Title |
Other Keywords |
Page |
Physics and Technology Challenges of BB Factories |
collider, factory, luminosity, radiation |
1 |
Physics and Technology Challenges of Ultra Low Emittance Synchrotron Light Sources |
brightness, electron, radiation, undulator |
11 |
Issues Confronting Vacuum System Design for e+e- Storage Rings |
factory, ion, radiation, vacuum |
24 |
APS Storage Ring Vacuum System Development |
insertion, ion, photon, vacuum |
29 |
- R.C. Niemann, R. Benaroya, M. Choi, R.J. Dortwegt, R. Ferry, G.A. Goeppner, J.D. Gonczy, J. Howell, C. Krieger, R.W. Nielsen, B. Roop, R.B. Wehrle
PEP-II: An Asymmetric B Factory Based on PEP |
factory, feedback, radiation, vacuum |
84 |
Energy and Energy Width Measurement in the FNAL Antiproton Accumulator |
accelerator, antiproton, field, spectrum |
108 |
- M. Church, S.Y. Hsueh, P.A. Rapidis, S. Werkema
Evolution of SSC Collider Design |
accelerator, collider, injection, quadrupole |
117 |
Physics Issues of the Synchrotron Radiation Intercept at the Superconducting Super Collider |
collider, impedance, radiation, vacuum |
126 |
CESR-B, Upgrading the CESR Facility to B-Factory Capability |
accelerator, luminosity, radiation, vacuum |
132 |
Decay Rates and Average Luminosity in a B-Factory |
collider, lepton, luminosity, proton |
141 |
- H. Braun, K. Hübner, W. Joho
The LEP Energy Upgrade Project |
collider, injection, quadrupole, vacuum |
150 |
The BEPC Storage Ring - Status and Prospects |
injection, insertion, lattice, luminosity |
180 |
Geometrical (Lienard-Wichert) Approach in Accelerator Physics |
electron, field, radiation, vacuum |
198 |
- S.G. Arutunian, M.R. Mailian
ASAP - A Symbolic Algebra Package for Accelerator Design |
accelerator, field, quadrupole |
272 |
- E. Bozoki, I. Ben-Zvi, A. Friedman
Turnplot - A Graphical Tool for Analyzing Tracking Data |
electron, resonance, sextupole, tune |
297 |
- V. Paxson, L. Schachinger
Recovering Phase Density Distribution from Line Density |
306 |
Effect of Tune Modulation on the Dynamic Aperture of the SSC Lattice |
collider, lattice, spectrum, tune |
345 |
- T. Sen, A.W. Chao, Y.T. Yan
The Extension of the OSCAR2D Code to Compute Azimuthally Dependent Modes of Axially Symmetric Cavities |
accelerator, field, light source, vacuum |
366 |
- P. Fernandes, R. Parodi, G. Sabbi
The Beam Dynamics Study in a Compact Synchrotron |
accelerator, field, lattice, tune |
374 |
Compensation of RF Transients During Injection into the Collector Ring of the TRIUMF KAON Factory |
damping, factory, feedback, injection |
377 |
- S.R. Koscielniak, T.-S. Wang
Space Charge Effects in the SSC Low Energy Booster |
booster, ion, linac, tune |
383 |
- S. Machida, G. Bourianoff, N.K. Mahale, N. Mehta, F. Pilat, R. Talman, R.C. York
Electron Density Enhancement in a Quasi Isochronous Storage Ring |
acceptance, betatron, brightness, radiation |
398 |
Properties of the Longitudinal Equilibrium Distribution in a Storage Ring |
damping, electron, equilibrium, radiation |
416 |
Collective Effects in Single Bunch Mode at the Photon Factory Storage Ring |
betatron, impedance, photon, tune |
440 |
- N. Nakamura, K. Haga, M. Izawa, T. Katsura, S. Sakanaka
