Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
WGA02 | Transverse Mode-Coupling Instability in the CERN SPS: Comparing HEADTAIL Simulations with Beam Measurements | impedance, coupling, kicker, injection | 45 |
Since 2003, single bunches of protons with high intensity and low longitudinal emittance have been observed to suffer from heavy losses in less than one synchrotron period after injection in the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) when the vertical chromaticity is corrected. This fast instability does not limit the current performance of the SPS, but would be a major limitation in case of an anticipated upgrade of the SPS, which requires bunches of 4·1011 protons (p). Besides, the characteristics of this instability are also complementary indicators of the value of the SPS beam coupling impedance. MOSES analytical calculations, HEADTAIL macroparticle tracking simulations, as well as several measurement campaigns in the SPS indicate that this instability may be due to a coupling between transverse modes ‘-2’ and ‘-3’. The aim of this contribution is to report improvements of the SPS impedance model used by HEADTAIL simulations, and to find out more characteristics of the measured instability in order to assess whether the observed instability in the SPS is indeed a Transverse Mode Coupling Instability (TMCI). |
WGA03 | Measurement of the Transverse Resistive Wall Impedance of a LHC Graphite Collimator at Low Frequency | impedance, coupling, HOM, luminosity | 48 |
The largest contribution to the LHC transverse resistive wall impedance is given by the graphite collimators. Such a contribution is predicted by analytical calculations. A series of laboratory measurements were performed to experimentally validate the analytical results in the case of small gaps and in a low frequency regime where the skin depth becomes comparable to the collimator thickness. The measurement method consists in determining the dependence of a probe coil input impedance on the surrounding materials and was applied to sample graphite plates, stand alone LHC collimator jaws and a full collimator assembly. After reviewing the measurement procedures, problematics and stages, the results are compared to analytical predictions and numerical simulations. |
WGA07 | Simulation Study of Transverse Coherent Instabilities in Intense Bunches with Space Charge and Image Currents | synchrotron, space-charge, impedance, wakefield | 66 |
The head-tail instability is a well known intensity limitation for hadron bunches in synchrotrons. The instability has been observed in several synchrotrons and storage rings. Also for the FAIR synchrotrons the head-tail instability represents a potential intensity limitation. In the SIS-18 and SIS-100 synchrotrons space charge effects together with image currents play an important role for the determination of the instability threshold. In this work we study head-tail modes using 3D particle simulations for SIS100 beam parameters. The unstable modes are driven by the resistive wall impedance. Space-charge and image currents are taken into account. The possibility to include space charge into long-term simulations, which are necessary for head-tail instability studies, is investigated using the HEADTAIL code and the PATRIC code, developed at GSI. Potential instability cures will be discussed. |
WGA08 | Simulation Studies of the Interplay Between Space-Charge and Impedance Effects of the Fermilab Main Injector | space-charge, collective-effects, optics, emittance | 69 |
Understanding the behavior of high-intensity beams in the Fermilab Main Injector is crucial for the future physics program at the lab. Simulations of the Main Injector including collective effects are a crucial part of this understanding. We are building up a set of integrated simulations of collective effects using the Synergia accelerator simulation framework. As a step in this work we present simulations of space-charge effects combined with impedance effect in the Main Injector. |
WGA09 | Simulations of Wire Compensator in RHIC | dynamic-aperture, beam-losses, emittance, multipole | 72 |
Beam-beam interaction is one of the dominant sources of emittance growth and luminosity lifetime deterioration. A current carrying wire has been proposed to compensate long-range beam-beam effects in the LHC and the principle is now being experimentally investigated at RHIC. Tune shift, beam transfer function, and beam loss rate are measured in dedicated experiments. In this paper, we do simulations to study the effect of wire compensator based on diffusive apertures, beam loss rates, and beam transfer function using a parallel weak-strong beam simulation code (bbsimc) without parasitic collisions. The simulation results are compared with measurements. |
