Title |
Other Keywords |
Page |
Single Interaction Point Operation of CESR |
focusing, luminosity, optics, tune |
144 |
Status of the Novosibirsk Phi-Factory Project |
betatron, field, lattice, luminosity |
183 |
- L.M. Barkov, S.A. Belomestnykh, V.V. Danilov, N.S. Dikansky, A.N. Filippov, B.I. Grishanov, P.M. Ivanov, I.A. Koop, O.B. Malyshev, B.L. Militsyn, S.S. Nagaitsev, I.N. Nesterenko, E.A. Perevedentsev, D.V. Pestrikov, L.M. Schegolev, I.K. Sedlyarov, Y.M. Shatunov, E.A. Simonov, A.N. Skrinsky, I.B. Vasserman, V.G. Vescherevich, P.D. Vobly, E.I. Zinin
Program DIMAD: Vectorization, Links with DA, LIELIB and COSY- |
alignment, electron, lattice, resonance |
287 |
Longitudinal Matching Between the LEB and the MEB for the SSC |
injection, proton, timing, tune |
389 |
Phase Space Distribution of Particles Near an Isolated Difference Resonance |
lattice, resonance, simulation |
407 |
- J. Shi, Y. Huang, S. Ohnuma
Simulation of Accelerating Structures with Large Staggered Tuning |
acceleration, accelerator, damping, field |
431 |
The CEBAF Beam Transport System Lattice Design |
lattice, linac, optics, recirculation |
446 |
- B. Bowling, D.R. Douglas, L.H. Harwood, J. Kewisch, D.V. Neuffer, J.Y. Tang, R.C. York
Impedance for a Multi-Cell, Multi-Block Structure |
impedance |
452 |
- I. Gjaja, R.L. Gluckstern, R. Li
Measurements of Synchro-Betatron Coupling by an RF Cavity in CESR |
betatron, resonance, synchrotron, tune |
464 |
- D. Rice, S. Greenwald, Z. Greenwald, S. Peck
Beam-Beam Performance as a Function of at CESR |
luminosity, optics, solenoid, tune |
470 |
Incoherent Beam-Beam Effects for Round Beams in the Novosibirsk Phi-Factory Project |
betatron, damping, resonance, synchrotron |
523 |
- N.S. Dikansky, P.M. Ivanov, D.V. Pestrikov, E.A. Simonov
Longitudinal Beam-Beam Effects for an Ultra-High Luminosity Regime |
betatron, simulation, synchrotron, tune |
526 |
- V.V. Danilov, P.M. Ivanov, E.A. Perevedentsev, E.A. Simonov, A.N. Skrinsky
Induction Accelerator Test Module for HIF |
acceleration, impedance, induction, ion |
616 |
Alignment of the SLC Final Focus System Using Beam Orbits |
accelerator, alignment, beamline, monitoring |
628 |
- Y. Chao, P. Burchat, W. Kozanecki, F. LeDiberder, N. Toge
Amplification Studies of a Multi-Megawatt Two-Cavity X-Band Gyroklystron |
field, gyroklystron, waveguide, x-band |
658 |
- W. Lawson, J. Calame, V.L. Granatstein, B. Hogan, P.E. Latham, W. Main, M.E. Read, M. Reiser, V. Specht, C.D. Striffler
A New Approach in Simulating RF Linacs Using a General, Linear Real-Time Signal Processor |
accelerator, damping, field, resonance |
672 |
Modeling of a 1700-MHz Cluster Cavity of Planar Triodes |
cathode, field, simulation, waveguide |
675 |
Prototype 500 MHz Planar RF Input Window for a B-Factory Accelerating Cavity |
electron, klystron, vacuum, waveguide |
678 |
- J. Kirchgessner, P. Barnes, R. Gerlack, D. Moffat, H. Padamsee, D. Rubin, Q.S. Shu
Higher Order Mode Damping in a Pill Box Cavity |
accelerator, damping, field, waveguide |
687 |
- F. Voelker, G. Lambertson, R. Rimmer
RF Impedance Measurements of the Various Vacuum Chambers for the Advanced Photon Source (APS) |