On the Impedance Due to Synchrotron Radiation |
field, impedance, ion, radiation |
458 |
- S. Heifets, A. Michailichenko
Measurements of Synchro-Betatron Coupling by an RF Cavity in CESR |
betatron, coupling, resonance, tune |
464 |
- D. Rice, S. Greenwald, Z. Greenwald, S. Peck
Synchrotron Radiation Perturbations in Long Transport Lines |
betatron, electron, emittance, radiation |
517 |
- G. Leleux, P. Nghiem, A. Tkatchenko
Incoherent Beam-Beam Effects for Round Beams in the Novosibirsk Phi-Factory Project |
betatron, coupling, damping, resonance |
523 |
- N.S. Dikansky, P.M. Ivanov, D.V. Pestrikov, E.A. Simonov
Longitudinal Beam-Beam Effects for an Ultra-High Luminosity Regime |
betatron, coupling, simulation, tune |
526 |
- V.V. Danilov, P.M. Ivanov, E.A. Perevedentsev, E.A. Simonov, A.N. Skrinsky
Overview of X-Ray Lithography at IBM Using a Compact Storage Ring |
alignment, electron, radiation, x-ray |
542 |
Proton Synchrotron RF Cavity Mode Damper Tests |
accelerator, damping, field, impedance |
643 |
- W.R. Smythe, C.C. Friedrichs, L.S. Walling
Current Status of RF System for the SPring-8 |
damping, impedance, insertion, klystron |
667 |
- K. Inoue, M. Hara, Y. Kawashima, T. Nakamura
Development of 5-Cell RF Cavity for SPring-8 Booster Synchrotron |
booster, coupling, impedance, instability |
707 |
- H. Suzuki, T. Harami, S. Kawazu, Y. Miyahara, T. Nagafuchi, M. Nakano, T. Rizawa, S. Satoh, Y. Tanabe, K. Yoshiyuki
Status Report on the ELETTRA R.F. System |
coupling, damping, light source, waveguide |
710 |
- A. Massarotti, G. D'Auria, A. Fabris, C. Pasotti, C. Rossi, M. Svandrlik
Fast Ferrite Tuner for the BNL Synchrotron Light Source |
coupling, ferrite, field, radiation |
774 |
- E. Pivit, S.M. Hanna, J. Keane
Recent Experience with Backgrounds at the SLC |
background, collider, collimation, linac |
834 |
- R. Jacobsen, H. Band, T. Barklow, A. Bazarko, K. Brown, D. Burke, D. Coupal, H. DeStaebler, D. Fujino, C. Hearty, S. Hertzbach, J. Jaros, T. Maruyama, T. Tauchi, N. Toge, J. Turk, S. Wagner, C. Zeitlin
User Control of the Proton Beam Injection Trajectories into the AGS Booster |
booster, injection, proton, quadrupole |
896 |
- T. D'Ottavio, J.G. Alessi, A. Kponou, A. Luccio, R.K. Reece, J. Skelly
The APS Transfer Line from Linac to Injector Synchrotron |
booster, linac, positron, septum |
902 |
Correction Magnet Power Supplies for APS Machine |
acceleration, feedback, field, monitoring |
911 |
Design and Simulation of High Accuracy Power Supplies for Injector Synchrotron Dipole Magnets |
extraction, impedance, injection, simulation |
917 |
Power Supply System for the TRIUMF KAON Factory |
accelerator, booster, factory, resonance |
920 |
The 10 Hz Resonant Magnet Power Supply for the SSRL 3 GeV Injector |
booster, injection, quadrupole, timing |
926 |
- R. Hettel, R. Averill, M. Baltay, S. Brennan, C. Harris, M. Horton, C. Jach, J. Sebek, J. Voss
Active Filter for the DESY III Dipole Circuit |
damping, feedback, injection, simulation |
932 |
The SSRL Injector Kickers |
booster, ferrite, injection, kicker |
973 |
- H.-D. Nuhn, R. Boyce, J. Cerino, T. Hostetler
The Ultra-Fast Injection Kicker for SXLS |