WGA11 | Simulation Studies of Halo Creation and Regeneration in Intense Charged Particle Beams | resonance, collimation, focusing, electron | 78 |
Beam halo is one of the major limiting factors to the effective transport of intense beams. In this paper, we use the WARP particle-in-cell code to numerically investigate the effect of different initial particle distributions on the properties of mismatch-induced halo. In particular, we use equilibrium and non-equilibrium distributions, the latter prompted by experimental measurements of the beam distribution in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER). In both cases, we observe the phase space structure expected in the case of resonances between beam envelope oscillations and single-particle trajectories. |
WGA12 | Simulation of Coherent Electron Cooling for High-Intensity Hadron Colliders | electron, hadron, collider, kicker | 81 |
Novel electron-hadron collider concepts are a long-term priority for the international nuclear physics community. Effective beam cooling for intense, relativistic hadron beams will be necessary to obtain the orders-of-magnitude higher luminosities being proposed. Coherent electron cooling (CEC) [1] combines the best features of electron cooling and stochastic cooling, via free-electron laser technology [2], to offer the possibility of cooling high-energy hadron beams much faster. Many technical difficulties must be resolved via full-scale 3D simulations, before the CEC concept can be validated experimentally. The parallel VORPAL framework [3] is the ideal code for simulating the modulator and kicker regions, where the electron and hadron beams will co-propagate as in a conventional electron cooling section. We present initial VORPAL simulations of the electron density wake driven by single ions in the modulator section. Also, we present a plan for simulating the full modulator-amplifier-kicker dynamics, by through use of a loosely-coupled code suite including VORPAL, an FEL code and a beam dynamics code. [1] Y.S. Derbenev, Proc. COOL07, 149 (2007). |
WGA17 | Electron-Cloud Build-up Simulations for FNAL Main Injector | electron, dipole, vacuum, space-charge | 97 |
We present electron-cloud build-up simulations for the FNAL Main Injector at the location of the RFA electron detector. By comparing our simulated results against measurements for various bunch intensities and beam fill patterns, we determine the likely value of the peak secondary emission yield. We then extrapolate our results to higher intensities, within the range contemplated by the proposed MI upgrade program. We predict a substantial increase of the electron cloud density relative to its present value. We consider two values of the RF frequency, namely 53 and 212 MHz, and compare the electron cloud density for these two frequencies at fixed total beam intensity. We contrast the MI results against those from a similar simulation for the PS2, the first storage ring in the proposed future upgrade of the LHC injector complex. Time permitting, we will briefly comment on effects from the electron cloud on the beam dynamics. |
WGA18 | Recent Observations, Experiments and Simulations of Electron Cloud Effects at the LANL PSR | electron, quadrupole, diagnostics, beam-losses | 106 |
Recent beam studies have focused on understanding the main sources and locations of electron clouds (EC) which drive the observed e-p instability at the PSR. New results using a recently developed electron diagnostic will be reported which demonstrate the important role of EC activity in quadrupole magnets, including definitive evidence that ~80% or more of the drift space EC signal is “seeded” by electrons ejected by ExB drifts from adjacent quadrupole magnets*. Other observations include distinctive brown colored tracking in various dipole and quadrupole vacuum chambers, which we hypothesize is caused by energetic electrons striking the wall during beam-induced multipacting. The tracking observations point to a simple and useful signature for regions of EC activity. Modeling of EC observations using a modified version of the POSINST** code shows general agreement on many features of the observations, given the large uncertainties in the distribution of seed electrons from beam loss which is a key input into the simulations. Progress will be reported on resolving the features not in agreement. * R. Macek et al, PRSTAB, 11, 010101 (2008). |
WGA20 | Space Charge Resonances in High-Intensity Beams | space-charge, resonance, emittance, lattice | 113 |
Resonant effects caused by space charge may occur in circular as well as linear accelerators for high intensity. In the present work we focus on the so-called space charge structure resonances in 2D approximation, where the driving force is induced by space charge only (emittance exchange, fourth and sixth order structure resonances) and show that they can be described by a common class of scaling laws. A distinctive feature is the presence or absence of trapping of particles, which is also reflected in the power of the scaling law. An important requirement is the fully self-consistent modeling, which describes correctly the evolution of beam core as well as halo. |
