Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
MOXKI03 | Status of the SNS - Machine and Science | linac, beam-losses, injection, beam-transport | 7 | |||||
Funding: ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) will be the world's leading pulsed neutron source, with design beam power capability of 1.4 MW. The SNS Construction Project was completed in June 2006. The accelerator complex was successfully commissioned during the construction phase of the project in seven discrete commissioning runs. The facility is now in the first of a three year performance ramp-up phase, in which the beam power, reliability and operating time will be increased to the baseline design values of 1.4 MW, 90% and 5000 hours respectively. Meanwhile, neutron scattering instruments are being constructed and commissioned in preparation for full user operations in 2009. The progress toward bringing the SNS to its full capabilities will be presented. |
MOZBC01 | National Nuclear Security and Other Applications of Rare Isotopes | site, background, factory, simulation | 124 | |||||
The proposed Rare Isotope Accelerator will produce large quantities of short-lived isotopes in beams suitable for experiments in low energy nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics. The full suite of particles available offers the opportunity for advances in other scientific fields and applied technologies, including national security, medical technology, material science, and nuclear energy.
MOOBC01 | Electron Accelerator Options for Photo-Detection of Fissile Materials | photon, electron, linac, laser | 137 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DNDO of US Government |
For national security, it is important to detect the presence of Special Nuclear Materials (SNM), especially Highly-Enriched Uranium (HEU). Generally used methods for such detection include interrogation by photons and neutrons. For example, photofission in HEU can be initiated with 14-MeV photons. The resulting delayed neutrons and photons from the fission fragments are clear signatures of the presence of HEU. One can generate high-energy photons using electron accelerators via various mechanisms. In this paper, we will describe two of them, namely electron bremsstrahlung and Compton-backscattered photons. We focus on these two mechanisms because they cover a wide range of accelerator requirements. Electron bremsstrahlung can be generated using a compact low-energy electron linac while the generation of Compton-backscattered photons requires a high-energy electron accelerator of a few hundred MeV. We review these two options, describe their accelerator requirements, and compare their relative merits. |
MOOBC02 | Experiments in Warm Dense Matter using an Ion Beam Driver | ion, diagnostics, plasma, electron | 140 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Dept. of Energy by LBNL, LLNL, and PPPL under Contracts No. W-7405-Eng-48, DE-AC02-05CH11231, and DE-AC02-76CH3073. |
We describe near term heavy-ion beam-driven warm dense matter (WDM) experiments. Initial experiments are at low beam velocity, below the Bragg peak, increasing toward the Bragg peak in subsequent versions of the accelerator. The WDM conditions are envisioned to be achieved by combined longitudinal and transverse neutralized drift compression to provide a hot spot on the target with a beam spot size of about 1 mm, and pulse length about 1-2 ns. The range of the beams in solid matter targets is about 1 micron, which can be lengthened by using porous targets at reduced density. Initial candidate experiments include an experiment to study transient darkening in the WDM regime; and a thin target dE/dx experiment to study beam energy and charge state distribution in a heated target. Further experiments will explore target temperature and other properties such as electrical conductivity to investigate phase transitions and the critical point. |
MOPAN040 | Comparative Study on Lifetime of Stripper Foil using 650keV H- Ion Beam | ion, ion-source, synchrotron, linac | 245 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, under contract No. 18540303. |
Thick carbon stripper foils of >300 μg/cm2 will be used as a stripping of H-ion beam for 3GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (3GeV-RCS) of the J-PARC. The carbon foils with long lifetime even at >1800 K are required. For this purpose, we have developed a new irradiation system for the lifetime measurement using high current pulsed and dc H- beams of the KEK Cockcroft-Walton accelerator. These high power 650keV H- Ion beams can simulate the high energy deposition in carbon stripper foils at the J-PARC RCS. An automatic data acquisition system is also developed for recording the data of foil temperature and irradiated beam current. The Hybrid Boron mixed Carbon (HBC) stripper foils, which are developed at KEK are irradiated by high current H- ion beam up to 2000 K. A few SNS-diamond and commercially available carbon (CM) foils are also tested for comparing with HBC-foils. The results of the lifetime measurement of HBC and SNS-diamond including CM stripper foils are reported. |
MOPAN070 | Developments in High-precision Aspects of Power Converter Control for LHC | controls, shielding, diagnostics, monitoring | 314 | |||||
The initial results from integration testing of the LHC magnet power converters revealed problems of low-frequency noise, settling time, drift with time and temperature, thermal management and EMC. These problems originated in the use of DSP, the A/D converter (ADC), the DC Current Transducer (DCCT) and their respective environments. This paper reports the methods used to improve the performance through hardware and software modifications and the results achieved.
MOPAN073 | Parametric Study of Heat Deposition from Collision Debris into the Insertion Superconducting Magnets for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade | insertion, quadrupole, luminosity, superconducting-magnet | 323 | |||||
With a new geometry in a higher luminosity environment, the power deposition in the superconducting magnets becomes a critical aspect to analyze and to integrate in the insertion design. In this paper, we quantify the power deposited in magnets insertion at variable positions from the interaction point (IP). A fine characterization of the debris due to the proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV, shows that the energetic particles in the very forward direction give rise to non intuitive dependences of the impacting energy on the magnet front face and inner surface. The power deposition does not vary significantly with the distance to the interaction point, because of counterbalancing effects of different contributions to power deposition. We have found out that peak power density in the magnet insertion does not vary significantly with or without the Target Absorber Secondaries (TAS) protection.
MOPAN086 | Final Geometry of 1232 LHC Dipoles | dipole, controls, superconductivity, octupole | 359 | |||||
The 15 m long main dipoles for the Large Hadron Collider are now being installed in their final positions in the accelerator tunnel. Geometric measurements of the magnets after many of the production steps from industry to the cryostating, after cold tests and after preparation of the magnets for installation, have been made, permitting careful control of the shape of the magnet, the positioning of the field correctors, and the final positioning in the tunnel. The result of the geometry control at the different production stages, from industry to CERN, using different kinds of control procedures and analysis, will be reported.
MOPAS032 | Advanced Accelerator Control and Instrumentation Modules based on FPGA | controls, instrumentation | 506 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics, under grant DE-FG02-06ER84486. |
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) offer a powerful alternative to ASICs or general purpose processors in accelerator control applications. Software development for these devices can be awkward and time consuming, however, when using low level hardware design languages. To facilitate the use of FPGAs in control systems we are developing a library of software tools based on ImpulseC, a high level subset of the C language specifically designed for FPGA programming. Development and testing of the software will be performed on a Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA demo board. We will present timing benchmarks for common control functions (PID feedback loops, FIR and Kalman filters) and present plans for the development of a controller for the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator high current photoinjector based on this work. |
MOPAS047 | LANSCE Fail Safe Radiation Shutter Design for Isotope Production Facility | radiation, shielding, alignment, controls | 539 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the United States Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Agency, under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 |
Dose rate modeling and post irradiation measurements of the Isotope Production Facility beamline, at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator, have determined that a radiation shielding shutter is required to protect personnel from shine from irradiated targets for routine beam tunnel entries. This paper will describe radiation dose modeling, shielding calculations and the failsafe mechanical shutter design. |
MOPAS079 | Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) High Pulse Repetition Rate Considerations | klystron, controls, linac, proton | 614 | |||||
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U. S. Department of Energy. |
Increasing the pulse repetition rate (PRR) of the SNS Linac to its designed maximum of 60 Hz to provide 1.4 MW of beam on target is in progress. Operation above 60 Hz in the future to provide beam to a second target is also being considered. Increasing the PRR to 80 Hz would allow the additional pulses to be diverted to a second target. This paper discusses the impact of increasing the PRR on the SNS infrastructure including Radio Frequency (RF) systems and structures, the ion source, cryogenics, controls and the target. |
MOPAS094 | A High-Power Target Experiment at the CERN PS | proton, factory, collider, extraction | 646 | |||||
We test a target concept of a free-flowing mercury stream embedded in a high-field solenoid. The goal is to demonstrate the copious production of secondary pions and tertiary muons in a megawatt class proton beam at the front end of a neutrino factory or muon collider. Key components are described and results of the experimental commissioning phase are given.
TUXKI01 | Advances in High Power Targets | proton, factory, radiation, kaon | 676 | |||||
High power targets are one of the major issues for both neutron sources and neutrino factories. The paper will review status of studies worldwide, including those at JPARC and SNS etc. Results from the MERIT liquid-jet Hg target experiment at CERN will also be covered.
TUXKI02 | Recommendations from the International Scoping Study for a Neutrino Factory | proton, factory, linac, acceleration | 681 | |||||
The International Scoping Study (ISS), a one-year review set up at the behest of CCLRC, aimed to lay the foundation for a planned international design study (IDS) for a neutrino factory or superbeam facility over the next three to five years. A team of experienced accelerator physicists were asked to examine the accelerator work carried out to date, identify a fully self-consistent and viable scenario, and specify areas for immediate study and R&D. The ISS Report, published in late 2006, makes recommendations for all parts of a Neutrino Factory complex, from the proton driver, through muon production and acceleration to the final decay ring, which directs the neutrino beams through the earth to far detectors. The paper describes these proposals, explaining the reasoning behind them, and outlines the work currently being undertaken in preparation for the IDS.
TUXKI03 | Neutrino and Other Beam-Lines at J-PARC | proton, hadron, kaon, background | 686 | |||||
The T2K project, the next-generation long base-line neutrino oscillation experiment to explore neutrino mass and mixing (further CPV), is one of the main motivations to construct J-PARC, The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex at Tokai. It will employ the 50 GeV proton synchrotron to produce neutrino super-beam, and a 50 kt water Cherenkov neutrino detector at Kamioka mine, Super-Kamiokande, as a far neutrino detector. The baseline length of 295 km. The neutrino beam-line is in the midst of its apparatus production and civil construction, towards the beam commissionning scheduled in April 2009. One of the main features of the beam-line is that the axis of the beam optics is displaced by a few degrees from the far detector direction to produce a narrower and lower neutrino energy spectrum than that of conventional on-axis beam. Our beam-line design makes it possible to adjust the off-axis angle, i.e. neutrino beam energy, to maximize neutrino oscillation effect. In this talk I will also briefly introduce other econdary beam-lines at J-PARC, the hadron beam lines and neutron and muon beam lines.
TUOAKI01 | Status of the NuMI Neutrino Beam at Fermilab | instrumentation, proton | 691 | |||||
The NuMI beam at Fermilab produces a high-intensity neutrino beam for neutrino oscillation experiments. Since the start of 2005, NuMI has been delivering beam to the MINOS experiment. Greater than 2x10[20] 120 GeV protons have been delivered to the neutrino production target, with a peak power of 320 kW being achieved. This note reports on the status and operation of the beam and its technical components, including the target, horns, and instrumentation.
TUOAKI02 | CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS): Results from Commissioning | proton, extraction, optics, instrumentation | 692 | |||||
The CNGS project (CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso) aims at directly detecting muon neutrinos-tau neutrinos oscillations. An intense muon- neutrinos beam is generated at CERN and directed towards LNGS (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso) in Italy where tau-neutrinos will be detected in large and complex detectors. An overview of the CNGS beam facility is given. Results from the primary and secondary beam line commissioning performed in summer 2006 are presented. Measurements are compared with expectations.
TUYKI01 | ISIS, Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source | synchrotron, proton, rfq, ion | 695 | |||||
At present, ISIS, located at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, is the world's leading pulsed neutron and muon source. First neutrons were produced in December 1984, and since then large neutron and muon user communities have been built up. Every year, typically 1600 visitors are welcomed to ISIS, and 800 experiments are carried out. Hitherto ISIS has been based on an 800 MeV proton synchrotron delivering a 160 kW 50 pps beam to a target station incorporating a tungsten neutron-producing target preceded by a graphite muon-producing target. However, a second target station optimised for cold neutrons and running at 10 pps is currently being built, and the first experiments on the second target station are scheduled for 2008. At the same time, extensive performance-enhancing programmes (e.g. a dual harmonic RF system for the synchrotron) and re-lifing programmes (e.g. replacement of the synchrotron main magnet power supplies) are being carried out. The talk will describe the ISIS accelerators, the associated enhancement and re-lifing programmes, the target stations, and will also look forward to schemes for megawatt neutrons in the UK.
TUZBKI01 | Present and Future High-Energy Accelerators for Neutrino Experiments | proton, booster, injection, extraction | 731 | |||||
Application of high-energy proton accelerators for high-intensity neutrino beam production is a challenging task from standpoints of accelerator physics and operation. An overview of the machines presently used for neutrino experiments will be given as well as of the future projects, in particular of the Fermilab accelerator complex conversion after the Tevatron Run II completion.