accelerator, impedance, photon, vacuum |
690 |
- J.J. Song, J.F. Bridges, J.W. Howell, R.L. Kustom
Development of 5-Cell RF Cavity for SPring-8 Booster Synchrotron |
booster, impedance, instability, synchrotron |
707 |
- H. Suzuki, T. Harami, S. Kawazu, Y. Miyahara, T. Nagafuchi, M. Nakano, T. Rizawa, S. Satoh, Y. Tanabe, K. Yoshiyuki
Status Report on the ELETTRA R.F. System |
damping, light source, synchrotron, waveguide |
710 |
- A. Massarotti, G. D'Auria, A. Fabris, C. Pasotti, C. Rossi, M. Svandrlik
Component Development for X-Band above 100 MW |
field, klystron, vacuum, waveguide |
713 |
- W.R. Fowkes, R.S. Callin, M. Studzinski
Comparison of SW and TW Non-Synchronous Accelerating Cavities as Used in Electron Beam Storage Rings |
accelerator, electron, field, impedance |
716 |
- A. Zolfaghari, P.T. Demos, J.B. Flanz, K. Jacobs
High Power X-Band Coaxial Amplifier Experiments |
dielectric, electron, field, simulation |
728 |
Fast Ferrite Tuner for the BNL Synchrotron Light Source |
ferrite, field, radiation, synchrotron |
774 |
- E. Pivit, S.M. Hanna, J. Keane
Idle Superconducting RF Cavities for Bunch Focusing |
damping, focusing, impedance, rf cavities |
780 |
Accelerating Cavity Development for the Cornell B-Factory, CESR-B |
damping, extraction, impedance, waveguide |
786 |
- H. Padamsee, P. Barnes, C. Chen, W. Hartung, M. Hiller, J. Kirchgessner, D. Moffat, R. Ringrose, D. Rubin, Y. Samed, D. Saraniti, J. Sears, Q.S. Shu, M. Tigner
Beam Impedance Measurements - Coaxial Wire Method |
accelerator, factory, impedance, vacuum |
789 |
An RF Cavity for the B-Factory |
accelerator, damping, field, impedance |
819 |
- R. Rimmer, M. Allen, J. Hodgeson, K. Ko, N. Kroll, G. Lambertson, R. Pendleton, H. Schwarz, F. Voelker
Problems with Tap-Changing Power Supplies |
acceleration, accelerator, cyclotron, damping |
923 |
Control Theory: A Practical Approach |
chopper, cyclotron, feedback, injection |
952 |
- M. Anderson, T. Bertuccio
Prototype of the Accelerating Resonator for the Superconducting Sector Deuteron Cyclotron |
cyclotron, field, impedance, resonance |
1017 |
- N.V. Vasiliev, A.A. Glazov, V.A. Kochkin, D.L. Novikov, E.N. Zaplatin
High-Power Input Coupler with a Cylindrical Alumina Window |
accelerator, thermal, vacuum, waveguide |
1037 |
RF Pulses with Flat Output Waveform Generator in RF Power Upgrade System |
accumulation, electron, field, linac |
1048 |
- B.Y. Bogdanovich, A.P. Ignatyev, V.A. Senyukov
Tuning and Coupling Mismatch Tolerance in Cavities Driven by a Quadrature Hybrid |
accelerator, klystron, resonance, standing wave |
1051 |
On Sustaining Short, Intense Bunches in Linear and Circular Accelerators |
impedance, instability, radiation, synchrotron |
1054 |
Effect of Non-Planar Undulators on Beam Dynamics in ELETTRA |
field, insertion, multipole, sextupole |
1074 |
Beam Detector Impedance Calculation Using Circuit Models |
accelerator, collider, impedance, ion |
1127 |
Measurements and Performance of a Microstrip Beam Probe System |
accelerator, alignment, radio-frequency, thermal |
1136 |