WGA25 | Evolution Beam Parameters During Injection and Storage of the High Brightness Beams Envisaged for the Linac4 Injection into the CERN PS Booster | injection, emittance, linac, space-charge | 134 |
Recent developments relative to the injection and storage of the 160 MeV Linac4 high brightness beam for LHC into the CERN PS Booster are reviewed. This talk reports simulations made with the Orbit code. Focus is on H- charge exchange injection and following beam emittance evolution at 160 MeV. Injection is done via a painting scheme for optimal shaping of the initial particle distribution. Next, benchmarking of Orbit and Accsim simulations with measurements performed in the PS Booster on a stored beam at 160 MeV are discussed. |
WGA26 | High Intensity Effects in the SNS Accumulator Ring | scattering, injection, beam-losses, space-charge | 137 |
Operating at 0.5 MW beam power on target, the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is already the world's most powerful pulsed neutron source. However, we are only one third of the way to full power. As we ramp toward full power, the control of the beam and beam loss in the ring will be critical. In addition to practical considerations, such as choice of operating point, painting scheme, and rf bunching, it may be necessary to understand and mitigate collective effects due to space charge, impedances, and electron clouds. In dedicated high intensity beam study shifts, we have already observed resistive wall, impedance driven, and electron cloud activity. The analysis and simulation of this data are important ongoing activities at SNS. This talk will discuss the status of this work, as well as other considerations necessary to the successful full power operation of SNS. |
WGA27 | Space Charge and High Intensity Studies on ISIS | space-charge, injection, synchrotron, resonance | 143 |
ISIS is the spallation neutron source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. Presently, it runs at beam powers of 0.2 MW, with upgrades in place to supply increased powers for the new Second Target Station. Studies are also underway for major upgrades in the megawatt regime. Underpinning this programme of operations and upgrades is a study of the high intensity effects that impose the limitations on beam power. This paper summarises work looking at the key topics of half integer resonance, image effects and injection painting under high space charge conditions, plus progress on overall machine modelling. A core aim of the work is to experimentally confirm simulations and theory, therefore progress on modelling the machine in both operational and specially configured modes is reported. Closely related diagnostics studies are also described, as is initial work on instabilities. Finally, future plans are summarised. |
WGA28 | IBS Suppression Lattice in RHIC: Theory and Experimental Verification | lattice, emittance, scattering, ion | 148 |
Intra-beam scattering (IBS) is the limiting factor of the luminosity lifetime for RHIC operation with heavy ions. Over the last few years the process of IBS was carefully studied in RHIC with dedicated IBS measurements and their comparison with the theoretical models. Recently, in order to suppress transverse IBS growth, a new lattice was designed and implemented in RHIC, which lowered the average arc dispersion by 30%. This lattice became operational during RHIC Run-8. We review the IBS suppression mechanism, IBS measurements before and after the lattice change, and comparisons with predictions. |
WGA30 | Space Charge Effect in Isochronous Rings | space-charge, impedance, optics, vacuum | 157 |
Isochronous cyclotrons, rings for precise nuclear mass spectrometry, and some isochronous-optics light sources with extremely short bunches are operated or proposed to be operated in the isochronous or almost isochronous regime. Also, many hadron synchrotrons run in the isochronous regime for a short period of time each acceleration cycle during transition crossing. The longitudinal motion is “frozen” in the isochronous regime that leads to accumulation of the integral of the longitudinal space charge force. In low-gamma hadron machines, this can cause a fast growth of the beam energy spread even at modest beam intensities. In this paper, I discuss specifics of space charge in the isochronous regime and present experimental results obtained in the Small Isochronous Ring, developed at Michigan State University specifically for studies of space charge in the isochronous regime. |
