Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
OPL01 | High Intensity Challenges at the Spallation Neutron Source | beam-losses, injection, target, neutron | 1 |
The Spallation Neutron Source is designed to produce 1.4 MW of beam power on a mercury target produced in short (1 μSec) pulses at 60 Hz with a 1 GeV beam. Since the initial beam operations in Oct. 2006, the Spallation Neutron Source has operated production runs with beam power up to 520 kW. Apart from equipment issues, the primary challenge in power ramp up is beam loss. Suspected causes of observed beam loss will be discussed. While not contributing to beam loss at present operational parameters, evidence of collective effects is seen at higher intensities, and will be presented. Other issues of interest at high intensity include foil survivability, and maintaining acceptable power density on the neutron production target |
OPL02 | Status of J-PARC Commissioning | injection, acceleration, betatron, extraction | 6 |
The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) consists of Linac, 3-GeV rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) and 50-GeV main ring synchrotron (MR). The J-PARC has been beam-commissioned since November 2006. The Linac and RCS have recently completed initial tunings of the basic parameters, and are now in transition from commissioning to operation and also to the challenging phase for aiming at the higher current operation. The MR also has recently started initial tunings in the storage mode. In this talk, the current status of the J-PARC beam commissioning will be outlined together with experimental data obtained in the actual beam tuning procedures. |
OPL03 | Intensity Upgrade Plans for CERN-LHC Injectors | injection, emittance, impedance, extraction | 16 |
With LHC coming into operation very soon an upgrade plan for the whole CERN accelerator complex has been proposed to allow full exploitation of the LHC potential in the future as well as giving increased support to traditional and possible new experiments at lower beam energies. This plan foresees replacing during the period 2011 - 2017 all the accelerators in the LHC injector chain (Linac2, Booster, PS) by new machines (Linac4, SPL and PS2) except for the last - the SPS. In this scenario the SPS should be able to reliably accelerate twice higher beam intensity than achieved so far and therefore significant improvements to the machine performance, in addition to the increased injection energy due to PS2, should be found and implemented at the same time scale. The present status of proposals and ongoing studies for all accelerator injector chain is described with main emphasis on the SPS challenges and upgrade plans. |
OPL05 | Project X as a Way to Intensity Frontier Physics | proton, cavity, injection, electron | 23 |
Project X is a concept for an intense 8 GeV proton source that provides beam for the Fermilab Main Injector and an 8 GeV physics program. The source consists of an 8 GeV superconducting linac that injects into the Fermilab Recycler where multiple linac beam pulses are stripped and accumulated. The 8 GeV linac consists of a low energy front end possibly based on superconducting technology and a high energy end composed of ILC-like cryomodules. |
WGA25 | Evolution Beam Parameters During Injection and Storage of the High Brightness Beams Envisaged for the Linac4 Injection into the CERN PS Booster | injection, emittance, simulation, space-charge | 134 |
Recent developments relative to the injection and storage of the 160 MeV Linac4 high brightness beam for LHC into the CERN PS Booster are reviewed. This talk reports simulations made with the Orbit code. Focus is on H- charge exchange injection and following beam emittance evolution at 160 MeV. Injection is done via a painting scheme for optimal shaping of the initial particle distribution. Next, benchmarking of Orbit and Accsim simulations with measurements performed in the PS Booster on a stored beam at 160 MeV are discussed. |
WGB01 | Phase Damping in the SNS Linac | cavity, damping, lattice, acceleration | 184 |
Beam phase synchronous oscillations and the damping curves of the SNS linac are investigated with linac models and measured with all the linac beam phase monitors. It provides a useful beam diagnostic solution to detect RF cavity phase and/or field amplitude errors in the linac with many independently phased cavities. And the phase damping curves predicted in the longitudinal model could also be utilized to analyze the longitudinal lattice of the superconducting linac, in which each cavity gradient varies widely from the nominal design and smooth the beam longitudinal focusing is very important to preserve beam emittance. |