TUYAB02 | Generation and Control of High Precision Beams at Lepton Accelerators | coupling, electron, controls, feedback | 780 | |||||
Parity violation experiments require precision manipulation of helicity-correlated beam coordinates on target at the nm/nrad-level. Achieving this unprecedented level of control requires a detailed understanding of the particle optics and careful tuning of the beam transport to keep anomalies from compromising the design adiabatic damping. Such efforts are often hindered by machine configuration and instrumentation limitations at the low energy end. A technique has been developed at CEBAF including high precision measurements, Mathematica-based analysis for obtaining corrective solutions, and control hardware/software developments for realizing such level of control at energies up to 5 GeV. Further, results on achieving rms energy stability at 10-5, rms relative energy spread below 3x10-5, and position control at micron level are presented. These results manifest the CW SRF electron linac stability capabilities and are valuable for a large range of applications, including ERLs and Electron-Ion Colliders for Nuclear and Particle Physics.
TUXC01 | Status of DARHT 2nd Axis Accelerator at the Los Alamos National Laboratory | electron, kicker, induction, beam-transport | 831 | |||||
This presentation will provide a status report on the 2kA, 17MeV, 2-microsecond Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrotest electron beam accelerator at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and will cover results from the cell refurbishment effort, commissioning experiments on beam transport and stability through the accelerator, and experiments exercising the beam chopper.
TUPMN037 | Power Tests of a PLD Film Mg Photo-cathode in a RF Gun | cathode, laser, gun, photon | 995 | |||||
Metallic film photo-cathodes are rugged, have a fast response and good emission uniformity. Mg has also a relevant Quantum Efficiency in the near UV. A cathode suitable for a 1.5 cells S-band RF gun has been produced by depositing an Mg film on Cu by Pulsed Laser Deposition technique. After different optimizations, stable good results have been reached in the low field measurement scenario. A sample was deposited on a gun flange and tested in the 1.6 cell injector at UCLA Pegasus facility to prove cathode resistence in a high field environment. The results are described.
TUPMN094 | Development of a Model Superconducting Helical Undulator for the ILC Positron Source | undulator, positron, linear-collider, collider | 1136 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
Model superconducting helical undulators are under development for the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC) positron source. The undulator requires high-permeability steel poles and superconducting coils to meet the ILC parameters. A fabrication method for steel poles on a nonmagnetic beam chamber was developed. A model undulator with a period length of 14 mm and Nb3Sn coils was fabricated. Both ends of the model were designed to provide for continuous winding of a single conductor with 39 turns per helix. A 10-mm-period model was designed and is in the fabrication process. The 14-mm-period model may be used in the development of a cryogenic magnetic measurement system. Details of the fabrication and test results will be presented. |
TUPMS027 | Development of Software to Control 8-Motor Elliptically Polarizing Undulators | controls, undulator, power-supply, insertion | 1239 | |||||
Funding: Swedish Natural Research Council (Vetenskapsrdet) |
Advanced Design Consulting developed control software entitled IDcontrol for its state-of-the-art Apple II insertion devices (ID). These IDs feature 8 controllable axes: four servo motors control the gap and taper of two main girders, and four servo motors control the photon polarization-state by manipulating four sub-girders. IDcontrol simultaneously positions all 8 axes with high precision in real-time using 0.1 micron linear encoders attached directly to the girders and sub-girders. Helical and Inclined Plane phase modes are supported with automated mode switching. Magnetic-field-correction-coil current and girder taper are adjustable as functions of gap, phase, and phase mode. IDcontrol continuously monitors redundant encoder velocity and position data for maximal reliability, encoder failure detection, and damage prevention. Combined with ADCs Graphical User Interface (GUI) entitled IDgui, IDcontrol manipulates the ID, provides user notification and automated recovery from errors, management of correction data, and isometric visualization of the ID's girders. The functionality of both IDcontrol and IDgui has been demonstrated at MAX lab and the results will be discussed. |
TUPAN024 | HESR at FAIR: Status of Technical Planning | dipole, antiproton, electron, cryogenics | 1442 | |||||
The High-Energy Storage Ring (HESR) of the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt is dedicated to Strong Interaction studies with antiprotons in the momentum range from 1.5 to 15 GeV/c. Powerful phase-space cooling is needed to reach demanding experimental requirements in terms of luminosity and beam quality. Status and details of technical planning including cryogenic concept will be presented.
TUPAN028 | A Low Beta Section for Polarization Studies of Antiprotons by Spin Filtering | quadrupole, antiproton, emittance, focusing | 1451 | |||||
In the framework of the FAIR* project, the PAX collaboration has suggested new experiments using polarized antiprotons**. The central physics issue is now to study the polarization build-up by spin filtering of antiprotons via multiple passages through an internal polarized gas target. The goals for spin-filtering experiments with protons at COSY are to test our understanding of the spin-filtering processes and to commission the setup for the AD experiments with antiprotons at the AD (CERN). Spin-filtering experiments with antiprotons at the AD will allow us to determine the total spin-dependent transversal and longitudinal cross sections. The low-beta section at COSY is composed of two superconducting quadrupole magnets on each side of the target, while at the AD, we will use three quadrupoles on each side. Accelerator technical problems and details for COSY and AD to carry out the planned spin-filtering studies together with the technical problems and details of the superconducting quadrupoles with their respective cryogenics will be discussed in this talk. The status of the construction of the quadrupoles will be reported as well.
* Conceptual Design Report for an International Facility for Antiprotonand Ion Research,** PAX Technical Proposal, |
TUPAN051 | Design of Dynamic Collimator for J-PARC Main Ring | collimation, extraction, beam-losses, injection | 1505 | |||||
The J-PARC main ring has a beam collimator section downstream of the injection area. The allowed beam loss is about 500 W. The beam halo during injection can be scraped by a standard collimator scheme. The beam halo can grow during the acceleration. Such a halo may cause a serious beam loss for extracted beam. A collimation during acceleration (dynamic collimator) is usefull to reduce the uncontrolable beam loss at the extraction. We will report the design and simulation of the dynamic collimation.
TUPAN056 | Fabrication Status of ACS Accelerating Modules of J-PARC Linac | coupling, linac, impedance, vacuum | 1514 | |||||
An ACS (Annular Coupled Structure) cavity has been developed for the J-PARC Linac from 190-MeV to 400-MeV. We fabricated a buncher module with two 5-cell accelerating tanks and one 5-cell bridge tank as the first module. The buncher module is shorter than accelerating module that consists of two 17-cell accelerating tanks and one 9-cell bridge tank. The first buncher module achieved the stable operation of 50 Hz, 600 us, 600 kW in the high-power test, which corresponds to the E0 value of 4.8 MV/m. The second buncher module and three accelerating modules are under fabrication continuously. These results of the frequency tuning and assembling are presented in detail.
TUPAN060 | The DTL/SDTL Alignment of the J-PARC Linac | alignment, linac, laser, survey | 1523 | |||||
J-PARC linear accelerator components have been installed and the beam commissioning has been started in Nov. 2006. The length of the linear section is about 300 m which consists of the ion source, the radio frequency quadropole linac(RFQ), the drift tube linac(DTL), separated type DTL(SDTL), and the beam transport line. Precise alignment of the accelerator components is essential for high quality beam acceleration. The required alignment error in the J-PARC linac is 0.1mm in transverse direction. In the DTL/SDTL section, the fine alignment was carried out by using an optical alignment telescope along with the cavity installation. The relay targets were placed at short intervals for smooth connection between neighboring components. After the installation, the DTL/SDTL positions were confirmed by measuring the reference base by using a laser tracker. In this paper, the alignment procedure for the DTL/SDTL section and the results by the laser tracker measurements are described.
TUPAN064 | Use of Solidified Gas Target to Laser Ion Source | ion, laser, plasma, ion-source | 1535 | |||||
We examined a laser produced neon plasma as part of a future laser ion source. The ion source is capable of generating highly ionized particles and high intensity beams by irradiating a solid target with a pulsed laser. Rare gases, which are in gas state at room temperature, need to be cooled to solid targets for laser irradiation. We generated solid neon targets by equipping our laser ion source chamber with a cryogenic cooler. This method will generate high current rare gas beams.
TUPAN065 | Proton Beam Quality Improvement by a Tailored Target Illuminated by an Intense Short-Pulse Laser | proton, laser, ion, electron | 1538 | |||||
Suppression of a transverse proton divergence is focused by using a controlled electron cloud. When an intense short pulse laser illuminates a foil plasma target, first electrons are accelerated and they form a strong electric field at the target surface, then protons can be accelerated by the strong field created. An electron cloud is limited in the transverse direction by plasma at the protuberant part, if the target has a hole at the opposite side of the laser illumination*. The proton beam is accelerated and also controlled by the transverse shaped electron cloud, and consequently the transverse divergence of the beam can be suppressed. In 2.5D particle-in-cell simulations, the transverse shape of the electron cloud is controlled well.
* R. Sonobe, S. Kawata, et. al., Phys. Plasmas 12 (2005) 073104. |
TUPAN066 | Half-mini Beta Optics with a Bunch Rotation for Warm Dense Matter Science Facility in KEK | space-charge, ion, emittance, booster | 1541 | |||||
An all-ion accelerator (AIA) is a quite interesting device as a driver to explore a Warm Dense Matter (WDM) state*. The irradiation onto a target at a small focal spot (< a few mm) with a short pulse duration (< 100 nsec) is required to create an interesting WDM state. The final focus is carried out through a half-mini beta beam line placed after the kickout from the AIA. The half-mini beta beam line should be designed with the space-charge effect due to the high current beam. The design includes effects of a large momentum spread caused by a fast bunch rotation. The beam optics concerned with the effects of space-charge and the large momentum spread during the half-mini beta system is designed for the WDM science in KEK AIA Facility.
* E. Nakamura, et al., "A Modification Plan of the KEK 500MeV Booster to an All-ion Accelerators (An Injector-free Synchrotron)", PAC07. |
TUPAN076 | Conceptual Design of the Beam Line for the PEFP User Facility | proton, linac, quadrupole, optics | 1547 | |||||
Funding: The work was supported by the 21C Frontier R&D program in Ministry of Science and Technology of the Korean Government |
The Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP) will supply 20-MeV and 100-MeV proton beams from a 100 MeV proton linear accelerator for beam applications. The extracted 20 MeV or 100 MeV proton beams will be simultaneously distributed into the five targets through a dipole magnet equipped with a controllable AC power supply. The most important design criterion is the flexibility of the irradiation conditions in order to meet various user requirements in many application fields. For this purpose, we have designed the beamlines to the targets for wide or focused beams, external or in-vacuum beams, and horizontal or vertical beams. This work includes details of the conceptual design of the beamlines. |
TUPAN079 | Scheme for Flattening of Ion Density Distribution on a Target | ion, quadrupole, octupole, simulation | 1556 | |||||
A scheme for flattening of the ion density distribution on a target is considered. The aim is to obtain the ion density distribution with deviation from the medium level not more than 5% on the target having rather big dimensions (up to ~60 cm in width and ~30 cm in height). Such kinds of targets are required for some technological purposes. The Xe ion beam extracted from a cyclotron has the following parameters: mass-to-charge ratio is 4.4, the kinetic energy is 4.2 MeV per nucleon, the beam current is 1 and the beam emittance is equal to 40 mm mrad. The ion beam line consists of quadrupoles doublet and oqtupole lens. After passimg through two quadrupoles the ion beam has big horizontal and small vertical dimensions. After that the oqtupole makes the horizontal ion beam density distribution on the target uniform withing the nessary demands. The geometry of the beam line, the quadrupole and oqtupole lens parameters are found during simulation. The simulated final beam density distribution on the target is also given.
TUPAN095 | Design and Performance of the CNGS Secondary Beam Line | proton, secondary-beams, extraction, simulation | 1601 | |||||
An intense muon-neutrino beam (1017 nu-mu/day) is generated at CERN and directed towards the Gran Sasso National Laboratory, LNGS, in Italy, 732 km away from CERN. The muon-neutrinos are produced in association with muons in the decay of the pions and kaons created in the target. In the presently approved physics programme, it is foreseen to run the CNGS facility with 4.5 · 1019 protons/year for five years. During a CNGS cycle, i.e. every 6s, two nominal SPS extractions of 2.4 ·1013 protons each at 400GeV/c are sent down the proton beam line to the target. The CNGS secondary beam line, starting with the target, has to cope with this situation, which pushes the beam line equipment and instrumentation to the limits of radiation hardness, mechanical stresses, etc. during the CNGS operation. An overview of the CNGS secondary beam line will be shown. Emphasis will be on the target, the magnetic focusing lenses (horn and reflector) and the muon monitors. The performance of the secondary beam line during beam commissioning and physics operation will be discussed and measurements compared with simulations.
