
RF Transfer in the Coupled-Cavity Free-Electron Laser Two-Beam Accelerator |
accelerator, coupling, laser, waveguide |
2548 |
Suitability of Tunneling Ionization Produced Plasmas for the Plasma Beat Wave Accelerator |
field, ionization, laser, plasma |
2560 |
- W.P. Leemans, C.E. Clayton, A. Dyson, C. Joshi, K.A. Marsh
Vlasov-Maxwell Simulations of Nonlinear Plasma Dynamics in the Plasma Wakefield Accelerator |
field, plasma, simulation, thermal |
2563 |
- J. Krall, E. Esary, G. Joyce
High Accelerating-Gradient Accelerator Based on Magnetic Field Decay Mechanism |
acceleration, accelerator, field, induction |
2566 |
An Active Particle Accelerator |
acceleration, accelerator, field, injection |
2569 |
Design of Micrograting Structures for Laser Acceleration of Electrons |
acceleration, laser, radiation, simulation |
2572 |
- I.S. Lehrman, M.J. Arida, R.C. Fernow, H.G. Kirk
An Electrostatic Accelerator FEL Amplifier as a Possible Microwave Power Source for Linear Colliders |
accelerator, field, gun, undulator |
2575 |
- L.R. Elias, I. Boscolo, D.J. Larson
Studies of Ion Acceleration in a One Meter Laser Controlled Collective Accelerator |
accelerator, coupling, laser, waveguide |
2578 |
- W.W. Destler, J. Rodgers, C.D. Striffler, R.L. Yao
Particle Trajectories through MIRRORTRON Configurations |
background, field, ion, plasma |
2581 |
Preliminary Design of a Dedicated Photon Therapy Linac |
accelerator, ion, linac, proton |
2583 |
- R.W. Hamm, K.R. Crandall, J.M. Potter
Electron Accelerator for Transmutation of Fission Products and Nuclear Fuel Cycle Actinides |
accelerator, field, linac, travelling wave |
2601 |
- G.I. Batskikh, B.V. Bekhtev, V.A. Boiko, V.V. Elian, A.V. Mishchenko
The Ghent State University Linear Electron Accelerator Facilities: Status and Perspectives |
accelerator, irradiation, positron, radiation |
2619 |
EXDEP/CTX-An Explosive Detection System for Screening Luggage with High Energy X-Rays |
accelerator, background, positron, x-ray |
2622 |
- K.W. Habiger, J.R. Clifford, W.F. McCullough, R.B. Miller
CW 100MW Microwave Power Transfer in Space |
induction, laser, linac, wiggler |
2625 |
- K. Takayama, S. Hiramatsu, M. Shiho
The Superconducting Compact Storage Ring NIJI-III |
field, injection, lattice, vacuum |
2655 |
- Y. Tsutsui, K. Emura, F. Miura, H. Takada, T. Tomimasu
Undulator Based Synchrotron Radiation Source in the 5-30 eV Spectral Region |
lifetime, photon, radiation, undulator |
2676 |
- X. Zhang, S. Krinsky, J.B. Murphy
Theoretical Minimum Emittance Lattice for an Electron Storage Ring |
betatron, emittance, lattice, synchrotron |
2679 |
The 3 GeV Synchrotron Injector for SPEAR |
acceleration, booster, gun, linac |
2688 |
- H. Wiedemann, S. Baird, M. Baltay, D. Baritchi, L. Baritchi, M. Borland, R. Boyce, J. Cerino, C. Chavis, L. Emery, P. Golceff, J. Haydon, R. Hettel, M. Horton, T. Hostetler, C. Jach, G. Johnson, P. Kung, W. Lavender, W. Li, J. Mello, H. Morales, D. Mostowfi, H.-D. Nuhn, R. Ortiz, J. Safranek, T. Sanchez, J. Sebek, J. Voss, D.F. Wang, J. Weaver, C. Wermelskirchen, J. Yang, R. Yotam, B. Youngman, K. Zuo
A High Energy Electron Beam Facility for Industrial Research |
acceleration, extraction, linac, synchrotron |
2694 |
- S. Okuda, S. Fujimura, K. Ikegami, H. Itagaki, M. Iwamoto, I. Kodera, A. Maruyama, T. Matsuda, T. Nakagawa, S. Nakamura, T. Nakanishi, S. Nakata, H. Tanaka, C. Tsukishima, T. Yamada, S. Yamamoto
Design of Beam Transfer Line and Injection System of Pohang Light Source |
field, injection, quadrupole, vacuum |
2700 |
A Wedged Pole Hybrid Type Undulator as a Synchrotron Radiation Source |
field, photon, radiation, undulator |
2715 |
- S. Sasaki, N. Matsuki, H. Ohno, S. Sasaki, T. Takada