WGB02 | Impact Simulation and the SNS Linac Beam | simulation, beam-losses, emittance, DTL | 190 |
Multi-particle tracking simulations for the SNS linac beam dynamics studies are performed with the IMPACT code. Beam measurement results are compared with the simulations, including beam halos and beam loss in the superconducting linac, measurement of beam transverse twiss parameters and beam longitudinal emittance in the SNS linac. And in most cases, the simulations show good agreement with the measured results. |
WGB03 | Linac Beam Dynamics Codes: State of the Art and Perspectives | 194 | |
In this talk I first discuss the historical development of beam dynamics codes. I then describe the current state of the art in linac codes and present several examples. I conclude by presenting my view of future accelerator code R&D efforts. |
WGB05 | Simulations of High-Intensity Beams Using BG/P Supercomputer at ANL | simulation, emittance, space-charge, rfq | 200 |
Large-scale beam dynamics simulations are important in accelerator design and optimization. With the new BG/P supercomputer installed at ANL, tera-scale computing can be easily accessed. In order to make use of this emerging technology to increase the speed and efficiency of accelerator simulations, we have systematized and upgraded our software. In this paper, we will first introduce the new version of the parallel beam dynamic code PTRACK [1] updated to run on BG/P with more than 104 processors. The new PTRACK includes possibility to track ~100,000,000 particles through multiple accelerator seeds in the presence of machine errors. An example of SNS linac simulations will be presented. [1]. J. Xu, B. Mustapha, V.N. Aseev and P.N. Ostroumov, “Parallelization of a beam dynamics code and ***”, Physics Review Special Topic-Accelerator and Beams 10, 014201, 2007. |
WGB06 | Using the Online Single Particle Model for SNS Accelerator Tuning | controls, cavity, simulation, neutron | 203 |
The paper describes a usage of the XAL online model for transverse and longitudinal tuning of the SNS linac. Most of the SNS control room physics applications based on the XAL online model which allows synchronizing the model with an accelerator live state and using this model for tuning the machine. Peculiarities of applying of the simplest single particle mode of the model for orbit correction and longitudinal dynamics control of the SNS linac are discussed. The procedure of parameters finding, algorithms, and results are presented. |
WGB07 | Beam Studies at the SNS Linac | beam-losses, simulation, cavity, lattice | 207 |
Most recent beam dynamic studies of the Spallation Neutron Source linac, including the major beam loss reduction efforts in the normal conducting (nc) linac and in the superconducting linac (SCL), simulations and measurements of the longitudinal beam halos and the longitudinal acceptance at the entrance of the SCL are discussed. Oscillation of beam centroid around the linac synchronous phase and the beam phase adiabatic damping curves in the SNS linac are investigated with the linac longitudinal models and measured with all the linac beam phase monitors. |
WGB08 | Measurement and Simulation in J-PARC Linac | emittance, DTL, simulation, rfq | 213 |
The beam commissioning of J-PARC linac has been started since November 2006. Numerical studies have been conducted since then to analyze the experimental results obtained in the beam commissioning and deepen our understanding on the underlying physics. Particular efforts are exerted on the analyses of the transverse emittance measurement at MEBT, the phase scan measurement for DTL, and the rms width response to a quadrupole magnet variation. All the measurements are essential to realize a fine tuning of the linac, and it is of practical importance to have a physical insight into the obtained results. In these studies, various simulation tools are employed in accordance with the required capacity. In this paper, the on-going numerical studies for J-PARC linac are reviewed, and we discuss on the directions in which we should pay further efforts. |
WGB10 | Physics Design of Front Ends for Superconducting Ion Linacs | cavity, proton, focusing, solenoid | 218 |
Superconducting (SC) technology is the only option for CW linacs and is also an attractive option for pulsed linacs. SC cavities are routinely used for proton & H-minus beam acceleration above 185 MeV. Successful development of SC cavities covering the lower velocity range (down to 0.03c) is a very strong basis for the application of SC structures in the front ends of high energy linacs. Lattice design and related high-intensity beam physics issues in a ~400 MeV linac that uses SC cavities will be presented in this talk. In particular, axially-symmetric focusing by SC solenoids provides strong control of beam space charge and a compact focusing lattice. As an example, we discuss the SC front end of the H-minus linac for the High Intesity Neutrino Source (HINS) and Project X. |