- J.D. Gilpatrick, K.F. Johnson, S. Lloyd, D. Martinez, R. Meyer, G. Neuschaefer, J. Power, R.B. Shurter, F.D. Wells
A Beam Position Moniter for AmPS |
accelerator, impedance, pick-up, vacuum |
1148 |
- J. Noomen, J. Bijleveld, F. Kroes, T. Sluijk, H. Verkooijen
Wire Scanners at LEP |
emittance, radiation, synchrotron, vacuum |
1186 |
- B. Bouchet, C. Bovet, A. Burns, J. Camas, G. Ferioli, C. Fischer, R. Jung, Q. King, K.H. Kissler, J. Koopman, J. Mann, H. Michel, R. Schmidt, L. Vos
A Wide Band Slot-Coupled Beam Sensing Electrode for the Advanced Light Source (ALS) |
impedance, kicker, tune, vacuum |
1234 |
Program for Automatic Control of Beam Transfer Lines |
accelerator, algorithms, beamline, simulation |
1287 |
- S.H. Ananian, R.H. Manukian
Design of a Multivariable RF Control System Using Gain-Shaping in the Frequency Domain |
accelerator, feedback, field, impedance |
1329 |
- C.D. Ziomek, S.P. Jachim, E.F. Natter
Prompt Bunch by Bunch Synchrotron Oscillation Detection via a Fast Phase Measurement |
accelerator, factory, feedback, synchrotron |
1404 |
- D. Briggs, P. Corredoura, J.D. Fox, A. Gioumousis, W. Hosseini, L. Klaisner, G. Lambertson, J.-L. Pellegrin, K.A. Thompson
Computer Modelling of Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback for the SLAC B-Factory Design |
feedback, kicker, simulation, synchrotron |
1407 |
- D. Briggs, J.D. Fox, W. Hosseini, L. Klaisner, G. Lambertson, P. Morton, J.-L. Pellegrin, K.A. Thompson
The CEBAF Frequency Distribution System |
accelerator, insertion, klystron, linac |
1470 |
- A. Krycuk, J. Fugitt, K. Mahoney, S. Simrock
An Automated RF Control and Data Acquisition System for Testing Superconducting RF Cavities |
crystal, field, modulator, software |
1508 |
- C. Reece, P. Kushnick, T. Powers
Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Thin Iris Collimator |
field, impedance, ion, site |
1600 |
- R.L. Gluckstern, W.F. Detlefs
Reduction of Beam Breakup Growth by Bleeding Cavities in Linear Accelerators |
accelerator, deflecting mode, induction, linac |
1609 |
Correction of Skew-Quadrupole Errors in RHIC |
insertion, ion, skew, tune |
1627 |
- G.F. Dell, H. Hahn, S.Y. Lee, G. Parzen, S. Tepikian
Single Beam Crab Dynamics |
accelerator, betatron, synchrotron, tune |
1642 |
Compensation of Linear Lattice Imperfections in the Large Hadron Collider |
field, lattice, quadrupole, skew |
1672 |
- F. Galluccio, Z. Guo, T. Risselada, W. Scandale, F. Schmidt
Perturbation Treatment of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Toroidal Beam Tube |
accelerator, field, impedance, resonance |
1707 |
Measurement of Longitudinal Impedance for a KAON Test Pipe Model with TSD-Calibration Method |
booster, factory, impedance, vacuum |
1722 |
- Y. Yin, N. Ilinsky, C. Oram, P. Reinhardt-Nikulin
Stationary Longitudinal Phase Space Distributions with Space Charge |
focusing, impedance, instability, tune |
1731 |
Theoretical Studies of the Ultra Slow Extraction for the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich |
emittance, extraction, resonance, sextupole |
1767 |
- K. Bongardt, D. Dinev, S. Martin, P.F. Meads Jr., H. Meuth, D. Prasuhn, H. Stockhorst, R. Wagner
