Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
WGC03 | 3D Simulation Studies of Beam Dynamic Issues in SNS Ring Injection and Extraction | proton, injection, simulation, dipole | 265 |
We have performed 3D particle tracking in realistic magnetic field configuration to study particle losses in the SNS ring injection dump beam line and beam profile tilt in the extraction Lambertson septum. The technique is based on accurate 3D modeling of magnet assemblies or beam lines and 3D particle trajectory calculations through the simulated field. The studies have discovered a number of design and operation issues that cause particle losses in the injection region and beam profile tilt through the extraction septum. The remedies to all the problems are also devised. This paper reports our simulation techniques and major findings. ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
WGC05 | Experience with J-PARC RCS Injection and Extraction Systems | injection, extraction, beam-losses, closed-orbit | 275 |
The 3 GeV RCS(Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) of J-PARC(Japan Protron Accelerator Research Complex) is already in the beam commissioning stage and as designed working as an injector to the 50-GeV MR(Main Ring) as well as delivering stable beam to the spallation neutron target. The overall design strategy together with beam commissioning results of the injection and extraction will be presented. |