electron, field, injection, kicker |
993 |
On Sustaining Short, Intense Bunches in Linear and Circular Accelerators |
coupling, impedance, instability, radiation |
1054 |
Magnetic Field Tolerances for Insertion Devices on Third Generation Sychrotron Light Sources |
emittance, field, focusing, undulator |
1091 |
- P.J. Viccaro, D.W. Carnegie, R. Savoy
Operation of Sychrotron Light Sources with Multiple Insertion Devices |
accelerator, feedback, undulator, x-ray |
1099 |
Low-Emittance in SPEAR |
emittance, injection, lattice, photon |
1104 |
- J. Safranek, H. Wiedemann
Spectrum of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation |
bunching, electron, radiation, spectrum |
1118 |
- T. Nakazato, F. Arai, M. Ikezawa, K. Ishi, R. Kato, Y. Kondo, H. Mishiro, N. Niimura, S. Niwano, T. Ohsaka, M. Oyamada, Y. Shibasaki, Y. Shibata, T. (Tokohu) Takahashi, T. Tsutaya, S. Urasawa
Beam Position Measurement System for SRRC |
electron, feedback, monitoring, radiation |
1157 |
Results from a Prototype Beam Monitor in the Tevatron Using Synchrotron Light |
field, proton, radiation, spectrum |
1177 |
Wire Scanners at LEP |
coupling, emittance, radiation, vacuum |
1186 |
- B. Bouchet, C. Bovet, A. Burns, J. Camas, G. Ferioli, C. Fischer, R. Jung, Q. King, K.H. Kissler, J. Koopman, J. Mann, H. Michel, R. Schmidt, L. Vos
The Commissioning of the LEP Polarimeter |
laser, photon, polarization, radiation |
1213 |
- J. Badier, A. Blondel, C. Bovet, P. Castro-Garcia, M. Crozon, J. De Vries, B. Dehning, G.P. Ferri, M. Glaser, C. Grunhagel, R. Jung, L. Knudsen, F. Lemeilleur, J. Mann, M. Placidi, R. Schmidt, K. Unser
Bunch Length Measurement Using Beam Spectrum |
electron, lattice, spectrum, x-ray |
1246 |
- Z. Greenwald, D.L. Hartill, R.M. Littauer, S.B. Peck, D.H. Rice
Coupled Bunch Dipole Mode Measurements of Accelerating Beam in the Fermilab Booster |
acceleration, accelerator, booster, spectrum |
1255 |
- D. McGinnis, V.K. Bharadwaj, J. Marriner
Beam Transfer Function Measurements of Accelerating Beam in the Fermilab Booster |
acceleration, accelerator, booster, multipole |
1258 |
- D. McGinnis, V.K. Bharadwaj, J. Marriner
Progress on Bunch Lengthening at the NSLS VUV Ring |
accelerator, feedback, lifetime, light source |
1326 |
- R. Biscardi, W. Broome, S. Buda, J. Keane, G. Ramirez, J. Wachtel, J.M. Wang
Measurement of Bunch Time-Structure in KEK PF |
field, injection, photon, vacuum |
1338 |
- M. Tobiyama, T. Kasuga, T. Katsura, T. Obina, T. Takeo
The UNK Control System |
accelerator, controls, field, software |
1356 |
- V.N. Alferov, V.L. Brook, A.F. Dunaitsev, S.G. Goloborodko, P.N. Kazakov, V.V. Komarov, B. Kuiper, A.F. Lukyantsev, M.S. Mikheev, V.P. Sakharov, E.D. Scherbakov, N.N. Trofimov, V.P. Voevodin, S.A. Zelepoukin
Control System for the MLI Model 1.2-400 Sychrotron Light Source |
accelerator, injection, monitoring, software |
1371 |
- B. Ng, R. Billing, R. Legg, K. Luchini, D. Meaney, S. Pugh, Y. Zhou
Control System of the Superconducting X-Ray Lithography (SXLS) at Brookhaven |
CAMAC, accelerator, diagnostics, electron |
1374 |
- E. Desmond, J. Galayda, W. Louie, B. Martin, R. Rose