Bench Measurements of Coupling Impedance of AGS Booster Components |
booster, ferrite, impedance, kicker |
1803 |
A Feedback for Longitudinal Instabilities in the SLC Damping Rings |
damping, feedback, instability, tune |
1806 |
- Y. Chao, P. Corredoura, T. Limberg, H. Schwarz, P. Wilson
Head-Tail Stability and Linear Coupling in the Tevatron |
collider, instability, spectrum, tune |
1848 |
- G.P. Goderre, G. Annala, S. A. Bogacz, D. Herrup, S. Peggs, S. Saritepe, T. Sullivan, T. Williams
Coupled Bunch Motion in Large Size Rings |
accelerator, damping, feedback, field |
1854 |
- P.L. Morton, R.D. Ruth, K.A. Thompson
Realistic Modeling of Microwave Instability Effects on the Evolution of the Beam Energy-Phase Distribution in Proton Synchrotrons |
accelerator, emittance, impedance, instability |
1863 |
Comparison Between Coasting and Bunched Beams on Optimum Stochastic Cooling and Signal Suppression |
instability, kicker, stochastic cooling, synchrotron |
1866 |
Dynamic Aperture Effects Due to Linear Coupling |
betatron, field, focusing, quadrupole |
1875 |
Modelling of Space Charge Effects in the CERN Proton Synchrotron |
betatron, injection, synchrotron, tune |
1890 |
The CERN Study of a TeV e+e- Collider CLIC |
alignment, drive beam, linac, waveguide |
2052 |
The Optics of the Final Focus Test Beam |
alignment, quadrupole, sextupole, skew |
2058 |
- J. Irwin, K. Brown, F. Bulos, D. Burke, R. Helm, K. Oide, G. Roy, R. Ruth, N. Yamamoto
Q Degradations in Superconducting Niobium Cavities |
accelerator, field, thermal, vacuum |
2387 |
High Peak Power RF Processing Studies of 3 GHz Niobium Cavities |
accelerator, cw, field, thermal |
2411 |
- J. Graber, P. Barnes, J. Kirchgessner, D. Moffat, H. Padamsee, D. Rubin, J. Sears, Q.S. Shu
Development and Test of an Accelerating Cavity Shape for a Superconducting Linear Collider |
collider, field, thermal, vacuum |
2426 |
- J. Kirchgessner, P. Barnes, W. Hartung, M. Hiller, D. Moffat, H. Padamsee, D. Rubin, D. Saraniti, J. Sears, Q.S. Shu
Status of the Superconducting Cavity Program for HERA |
electron, field, klystron, radiation |
2429 |
- B. Dwersteg, G. Enderlein, W. Korber, A. Matheisen, W.-D. Moller, D. Proch, D. Renken, J. Sekutowicz
Cryogenic Gas Disconnect Joints Used in Cryogenic Accelerator Cold-Gas Distribution Systems |
accelerator, controls, thermal, vacuum |
2459 |
- N.G. Wilson, C. Bridgman, R.J. Grieggs
Correction of the First Order Beam Transport of the SLC Arcs |
betatron, commissioning, lattice, optics |
2500 |
- N. Walker, T. Barklow, P. Emma, P. Krejcik
Impedance Measurements with Strongly Cooled Beams at LEAR |
electron, electron cooling, impedance, shielding |
2509 |
- J. Bosser, M. Chanel, M. Gurevitch, D. Manglunki, D. Mohl, F. Pedersen, G. Tranquille, D. Vandeplassche
RF Transfer in the Coupled-Cavity Free-Electron Laser Two-Beam Accelerator |
accelerator, electron, laser, waveguide |
2548 |
Studies of Ion Acceleration in a One Meter Laser Controlled Collective Accelerator |
accelerator, electron, laser, waveguide |
2578 |
- W.W. Destler, J. Rodgers, C.D. Striffler, R.L. Yao
Pulsed Undulators for High Efficiency FEL Oscillators Unstable in the Visible Spectrum |