WGB11 | KONUS Beam Dynamics Designs Using H-Mode Cavities | focusing, lattice, DTL, cavity | 223 |
The 'Combined Zero-Degree Structure' ('Kombinierte Null Grad Struktur - KONUS') beam dynamics concept is described in detail. A KONUS period consists of a quadrupole triplet or a solenoid lens, a rebuncher section at negative synchronous phase and a multi cell zero degree synchronous particle main acceleration section. This concept is especially effective when applied for accelerator designs using H-mode resonators with ‘slim’ drift tubes which carry no focusing elements. The definition and typical ranges of KONUS lattice parameters are discussed on a general level, as well as on the basis of examples for realized or planned high current accelerators, like the GSI High Current Injector (HSI), the 70 mA, 3-70 MeV Proton Injector for the FAIR Facility and our proposal of a 125 mA D+, 5-40 MeV superconducting CH-DTL section for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF). |
WGB12 | Prediction of the 4ν=1 Resonance of a High Intensity Linac | resonance, emittance, space-charge, simulation | 231 |
The 4ν=1 resonance of a linac is found when the depressed tune is around 90 deg. It is observed that this fourth order resonance is dominating over the better known envelope instability and practically replacing it. Simulation study shows a clear emittance growth by this resonance and its stopband. Experimental measurement of the stopband of this resonance is proposed and conducted in 2008 using the UNILAC at GSI. This study will serve as an excellent benchmarking. SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy. |
WGB13 | Investigation of the Beam Dynamics Layout of the FAIR Proton Injector | proton, cavity, rfq, DTL | 235 |
The FAIR facility at GSI requires a dedicated proton injector for the production of secondary high intensity antiproton beams. This 325 MHz, 70 MeV machine will be the fist linac based on CH cavities operated with Konus beam dynamics. Two different options for the beam dynamics layout are under investigation including loss and error studies. Finally different RFQ output distribution are used to evaluate the injection current into the main linac. |
WGB14 | Beam Dynamics in Linac4 at CERN | emittance, DTL, quadrupole, klystron | 238 |
Linac4 is a normal conducting H- linac to be built at CERN as a new injector to the PS Booster and later on as a front end of a possible MultiMegaWatt Linac Facility. The layout consists of a H- RF source, a magnetic LEBT, a RFQ (accelerating the beam from 45 keV to 3 MeV), a chopper line, a conventional Drift Tube Linac (from 3 MeV to 50 MeV), a Coupled Cavity Drift Tube Linac (from 50 MeV to 100 MeV) and a pi-mode structure (PIMS, from 100 to 160 MeV), all operating at a frequency of 352 MHz. End-to-end beam dynamics simulations have been carried out to optimise the design and performance of the accelerator. An extensive statistical campaign of transverse error studies was then launched for accessing the required alignment tolerances and steering correction system. |
WGB15 | Lattice Beam Dynamics Study at Low β for SARAF/EURISOL Driver 40/60 MeV 4 mA d&p Superconducting Linac | rfq, lattice, cavity, simulation | 246 |
In this study we examine a lattice for the SARAF superconducting (SC) linac at the low velocity β range. The SC Half Wave Resonator cavities in the first cryostat have been optimized for a geometric β=0.09 and hence the β=0.0567 ions coming from the RFQ are mismatched. We developed a semi adiabatic tuning method for the low β side of the SC linac. The guidelines were derived from a study of two linac lattices that were considered for the SARAF 40 MeV proton and deuteron linac, extended up to 60 MeV for the low energy part of the EURISOL driver. Simulations were made using the TRACK and GPT codes. The lattices were tested for energy gain along the linac, emittance growth and acceptance. Further, error runs in GPT using a tail emphasis technique to enhance statistics by focusing on the bunch tail allowed us to examine compatibility of the lattices with hands-on maintenance requirements. We find our study relevant for other linacs that start with SC cavities right after the RFQ, such as SPIRAL2, and maybe IFMIF too, which are designed to start with similar β mismatch at the low β range. |
WGB17 | Development of Large Scale Optimization Tools for Beam Tracking Codes | emittance, optics, beam-losses, ion-source | 254 |
Matrix-based beam optics codes such as TRACE-3D are often used for small scale optimizations such as beam matching which involves a limited number of parameters. The limitation of such codes is further amplified for high-intensity and multiple charge state beams as their predictions start to deviate from the more realistic 3D particle tracking codes. For these reasons we have started developing large scale optimization tools for beam tracking codes. The large scale nature comes first from the possibility of optimizing a large number of parameters and second from the minimum number of particles to track especially for space charge dominated beams. The ultimate goal of these developments is not only to optimize the design of an accelerator but also to be able to use a beam dynamics code to operate it once built. A selected set of optimization options will be presented and discussed along with specific applications. We'll also emphasize the need for parallel computing to speed-up the optimization process. |
WGC06 | Future Prospects for Laser Stripping Injection in High Intensity Machines | laser, cavity, emittance, electron | 284 |
With the increase of average power of present and future high intensity proton rings and rapid progress of laser technology, laser-assisted stripping become a real alternative for carbon foils that are used for charge-exchange injection. High efficiency laser stripping, achieved experimentally at Spallation Neutron Source in Oak Ridge, TN, paved the way to full scale devices of such type. This paper presents overview of machines and choices of parameters for future powerful accelerators with possible laser stripping use. |
WGC07 | Challenges Associated with 8 GeV H- Transport and Injection for Fermilab Project-X | injection, proton, ion, electron | 290 |
The Fermilab Project X R&D program is focused on the design of a new proton source utilizing a superconducting linac to accelerate H-minus ions to 8 GeV (K.E) for injection and accumulation into the permanent magnet Recycler ring. The initial linac runs at a 5 Hz rep-rate with a 1 ms pulse length and 9 mA average current which produce a beam power of 360 kW at 8 GeV. This beam power will provide 2.3 MW at 120 GeV from the Main Injector in addition to 200 kW at 8 GeV for an 8 GeV physics program. The challenges faced with the transport and injection of 8 GeV H- will be discussed. The topics will include uncontrolled beam losses and their mitigation in both the transport and injection processes, injection stripping options, and transverse phase space painting options. A review of the issues that have been highlighted and addressed by numerous authors will be presented. The current plans for continued R&D on H- stripping mechanisms and techniques and in collimation and absorber design will be outlined and initial concepts of the design will be discussed. Upgrade plans for Project X call for a 2 MW facility at 8 GeV. The additional challenges faced in the upgrade will be outlined. |
WGC12 | Beam Preparation for the Injection into CSNS RCS | injection, beam-losses, proton, collimation | 320 |
The Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of the China Spallation Neutron Source is a high intensity proton machine, with the accumulated particles of 1.9*1013. The injection by the H- stripping method is performed in one of the four long uninterrupted dispersion-free straight-sections. The phase space painting technique is used for all the three phase planes to alleviate the space charge effects. In order to reduce the beam loss during the injection, the transverse and longitudinal halo of the linac beam is collimated in the Linac Ring Beam Transport line. The transverse beam halo collimation is based on a method of using periodic triplet cells and foil scrapers, which has the advantages of low beam loss in the beam line, deep halo collimation allowing almost no H- particles missing the injection foil, and possible proton applications of the scraped beam halo. A new simulation code SCOMT has also been developed to tackle the transfer, conversion and multiple scattering of the mixed H-, H0 and proton beams in the beam line. The large momentum spread of the linac beam is reduced by a debuncher and the longitudinal beam halo is collimated by a momentum collimator in the bending section. |
WGD02 | Transition from Commissioning to Operation in J-PARC Linac | neutron, radiation, ion, target | 333 |
The beam commissioning of J-PARC linac has been started since November 2006, and the initial commissioning has been completed in September 2007. Since then, the linac beam has been supplied to the succeeding RCS (Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) for its commissioning. The emphasis of the linac tuning has been shifted to the stabilization of the beam parameters, and better beam availability has gradually been required for the linac operation. On the other hand, the average beam power is rather limited because we are still in the initial commissioning stage for RCS and MR (Main Ring). The hourly average of the beam power from RCS is limited to 4 kW due to the available beam dump capacity. Accordingly, we still have little experience on the machine activation with a high-power and stable beam operation. In this regard, we are in a transitional stage for our linac from commissioning to operation. In this paper, we present the current linac performance and operational experiences obtained so far after briefly reviewing the commissioning history. Particular emphasis is put on the technical challenges we faced up to the present. Future plans to increase the beam power are also discussed. |
WGD03 | The SNS Power Rampup | beam-losses, neutron, injection, collimation | 338 |
Since the start of neutron production in October of 2006, the average beam power level has increased from ~ 5 kW to over 500 kW. This increased has been realized by increases in the beam current, pulse length and repetition rate. Equipment issues encountered during this ramp-up will be discussed along with mitigation efforts. A major concern in the power ramp up has been minimization of uncontrolled beam loss. The beam loss levels, loss reduction efforts, and experience levels with residual activation will be discussed. Also the operational run cycles will be discussed, with an evolution in emphasis from beam-studies to neutron production. |
WGD04 | Operational Experience with High Beam Powers at ISIS | synchrotron, target, radiation, neutron | 343 |
ISIS is currently the world's most productive spallation neutron source. A total beam power of ~0.2 MW is delivered by a 70 MeV H- linac and an 800 MeV rapidly cycling proton synchrotron to two target stations, one which has been running since 1984, and a second which is being commissioned this year (2008). ISIS runs for typically ~200 days each year scheduled as some five ~40-day user cycles, although shutdowns lasting several months for major maintenance and upgrade work took place in 2002, 2004 and 2007 (during user cycles ISIS runs 7 days/week, 24 hours/day, and the ~200 days excludes run-up and machine physics time). In order to enable hands-on maintenance régimes to prevail, considerable efforts are made to minimise beam losses during operations, and engineering design of accelerator and beam line components specifically includes measures to limit radiation doses to personnel. The talk will cover these issues and others, and will also describe the difficult balances to be struck between operations, maintenance and upgrade work. |
WGD05 | High Power Operational Experience with the LANSCE Linac | DTL, beam-losses, simulation, neutron | 348 |
The heart of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) is a pulsed linear accelerator that is used to simultaneously provide H+ and H- beams to several user facilities. This accelerator contains two Cockcroft-Walton style injectors, a 100-MeV drift tube linac and an 800-MeV coupled cavity linac. This presentation will touch on various aspects of the high power operation including performance and limitations, tune-up strategy, beam losses and machine protection. |
WGD11 | Beam Commissioning of J-PARC MR | injection, extraction, quadrupole, cavity | 376 |
Beam commissioning of J-PARC Main Ring (MR) has been started in May, 2008. The 3-GeV beams extracted from the rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) are injected into the MR and captured by rf, and then extracted to a 3-GeV beam dump. In this paper, we present results of the first-stage commissioning run from May to June 2008. After five months shutdown for installation of fast extraction and slow extraction devices, the second-stage commissioning run will be started in December 2008. |
WGD17 | A Superconducting Proton Linac for the ESS-Bilbao Accelerator | cavity, proton, neutron, DTL | 385 |
A revised layout for the proton linear accelerator as proposed by the European Spallation Source-Bilbao (Spain) bid to host the installation is here described. The new machine concept aims to incorporate advances which have been registered within the ï¬eld of high power accelerators during the last decade. Particularly relevant are the ongoing works within Magnetic Fusion activities (IFMIF/EVEDA), waste transmutation (EUROTRANS) or radioactive ion beam (EURISOL) and heavy-ion physics (FAIR, SPIRAL2) which have lead to signiï¬cantly shorter accelerators incorporating state-of-the-art technology which mainly replaces decades-old copper drift-tubes, coupled-cavity LINACs or some other accelerating structures employed for energies beyond 50 MeV or so by superconducting cavities (SC) of a wholly new kind. The design of such a new accelerator layout will be critically dependent upon the development and/or adaptation of low β superconducting cavities already developed for some of the referred projects into those adequate for pulsed operation and high duty cycle. The authors wish to acknowledge extremely fruitful discussions held with scientists from CEA/SACLAY, IPN/ORSAY as well as from the ISIS Spallation Neutron Source. |
WGE01 | ERHIC Conceptual Design | electron, ion, proton, luminosity | 388 |
The design status of the high luminosity electron-ion collider, eRHIC, is presented. The goal of eRHIC will be to provide collisions of electrons and possibly positrons) on ions and protons in the center-of-mass energy range from 25 to 140 GeV, at luminosities exceeding 1033 cm-2s-1. A considerable part of the physics program calls for a high polarization level of electrons, protons and He3 ions. The electron beam is accelerated in a recirculating energy recovery linac. Major R&D items for the electron beam include the development of a high intensity polarized source, studies of various aspects of energy recovery technology for high power beams and the development of compact magnets for recirculating passes. In a linac-ring scheme the beam-beam interaction has several very specific features which have to be thoroughly studied. In order to maximize the collider luminosity, several upgrades of the existing RHIC accelerator are required. Those upgrades may include the increase of total beam intensity as well as transverse and longitudinal cooling of ions and protons. |
WGE05 | Project X Beam Physics Issues | beam-losses, injection, synchrotron, emittance | 397 |
Fermilab plans to boost the power of Main Injector beam to about 2 MW by building a new SC 8 GeV linac. Its H- beam will be strip injected and accumulated in upgraded Recycler ring, and then transferred to Main Injector for further acceleration to 120 GeV. Beam physics issues related to high intensity operation of Recycler ring and Main Injector are considered. |
WGE07 | Choice of Frequency, Gradient, and Temperature for a Superconducting Proton Linac | cavity, cryogenics, HOM, emittance | 403 |
The construction of a Superconducting Proton Linac is planned at CERN during the next decade. It is foreseen to be constructed in two stages: a low duty cycle, low-power linac (LPSPL) as an injector for a new 50 GeV synchrotron (PS2) replacing the present PS, which could be upgraded to a high-duty cycle, high-power linac (HPSPL), for the needs of future facility(ies) requiring a multi-MW beam power. In this paper we present the criteria which were used to choose the frequency, gradient, and cryogenic temperature of the SPL. Since these questions are common to other proposed high-power proton linacs, we propose a generalization of the arguments. The various design options are discussed as well as their impact on beam dynamics, cavity performance, power consumption, cryogenics, overall efficiency, and cost of the facility. |
WGE12 | The Korean Proton Engineering Frontier Project | proton, DTL, target, quadrupole | 422 |
The main purposes of the proton engineering frontier project (PEFP) are developing 100-MeV proton linac and supplying 20-MeV and 100-MeV proton beams to user group. The 20-MeV part of the linac with 24% beam duty has been successfully installed and tested at the KAERI site. Now we are supplying 20-MeV proton beams to users in a restricted beam condition. The fabrication of the remaining part of the DTL with the beam duty of 8% is in progress. The PEFP user facility includes 5 beam lines for 20-MeV and 100-MeV beams, respectively. Form the user surveys the purposes and beam specs are determined for the beam lines. The characteristics of the PEFP beam supplying systems are using the AC magnets to periodically distribute proton beams into several beam lines. At the same time, PEFP concentrates on developing the potential user group of the high intensity proton beams. Several beam utilization programs are under way for this purpose. The civil construction is scheduled to start at the end of this year. The present status and progress of the project are summarized in detail. |
WGE13 | Compact Linac for Deuterons | focusing, simulation, cavity, DTL | 428 |
We are developing a compact deuteron-beam accelerator up to the energy of a few MeV based on room-temperature inter-digital H-mode (IH) accelerating structures with the transverse beam focusing using permanent-magnet quadrupoles (PMQ). Combining electromagnetic 3-D modeling with beam dynamics simulations and thermal-stress analysis, we show that IH-PMQ structures provide very efficient and practical accelerators for light-ion beams of considerable currents at the beam velocities around a few percent of the speed of light. IH-structures with PMQ focusing following a short RFQ can also be beneficial in the front end of ion linacs. |
WGE14 | High Gradient Tests of the HINS SSR1 Single Spoke Resonator | cavity, vacuum, simulation, accelerating-gradient | 431 |
The High Intensity Neutrino Source (HINS) program at Fermilab will demonstrate new technologies suitable for the low-energy front-end of a high intensity H- linac based on independently phased superconducting resonators (driven by a single power source). Eighteen β. = 0.21 superconducting single spoke resonators, operating at 325 MHz with an nominal accelerating field of 10 MV/m, comprise the first stage of the linac cold section. For two prototype resonators, we report on the construction phases and the comparison of low gradient RF measurements with calculations. After Buffered Chemical Polishing and High Pressure Rinse at Argonne, one resonator has undergone high gradient RF testing at 2.0° 4.5°Kelvin in the Vertical Test Stand (VTS) at Fermilab. We present measurements from the VTS tests, including BCS resistance and the quality factor as a function of accelerating field. In order to help understand multipacting and field emission, RTD temperature sensors were mounted on the exterior walls of the cavity, and x-ray sensing diodes were mounted near the cavity in the liquid helium bath. The resonator reached an accelerating field of 13.4 MV/m. |
WGE15 | Megawatt Upgrades for the ISIS Facility | injection, synchrotron, simulation, space-charge | 434 |
ISIS is the world’s most productive spallation neutron source, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. Presently, it runs at beam powers of 0.2 MW, with upgrades in place to supply increased powers for the new Second Target Station due to start operation in 2008. This paper outlines favoured schemes for major upgrades to the facility in the megawatt regime, with options for 1, 2 and 5 MW. The ideas centre around new 3.2 GeV RCS designs that can be employed to increase the energy of the existing ISIS beam to provide powers of ~1 MW or, possibly as a second upgrade stage, accumulate and accelerate beam from a new 0.8 GeV linac for 2-5 MW beams. Summaries of ring designs are presented, along with studies and simulations to assess the key loss mechanisms that will impose intensity limitations. Important factors include injection, RF systems, instabilities, longitudinal and transverse space charge. |
WGE16 | The 40 MeV Proton/Deuteron Linac at SARAF | ion, rfq, beam-losses, ion-source | 438 |
The Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF) is built to be used for basic research, medical research, neutron based non-destructive testing and radio-pharmaceuticals development and production. The accelerator, designed and constructed by Accel Instruments GmbH, starts with a 5 mA, 20 keV/u ECR ion source. A LEBT transports the beam and matches it to a normal-conducting 4-rod RFQ. The RFQ bunches the beam at a frequency of 176 MHz 4 mA ions and accelerate the ions to 1.5 MeV/u. A 0.65 m long MEBT transports and matches the beam into the superconducting linac. The 20 m long linac is composed of six cryostats that contain a total of 44 half-wave resonators optimized for β0=0.09 and 0.15, which are kept at a temperature of 4.5 K by liquid helium. In order to achieve the dose rate criterion for hands-on maintenance, beam loss is limited to 1 nA/m. Extensive beam dynamics simulations, including error analysis with high statistics, indicate that beam loss will indeed be below the above mentioned criterion. Currently, Phase I of the SARAF linac, including the ion source, LEBT, RFQ, MEBT and the first SC cryostat, is installed on site and is undergoing commissioning. |
CPL02 | Summary Report of the Working Group B: Beam Dynamics in High Intensity Linacs | simulation, rfq, focusing, beam-losses | 485 |
The focus of the Working group B was to discuss the following questions:
CPL04 | Commissioning Strategies, Operations and Performance, Beam Loss Management, Activation, Machine Protection | booster, target, beam-losses, radiation | 489 |
The working group D covered
CPL05 | Closing Plenary Summary of Working Group E: High-Intensity Linacs & Rings: New Facilities and Concepts | proton, cavity, ion, simulation | 493 |
The International Program Committee of the Workshop and its Chairman have charged us with the following three questions: