Title |
Page |
Theoretical Studies on the Beam Position Measurement with Button-Type Pickups in APS |
1121 |
A Beam Position Detector for SSC Collider Rings |
1124 |
Beam Detector Impedance Calculation Using Circuit Models |
1127 |
Monitoring System to Permit Accurate Alignment of Beams at Collision in CESR |
1130 |
Development of a Wall Current Beam Position Monitor for a Kaon Factory Ceramic Chamber |
1133 |
- Y. Yin, G. Mackenzie, D. Pearce, B. Rawnsley, J. Worden
Measurements and Performance of a Microstrip Beam Probe System |
1136 |
- J.D. Gilpatrick, K.F. Johnson, S. Lloyd, D. Martinez, R. Meyer, G. Neuschaefer, J. Power, R.B. Shurter, F.D. Wells
Log-Ratio Circuit for Beam Position Monitoring |
1139 |
- F.D. Wells, J.D. Gilpatrick, R.E. Shafer, R.B. Shurter
Capacitive Beam Position Monitors and Automatic Beam Centering in the Transfer Lines of GANIL |
1142 |
Operational Amplifier Based Stretcher for Stripline Beam Position Moniters |
1145 |
A Beam Position Moniter for AmPS |
1148 |
- J. Noomen, J. Bijleveld, F. Kroes, T. Sluijk, H. Verkooijen
The SSRL Injector Beam Position Monitoring Systems |
1151 |
- W. Lavender, S. Baird, M. Borland, S. Brennan, R. Hettel, H.-D. Nuhn, R. Ortiz, J. Safranek, J. Sebek, C. Wermelskirchen, J. Yang
DELTA Beam Position Monitor |
1154 |
- S. Brinker, R. Heisterhagen, K. Wille
Beam Position Measurement System for SRRC |
1157 |
The LEP Synchrotron Light Monitors |
1160 |
- C. Bovet, G. Burtin, R.J. Colchester, B. Halvarsson, R. Jung, S. Levitt, J.M. Vouillot
A CCD Camera Probe for a Superconducting Cyclotron |
1163 |
- F. Marti, R. Blue, J. Kuchar, J.A. Nolen, B. Sherrill, J. Yurkon
High-Sensitive Remote Diagnostics of the Accelerated Particles' Beam Cross Section |
1166 |
- P.Y. Komissarov, L.I. Judin, V.G. Mikhailov, V.A. Rezvov, A.A. Roschin, V.I. Sclyarenko
Intensity Interferometry and Its Application to Beam Diagnostics |
1169 |
H- Beam Characterization Using Laser-Induced Neutralization |
1171 |
- V.W. Yuan, R. Garcia, K.F. Johnson, K. Saadatmand, O.R. Sander, D. Sandoval, M. Shinas
Upgrades to the Fermilab Flying Wire Systems |
1174 |
- J. Zagel, A.A. Hahn, G. Jackson, T. Johnson, K. Martin, J. Misek, X.Q. Wang, W. Ye
Results from a Prototype Beam Monitor in the Tevatron Using Synchrotron Light |
1177 |
Design and Commissioning of Flying Wires in the Fermilab Accumulator |
1180 |
- X.Q. Wang, T. Groves, A.A. Hahn, G. Jackson, J. Marriner, K. Martin, J. Misek
Beam Structure and Transverse Emittance Studies of High-Energy Ion Beams |
1183 |
- K. Saadatmand, K.F. Johnson, J.D. Schneider
Wire Scanners at LEP |
1186 |
- B. Bouchet, C. Bovet, A. Burns, J. Camas, G. Ferioli, C. Fischer, R. Jung, Q. King, K.H. Kissler, J. Koopman, J. Mann, H. Michel, R. Schmidt, L. Vos
Design of the AGS Booster Ionization Profile Monitor |
1189 |
- A.N. Stillman, R.E. Thern, W.H. Van Zwienen, R.L. Witkover
Beam Size Measurement at High Radiation Levels |
1192 |
Beam Emittance Measurement Technique for PLS-IM-T Linac |
1195 |
- Y.X. Luo, I.S. Ko, W. Namkung, C. Ryu
A Carbon Jet Beam Profile Monitor for LEAR |
