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Paper Title Other Keywords Page
OPL05 Project X as a Way to Intensity Frontier Physics linac, cavity, injection, electron 23
  • G. Apollinari
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

Project X is a concept for an intense 8 GeV proton source that provides beam for the Fermilab Main Injector and an 8 GeV physics program. The source consists of an 8 GeV superconducting linac that injects into the Fermilab Recycler where multiple linac beam pulses are stripped and accumulated. The 8 GeV linac consists of a low energy front end possibly based on superconducting technology and a high energy end composed of ILC-like cryomodules.


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WGA13 Measurements and Corrections of the Recycler Lattice at Fermilab lattice, optics, closed-orbit, power-supply 82
  • M. Xiao
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

Obit Response Matrix (ORM) Fit method has been successfully used to calibrate linear optics at Recycler Ring at Fermilab. The linear model of the Recycler optics ring has been significantly improved. Based on the build-up model, lattice measurement of the Recycler ring has been done several times, each after some magnets move and the tunes change. Large beta-wave(~20%) has been found in horizontal plane after the working point was moved from (0.424,0.434) to (0.456, 0.467) for the reason of lowering the beam instabilities. The source of the beta-wave, and the correction will be presented in this paper. In addition, we found an easy way to extend the tuning range in the recycler lattice. A new application program for adjusting the tunes operationally was introduced and the measured results will be presented.

WGA19 Electron Cloud Studies at the Fermilab Main Injector electron, target, antiproton, synchrotron 112
  • R.M. Zwaska
    The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas

The Fermilab Main Injector is a rapid-cycling synchrotron designed to produce high-flux, high-energy protons beams for fixed-target applications, including antiproton and neutrino production. The present Main Injector produced about 400 kW of 120 GeV protons, but proposed upgrades are designed to produce in excess of 2 MW. One instability of concern is the electron cloud. We have observed the formation of the electron cloud at the Main Injector. At presents intensities it produces no instabilities. We will present measurements made at the Main Injector, including: a threshold for cloud formation, bunch length dependence, conditioning with exposure. In addition, we will describe the evolving program for making measurements at the Main Injector, in anticipation of beam charge upgrades.


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WGB10 Physics Design of Front Ends for Superconducting Ion Linacs linac, cavity, focusing, solenoid 218
  • P.N. Ostroumov
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois
  • J.-P. Carneiro
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

Superconducting (SC) technology is the only option for CW linacs and is also an attractive option for pulsed linacs. SC cavities are routinely used for proton & H-minus beam acceleration above 185 MeV. Successful development of SC cavities covering the lower velocity range (down to 0.03c) is a very strong basis for the application of SC structures in the front ends of high energy linacs. Lattice design and related high-intensity beam physics issues in a ~400 MeV linac that uses SC cavities will be presented in this talk. In particular, axially-symmetric focusing by SC solenoids provides strong control of beam space charge and a compact focusing lattice. As an example, we discuss the SC front end of the H-minus linac for the High Intesity Neutrino Source (HINS) and Project X.


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WGB13 Investigation of the Beam Dynamics Layout of the FAIR Proton Injector linac, cavity, rfq, DTL 235
  • G. Clemente, L. Groening
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • U. Ratzinger, R. Tiede
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main

The FAIR facility at GSI requires a dedicated proton injector for the production of secondary high intensity antiproton beams. This 325 MHz, 70 MeV machine will be the fist linac based on CH cavities operated with Konus beam dynamics. Two different options for the beam dynamics layout are under investigation including loss and error studies. Finally different RFQ output distribution are used to evaluate the injection current into the main linac.