TUPAN097 | Studies of Beam Losses from Failures of SPS Beam Dump Kickers | kicker, simulation, extraction, beam-losses | 1607 | |||||
The SPS beam dump extraction process was studied in detail to investigate the possibility of operation with reduced kicker voltage and to fully understand the trajectory and loss pattern of the mis-kicked beams. This paper briefly describes the SPS beam dump process, and presents the tracking studies carried out for failure cases. The simulation results are compared to the results of measurements made with low intensity beams.
TUPAS005 | Accelerators for the Advanced Exotic Beam Facility in the U. S. | linac, ion, heavy-ion, acceleration | 1664 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC-02-06CH11357 |
The Office of Science of the Department of Energy is currently considering options for an advanced radioactive beam facility in the U. S. The U. S. facility will complement capabilities both existing and planned elsewhere. As envisioned at ANL, the facility, called the Advanced Exotic Beam Laboratory (AEBL), would consist of a heavy-ion driver linac, a post-accelerator and experimental areas. The proposed design of the AEBL driver linac is a cw, fully superconducting, 833 MV linac capable of accelerating uranium ions up to 200 MeV/u and protons to 580 MeV with 400 kW beam power. An extensive research and development effort has resolved many technical issues related to the construction of the driver linac and other systems required for AEBL. This paper presents the status of planning, some options for such a facility, as well as, progress in related R&D. |
TUPAS028 | Upgrades to the Fermilab NuMI Beamline | proton, antiproton, booster, quadrupole | 1712 | |||||
Funding: Operated by Universities Research Association Inc. under Contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the United States Department of Energy. |
The NuMI beamline at Fermilab has been operational since the spring of 2005 delivering high-intensity neutrino beams to the MINOS experiment. A beam power on target of 310 kW has been achieved and a total of more than 2·1020 protons have been delivered to the NuMI target. Upgrades to NuMI are planned in preparation for the future MINERvA and NOvA neutrino experiments increasing the NuMI beam power capability from 400 kW to 700 kW and then as much as 1.2 MW. An overview of the future upgrade to NuMI is presented. |
TUPAS032 | Prospects of Diagnostics with Optical Diffraction Radiation in Hadron Colliders | radiation, collider, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation | 1721 | |||||
Optical diffraction radiation has been observed and recently used to measure the beam size of electrons at KEK. This non-invasive technique also holds promise for imaging beams close to the interaction point in hadron colliders. In this paper we consider the feasibility of this technique for the Tevatron and the LHC.
TUPAS046 | Uniform Beam Intensity Redistribution in the LENS Nonlinear Transport Line | octupole, proton, beam-transport, simulation | 1748 | |||||
Funding: The LENS project is supported by the NSF (grants DMR-0220560, DMR-0242300), the 21st Century Science and Technology fund of Indiana, Indiana University, and the Department of Defense |
The Low Energy Neutron Source (LENS) at Indiana University is producing neutrons by using a 7 MeV proton beam incident on a Beryllium target. The Proton Delivery System is currently being upgraded. A new DTL section will be added to increase proton beam energy from 7 to 13 MeV. A 3 MeV RFQ and 13 MeV DTL will be powered by 1 MW klystrons. The goal of this upgrade is a 13 MeV, 20 mA proton beam with duty factor more than 1%. At this power level it becomes increasingly important to make a proton beam that is uniformly distributed to prevent excessive thermal stress at the surface of the Be target. To achieve this goal two octupole magnets are being implemented in the LENS beam transport line. In this paper we discuss the experimental results of the beam intensity redistribution as well as some features inherent in tuning of the nonlinear beamline and our operational experience. |
TUPAS049 | 50 Tesla Superconducting Solenoid for Fast Muon Cooling Ring | collider, controls, background, simulation | 1757 | |||||
Funding: DOE grant #DE-FG02-06ER41405 |
A conceptual design is presented for the 50 Tesla superconducting solenoids that are required for an optimized fast cooling ring in current designs for multi-TeV muon colliders. The solenoid utilizes high-performance multi-filament Bi-2212/Ag round strand. The conductor is a cable-in-conduit consisting of six such strands cabled around a thin-wall spring tube then drawn within an outer sheath. The spring tube and the sheath are made from high-strength superalloy Inconel. The solenoid coil comprises 5 concentric shells supported independently in the conventional manner. Each shell consists of a winding of the structured cable, impregnated in the voids between cables but empty inside so that the spring tubes decouple stress so that it cannot strain-degrade the fragile strands, and a high-modulus overband. An expansion bladder is located between the winding and the overband, and is pressurized and then frozen to provide hydraulic compressive preload to each shell. This approach makes it possible to accommodate ~10 T field contribution from each shell without degradation, and provides distributed refrigeration so that heat is removed throughout the windings. |
TUPAS051 | Radiation Simulations for a Pre-Separator Area for Rare Isotope Production via Projectile Fragmentation | quadrupole, radiation, dipole, simulation | 1763 | |||||
Funding: U. S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER41313 |
To support pre-conceptual research and development for rare isotope beam production via projectile fragmentation at the Rare-Isotope Accelerator facility or similar next-generation exotic beam facilities, the interactions between primary beams and beryllium and liquid-lithium production targets in the fragment pre-separator area were simulated using the Monte-Carlo radiation transport code PHITS. The purpose of this simulation is to determine the magnitude of the radiation fields in the pre-separator area so that levels of hadron flux and energy deposition can be obtained. It was of particular interest to estimate the maximum radiation doses to magnet coils and other components such as the electromagnetic pump for a liquid-lithium loop, and to estimate component lifetimes. We will show a detailed geometry of the pre-separator area developed for these simulations. We will provide verification that trajectories of beams and fragments when transported in the PHITS simulations agree with results from standard ion-optics calculations. We will present estimates of radiation doses to pre-separator components and give estimates for component lifetimes. |
TUPAS052 | Radiation Environment at ISOL Target Station of Rare Isotope Facility | radiation, shielding, vacuum, ion | 1766 | |||||
Next-generation exotic beam facilities will offer a number of approaches to produce rare isotopes far from stability. One of the approaches is the Isotope Online (ISOL) separation concept, that is, the isotope production by interactions of light ion beams with heavy nuclei of targets. A pre-conceptual design of an ISOL target station was done as part of the research and development work for the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA). This report summarizes the results of radiation simulations for the RIA ISOL target station. The above includes radiation effects such as: prompt doses around the target station and from neutron sky-shine; residual activation effects such as ground water, air, and component activation; life-time of target station components; and heating and cooling for target, beam dumps, and shielding.
TUPAS053 | Beam Dynamics Studies for the Reacceleration of Low Energy RIBs at the NSCL | linac, rfq, emittance, simulation | 1769 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy |
Rare Isotope Beams (RIBs) are created at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) by the in-flight particle fragmentation method. A novel system is proposed to stop the RIBS in a helium filled gas system followed by reacceleration that will provide opportunities for an experimental program ranging from low-energy Coulomb excitation to transfer reaction studies of astrophysical reactions. The beam from the gas stopper will first be brought into a Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) charge breeder on a high voltage platform to increase its charge state and then accelerated initially up to about 3 MeV/u by a system consisting of an external multi-harmonic buncher and a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) followed a superconducting linac. The superconducting linac will use quarter-wave resonators with bopt of 0.047 and 0.085 for acceleration and superconducting solenoid magnets for transverse focusing. The paper will discuss the accelerator system design and present the end-to-end beam dynamics simulations. |
TUPAS062 | The LANSCE Refurbishment (LANSCE-R) Project | proton, controls, linac, klystron | 1796 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy |
At the core of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator lies an 800-MeV proton linac that drives user facilities for isotope production, proton radiography, ultra-cold neutrons, weapons neutron research and for various sciences using neutron scattering. LANSCE is in the planning phase of a refurbishment project that will sustain reliable facility operations well into the next decade. The general goals for LANSCE-R are to (1) preserve dependable operation of the linac and (2) increase the cost effectiveness of operations. Requirements can be met for overall beam intensity, availability, and reliability with long-term sustainability and minimal disruption to scheduled user programs. The baseline refurbishment project consists of replacing the 201 MHz RF systems, upgrading a substantial fraction of the 805 MHz RF systems, updating the control system, and replacing or improving a variety of diagnostics and accelerator subsystems. The plans for the various LANSCE-R improvements will be presented and the preliminary cost and schedule estimates will be discussed. |
TUPAS073 | New Design of the SNS MEBT Chopper Deflector | linac, power-supply, beam-transport, extraction | 1817 | |||||
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U. S. Department of Energy. |
The chopper system for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) provides a gap in the beam for clean extraction from the accumulator ring. It consists of a pre-chopper in the low energy beam transport and a faster chopper in the medium energy beam transport (MEBT). The original "meander line" design of the MEBT chopper deflector was successfully tested with low power beam during the SNS linac commissioning but turned out to be unsuitable for high power beam operation due to poor cooling of the copper strip line through the dielectric substrate. We developed a new deflecting structure, with higher deflection efficiency and with rise and fall time easily customizable to match the available high voltage pulse generator. In this paper we describe design, implementation and beam tests results of the new MEBT chopper deflector. |
TUPAS074 | Performance of the SNS Front End and Linac | linac, beam-losses, quadrupole, radiation | 1820 | |||||
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U. S. Department of Energy. |
The Spallation Neutron Source accelerator systems will deliver a 1.0 GeV, 1.4 MW proton beam to a liquid mercury target for neutron scattering research. The accelerator complex consists of an H- injector, capable of producing one-ms-long pulses at 60 Hz repetition rate with 38 mA peak current, a 1 GeV linear accelerator, an accumulator ring and associated transport lines. The 2.5 MeV beam from the Front End is accelerated to 86 MeV in the Drift Tube Linac, then to 185 MeV in a Coupled-Cavity Linac and finally to 1 GeV in the Superconducting Linac. With the completion of beam commissioning, the accelerator complex began operation in June 2006 and beam power is being gradually ramped up toward the design goal. Operational experience with the injector and linac will be presented including chopper performance, transverse emittance evolution along the linac, and the results of a beam loss study. |
WEZAKI01 | Run II Luminosity Progress | antiproton, luminosity, electron, proton | 1922 | |||||
Funding: Operated by Universities Research Association Inc. under Contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the United States Department of Energy. |
The Fermilab Tevatron Collider Run II program continues at the energy and luminosity frontier of high energy particle physics. The presentation will cover major improvements in the performance of the collider complex which lead to the record-breaking luminosity. |
WEZAB01 | ILC Undulator Based Positron Source, Tests and Simulations | positron, undulator, electron, polarization | 1974 | |||||
Funding: NSF |
An undulator based positron source allows generation of polarized positrons in quantities required by ILC. Here we describe the results of modeling and testing of elements for such a system. |
WEOCC02 | Overview of warm-dense-matter experiments with intense heavy ion beams at GSI-Darmstadt | ion, heavy-ion, laser, diagnostics | 2038 | |||||
Recently, a series of high energy density (HED) physics experiments with heavy ion beams have been carried out at the GSI heavy ion accelerator. The ion beam spot of heating uranium beam size of about 1 mm, pulse length about 120 ns and intensity 109 particles/bunch. In these experiments, metallic solid and porous targets of macroscopic volumes were heated by intense heavy ion beams uniformly and quasi-isochorically, and temperature, pressure and expansion velocity were measured during the heating and cooling of the sample using a fast multi-channel radiation pyrometer, laser Doppler interferometer (VISAR), Michelson displacement interferometer and streak-camera-based-backlighting system. In the performed experiments target temperatures varying from 1'000 K to 12'000 K and pressure in kbar range were measured. Expansion velocities up to 2600 m/s have been registered for lead and up to 1700 m/s for tungsten targets.
WEPMN021 | High Pressure Rinsing System Comparison | diagnostics | 2092 | |||||
High pressure rinsing (HPR) is a key process for the surface preparation of high field superconducting cavities. A portable apparatus for the water jet characterization, based on the transferred momentum between the water jet and a load cell, has been used in different laboratories. This apparatus allows to collected quantitative parameters that characterize the HPR water jet. In this paper, we present a quantitative comparison of the different water jet produced by various nozzles routinely used in different laboratories for the HPR process
WEPMN043 | The Modulator Stability System for the BEPCII Klystron | klystron, feedback, linac, controls | 2137 | |||||
The stability of the modulator high voltage output pulse is the important target for the klystron. The stability of the BEPCII modulator is demanded less than 0.15%. To achieve this target, we use thyristor voltage regulator having feedback function to stabilize the DC high voltage of the modulator and the De-Qing circuit to stabilize the charging voltage. This paper describe the modulator stability system and the stabilization measurement .
WEPMN072 | Material Selection and Characterization for High Gradient RF Applications | laser, linear-collider, collider, insertion | 2197 | |||||
The selection of candidate materials for the accelerating cavities of the Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) is carried out in parallel with high power RF testing. The DC breakdown field of copper, copper alloys, refractory metals, titanium and aluminium have been measured with a dedicated setup. Higher maximum fields are obtained for refractory metals and for titanium, which exhibits important damages after conditioning. Fatigue behaviour of copper alloys has been studied for surface and bulk by pulsed laser irradiation and ultrasonic excitation, respectively. The selected copper alloys show consistently higher fatigue resistance than copper in both experiments. RF tests are planned. In order to obtain the best local properties a bi-metallic assembly is being studied for the accelerating structures. The mechanical strength of junctions of molybdenum and copper-zirconium C15000, made either by Hot Isostatic Pressing or explosion bonding was evaluated. The reliability of the results obtained with either technique should be improved. Testing in DC and RF is continued in order to select materials for a bi-metal exhibiting superior properties with respect to the combination C15000-Mo.
WEPMN076 | Digital Master Oscillator Results for the ISIS Synchrotron | synchrotron, lattice, controls, proton | 2203 | |||||
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire is home to an 800MeV synchrotron particle accelerator called ISIS. Its main function is to direct a beam of protons into a heavy metal target to produce neutrons for scientists to analyse condensed matter. A second harmonic system is being developed to upgrade the beam current from 200uA to 300uA in order to drive a second target station. This is being achieved by the inclusion of four second harmonic cavities to increase the width of the RF bucket. In the past the six fundamental cavities were driven by an analogue master oscillator but the extra cavities will bring more difficultly in the phasing of the system. This could be more easily and precisely controlled by embedding a Direct Digital Synthesis core into an FPGA chip as the heart of a new digital Master Oscillator. This paper describes the results of the setting up and performance of the prototype instrument and the implications it has for the synchrotron.
WEPMN080 | Development of Circuits and System Models for the Synchronization of the ILC Crab Cavities | controls, beam-loading, linac, kaon | 2215 | |||||
Funding: The Commission of the European Communities under the 6th Framework Programme (Structuring the European Research Area) The UK particle physics and astromony research council. |
The ILC reference design report (RDR) recommends a 14 mrad crossing angle for the positron and electron beams at the IP. A matched pair of crab cavity systems are required in the beam delivery system to align both bunches at the IP. The use of a multi-cell, 3.9GHz dipole mode superconducting cavity, derived from the Fermilab CKM cavity. Dipole-mode cavities phased for crab rotation are shifted by 90 degrees with respect to similar cavities phased for deflection. Uncorrelated phase errors of 0.086 degrees (equivalent to 61fs) for the two cavity systems, gives an average of 180nm for the relative deflection of the bunch centers. For a horizontal bunch size of 655nm, a deflection of 180nm reduces the ILC luminosity by 2%. The crab cavity systems are to be placed ~28m apart and their synchronization to within 61fs is on the limit of what is presently achievable. This paper describes the design and testing of circuits and control algorithms under development at the Cockcroft Institute in the UK for proof of principle experiments planned on the ERLP at Daresbury and on the ILCTA test beamline at FNAL. Simulation results for measurement and control systems are also given. |
WEPMN083 | Design of A Direct Power Converter for High Power RF Applications | controls, power-supply, booster, radio-frequency | 2221 | |||||
This paper presents practical results from a new type of power supply for high power RF applications for CW operation. The converter is a direct topology, utilising a high frequency resonant link and a high frequency transformer. High operating frequency reduces the transformer and filter size. Soft switching is employed to reduce losses. Two variants of this topology are presented. The first incorporates the high frequency transformer into the resonant circuit. The principle feature of this topology is that parasitic elements associated with all transformers are employed in operation of the converter. However, this requires that the circulating current in the resonant tank flows in the transformer windings. The second topology does not incorporate the transformer into the resonant circuit, therefore requires a smaller transformer. However, the topology will be affected by the parasitic elements of the transformer. Advantages of both these topologies over conventional approaches are discussed. The RF power generated by both topologies is stable and predictable, whilst reduced energy storage in filter components removes the need for crowbar circuits.
WEPMN099 | Production of 325 MHz Single Spoke Resonators at FNAL | vacuum, linac, proton, linear-collider | 2262 | |||||
Funding: US Department of Energy |
The High Intensity Neutrino Source (HINS) project represents the current effort at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory to produce an 8-GeV proton linac based on about 400 independently phased superconducting resonators. Eighteen β=0.21 single spoke resonators, operating at 325 MHz, comprise the first stage of the linac cold section. We are presenting the production status of the first two of these resonators and the performance of the tuning mechanism prototype. In particular, we will report on the construction phases, the pre-weld tuning process and the comparison of low power RF measurements with calculations made using Microwave Studio*.
WEPMN102 | A 96 Channel Receiver for the ILCTA LLRF System at Fermilab | controls, impedance, insertion, linac | 2271 | |||||
The present configuration of an ILC Main Linac RF station has 26 nine cell cavities driven from one klystron. With the addition of waveguide power coupler monitors, 96 RF signals will be downconverted and processed. A downconverter chassis is being developed that contains 12 eight channel analog modules and a single upconverter module. This chassis will first be deployed for testing a cryomodule composed of eight cavities located at New Muon Laboratory (NML) - Fermilab. Critical parts of the design for LLRF applications are identified and a detailed description of the circuit with various characteristic measurements is presented. The board is composed of an input band-pass filter centered at 1.3GHz, followed by a mixer, which downconverts the cavity probe signal to a proposed 13 MHz intermediate frequency. Cables with 8 channels per connector and good isolation between channels are being used to interconnect each downconverter module with a digital board. As mixers and power splitters are the most sensitive parts for noise, nonlinearities and cross-talk issues, special attention is given to these parts in the design of the LO port multiplication and distribution.
WEPMN118 | Mechanical Design and Analysis of a 200 MHz, Bolt-together RFQ for the Accelerator Driven Neutron Source | rfq, vacuum, quadrupole, gun | 2313 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Dept. of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and by the Dept. of Homeland Security's Domestic Nuclear Detection Office under Award No. HSHQPB-05-X-00033. |
A high-yield neutron source to screen sea-land cargo containers for shielded Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) has been designed at LBNL. The Accelerator-Driven Neutron Source (ADNS) utilizes the D(d,n)3He reaction to produce a forward directed neutron beam. Key components are a high-current radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator and a high-power neutron production target capable of delivering a neutron flux of >107 n/(cm2 s) at a distance of 2.5 m. The mechanical design and analysis of the four-module, bolt-together RFQ will be presented here. Operating at 200 MHz, the 5.1 m long RFQ will accelerate a 40 mA deuteron beam to 6 MeV. At a 5% duty factor, the time-average d+ beam current on target is 1.5 mA. Each of the 1.27 m long RFQ modules will consist of four solid OFHC copper vanes. A specially designed 3-D O-ring will be used to provide vacuum sealing between both the vanes and the modules. RF connections are made by means of canted coil spring contacts. Quadrupole mode stabilization is obtained with a series of 60 water-cooled pi-mode rods. A set of 80 evenly spaced fixed slug tuners is used for final frequency adjustment and local field perturbation correction. |
WEPMS009 | Results on 9-cell ILC and 9-cell Re-Entrant Cavities | cathode, pick-up, controls | 2343 | |||||
Funding: DOE |
We have recently upgraded our chemical treatment, high pressure rinsing systems and low temperature RF testing system to prepare and test 9-cell cavities for ILC. After removal of 120 um by BCP we reached 26 MV/m accelerating field limited by the high-field Q-slope. There was no quench and no field emission, showing that our facilities are well qualified. We have also extended our vertical electropolishing system to 9-cell cavities. Previously we have successfully used vertical electropolishing for one-cell cavities of the re-entrant shape to reach 47 MV/m accelerating. Test results on 9-cell electropolished cavities will be presented. AES has manufactured the first 9-cell cavity with re-entrant cell shapes. The surface magnetic field is 10% lower than for the standard TESLA-shape cavity. Half-cells were electropolished 100 um before welding. We will present results on the first tests of the 9-cell re-entrant cavity. |
WEPMS020 | Commissioning the DARHT-II Scaled Accelerator | kicker, electron, emittance, simulation | 2373 | |||||
The DARHT-II accelerator will produce a 2-kA, 17-MeV beam in a 1600-ns pulse when completed this summer. After exiting the accelerator, the long pulse will be sliced into four short pulses by a kicker and quadrupole septum and then transported for several meters to a tantalum target for conversion to bremsstrahlung for radiography. In order to provide early tests of the kicker, septum, transport, and multi-pulse converter target we assembled a short accelerator from the first available refurbished cells, which are now capable of operating of operating at over 200 kV. This scaled accelerator was operated at ~ 8 Mev and ~1 kA, which provides a beam with approximately the same nu/gamma as the final 17-MeV, 2-kA beam, and therefore the same beam dynamics in the downstream transport. In this presentation we will show the results of beam measurements made during the commissioning of this scaled accelerator.
WEPMS024 | Upgrades to the DAHRT Second Axix Induction Cells | vacuum, induction, cathode, kicker | 2385 | |||||
The Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamics Test (DARHT) facility will employ two perpendicular electron Linear Induction Accelerators to produce intense, bremsstrahlung x-ray pulses for flash radiography. The second axis, DARHT II, features a 3-MeV injector and a 15-MeV, 2-kA, 1.6-microsecond accelerator consisting of 74 induction cells and drivers. Major induction cell components include high flux swing magnetic material (Metglas 2605SC) and a MycalexTM insulator. The cell drivers are pulse forming networks (PFNs). The DARHT II accelerator cells have undergone a series of test and modeling efforts to fully understand their operational parameters. Physical changes in the cell oil region, the cell vacuum region, and the cell drivers, together with different operational and maintenance procedures, have been implemented in the prototype. A series of prototype acceptance tests have demonstrated that the required cell lifetime is met at the increased performance levels. Shortcomings of the original design are summarized and improvements to the design, their resultant enhancement in performance, and various test results are discussed.
WEPMS059 | Performance of the First Refurbished CEBAF Cryomodule | vacuum, radiation, electron, linac | 2478 | |||||
Funding: U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. This manuscript has been authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. |
The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has begun a cryomodule refurbishment project. The goal of this project is robust 6 GeV, 5 pass operation of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF). The scope of the project includes removing, refurbishing and replacing 10 CEBAF cryomodules at a rate of three per year. Refurbishment includes reprocessing of SRF cavities to eliminate field emission and increase the nominal gradient from the original 5 MV/m to 12.5 MV/m. New "dogleg" couplers between the cavity and helium vessel flanges will intercept secondary electrons that produce arcing on the 2 K ceramic window in the Fundamental Power Coupler (FPC). Modification of the Qext of the FPC will allow higher gradient operations. Other changes include new ceramic RF windows for the air to vacuum interface of the FPC and improvements to the mechanical tuners. Any damaged or worn components will be replaced as well. Currently, the first of the refurbished cryomodules has been installed and tested both in the Cryomodule Test Facility and in place in the North Linac of CEBAF. This paper will summarize the results of these tests. |
THYKI01 | Ultra-High Intensity Laser Acceleration of Ions to Mev/Nucleon Energies | laser, ion, acceleration | 2581 | |||||
Advances have been made in using ultra-high intensity lasers to directly produce high-current beams of MeV/nucleon ions in solid targets. Experimental results using the LANL Trident Laser will be discussed including beam quality and possible applications.
THXAB03 | Commissioning of the Spallation Neutron Source Accelerator Systems | linac, injection, coupling, beam-losses | 2603 | |||||
Funding: ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
The Spallation Neutron Source accelerator complex consists of a 2.5 MeV H- front-end injector system, a 186 MeV normal-conducting linear accelerator, a 1 GeV superconducting linear accelerator, an accumulator ring, and associated beam transport lines. The linac was commissioned in five discrete runs, starting in 2002 and completed in 2005. The accumulator ring and associated beam transport lines were commissioned in two runs in February and April 2006. With the completed commissioning of the SNS accelerator, the facility has begun initial low-power operations. In the course of beam commissioning, most beam performance parameters and beam intensity goals have been achieved at low duty factor. A number of beam dynamics measurements have been performed, including emittance evolution, transverse coupling in the ring, beam instability thresholds, and beam distributions on the target. The commissioning results, achieved beam performance and initial operating experience of the SNS will be presented. |
THOAAB02 | Upgrade of the LENS Proton Linac: Commissioning and Results | proton, klystron, rfq, scattering | 2611 | |||||
Funding: The LENS project is supported by the NSF (grants DMR-0220560, DMR-0242300), the 21st Century Science and Technology fund of Indiana, Indiana University, and the Department of Defense |
A Low Energy Neutron Source at Indiana University provides cold neutrons for material research and neutron physics as well as neutrons in the MeV energy range for the neutron radiation effects studies. Neutrons are being produced by a 7 MeV proton beam incident on a Beryllium target. Presently, the Proton Delivery System has been routinely running at 7 MeV, 8 mA and with up to 0.5% duty factor. The RF system of the accelerator is currently being upgraded by replacing 350 kW 425 MHz 12 tube amplifiers with two Litton 5773 klystron RF tubes capable of running at 425 MHz and 1 MW. A new DTL section will be added to increase proton beam energy from 7 to 13 MeV. A 3 MeV RFQ and 13 MeV DTL will be powered by the klystrons. The expected output is 20 mA and 13 MeV of proton current at more than 1% duty factor. Other upgrades include construction of the 2nd beamline, which copies the 1st line, and a new target station for the production of cold neutrons. In this contribution we discuss the results of the commissioning of the new DTL accelerator, new RF system and 2nd beamline. The future plans will also be outlined. |
THOBAB02 | Commissioning the DARHT-II Scaled Accelerator Downstream Transport | quadrupole, kicker, septum, dipole | 2627 | |||||
The DARHT-II accelerator will produce a 2-kA, 17-MeV beam in a 1600-ns pulse when completed this summer. After exiting the accelerator, the long pulse is sliced into four short pulses by a kicker and quadrupole septum and then transported for several meters to a tantalum target for conversion to bremsstrahlung for radiography. We describe tests of the kicker, septum, transport, and multi-pulse converter target using a short accelerator assembled from the first available refurbished cells, which are now capable of operating of operating at over 200 kV. This scaled accelerator was operated at ~ 8 Mev and ~1 kA, which provides a beam with approximately the same nu/gamma as the final 17-MeV, 2-kA beam, and therefore the same beam dynamics in the downstream transport. The results of beam measurements made during the commissioning of this scaled accelerator downstream transport are described.
THOAC02 | OTR Imaging of Intense 120 GeV Protons in the NuMI Beamline at FNAL | proton, radiation, antiproton, instrumentation | 2639 | |||||
Funding: Work Supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-CH03000 and Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
An Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) detector has been installed in the Fermilab NuMI proton beamline, which operates at beam powers of up to ~300 kW, to obtain real-time, spill-by-spill beam profiles for neutrino production. A series of Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) detectors were design, constructed and installed in various beamlines at Fermilab and previous near-field OTR images of lower-intensity 120 GeV and 150 GeV protons with larger transverse beam size have been presented at BIW06 and IEEE NSS06. NuMI OTR images of 120 GeV protons for beam intensities up to 2.8·1013 at a spill rate of 0.5 Hz and small transverse beam size of ~1 mm (σ) are presented here. The NuMI OTR detector uses a 6 micron Kapton foil with 0.12 micron of aluminum which reduces beam scatter by 70% compared to an adjacent Secondary Emission Monitor (SEM). Beam profiles are extracted from the OTR images and compared to the adjacent SEM. The OTR detector provides two-dimensional beam shape such as ellipticity and tilt, as well as complementary beam centroid and beam intensity information. In addition, response of the OTR detector over different intensities and transverse positions is presented. |
THOBC01 | Status of Various SNS Diagnostic Systems | beam-losses, diagnostics, pick-up, instrumentation | 2658 | |||||
Funding: ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 |
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) accelerator systems are ramping up to deliver a 1.0 GeV, 1.4 MW proton beam to a liquid mercury target for neutron scattering research. Enhancements or additions have been made to several diagnostics instruments to support the ramp up in intensity, improve reliability, and/or add functionality. The Beam Current Monitors now support increased rep rates, the Harp system now includes charge density calculations for the target, and a new system has been created to collect data for the beam accounting and present the data over the web and to the operator consoles. Many of the instruments are PC-based and a way to manage their instrument configuration files through the Oracle database has been implemented. A new version for the wire scanner software has been developed and is under test. This paper also includes data from the various instruments. |
THIBKI05 | European Industry's Potential Capabilities for High Power RF Systems for the Future IlC | klystron, controls, site, electron | 2693 | |||||
Abstract to be supplied by speaker.
THPMN017 | Polarized Positron Production and Tracking at the ILC Positron Source | positron, polarization, photon, simulation | 2742 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the Commission of the European Communities under the 6th Framework Programme "Structuring the European Research Area", contract number RIDS-011899. |
A positron source based on a helical undulator system is planned to be used for the future International Linear Collider (ILC). Depending on the accelerator design it will be possible to get polarized positrons at the interaction point. A source performance with high positron yield and high polarization is the aim of our design studies. We focus on the optimization of target and capture section using several simulation codes. FLUKA is a suitable tool to calculate the positron yield, heat deposition, neutron generation and induced activity of source parts. The ASTRA code is used to calculate positron capture efficiency into the optical matching device. The new release of Geant4 includes the spin dependence of all QED processes and allows to perform a helicity-dependent tracking of particles through target and capture section. Starting with a cross-check, the synergy of these three codes allowed to specify the the parameters of a polarized positron source. |
THPMN022 | Going Towards the Dual Energy X-Ray Radiographic System for Material Recognition Purposes | electron, linac, controls, focusing | 2754 | |||||
Non Destructive Testing (NDT) has become the most used technique to inspect objects in order to find manufacturing defects (quality control), investigate contents (custom control), detect damages (structural control). However, the mono-energetic NDT can only discover a density variation in the analyzed sample but in most cases no hypothesis can be done on its composition; a complete inspection of an object would require the recognition of the material composing the analyzed sample and this can be achieved by means of the dual energy x-ray radiography. In this context, the INFN Gruppo Collegato di Messina is implementing the radio-tomographic system of the Universita di Messina, based on a 5 MeV electron linac, to the aim to provide dual energy x-ray beams for material recognition purposes. A wide study has been performed to provide different electron energies acting on the linac parameters. According to a theoretical study on the x-ray transmission for two properly chosen x-ray energies, preliminary tests have been performed to evaluate the complementarity of the images obtained with the dual energy technique. Work is still in progress to improve the dual energy system.
THPMN023 | Study of an Electron Linac Driven X-Ray Radio-Tomographic System Response as a Function of the Electron Beam Current | electron, photon, linac, simulation | 2757 | |||||
At the Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Messina, a high energy x-ray radio-tomography system driven by a 5 MeV electron linac, has been recently assembled. It has been tested and has already provided good results in inspecting heavy materials. In order to achieve good radiographic results, especially when inspecting heavy or thick materials, an enhancement of the x-ray dose at the sample position can be required and most of times this is associated to an enhancement of the grey level in the acquired image according to a linear function. Nevertheless, in the hypothesis to work at the maximum magnetron power, a variation of the x-ray dose, obtained changing the electron beam current, is associated to a variation of the electron beam energy. As a consequence, the x-ray energy spectrum varies thus influencing the response of the radio-tomographic system. This does not allow a linear correspondence between the x-ray fluence (or the electron beam current) and the image grey level. By means of MCNP-4C2 simulations, the influence of electron beam energy variations on the produced bremsstrahlung spectrum has been studied and the theoretical results have been experimentally confirmed.
THPMN030 | Enhancement of the Positron Intensity by a Tungsten Single Crystal Target at the KEKB Injector Linac | positron, electron, linac, vacuum | 2778 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan and by the grant of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. |
A new tungsten single-crystalline positron target has been successfully employed for generation of the intense positron beam at the KEKB injector linac in September 2006. The target is composed of a tungsten single-crystal with a thickness of 10.5 mm. The positron production target is bombarded at an incident electron energy of 4 GeV, and the produced positrons are collected and accelerated up to the final injection energy of 3.5 GeV in the succeeding sections. A conventional tungsten plate with a thickness of 14 mm has been used previously, and the conversion efficiency (Ne+/Ne-), the ratio between the number of positrons (Ne+) captured in the positron capture section and the number of the incident electrons (Ne-), was 0.20 on average. By replacing the tungsten plate with the tungsten crystal, it increased to 0.25 on average. The increase of the conversion efficiency has boosted the positron intensity to its maximum since the beginning of KEKB operation in 1999. Now this new positron source is stably operating and is contributing to increasing the integrated luminosity of the KEKB B-factory. |
THPMN031 | Experiment of X-Ray Source by 9.4 GHz X-Band Linac for Nondestractive Testing System | electron, linac, gun, power-supply | 2781 | |||||
We are developing a compact X-ray source for Nondestractive Testing (NDT) system. We aim to develop a portable X-ray NDT system by 950 keV X-band linac to realize in-site inspection. Our system has 20 kV electron gun, and accelerate electron beam to 950 keV with 9.4 GHz X-band linac. RF source of this system is 250kW magnetron. Our target spot size and spatial resolution are 1mm. We adopted APS (Alternative Periodic Structure) tube of pi/2 mode for easy manufacturing. It is difficult to realize a high-shunt-impedance for low-energy-cells, which attributes to manufacturing problems. Instead, we use three pi-mode cavities there. Further, we choose the low power magnetron for small cooling system and the low voltage electron gun for small power supply. For the stability of the X-ray yield the system include the Auto Frequency Control (AFC), which detect and tune the frequency shift at the magnetron. We have also performed X-ray generation calculation by the Monte Carlo code of GEANT and EGS to confirm the X-ray source size. We are going to construct the whole system and verify it experimentally. Updated results are presented at the spot.
THPMN072 | Material Damage Test for ILC Collimators | simulation, vacuum, radiation, single-bunch | 2868 | |||||
Simulations were completed to determine the energy deposition of an ILC bunch using FLUKA , Geant4 and EGS4 to a set of different spoiler designs. These shower simulations were used as inputs to thermal and mechanical studies using ANSYS. This paper presents different proposals to carry out a material damage test beam that would benchmark the energy deposition simulations and the ANSYS studies and give the researchers valuable data which will help achieve a definitive ILC spoiler design.
THPMN087 | Simulations of the Rotating Positron Target in the Presence of OMD Field | simulation, positron, optical-matching, linear-collider | 2909 | |||||
Funding: US Department of Energy |
For an ILC undulator-based positron source target configuration, a strong optical matching device (OMD) field is needed inside the target to increase the positron yield (by more than 40%)[1]. It is also required that the positron target is constantly rotated to reduce thermal and radiation damage. We report on a simulation of the rotating metal target wheel under a strong magnetic field. By rearranging Maxwell?s equations for a rotating frame and using FEMLAB, we have solved the detailed magnetic field distribution and eddy current of a rotating metal disk in magnetic field, and so the required power to drive the target wheel. In order to validate the simulation process, we have compared our results with previous experimental data [2] and found they are in very good agreement, but differ from previous approximate models [3]. Here we give detailed results on the proposed ILC target system, such as induced magnetic field (dipole and higher orders), eddy current distribution and the driving force requirements. The effect of these higher order fields on the positron beam dynamics is also considered. |
THPMN089 | Enhancement of Heat Removal using Concave Liquid Metal Targets for High-Power Accelerators | proton, photon, linear-collider, collider | 2915 | |||||
The need is increasing for development of high power targets and beam dump areas for the production of intense beams of secondary particles (IFMIF, SNS, RIA, LHC). The severe constraints arising from a MW beam power deposited on targets and absorbers, call for non-trivial procedures to dilute the beam. This study describes the development of targets and absorbers and the advantages of using flowing liquid metal in concave channels first proposed by IFMIF to raise the liquid metal boiling point by increasing the pressure in liquid supported by a centrifugal force. Such flow with a back-wall is subject to the Taylor-Couette instability. The instability can play a positive role of increasing the heat transfer from the hottest region in the target/absorber to the back-wall cooled by water. At the laminar stage of the instability with a certain wave number of vortexes, the heat transfer from a chain of vortexes to the wall increases heat removal by enhancing the convective transport inside the liquid bulk and from the bulk to the wall. Results of theoretical analysis and numerical modeling of both targets and dump areas for the IFMIF, ILC, and RIA facilities are presented.