bunching, electron, field, undulator |
2763 |
Application of a New Scheme for Passing through Transition Energy to the Fermilab Main Ring and Main Injector |
acceleration, emittance, ferrite, focusing |
2826 |
- J.A. MacLachlan, J.E. Griffin
Measurement and Tuning of Beam Parameters in the Heavy Ion Storage Ring ESR |
betatron, electron, field, ion |
2880 |
- F. Nolden, S. Baumann, K. Beckert, H. Eickhoff, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, O. Klepper, W. Konig, U. Schaaf, H. Schulte, P. Spadtke, M. Steck, J. Struckmeier
Performance of LEP and Future Plans |
betatron, luminosity, optics, polarization |
2891 |
Transverse Impedance Measurements of Prototype Cavities for a Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrotest (DARHT) Facility |
accelerator, ferrite, field, impedance |
2961 |
- L. Walling, P. Allison, M. Burns, D. J. Liska, D.E. McMurry, A.H. Shapiro
Design Studies of SSC Coupled Cavity Linac |
emittance, field, quadrupole, simulation |
2993 |
- C.R. Chang, R. Bhandari, W. Funk, D. Raparia, J. Watson
Tuning of the First 805 MHz Side-Coupled Cavity Module for the Fermilab Upgrade |
accelerator, field, linac, vacuum |
2996 |
- Z. Qian, M. Champion, T.G. Jurgens, H.W. Miller, A. Moretti, R. Padilla
The 3/4 Backward TW Structure for the ELETTRA 1.5 GeV Electron Injector |
electron, field, impedance, klystron |
3005 |
Quadrupole Effects in On-Axis Coupled Linacs |
electron, focusing, linac, quadrupole |
3011 |
- F.P. Adams, R.J. Burton, J. Ungrin
Cavity Shape and Beam Dynamics Design for a Linac for Pions |
acceptance, field, linac, pion |
3014 |
Measurements on Iris-Structures with Rectangular Holes |
electron, field, linac, luminosity |
3023 |
- M. Kurz, P. Hulsmann, H. Klein, A. Schempp
RF Tests of a Band Overlap Free DAW Accelerating Structure |
accelerator, field, impedance, linac |
3026 |
- R. Parodi, P. Fernandes, A. Stella
Transient Analysis of Beam-Loaded Standing Wave Accelerator Cavities |
accelerator, standing wave |
3029 |
New Vanes for RFQ1: Fabrication, Installation, and Tuning |
accelerator, field, thermal, vacuum |
3047 |
- B.G. Chidley, G.E. McMichael, T. Tran-Ngoc
Fast Thyratron Driver |
accelerator, ferrite, impedance, kicker |
3153 |
High Voltage, High Power Nested High Voltage Accelerator |
accelerator, electron, field, vacuum |
3201 |
- R.J. Adler, R.J. Richter-Sand
Review of Tolerances at the Final Focus Team Beam |
alignment, quadrupole, sextupole, skew |
3213 |
- F. Bulos, D. Burke, R. Helm, J. Irwin, G. Roy, N. Yamamoto
Beam-Based Alignment and Tuning Procedures for e+e- Collider Final Focus Systems |
alignment, collider, quadrupole, skew |
3216 |
- F. Bulos, D. Burke, R. Helm, J. Irwin, A. Odian
Design Calculations of the CLIC Transfer Structure |
drive beam, field, linac, waveguide |
3240 |
Model Work on a Transfer Structure for CLIC |
acceleration, drive beam, impedance, waveguide |
3243 |
Misalignment Study of NLC Bunch Compressor |
accelerator, alignment, emittance |
3267 |
- R.P. Rogers, S.A. Kheifets
CERN Plans for the Future |
antiproton, lifetime, luminosity, proton |
3279 |