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WGC02 Comparison of Carbon Stripper Foils Under Operational Conditions at the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring TRIUMF, scattering, ion, beam-losses 262
  • T. Spickermann, M.J. Borden, R.J. Macek
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • C.S. Feigerle
    University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
  • v.j. Jaggi, S.K. Zeisler
    TRIUMF, Vancouver
  • R.W. Shaw
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  • I. Sugai
    KEK, Ibaraki

At the 39th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop HB 2006 we reported on first results of a test of nanocrystalline diamond foils developed at ORNL under operational conditions at the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (PSR). We have continued these tests during the 2006 and 2007 run cycles and have been able to compare the diamond foils with the foils that are normally in use in PSR, which were originally developed by Sugai at KEK. We have gathered valuable information regarding foil lifetime, foil related beam loss and electron emission at the foil. Additional insight was gained under unusual beam conditions where the foils are subjected to higher temperatures. In the 2007 run cycle we also tested a Diamond-like-Carbon foil developed at TRIUMF. A Hybrid-Boron-Carbon foil, also developed by Sugai, is presently in use with the PSR production beam. We will summarize our experience with these different foil types and offer an outlook for future foil activities at PSR.

WGC03 3D Simulation Studies of Beam Dynamic Issues in SNS Ring Injection and Extraction injection, simulation, dipole, septum 265
  • J. G. Wang
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

We have performed 3D particle tracking in realistic magnetic field configuration to study particle losses in the SNS ring injection dump beam line and beam profile tilt in the extraction Lambertson septum. The technique is based on accurate 3D modeling of magnet assemblies or beam lines and 3D particle trajectory calculations through the simulated field. The studies have discovered a number of design and operation issues that cause particle losses in the injection region and beam profile tilt through the extraction septum. The remedies to all the problems are also devised. This paper reports our simulation techniques and major findings.

ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725.

WGC07 Challenges Associated with 8 GeV H- Transport and Injection for Fermilab Project-X injection, ion, electron, linac 290
  • D.E. Johnson
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

The Fermilab Project X R&D program is focused on the design of a new proton source utilizing a superconducting linac to accelerate H-minus ions to 8 GeV (K.E) for injection and accumulation into the permanent magnet Recycler ring. The initial linac runs at a 5 Hz rep-rate with a 1 ms pulse length and 9 mA average current which produce a beam power of 360 kW at 8 GeV. This beam power will provide 2.3 MW at 120 GeV from the Main Injector in addition to 200 kW at 8 GeV for an 8 GeV physics program. The challenges faced with the transport and injection of 8 GeV H- will be discussed. The topics will include uncontrolled beam losses and their mitigation in both the transport and injection processes, injection stripping options, and transverse phase space painting options. A review of the issues that have been highlighted and addressed by numerous authors will be presented. The current plans for continued R&D on H- stripping mechanisms and techniques and in collimation and absorber design will be outlined and initial concepts of the design will be discussed. Upgrade plans for Project X call for a 2 MW facility at 8 GeV. The additional challenges faced in the upgrade will be outlined.


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WGC08 Lifetime Measurement of HBC-FOIL and Nanocrystalline Diamond Foil by Using KEK-650 KeV High Intensity H- DC Beam ion, vacuum, TRIUMF, target 300
  • I. Sugai, Y. Irie, H. Kawakami, M. Oyaizu, A. Takagi, Y. Takeda
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • C.S. Feigerle
    University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
  • M.A. Plum, R.W. Shaw
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

At the 39th ICFA HB2004 workshop and the EPAC-2006 conference, we reported the lifetime and properties of the HBC (Hybrid type Boron-mixed Carbon) foils, a newly developed material, measured by the use of a 3.2 MeV Ne+ ion beam, which deposits significant energy in the foil due to the heavy ion. The content reported showed superior durability against high temperature damage due to foil deformation, thickness reduction and pinhole production at 1700 ± 100K compared with the cluster foils made by the CADAD method. This time, we measured the lifetime of the HBC-foils and the high quality nanocrystalline diamond foils including commercially available foils at 1800 ± 100K which induces the high temperature damage. The measurements were performed by using the KEK-650 keV high intensity H- and DC beam, which generates the same energy deposition as the RCS of J-PARC. In this workshop, we report the results obtained.


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WGC11 Collimation System for Beam Loss Localization with Slip Stacking Injection in the Fermilab Main Injector collimation, injection, simulation, kicker 312
  • B.C. Brown
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

Slip stacking injection for high intensity operation of the Fermilab Main Injector produces a small fraction of beam which is not captured in buckets and accelerated. A collimation system has been implemented with a thin primary collimator to define the momentum aperture at which this beam is lost and four massive secondary collimators to capture the scattered beam. The secondary collimators define tight apertures and thereby capture a fraction of other lost beam. The system was installed in 2007 with commissioning continuing in 2008. The collimation system will be described including simulation, design, installation, and commissioning. Successful operation and operational limitations will be described.


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WGC12 Beam Preparation for the Injection into CSNS RCS injection, beam-losses, collimation, linac 320
  • J. Tang, L. Liu, J. Qiu, G.H. Wei, J. Wei, C. Zhang
    IHEP Beijing, Beijing

The Rapid Cycling Synchrotron of the China Spallation Neutron Source is a high intensity proton machine, with the accumulated particles of 1.9*1013. The injection by the H- stripping method is performed in one of the four long uninterrupted dispersion-free straight-sections. The phase space painting technique is used for all the three phase planes to alleviate the space charge effects. In order to reduce the beam loss during the injection, the transverse and longitudinal halo of the linac beam is collimated in the Linac Ring Beam Transport line. The transverse beam halo collimation is based on a method of using periodic triplet cells and foil scrapers, which has the advantages of low beam loss in the beam line, deep halo collimation allowing almost no H- particles missing the injection foil, and possible proton applications of the scraped beam halo. A new simulation code SCOMT has also been developed to tackle the transfer, conversion and multiple scattering of the mixed H-, H0 and proton beams in the beam line. The large momentum spread of the linac beam is reduced by a debuncher and the longitudinal beam halo is collimated by a momentum collimator in the bending section.


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WGD01 Operation of the High Intensity Proton Beam Facility at PSI cyclotron, target, beam-losses, extraction 329
  • G. Seidel
    PSI, Villigen

The cyclotron based high power proton accelerator facility at PSI drives a neutron spallation source and two Meson production targets with a CW proton beam at 590MeV kinetic energy. This talk concentrates on the operational and technical aspects specific to acceleration and transport of a high power beam. Furthermore a summary on upgrade plans to increase the beam power from presently 1.2MW to 1.8MW will be given.


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WGD06 High Intensity Protons in AGS Accelerator complex beam-losses 353
  • D. Raparia
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York

AGS have not operated in high intensity mode since 2001, at that time AGS was highest intensity accelerator in the word. Beam loss and residual activation were the main concern for the high intensity operations. This talk will cover beam losses and its limits as set by operational procedures to protect machine and minimize the activations.


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WGD07 MI High Power Operation and Future Plans booster, injection, kicker, target 354
  • I. Kourbanis
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

Since January 2008 Fermilab's Main Injector has switched from 2 to 10 batch slip Stacking as an upgrade to 400 KW operation at 120 GeV. Currently the beam power has reached 350 KW and efforts are continuing in order to reach 400 KW. The current performance and the future plans for reaching 700 KW will be described.


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WGD08 Beam Cleaning and Beam Loss Control insertion, collimation, betatron, optics 359
  • Th. Weiler, R.W. Assmann, C. Bracco, V. Previtali, S. Redaelli
    CERN, Geneva

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will collide two protons beam with an energy of 7 TeV each. The stored energy and intensity exceeds the quench level of the superconducting magnets and the damage level of the machine components by far. Therefore a robust and reliable collimation system is required which controls the losses to the superconducting magnets below the quench limit and to protect the accelerator components from damage in the event of beam loss. The layout and design of the LHC collimation system is presented and the expected system performance is shown. The calculated losses around the ring were provided as input for energy deposition studies in the cleaning insertions itself but also close to experimental insertions. In addition the results from studies on proton losses originating from p-p interaction in the experiments are shown.


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WGD09 Activation of Targets and Accelerator Components at PSI – A Comparison of Simulation and Measurement target, neutron, shielding, simulation 363
  • D.C. Kiselev, D. Schumann, S. Teichmann, M. Wohlmuther
    PSI, Villigen

The ring cyclotron at the PSI accelerator facility accelerates protons to 590MeV with a current of 2 mA at present. The stepwise increase to 3 mA is planned. During normal operation there are main beam loss points at targets, beam dumps and collimators. If the beam strikes material particles are lost due to multiple scattering. Subsequent nuclear reactions lead to the production of activated materials in the components itself and their surroundings. During shutdown radioactive components have to be removed for disposal or repair. To some extent the removal requires operations done by personnel nearby the activated components. To estimate the personal dose and to plan working procedures, a way to calculate the expected dose is essential. In addition, for later disposal of the radioactive components the nuclide inventory is required by the authorities. The Monte Carlo particle transport code MCNPX coupled to the build-up and decay codes SP-FISPACT, Orihet3 and Cinder’90, as well as the bookkeeping system PWWMBS developed at PSI, are used to calculate the required quantities. Both methods will be presented and the results are compared to measurements of different activated components.