Design Considerations for a Fast Modulator in a 'Crossed Undulator' |
field, modulator, radiation, wiggler |
2718 |
Ion Channel Focusing in FEL Wigglers |
field, focusing, ion, wiggler |
2730 |
Performance of Rocketdyne Phase-Optimized Pure Permanent Magnet Undulator |
field, quadrupole, undulator, wiggler |
2733 |
- G. Rakowsky, B. Bobbs, J. Brown, P. Kennedy, G. Swoyer
Ion Beam Probe for Measurement of Wiggler Errors |
alignment, field, ion, wiggler |
2742 |
- J. Vetrovec, B. Bobbs, M. Lampel
FEL Design Using the CEBAF Linac |
accelerator, cw, linac, wiggler |
2745 |
- G.R. Neil, J.J. Bisognano, H.F. Dylla, G.A. Krafft, C.W. Leemann, C.K. Sinclair, B. Yunn
SATURNUS: The UCLA Infrared Free-Electron Laser Project |
emittance, field, radiation, undulator |
2751 |
- J.W. Dodd, W.A. Barletta, D.B. Cline, J.G. Davis, G. Hairapetian, S.C. Hartman, S.N. Ivanchenkov, C.J. Joshi, A.S. Khlebnikov, J. Kolonko, Y.Y. Lachin, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., S. Park, C. Pellegrini, J.B. Rosenzweig, J.A. Smolin, A.A. Varfolomeev
Performance of the Photoinjector Accelerator for the Los Alamos Free-Electron Laser |
accelerator, emittance, laser, photoinjector |
2754 |
- P.G. O'Shea, S.C. Bender, B.E. Carlsten, J.W. Early, D.W. Feldman, R.B. Feldman, W.J.D. Johnson, A.H. Lumpkin, R.L. Sheffield, R.W. Springer, W.E. Stein, L.M. Young
CFEL-I: A Compact Free Electron Laser |
electron gun, gun, laser, undulator |
2757 |
- L.R. Elias, D.R. Anderson, A.L. Centore, H.B. Jiang, I. Kimel, D.J. Larson, M. Tecimer, Z. Zhefu
Design, Manufacturing and First Measurements of a Hybrid Permanent Magnet Undulator for Free Electron Laser |
controls, field, laser, undulator |
2760 |
- F. Rosatelli, L. Barbagelata, F. Ciocci, F. Crenna, M. Grattarola, G. Gualco, A. Matrone, G.B. Ottonello, A. Renieri
Pulsed Undulators for High Efficiency FEL Oscillators Unstable in the Visible Spectrum |
bunching, coupling, field, undulator |
2763 |
Reduction of Undulator Radiation and FEL Small Gain due to Wiggler Errors |
field, radiation, undulator, wiggler |
2766 |
A New Possibility of Coherent Microwave Radiation by Relativistic Particles |
field, instability, radiation, undulator |
2775 |
The Transport Line from MAIRA to the LNLS UVX Electron Storage Ring |
alignment, injection, lattice, linac |
2787 |
- L. Lin, R.H.A. Farias, L. Jahnel, P. Tavares
A Bypass for Synchrotron Radiation Experiments at the Storage Ring PETRA II |
booster, radiation, synchrotron, undulator |
2793 |
Beam Acceleration in the LBL 88-Inch Cyclotron with Injection from the AECR Source |
cyclotron, field, injection, ion |
2796 |
- D.J. Clark, C.M. Lyneis, Z. Xie
The COSY-Jülich Project April 1991 Status |
extraction, field, injection, vacuum |
2808 |
- R. Maier, U. Pfister, J. Range
ASTRID-A Storage Ring for Ions and Electrons |
ion, kicker, lifetime, microtron |
2811 |
Status of the CRYRING Project |
acceleration, injection, ion, quadrupole |
2814 |
Advanced Stacking Methods Using Electron Cooling at the TSR Heidelberg |
electron cooling, injection, ion, lifetime |
2817 |
- M. Grieser, D. Habs, R.v. Hahn, E. Jaeschke, C.M. Kleffner, R. Repnow, M. Stampfer, M. Steck
The ADRIA Project |
acceleration, betatron, ion, target |
2820 |
- A. Dainelli, A. Lombardi, A. Ratti, A.G. Ruggiero
Operational Aspects of Electron Cooling at the Low Energy Antiproton Ring (LEAR) |
electron cooling, feedback, ion, solenoid |
2832 |
- J. Bosser, M. Chanel, R. Ley, D. Mohl, J.C. Perrier, G. Tranquille, D.J. Williams
Status of DELTA and Design of its Vacuum System |
booster, impedance, linac, vacuum |
2862 |
An Isochronous Lattice for PEP |
factory, lattice, radiation, synchrotron |
2868 |
- W.J. Corbett, M.H.R. Donald, A.A. Garren
Measurement and Tuning of Beam Parameters in the Heavy Ion Storage Ring ESR |
betatron, coupling, field, ion |
2880 |
- F. Nolden, S. Baumann, K. Beckert, H. Eickhoff, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, O. Klepper, W. Konig, U. Schaaf, H. Schulte, P. Spadtke, M. Steck, J. Struckmeier
The Project of the Heavy Ion Storage Rings Complex of the JINR at Dubna |
cyclotron, emittance, injection, ion |
2888 |
- O.N. Malyshev, I.N. Meshkov, R.T. Oganessian, Y.T. Oganessian, V.V. Parkhomchuk, P. Pokorny, A.A. Sery, S.V. Stepantsov, Y.A. Syresin, G.M. Ter-Akopian, V.A. Timakov
The Status of HERA |
accelerator, commissioning, injection, proton |
2905 |
An Electron-Proton Collider in the TeV Range |
emittance, linac, proton, quadrupole |
2910 |
- M. Tigner, B. Wiik, F. Willeke
Multimegawatt RF Power Sources for Linear Colliders |
accelerator, collider, field, klystron |
2928 |
The Magnicon: A New RF Power Source for Accelerators |
cyclotron, deceleration, field, gun |
2933 |
Cell Design for the DARHT Linear Induction Accelerators |
accelerator, ferrite, impedance, induction |
2958 |
- M. Burns, P. Allison, L. Earley, D. Liska, C. Mockler, J. Ruhe, H. Tucker, L. Walling
Photocathode Driven Linac at UCLA for FEL and Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments |
beamline, gun, laser, linac |
2967 |
- S. Hartman, F. Aghamir, W. Barletta, D. Cline, J. Davis, J. Dodd, G. Hairapetian, C. Joshi, T. Katsouleas, J. Kolonko, N. Luhmann Jr., D. McDermott, S. Park, C. Pellegrini, J. Rosenzweig, J. Smolin, J. Terrien
Status of the LISA Superconducting Linac Project |
accelerator, emittance, gun, linac |
2970 |
- F. Tazzioli, A. Aragona, R. Boni, M. Castellano, L. Catani, N. Cavallo, F. Cevenini, G. Di Pirro, S. Faini, M. Ferrario, A. Gallo, S. Kulinski, C. Marchetti, M. Minestrini, P. Patteri, C. Sanelli, M. Serio, A. Stecchi, S. Tazzari, L. Trasatti, M. Vescovi
Beam Loading in a High Current Accelerating Gap |
accelerator, impedance, ion, plasma |
2999 |
The 3/4 Backward TW Structure for the ELETTRA 1.5 GeV Electron Injector |
coupling, field, impedance, klystron |
3005 |
A New Electron Linac Injector Design up to 200 MeV |
bunching, field, focusing, linac |
3008 |
Quadrupole Effects in On-Axis Coupled Linacs |
coupling, focusing, linac, quadrupole |
3011 |
- F.P. Adams, R.J. Burton, J. Ungrin
Measurements on Iris-Structures with Rectangular Holes |
coupling, field, linac, luminosity |
3023 |
- M. Kurz, P. Hulsmann, H. Klein, A. Schempp
Production of Tightly Focused E-Beams with High-Current Accelerators |
accelerator, cathode, linac, target |
3059 |
- J.W. Poukey, C.A. Frost, M.G. Mazarakis, J.J. Ramirez
LIAM-A Linear Induction Accelerator Model |
accelerator, field, induction, solenoid |
3079 |
- H. Brand, G. Caporaso, F. Chambers, F. Coffield, D. Lager
Diagnostics and Data Analysis for the ETA-II Linear Induction Accelerator |
accelerator, diagnostics, induction, instability |
3085 |
- F. Chambers, S.L. Allen, F.J. Deadrick, W.E. Nexsen, A.C. Paul, V.L. Renbarger, W.C. Turner
Measurements of Reduced Corkscrew Motion on the ETA-II Linear Induction Accelerator |
accelerator, alignment, induction, linac |
3094 |
- S.L. Allen, H.R. Brand, F.W. Chambers, Y.-J. Chen, F.E. Coffield, F.J. Deadrick, L.V. Griffith, D.L. Lager, W.J. Mauer, W.E. Nexsen, A.C. Paul, S. Sampayan, W.C. Turner
Performance Characteristics of an Induction Linac Magnetic Pulse Compression Modulator at Multi-Kilohertz Pulse Repetition Frequencies |
accelerator, induction, modulator, timing |
3097 |
- S. Sampayan, F.W. Chambers, F.J. Deadrick, W.A. Niven, C.W. Ollis, A.N. Payne, V.L. Renbarger, E.T. Scharlemann, W.C. Turner, J.A. Watson
Reduction of Energy Sweep of the ETA-II Beam |
accelerator, induction, timing, wiggler |
3103 |
- W.E. Nexsen, S.L. Allen, F.W. Chambers, R.A. Jong, A.C. Paul, S.E. Sampayan, W.C. Turner
High Power Microwave Generation in Virtual Cathode Systems |
cathode, ion, plasma, radiation |
3111 |
- A. N. Didenko, V.I. Rashchikov
Experimental Observations of Beam Transport in Twisted Quadrupole Fields |
damping, field, quadrupole, solenoid |
3120 |
- J.P. Lidestri, V.L. Bailey, Jr., J.A. Edighoffer, S.D. Putnam, M.G. Tiefenback, D. Wake
Experiments Investigating the Effects of the Accelerating Gap Voltage Pulse on the Ion Focused (IFR) High Current Electron Recirculators |
focusing, ion, lifetime, plasma |
3126 |
- M.G. Mazarakis, L.F. Bennett, W.R. Olson, J.W. Poukey, K.R. Prestwich, D.L. Smith, B.N. Turman, J.S. Wagner, J. Wells
RADLAC II/SMILE Performance with a Magnetically Insulated Voltage Adder |
accelerator, cathode, field, x-ray |
3129 |
- S.L. Shope, C.E. Crist, C.A. Frost, M.G. Mazarakis, J.W. Poukey, K.R. Prestwich, K. Struve, B.N. Turman, D. Welch
High-Intensity Flash X-Ray Source for HERMES III |
accelerator, cathode, radiation, target |
3135 |
- T.W.L. Sanford, J.A. Halbleib, W.H. McAtee, R.C. Mock
Fast Risetime Magnetic Field Coil for Electron Beam Propagation Studies |
betatron, emittance, field, focusing |
3141 |
- D.J. Weidman, W.C. Freeman, J.D. Miller, K.T. Nguyen, M.J. Rhee, R.F. Schneider, R.A. Stark
Long Pulse Electron Beams |
cathode, field, focusing, solenoid |
3144 |
- J.R. Smith, I.R. Shokair, K.W. Struve
Kicker Prepulse Canceler |
accelerator, damping, extraction, kicker |
3162 |
Fast Power Supplies for Kicker and Thin Septum Magnets in a 1.2 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Source |
injection, kicker, linac, septum |
3171 |
- B.E. Strickland, D. Meaney, B. Ng, G.L. Schofield, B.L. Thomas, W.P. White
The ELETTRA 1.5 GeV Electron Injector |
chopper, field, klystron, linac |
3180 |
- D. Tronc, C. Bourat, P. Girault, P. Letellier, A. Massarotti, G. Meyrand, S. Sierra, D.T. Tran
Electron Preinjector for Siberia-2 SR Source |
accelerator, field, gun, injection |
3186 |
- O.A. Nezhevenko, G.N. Ostreiko, B.Z. Persov, S.I. Ruvinsky, G.V. Serdobintsev, E.N. Shaimerdenov, M.A. Tiunov, V.P. Yakovlev, I.A. Zapryagaev
Electron-Beam Generation, Transport, and Transverse Oscillation Experiments Using the REX Injector |
cathode, extraction, field, induction |
3192 |
- R.L. Carlson, P.W. Allison, T.J. Kauppila, D.C. Moir, R.N. Ridlon
High Voltage, High Power Nested High Voltage Accelerator |
accelerator, coupling, field, vacuum |
3201 |
- R.J. Adler, R.J. Richter-Sand
Maintaining Micron-Size Beams in Collision at the Interaction Point of the Stanford Linear Collider |
accelerator, background, feedback, positron |
3222 |
- F. Rouse, T. Gromme, W. Kozanecki, N. Phinney
Higher Order Effects in Beam-Beam Deflection |
accelerator, collider, lattice, simulation |
3246 |
Beam-Beam Deflection and Beamstrahlung Monitor Response for Tilted Elliptic Beams |
photon, simulation, spectrum, target |
3249 |
Simulations on Pair Creation from Beam-Beam Interaction in Linear Colliders |
background, field, photon, simulation |
3252 |
- P. Chen, T. Tauchi, K. Yokoya
Differential Luminosity Under Beamstrahlung |
field, luminosity, photon, spectrum |
3255 |
Linac-Ring Colliders with High Disruption Parameters - A First Test of Principle |
emittance, lattice, positron, septum |
3264 |
- J.R. Boyce, S. Jin, J. Kewisch, P.K. Kloeppel, R. Li, B. Niczyporuk, R. Rossmanith, N. Sereno, R. Whitney
High Brightness Sources for Colliders |
brightness, channeling, lattice, photon |
3270 |
A Traveling Wave Accelerator with HOM Outcouplers for FEL's |
accelerator, emittance, gun, radiation |
3276 |