WGA31 | Linear Resonance Analysis of Beams with Intense Space Charge in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) | space-charge, quadrupole, beam-losses, resonance | 165 |
Space charge can significantly affect the resonant properties of rings. The University of Maryland Electron Ring is a scaled experiment in which we have circulated beams with unprecedented intensities. Here we discuss the resonance analysis performed using the electrostatic particle-in-cell code WARP, to understand the effect of space charge on the ring resonances. Beams with varying degrees of space charge in both the emittance- and space-charge-dominated regimes are attempted. The operating point is scanned to map the tune diagram under various lattice and injection errors. The results of the simulation study are compared to experimental measurements. |
WGA33 | Numerical Study of Beam Dynamics in High Intensity Cyclotrons Including Neighboring Bunch Effects | cyclotron, space-charge, injection, single-bunch | 178 |
Abstract: Space charge effects play an important role in high intensity cyclotrons, as the most important collective effects. For cyclotrons with small turn separation, single bunch space charge effects are not the only contribution. The interaction of radially neighboring bunches are also present but their effect has, in greater detail, not yet been investigated. In this paper, for the first time, a new PIC based self-consistent numerical simulation model is presented, which covers neighboring bunch effects and is implemented in a three-dimensional object-oriented parallel code OPAL-cycl, a flavor of the OPAL framework. Apart from the full 3D tracking mode with space charge, the code is also capable to do single particle tracking and betatron tune calculation for ordinary cyclotron machine design. We present simulation results from the PSI 590 MeV Ring cyclotron in the light of the ongoing high intensity upgrade program, with the goal of 1.8 MW CW on target. We will also compare calculations with measurements from the Ring cyclotron. |
WGA34 | Simulation of Space-Charge Effects in an FFAG Using PTC | space-charge | 183 |
At low current, accelerators are dominated by their independent, separated-function magnets, and hence essentially all accelerator simulation codes have used not time but longitudinal distance, s, as the independent variable. The simulation of space-charge effects within this approach has been at best ad hoc, as it requires a (thoroughly approximate) transformation between a pancake of space charge at fixed s to a particle bunch at fixed t. We shall describe recent modifications to the accelerator simulation code PTC [1] that make it possible to, in effect, perform time-based particle tracking in a code that correctly handles the full geometry and wide dynamic range of current designs for FFAGs. In addition, we shall describe the associated space-charge computation and present initial results from simulations that cover a large energy gain in a model non-scaling FFAG. [1] E. Forest, Y. Nogiwa, F. Schmidt, "The FPP and PTC Libraries", Proceedings of ICAP 2006. |
WGB02 | Impact Simulation and the SNS Linac Beam | linac, beam-losses, emittance, DTL | 190 |
Multi-particle tracking simulations for the SNS linac beam dynamics studies are performed with the IMPACT code. Beam measurement results are compared with the simulations, including beam halos and beam loss in the superconducting linac, measurement of beam transverse twiss parameters and beam longitudinal emittance in the SNS linac. And in most cases, the simulations show good agreement with the measured results. |
WGB04 | Simulation of Experiments on Transverse RMS-Emittance Growth Along an Alvarez DTL | emittance, DTL, brilliance, quadrupole | 195 |
Systematic measurements on transverse rms-emittance growth along the Alvarez DTL of the GSI UNILAC were performed. A high intensity argon beam was used to measure rms-growth for different transverse phase advances along the DTL. The transverse tune depression varied from 21% to 43%. For benchmarking of the experimental results four different beam dynamics codes were used: DYNAMION, PARMILA, PARTRAN, and LORASR. This paper is on the results of the experiments, the reconstruction of the initial conditions for the simulations, and on the agreement between simulations and experiments. Additionally, successful suppression of rms-growth by systematic matching is reported. |
WGB05 | Simulations of High-Intensity Beams Using BG/P Supercomputer at ANL | linac, emittance, space-charge, rfq | 200 |
