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Prospects for Tunes near the Integer at the Fermilab PBAR-P Collider |
collider, emittance, proton, tune |
90 |
- D. Siergiej, C. Ankenbrandt, D. Finley, G. Goderre, R.P. Johnson, P. Zhang
Program DIMAD: Vectorization, Links with DA, LIELIB and COSY- |
alignment, coupling, electron, lattice |
287 |
A Different Approach to Beam-Beam Interaction Simulation |
damping, electron, lifetime, simulation |
291 |
Turnplot - A Graphical Tool for Analyzing Tracking Data |
electron, sextupole, synchrotron, tune |
297 |
- V. Paxson, L. Schachinger
Conformal FDTD Modeling of 3-D Wake Fields |
accelerator, field, simulation, vacuum |
321 |
- T.G. Jurgens, F.A. Harfoush
Phase Space Distribution of Particles Near an Isolated Difference Resonance |
coupling, lattice, simulation |
407 |
- J. Shi, Y. Huang, S. Ohnuma
Measurements of Synchro-Betatron Coupling by an RF Cavity in CESR |
betatron, coupling, synchrotron, tune |
464 |
- D. Rice, S. Greenwald, Z. Greenwald, S. Peck
Tune Modulated Beam-Beam Resonances in the Tevatron |
betatron, collider, proton, tune |
473 |
Is Beta Modulation More or Less Potent than Tune Modulation? |
accelerator, betatron, simulation, tune |
476 |
Coherent Beam-Beam Interaction in DANE |
betatron, collider, electron, tune |
482 |
Incoherent Beam-Beam Effects for Round Beams in the Novosibirsk Phi-Factory Project |
betatron, coupling, damping, synchrotron |
523 |
- N.S. Dikansky, P.M. Ivanov, D.V. Pestrikov, E.A. Simonov
The IH-Structure and Its Capability to Accelerate High Current Beams |
focusing, ion, linac, quadrupole |
567 |
A New Approach in Simulating RF Linacs Using a General, Linear Real-Time Signal Processor |
accelerator, coupling, damping, field |
672 |
Calculation of Required Tuner Accuracy and Bandwidth With and Without Fast Feedback |
booster, factory, feedback, injection |
696 |
RF Drivers for the Bevalac Injector Final Stage RF Amplifiers |
cathode, impedance, linac, vacuum |
745 |
- D. Howard, J. Calvert, M. Hui, N. Kellogg, A. Lindner, W. Ridgeway, K. Woolfe
Computer Determination of HOM Damping for a Prototype JLC Accelerator Cavity and a Prototype B Factory Cavity |
accelerator, damping, factory, waveguide |
801 |
Power Supply System for the TRIUMF KAON Factory |
accelerator, booster, factory, synchrotron |
920 |
Principles and Theory of Resonance Power Supplies |
acceleration, accelerator, injection, simulation |
949 |
- A. Sreenivas, G.G. Karady
Prototype of the Accelerating Resonator for the Superconducting Sector Deuteron Cyclotron |
coupling, cyclotron, field, impedance |
1017 |
- N.V. Vasiliev, A.A. Glazov, V.A. Kochkin, D.L. Novikov, E.N. Zaplatin
Tuning and Coupling Mismatch Tolerance in Cavities Driven by a Quadrature Hybrid |
accelerator, coupling, klystron, standing wave |
1051 |
Acceleration of Polarized Proton in High Energy Accelerators |
accelerator, betatron, proton, tune |
1059 |
Computer Simulation of the Coherent Beam-Beam Effect in the LHC |
instability, simulation, spectrum, tune |
1068 |
The Coherent Beam-Beam Interaction |
damping, feedback, field, simulation |
1071 |
- S. Krishnagopal, R. Siemann
Design and Commissioning of Flying Wires in the Fermilab Accumulator |
accelerator, emittance, extraction, vacuum |
1180 |
- X.Q. Wang, T. Groves, A.A. Hahn, G. Jackson, J. Marriner, K. Martin, J. Misek
C++ Objects for Beam Physics |
accelerator, beamline, lattice, quadrupole |
1561 |
Particle Amplitude Growth Due to Single or Repetitive Resonance Crossing |
betatron, octupole, synchrotron, tune |
1585 |
Bunched Beam Longitudinal Stability |
booster, impedance, synchrotron, tune |
1606 |
Tune Splitting in the Presence of Linear Coupling |
field, quadrupole, skew, tune |
1615 |
Non-Linear Resonance Studies at the Synchrotron Radiation Center, Stoughton, Wisconsin |
damping, radiation, sextupole, simulation |
1624 |
- E. Crosbie, J. Bridges, Y. Cho, D. Ciarlette, R. Kustom, Y. Liu, K. Symon, L. Teng, W. Trzeciak
Beam-Beam Interaction and High Order Resonances |
betatron, emittance, proton, tune |
1639 |
Diffusive Transport Enhancement by Isolated Resonances and Distribution Tails Growth in Hadronic Beams |
betatron, damping, multipole, tune |
1678 |
Phase Trajectory Analysis at the Nonlinear Resonances |
accelerator, extraction, field, synchrotron |
1684 |
Method for Calculating Strong Synchrotron Tune Modulation of Depolarizing Resonances in Storage Rings |
betatron, polarization, synchrotron, tune |
1690 |
Perturbation Treatment of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Toroidal Beam Tube |
accelerator, coupling, field, impedance |
1707 |
Damping of Higher-Order Modes in a Threefold Symmetry Accelerating Structure |
accelerator, damping, field, waveguide |
1716 |
Analysis of Resonant Longitudinal Instability in a Heavy Ion Induction Linac |
field, impedance, induction, ion |
1737 |
Laser Cooling of Stored Beams in ASTRID |
diagnostics, injection, ion, laser |
1764 |
- J. S. Hangst, K. Berg-Sorensen, P.S. Jessen, M. Kristensen, K. Molmer, J.S. Nielsen, O. Poulsen, J.P. Schiffer, P. Shi
Theoretical Studies of the Ultra Slow Extraction for the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich |
coupling, emittance, extraction, sextupole |
1767 |
- K. Bongardt, D. Dinev, S. Martin, P.F. Meads Jr., H. Meuth, D. Prasuhn, H. Stockhorst, R. Wagner
Beam Breakup with Finite Bunch Length |
deflecting mode, focusing, ion, linac |
1809 |
Simulation and Stability of a Crab Cavity |
damping, feedback, radiation, synchrotron |
1857 |
- Z. Greenwald, S. Greenwald, D. Rice
Beta Functions in the Presence of Linear Coupling |
field, quadrupole, skew, tune |
1872 |
Resonance Seeding of Stability Boundaries in Two and Four Dimensions |
accelerator, betatron, sextupole, tune |
1881 |
How to get a Separatrix Branch with Low Divergence at a 1/3-Integer Resonant Beam Slow Extraction |
accelerator, extraction, factory, septum |
1902 |
Observation of a Periodic Pattern in the Persistent-Current Fields of the Superconducting HERA Magnets |
field, multipole, quadrupole, sextupole |
2149 |
- H. Bruck, D. Gall, M. Halemeyer, J. Krzywinski, R. Meinke, H. Preissner, P. Schmüser, R. Stiening, C. Stolzenburg, R. ter Avest, L.J.M. van de Klundert
RF Power Requirements for a High Intensity Proton Collider-Part I |
collider, feedback, hadron, impedance |
2447 |
Energy Change of a Depolarizing Resonance Due to a Type-3 Siberian Snake |
Siberian snake, polarization, proton, tune |
2506 |
- M.G. Minty, R. Baiod, E.D. Courant, Y.S. Derbenev, T. Ellison, J.E. Goodwin, A.D. Krisch, S.Y. Lee, P.V. Pancella, R.A. Phelps, L.G. Ratner, T. Rinckel, T. Roser, M.A. Ross, F. Sperisen, E.J. Stephenson, B. Vuaridel, B.S. van Guilder, B. von Przewski
RF Control System for CEBAF |
CAMAC, accelerator, field, software |
2515 |
Degradation of Brightness by Resonant Particle Effects |
brightness, field, instability, solenoid |
3100 |
- Y.-J. Chen, G.J. Caporaso, A.G. Cole, A.C. Paul, W.C. Turner
Kicker Pulser Charger |
accelerator, damping, impedance, kicker |
3147 |