Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
WGA06 | Coherent Synchrobetatron Resonance at the FNAL Booster | cavity, resonance, betatron, synchrotron | 63 |
While a beam is being bunched, a coherent synchrotron frequency grows from zero to a maximal value, crossing many synchro-betatron resonances of the bunch motion. If a related driving force is high enough, the beam can get unstable. This phenomenon is important at Fermilab Booster, presumably being driven by dispersion in the cavities. To stabilize the beam, high chromaticities are required. |
WGA32 | Landau Damping of Space-Charge Dominated Fermilab Booster Beam | space-charge, impedance, octupole, electron | 168 |
The stable region of the Fermilab Booster beam in the complex coherent-tune-shift plane appears to have been shifted far away from the origin by its intense space charge making Landau damping appear impossible. However, it is shown that the bunching structure of the beam reduces this space-charge shift. As a result, the beam can be stabilized by suitable octupole driven tune spread. |
WGD07 | MI High Power Operation and Future Plans | injection, kicker, target, proton | 354 |
Since January 2008 Fermilab's Main Injector has switched from 2 to 10 batch slip Stacking as an upgrade to 400 KW operation at 120 GeV. Currently the beam power has reached 350 KW and efforts are continuing in order to reach 400 KW. The current performance and the future plans for reaching 700 KW will be described. |
WGF03 | Beam Loss Monitoring Using Proportional Counters at J-PARC | beam-losses, radiation, proton, synchrotron | 450 |
Proportional counter is adopted as a main beam loss monitor system for the RCS and MR of J-PARC. The advantages are signal amplification and radiation hardness. In our case the signal amplification more than 500 and the radiation hardness of not only component materials but also its sensitivity which keeps constant upto the charge accumulation of 0.0035 C/mm by Co-60 γ-ray source irradiation, corresponds more than several years operation. The rise time is an order of μs which satisfies the requirement of MPS (Machine Protection System). The system will be overviewed and the performance with radiation sources and beams will be reported comparing with the MARS simulation. |
WGF05 | Fermilab Booster Diagnostics, Monitors, and Software for Operational Control of Residual Radiation | diagnostics, controls, radiation, proton | 454 |
The FNAL Booster Accelerator delivers about 1017 8 GeV protons/hour. The Booster present cycling rate is 8 Hz but can go as high as 10 Hz with plans to run at 15 Hz. Booster's current operations and future plans required upgrades to most of Booster 30 year old diagnostic hardware and software. Beam quality as well as beam intensity and cycle repetition rate first became an issue when the neutrino experiment BooNE started in 2002. Since then MI slip stacking and continuation of running to MiniBooNE continues to push Booster diagnostics and software upgrades. Control of residual radiation while increasing the Booster throughput over 10 fold has been successful but the work is not done. |
CPL04 | Commissioning Strategies, Operations and Performance, Beam Loss Management, Activation, Machine Protection | linac, target, beam-losses, radiation | 489 |
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