Control System at the Synchrotron Radiation Research Center |
accelerator, monitoring, radiation, software |
1380 |
The SSRL Injector Control System |
CAMAC, accelerator, electron, linac |
1383 |
- C. Wermelskirchen, S. Brennan, T. Götz, W. Lavender, R. Ortiz, M. Picard, J. Yang
Longitudinal Damping System for the Fermilab Booster |
booster, damping, instability, software |
1386 |
- I. Haberman, I. Rypshtein
Prompt Bunch by Bunch Synchrotron Oscillation Detection via a Fast Phase Measurement |
accelerator, coupling, factory, feedback |
1404 |
- D. Briggs, P. Corredoura, J.D. Fox, A. Gioumousis, W. Hosseini, L. Klaisner, G. Lambertson, J.-L. Pellegrin, K.A. Thompson
Computer Modelling of Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback for the SLAC B-Factory Design |
coupling, feedback, kicker, simulation |
1407 |
- D. Briggs, J.D. Fox, W. Hosseini, L. Klaisner, G. Lambertson, P. Morton, J.-L. Pellegrin, K.A. Thompson
A Longitudinal Multibunch Feedback System for PEP |
electron, emittance, feedback, radiation |
1410 |
- H.-D. Nuhn, P. Friedrichs, H. Schwarz, Y. Sun, H. Winick, W. Xie, R. Yotam
The Estimation and Control of Closed Orbit in Fast Cycling Sychrotron |
algorithms, field, injection, vacuum |
1446 |
- S.H. Ananian, R.H. Manukian, A.R. Matevosian, V.T. Nikogossian, A.R. Tumanian
Arbitrary Function Generator for APS Injector Synchrotron Correction Magnets |
acceleration, field, injection, timing |
1461 |
The Control and Operation of the Programmable Wave Form Generator for the SSRL Injector |
booster, field, quadrupole, sextupole |
1476 |
- S. Brennan, S. Baird, W. Lavender, H.-D. Nuhn, C. Wermelskirchen, J. Yang
Main Cycle Controls for the AGS Booster Synchrotron |
booster, controls, field, timing |
1481 |
Vacuum Control System for the MLI Model 1.2-400 Synchrotron Light Source |
accelerator, beamline, software, vacuum |
1514 |
Specialized Microprocessor Modules for the Synchrotron Automatic Control System |
accelerator, extraction, feedback, field |
1579 |
- A.G. Agababian, S.H. Ananian, A.A. Kazarian, M.Yu. Khoetsian, A.R. Matevosian
Particle Amplitude Growth Due to Single or Repetitive Resonance Crossing |
betatron, octupole, resonance, tune |
1585 |
Tracking Studies for the Oxford Instruments Compact Electron Synchrotron |
electron, field, lattice, tune |
1594 |
Bunched Beam Longitudinal Stability |
booster, impedance, resonance, tune |
1606 |
Single Beam Crab Dynamics |
accelerator, betatron, coupling, tune |
1642 |
Symplectic Full-Turn Maps in a Fourier Representation |
accelerator, multipole, sextupole |
1654 |
Normalization of the Parameterized Courant-Snyder Matrix for Symplectic Factorization of a Parameterized Taylor Map |
accelerator, closed-orbit, collider, extraction |
1663 |
LEP Dynamic Aperture with Asymmetrical RF Distribution |
acceptance, lattice, radiation, tune |
1666 |
High-Luminosity Insertion for a B-Meson Factory |
betatron, insertion, quadrupole, tune |
1675 |
Evaluation of the Synchrotron Close Orbit |
acceleration, betatron, ion, lattice |
1681 |
- Yu.A. Bashmakov, V.A. Karpov
Phase Trajectory Analysis at the Nonlinear Resonances |
accelerator, extraction, field, resonance |
1684 |
Method for Calculating Strong Synchrotron Tune Modulation of Depolarizing Resonances in Storage Rings |
betatron, polarization, resonance, tune |
1690 |
Coupled-Bunch Instabilites in the APS Ring |
damping, impedance, radiation, tune |
1713 |
Calculation of Seed Values for Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Dipole Instability Due to Uneven Bucket Population |
accelerator, booster, factory, impedance |
1725 |
Studies of Coupled-Bunch Modes in the Fermilab Booster |
booster, emittance, impedance, instability |
1830 |
- K.C. Harkay, V.K. Bharadwaj, P.L. Colestock
Longitudinal Beam Response Measurements at CESR |
accelerator, damping, equilibrium, impedance |
1842 |
Simulation and Stability of a Crab Cavity |
damping, feedback, radiation, resonance |
1857 |
- Z. Greenwald, S. Greenwald, D. Rice
Comparison Between Coasting and Bunched Beams on Optimum Stochastic Cooling and Signal Suppression |
coupling, instability, kicker, stochastic cooling |
1866 |
Modelling of Space Charge Effects in the CERN Proton Synchrotron |
betatron, coupling, injection, tune |
1890 |
Analytic Approach to Design of High Transition Energy Lattice with Modulated -Function |
accelerator, lattice, quadrupole, tune |
1907 |
Magnetic Measurements of the XLS Magnets |
field, multipole, quadrupole, sextupole |
2116 |
- L. Solomon, J. Galayda, C. Sylvester
Magnetic Measurements of the 12-Pole Trim Magnets for the 200 MeV Compact Synchrotron XLS at the National Synchrotron Light Source |
field, multipole, quadrupole, sextupole |
2119 |
- J. Krishnaswamy, H. Hsieh, S. Kalsi
A New 3-D Integral Code for Computation of Accelerator Magnets |
accelerator, field, finite element, photon |
2140 |
A Dipole Magnet Model for Compact Synchrotron Light Source |
electron, field, finite element, x-ray |
2251 |
- M. Kitamura, N. Maki, H. Tomeoku, H. Yamamoto
Ceramic Beam Pipe for the TRIUMF KAON Factory Synchrotron Rings |
factory, impedance, thermal, vacuum |
2272 |
- T. Hodges, M. Featherby, R. Langstaff, C. Oram, C. Planner
Vacuum Chamber of the Injector Synchrotron for the Advanced Photon Source |
extraction, photon, septum, vacuum |
2275 |
Vacuum Chamber for the 3 GeV SPEAR Injector Synchrotron |
accelerator, booster, radiation, vacuum |
2278 |
- H. Morales, U. Cummings, P. Golceff, N. Hower, W. Li, J. Safranek, J. Voss, H. Wiedemann
Photon Stimulated Desorption of Neutral Species from Aluminum |
accelerator, electron, photon, spectrum |
2286 |
Modeling Photo-Desorption in High Current Storage Rings |
photon, radiation, thermal, vacuum |
2289 |
Performance Estimation of Vacuum System Components including Crotch and Absorber |
photon, radiation, shielding, vacuum |
2298 |
- T. Nishidono, S.H. Be, H. Daibo, T. Hanasaka, Y. Hirano, S.R. In, Y. Oikawa, H.A. Sakaue, S. Takahashi, K. Watanabe, S. Yokouchi
Vacuum Design for a Superconducting Mini-Collider |
factory, radiation, thermal, vacuum |
2307 |
Design of the Vacuum System for the High Energy Ring of an Asymmetric B-Factory Based on PEP |
ion, radiation, thermal, vacuum |
2310 |
- W. Barletta, M. Calderon, T. Jenkins, R. Wong
Tuning of Final Focus System for Future Linear Colliders |
alignment, quadrupole, simulation, skew |
2488 |
Progress on the Development of APS Beam Position Monitoring System |
impedance, photon, positron, vacuum |
2545 |
The ALS-A High-Brightness XUV Synchrotron Radiation Source |
brightness, photon, radiation, x-ray |
2640 |
- A.L. Robinson, A.S. Schlachter
Aladdin II+ |
betatron, lattice, quadrupole, radiation |
2643 |
- W.S. Trzeciak, D.C. Morin
Status of the SPring-8 Project (Storage Ring) |
lattice, quadrupole, sextupole, vacuum |
2646 |
- M. Hara, H. Kamitsubo, N. Kumagai
Status of Compact Synchrotron Light Source Work at TAC |
emittance, field, lattice, simulation |
2649 |
- C.A. Swenson, Y. Huang, F.R. Huson, R. Rocha
Orbits, Tunes and Chromaticities for the BNL SXLS Storage Ring |
damping, lattice, sextupole, tune |
2661 |
- L.N. Blumberg, J.B. Murphy, S. Sharma
Beam Dynamics of the SRRC 1.3 GeV Storage Ring |
emittance, field, lifetime, quadrupole |
2667 |
- C.C. Kuo, H.P. Chang, C.S. Hsue, J.C. Lee, M.H. Wang
Theoretical Minimum Emittance Lattice for an Electron Storage Ring |
betatron, electron, emittance, lattice |
2679 |
Commissioning Experiences of the ALS Booster Synchrotron |
accelerator, booster, injection, kicker |
2691 |
A High Energy Electron Beam Facility for Industrial Research |
acceleration, electron, extraction, linac |
2694 |
- S. Okuda, S. Fujimura, K. Ikegami, H. Itagaki, M. Iwamoto, I. Kodera, A. Maruyama, T. Matsuda, T. Nakagawa, S. Nakamura, T. Nakanishi, S. Nakata, H. Tanaka, C. Tsukishima, T. Yamada, S. Yamamoto
Incorporation of a 5 T Superconducting Wiggler in an MLI Synchrotron Light Source |
field, lattice, radiation, wiggler |
2727 |
- D.Y. Wang, H. Wiedemann, F.C. Younger
Design and Test of a Model Pole for the ALS U5.0 Undulator |
accelerator, field, insertion, undulator |
2736 |
- W.V. Hassenzahl, E. Hoyer, R. Savoy
A Bypass for Synchrotron Radiation Experiments at the Storage Ring PETRA II |
booster, electron, radiation, undulator |
2793 |
A Combined Symmetric and Asymmetric B-Factory with Monochromatization |
factory, focusing, luminosity, radiation |
2835 |
- A.N. Dubrovin, A.A. Zholents
Apiary B-Factory Separation Scheme |
lattice, quadrupole, radiation, septum |
2844 |
A High Luminosity Superconducting Mini Collider for Phi Meson Production and Particle Beam Physics |
collider, injection, luminosity, vacuum |
2856 |
- C. Pellegrini, C. Anderson, W. Barletta, A. Chargin, D. Cline, M. Cornacchia, G. Dalbacka, K. Halbach, F. Kimball, J. Kolonko, E. Lueng, D. Madura, L. Patterson, D. Robin
An Isochronous Lattice for PEP |
electron, factory, lattice, radiation |
2868 |
- W.J. Corbett, M.H.R. Donald, A.A. Garren
45 MeV Linac for the 800 MeV Synchrotron Radiation Light Source |
linac, quadrupole, radiation, x-ray |
2990 |
- N. Kaneko, O. Azuma, Y. Hoshi, H. Iwata, T. Nakashizu, M.Y. Yamamoto
Properties of the GSI HLI-RFQ Structure |
acceleration, emittance, field, ion |
3044 |
- J. Friedrich, N. Angert, U. Bessler, H. Deitinghoff, J. Klabunde, H. Klein, A. Schempp, R. Veith
Progress on the CLIC Final Focus System |
alignment, field, luminosity, quadrupole |
3228 |
- O. Napoly, P. Sievers, T. Taylor, B. Zotter