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WGD10 Residual Dose Rate Analyses for the SNS Accelerator Facility beam-losses, radiation, neutron, target 371
  • I.I. Popova, P.D. Ferguson, J. Galambos, F. X. Gallmeier
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

The Spallation Neutron Source accelerator is a neutron scattering facility for materials research that recently started operations and presently is in the process of power ramp-up to reach mega-watt power level within a year in cycles of operations and maintenance and tuning periods. The structural materials inside the accelerator tunnel are activated by protons beam losses and by secondary particles. Secondary particles appear due to spallation reactions caused by the proton losses, and produce the residual radiation after shut down in the tunnel environment. In order to plan maintenance work after each operations period, residual dose measurements are taking at 30 cm distance from the accelerator structures and on contact. During normal operation, beam losses and beam scenario are recorded and used as a source to calculate expected residual dose rates after shut down. Calculation analyses are performed using the transport code MCNPX followed by the activation calculation script, which uses the nuclear inventory code CINDER’90, then converting gammas production spectra and gamma power to the dose rates. Calculated results for various locations are compared with measured data.


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WGD12 The NumI Proton Beam at Fermilab: Successes and Challenges target, extraction, controls, beam-losses 379
  • S.C. Childress
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

The NuMI beam at Fermilab has delivered almost 5x10 20 120 GeV protons to the neutrino production target, since the start for MINOS physics operation in 2005. We will report on beam operation status, including successes and challenges to date with the beam and NuMI system technical components. Also covered will be the ongoing program of increasing NuMI beam power using slip stacking of beam in the Main Injector accelerator.


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WGD17 A Superconducting Proton Linac for the ESS-Bilbao Accelerator cavity, linac, neutron, DTL 385
  • I. Bustinduy, V. Etxebarria
    University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao
  • F.J. Bermejo
    Bilbao, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao
  • R. Enparantza, L. Uriarte
    Fundación TEKNIKER, Eibar (Gipuzkoa)
  • J. Lucas
    Elytt Energy, Madrid

A revised layout for the proton linear accelerator as proposed by the European Spallation Source-Bilbao (Spain) bid to host the installation is here described. The new machine concept aims to incorporate advances which have been registered within the field of high power accelerators during the last decade. Particularly relevant are the ongoing works within Magnetic Fusion activities (IFMIF/EVEDA), waste transmutation (EUROTRANS) or radioactive ion beam (EURISOL) and heavy-ion physics (FAIR, SPIRAL2) which have lead to significantly shorter accelerators incorporating state-of-the-art technology which mainly replaces decades-old copper drift-tubes, coupled-cavity LINACs or some other accelerating structures employed for energies beyond 50 MeV or so by superconducting cavities (SC) of a wholly new kind. The design of such a new accelerator layout will be critically dependent upon the development and/or adaptation of low β superconducting cavities already developed for some of the referred projects into those adequate for pulsed operation and high duty cycle.

The authors wish to acknowledge extremely fruitful discussions held with scientists from CEA/SACLAY, IPN/ORSAY as well as from the ISIS Spallation Neutron Source.

WGE01 ERHIC Conceptual Design electron, ion, linac, luminosity 388
  • V. Ptitsyn, J. Beebe-Wang, I. Ben-Zvi, A.V. Fedotov, W. Fischer, Y. Hao, A. Kayran, V. Litvinenko, W.W. MacKay, C. Montag, E. Pozdeyev, T. Roser, D. Trbojevic, N. Tsoupas
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
  • E. Tsentalovich
    MIT, Middleton, Massachusetts

The design status of the high luminosity electron-ion collider, eRHIC, is presented. The goal of eRHIC will be to provide collisions of electrons and possibly positrons) on ions and protons in the center-of-mass energy range from 25 to 140 GeV, at luminosities exceeding 1033 cm-2s-1. A considerable part of the physics program calls for a high polarization level of electrons, protons and He3 ions. The electron beam is accelerated in a recirculating energy recovery linac. Major R&D items for the electron beam include the development of a high intensity polarized source, studies of various aspects of energy recovery technology for high power beams and the development of compact magnets for recirculating passes. In a linac-ring scheme the beam-beam interaction has several very specific features which have to be thoroughly studied. In order to maximize the collider luminosity, several upgrades of the existing RHIC accelerator are required. Those upgrades may include the increase of total beam intensity as well as transverse and longitudinal cooling of ions and protons.


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WGE06 Lattice Options for PS2 lattice, optics, synchrotron, non-linear-dynamics 402
  • Y. Papaphilippou, J. Barranco, W. Bartmann, M. Benedikt
    CERN, Geneva
  • D. Trbojevic, R. de Maria
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York

In view of the CERN Proton Synchrotron replacement with a new ring (PS2), a detailed optics design is undertaken following several options, which cross or avoid transition. The different lattices are compared with respect to their linear optics flexibility, acceptance and chromatic properties. The effect of magnet misalignments in the beam orbit and linear optics functions are reviewed and correction schemes are proposed. Finally, the different lattice options are compared with respect to single particle non-linear dynamics.


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WGE08 Using Project X as a Proton Driver for Muon Colliders and Neutrino Factories collider, emittance, factory, storage-ring 410
  • C.M. Ankenbrandt, R.P. Johnson
    Muons, Inc, Batavia
  • C.M. Ankenbrandt
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

Muon colliders and neutrino factories impose demanding requirements on the proton accelerator systems that are used to produce the muons. Various concepts to meet those needs have been developed. A scheme that uses a powerful 8-GeV H- linac followed by storage rings for accumulation and bunch manipulations will be described and compared with other ideas.


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WGE12 The Korean Proton Engineering Frontier Project DTL, linac, target, quadrupole 422
  • J.-H. Jang, Y.-S. Cho, B.H. Choi, J-Y. Kim, K. R. Kim, J. W. Park
    KAERI, Daejon

The main purposes of the proton engineering frontier project (PEFP) are developing 100-MeV proton linac and supplying 20-MeV and 100-MeV proton beams to user group. The 20-MeV part of the linac with 24% beam duty has been successfully installed and tested at the KAERI site. Now we are supplying 20-MeV proton beams to users in a restricted beam condition. The fabrication of the remaining part of the DTL with the beam duty of 8% is in progress. The PEFP user facility includes 5 beam lines for 20-MeV and 100-MeV beams, respectively. Form the user surveys the purposes and beam specs are determined for the beam lines. The characteristics of the PEFP beam supplying systems are using the AC magnets to periodically distribute proton beams into several beam lines. At the same time, PEFP concentrates on developing the potential user group of the high intensity proton beams. Several beam utilization programs are under way for this purpose. The civil construction is scheduled to start at the end of this year. The present status and progress of the project are summarized in detail.


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WGF02 Beam Instrumentation for Future High Intense Hadron Accelerator at Fermilab electron, cavity, laser, diagnostics 440
  • M. Wendt, M. Hu, V.E. Scarpine, S. Shin, G. R. Tassotto, R. Thurman-Keup, J.R. Zagel
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

High intense hadron beams of > 2 MW beam power are a key element for the new proposed Neutrino experiments at Fermilab. Therefore a new beam facility, called Project-X, is under discussion. We will present requirements, and first conceptual ideas for beam instrumentation and diagnostics, and the related R&D initiatives taking place in the high intense test accelerators, currently under construction. First results of beam profile measurements using OTR screens and laser wires are shown.


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WGF03 Beam Loss Monitoring Using Proportional Counters at J-PARC beam-losses, radiation, synchrotron, booster 450
  • T. Toyama, A. Akiyama, Y. Hashimoto, S. Lee, H. Nakagawa, J.-I. Odagiri, T. Suzuki, M. Tejima, N. Yamamoto
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • N. Hayashi, K. Yamamoto
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken
  • K. Satou
    J-PARC, KEK&JAEA, Ibaraki-ken

Proportional counter is adopted as a main beam loss monitor system for the RCS and MR of J-PARC. The advantages are signal amplification and radiation hardness. In our case the signal amplification more than 500 and the radiation hardness of not only component materials but also its sensitivity which keeps constant upto the charge accumulation of 0.0035 C/mm by Co-60 γ-ray source irradiation, corresponds more than several years operation. The rise time is an order of μs which satisfies the requirement of MPS (Machine Protection System). The system will be overviewed and the performance with radiation sources and beams will be reported comparing with the MARS simulation.

WGF05 Fermilab Booster Diagnostics, Monitors, and Software for Operational Control of Residual Radiation booster, diagnostics, controls, radiation 454
  • W. Pellico
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

The FNAL Booster Accelerator delivers about 1017 8 GeV protons/hour. The Booster present cycling rate is 8 Hz but can go as high as 10 Hz with plans to run at 15 Hz. Booster's current operations and future plans required upgrades to most of Booster 30 year old diagnostic hardware and software. Beam quality as well as beam intensity and cycle repetition rate first became an issue when the neutrino experiment BooNE started in 2002. Since then MI slip stacking and continuation of running to MiniBooNE continues to push Booster diagnostics and software upgrades. Control of residual radiation while increasing the Booster throughput over 10 fold has been successful but the work is not done.


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WGF11 Beam Diagnostic System of the Main Ring Synchrotron of J-PARC beam-losses, synchrotron, ion, controls 472
  • K. Satou
    J-PARC, KEK&JAEA, Ibaraki-ken
  • D.A. Arakawa, A. Arinaga, Y. Hashimoto, S. Igarashi, M. Tejima
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • N. Hayashi, K. Yamamoto
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken
  • T. Toyama
    J-PARC, KEK & JAEA, Ibaraki-ken

The beam commissioning of the J-PARC Main Ring synchrotron (MR) has been started from May of this year. A single bunch beam from 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) was injected to the ring through 3-50 beam transporting (3-50BT) and then was extracted to the beam dump after 1000 turns (typically) without acceleration. The beam intensity was 4·1011 ppb that is 2 orders of magnitude smaller than that of the design intensity. The beam diagnostic system was used to establish the beam operational parameters. The system includes the instrumentations as follows; 3 types of Current Transformers (CTs), DCCT, fast CT (FCT), and Wall Current Monitor (WCM); Beam Position Monitors (BPMs); proportional counter type Beam Loss Monitors (BLMs) at each quadropole magnet; horizontal and vertical tune monitors with exciter systems; and 3 types of beam profile monitors, Multi Wire Profile Monitors (MWPMs) at 3-50BT and downstream of injection septa, a horizontal Flying Wire Profile Monitor (FWPM) and a vertical residual gas Ionization Profile Monitor (IPM) in the ring. At the workshop, the present status of the system will be presented.


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WGF12 NuMI Proton Beam Diagnostics and Control: Achieving 2 Megawatt Capability beam-losses, controls, target, extraction 475
  • S.C. Childress
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois

The NuMI proton beam at Fermilab currently delivers 120 GeV protons to the neutrino production target at beam powers up to 320 kW, with design capability to 400 kW. We are preparing for upgrade to 700 kW, and are in planning stage for delivering 2.3 MW beam provided by the Project X accelerator upgrade. We will report on the system of beam diagnostics and control used in operation of the NuMI beam, and the experience to date. Also covered will be the steps to provide a robust system for transport and targeting beam of 2 MW and beyond.


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CPL05 Closing Plenary Summary of Working Group E: High-Intensity Linacs & Rings: New Facilities and Concepts linac, cavity, ion, simulation 493
  • P.N. Ostroumov
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois
  • F. Gerigk
    CERN, Geneva

The International Program Committee of the Workshop and its Chairman have charged us with the following three questions:

  1. Recent trends in high-intensity proton/ion beam facilities?
  2. Critical challenges and key research areas for substantial beam power increases?
  3. Necessary improvements in theory and simulation tools?


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