Large-scale beam dynamics simulations are important in accelerator design and optimization. With the new BG/P supercomputer installed at ANL, tera-scale computing can be easily accessed. In order to make use of this emerging technology to increase the speed and efficiency of accelerator simulations, we have systematized and upgraded our software. In this paper, we will first introduce the new version of the parallel beam dynamic code PTRACK [1] updated to run on BG/P with more than 104 processors. The new PTRACK includes possibility to track ~100,000,000 particles through multiple accelerator seeds in the presence of machine errors. An example of SNS linac simulations will be presented. [1]. J. Xu, B. Mustapha, V.N. Aseev and P.N. Ostroumov, “Parallelization of a beam dynamics code and ***”, Physics Review Special Topic-Accelerator and Beams 10, 014201, 2007. |
WGB06 | Using the Online Single Particle Model for SNS Accelerator Tuning | linac, controls, cavity, neutron | 203 |
The paper describes a usage of the XAL online model for transverse and longitudinal tuning of the SNS linac. Most of the SNS control room physics applications based on the XAL online model which allows synchronizing the model with an accelerator live state and using this model for tuning the machine. Peculiarities of applying of the simplest single particle mode of the model for orbit correction and longitudinal dynamics control of the SNS linac are discussed. The procedure of parameters finding, algorithms, and results are presented. |
WGB07 | Beam Studies at the SNS Linac | linac, beam-losses, cavity, lattice | 207 |
Most recent beam dynamic studies of the Spallation Neutron Source linac, including the major beam loss reduction efforts in the normal conducting (nc) linac and in the superconducting linac (SCL), simulations and measurements of the longitudinal beam halos and the longitudinal acceptance at the entrance of the SCL are discussed. Oscillation of beam centroid around the linac synchronous phase and the beam phase adiabatic damping curves in the SNS linac are investigated with the linac longitudinal models and measured with all the linac beam phase monitors. |
WGB08 | Measurement and Simulation in J-PARC Linac | emittance, DTL, linac, rfq | 213 |
The beam commissioning of J-PARC linac has been started since November 2006. Numerical studies have been conducted since then to analyze the experimental results obtained in the beam commissioning and deepen our understanding on the underlying physics. Particular efforts are exerted on the analyses of the transverse emittance measurement at MEBT, the phase scan measurement for DTL, and the rms width response to a quadrupole magnet variation. All the measurements are essential to realize a fine tuning of the linac, and it is of practical importance to have a physical insight into the obtained results. In these studies, various simulation tools are employed in accordance with the required capacity. In this paper, the on-going numerical studies for J-PARC linac are reviewed, and we discuss on the directions in which we should pay further efforts. |
WGB12 | Prediction of the 4ν=1 Resonance of a High Intensity Linac | resonance, emittance, linac, space-charge | 231 |
The 4ν=1 resonance of a linac is found when the depressed tune is around 90 deg. It is observed that this fourth order resonance is dominating over the better known envelope instability and practically replacing it. Simulation study shows a clear emittance growth by this resonance and its stopband. Experimental measurement of the stopband of this resonance is proposed and conducted in 2008 using the UNILAC at GSI. This study will serve as an excellent benchmarking. SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy. |
WGB15 | Lattice Beam Dynamics Study at Low β for SARAF/EURISOL Driver 40/60 MeV 4 mA d&p Superconducting Linac | linac, rfq, lattice, cavity | 246 |
In this study we examine a lattice for the SARAF superconducting (SC) linac at the low velocity β range. The SC Half Wave Resonator cavities in the first cryostat have been optimized for a geometric β=0.09 and hence the β=0.0567 ions coming from the RFQ are mismatched. We developed a semi adiabatic tuning method for the low β side of the SC linac. The guidelines were derived from a study of two linac lattices that were considered for the SARAF 40 MeV proton and deuteron linac, extended up to 60 MeV for the low energy part of the EURISOL driver. Simulations were made using the TRACK and GPT codes. The lattices were tested for energy gain along the linac, emittance growth and acceptance. Further, error runs in GPT using a tail emphasis technique to enhance statistics by focusing on the bunch tail allowed us to examine compatibility of the lattices with hands-on maintenance requirements. We find our study relevant for other linacs that start with SC cavities right after the RFQ, such as SPIRAL2, and maybe IFMIF too, which are designed to start with similar β mismatch at the low β range. |
WGC03 | 3D Simulation Studies of Beam Dynamic Issues in SNS Ring Injection and Extraction | proton, injection, dipole, septum | 265 |