THPMN090 | Systematic Study of Undulator Based ILC Positron Source: Production and Capture | undulator, positron, photon, polarization | 2918 | |||||
A systematic study of the positron production and capture systems for the undulator-based ILC positron source has been performed. Various undulator parameters, such as k and λ, were considered. Our model starts from the electron beam production of the polarized photons in the undulator section, photon transport and collimation in the drift section, and photon interaction on the target (titanium or tungsten). Next, our model transports the produced polarized positrons from the target, through the tapered capturing magnet, and through the normal conducting linac to several hundred MeV. Finally, the captured positrons meeting the damping ring emittance and energy spread requirements are accelerated up to 5 GeV using the standard ILC superconducting cavities. We will present parametric studies for the different scenarios (e.g. 60% polarization vs. unpolarized; target immersed in magnetic field vs. non-immersed) currently under consideration and report on the capturing yield and polarizations achieved for each.
THPMN091 | Study on High Flux Accelerator Based Slow Positrons Source | positron, simulation, radiation, electron | 2921 | |||||
This work represents a new direction in the development of linac-based high intense slow positron source. The approach is to use RF cavities to decelerate positrons (to ~100 keV) which are produced from a high-energy electron (~10 MeV) beam irradiating a heavy-metal target. In this paper, we present simulation works on the technique to decelerate the positrons to energies where techniques such as penning traps, DC deceleration or moderation can be done with high efficiency. Present techniques for decelerating positrons by thermalizing them in tungsten moderator have an efficiency of 10-3 to 10-5 slow positrons per high energy positron, so even modest success in decelerating and trapping positrons can lead to an increase in the production of low-energy positrons. The challenging aspect of this work is the broad energy and angular distribution of the positrons produced by pair-production in the heavy-metal target. We have explored the use of an adiabatic-matching device and a pillbox RF cavity and have obtained promising results.
THPMN092 | Design and Prototyping of the AMD for the ILC | positron, simulation, power-supply, coupling | 2924 | |||||
The Adiabatic Matching Device (AMD), a tapered magnetic field with initial on-axis magnetic field up to 5 Tesla, is required in ILC positron capturing optics. An option of using a pulsed normal conducting structure based on flux concentrator technique can be used to generate high magnetic field*. By choosing the AMD geometry appropriately, one can shape the on-axis magnetic field profile by varying the inner shape of a flux concentrator. In this paper, we present an equivalent circuit model of a pulsed flux concentrator based on frequency domain analysis. The analysis shows a very good agreement with the experiment results from reference*. We have also constructed a prototype flux concentrator based on the circuit model, and experimental results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the model. Using the equivalent circuit model, a flux concentrator based AMD is designed for ILC positron matching. The beam capturing simulation results using the designed AMD are presented in this paper.
* H. Brechna, D. A. Hill and B. M. Bally, "150 KOe Liquid Nitrogen Cooled Flux Concentrator Magnet", Rev. Sci. Instr., 36 1529,1965. |
THPMN096 | Stopping Muon Beams | proton, emittance, lepton, collider | 2933 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE SBIR/STTR grant DE-FG02-03ER83722 |
The study of rare processes using stopping muon beams provides access to new physics that cannot be addressed at energy frontier machines. The flux of muons into a small stopping target is limited by the kinematics of the production process and by stochastic processes in the material used to slow the particles. Innovative muon beam cooling techniques are being applied to the design of stopping muon beams in order to increase the event rates in such experiments. Such intense stopping beams will also aid the development of applications such as muon spin resonance and muon-catalyzed fusion. |
THPMN102 | A Muon Beam for Cooling Experiments | proton, emittance, linac, lattice | 2948 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy |
Within the framework of the Fermilab Muon Collider Task Force, the possibility of developing a dedicated muon test beam for cooling experiments has been investigated. Cooling experiments can be performed in a very low intensity muon beam by tracking single particles through the cooling device. With sufficient muon intensity and large enough cooling decrement, a cooling demonstration experiment may also be performed without resolving single particle trajectories, but rather by measuring the average size and position of the beam. This allows simpler, and thus cheaper, detectors and readout electronics to be used. This paper discusses muon production using 400MeV protons from the linac, decay channel and beamline design, as well as the instrumentation required for such an experiment, in particular as applied to testing the Helical Cooling Channel (HCC) proposed by Muons Inc. |
THPMN106 | Use of Harmonics in RF Cavities in Muon Capture for a Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider | lattice, factory, collider, proton | 2957 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE STTR grant DE-FG02-05ER86252 |
Common to various front end designs for a muon collider or neutrino factory are costly low frequency RF cavities used to bunch muons. In this paper we show that adding higher harmonic RF cavities to the bunching section of a muon capture channel can provide as good or better bunching efficiency than the case where only the fundamental is used. Since higher harmonic cavities are less expensive to build and operate, this approach implies significant cost savings. |
THPMN119 | Status of the International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) | coupling, emittance, factory, vacuum | 2996 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. Dept. of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics, under contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231. |
An international experiment to demonstrate muon ionization cooling is scheduled for beam at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in 2007. The experiment comprises one cell of the Study II cooling channel*, along with upstream and downstream detectors to identify individual muons and measure their initial and final 6D phase-space parameters to a precision of 0.1%. Magnetic design of the beam line and cooling channel are complete and portions are under construction. The experiment will be described, including hardware designs, fabrication status, and running plans. Phase 1 of the experiment will prepare the beam line and provide detector systems, including time-of-flight, Cherenkov, scintillating-fiber trackers and the spectrometer solenoids, and an electromagnetic calorimeter. The Phase 2 system will add the cooling channel components, including liquid-hydrogen absorbers embedded in superconducting focus solenoids, 201-MHz normal-conducting RF cavities, and their surrounding coupling coil solenoids. The MICE Collaboration goal is to complete the experiment by 2010; progress toward this goal will be indicated. The supporting R&D program and its present results will also be described.
*S. Ozaki, R. Palmer, M. Zisman, and J. Gallardo (eds.), "Feasibility Study II of a Muon-based Neutrino Source," BNL-52623, 2001; |
THPMS012 | Collection Optics for ILC Positron Target | positron, electron, undulator, optics | 3017 | |||||
Funding: NSF |
We are considering the implementation of a Lithium lens and SC solenoidal lens for collection of positrons in ILC undulator-based source. Such a lens installed right after the thin target, which is illuminated by gamma quants from helical undulator. |
THPMS016 | A Large-Format Imaging Optics System for Fast Neutron Radiography | optics, focusing, diagnostics, electron | 3029 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. |
As part of the ongoing development of fast neutron imaging technology for national secu-rity applications at LLNL, a large-format imaging optics system has been designed and built. The system will be used to acquire radiographic images of heavily-shielded low-Z objects irradiated by ~ 10 MeV neutrons and is expected to have an ultimate spatial resolution ~ 1 mm (FWHM). It is comprised of a 65 cm x 65 cm plastic scintillator (e.g. BC-408), an aluminized front-surface turning mirror and a fast (~ f/1.25) optical lens coupled to a CCD camera body with a cryo-cooled, back-illuminated 4096 x 4096 (15 micron) pixel sensor. The lens and camera were developed and purchased from vendors and system integration was done at LLNL. A description of the overall system and its initial performance characteristics shall be presented. |
THPMS017 | Design of Muon Accelerators for an Advanced Muon Facility | rfq, acceleration, linac, proton | 3032 | |||||
Muon beams are produced at Muon Facilities all over the world. They are commonly used in condensed matter physics with mSR (Muon Spin Rotation / Relaxation / Resonance) spectroscopy. Up to today, the applications of mSR are limited by the large sizes of the muon beams (typically 10 cm2). We carried out design works of an Advanced Muon Facility at LANSCE that produces a 'muonμbeam'. The muonμbeam improves beam brightness by three orders of magnitude from that at conventional Muon Facilities and would revolutionize not only material research using mSR spectroscopy but also numerous applications in nano-technology, high-pressure science and bioscience. The designed facility mainly consists of a large acceptance muon channel 'LA Omega' followed by novel muon linear accelerators. This equipment is capable of producing the world?s most intense muon beam of ~109 muon/s at LANSCE. The intense muon beam of LA Omega will be cooled and accelerated with the muon linear accelerators to produce a 50-keV and a separate 10-MeV muonμbeam. The unique time structure of the muon beam produced by the LANSCE linear accelerator optimally matches the muon accelerator.
THPMS022 | 6 Dimensional Muon Phase Space Cooling by Using Curved Lithium Lenses | emittance, simulation, vacuum, scattering | 3047 | |||||
A curved Lithium lens ring model can provide the emittance exchange mechanism in obtaining the muon 6 dimensional phase space cooling. With straight Lithium lenses in a muon cooling ring, only transverse phase space cooling has been demonstrated. We demonstrate the 6 dimensional phase space cooling with various parameters of a muon cooling ring in tracking simulation.
THPMS032 | Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments using Two Subpicosecond Electron Bunches | plasma, electron, acceleration, inverse-free-electron-laser | 3073 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by US DoE under contracts DE-FG02-92-ER40745 and DE-FG02-04ER41294. |
Two ~100 fs electron bunches, separated in energy by approximately 1.8 MeV and in time by 0.5-1 ps, were sent through a capillary discharge plasma. The plasma density was varied from ~1·1014/cc to ~1·1017/cc. A 2-D PWFA model indicates the net wakefield produced by the bunches will depend on their relative charge, temporal separation, and the plasma density. This will affect the amount of energy gain or loss of the second bunch. During measurements of the energy spectrum of the second bunch, we observed a difference in the amount of gain or loss depending on the plasma density, which is consistent with the model prediction. |
THPMS037 | ON THE POSSIBILITY OF ACCELERATING POSITRON ON AN ELECTRON WAKE AT SABER | positron, electron, plasma, simulation | 3082 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Department of Energy contract DE-FG02-92-ER40745 |
A new approach for positron acceleration in non-linear plasma wakefields driven by electron beams is presented. Positrons can be produced by colliding an electron beam with a thin foil target embedded in the plasma. Integration of positron production and acceleration in one stage is realized by a single relativistic, intense electron beam. Simulations with the parameters of the proposed SABER facility at SLAC suggest that this concept could be tested there. |
THPMS060 | Transport Optics Design and Multi-particle Tracking for the ILC Positron Source | positron, linac, optics, electron | 3124 | |||||
Funding: U. S. DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
Undulator-based positron source is adopted as the International Linear Collider baseline design. Complete optics to transport the positron beam having large angular divergence and large energy spread from a thin Ti target to the entrance of the 5 GeV damping ring injection line is developed. Start-to-end multi-particle tracking through the beamline is performed including the optical matching device, capture accelerator system, transport system, superconducting booster linac, spin rotators, and energy compressor. Positron capture efficiency of different schemes (immersed vs shielded target, and flux concentrator vs quarter wave transformation for the optics matching system) is compared. For the scheme of a shielded target and quarter wave transformation, the simulation shows that 15.1% of the positrons from the target are captured within the damping ring 6-D acceptance at the entrance of the damping ring injection line. |
THPMS067 | A CW Positron Source for CEBAF | positron, electron, quadrupole, simulation | 3133 | |||||
Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. |
A positron source for the 6 GeV (or the proposed 12 GeV upgrade) recirculating linacs at Jefferson Lab is presented. The proposed 100nA CW positron source has several unique characteristics; high incident beam power (100kW), 10 MeV incident electron beam energy, CW incident beam and CW production. Positron production with 10 MeV electrons has several advantages; the energy is below neutron threshold so the production target will not become activated during use and the absolute energy spread is bounded by the low incident energy. These advantages are offset by the large angular distribution of the outgoing positrons. Results of simulations of the positron production, capture, acceleration and injection into the recirculating linac are presented. Energy flow and thermal management of the production target present a challenge and are included in the simulations. |
THPMS068 | Systems Testing of a Free Hg Jet System for Use in a High-Power Target Experiment | proton, diagnostics, laser, factory | 3136 | |||||
Funding: U. S. Deparment of Energy contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 |
The design and operational testing of a mercury jet delivery system is presented. The equipment is part of the Mercury Intense Target (MERIT) Experiment, which is a proof-of-principle experiment to be conducted at CERN in the summer of 2007 to determine the feasibility of using an unconstrained jet of mercury as a target in a Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider. The Hg system is capable of producing a 1 cm diameter, 20 m/s jet of Hg inside a high-field solenoid magnet. A high-speed optical diagnostic system allows observation of the interaction of the jet with a 24 GeV proton beam. Performance of the Hg system will be presented, along with results of integrated systems testing without a beam. |
THPMS074 | High Transformer Ratios in Collinear Wakefield Accelerators | laser, gun, simulation, linac | 3154 | |||||
Funding: DOE SBIR Phase II, DE-FG02-02ER83418. |
Based on our previous experiment that successfully demonstrated wakefield transformer ratio enhancement in a 13.625 GHz dielectric-loaded collinear wakefield accelerator using the ramped bunch train technique, we present here a redesigned experimental scheme for even higher enhancement of the efficiency of this accelerator. Design of a collinear wakefield device with a transformer ratio R>>2, is presented. Using a ramped bunch train (RBT) rather than a single drive bunch, the enhanced transformer ratio (ETR) technique is able to increase the transformer ratio R above the ordinary limit of 2. To match the wavelength of the fundamental mode of the wakefield with the bunch length (σz=2 mm) of the new Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) drive gun, where the experiment will be performed, a 26.625 GHz dielectric based accelerating structure is required. This transformer ratio enhancement technique based on our dielectric-loaded waveguide design will result in a compact, high efficiency accelerating structure for future wakefield accelerators. |
THPMS086 | Plasma Lens for US Based Super Neutrino Beam at Either FNAL or BNL | plasma, background, focusing, simulation | 3184 | |||||
Funding: Work supported under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH1-886 with the US Department of Energy |
Plasma lens concept is examined as an alternative to focusing horns and solenoids for a neutrino beam facility. The concept is based on a combined high-current lens/target configuration. Current is fed at an electrode located downstream from the beginning of the target where pion capturing is needed. Some of the current flows through the target, while the rest is carried by plasma outside the target. A second plasma lens section, with an additional current feed, follows the target. Plasma of this section is immersed in a solenoidal magnetic field to facilitate its current profile shaping to optimize pion capture. Simulation of the second section alone yielded a 10% higher neutrino production than the horn system. Plasma lenses have additional advantages: larger axial currents, high signal purity: minimal neutrino background in anti-neutrino runs. Lens medium consists of plasma, consequently, particle absorption and scattering is negligible. Withstanding high mechanical and thermal stresses is not an issue. Results of capturing and focusing obtained for various plasma lens configurations will be presented. |
THPAN082 | Implementation of Spread Mass Model of Ion Hose Instability in Lamda | ion, simulation, induction, acceleration | 3408 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by Los Alamos National Laboratory. |
The ion-hose instability sets limits on the allowable vacuum in the DARHT-2 linear induction accelerator (2kA, 18.6MeV, 2μs). Lamda is a transport code which advances the beam centroid and envelope in a linear induction accelerator from the injector to the final focus region. The code computes the effect of magnet misalignments, beam breakup instability, image-displacement instability, and gap voltage fluctuation on the beam. In this work, we have implemented the Spread Mass (SM) model of ion-hose instability into Lamda so that we can examine quickly the operating parameters for the experiments. Unlike the ordinary SM ion-hose code which assumes the uniform axial magnetic field, Lamda ion-hose calculation includes varying axial magnetic field, accelerating beam, gas pressure file, varying beam radius and elliptical beam. The benchmarks against a semi-analytical SM code and the particle-in-cell code Lsp, and a prediction of ion-hose instability for a 2.5MeV-1.4kA beam in the DARHT-2 are presented. |
THPAN083 | A Beam-Slice Algorithm for Transport Simulations of the DARHT-2 Accelerator | simulation, emittance, beam-transport, extraction | 3411 | |||||
A beam-slice algorithm has been implemented into the Lsp particle-in-cell (PIC) code to allow for efficient simulation of beam electron transport through a long accelerator. The slice algorithm pushes beam particles along a virtual axial dimension and performs a field solve on a transverse grid which moves with the particle slice. Any external electric and magnetic fields are also applied to the slice at each time step. For an axisymmetric beam problem the slice algorithm is very fast compared to full 2-D r-z PIC simulations. The algorithm also calculates beam emittance growth due to mismatch oscillations, in contrast to standard envelope codes which assume constant emittance. Using the slice algorithm we are able to simulate beam transport in the DARHT-2 accelerator at LANL from the region just downstream of the diode to the end of the accelerator, a distance of about 50 meters. Results from the slice simulation are compared to both 2-D PIC simulations and the beam envelope code Lamda. The sensitivity of the final emittance to imperfect tuning of the transport solenoids is calculated.
THPAN088 | Optical Effects of Energy Degraders on the Performance of Fragment Separators | optics, sextupole, dipole, antiproton | 3426 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 |
An exotic beam facility for the production of rare isotopes requires investigation of higher order optical effects, while taking into account beam-material interactions. An important component of the fragment separator is the absorber wedge, which is necessary for isotope separation. The properties of the absorber, such as the type and shape of material used, determine the resolution and transmission of the fragment separator. Nuclear reactions such as the fission and fragmentation of radioactive isotopes within the target or absorber contribute to the phase space and isotopic distributions of the beam. We have computed these distributions for all isotopes emerging from the target or absorber by implementing a limited fission model from within COSY Infinity that uses polynomial interpolations. Higher order optical aberrations have been computed and successfully eliminated by the shaping of the absorber material. COSY allows us to find the parameters of the absorber that maximize the resolution and transmission of the fragment separator. In addition, beam purity tests have been performed. From our results we have determined an appropriate location for a dump of the primary beam. |
THPAN103 | G4Beamline Simulation Program for Matter-dominated Beamlines | simulation, emittance, factory, collider | 3468 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE STTR grant DE-FG02-06ER86281 |
G4beamline is a single-particle simulation program optimized for the design and evaluation of beam lines. It is based on the Geant4 toolkit, and can implement accurate and realistic simulations of particle transport in both EM fields and in matter. This makes it particularly well suited for studies of muon collider and neutrino factory design concepts. G4beamline includes a rich repertoire of beamline elements and is intended to be used directly without C++ programming by accelerator physicists. The program has been enhanced to handle a larger class of beamline and detector systems, and to run on Linux, Windows, and Macintosh platforms. |
THPAS006 | A Solenoid Final Focusing System with Plasma Neutralization for Target Heating Experiments | plasma, ion, focusing, simulation | 3519 | |||||
Intense bunches of low-energy heavy ions have been suggested as means to heat targets to the warm dense matter regime (0.1 to 10 eV). In order to achieve the required intensity on target (~1 eV heating), a beam spot radius of approximately 0.5 mm, and pulse duration of 2 ns is required with an energy deposition of approximately 1 J/cm2. This translates to a peak beam current of 8A for ~0.4 MeV K+ ions. To increase the beam intensity on target, a plasma-filled high-field solenoid is being studied as a means to reduce the beam spot size from several mm to the sub-mm range. We are building a prototype experiment to demonstrate the required beam dynamics. The magnetic field of the pulsed solenoid is 5 to 8 T. Challenges include suitable injection of the plasma into the solenoid so that the plasma density near the focus is sufficiently high to maintain space-charge neutralization of the ion beam pulse. Initial experimental results for a peak current of ~1A will be presented.
This work was supported by the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, of the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, W-7405-Eng-48, DE-AC02-76CH3073 for HIFS-VNL. |
THPAS019 | A Beam Dynamics Application Based on the Common Component Architecture | simulation, quadrupole, lattice, booster | 3552 | |||||
Funding: Department of Engergy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, SBIR grant: DE-FG02-06ER84520 |
A component-based beam dynamics application for modeling collective effects in particle accelerators has been developed. The Common Component Architecture (CCA) software infrastructure was used to compose a new Python-steered accelerator simulation from a set of services provided by two separate beam dynamics packages (Synergia and MaryLie/Impact) and two high-performance computer science packages (PETSc and FFTW). The development of the proof-of-concept application was accomplished via the following tasks: |
THPAS035 | Code development for Next-Generation High-Intensity Large Acceptance Fragment Separators | simulation, ion, heavy-ion, optics | 3576 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 |
An Exotic Beam Facility is one of the highest priority projects in the DOE 20-year plan and a major strategic initiative for Argonne. The main components of the facility are a high-power multi-beam superconducting heavy-ion accelerator, a production complex, and finally a high-efficiency post-accelerator. This talk revolves around new approaches to heavy-ion beam dynamics for the central part, the Fragment Separators. To this end, it will summmarize the theories developed, software written, and simulations done that lead to better understanding of basic beam dynamics, more insight towards the best design choices, and optimization of the system?s parameters, including the integrated beam optics-nuclear physics approach. |
THPAS037 | Open Architecture Software Integration System (OASIS) for the Particle Beam Optics Laboratory (PBO Lab) | optics, linac, quadrupole, simulation | 3579 | |||||
Funding: This work has been supported by the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program under grant number DE-FG02-04ER83961. |
The Particle Beam Optics Laboratory, or PBO Lab, is a suite of software applications developed to support beamline design, accelerator operations, and personnel training. The software provides an intuitive and easy-to-use graphic user interface (GUI) that works with a variety of particle optics codes. The PBO Lab GUI is largely responsible for the popularity of this software suite, which is now used at more than ninety institutions throughout the world. While PBO Lab greatly improves the human-machine interface for several popular optics programs, it has historically required a significant effort to incorporate additional optics codes into the software suite. The Open Architecture Software Integration System, or OASIS, provides an innovative framework that allows users to readily integrate their own optics programs into PBO Lab. This paper provides an overview of the OASIS framework and describes some of the new PBO Lab Modules that have been created using OASIS. |
THPAS050 | Simulating Electron Effects in Heavy-Ion Accelerators with Solenoid Focusing | electron, simulation, diagnostics, lattice | 3603 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of US DOE by the University of California Lawrence Livermore and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories under contracts W-7405-Eng-48 and DE-AC03-76SF00098. |
Contamination from electrons is a concern for solenoid-focused ion accelerators being developed for experiments in high-energy-density physics (HEDP). These electrons, produced directly by beam ions hitting lattice elements or indirectly by ionization of desorbed neutral gas, can potentially alter the beam dynamics, leading to a time-varying focal spot, increased emittance, halo, and possibly electron-ion instabilities. The electrostatic particle-in-cell code WARP is used to simulate electron-cloud studies on the solenoid-transport experiment (STX) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. We present self-consistent simulations of several STX configurations to show the evolution of the electron and ion-beam distributions first in idealized 2-D solenoid fields and then in the 3-D field values obtained from probes. Comparisons are made with experimental data, and several techniques to mitigate electron effects are demonstrated numerically. |
THPAS084 | Calculation of the Charge-changing Cross Sections of Ions or Atoms colliding with Fast Ions using the Classical Trajectory Method | ion, electron, simulation, plasma | 3678 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under the auspices of the Heavy Ion Fusion Science Virtual National Laboratory. |
Evaluation of ion-atom charge-changing cross sections is needed for many accelerator applications. The validity of the classical trajectory approximation has been studied by comparing the results of simulations with available experimental data and full quantum-mechanical calculations [1]. Additionally, a theoretical criterion has been developed for the validity of the classical trajectory approximation [2]. For benchmarking purposes, a Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo simulation (CTMC) is used to calculate ionization and charge exchange cross sections for most simple, hydrogen and helium targets in collisions with various ions. The calculated cross sections compare favorably with the experimental results for projectile velocities near the projectile velocity corresponding to the maximum of cross section as a function of projectile velocity. At higher or lower velocities, quantum-mechanical effects become more significant and the CTMC results agree less well with the experimental values of the cross sections.
[1] I. D. Kaganovich, et al., , New Journal of Physics 8, 278 (2006). |
THPAS102 | Uniform Beam Distributions at the Target of the NSRL Beam Transfer Line | ion, octupole, booster, beam-transport | 3720 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy |
Uniform irradiation of biological or material samples with charged particle beams is desired by experimentalist because it reduces radiation-dose-errors which are introduced by a non-uniform irradiation of the samples. In this paper we present results of uniform beams produced in the NASA SPACE RADIATION LABORATORY (NSRL) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) by a method which was conceived theoretically and tested experimentally at BNL. This method* of producing uniform beams in the transverse beam direction, is based on purely magnetic focusing of the beam and requires no collimation of the beam or any other type of beam interaction with materials. The method is favorably compared with alternative methods** of producing uniform beam distributions normal to the beam direction and can be applied to the whole energy spectrum of the charged particle beams that are delivered by the Booster synchrotron at BNL.
*Uniform Particle Beam Distribution Produced by Octupole Focusing N. Tsoupas et. al. NSE: 126, 71-79 (1997) |
FRXAB02 | Review of Laser Driven Sources for Multi-charged Ions | laser, ion, plasma, ion-source | 3761 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC-02-06CH11357 |
Laser beams have been widely used in the accelerator field for various applications. Here, we focus on ion beam production usage as an ion source. The laser ion source (LIS) already has about thirty years history and was developed for providing pulsed beam to synchrotrons. Since 2000 we have concentrated on the use of the high brightness of induced laser plasma to provide intense highly charged ions efficiently. To take advantage of the intrinsic density of the plasma, Direct Plasma Injection Scheme (DPIS) has been developed. The induced laser plasma has initial expanding velocity and can be delivered directly to the RFQ. The presentation will discuss general features of the laser ion sources and advantages of the DPIS. |
FRZKI02 | Neutrino Physics | background, proton, booster, controls | 3835 | |||||
Twenty years have passed after the supernova SN1987A. Before SN1987A, it was often said that neutrino physics was largely an art of learning a great deal by observing nothing. But after SN1987A, the neutrino became a little less mysterious. The solar neutrino deficit which was observed in the Homestake solar neutrino experiment, was confirmed by Kamiokande, Gallex and SAGE. An atmospheric neutrino anomaly was observed in Kamiokande. IMB, MACRO and SUDEN reconfirmed this anpmaly. In 1998 Super-Kamiokande obtained the evidence of atmospheric neutrino oscillations. This was the first discovery of a finite neutrino mass. The atmospheric neutrino oscillations were reconfirmed by K2K. In 2002 SNO detected the evidence of flavor-transformation of solar neutrinos, and KamLAND detected the evidence of reactor antineutrino oscillations. In my talk what we learned from the above neutrino experiments is briefly reviewed, and what we will learn by on-going and proposed neutrino experiments is discussed.
FRPMN027 | Non-Intercepting Electron Beam Transverse Diagnostics with Optical Diffraction Radiation at the DESY FLASH Facility | background, radiation, electron, diagnostics | 3982 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the European Comunity Infra-structure Activity under the FP6 Structuring the European Research Area program (CARE, contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395) |
The characterization of the transverse phase space for high charge density and high energy electron beams is a fundamental requirement in many particle accelerator facilities, since knowledge of the characteristics of the accelerated beams is of great importance for the successful development of the next generation light sources and linear colliders. The development of suitable beam diagnostics, non-invasive and non-intercepting, is therefore necessary to measure the properties of such beams. Optical Diffraction Radiation (ODR) is considered the most promise candidate, as testified by the interest of many laboratories all around the world. An experiment based on the detection of ODR has been set up at DESY FLASH Facility to measure the electron beam transverse parameters. The radiation is emitted by a 700 MeV-energy electron beam passing through a slit of 0.5 mm or 1 mm aperture depending on the beam size. The slit is opened by chemical etching on a screen made of aluminum deposited on a silicon substrate. Radiation is then detected by a air-cooled high sensitivity CCD camera. The status of the experiment and preliminary results are reported. |
FRPMN031 | Commissioning and Status of New BPM Electronics for COD Measurement at the SPring-8 Storage Ring | pick-up, storage-ring, controls, injection | 3997 | |||||
At SPring-8 storage ring, a signal processing circuit for closed orbit measurement and a part of its control system were replaced during summer shutdown period of 2006. In the new circuit, one of four beam signals at the frequency of 508.58 MHz, which is the acceleration frequency of the SPring-8, is selected by a multiplexer and down-converted to IF frequency. The IF signal is sampled by 2 MSPS 16-bit ADC and detected with DSP. On the DSP, spurious frequencies are eliminated by digital filter and effective band-width can be changed by averaging. During the commissioning of the new circuit after the summer shutdown, DSP parameters such as number of averaging were decided to measure beam positions at all BPMs in 3 seconds, although the new circuit was designed with a target repetition of a few 10 Hz or around 100 Hz with resolution of sub-microns. With the DSP parameters, position resolution of less than 0.5 micron is achieved. In this paper, we also describe long term stability, current dependence and beam filling pattern dependence of the new circuit compared with the old one in addition to the position resolution and measurement repetition.
FRPMN050 | Multiple parameter characterizations for electron beam with diffraction radiation | electron, radiation, photon, emittance | 4096 | |||||
There are growing interests in developing non-intercepting method for real-time monitoring electron beam parameters for International linear collider and X-ray free electron lasers. In this paper we present both theorectical considerations and experimental demonstration of the ability of diffraction radiation for measuring electron beam profile, divergence, emittance and bunch length*. The possibility of using optical diffraction radiation to direct image electron beam profile is studied**.A new method for bunch length measurement with diffraction radiation deflector is also proposed and analysed***.
* Dao Xiang and Wen-Hui Huang, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B, 254 (2007) 165.** Dao Xiang and Wen-Hui Huang, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A, 570 (2007) 357.*** Dao Xiang and Wen-Hui Huang, Phys. Rev. ST-AB, 10 (2007) 012801. |
FRPMN073 | The FPGA-based Continuous FFT Tune Measurement System for the LHC and its Test at the CERN SPS | controls, betatron, pick-up, extraction | 4204 | |||||
A base band tune (BBQ) measurement system has been developed at CERN. This system is based on a high-sensitivity direct-diode detection technique followed by a high resolution FFT algorithm implemented in an FPGA. The system allows acquisition of continuous real-time spectra with 32-bit resolution, while a digital frequency synthesiser (DFS) can provide an acquisition synchronised chirp excitation. All the implemented algorithms support dynamic reconfiguration of processing and excitation parameters. Results from both laboratory measurements and tests performed with beam at the CERN SPS are presented.
FRPMN089 | Facility Wide Real-Time Beam Loss Monitoring & Control using FPGA Technology | beam-losses, controls, synchrotron, diagnostics | 4282 | |||||
The ISIS facility based at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, UK is currently the worlds brightest pulsed Neutron Spallation Source producing a beam to target power of 160kW. It is critical during machine operation to reduce activation of machine components by monitoring and controlling beam losses. Beam loss detection is provided using a total of 82 gas ionisation chambers distributed throughout the Injector, 800MeV Synchrotron, the Extracted Proton Beamline and the new Extracted Proton Beamline for TS2. This paper outlines the design of a new Beam Loss Display and Beam Trip Unit which uses a high speed FPGA design to provide real time monitoring, beam loss data logging and increased beam trip reaction time.
FRPMN106 | Progress toward a Hard X-ray Insertion Device Beam Position Monitor at the Advanced Photon Source | photon, insertion, insertion-device, undulator | 4342 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
Long-term pointing stability at synchrotron light sources using conventional rf-based particle beam position monitoring is limited by the mechanical stability of the pickup electrode assembly. Photoemission-based photon beam position monitors for insertion device beams suffer from stray radiation backgrounds and other gap-dependent systematic errors. To achieve the goal of 500-nanoradian peak-to-peak pointing stability over a one-week period, the development of a photon beam position detector sensitive only to hard x-rays (> several keV) using copper x-ray fluorescence has been initiated. Initial results and future plans are presented. |
FRPMN113 | Initial Far-Field OTR Images Generated by 120-GeV Protons at FNAL | proton, radiation, polarization, antiproton | 4378 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science,under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 and by U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-CH03000. |
We have successfully imaged for the first time the angular distribution patterns of optical transition radiation (OTR) generated by 120-GeV proton beams passing through an Al metal plane. These experiments were performed at FNAL with the same chamber, foil, and camera design as with the near-field experiments previously reported. In this case the lens-to-CID-chip separation was remotely adjusted to provide the focus-at-infinity, or far-field optical imaging. The ~8-mrad opening angle of OTR patterns confirm/provide the calibration factors for the system. We also used linear polarizers to select the orthogonal polarization components of the radially polarized OTR. The OTR angular distribution results are compared to an existing analytical model. We show angle pointing information is available from the single-foil OTR data at the sub-mrad level and divergence information at about the 1-mrad level. Data have been obtained in transport lines both before the antiproton production target and before the NuMI target with particle intensities of about 5 to 22 x ·1012. A two-foil interferometer calculation was also performed. Single-foil experimental and modeling results will be presented. |
FRPMN114 | Feasibility of Near-field ODR Imaging of Multi-GeV Electron Beams at CEBAF | radiation, polarization, electron, linac | 4381 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 and U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. |
We have evaluated the feasibility of using the optical diffraction radiation (ODR) generated as a 1- to 6-GeV CW electron beam passes nearby the edge of a single metal conducting plane as a nonintercepting (NI) relative beam size monitor for CEBAF. Previous experiments were successfully done using near-field imaging on the lower-current, 7-GeV beam at APS, and an analytical model was developed for near-field imaging. Calculations from this model indicate sufficient beam-size sensitivity in the ODR profiles for beam sizes in the 30-50 micron regime as found in the transport lines of CEBAF before the experimental targets. With anticipated beam currents of 100 microamps, the ODR signal from the charge integrated over the video field time should be ~500 times larger than in the APS case. These signal strengths will allow a series of experiments to be done on beam energy dependencies, impact parameters, polarization effects, and wavelength effects that should further elucidate the working regime of this technique and test the model. Plans for the diagnostics station that will also provide reference optical transition radiation (OTR) images will also be described. |
FRPMN118 | LCLS-S1 Optical Transition Radiation Monitor | undulator, linac, radiation, diagnostics | 4396 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, under Contract Nos. DE-AC02-06CH11357 and DE-AC03-76SF00515. |
ANL has developed a high-resolution optical transition radiation (OTR) imaging monitor system for the LCLS injection linac at SLAC. The imaging station, OTR-S1, will be located at the S1 spectrometer with a beam energy of 135 MeV. The system will be used to acquire 2-D transverse beam distributions of the accelerated photocathode-gun-generated electron beam. We anticipate an average beam current of 0.2-1 nC and nominal beam spot size of σ-x 130 microns, σ-y 100 microns. The imaging system was designed for a field of view h/v: 10x7.5 mm. The spatial resolution of ~12 microns was verified over the central 5x4 mm region in the visible. A 12-bit digital camera acquires the image and a Mac-based digital frame capturing system was employed for the initial lab-based performance testing of the device. We are reporting on system development, image capture system, testing methodology, and test data analysis. Commissioning results will be reported as they become available. |
FRPMS033 | OTR Measurements of the 10 keV Electron Beam at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) | radiation, electron, diagnostics, polarization | 4006 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by Office of Naval Research, Joint Technology Office, and the Department of Energy |
We present strong evidence of the observation of optical transition radiation (OTR) from aluminized silicon targets intercepting the UMER 10 keV, 100 ns pulsed electron beam, using fast (300ps and 1ns rise time) photomultiplier tubes. An intensified gated (3ns-1ms) CCD camera is used to image the beam using OTR and to study its time evolution throughout the beam pulse. A comparison of wave forms and time resolved OTR images is presented along with time integrated images obtained with phosphor screens for different initial conditions, i.e. beam currents and gun bias voltages.
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FRPMS050 | LANSCE-Linac Beam-Centroid Jitter in Transverse Phase Space | simulation, quadrupole, diagnostics, dipole | 4093 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. |
In order to characterize the beam-centroid jitter in transverse phase space, sets of position data of the 100-MeV H+ beam and 800-MeV H- beam were taken in the transport lines of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator complex. Subsequent data evaluation produced initially puzzling inconsistencies in the phase-space plots from different pairs of beam-position monitors. It is shown that very small random measurement errors will produce systematic differences between plots that should nominally be identical. The actual beam-centroid jitter and the amount of random error in the measurements can be extracted from the data by performing simulations and determining the parameters for which the resulting plots are consistent with the results from the data. Examples will be shown. |
FRPMS112 | Absolute Measurement of the Polarization of High Energy Proton Beams at RHIC | polarization, proton, scattering, background | 4369 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the Department of Energy Contract no. DE-AC02-98CH10886 and the RIKEN BNL Research Center. |
The spin physics program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) requires knowledge of the proton beam polarization to better than 5%. To achieve this goal, a polarized hydrogen jet target was installed in RHIC where it intersects both beams. The premise is to utilize the precise knowledge of the jet proton polarization to measure the analyzing power in the proton - proton elastic scattering process in the Coulomb Nuclear Interference (CNI) region at the prescribed RHIC proton beam energy, then use the reverse reaction to measure the degree of the beam polarization, and finally confront the results with simultaneous measurements by the fast high statistics polarimeter that measure the p-Carbon elastic scattering process in the CNI region to calibrate the latter. In this presentation, the polarized jet target mechanics, operation, detector systems and the p-Carbon polarimeter are described. The statistical accuracy attained as well as the systematic uncertainties will be discussed. Such techniques may well become the standard for high energy polarized proton beams planned elsewhere in Russia and Japan. |