1198 |
- R. Galiana, D. Manglunki, C. Mazeline
Wire Scanners for Beam Size and Emittance Measurements at the SLC |
1201 |
- M.C. Ross, E. Bong, L. Hendrickson, D. McCormick, L. Sanchez-Chopitea, J.T. Seeman
Emittance Measurements of FEL Accelerators Using Optical Transition Radiation Methods |
1204 |
- R.B. Fiorito, D.H. Dowell, A.R. Lowrey, A.H. Lumpkin, D.W. Rule, W.C. Sellyey, R.L. Tokar
Beam Spot Size Measurement Using Beamstrahlung Signals at the SLC Interaction Point |
1207 |
- E. Gero, P. Chen, W. Kozanecki
Beam Diagnostic Systems in the IUCF Cooler and Cyclotron |
1210 |
- M.S. Ball, T.J.P. Ellison, B.J. Hamilton
The Commissioning of the LEP Polarimeter |
1213 |
- J. Badier, A. Blondel, C. Bovet, P. Castro-Garcia, M. Crozon, J. De Vries, B. Dehning, G.P. Ferri, M. Glaser, C. Grunhagel, R. Jung, L. Knudsen, F. Lemeilleur, J. Mann, M. Placidi, R. Schmidt, K. Unser
AGS Booster Tune Meter Kickers |
1216 |
- W. Zhang, J. Bunicci, P.R. Cameron, A.V. Soukas, W. van Asselt
Mechanical Design of the Beam Current Transformers for the HERA Proton Ring |
1219 |
Betatron Tune Measurement System for the HERA Proton Storage Ring |
1222 |
Real Time Spectrum Analyzer |
1225 |
- M. Bergher, E. Jules, A. Louis-Joseph
A Frequency Tracking Synthesizer for Beam Diagnostic Systems |
1228 |
The AGS Booster Beam Loss Monitor System |
1231 |
- E.R. Beadle, G.W. Bennett, R.L. Witkover
A Wide Band Slot-Coupled Beam Sensing Electrode for the Advanced Light Source (ALS) |
1234 |
A Real-Time Longitudinal Phase-Space Measurement Technique for H-Beams |
1237 |
- R.C. Connolly, D.P. Sandoval
Fast Ion Chambers for SLC |
1240 |
Diagnostic Instrumentation for the SSRL 3 GeV Injector |
1243 |
- J. Sebek, M. Baltay, M. Borland, J. Cerino, L. Emery, R. Hettel, H. Morales, D. Mostowfi, J.-L. Pellegrin, M. Rowen, J. Safranek, V. Smith, J. Voss, J.N. Weaver, H. Wiedemann, Y. Yin, B. Youngman
Bunch Length Measurement Using Beam Spectrum |
1246 |
- Z. Greenwald, D.L. Hartill, R.M. Littauer, S.B. Peck, D.H. Rice
Beam Diagnostics for the 400 MeV Fermilab Linac |
1249 |
- E.S. McCrory, F. Harfoush, G. Jackson, G. Lee, D. McConnell
Tune Trackers for the Fermilab Tevatron |
1252 |
- J. Fitzgerald, R. Gonzalez
Coupled Bunch Dipole Mode Measurements of Accelerating Beam in the Fermilab Booster |
1255 |
- D. McGinnis, V.K. Bharadwaj, J. Marriner
Beam Transfer Function Measurements of Accelerating Beam in the Fermilab Booster |
1258 |
- D. McGinnis, V.K. Bharadwaj, J. Marriner
Diagnostics for the MLI Model 1.2-400 Synchrotron Light Source |
1261 |
The Design and Packaging of the Instrumentation Electronics for the AGS Booster, A Generic Approach |
1264 |
- G.A. Smith, E. Beadle, V. Castillo, W. Sims, A. Stillman, T. Tallerico, R.L. Witkover, E. Zitvogel
Beam Current Monitoring in the AGS Booster and Its Transfer Lines |
1267 |
- R.L. Witkover, V. Castillo, E. Zitvogel
A Faraday Cup with High Frequency Response for a 200 MeV LINAC Proton Beam |
1270 |
- M.S. Zucker, J.W. Bittner
The Tune Meter Systems at the AGS Complex |
1273 |
- W.K. van Asselt, L.A. Ahrens, P.R. Cameron, S. Mandell, G.A. Smith, W. Zhang
Betatron Tune Measurement and Control in the PETRA Proton Ring |
1276 |
Prompt Diagnostics of the Cyclotron Dees Shift |
1279 |
- N.I. Karpov, L.I. Judin, Y.M. Krasnikov, S.T. Latushkin, I.V. Naumov
Instrumentation for SSC Test Beams |
1281 |
- H. Fenker, R. Schailey, F. Stocker
Orbit Monitoring in the SLC |
1284 |
- L. Sanchez-Chopitea, P. Emma, D. Van Olst
Program for Automatic Control of Beam Transfer Lines |
1287 |
- S.H. Ananian, R.H. Manukian
Embedded Software for the CEBAF RF Control Module |
1290 |
- G. Lahti, I. Ashkenazi, B. Morgan, C. West
The Tevatron Orbit Program |
1293 |
- B. Hendricks, R.P. Johnson, R. Joshel, E. Martensson, D. Siergiej
Control of the Time and Energy Dependent Parameters of the Upgraded Tevatron Collider |
1296 |
- D.E. Johnson, G. Goderre, B. Hendricks, R.P. Johnson, R. Joshel
Development and Application of General Purpose Data Acquisition Shell (GPDAS) at Advanced Photon Source |
1299 |
UNIX Data Acquisition System |
1302 |
- I. Kourbanis, G. Bourianoff, S. Peggs, T. Satogata, G. Tsironis
Control System User Interface for Accelerator Commissioning and Operation |
1305 |
- D. Dobrott, J. Corbett, S. Howry, D. Keeley, A. King, G. Kolte, M. Lee, Z. Mikic
Overview of Real-Time Kernels at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory |
1308 |
- K. Low, S. Acharya, M. Allen, E. Faught, D. Haenni, C. Kalbfleisch
A New Man-Machine-Interface at BESSY |
1311 |
- R. Müller, H.-D. Doll, I.J. Donasch, H. Marxen, H. Pause
Alarm Handler for the Advanced Photon Source Control System |
1314 |
- M.R. Kraimer, M.D. Anderson, B.-C.K. Cha
Correlation Plot Facility in the SLC Control System |
1317 |
- L. Hendrickson, N. Phinney, L. Sanchez-Chopitea
Indirect Phase Locking of RF Clock to the Beam for BNL Booster BPM System |
1320 |
Feed Forward RF Control System of the Accelerator Test Facility |
1323 |
- I. Ben-Zvi, J. Xie, R. Zhang
Progress on Bunch Lengthening at the NSLS VUV Ring |
1326 |
- R. Biscardi, W. Broome, S. Buda, J. Keane, G. Ramirez, J. Wachtel, J.M. Wang
Design of a Multivariable RF Control System Using Gain-Shaping in the Frequency Domain |
1329 |
- C.D. Ziomek, S.P. Jachim, E.F. Natter
Sychronization of a Variable Frequency Source with a Fixed Frequency Source Using a Sliding-Mode Controller |
1332 |
Phase and Amplitude Stabilization of Short-Pulsed, High-Power Microwave Amplifiers |
1335 |
- D. Hopkins, T. Orzechowski, G. Westenskow, D. Yu, S. Yu
Measurement of Bunch Time-Structure in KEK PF |
1338 |
- M. Tobiyama, T. Kasuga, T. Katsura, T. Obina, T. Takeo
Beam Diagnostics at the COSY Injection Beamline |
1341 |
Design and Testing of the AGS Booster BPM Detector |
1344 |
- R. Thomas, D.J. Ciardullo, W. Van Zwienen
The AGS Booster Beam Position Monitor System |
1347 |
- D.J. Ciardullo, A. Abola, E.R. Beadle, G.A. Smith, R. Thomas, W. Van Zwienen, R. Warkentien, R.L. Witkover
Contemporary Approaches to Control System Specification and Design Applied to KAON |
1350 |
- G.A. Ludgate, D.A. Dohan, E.A. Osberg
Rejuvenation of the CPS Control System: The First Slice |
1353 |
- G. Benincasa, G. Daems, B. Frammery, P. Heymans, F. Perriollat, C. Serre, C.-H. Sicard
The UNK Control System |
1356 |
- V.N. Alferov, V.L. Brook, A.F. Dunaitsev, S.G. Goloborodko, P.N. Kazakov, V.V. Komarov, B. Kuiper, A.F. Lukyantsev, M.S. Mikheev, V.P. Sakharov, E.D. Scherbakov, N.N. Trofimov, V.P. Voevodin, S.A. Zelepoukin
Control System Specification for a Cyclotron and Neutron Therapy Facility |
1359 |
- J. Jacky, A. Barke, S. Brossard, R. Jackson, I. Kalet, R. Risler, P. Wootton
The COSY Control System, a Distributed Realtime Operating System: First Practical Experience at the COSY-Injector |
1362 |
- M. Stephan, U. Hacker, K. Henn, A. Richert, K. Sobotta, A. Weinert
Initial Control of the H- Ion Source at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory |
1365 |
- G. Martinsen, S. Acharya, M. Allen, E. Faught, K. Low, J. Sage
PLS Linac Instrument and Control System |
1368 |
- C. Ryu, S.S. Chang, J.H. Kim, M.S. Kim, D.K. Liu, W. Namkung, S. Won
Control System for the MLI Model 1.2-400 Sychrotron Light Source |
1371 |
- B. Ng, R. Billing, R. Legg, K. Luchini, D. Meaney, S. Pugh, Y. Zhou
Control System of the Superconducting X-Ray Lithography (SXLS) at Brookhaven |
1374 |
- E. Desmond, J. Galayda, W. Louie, B. Martin, R. Rose
An Inexpensive PC-Based Ion Linac Control System |
1377 |
Control System at the Synchrotron Radiation Research Center |
1380 |
The SSRL Injector Control System |
1383 |
- C. Wermelskirchen, S. Brennan, T. Götz, W. Lavender, R. Ortiz, M. Picard, J. Yang
Longitudinal Damping System for the Fermilab Booster |
1386 |
- I. Haberman, I. Rypshtein
Design of 4-8 GHz Bunched Beam Stochastic Cooling Arrays for the Fermilab Tevatron |
1389 |
- D. McGinnis, J. Budlong, G. Jackson, J. Marriner, D. Poll
Design of 4-8 GHz Stochastic Cooling Equalizers for the Fermilab Accumulator |
1392 |
Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) Devices for Stochastic Cooling Notch Filters |
1395 |
Design and Operational Results of a "One-Turn-Delay Feedback" for Beam Loading Compensation of the CERN PS Ferrite Cavities |
1398 |
Improvement of the Time Structure and Reproducibility of the Bevalac Spill |
1401 |
- C.M. Celata, M.J. Bennett, D.N. Cowles, B. Feinberg, R. Frias, M.A. Nyman, R. Salomons, G.D. Stover, M.M. Tekawa
Prompt Bunch by Bunch Synchrotron Oscillation Detection via a Fast Phase Measurement |
1404 |
- D. Briggs, P. Corredoura, J.D. Fox, A. Gioumousis, W. Hosseini, L. Klaisner, G. Lambertson, J.-L. Pellegrin, K.A. Thompson
Computer Modelling of Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback for the SLAC B-Factory Design |
1407 |
- D. Briggs, J.D. Fox, W. Hosseini, L. Klaisner, G. Lambertson, P. Morton, J.-L. Pellegrin, K.A. Thompson
A Longitudinal Multibunch Feedback System for PEP |
1410 |
- H.-D. Nuhn, P. Friedrichs, H. Schwarz, Y. Sun, H. Winick, W. Xie, R. Yotam
Energy Feedback System for the SSRL Injector Linac |
1413 |
Design of VAX Software for a Generalized Feedback System |
1416 |
- F. Rouse, S. Castillo, T. Himel, B. Sass, H. Shoaee
General, Database-Driven Fast-Feedback System for the Stanford Linear Collider |
1419 |
- F. Rouse, S. Allison, S. Castillo, T. Gromme, B. Hall, L. Hendrickson, T. Himel, K. Krauter, B. Sass, H. Shoaee
The Transverse Damper System for RHIC |
1422 |
- J. Xu, J. Claus, E. Raka, A.G. Ruggiero, T.J. Shea
The Stochastic-Cooling System for COSY-Jülich |
1425 |
- P. Brittner, R. Danzglock, H.U. Hacker, R. Maier, U. Pfister, D. Prasuhn, H. Singer, W. Spiess, H. Stockhorst
Beam Position Monitoring in the AGS Linac to Booster Transfer Line |
1428 |
- T.J. Shea, J. Brodowski, R. Witkover
Design of the AGS Booster Beam Position Monitor Electronics |
1431 |
- D.J. Ciardullo, E.R. Beadle, G.A. Smith
Modeling in Control of the Advanced Light Source |
1434 |
- J. Bengtsson, E. Forest, H. Nishimura, L. Schachinger
Accelerator and Feedback Control Simulation Using Neural Networks |
1437 |
- D. Nguyen, M. Lee, R. Sass, H. Shoaee
Optimal, Real-Time Control-Colliders |
1440 |
Accelerator Simulation and Operation via Identical Operational Interfaces |
1443 |
- J. Kewisch, A. Barry, R. Bork, B. Bowling, V. Corker, G. Lahti, K. Nolker, J. Sage, J. Tang
The Estimation and Control of Closed Orbit in Fast Cycling Sychrotron |
1446 |
- S.H. Ananian, R.H. Manukian, A.R. Matevosian, V.T. Nikogossian, A.R. Tumanian
MARCO - Models of Accelerators and Rings to Commission and Operate |
1448 |
- L. Catani, G. Di Pirro, M.J. Lee, C. Milardi, A. Stecchi, L. Trasatti
Use of Digital Control Theory State Space Formalism for Feedback at SLC |
1451 |
- T. Himel, L. Hendrickson, F. Rouse, H. Shoaee
A Database for Modeling the Brookhaven AGS Booster |
1454 |
A 256 Channel Digital Filter for a Data Acquisition System |
1455 |
Proposed Data Acquisition System for the Fermilab Booster |
1458 |
- V. Bharadwaj, S. Peggs, C. Saltmarsh, G. Wu
Arbitrary Function Generator for APS Injector Synchrotron Correction Magnets |
1461 |
Energy Feed Forward at the SLC |
1464 |
- R.K. Jobe, M.J. Brown, I. Hsu, E. Miller
BPM Data Acquisition System for the Bates Pulse Stretcher Ring |
1467 |
- O. Calvo, J. Flanz, T. Russ
The CEBAF Frequency Distribution System |
1470 |
- A. Krycuk, J. Fugitt, K. Mahoney, S. Simrock
Generalized Emittance Measurements in a Beam Transport Line |
1473 |
- J. Skelly, C. Gardner, A. Kponou, A. Luccio, K. Reece
The Control and Operation of the Programmable Wave Form Generator for the SSRL Injector |
1476 |
- S. Brennan, S. Baird, W. Lavender, H.-D. Nuhn, C. Wermelskirchen, J. Yang
Triggers and Timing System for the SSRL 3 GeV Injector |
1478 |
- R. Hettel, D. Mostowfi, R. Ortiz, J. Sebek
Main Cycle Controls for the AGS Booster Synchrotron |
1481 |
Smart Rack Monitor for the Linac Control System |
1484 |
- S. Shtirbu, R.W. Goodwin, E.S. McCrory, M.F. Shea
SLC's Adaptation of the ALS High Performace Serial Link |
1487 |
Use of Ethernet and TCP/IP Socket Communications Library Routines for Data Acquisition and Control in the LEP RF System |
1490 |
- E. Ciapala, P. Collier, P. Lienard
Fiber Optics in the BNL Booster Radiation Environment |
1493 |
I/O Subnets for the APS Control System |
1496 |
- N.D. Arnold, R.T. Daly, M.R. Kraimer, W.P. McDowell, G.J. Nawrocki
The Trajectory Control in the SLC Linac |
1499 |
- I.C. Hsu, C.E. Adolphsen, T.M. Himel, J.T. Seeman
Machine Protection Schemes for the SLC |
1502 |
A Programmable Beam Intensity Display System for the Fermilab Accelerators |
1505 |
An Automated RF Control and Data Acquisition System for Testing Superconducting RF Cavities |
1508 |
- C. Reece, P. Kushnick, T. Powers
A New Data Acquisition and Control System for the Power Amplifier Test Station |
1511 |
Vacuum Control System for the MLI Model 1.2-400 Synchrotron Light Source |
1514 |
The New Vacuum Control System for the SPS |
1516 |
Vacuum and Beam Diagnostic Controls for ORIC Beam Lines |
1519 |
An Automated Vacuum System |
1522 |
- W.H. Atkins, C. Bridgman, G.D. Vaughn
Open Loop Compensation for the Eddy Current Effect in the APS Storage Ring Vacuum Chamber |
1525 |
- Y. Chung, J. Bridges, G. Decker, L. Emery
Automatic Local Beam Steering Systems for NSLS X-Ray Storage Ring - Design and Implementation |
1528 |
- O.V. Singh, J. Flannigan, R. Nawrocky
Controls and Interlocks for a Prototype 1 MHz Beam Chopper |
1531 |
- G. Waters, M.J. Barnes, D. Bishop, G.D. Wait
Beam Diagnostics Using Transition Radiation Produced by a 100 MeV Electron Beam |
1534 |
- M. Jablonka, J.C. Derost, X. Hanus, J. Leroy, L. Wartski
Intelligent Power Supply Controller |
1537 |
- R.S. Rumrill, D.J. Reinagel
History Data Facility in the SLC Control System |
1540 |
A Beam Diagnostic System for ELSA |
1543 |
- M. Schillo, K.H. Althoff, W.v. Drachenfels, T. Goetz, D. Husmann, M. Neckenig, M. Picard, W. Schauerte, F.J. Schittko, J. Wenzel
A Table Driven Database and Applications Generator for Accelerator Control Systems |
1546 |
- A. Carter, T. Russ, C. Sibley
Grid Scans: A Transfer Map Diagnostic |
1549 |
Fiber Optic Communications Links for the Main Ring Control System Upgrade |
1552 |
The Improvement of TRISTAN Timing System |
1555 |
Bunch Monitor for an S-Band Electron Linear Accelerator |
1558 |
C++ Objects for Beam Physics |
1561 |
Beam Steering Using Quadrupoles as Position Monitors |
1564 |
- J.-Y. Hémery, T. Pettersson
Optical Fiber Cherenkov Detector for Beam Current Monitoring |
1567 |
- I.V. Pishchulin, O.B. Romashkin, N.G. Solov'ev
Electron Beam Pumped Semiconductor Laser for Particle Beam Diagnostics |
1570 |
- O.V. Garkusha, I.V. Pishchulin, O.V. Romashkin, N.G. Solov'ev
Method and Apparatus for Multifunctional Nonperturbing Diagnostics of H- Beams |
1573 |
- A.S. Artiomov, A.K. Gevorkov, V.V. Limar, V.P. Sidorov, N.G. Vaganov
Correlation Method of Nonperturbing Measurements of Ion Beam Energy Spectra |
1576 |
Specialized Microprocessor Modules for the Synchrotron Automatic Control System |
1579 |
- A.G. Agababian, S.H. Ananian, A.A. Kazarian, M.Yu. Khoetsian, A.R. Matevosian
The Pulsers of the Damping Injection Oscillation Systems for the UNK I-Stage |
1582 |
- I.N. Ivanov, V.V. Akimov, V.B. Ermakov, T.A. Latypov, N.A. Malachov, G.L. Mamaev, V.A. Mel'nikov, N.V. Pilyar, A.S. Shcheulin