We have performed 3D particle tracking in realistic magnetic field configuration to study particle losses in the SNS ring injection dump beam line and beam profile tilt in the extraction Lambertson septum. The technique is based on accurate 3D modeling of magnet assemblies or beam lines and 3D particle trajectory calculations through the simulated field. The studies have discovered a number of design and operation issues that cause particle losses in the injection region and beam profile tilt through the extraction septum. The remedies to all the problems are also devised. This paper reports our simulation techniques and major findings. ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
WGC11 | Collimation System for Beam Loss Localization with Slip Stacking Injection in the Fermilab Main Injector | collimation, injection, proton, kicker | 312 |
Slip stacking injection for high intensity operation of the Fermilab Main Injector produces a small fraction of beam which is not captured in buckets and accelerated. A collimation system has been implemented with a thin primary collimator to define the momentum aperture at which this beam is lost and four massive secondary collimators to capture the scattered beam. The secondary collimators define tight apertures and thereby capture a fraction of other lost beam. The system was installed in 2007 with commissioning continuing in 2008. The collimation system will be described including simulation, design, installation, and commissioning. Successful operation and operational limitations will be described. |
WGD05 | High Power Operational Experience with the LANSCE Linac | linac, DTL, beam-losses, neutron | 348 |
The heart of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) is a pulsed linear accelerator that is used to simultaneously provide H+ and H- beams to several user facilities. This accelerator contains two Cockcroft-Walton style injectors, a 100-MeV drift tube linac and an 800-MeV coupled cavity linac. This presentation will touch on various aspects of the high power operation including performance and limitations, tune-up strategy, beam losses and machine protection. |
WGD09 | Activation of Targets and Accelerator Components at PSI A Comparison of Simulation and Measurement | target, neutron, proton, shielding | 363 |
The ring cyclotron at the PSI accelerator facility accelerates protons to 590MeV with a current of 2 mA at present. The stepwise increase to 3 mA is planned. During normal operation there are main beam loss points at targets, beam dumps and collimators. If the beam strikes material particles are lost due to multiple scattering. Subsequent nuclear reactions lead to the production of activated materials in the components itself and their surroundings. During shutdown radioactive components have to be removed for disposal or repair. To some extent the removal requires operations done by personnel nearby the activated components. To estimate the personal dose and to plan working procedures, a way to calculate the expected dose is essential. In addition, for later disposal of the radioactive components the nuclide inventory is required by the authorities. The Monte Carlo particle transport code MCNPX coupled to the build-up and decay codes SP-FISPACT, Orihet3 and Cinder’90, as well as the bookkeeping system PWWMBS developed at PSI, are used to calculate the required quantities. Both methods will be presented and the results are compared to measurements of different activated components. |
WGE11 | Heavy Ion Accelerators for RIKEN RI Beam Factory and Upgrade Plans | ion, emittance, cyclotron, space-charge | 416 |
The accelerator complex for RIBF factory in RIKEN consists of the four ring cyclotrons with an injector linac. It can boost the energy of output beams from the linac up to 440 MeV/nucleon for light ions and 350 MeV/nucleon for very heavy ions. The first beam from the accelerator complex was successfully extracted at the end of 2006. An 28GHz SC-ECR ion source will be installed at the front end of the injector linac on a 100kV HV platform to increase the beam intensity of very heavy ions such as uranium. Beam dynamics from the ion source to the exit of the injector were simulated using TRACK. How much space charge forces affect on beam qualities in the successive ring cyclotrons will be discussed. |
WGE13 | Compact Linac for Deuterons | focusing, linac, cavity, DTL | 428 |
We are developing a compact deuteron-beam accelerator up to the energy of a few MeV based on room-temperature inter-digital H-mode (IH) accelerating structures with the transverse beam focusing using permanent-magnet quadrupoles (PMQ). Combining electromagnetic 3-D modeling with beam dynamics simulations and thermal-stress analysis, we show that IH-PMQ structures provide very efficient and practical accelerators for light-ion beams of considerable currents at the beam velocities around a few percent of the speed of light. IH-structures with PMQ focusing following a short RFQ can also be beneficial in the front end of ion linacs. |
WGE14 | High Gradient Tests of the HINS SSR1 Single Spoke Resonator | cavity, vacuum, linac, accelerating-gradient | 431 |
The High Intensity Neutrino Source (HINS) program at Fermilab will demonstrate new technologies suitable for the low-energy front-end of a high intensity H- linac based on independently phased superconducting resonators (driven by a single power source). Eighteen β. = 0.21 superconducting single spoke resonators, operating at 325 MHz with an nominal accelerating field of 10 MV/m, comprise the first stage of the linac cold section. For two prototype resonators, we report on the construction phases and the comparison of low gradient RF measurements with calculations. After Buffered Chemical Polishing and High Pressure Rinse at Argonne, one resonator has undergone high gradient RF testing at 2.0° 4.5°Kelvin in the Vertical Test Stand (VTS) at Fermilab. We present measurements from the VTS tests, including BCS resistance and the quality factor as a function of accelerating field. In order to help understand multipacting and field emission, RTD temperature sensors were mounted on the exterior walls of the cavity, and x-ray sensing diodes were mounted near the cavity in the liquid helium bath. The resonator reached an accelerating field of 13.4 MV/m. |
WGE15 | Megawatt Upgrades for the ISIS Facility | injection, linac, synchrotron, space-charge | 434 |
ISIS is the world’s most productive spallation neutron source, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. Presently, it runs at beam powers of 0.2 MW, with upgrades in place to supply increased powers for the new Second Target Station due to start operation in 2008. This paper outlines favoured schemes for major upgrades to the facility in the megawatt regime, with options for 1, 2 and 5 MW. The ideas centre around new 3.2 GeV RCS designs that can be employed to increase the energy of the existing ISIS beam to provide powers of ~1 MW or, possibly as a second upgrade stage, accumulate and accelerate beam from a new 0.8 GeV linac for 2-5 MW beams. Summaries of ring designs are presented, along with studies and simulations to assess the key loss mechanisms that will impose intensity limitations. Important factors include injection, RF systems, instabilities, longitudinal and transverse space charge. |
WGF04 | SNS BLM System Overview: Detectors, Measurements, Simulations | beam-losses, status, neutron, hadron | 453 |
SNS is a 1.5 MW hadron beam facility; so the Beam Loss Monitor (BLM) system is a crucial part of MPS and an important tool for beam tuning. We have installed a number of Neutron Detectors (ND), Ionization Chambers and Photo-Multiplier Tubes (PMT) along the SNS beamline. In this paper we present the current status of equipment installed and experimental data obtained during SNS commissioning and operations. We compare several different types of BLMs and show advantages and disadvantages of every type. The losses are simulated by 3-D transport codes (GEANT4, SHIELD) for different loss scenarios and compared with experimental data. Also we discuss equipment issues like part obsolescence and our vision of next generation BLM system. |
WGF06 | Computation of Space-Charge Effect in Allison Scanner and its Application to the Measurement of Emittance | emittance, space-charge, ion, rfq | 455 |
Space charge effect has an impact on emittance measurement of low energy H- ion beam injected into the SNS RFQ. This paper presents numerical investigations of space charge effect of the beam on transverse emittance measurement using an Allison style scanner attached to the front-end test stand at SNS. The investigations are based on mathematical modelling the emittance measurement by the scanner taking into account space charge of the beam. We present a method of emittance data analysis that includes the modelling and allows more accurate measurements of the emittance. We also give an example of the emittance measurement with the scanner applying the developed method. |
CPL01 | Summary of Group A: Beam Dynamics in High Intensity Circular Machines | space-charge, synchrotron, coupling, resonance | 482 |
32 papers were presented. Rather than summarizing each one individually, we give a few highlights, conditioned by the items in the working group charge, namely:
CPL02 | Summary Report of the Working Group B: Beam Dynamics in High Intensity Linacs | linac, rfq, focusing, beam-losses | 485 |
The focus of the Working group B was to discuss the following questions:
CPL05 | Closing Plenary Summary of Working Group E: High-Intensity Linacs & Rings: New Facilities and Concepts | linac, proton, cavity, ion | 493 |
The International Program Committee of the Workshop and its Chairman have charged us with the following three questions: