Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
MOOBAB02 | Progress Toward an ERL Extension to CESR | emittance, linac, optics, electron | 107 | |||||
Funding: Supported by Cornell University and NSF grant PHY 0131508 |
The status of plans for an Energy-Recovery Linac (ERL) X-ray facility at Cornell University is described. Currently, Cornell operates the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) at the CESR ring and the ERL is planned to be an extension to the CESR ring with the addition of a 5-GeV superconducting c.w. linac. Topics covered in this paper include the full layout on the Cornell campus, the different operation modes of the accelerator, methods to limit emittance growth, control of beam-ion effects and ways to limit transverse instabilities. As an upgrade of the CESR ring, special attention is given to reuse of many of the existing components. The very small electron-beam emittances would produce an x-ray source that is highly superior than any existing storage-ring light source. The ERL includes 18 X-ray beamlines optimized for specific areas of research that are currently being defined by an international group of scientists. This planned upgrade illustrates how other existing storage rings could be upgraded to work as ERL light sources with vastly improved beam qualities and with limited dark time for x-ray users. |
MOZAC02 | A Survey of Hadron Therapy Accelerator Technologies | proton, cyclotron, synchrotron, extraction | 115 | |||||
We survey the numerous technological approaches used for hadron beam delivery for radiotherapy, including fixed cyclotrons (both normal and superconducting), superconducting cyclotrons mounted on gantries, and slow and fast cycling synchrotrons. Protons, carbon ions and antiprotons have different kinds of sources. Clinically relevant light ions and protons have quite different beam rigidities, therefore leading to quite different gantry solutions.
MOZBC02 | Status of the Hadrontherapy Projects in Europe | proton, cyclotron, photon, synchrotron | 127 | |||||
Several new facilities for cancer therapy based on light ion accelerators are being designed and constructed in European countries (France, Germany, Italy). This talk will cover the current status of these facilities.
MOOBC02 | Experiments in Warm Dense Matter using an Ion Beam Driver | target, diagnostics, plasma, electron | 140 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Dept. of Energy by LBNL, LLNL, and PPPL under Contracts No. W-7405-Eng-48, DE-AC02-05CH11231, and DE-AC02-76CH3073. |
We describe near term heavy-ion beam-driven warm dense matter (WDM) experiments. Initial experiments are at low beam velocity, below the Bragg peak, increasing toward the Bragg peak in subsequent versions of the accelerator. The WDM conditions are envisioned to be achieved by combined longitudinal and transverse neutralized drift compression to provide a hot spot on the target with a beam spot size of about 1 mm, and pulse length about 1-2 ns. The range of the beams in solid matter targets is about 1 micron, which can be lengthened by using porous targets at reduced density. Initial candidate experiments include an experiment to study transient darkening in the WDM regime; and a thin target dE/dx experiment to study beam energy and charge state distribution in a heated target. Further experiments will explore target temperature and other properties such as electrical conductivity to investigate phase transitions and the critical point. |
MOPAN007 | A Non-intercepting Beam Current Monitor for the ISAC-II SC-linac | pick-up, linac, vacuum, impedance | 155 | |||||
A personnel protection system will monitor the ion beam current into the experimental hall from the ISAC-II SC-linac. It will use continuous self-test and redundancy and have an accuracy of ±10% from 1 to 200enA. The system, based on an Atlas design, will use capacitive pickups with rf resonators and buffer amplifiers. Ion charge, velocity and bunch width will affect the sensitivity so periodic calibration with dc Faraday cups will be needed. The signal from each 13cm long, 5cm diameter pickup tube will pass through a vacuum feedthrough to a helical resonator. An AD8075 IC with an input impedance of 87kΩ at 35MHz will allow a high coil tap. The ISAC beam, bunched at 11.8MHz, is injected into the ISAC-II SC-linac via a 25m long transfer line. Monitors will be placed in the transfer line and downstream of the linac before the experimental hall. A 35MHz and a 70MHz coil (3 and 6 harmonic) have loaded Q's of 600. A test in the transfer line of the 35MHz coil gave a sensitivity 0.09mV/enA from the unity gain buffer using 20Ne+5 ions at 1.5MeV/u. The background was equivalent to 1enA. The 70MHz coil gave 0.04mV/enA using 22Ne+4 ions. System design and test data will be presented.
MOPAN008 | A Single Bunch Selector for the Next Low β Continuous Wave Heavy Ion Beam | heavy-ion, simulation, insertion, linac | 158 | |||||
Funding: Eurisol Project supported by the European Commission under contract N? 515768 RIDS |
The Eurisol heavy ion post-accelerator and the Spiral2 deuton/ion MEBT should transport a continuous wave (cw) beam from respectively a 88.05 MHz RFQ (β respectively 0.036 and 0.04) to a drift-tube linac. A high frequency chopper is being studied to select only 1 bunch over N, 10 < N < 10000 as asked by the physicists. It requires pulses higher than 3 kV, rising in less than 7 ns at a repetition rate up to 8.8 MHz. These figures are at the border of what can be provided by the travelling wave fast choppers and the capacitive-type chopping technologies. We have reviewed the current fast and slow chopping structures and their associated pulse generator. Some preliminary RF simulations to adapt the present chopping devices to our requirements are presented. The main limitations of these technologies when applied to isolate bunches in ion cw accelerators are also shown. Our first studies and results to solve the arising problems are discussed. |
MOPAN026 | Critical Issues in Ensuring Reproducible and Reliable Deposition of NEG Coatings for Particle Accelerators | cathode, vacuum, controls, electron | 209 | |||||
Non Evaporable getter (NEG) coating technology, developed at CERN in the late 90s, is an effective pumping solution for conductance limited vacuum chambers. It reduces thermal out-gassing and provides distributed pumping ability, allowing the achievement of very low pressure. NEG films do show additional interesting features, like low secondary electron yield and low gas de-sorption rates under ions, electrons and photons bombardment. For these reasons, large scale adoption of NEG coated chambers is now a reality and several leading edge machines will soon benefit from it. A critical issue for the successful application of this technology is the ability to deposit NEG coatings in a reproducible and reliable way all along a pipe. This is particularly important for narrow-gap or specially shaped chambers which pose severe challenges in term of film thickness distribution, chemical composition and sorption properties. A dedicated study was carried out to fully understand the deposition process as a function of the sputtering parameters and the chamber geometry. Results obtained do allow to optimize the coating process and ensure that film requirements in a given application are met.
MOPAN039 | Development of Hybrid Type Carbon Stripper Foils with High Durability at >1800K for RCS of J-PARC | injection, proton, linac, laser | 242 | |||||
The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) requires thick carbon stripper foils (250-500 ug/cm2) to strip electrons from the H- beam supplied by the linac before injection into the RCS of J-PARC. For this high-intensity H- beam and circulating bunch beam, which gives much damage to conventional carbon stripper foils. Thus carbon stripper foils with high durability at 1800K produced by energy deposition in the foil are indispensable for this accelerator. Recently, we have successfully developed hybrid type thick boron mixed carbon stripper foils (HBC-foil). Namely, the lifetime measurement of the foils was tested by using a 3.2 MeV, Ne+ DC beams of 2.5 uA, in which a significant amount of energy was deposited in the foils. The maximum lifetime was found to be extremely long, 30-and 250-times longer than those of Diamond and commercially available best carbon foils, respectively. The foils were also found to be free from any shrinkage, and to show an extremely low thickness reduction rate even at a high temperature of 1800K during long beam irradiation. In this conference the foil preparation procedures and lifetime measurements with a 3.2 MeV, Ne+ is presented.
MOPAN040 | Comparative Study on Lifetime of Stripper Foil using 650keV H- Ion Beam | target, ion-source, synchrotron, linac | 245 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, under contract No. 18540303. |
Thick carbon stripper foils of >300 μg/cm2 will be used as a stripping of H-ion beam for 3GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (3GeV-RCS) of the J-PARC. The carbon foils with long lifetime even at >1800 K are required. For this purpose, we have developed a new irradiation system for the lifetime measurement using high current pulsed and dc H- beams of the KEK Cockcroft-Walton accelerator. These high power 650keV H- Ion beams can simulate the high energy deposition in carbon stripper foils at the J-PARC RCS. An automatic data acquisition system is also developed for recording the data of foil temperature and irradiated beam current. The Hybrid Boron mixed Carbon (HBC) stripper foils, which are developed at KEK are irradiated by high current H- ion beam up to 2000 K. A few SNS-diamond and commercially available carbon (CM) foils are also tested for comparing with HBC-foils. The results of the lifetime measurement of HBC and SNS-diamond including CM stripper foils are reported. |
MOPAN057 | LabVIEW and MATLAB-Based Virtual Control System for Virtual Prototyping of Cyclotron | controls, cyclotron, simulation, ion-source | 281 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China under Grant 10435030 |
A virtual control system designed to control and monitor the process of a cyclotron virtual prototyping is presented in this paper. Based on the feature of cyclotron, a distributed control structure is proposed according to the knowledge of software engineering. LabVIEW is employed to develop human machine interface(HMI), sequential control, safety interlock, and MATLAB is used to implement analysis and simulation. Dynamic data exchange (DDE) supported by Win32 Platform SDK is adopted to process data exchanging by a Server/Client mode. Any additional functions can be extended easily in this system in future. |
MOPAN068 | Performance with Lead Ions of the LHC Beam Dump System | proton, extraction, instrumentation, kicker | 308 | |||||
The LHC beam dump system must function safely with lead ions. The differences with respect to the LHC proton beams are briefly recalled, and the possible areas for performance concerns discussed, in particular the various beam intercepting devices and the beam instrumentation. Energy deposition simulation results for the most critical elements are presented, and the conclusions drawn for the lead ion operation. The expected performance of the beam instrumentation systems are reviewed in the context of the damage potential of the ion beam and the required functionality of the various safety and post-operational analysis requirements.
MOPAN088 | A Large Aperture Superconducting Dipole for Beta Beams to Minimize Heat Deposition in the Coil | dipole, simulation, optics, multipole | 365 | |||||
The aim of "beta beams" in a decay ring is to produce highly energetic pure electron neutrino and anti-neutrino beams coming from b-decay of 18Ne10+ and 6He2+ ion beams. The decay products, having different magnetic rigidities than the ion beam, are deviated inside the dipole. The aperture and the length of the magnet have to be optimized to avoid that the decay products hit the coil. The decay products are intercepted by absorber blocks inside the beam pipe between the dipoles to protect the following dipole. A first design of a 6T arc dipole using a cosine theta layout of the coil with an aperture of 80 mm fulfils the optics requirements. Heat deposition in the coil has been calculated using different absorber materials to find a solution to efficiently protect the coil. Aspects of impedance minimization for the case of having the absorbers inside the beam pipe have also been addressed.
MOPAS041 | Design of Superferric Magnet for the Cyclotron Gas Stopper Project at the NSCL | cyclotron, induction, simulation, superconducting-magnet | 524 | |||||
Funding: Michigan State University, Cyclotron-1, East Lansing, MI-48824 |
We present the design of a superferric cyclotron gas stopper magnet that has been proposed for use at the NSCL/MSU to stop the radioactive ions produced by fragmentation at high energies (~140 MeV/u). The magnet is a gradient dipole with three sectors ( B~2.7 T at the center and 2 T at the pole-edge. The magnet outer diameter is 3.8 m, with a pole radius of 1.1 m and B*rho=1.7 T-m). The field shape is obtained by extensive profiles in the iron. The coil cross-section is 64 cm*cm and peak field on the conductor is about 1.6 T. The upper and lower coils are in separate cryostat and have warm electrical connections. We present the coil winding and protection schemes. The forces are large and the implication on the support structure is presented. |
MOPAS053 | LANSCE Vacuum System Improvements for Higher Reliability and Availability | vacuum, linac, proton, storage-ring | 557 | |||||
The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator, an 800-MeV proton linac with a storage ring, has been operated over 30 years since early 1970s. Due to the aging and radiation damage of equipment, cables and connectors, the number of troubles is increasing. In order to reduce the time for unscheduled maintenance, we have implemented a system to catch a symptom of degrading vacuum and send an email automatically. We have been testing this system since July 2006. This paper describes this alert system and our experience. In addition, we will describe our plan for modernizing the vacuum system in the next few years.
MOPAS103 | Optical Parametric Amplifier Test for Optical Stochastic Cooling of RHIC | radiation, laser, undulator, pick-up | 667 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-98CH10886 |
Optical stochastic cooling for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) based on optical parametric amplification was proposed by M. Babzien et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams v.7, 012801, (2004). According to this proposal a CdGeAs2 nonlinear crystal is used as an active medium for the optical parametric amplifier because of extremely large nonlinear coefficient, wide transparency range, and possibility to be phase matched over the required spectral range. We discuss experimental results of the parametric amplifier gain and coherency for the conditions applicable to optical stochastic cooling for RHIC. |
TUYKI01 | ISIS, Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source | target, synchrotron, proton, rfq | 695 | |||||
At present, ISIS, located at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, is the world's leading pulsed neutron and muon source. First neutrons were produced in December 1984, and since then large neutron and muon user communities have been built up. Every year, typically 1600 visitors are welcomed to ISIS, and 800 experiments are carried out. Hitherto ISIS has been based on an 800 MeV proton synchrotron delivering a 160 kW 50 pps beam to a target station incorporating a tungsten neutron-producing target preceded by a graphite muon-producing target. However, a second target station optimised for cold neutrons and running at 10 pps is currently being built, and the first experiments on the second target station are scheduled for 2008. At the same time, extensive performance-enhancing programmes (e.g. a dual harmonic RF system for the synchrotron) and re-lifing programmes (e.g. replacement of the synchrotron main magnet power supplies) are being carried out. The talk will describe the ISIS accelerators, the associated enhancement and re-lifing programmes, the target stations, and will also look forward to schemes for megawatt neutrons in the UK.
TUYKI02 | Status of the RIKEN RIB Factory | factory, cyclotron, acceleration, heavy-ion | 700 | |||||
A series of ring cyclotrons have been constructed/under construction to accelerate radioactive ion beams to very high energy, e.g. 350MeV/u for uranium. Status of the project will be reported. Commissioning and/or operational experience with the large superconducting ring cyclotrons will be presented. Experience with the projectile fragment separator (BigRIPS) and two new large spectrometers will also be covered.
TUZAKI01 | RHIC Plans Towards Higher Luminosity | electron, luminosity, proton, heavy-ion | 709 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is designed to provide luminosity over a wide range of beam energies and species, including heavy ions, polarized protons, and asymmetric beam collisions. In the first seven years of operation there has been a rapid increase in the achieved peak and average luminosity, substantially exceeding design values. Work is presently underway to achieve the Enhanced Design parameters in about 2008. Planned major upgrades include the Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), the RHIC-II electron cooling upgrade, and construction of an electron-ion collider (eRHIC). We review the expected RHIC upgrade performance. Electron cooling and its impact on the luminosity at various collision energies both for heavy ions and protons are discussed in detail. |
TUOCKI02 | Summary of the RHIC Performance during the FY07 Heavy Ion Run | luminosity, proton, injection, beam-losses | 722 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under Contract Number DE-AC02-98CH10886 under the auspices of the US Department of Energy. |
After the last successful RHIC Au-Au run in 2004 (Run-4), RHIC experiments now require significantly enhanced luminosity to study very rare events in heavy ion collisions. RHIC has demonstrated its capability to operate routinely above its design average luminosity per store of 2x1026 cm-2 s-1. In Run-4 we already achieved 2.5 times the design luminosity in RHIC. This luminosity was achieved with only 40% of bunches filled, and with β* = 1 m. However, the goal is to reach 4 times the design luminosity, 8x1026 cm-2 s-1, by reducing the beta* value and increasing the number of bunches to the accelerator maximum of 111. In addition, the average time in store should be increased by a factor of 1.1 to about 60% of calendar time. We present an overview of the changes that increased the instantaneous luminosity and luminosity lifetime, raised the reliability, and improved the operational efficiency of RHIC Au-Au operations during Run-7. |
TUXAB01 | Absolute Measurement of Electron Cloud Density | electron, background, quadrupole, simulation | 754 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, of the U. S. Department of Energy, LLNL and LBNL, under contracts No. W-7405-Eng-48 and DE-AC02-05CH11231. |
Beam interaction with background gas and walls produces ubiquitous clouds of stray electrons that frequently limit the performance of particle accelerator and storage rings. Counterintuitively we obtained the electron cloud accumulation by measuring the expelled ions that are originated from the beam-background gas interaction, rather than by measuring electrons that reach the walls. The kinetic ion energy measured with a retarding field analyzer (RFA) maps the depressed beam space-charge potential and provides the dynamic electron cloud density. Clearing electrode current measurements give the static electron cloud background that complements and corroborates with the RFA measurements, providing an absolute measurement of electron cloud density during a 5 us duration beam pulse in a drift region of the magnetic transport section of the High-Current Experiment (HCX) at LBNL.*
* M. Kireeff Covo, A. W. Molvik, A. Friedman, J.-L. Vay, P. A. Seidl, G. Logan, D. Baca, and J. L. Vujic, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 054801 (2006). |
TUXAB02 | E-cloud experiments and cures at RHIC | electron, proton, injection, emittance | 759 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH1-886. |
Since 2001 RHIC has experienced electron cloud effects, which have limited the beam intensity. These include dynamic pressure rises including pressure instabilities, a reduction of the stability threshold for bunches crossing the transition energy, and possibly slow emittance growth. We report on the main observations in operation and dedicated experiments, as well as the effect of various countermeasures including baking, NEG coated warm pipes, pre-pumped cold pipes, bunch patterns, scrubbing, and anti-grazing rings. |
TUZBAB01 | Experiments on Transverse Bunch Compression on the Princeton Paul Trap Simulator Experiment | plasma, lattice, emittance, focusing | 810 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
The Paul Trap Simulator Experiment is a compact laboratory Paul trap that simulates a long, thin charged-particle bunch coasting through a kilometers-long magnetic alternating-gradient (AG) transport system by putting the physicist in the beam's frame-of-reference. The transverse dynamics of particles in both systems are described by the same sets of equations, including all nonlinear space-charge effects. The time-dependent quadrupolar electric fields created by the confinement electrodes of a linear Paul trap correspond to the axially-dependent magnetic fields applied in the AG system. Results are presented from experiments in which the lattice period and strength are changed over the course of the experiment to transversely compress a beam with an initial depressed-tune of 0.9. Instantaneous and smooth changes are considered. Emphasis is placed on determining the conditions that minimize the emittance growth and the number of halo particles produced after the beam compression. The results of PIC simulations performed with the WARP code agree well with the experimental data. Initial results from a newly installed laser-induced fluorescence diagnostic will also be discussed. |
TUYC01 | Studies of the Pulse Line Ion Accelerator | acceleration, pick-up, vacuum, induction | 852 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, of the U. S. Department of Energy under Contracts No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and W-7405-Eng-48. |
The Pulse Line Ion Accelerator concept was motivated by the need for an inexpensive way to accelerate intense short pulse heavy ion beams to regimes of interest for studies of High Energy Density Physics and Warm Dense Matter. A pulse power driver applied to one end of a helical pulse line creates a traveling wave that accelerates and axially confines the heavy ion beam pulse. The concept has been demonstrated with ion beams at modest acceleration gradients. Acceleration scenarios with constant parameter helical lines are described which result in output energies of a single stage much larger than the several hundred kilovolt peak voltages on the line, with a goal of 3-5 MeV/m acceleration gradients. This method has the potential to reduce the length of an equivalent induction accelerator by a factor of 6-10 while simplifying the pulsed power systems. The performance of prototype hardware has been limited by high voltage flashover across the vacuum insulator. Bench tests and analysis have led to significantly improved flashover thresholds. Further studies using a variety of experimental configurations are planned. |
TUPMN046 | Quadrupole HOM Damping with Eccentric-fluted Beam Pipes | quadrupole, dipole, damping, linac | 1022 | |||||
HOM damping is important for superconducting cavities, especially for high current CW machines such as ERLs. The lower Q-values of HOMs lead to the lower requirement of a refrigerator system and the higher beam current against HOM BBU. Enlarged beam pipes, which have lower cutoff frequencies, are effective to damp HOMs of monopole and dipole, but insufficient for HOMs of quadrupole which have high cutoff frequencies. An eccentric-flute is proposed to damp the HOMs of quadrupole. The eccentric-flute is formed by displacing the flute from the center of the beam pipe and/or by jackknifing around the midpoint of the flute to couple two degenerate modes. The eccentric-flute acts as a mode converter from quadrupole to dipole of the lower cutoff frequency so that the RF power can propagate through the beam pipe. The result of calculation with MAFIA and measurement of a cold model with the eccentric-flute are presented.
TUPMS010 | Fabrication and Measurement of Efficient, Robust Cesiated Dispenser Photocathodes | cathode, laser, electron, free-electron-laser | 1206 | |||||
Funding: This work is funded by the Office of Naval Research and the Joint Technology Office. |
Photocathodes for high power free electron lasers face significant engineering and physics challenges in the quest for efficient, robust, long-lived, prompt laser-switched operation. The most efficient semiconductor photocathodes, notably those responsive to visible wavelengths, suffer from poor lifetime due to surface layer degradation, contamination, and desorption. Using a novel dispenser photocathode design, rejuvenation of cesiated surface layers in situ is investigated for semiconductor coatings building on previous results for cesiated metals. Cesium from a sub-surface reservoir diffuses to the surface through a microscopically porous, sintered tungsten matrix to repair the degraded surface layer. The goal of this research is to engineer and demonstrate efficient, robust, long-lived regenerable photocathodes in support of predictive photocathode modeling efforts and suitable for photoinjection applications. |
TUPMS019 | Ion Effects and Ion Elimination in the Cornell ERL | electron, linac, emittance, simulation | 1218 | |||||
Funding: Supported by Cornell University and NSF grant PHY 0131508 |
In an energy recovery linac (ERL) where beam-loss has to be minimal, and where beam positions and emittances have to be very stable in time, optic errors and beam instabilities due to ion effects have to be avoided. Here we explain why ion clearing electrodes are the least unattractive way of eliminating ions in an ERL and we present calculations of the remnant ion density and its effect on the beam. We also show a design of the clearing electrodes that should be distributed around the accelerator and illustrate their wake-field properties. |
TUPMS079 | Ion Trapping and Cathode Bombardment by Trapped Ions in DC Photoguns | cathode, gun, electron, laser | 1356 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH1-886, Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. |
DC photoguns are used to produce high-quality, high-intensity electron beams for accelerator driven applications. Ion bombardment is credited as the major cause of degradation of the photocathode efficiency. Additionally to ions produced in the accelerating cathode-anode gap, the electron beam can ionize the residual gas in the transport line. These ions are trapped transversely within the beam and can drift back to the accelerating gap and contribute to the bombardment rate of the cathode. This paper proposes a method to reduce the flow of ions produced in the beam transport line and drifting back to the cathode-anode gap by introducing a positive potential barrier that repels the trapped ions. The reduced ion bombardment rate and increased life time of photocathodes will reduce the downtime required to service photoinjectors and associated costs. |
TUPAN003 | Beam Quality and Operational Experience with the Superconducting LINAC at the ISAC II RIB facility | linac, emittance, diagnostics, acceleration | 1392 | |||||
The ISAC II superconducting LINAC is now in the operational phase. The linac was commissioned with stable beams from an off-line source. The commissioning not only proved the integrity of the infrastructure but benchmarked the beam quality and rf cavity performance. Measurements of the transverse and longitudinal emittance are consistent with little or no emittance growth through the acceleration. Transmission near 100% has been achieved though some solenoid steering is evident due to misalignment. The misalignment problem is being evaluated using the beam as diagnostic tool while applying corrections based on the beam measurements. The effectiveness of the corrections will be reported. The machine has been demonstrated to be easy to tune, reliable in restoring beam and flexible enough to accommodate different tuning strategies; software routines have been developed in order to facilitate the tuning process. In this paper the operational routine for tuning and beam delivery will be presented as well as the beam characteristics drawn from the commissioning studies.
TUPAN006 | Design of Slug Tuners for the SPIRAL2 RFQ | rfq, simulation, resonance, vacuum | 1398 | |||||
Tuner parameters: number (or separation distance), diameter, position range, are determined in order to fit two main requirements: (1) compensation of construction errors specified between given bounds, and (2) compatibility with magnetic-field bead-pull measurements. Tuner slopes possibly derived from 2D or 3D simulations are compared. RFQ 4-wire transmission line model is used to calculate tuner position range required to compensate for given capacitance relative errors. The position of the bead guiding-wire is deduced from 3D field maps and magnetic-field-to-voltage calibration accuracy requirement.
TUPAN009 | Performance of the SARAF Ion Source | ion-source, proton, emittance, plasma | 1407 | |||||
Since October 2006 an ECR ion source is under operation at SOREQ. The source will be used to generate protons and deuterons in a current range from 0.04 to 5 mA. The paper will present operation results as current, emittance and stability measurements. Further the influence of variables as solenoid fields, RF power and gas flow will be described. A short description of the attached beam transport system and beam diagnostic system will be given as well.
TUPAN011 | Beam Operation of the SARAF Light Ion Injector | rfq, diagnostics, ion-source, proton | 1410 | |||||
In beginning of 2007 the installation of the first stage of SARAF has been finalized. The system consists out of an ECR ion source, a low energy beam transport system, a four rod RFQ, a medium energy transport system and a superconducting module housing 6 half resonators and three superconducting solenoids. This injector will be characterized with a diagnostic plate. The installation allows continuous measurement of beam charge, position and phase. The diagnostic plate in addition provides a beam halo monitor, vertical and horizontal slit and wire systems, a slow and a fast faraday cup, which can only be used in pulsed operation. The paper will describe the status of commissioning, including results of the site acceptance test of major components.
TUPAN012 | High Intensity Heavy Ion Beam Emittance Measurements at the GSI UNILAC | emittance, quadrupole, simulation, heavy-ion | 1413 | |||||
Funding: We acknowledge the support of the European Community-Research Infrastructure Activity under the FP6 "Structuring the European Research Area" programme (CARE, contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395). |
The GSI UNILAC, a heavy ion linac originally dedicated for low current beam operation, together with the synchrotron SIS 18 will serve as an high current injector for FAIR (International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research). The UNILAC post stripper accelerator consists of five Alvarez tanks with a final energy of 11.4 MeV/u. In order to meet the requirements of FAIR (15emA 238U28+, transverse normalised emittances of 0.8mm mrad and 2.5mm mrad) an UNILAC upgrade program is foreseen to increase the primary beam intensity as well as the beam brilliance. A detailed understanding of the beam dynamics during acceleration and transport of space charge dominated beams is necessary. For this purpose the study of the beam brilliance dependency on the phase advances in the Alvarez DTL is suited. Machine investigations were performed with various beam diagnostics devices established in the UNILAC. Measurements done in 2006 using an high intensity heavy ion beam coincide with the beam dynamics work package of the European JRA "High Intensity Pulsed Proton Injector" (HIPPI). Results of these measurements are presented as well as corresponding beam dynamics simulations. |
TUPAN013 | FAIR Synchrotron Operation with Low Charge State Heavy Ions | beam-losses, vacuum, synchrotron, lattice | 1416 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by EU, contract No. 515876 |
Beam loss caused by charge changing process in connection with dynamic vacuum effects may limit the maximum number of accelerated heavy ions with low charge states in the existing synchrotron SIS18 and the planned SIS100/SIS300 of the FAIR project. With the aim to stabilize the vacuum dynamics and to control ionization beam loss, a substantial upgrade program has been defined for SIS18 and is presently realized. For SIS100, a new lattice design concept has been developed, where each lattice cell acts as a charge seperator and thereby enables the local control of beam loss. Simulation, conducted with the code STRAHLSIM, of the time dependent evolution of beam loss, dynamic residual gas pressure and the effect of the proposed dedicated ion catcher systems will be presented. |
TUPAN014 | Status of the FAIR SIS100/300 Synchrotron Design | dipole, extraction, quadrupole, lattice | 1419 | |||||
The project status of the main accelerators, the SIS100 and SIS300 synchrotrons of the FAIR project will be presented. In order to accommodate more preferable technical solutions, the structure of the magnet lattice had to be modified in both machines. After these changes, more appropriate technical solutions for the main magnets and quench protection systems could be adapted. The general machine layout and design, e.g. of the demanding extraction schemes, has been detailed and open design issues were solved. The developments and design of all major technical systems are in progress and prototyping has started or is in preparation.
TUPAN016 | Rare Isotope Accumulation and Deceleration in the NESR Storage Ring of the FAIR Project | electron, injection, antiproton, secondary-beams | 1425 | |||||
The storage ring NESR of the FAIR project can be operated with rare isotope beams which are produced by projectile fragmentation of a fast heavy ion beam. After stochastic pre-cooling at 740 MeV/u in a dedicated collector ring (CR) the rare isotopes will be accumulated in the NESR by a longitudinal accumulation technique in combination with electron cooling. Various schemes for the accumulation have been considered and evaluated. For experiments with stored beams and for transfer to an ion trap the ion beams can be decelerated to a minimum energy of 4 MeV/u. The deceleration mode of the NESR will also be available for deceleration of antiprotons to a minimum energy of 30 MeV. Fast extraction to a trap and slow extraction to fixed target are foreseen.
TUPAN018 | The Frankfurt Funneling Experiment | rfq, simulation, emittance, ion-source | 1431 | |||||
Funneling is a procedure to multiply beam currents at low energies in several stages. The Frankfurt Funneling Experiment is a prototype of such a stage. Our experiment consists of two ion sources, a Two-Beam RFQ accelerator, a funneling deflector and a beam diagnostic system. The two beams from the ion sources are injected into two RFQ beam lines. These two beams are accelerated in a Two-Beam RFQ and combined to one beam axis with a funneling deflector. The last parts of the RFQ electrodes have been replaced to achieve a 3d focus at the crossing point of the two beam axis. The newly designed multigap deflector is adapted to the optimized funneling section. First results and beam measurements with the new setup will be presented.
TUPAN020 | A RFQ-Decelerator for HITRAP | rfq, emittance, linac, vacuum | 1437 | |||||
The HITRAP linac at GSI will decelerate ions from 5 MeV/u to 6 keV/u for experiments with the large GSI Penning trap. The ions are decelerated at first in the existing experimental storage ring (ESR) down to an energy of 5 MeV/u and will be injected into a new Decelerator-Linac consisting of a IH-structure, which decelerates down to 500keV/u, and a 4-Rod RFQ , decelerating to 5 keV/u. The properties of the RFQ decelerator and the status of the project will be discussed.
TUPAN021 | RFQ and IH Accelerators for the new EBIS Injector at BNL | rfq, linac, emittance, heavy-ion | 1439 | |||||
The new EBIS preinjector at BNL will accelerate ions from the EBIS source with specific mass to charge ratio of up to 6.25, from 17 keV/u to 2000 keV/u to inject into the Booster synchrotron, expanding experimental possibilities for RHIC and NASA experiments. The properties of the RFQ and IH accelerators and the status of the project will be discussed.
TUPAN025 | Selective Containment Measurements on Xe with the RF Charge Breeder Device BRIC | vacuum, electron, simulation, injection | 1445 | |||||
Funding: INFN and UE contract no. 515768 EURISOL_DS (RIDS) |
The Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) production with ISOL technique should require a charge breeder device to increase the ion acceleration efficiency and reduce greatly the production cost. The "charge breeder" is a device designed to accept RIB with charge state +1 and in order to increase their charge state up to +n. Recently, at the INFN section of Bari first and at LNL (Italy) then, a new charge breeder device, based on an EBIS ion source called BRIC, has been developed. The new feature of BRIC, with respect to the classical EBIS, is given by the insertion, in the ion drift chamber, of a Radio Frequency (RF) - Quadrupole aiming to filtering the unwanted masses and then making a selective more efficient containment of the wanted ions. The RF test measurements for Ar gas confirm, as foreseen by simulation results* that the selective containment can be obtained. More measurements on the selective containment of heavier element ions (more close to the radioactive ion produced with ISOL technique) like Xe are needed to study with more details that effect. In this contribution new measurements on the rf selective containement in BRIC for Xe gas will be presented and discussed.
* V. Variale and M. Claudione, "BRICTEST: a code for charge breeding simulations in RF quadrupolar field", NIM in Phys. res. A 543 (2005) 403-414. |
TUPAN044 | Acceleration Scheme in the AIA and its Control System | acceleration, induction, injection, simulation | 1484 | |||||
An All Ion Accelerator (AIA), an injector-free induction synchrotron (IS) is proposed as a modification of the KEK booster*. The Booster is a rapid cycle synchrotron operating at a repetition rate of 20Hz. The AIA based on the booster requires more flexible trigger generation for the acceleration or confinement system than the one used for the IS POP experiment**. Assuming Ar+18 injection from a 200 kV ion source, the revolution period changes from 9.08usec to 333nsec at the end, and the required acceleration voltage changes from few tens of volts to 6.4kV at the middle of acceleration. Since a number of available acceleration cells is finite and their maximum pulse width and output voltage are limited to 500 nsec and 2 kV/cell, respectively, the dynamic allocation of acceleration cells in real time is indispensable, where a trade-off between the voltage amplitude and integrated pulse-length is realized. The acceleration scheme employing fast DSPs and a trigger control system is designed so as to meet the above requirement. Its whole story will be presented, including beam simulation results in the proposed AIA.
* E. Nakamura et al., in PAC07** K. Takayama et al., "Experimental Demonstration of the Induction Synchrotron" appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett. soon and in PAC07 |
TUPAN046 | A Modification Plan of the KEK 500MeV Booster to an All-ion Accelerators (An Injector-free Synchrotron) | acceleration, kicker, extraction, injection | 1490 | |||||
A medium-energy synchrotron capable of accelerating all ion species based on a novel technology of the induction synchrotron* has been proposed as an all-ion accelerator (AIA)**. The AIA without any specific injector employs a strong focusing lattice and induction acceleration, driven by novel switching power supplies. All ions, including cluster ions with any charge state, are accelerated in a single accelerator. A plan to modify the existing KEK 500 MeV Booster to the AIA is under consideration. Its key aspects, such as an ion-source, a low-field injection scheme and induction acceleration***, are described. Deep implant of moderate-energy heavy ions provided from the AIA into various materials may create a new alloy in bulk size. Energy deposition caused by the electro-excitation associated with passing of swift ions through the material is known to largely modify its structure. The similar irradiation on metal in a small physical space of less than a mm in diameter and in a short time period less than 100 nsec is known to create a particularly interesting warm dense-matter state. The AIA capable is a quite interesting device as a driver to explore these new paradigms.
* K. Takayama, et al., "Experimental Demonstration of the Induction Synchrotron", PAC07.** K. Takayama, et al., PCT/JP2006/308502 (2006).*** T. Dixit, et al., PAC07. |
TUPAN050 | Status of the Induction Acceleration System | induction, power-supply, acceleration, synchrotron | 1502 | |||||
Single proton bunch confined by the barrier voltage was accelerated by the induction step-voltage from 500 MeV to 6 GeV at the KEK-PS on March 2006*. We will present the status with the information about troubles and counter-measures for the induction acceleration system.
* K. Takayama, presented in PAC07. |
TUPAN064 | Use of Solidified Gas Target to Laser Ion Source | laser, target, plasma, ion-source | 1535 | |||||
We examined a laser produced neon plasma as part of a future laser ion source. The ion source is capable of generating highly ionized particles and high intensity beams by irradiating a solid target with a pulsed laser. Rare gases, which are in gas state at room temperature, need to be cooled to solid targets for laser irradiation. We generated solid neon targets by equipping our laser ion source chamber with a cryogenic cooler. This method will generate high current rare gas beams.
TUPAN065 | Proton Beam Quality Improvement by a Tailored Target Illuminated by an Intense Short-Pulse Laser | proton, target, laser, electron | 1538 | |||||
Suppression of a transverse proton divergence is focused by using a controlled electron cloud. When an intense short pulse laser illuminates a foil plasma target, first electrons are accelerated and they form a strong electric field at the target surface, then protons can be accelerated by the strong field created. An electron cloud is limited in the transverse direction by plasma at the protuberant part, if the target has a hole at the opposite side of the laser illumination*. The proton beam is accelerated and also controlled by the transverse shaped electron cloud, and consequently the transverse divergence of the beam can be suppressed. In 2.5D particle-in-cell simulations, the transverse shape of the electron cloud is controlled well.
* R. Sonobe, S. Kawata, et. al., Phys. Plasmas 12 (2005) 073104. |
TUPAN066 | Half-mini Beta Optics with a Bunch Rotation for Warm Dense Matter Science Facility in KEK | space-charge, target, emittance, booster | 1541 | |||||
An all-ion accelerator (AIA) is a quite interesting device as a driver to explore a Warm Dense Matter (WDM) state*. The irradiation onto a target at a small focal spot (< a few mm) with a short pulse duration (< 100 nsec) is required to create an interesting WDM state. The final focus is carried out through a half-mini beta beam line placed after the kickout from the AIA. The half-mini beta beam line should be designed with the space-charge effect due to the high current beam. The design includes effects of a large momentum spread caused by a fast bunch rotation. The beam optics concerned with the effects of space-charge and the large momentum spread during the half-mini beta system is designed for the WDM science in KEK AIA Facility.
* E. Nakamura, et al., "A Modification Plan of the KEK 500MeV Booster to an All-ion Accelerators (An Injector-free Synchrotron)", PAC07. |
TUPAN079 | Scheme for Flattening of Ion Density Distribution on a Target | target, quadrupole, octupole, simulation | 1556 | |||||
A scheme for flattening of the ion density distribution on a target is considered. The aim is to obtain the ion density distribution with deviation from the medium level not more than 5% on the target having rather big dimensions (up to ~60 cm in width and ~30 cm in height). Such kinds of targets are required for some technological purposes. The Xe ion beam extracted from a cyclotron has the following parameters: mass-to-charge ratio is 4.4, the kinetic energy is 4.2 MeV per nucleon, the beam current is 1 and the beam emittance is equal to 40 mm mrad. The ion beam line consists of quadrupoles doublet and oqtupole lens. After passimg through two quadrupoles the ion beam has big horizontal and small vertical dimensions. After that the oqtupole makes the horizontal ion beam density distribution on the target uniform withing the nessary demands. The geometry of the beam line, the quadrupole and oqtupole lens parameters are found during simulation. The simulated final beam density distribution on the target is also given.
TUPAN081 | Axial Injection Beam-Line of C400 Cyclotron for Hadron Therapy | cyclotron, quadrupole, injection, emittance | 1562 | |||||
The axial injection beam-line of the C400 cyclotron for hadron therapy is presented. The influence of the strong magnetic field from the cyclotron on particles dynamics is taking into account during simulation. The effect of the beam space charge neutralization due to residual gas in the beam-line on parameters of the injected beam is evaluated.
TUPAN083 | Space-Charge Neutralization in Ion Undulator Linear Accelerator | simulation, undulator, acceleration, linac | 1565 | |||||
RF undulator accelerator (UNDULAC-RF) is suggested as an initial part of high intensity ion linac*. Such accelerator can be realized in periodical IH structure where a field has no spatial harmonics in synchronism with the beam. Ion beam is accelerated by the combined field of two non-synchronous harmonics. Accelerating force value is proportional to squared particle charge. Transmission coefficient and accelerating gradient for low velocity ions with the identical sign of charge are the same as in RFQ. The limit beam current can be larger in this type accelerator. Its value was calculated earlier in paper **. But the beam intensity can be substantially increased in UNDULAC by using space charge neutralization of positive and negative charged ions. In UNDULAC positive and negative ions can be accelerated simultaneously within the same bunch. The process of acceleration and focusing of oppositely charged ions with the identical charge-to-mass ratio is discussed in this paper.
* E. S. Masunov, Technical Physics, V. 46, 11, 2001, pp. 1433-1436.**E. S. Masunov, S. M. Polozov, NIM., A 558, 2006, pp. 184-187. |
TUPAN084 | Using Smooth Approximation for Beam Dynamics Investigation in Superconducting Linac | linac, acceleration, focusing, proton | 1568 | |||||
The superconducting linac consists of some different classes of the identical cavities. The each cavity based on a superconducting structure with a high accelerating gradient. The distance between the cavities is equal to acceleration structure period L. By specific phasing of the RF cavities one can provide a stable particle motion in the whole accelerator. The ion dynamics in such periodic structure is complicated. The reference particle coordinate and momentum can be represented as a sum of a smooth motion term and a fast oscillation term, a period of which is equal to L. Three dimensional equation of motion for ion beam in the Hamiltonian form is derived in the smooth approximation for superconducting linac. The longitudinal acceptance and maximum energy width in a bunch are found by means of the effective potential function. The general conditions applicability of a smooth approximation to given electrodynamic problem is formulated. The nonlinear ion beam dynamics is investigated in such accelerated structure.
TUPAN094 | PS2 Injection, Extraction and Beam Transfer Concepts | extraction, injection, septum, kicker | 1598 | |||||
The replacement of CERN's existing 26 GeV Proton Synchrotron (PS) machine with a separated-function synchrotron PS2 has been identified as an important part of the possible future upgrade programme of the CERN accelerator complex. The PS2 will require a number of new beam transfer systems associated with injection, extraction, beam dumping and transfer. The different requirements are briefly presented, together with an overview of the conceptual design of these systems, based on the initial PS2 parameter set. The required equipment sub-system performance is derived and discussed. Possible limitations are analysed and the impact on the overall design and parameter set is discussed.
TUPAN110 | On Feasibility Study of 8 MeV H- Cyclotron to Charge the Electron Cooling System for HESR | cyclotron, extraction, electron, ion-source | 1631 | |||||
A compact cyclotron to accelerate negative Hydrogen ions up to 8 MeV is considered the optimal solution to the problem of charging the high voltage terminal of the Electron Cooling System for High Energy Storage Ring at GSI (HESR Project, Darmstadt). Physical as well as technical parameters of the accelerator are estimated. Different types of commercially available cyclotrons are compared as a possible source of a 1 mA H- beam for HESR. An original design based on the application of well-established technical solutions for commercial accelerators is proposed.
TUPAN111 | Status Report on the RAL Front End Test Stand | rfq, linac, ion-source, emittance | 1634 | |||||
High power proton accelerators (HPPAs) with beam powers in the several megawatt range have many applications including drivers for spallation neutron sources, neutrino factories, waste transmuters and tritium production facilities. The UK's commitment to the development of the next generation of HPPAs is demonstrated by a test stand being constructed in collaboration between RAL, Imperial College London and the University of Warwick. The aim of the RAL Front End Test Stand is to demonstrate that chopped low energy beams of high quality can be produced and is intended to allow generic experiments exploring a variety of operational regimes. This paper describes the status of the RAL Front End Test Stand which consists of five main components: a 60 mA H- ion source, a low energy beam transport, a 324 MHz Radio Frequency Quadrupole accelerator, a high speed beam chopper and a comprehensive suite of diagnostics. The aim is to demonstrate production of a 60 mA, 2 ms, 50 pps, chopped H- beam at 3 MeV.
TUPAS003 | Experimental Results on Multi-Charge-State LEBT Approach | emittance, ion-source, heavy-ion, proton | 1658 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC-02-06CH11357. |
A multi-charge-state injector for high-intensity heavy-ion LINAC is being developed at ANL. The injector consists of an all-permanent magnet ECR ion source, a 100 kV platform and a Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT). The latter comprises two 60-degree bending magnets, electrostatic triplets and beam diagnostics stations. The first results of beam measurements in the LEBT will be presented. |
TUPAS005 | Accelerators for the Advanced Exotic Beam Facility in the U. S. | linac, target, heavy-ion, acceleration | 1664 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC-02-06CH11357 |
The Office of Science of the Department of Energy is currently considering options for an advanced radioactive beam facility in the U. S. The U. S. facility will complement capabilities both existing and planned elsewhere. As envisioned at ANL, the facility, called the Advanced Exotic Beam Laboratory (AEBL), would consist of a heavy-ion driver linac, a post-accelerator and experimental areas. The proposed design of the AEBL driver linac is a cw, fully superconducting, 833 MV linac capable of accelerating uranium ions up to 200 MeV/u and protons to 580 MeV with 400 kW beam power. An extensive research and development effort has resolved many technical issues related to the construction of the driver linac and other systems required for AEBL. This paper presents the status of planning, some options for such a facility, as well as, progress in related R&D. |
TUPAS013 | Some Physics Issues of Carbon Stripping Foils | injection, proton, electron, booster | 1679 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by Universities Research Association, Inc. under contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the U. S. Dept. of Energy. |
Carbon foils are widely used in charge-exchange injection in high intensity hadron accelerators. There are a variety of physics issues associated with the use of carbon foils, including stripping efficiency, energy deposition, foil lifetime (temperature rise, mechanical stress and buckling), multiple Coulomb scattering, large angle single Coulomb scattering, energy straggling and radiation activation. This paper will give a brief discussion of these issues based on the study of the Proton Driver and experience of the Fermilab Booster. Details can be found in Ref*.
* W. Chou et al., "Transport and Injection of 8 GeV H- Ions," Fermilab-TM-2285 (2007). |
TUPAS044 | Design of a High Temperature Oven for an ECR Source for the Production of Uranium Ion Beams | ion-source, injection, plasma, cyclotron | 1742 | |||||
VENUS is the superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab's 88-Inch Cyclotron. To generate neutral atoms for ionization, the source utilizes a resistively-heated high temperature oven that is located in a magnetic field of up to 4 Tesla and operates at temperatures up to about 2000°C. However, temperatures between 2100-2300°C are required to produce the desired 280eμA of high charge state uranium ion beams, and increased thermal and structural effects, combined with elevated chemical reactivity significantly reduce the oven's ability to operate in this envelope. The oven has been redesigned with higher thermal efficiency, improved structural strength and chemically compatible species in order to produce the desired high intensity, high charge state uranium beams. Aspects of the engineering development are presented.
TUPAS045 | Microwave Ion Source and Beam Injection for an Accelerator-driven Neutron Source | ion-source, emittance, extraction, rfq | 1745 | |||||
Funding: Supported by Office of Science, of the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security under contract No. HSHQBP-05-X-00033. |
An over-dense microwave driven ion source capable of producing deuterium (or hydrogen) beams at 100-200 mA/cm2 with an atomic fraction > 90% was designed as a part of an Accelerator Driven Neutron Source (ADNS). The ion source was tested with an electrostatic low energy beam transport section (LEBT) and measured emittance data was compared to PBGUNS simulations. In our design a 40 mA D+ beam is produced from a 6 mm diameter aperture using a 60 kV extraction voltage. The LEBT section consists of 5 electrodes arranged to form 2 Einzel lenses that focus the beam into the RFQ entrance. To create the ECR condition, 2 induction coils are used to generate a ~875 Gauss magnetic field on axis inside the source chamber. To prevent HV breakdown in the LEBT, a magnetic field clamp is necessary to minimize the field in this region. The microwave power is matched to the plasma by an autotuner. A significant improvement in the atomic fracion of the beam was achieved by installing a boron nitride liner inside the ion source |
TUPAS050 | Determination of Component Activation and Radiation Environment in the Second Stripping Region of a High-Power Heavy-Ion Linear Accelerator | simulation, radiation, quadrupole, radioactivity | 1760 | |||||
Funding: U. S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER41313 |
In supporting pre-conceptual research and development of the Rare-Isotope Accelerator facility or similar next-generation exotic beam facilities, one critical focus area is to estimate the level of activation and radiation in the linear accelerator second stripping region and to determine if remote handling is necessary in this area. A basic geometric layout of the second stripping region having beamline magnets, beam pipes and boxes, a stripper foil, beam slits, and surrounding concrete shielding was constructed for Monte Carlo simulations. Beam characteristics were provided within the stripping region based on this layout. Radiation fields, radioactive inventories, levels of activation, heat loads on surrounding components, and prompt and delayed radiation dose rates were simulated using Monte-Carlo radiation transport code PHITS. Preliminary results from simulations using a simplified geometry show that remote handling of foils and slits will be necessary. Simulations using a realistic geometry are underway and the results will be presented. |
TUPAS052 | Radiation Environment at ISOL Target Station of Rare Isotope Facility | target, radiation, shielding, vacuum | 1766 | |||||
Next-generation exotic beam facilities will offer a number of approaches to produce rare isotopes far from stability. One of the approaches is the Isotope Online (ISOL) separation concept, that is, the isotope production by interactions of light ion beams with heavy nuclei of targets. A pre-conceptual design of an ISOL target station was done as part of the research and development work for the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA). This report summarizes the results of radiation simulations for the RIA ISOL target station. The above includes radiation effects such as: prompt doses around the target station and from neutron sky-shine; residual activation effects such as ground water, air, and component activation; life-time of target station components; and heating and cooling for target, beam dumps, and shielding.
TUPAS055 | End-to-End Beam Dynamics Simulations of the ISF Driver Linac | linac, simulation, emittance, alignment | 1775 | |||||
A proposed Isotope Science Facility (ISF), a major upgrade from the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL), will provide the nuclear science community with world-class beams of rare isotopes. The ISF driver linac will consist of a front-end and three acceleration segments of superconducting cavities separated by two charge-stripping sections, and will be capable of delivering primary beams ranging from protons to uranium with variable energies of ≥200 MeV/nucleon. The results of end-to-end beam simulation studies including physical misalignments, dynamic rf amplitude and phase errors, and variations in the stripping foil thickness, will be performed to evaluate the driver linac overall performances and beam loss, even for the challenging case of the uranium beam with multiple charge states using the newly-developed RIAPMTQ/IMPACT codes. The paper will discuss ISF beam dynamics issues and present the end-to-end beam simulation results.
TUPAS063 | A New Bunching Scheme for Increasing the LANSCE WNR Peak Beam Current | simulation, ion-source, bunching, linac | 1799 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. |
The LANSCE linac simultaneously provides both H+ and H- beams to several user facilities. The Weapons Neutron Research (WNR) user facility is configured to accept the H- beam with a typical pulse pattern of one linac micro-pulse every 1.8 microseconds. To produce this pulse spacing a slow-wave chopper located in the 750 keV injector beam transport is employed to intensity modulate the beam. The beam is subsequently bunched at both 16.77 MHz and 201.25 MHz prior to entering the 100 MeV drift tube linac. One downside of the chopping process is that the majority of the beam produced by the ion source during the WNR macro-pulses is discarded. By applying a longitudinal bunching action immediately following the ion source, simulations have shown that some of this discarded beam can be used to increase the charge in these micro-pulses. Recently, we began an effort to develop this buncher by superimposing 16.77 MHz RF voltage on one of the HVDC electrodes in the 80 kV column located inside H- Cockcroft-Walton dome. This paper describes the beam dynamics simulations, design and implementation of the rf hardware and the results of tests performed with the system. |
TUPAS064 | Helicon Plasma Generator-assisted H- Ion Source Development at Los Alamos Neutron Science Center | plasma, ion-source, electron, permanent-magnet | 1802 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 |
The aim of the helicon plasma generator-assisted negative ion source development at Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) is to use high-density helicon plasmas for producing intense beams of H- ions. Our work consists of two development paths, construction of a hybrid ion source and replacement of the LANSCE surface converter ion source filaments by helicon plasma generators. The hybrid ion source is a combination of a long-life plasma cathode, sustained by a helicon plasma generator, with a stationary, pulsed main discharge (multi-cusp H- production chamber) directly coupled to each other. The electrons are transferred from the helicon plasma to the cusp-chamber by thermal flow process to ignite and sustain the main discharge. Replacing the filaments of the surface converter source by two helicon plasma generators is a low-cost solution, building upon the well-proven converter-type ion sources. Both development paths are aimed at meeting the beam production goals of the LANSCE 800 MeV linear accelerator refurbishment project. The design and status of both ion source types is discussed. |
TUPAS075 | The New LEBT for the Spallation Neutron Source Power Upgrade Project | quadrupole, dipole, rfq, ion-source | 1823 | |||||
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U. S. Department of Energy. |
Beam envelope calculations show that a solenoid-drift-(singlet quad)-(sector dipole)-(singlet quad)-drift-solenoid LEBT allows for transporting 65-kV, high-current H- beams with smaller beam radii than the initially-explored (doublet quad)-drift-(double-focusing dipole)-drift-solenoid configuration. In addition, it appears that the new configuration is more robust because it allows for perfect matching of the final beam parameters for broad ranges of the parameters describing the lattice and the input beam. Such a LEBT with a dipole (switching-) magnet is required to assure meeting the 99% ion source availability requirement after upgrading the power of the Spallation Neutron Source. The SNS power upgrade will roughly double the neutron flux by increasing the proton beam energy from 1 to 1.3 GeV and by increasing the LINAC beam peak current from 38 to 59 mA. Because the RFQ losses increase with beam current and emittance, the RFQ input current needs to be increased from 41 to 67 mA if the normalized emittance can be maintained at 0.2 mm-mrad, or to 95 mA if the emittance increases to 0.35 mm-mrad. |
TUPAS077 | Modeling Ion Extraction from an ECR Ion Source | plasma, extraction, electron, emittance | 1826 | |||||
Funding: This research was performed under a U. S. Dept. of Energy SBIR grant. |
Electron cyclotron resonance ion sources (ECRIS) that generate multiply charged ions reduce the cost to produce radioactive ion beams by reducing the accelerating voltage needed to achieve the desired beam energy. FAR-TECH, Inc. is developing an integrated suite of numerical codes to simulate ECRIS ion capture, charge breeding, and ion extraction. Ion extraction is modeled with a particle in cell (PIC) code. Since the ion dynamics are strongly dependent on the behavior of the plasma sheath at the boundary between the ECRIS plasma and the ion optics, the PIC code uses an adaptive Poisson solver to accurately resolve the potential drop in the sheath. Results of the integrated ECRIS model will be presented, including calculations of extraction efficiency with multiple ion species. |
TUPAS078 | Status of FAR-TECH's ECR Ion Source Optimization Modeling | plasma, simulation, extraction, electron | 1829 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy, under a SBIR grant No. DE-FG02-04ER83954. |
The electron cyclotron-resonance ion source (ECRIS) is one of the most efficient ways to provide high-quality, high-charge-state ion beam for research and development of particle accelerators and atomic physics experiments. For ECR ion source performance optimization, FAR-TECH Inc. is developing an integrated suite of computer codes: the Generalized ECRIS plasma Modeling code (GEM), the MCBC (Monte Carlo Beam Capture) module, to study beam capture and charge-breeding processes in ECRIS, and the extraction section code. Our recent progress includes the following: algorithm update of Coulomb collision in MCBC for more accurate calculations of the beam capture efficiency, which depends on beam energy and the background plasma, 2D extension of GEM by adding the radial dimension, and the ion extraction section modeling using an adaptive technique. |
TUPAS079 | 2D Extension of GEM (The Generalized ECR Ion Source Modeling Code) | plasma, electron, resonance, extraction | 1832 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy, under a SBIR grant No. DE-FG02-04ER83954 |
To model ECRIS, GEM is being extended to 2D by adding radial dimension. The electron distribution function (EDF) is calculated on each magnetic flux surface using a bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck code with 2D ECR heating (ECRH) modeling. The ion fluid model is also being extended to 2D by adding collisional radial transport terms. All species in ECRIS are balanced by keeping the neutrality in each cell and the plasma potential is calculated by maintaining the ambipolarity globally. The graphical user interface (GUI) and parallel computing ability of GEM make it an easy-to-use tool for ECRIS research. Numerical results and comparisons with experimental data will be presented. |
TUPAS080 | High-Current Proton and Deuterium Extraction Systems | extraction, simulation, plasma, proton | 1835 | |||||
The PBGUNS code* is used to explore and optimize high-current extraction system designs for hydrogen and deuterium plasmas. Two subjects are explored: first, the PBGUNS simulations are used to evaluate an analytic procedure** for determining suitable plasma electrode shapes for hydrogen-ion beams. Experimental confirmation for this procedure was found in the high-current proton Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator*** project at Los Alamos. A second subject is to determine via numerical simulations an initial design for a high-quality deuterium ion beam that could be extracted from a microwave ion source. This work builds on many years experience in design and testing of high-current extraction systems for proton and H- injectors. *Steve Bell, Thunderbird Simulations, **J. David Schneider, these Conference proceedings. ***J. D. Sherman, et. al., Rev. of Sci. Instrum. 73(2), 917(2002).
TUPAS081 | A 25-keV, 30-milliamp Hydrogen-ion Injector for a 200-MHz, 750-keV Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) | rfq, proton, plasma, linac | 1838 | |||||
A four-bar, 200-MHz, 750-keV RFQ is being developed by Linac Systems. The RFQ design requires injection of a 25-keV, approximate 25-mA proton beam to produce a 20-mA 750-keV output beam bunched at 200 MHz. The injector is comprised of a microwave proton source and single einzel lens low-energy beam transport (LEBT) system. For an ideally matched injector beam, the RFQ design predicts > 90% beam transmission. Such a transmission has not yet been measured in the laboratory using a microwave proton source and a single einzel lens LEBT. PBGUNS* simulations are being performed to elucidate the injector performance. Model assumptions and various designs will be presented. Predicted injector phase-space distributions at the RFQ match point will be compared to the RFQ acceptance parameters. *Steve Bell, Thunderbird Simulations,
TUPAS082 | A Method For Calculating Near-Optimum Ion-Extractor Profiles | extraction, simulation, space-charge, plasma | 1841 | |||||
A process and program have been developed to interactively calculate the near-optimum electrode profiles for high-perveance ion-extraction systems. A MathCad program determines the near-optimum electrode profiles for high-current (high-perveance) high-quality beams. The program input starts with key parameters: plasma density, estimated mix of ions, extraction voltage, total current, plus desired output beam size and divergence. The computations simulate a spherically convergent extraction system that simultaneously minimizes the aberrations from the exit aperture while directly compensating for both the exit aperture de-focusing lens, and internal space charge in the beam. The program outputs cylindrical (r,z) coordinates of the emission and extractor electrodes, plus displays the beam perveance and output beam size and divergence. This paper will describe this process in some detail and will show examples of its successful use. This technique was used successfully in multiple projects over the past 25 years. Electrode shapes used in past hardware tests are examined with the successive over relaxation code PBGUNS in an accompanying paper.*
* J. D. Sherman, these conference proceedings. |
TUPAS083 | Design and Performance of the Matching Beamline between the BNL EBIS and an RFQ | rfq, emittance, injection, quadrupole | 1844 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy and the U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. |
A part of a new EBIS-based heavy ion preinjector, the low energy beam transport (LEBT) section between the high current EBIS and the RFQ is a challenging design, because it must serve many functions. In addition to the requirement to provide an efficient matching between the EBIS and the RFQ, this line must serve as a fast switchyard, allowing singly charged ions from external sources to be transported into the EBIS trap region, and extracted, highly charged ions to be deflected to off-axis diagnostics (time-of-flight, or emittance). The space charge of the 5-10 mA extracted heavy ion beam is a major consideration in the design, and the space charge force varies for different ion beams having Q/m from 1-0.16. The line includes electrostatic lenses, spherical and parallel-plate deflectors, magnetic solenoid, and diagnostics for measuring current, charge state distributions, emittance, and profile. A prototype of this beamline has been built, and results of tests will be presented. |
TUPAS096 | Setup and Performance of the RHIC Injector Accelerators for the 2007 Run with Gold Ions | booster, emittance, injection, extraction | 1862 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy. |
Gold ions for the 2007 run of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) are accelerated in the Tandem, Booster and AGS prior to injection into RHIC. The setup and performance of this chain of accelerators will be reviewed with a focus on improvements in the quality of beam delivered to RHIC. In particular, more uniform stripping foils between Booster and AGS, and a new bunch merging scheme in AGS promise to provide beam bunches with reduced longitudinal emittance for RHIC. |
TUPAS102 | End-to-End Simulation for the EBIS Preinjector | rfq, booster, emittance, simulation | 1874 | |||||
Funding: This manuscript has been authored by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH1-886 with the U. S. Department of Energy. . |
The EBIS (Electron Beam Ion Source) Project at Brookhaven National Laboratory is in the second year of a four-year project. It will replace the Tandem Van de Graaff accelerators with an EBIS, an RFQ, and one IH Linac cavity as the heavy ion preinjector for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), and for the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). The preinjector will provide all ions species, He to U, (Q/m>0.16) at 2 MeV/amu at a repetition rate of 5 Hz, pulse length of 1040 μs, and intensities of ~2.0 mA. End-to-end simulations (from EBIS to the Booster injection) as well as error sensitivity studies will be presented and physics issues will be discussed. |
TUPAS104 | Heavy Ion Driver with the Non-Scaling FFAG | injection, acceleration, lattice, emittance | 1880 | |||||
Funding: Supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. ** Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 |
We explore the possibility of using two non-scaling FFAG with a smaller number of distributed RF cavities for a high power heavy ion driver. The pulsed heavy ion source would consist of an Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), fed continuously from a high charge state Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) source. The Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) and a short 10 MeV/u linac would follow the ion source. Microseconds long heavy ion beam bunches from the EBIS would be injected in a single turn into a multi-pass small aperture non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator. The heavy ion maximum kinetic energy is assumed to be 400 MeV/u with a total of 400 kW power for uranium ion beams. Partially stripped heavy ions would be accelerated from 10 MeV/u to 67 MeV/u with a first non-scaling FFAG, while, after further stripping, a second non-scaling FFAG would accelerate from 67 to 400 MeV/u. |
WEOAKI02 | Observations of Underdense Plasma Lens Focusing of Relativistic Electron Beams | plasma, focusing, electron, emittance | 1907 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-FG03-92ER40693 and W-7405-ENG-48. |
Focusing of a 15 MeV, 19 nC electron bunch by an underdense plasma lens operated just beyond the threshold of the underdense condition has been demonstrated in experiments at the Fermilab NICADD Photoinjector Laboratory (FNPL). The strong 1.9 cm focal-length plasma-lens focused both transverse directions simultaneously and reduced the minimum area of the beam spot by a factor of 23. Analysis of the beam-envelope evolution observed near the beam waist shows that the spherical aberrations of this underdense lens are lower than those of an overdense plasma lens, as predicted by theory. Correlations between the beam charge and the properties of the beam focus corroborate this conclusion. Time resolved measurements of the focused electron bunch are also reported and all results are compared to simulations. |
WEZAKI02 | From HERA to Future Electron-ion Colliders | electron, collider, lepton, proton | 1927 | |||||
An overview of the proposals of new electron-ion colliders - e-RHIC at BNL, EIC at JLab and e-LHC at CERN - in the light of experience with HERA will be presented.
WEOCKI02 | Design of High Luminosity Ring-Ring Electron-Light Ion Collider at CEBAF | electron, collider, luminosity, emittance | 1935 | |||||
Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. |
Experiments on the study of fundamental quark-gluon structure of nucleons require an electron-light ion collider of a center of mass energy from 20 to 65 GeV at luminosity level of 1035 cm-2s-1 with both beams polarized. A CEBAF accelerator based ring-ring collider of 7 GeV electrons/positrons and 150 GeV light ions is envisioned as a possible next step after the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade. The developed ring-ring scheme takes advantage of the existing polarized continuous electron beam and SRF linac, the green-field design of the collider rings and the ion accelerator complex with electron cooling. We report results of our design studies of the ring-ring version of an electron-light ion collider of the required luminosity. |
WEOCKI03 | Status of the R&D Towards Electron Cooling of RHIC | electron, emittance, simulation, gun | 1938 | |||||
Funding: Work done under the auspices of the US DOE with support from the US DOD. |
The physics interest in a luminosity upgrade of RHIC requires the development of a cooling-frontier facility. Detailed cooling calculations have been made to determine the efficacy of electron cooling of the stored RHIC beams. This has been followed by beam dynamics simulations to establish the feasibility of creating the necessary electron beam. Electron cooling of RHIC at collisions requires electron beam energy up to about 54 MeV at an average current of between 50 to 100 mA and a particularly bright electron beam. The accelerator chosen to generate this electron beam is a superconducting Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) with a superconducting RF gun with a laser-photocathode. An intensive experimental R&D program engages the various elements of the accelerator: Photocathodes of novel design, superconducting RF electron gun of a particularly high current and low emittance, a very high-current ERL cavity and a demonstration ERL using these components. |
WEYC02 | Stochastic Cooling of High-Energy Bunched Beams | simulation, pick-up, kicker, emittance | 2014 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH1-886 |
Stochastic cooling of 100 GeV/nucleon bunched beams has been achieved in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The physics and technology of the longitudinal cooling system are discussed, and plans for a transverse cooling system are outlined. |
WEOBC01 | Beam Instability Observations and Analysis at SOLEIL | impedance, feedback, single-bunch, electron | 2019 | |||||
Due to reduced vertical chamber aperture around the machine, the impedance was systematically evaluated and optimized 3D-wise at SOLEIL during the design stage, whose budget was then utilized to predict instability thresholds for multi and single bunches. These theoretical calculations are compared with observed instabilities. Transverse multibunch current thresholds are followed as a function of chromaticity, identifying the transition of different head-tail regimes that reflects the broadband impedance spectrum. Although low thresholds due to resistive-wall are basically confirmed, its combined effect with ion-induced instability is found to be significant, exhibiting a strong beam filling pattern dependence. To analyse the involved dynamics, a multibunch tracking code is developed in a structure that allows parallel computations with a cluster of processors. The obtained results are compared with empirical data. Analysis of single bunch instabilities is also made with an aim to identify the enhanced reactive impedance due to NEG coating.
WEZC02 | Extreme Compression of Heavy Ion Beam Pulses: Experiments and Modeling | plasma, acceleration, simulation, focusing | 2030 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
Intense heavy ion beam pulses need to be compressed in both the transverse and longitudinal directions for warm dense matter and heavy ion fusion applications. Previous experiments and simulations utilized a drift region filled with high-density plasma in order to neutralize the space-charge and current of a 300 keV K+ beam, and achieved transverse and longitudinal focusing separately to a radius < 2 mm and pulse width < 5 ns, respectively. To achieve simultaneous beam compression, a strong solenoid is employed near the end of the drift region in order to transversely focus the beam to the longitudinal focal plane. Simulations of near-term experiments predict that the ion beam can be focused to a sub-mm spot size coincident with the longitudinal focal plane, reaching a peak beam density in the range 1012 - 1013 cm-3, provided that the plasma density is large enough for adequate neutralization. Optimizing the compression under the appropriate experimental constraints offers the potential of delivering higher intensity per unit length of accelerator to the target, thereby allowing more compact and cost-effective accelerators and transport lines to be used as ion beam drivers. |
WEOCC01 | Experimental Approach to Ultra-Cold Ion Beam at S-LSR | electron, laser, proton, beam-cooling | 2035 | |||||
Funding: The present work was supported from Advanced Compact Accelerator project by MEXT, Japan. Support from the 21COE at Kyoto University-Diversity and Universality in Physics- is also greatly appreciated. |
S-LSR is a storage and cooler ring with the circumference of 22.56 m applied for an electron beam cooling of 7 MeV proton beam and laser cooling of 24Mg+ beam with 35 keV. From the measurement with the use of Schottky pich-up of the momentum spread of 7 MeV proton beam reducing the particle number to suppress the effect of intra-beam scattering,abrupt jump in fractional momentum spread and Schottky power has been observed, which is considered the 1 dimensional phase transition to the ordered state*. The situation has also been expected from numerical simulation**. Laser cooling with much stronger cooling force is expected to realize 2Dand 3D crystalline states if the maintenance condition can be satisfied. Experimental approaches to realize such a condition at S-LSR as dispersion free lattice and "tapered cooling" are also decribed in the present paper.
* A Noda, et al., , New Journal of Physics, 8 (2006)288.** A. Smirnov et al., Beam Science and Technology, 10 (2006) 6*** J. Wei, X-P, Li and A. M. Sessler, , Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 3089. |
WEOCC02 | Overview of warm-dense-matter experiments with intense heavy ion beams at GSI-Darmstadt | target, heavy-ion, laser, diagnostics | 2038 | |||||
Recently, a series of high energy density (HED) physics experiments with heavy ion beams have been carried out at the GSI heavy ion accelerator. The ion beam spot of heating uranium beam size of about 1 mm, pulse length about 120 ns and intensity 109 particles/bunch. In these experiments, metallic solid and porous targets of macroscopic volumes were heated by intense heavy ion beams uniformly and quasi-isochorically, and temperature, pressure and expansion velocity were measured during the heating and cooling of the sample using a fast multi-channel radiation pyrometer, laser Doppler interferometer (VISAR), Michelson displacement interferometer and streak-camera-based-backlighting system. In the performed experiments target temperatures varying from 1'000 K to 12'000 K and pressure in kbar range were measured. Expansion velocities up to 2600 m/s have been registered for lead and up to 1700 m/s for tungsten targets.
WEPMN089 | A General Model of High Gradient Limits | electron, plasma, radiation, site | 2236 | |||||
Funding: Supported by the USDOE / Office of High Energy Physics |
Recent experimental work done to develop high gradient, low frequency cavities for muon cooling, has led to a model of rf breakdown and high gradient limits in warm structures. We have recently been extending this model to try to explain some superconducing rf quench mechanisms, as well as DC and dielectric breakdown. The model assumes that the dominant mechanisms in warm metal systems are fractures caused by the the electric tensile stress, and surface micro-topography that is strongly determined by the the cavity design and history*. We describe how these processes can determine all measurable parameters in warm systems. With superconducting systems, these mechanisms also apply, however field emission, impurities and temperature produce a somewhat different picture of quenching and pulsed power processing. We describe the model and some recent extensions and improvements in some detail and a variety of results accelerators and other applications.
* Hassanein et. al. Phys. Rev. STAB, 9, 062001 |
WEPMN091 | Beam Test of a Grid-less Multi-Harmonic Buncher | bunching, pick-up, linac, simulation | 2242 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC-02-06CH11357. |
The Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator System (ATLAS) is the first superconducting heavy-ion linac in the world. Currently ATLAS is being upgraded with the Californium Rare Ion Breeder Upgrade (CARIBU). The latter is a funded project to expand the range of short-lived, neutron-rich rare isotope beams available for nuclear physics research at ATLAS. To avoid beam losses associated with the existing gridded multi-harmonic buncher, we have developed and built a grid-less four-harmonic buncher with fundamental frequency of 12.125 MHz. In this paper, we are going to report the ATLAS beam performance with the new buncher. |
WEPMN114 | Modular Multiple Frequency RF Amplifier | controls, power-supply, feedback, klystron | 2304 | |||||
The construction and support of a wide range of RF amplifiers are significant cost components in the operation of the research community's accelerator facilities. This situation exists because amplifiers have been designed for a single application, often by multiple vendors, and therefore have very little commonality in their design, construction, and control interfaces for remote operation. To address these shortcomings, Diversified Technologies, Inc. (DTI) is developing a versatile and cost effective, modular RF amplifier design that can be employed across a wide range of RF amplifier requirements. Regardless of frequency or power, amplifiers built on this model feature commonality of design, controls system, and spares. A marriage of solid-state RF driver, power conditioning and control circuitry with high power Vacuum Electronic Device (VED) power amplifiers provide the ultimate in modular, cost-effective, and re-configurable RF power sources. In this paper, DTI will describe the modular RFA amplifier's topology and operating theory, and progress to date in the development of a prototype.
WEPMS003 | Design of Half-Reentrant SRF Cavities for Heavy Ion Linacs | linac, cryogenics, superconductivity, heavy-ion | 2328 | |||||
Funding: DOE #DE-FG02-06ER41411 |
The Spallation Neutron Source (Oak Ridge), the proposed 8 GeV Proton Driver (Fermilab), and the proposed Rare Isotope Accelerator use multicell elliptical SRF cavities to provide much of the accelerating voltage. This makes the elliptical cavity segment the most expensive part of the linac. A new type of accelerating structure called a half-reentrant elliptical cavity can potentially improve upon existing elliptical designs by reducing the cryogenic load by as much as 30% for the same accelerating voltage. Alternatively, with the same peak surface magnetic field as traditional elliptical cavities, it is anticipated that half-reentrant designs could operate at up to 25% higher accelerating gradient. With a half-reentrant shape, liquids can drain easily during chemical etching and high pressure rinsing, which allows standard multicell processing techniques to be used. A half-reentrant cavity for β = v/c = 1, suitable for the proposed ILC, has been designed and fabricated, with RF tests in progress*. In this paper, we present electromagnetic designs for three half-reentrant cell shapes suitable for an ion or proton linac (β = 0.47, 0.61 and 0.81, f = 805 or 1300 MHz).
* M. Meidlinger et al., in Proc. XXIII Int. Linac Conf., Knoxville, TN, Aug 2006 |
WEPMS016 | Modeling the Pulse Line Ion Accelerator (PLIA): An Algorithm for Quasi-Static Field Solution | simulation, coupling, electron, heavy-ion | 2364 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under auspices of U. S. DoE by the Univ. of CA, LLNL & LBNL under Contract Nos. W-7405-Eng-48 and DE-AC02-05CH11231 |
The Pulse-Line Ion Accelerator* (PLIA) is a helical distributed transmission line. A rising pulse applied to the upstream end appears as a moving spatial voltage ramp, on which an ion pulse can be accelerated. This is a promising approach to acceleration and longitudinal compression of an ion beam at high line charge density. In most of the studies carried out to date, using both a simple code for longitudinal beam dynamics and the Warp PIC code, a circuit model for the wave behavior was employed; in Warp, the helix I and V are source terms in elliptic equations for E and B. However, it appears possible to obtain improved fidelity using a "sheath helix" model in the quasi-static limit. Here we describe an algorithmic approach that may be used to effect such a solution.
*R. J. Briggs, PRST-AB 9, 060401 (2006). |
WEPMS065 | CEBAF New Digital LLRF System Extended Functionality | controls, resonance, vacuum, linac | 2490 | |||||
Funding: JSA/DOE Contract - DE-AC05-06OR23177 |
The new digital LLRF system for the CEBAF 12GeV accelerator will perform a variety of tasks, beyond field control.* In this paper we present the superconducting cavity resonance control system designed to minimize RF power during gradient ramp and to minimize RF power during steady state operation. Based on the calculated detuning angle, which represents the difference between reference and cavity resonance frequency, the cavity length will be adjusted with a mechanical tuner. The tuner has two mechanical driving devices, a stepper motor and a piezo-tuner, to yield a combination of coarse and fine control. Although LLRF piezo processing speed can achieve 10 kHz bandwidth, only 10 Hz speed is needed for 12 GeV upgrade. There will be a number of additional functions within the LLRF system; heater controls to maintain cryomodule's heat load balance, ceramic window temperature monitoring, waveguide vacuum interlocks, ARC detector interlock and quench detection. The additional functions will be divided between the digital board, incorporating an Altera FPGA and an embedded EPICS IOC. This paper will also address hardware evolution and test results performed with different SC cavities.
*RF Control Requirements for the CEBAF Energy Upgrade Cavities, C. Hovater, J. Delayen, L. Merminga, T. Powers, C. Reece, Proceedings 2000 Linear Accelerator Conference, Monterey, CA , August 2000 |
WEPMS071 | EVIDENCE FOR FOWLER-NORDHEIM BEHAVIOR IN RF BREAKDOWN | electron, vacuum, electromagnetic-fields, superconductivity | 2499 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE STTR grant DE-FG02-05ER86252 |
Microscopic images of the surfaces of metallic electrodes used in high-pressure gas-filled 800 MHz RF cavity experiments are used to investigate the mechanism of RF breakdown. The images show evidence for melting and boiling in small regions of ~10 micron diameter on tungsten, molybdenum, and beryllium electrode surfaces. In these experiments, the dense hydrogen gas in the cavity prevents electrons or ions from being accelerated to high enough energy to participate in the breakdown process so that the only important variables are the fields and the metallic surfaces. The distributions of breakdown remnants on the electrode surfaces are compared to the maximum surface gradient E predicted by an ANSYS model of the cavity. The surface local density of spark remnants, presumably the probability of breakdown, shows a power law dependence on the maximum gradient, with E10 for tungsten and molybdenum and E7 for beryllium. This is reminiscent of Fowler-Nordheim behavior of electron emission from a cold cathode, which is explained by the quantum-mechanical penetration of a barrier that is characterized by the work function of the metal. |
THYKI01 | Ultra-High Intensity Laser Acceleration of Ions to Mev/Nucleon Energies | laser, target, acceleration | 2581 | |||||
Advances have been made in using ultra-high intensity lasers to directly produce high-current beams of MeV/nucleon ions in solid targets. Experimental results using the LANL Trident Laser will be discussed including beam quality and possible applications.
THYKI02 | Laser Stripping of H- beams: Theory and Experiments | laser, linac, proton, electron | 2582 | |||||
Funding: Research sponsored by LDRD Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
Thin carbon foils are used as strippers for charge exchange injection into high intensity proton rings. However, the stripping foils become radioactive and produce uncontrolled beam loss, which is one of the main factors limiting beam power in high intensity proton rings. Recently, we presented a scheme for laser stripping an H- beam for the Spallation Neutron Source ring. First, H- atoms are converted to H0 by a magnetic field, then H0 atoms are excited from the ground state to the upper levels by a laser, and the excited states are converted to protons by a magnetic field. In this paper we report on the first successful proof-of-principle demonstration of this scheme to give high efficiency (around 90%) conversion of H- beam into protons at SNS in Oak Ridge. The experimental setup is described, and comparison of the experimental data with simulations is presented. In addition, future plans on building a practical laser stripping device are discussed. |
THXAB01 | Commissioning and Early Experiments with ISAC II | linac, emittance, vacuum, acceleration | 2593 | |||||
The first phase of the ISAC-II superconducting accelerator has recently been commissioned. The heavy ion linac adds 20MV to the 1.5MeV/u beam injected from the ISAC post accelerator. The linac is composed of five cryomodules; each cryomodule housing four 106 MHz quarter wave resonators and one 9T superconducting solenoid. On-line performance has confirmed cw operation at a peak surface field in excess of 35MV/m. The talk will describe the very successful commissioning and the early operation with both stable and radioactive beams.
THXAB02 | Current Status of the FAIR-project | dipole, lattice, storage-ring, antiproton | 2598 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by BMBF, State of Hessen and EU FP6 |
In 2006, GSI, together with a large international science community, presented the FAIR Baseline Technical Report (FBTR) on an unprecedented accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion beams Research in Europe, located in Darmstadt (Germany). This facility is based on extensive discussions and a broad range of workshops and working group reports, organized by the international user communities over a period of several years enabling unique experimental possibilities in the fields of nuclear- and astrophysics, hadron-, plasma and atomic physics as well as on applied physics. Following an in-depth evaluation of the proposal by the German Wissenschaftsrat and its recommendation to realize the facility, the Federal Government gave conditional approval for construction of FAIR in 2003. Since then the project has gone through major steps of development and significant progress has been achieved with regard to the scientific-technical and political preparation of the project under the governance of an international committee structure. The current status of the project will be reviewed. |
THOAAB01 | Longitudinal Beam Parameters Study in the SNS Linac | linac, electron, simulation, emittance | 2608 | |||||
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U. S. Department of Energy. |
SNS Linac utilizes several accelerating structures operating at two frequencies. CCL and SCL operate at 805 MHz while 402.5 MHz is used for RFQ and DTL. Beam transfer from the previous part of the accelerator to the subsequent one requires careful longitudinal matching to improve beam transmission and to minimize beam losses. Longitudinal beam parameters have been investigated with the help of three Bunch Shape Monitors installed in the intersegments of the first CCL Module. The results of bunch shape observations for different accelerator settings are presented. Longitudinal beam emittance has been measured and optimized. Longitudinal beam halo has been evaluated as well. |
THPMN014 | Commissioning of the Linac for the Heidelberg Heavy Ion Cancer Therapy Centre (HIT) | rfq, linac, synchrotron, diagnostics | 2734 | |||||
A clinical facility for cancer therapy using energetic proton and ion beams (C, He and O) is under construction and will be installed at the Radiologische Universitätsklinik in Heidelberg, Germany. It consists of two ECR ion sources, a 7 MeV/u linac injector, and a 6.5 Tm synchrotron to accelerate the ions to final energies of 50-430 MeV/u. The linac comprises a 400 keV/u RFQ and a 7 MeV/u IH-DTL operating at 216.8 MHz. The commissioning of the linac with beam was performed in three steps for the LEBT, the RFQ, and the IH-DTL. For this purpose a versatile beam diagnostic test bench has been used consisting of a slit-grid emittance measurement device, transverse pick-ups providing for time of flight energy measurements, SEM-profile grids, and different devices for beam current measurements. In this contribution the procedure and the results of the successful commissioning in the year 2006 of the linear accelerator are reported.
THPMN016 | Study of Fill Patterns for the ILC Electron Damping Ring | damping, electron, simulation, ion-effects | 2739 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the Commission of the European Communities under the 6th Framework Programme "Structuring the European Research Area", contract number RIDS-011899 |
Ion effects are detrimental to the performance of the electron damping ring for the International Linear Collider (ILC). Irregular bunch patterns, e.g. short bunch trains with interleaved gaps, are an effective way to alleviate ion effects. In this paper, we discuss the fill patterns and their impact on the ion effects for the ILC electron damping ring. |
THPMN019 | Morphological Changes of Electron-beam Irradiated PMMA Surface | electron, vacuum, scattering, plasma | 2745 | |||||
Funding: Author are thankful to DAE-BRNS, India for financial support for research work |
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) study of low energy (10 keV) electron beam irradiated Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)20 micron thick surface was performed. PMMA film has been used in lithography applicatiion by this technique. AFM in tapping mode has been utilized to investigate the morphological changes on the samples surface as a function of fluence. TM-AFM showed the hills of the nano size surrounded by the craters type features in all the irradiated samples. The shape and size of these features varied with fluence. The root-mean-square (rms) surface roughness of the samples changed from 2.666 nm to 5.617 nm with fluence from 2x1014 electrons/cm2 to 1x1016 electrons/cm2. It shows that roughness increases as increasing fluence. |
THPMN020 | Design Studies of the 300 AMeV Superconducting Cyclotron for Hadrontherapy | cyclotron, extraction, proton, light-ion | 2748 | |||||
A design study of a compact superconducting cyclotron for hadrontherapy is carrying out at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of Catania. This machine is able to accelerate light ions with a charge to mass ratio of 0,5 up to the maximum energy of 300 AMeV. Light ions like Carbon will be extracted by an electrostatic deflector at the energy of 3,6 GeV. The range of this beam is of 174 mm in water and is enough to threat all the tumors of the head and neck district. Despite the machine is able to accelerate also the ionised hydrogen molecule up to 300 AMeV, an extraction by stripping allow us to deliver a proton beam with energy of 250 MeV. The range in water of proton beam with this energy being 370 mm. The main parameters of the cyclotron and the main features of the beam dynamics will be presented.
THPMN076 | PAMELA - A Model for an FFAG based Hadron Therapy Machine | proton, rfq, hadron, acceleration | 2880 | |||||
Approximately one third of the world?s 15000 accelerators are used for tumour therapy and other medical applications. Most of these are room temperature cyclotrons: a few are synchrotrons. Neither of these have ideal characteristics for a dedicated medical accelerator. The characteristics of FFAGs make them ideally suited to such applications, as the much smaller magnet size, greater compactness and variable energy offers considerable cost and operational benefits especially in a hospital setting. In the first stage the work on PAMELA will focus on the optimization of the FFAG design to deliver the specific machine parameters demanded by therapy applications. In this phase of the PAMELA project the effort will concentrate on the design of a semi-scaling type FFAGs to deliver a 450 MeV/u carbon ion beam, including detailed lattice and tracking studies. The second stage will use the existing expertise in the BASROC consortium to undertake a design of the magnets and RF system for PAMELA. An outline of the overall concept of PAMELA will be discussed and the actual status of the work will be presented.
THPMN117 | Design of a VHF-band RF Photoinjector with MegaHertz Beam Repetition Rate | cathode, electron, emittance, gun | 2990 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the Director, Office of Science, High Energy Physics, U. S. Dept. of Energy under Contract no. DE-AC02-05CH1121 |
New generation accelerator-based X-ray light sources require high quality beams with high average brightness. Normal conducting L- and S-band photoinjectors are limited in repetition rate and D-C (photo)injectors are limited in field strength at the cathode. We propose a low frequency normal-conducting cavity, operating at 50 to 100 MHz CW, to provide beam bunches at a rate of one MegaHertz or more. The photoinjector uses a re-entrant cavity structure, requiring less than 100 kW CW, with a peak wall power density less than 10 W/cm2. The cavity will support a vacuum down to 10 picoTorr, with a load-lock mechanism for easy replacement of photocathodes. The photocathode can be embedded in a magnetic field to provide correlations useful for flat beam generation. Beam dynamics simulations indicate that normalized emittances on the order of 1 mm-mrad are possible with gap voltage of 750 kV, with fields up to 20 MV/m at the photocathode, for 1 nanocoulomb charge per bunch after acceleration and emittance compensation. Long-bunch operation (10's of picosecond) is made possible by the low cavity frequency, permitting low bunch current at the 750 kV gap voltage. |
THPMS001 | An Ideal Circular Charged-Particle Beam System | electron, simulation, cathode, focusing | 2999 | |||||
Funding: Research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology was supported by DOE, Office of High-Energy Physics, Grant No. DE-FG02-95ER40919 and AFOSR, Grant No. FA9550-06-1-0269. |
A theory is presented for the design of an ideal non-relativistic circular beam system including a charged-particle emitting diode, a diode aperture, a circular beam tunnel, and a focusing magnetic field that matches the beam from the emitter to the beam tunnel. The magnetic field is determined by balancing the forces throughout the gun and transport sections of the beam system. OMNITRAK simulations are performed, validating theory. As applications, a circular electron beam system is discussed for space-charge-dominated beam experiments such as the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER), and a circular ion beam system is discussed for high energy density physics (HEDP) research. |
THPMS029 | Beam Head Erosion in Self-ionized Plasma Wakefield Accelerators | plasma, simulation, vacuum, emittance | 3064 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by Department of Energy contracts DE-AC02-76SF00515, DE-FG02-92ER40727, DE-FG02-92-ER40745 DE-FG02-03ER54721, DE-FC02-01ER41179 and NSF grant Phy-0321345 |
In the recent plasma wakefield accelerator experiments at SLAC, the energy of the particles in the tail of the 42 GeV electron beam were doubled in less than one meter [1]. Simulations suggest that the acceleration length was limited by a new phenomenon beam head erosion in self-ionized plasmas. In vacuum, a particle beam expands transversely in a distance given by beta*. In the blowout regime of a plasma wakefield [2], the majority of the beam is focused by the ion channel, while the beam head slowly spreads since it takes a finite time for the ion channel to form. It is observed that in self-ionized plasmas, the head spreading is exacerbated compared to that in pre-ionized plasmas, causing the ionization front to move backward (erode). A simple theoretical model is used to estimate the upper limit of the erosion rate for a bi-gaussian beam by assuming free expansion of the beam head before the ionization front. Comparison with simulations suggests that half this maximum value can serve as an estimate for the erosion rate. Critical parameters to the erosion rate are discussed.
[1] I. Blumenfeld et al., Nature 445, 741(2007)[2] J. B. Rosenzweig et al., Phys. Rev. A 44, R6189 (1991) |
THPMS030 | Mitigation of Ion Motion in Future Plasma Wakefield Accelerators | plasma, emittance, focusing, electron | 3067 | |||||
Funding: DoE contract # DE-FG02-92-ER40745 |
Simulation and analysis of the ion motion and multiple ionization in a plasma wakefield accelerator is presented for the parameters required of a future ILC afterburner. We show that although ion motion leads to substantial emittance growth for extreme parameters of future colliders in the sub-micron spot size regime, several factors that can mitigate the effect are explored. These include sunchrotron damping, plasma density gradient and hot plasma. |
THPMS033 | Scaling of Energy Gain with Plasma Parameters in a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator | plasma, emittance, focusing, acceleration | 3076 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Department of Energy contracts DE-AC02-76SF00515, DE-FG02-92ER40727, DE-FG02-92-ER40745. DE-FG02-03ER54721, DE-FC02-01ER41179 and NSF grant Phy-0321345. |
Systematic measurements of energy gain as a function of plasma parameters in the SLAC electron beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration (PWFA) experiments lead to very important understanding of the beam-plasma interaction. In particular, measurements as a function of the plasma length Lp show that the energy gain increases linearly with Lp in the 10 to 30 cm range. Based on this scaling, the plasma was subsequently lengthened to Lp=90cm, resulting in the first demonstration of the doubling of the energy of a fraction of the incoming 42GeV electrons*. The peak accelerating gradient is larger than 40GV/m and is sustained over meter-scale plasma lengths. These measurements also reveal that the optimum plasma density for acceleration is about 2.7·1017/cc, larger than the value predicted by the linear theory for the approximately 20 microns bunch length, confirming that the experiment is conducted in the non-linear regime of the PWFA. Detailed experimental results will be presented.
* "Energy doubling of 42 GeV electrons in a meter scale plasma wakefield accelerator", I. Blumenfeld et. al., Nature, 2006, accepted |
THPMS047 | Emittance Growth from Multiple Coulomb Scattering in a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator | emittance, electron, scattering, plasma | 3097 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Department of Energy contracts DE- AC02-76SF00515 |
Emittance growth is an important issue for plasma wakefield accelerators (PWFAs). Multiple Coulomb scattering (MCS) is one factor that contributes to this growth. Here, the MCS emittance growth of an electron beam traveling through a PWFA in the blow out regime is calculated. The calculation uses well established formulas for angular scatter in a neutral vapor and then extends the range of Coulomb interaction to include the effects of traveling through an ion column. Emittance growth is negligible for low Z materials; however, becomes important for high Z materials. |
THPMS069 | The New ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility Floating Beamline | controls, extraction, vacuum, ion-source | 3139 | |||||
Funding: Sponsored by the OBES and the OFES of the U. S. DOE under contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC. MRF was appointed through the ORNL Postdoctoral Research Associates Program administered jointly by ORISE and ORNL. |
We report on the development and implementation of a new beam line floatable at up to -15 kV and injected by a 10 GHz CAPRICE ECR ion source at the ORNL Multicharged Ion Research Facility MIRF as part of a major facility upgrade project [1]. With the floating beamline operating at negative high voltage, and the ECR source at ground potential, intense dc beam deceleration into grounded experimental chambers to energies as low as a few eV/q is made possible. The primary application of these ion beams is to study fundamental collisional interactions [2] of multicharged ions with electrons, atoms, and surfaces. Design details of the floating beam line, including source extraction, deceleration optics and voltage isolation will be presented at the conference. The novel features of a LABVIEW-based supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system developed for the floating beam line will be described as well.
[1]F. W. Meyer et al. "The ORNL MIRF Upgrade project," NIMB B242,71(2006).[2]F. W. Meyer,"ECR-Based Atomic Collisions Research at ORNL MIRF," in Trapping Highly Charged Ions: Fundamentals & Applications, Nova Sci. Pub., New York, 2000, pp. 117-164. |
THPMS092 | Superconducting Non-Scaling FFAG Gantry for Carbon/Proton Cancer Therapy | proton, hadron, dipole, betatron | 3199 | |||||
Funding: * Supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. ** Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 |
We report on improvements in the non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) gantry design. As we previously reported*, a major challenge of the carbon/proton cancer therapy facilities is isocentric gantry design. The weight of the isocentric gantry transport elements in the latest Heidelberg carbon/proton facility is 135 tons**. In this report we detail improvements to the previous non-scaling gantry design. We estimate that this non-scaling FFAG gantry would be almost hundred times lighter than traditional heavy ion gantries. Very strong focusing with small dispersion permits passage of different energies of carbon beams through the gantry's fixed magnetic field.* |
THPAN006 | Simulation of Decays and Secondary Ion Losses in a Betabeam Decay Ring | dipole, simulation, quadrupole, lattice | 3232 | |||||
The beta decay of circulating ions in the decay ring of a Betabeam facility will give rise to secondary ions which differ in charge from the primary ions and will follow widely off-momentum orbits. A small fraction of these ions will be lost in the long straights, but the great majority of them will be lost in the arcs. Profiling of the losses requires detailed knowledge of the paths of these ions, which are distributed in phase space as well as around the ring circumference. We describe here a comprehensive model of ion decay, secondary ion tracking, and loss detection, which has been implemented in the tracking and simulation code Accsim. Methods have been developed to accurately track ions at large momentum deviations not amenable to conventional multiparticle tracking codes, as well as to detect their impact coordinates on vacuum chamber walls (possibly inside magnetic elements). In our simulation we have also included absorbers which are needed, along with appropriate lattice optimisations, to localize the majority of losses outside of the dipoles. From simulation results, some estimates of decay ring performance (in terms of loss concentration and management) will be given.
THPAN082 | Implementation of Spread Mass Model of Ion Hose Instability in Lamda | simulation, induction, acceleration, target | 3408 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by Los Alamos National Laboratory. |
The ion-hose instability sets limits on the allowable vacuum in the DARHT-2 linear induction accelerator (2kA, 18.6MeV, 2μs). Lamda is a transport code which advances the beam centroid and envelope in a linear induction accelerator from the injector to the final focus region. The code computes the effect of magnet misalignments, beam breakup instability, image-displacement instability, and gap voltage fluctuation on the beam. In this work, we have implemented the Spread Mass (SM) model of ion-hose instability into Lamda so that we can examine quickly the operating parameters for the experiments. Unlike the ordinary SM ion-hose code which assumes the uniform axial magnetic field, Lamda ion-hose calculation includes varying axial magnetic field, accelerating beam, gas pressure file, varying beam radius and elliptical beam. The benchmarks against a semi-analytical SM code and the particle-in-cell code Lsp, and a prediction of ion-hose instability for a 2.5MeV-1.4kA beam in the DARHT-2 are presented. |
THPAN085 | Two-Stream Instability Analysis For Propagating Charged Particle Beams With a Velocity Tilt | plasma, simulation, background, emittance | 3417 | |||||
Funding: This research was supported by the U. S. DOE through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory for the Heavy Ion Fusion Science-Virtual National Laboratory. |
The linear growth of the two-stream instability for a charged particle beam that is longitudinally compressing as it propagates through a background plasma (due to an applied velocity tilt) is examined. Detailed, 1D particle-in-cell simulations are carried out to examine the growth of a wave packet produced by a small amplitude density perturbation in the background plasma. Recent analytic and numerical work by Startsev and Davidson [1] predicted reduced linear growth rates, which are indeed observed in the simulations. Here, small-signal asymptotic gain factors are determined in a semi-analytic analysis and compared with the simulation results in the appropriate limits. Nonlinear effects in the PIC simulations, including wave breaking and particle-trapping, are found to limit the linear growth phase of the instability for both compressing and non-compressing beams.
[1] Phys. Plasmas 13, 62108 (2006) |
THPAN086 | End-to-end Simulations of an Accelerator for Heavy Ion Beam Bunching | plasma, simulation, focusing, emittance | 3420 | |||||
Funding: This research was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy through Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the HIFS-VNL. |
Longitudinal bunching factors in excess of 70 of a 300-keV, 27-mA K+ ion beam have been demonstrated in the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment in rough agreement with LSP particle-in-cell end-to-end simulations. These simulations include both the experimental diode voltage and induction bunching module voltage waveforms in order to specify the initial beam longitudinal phase space critical to longitudinal compression. To maximize simultaneous longitudinal and transverse compression, we designed a solenoidal focusing system that compensated for the impact of the applied velocity tilt on the transverse phase space of the beam. Here, pre-formed plasma provides beam neutralization in the last one meter drift region where the beam perveance becomes large. Integrated LSP simulations, that include detailed modeling of the diode, magnetic transport, induction bunching module, plasma neutralized transport, were critical to understanding the interplay between the various accelerator components. Here, we compare simulation results with the experiment and discuss the contributions to longitudinal and transverse emittance that limit compression. |
THPAS004 | Bunching and Focusing of an Intense Ion Beam for Target Heating Experiments | plasma, focusing, space-charge, bunching | 3516 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. D. O.E. under DE-AC02-05H11231 and DE-AC02-76CH3073 for HIFS-VNL |
Future warm dense matter experiments with space-charge dominated ion beams require simultaneous longitudinal bunching and transverse focusing. The challenge is to longitudinally bunch the beam two orders of magnitude to a pulse length shorter than the target disassembly time and focus the beam transversely to a sub-mm focal spot. An experiment to simultaneously focus a singly charged potassium ion beam has been carried out at LBNL. The space charge of the beam must be neutralized so only emittance limits the simultaneous focusing. An induction bunching module provides a head-to-tail velocity ramp upstream of a plasma filled drift section. Tuning the initial beam envelope to compensate for the defocusing of the bunching module enables simultaneous focusing. A comparison of experimental and calculated results are presented, including the transverse distribution and the longitudinal phase-space of the beam. |
THPAS006 | A Solenoid Final Focusing System with Plasma Neutralization for Target Heating Experiments | plasma, target, focusing, simulation | 3519 | |||||
Intense bunches of low-energy heavy ions have been suggested as means to heat targets to the warm dense matter regime (0.1 to 10 eV). In order to achieve the required intensity on target (~1 eV heating), a beam spot radius of approximately 0.5 mm, and pulse duration of 2 ns is required with an energy deposition of approximately 1 J/cm2. This translates to a peak beam current of 8A for ~0.4 MeV K+ ions. To increase the beam intensity on target, a plasma-filled high-field solenoid is being studied as a means to reduce the beam spot size from several mm to the sub-mm range. We are building a prototype experiment to demonstrate the required beam dynamics. The magnetic field of the pulsed solenoid is 5 to 8 T. Challenges include suitable injection of the plasma into the solenoid so that the plasma density near the focus is sufficiently high to maintain space-charge neutralization of the ion beam pulse. Initial experimental results for a peak current of ~1A will be presented.
This work was supported by the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, of the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, W-7405-Eng-48, DE-AC02-76CH3073 for HIFS-VNL. |
THPAS009 | On the Stability of the Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij Equations | simulation, focusing, quadrupole, lattice | 3528 | |||||
The stability of the linearized Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij (KV) equations around a matched solution, which constitute a linear periodic Hamiltonian system, is studied. By using Floquet theorem, symplectic algebra and the eigenvalue distribution theory, a critical stability condition for the linearized particle beam envelope equations is obtained. The stability conditions are expressed in terms of the time-averaged Hamiltonian system.
THPAS017 | Numerical Algorithms for Modeling Electron Cooling in the Presence of External Fields | simulation, undulator, electron, plasma | 3549 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under contract DE-FG02-04ER84094. |
The design of the high-energy cooler for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) recently adopted a non-magnetized approach. To prevent recombination between the fully stripped gold ions and co-propagating electrons, a helical undulator magnet has been proposed. In addition, to counteract space-charge defocusing, weak solenoids are proposed every 10m. To understand the effect of these magnets on the cooling rate, numerical models of cooling in the presence of external fields are needed. We present an approach from first principles using the VORPAL parallel simulation code. We solve the n-body problem by exact calculation of pair-wise collisions. Simulations of the proposed RHIC cooler are discussed, including fringe field and finite interaction time effects. |
THPAS035 | Code development for Next-Generation High-Intensity Large Acceptance Fragment Separators | target, simulation, heavy-ion, optics | 3576 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 |
An Exotic Beam Facility is one of the highest priority projects in the DOE 20-year plan and a major strategic initiative for Argonne. The main components of the facility are a high-power multi-beam superconducting heavy-ion accelerator, a production complex, and finally a high-efficiency post-accelerator. This talk revolves around new approaches to heavy-ion beam dynamics for the central part, the Fragment Separators. To this end, it will summmarize the theories developed, software written, and simulations done that lead to better understanding of basic beam dynamics, more insight towards the best design choices, and optimization of the system?s parameters, including the integrated beam optics-nuclear physics approach. |
THPAS039 | Status Report on the NSCL RF Fragment Separator | kicker, collimation, cyclotron, secondary-beams | 3585 | |||||
The RF Fragment Separator (RFFS) proposed in* is now under construction and should be operational by May 2007. The RFFS is an additional purification system for secondary beams at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory after the existing A1900 fragment separator and will primarily be used to purify beams of rare neutron deficient isotopes. The RFFS uses a transverse electric field of an rf kicker to separate unwanted particles from the desired ion beam, a pi/2 phase advance cell to rotate the beam in phase space before the beam reaches a collimating aperture for purification and a final pi phase advance cell to transport the desired beam to the experiment. The final design for the rf kicker and the focusing system is presented and a status report on the building and commissioning effort is given.
* D. Gorelov, V. Andreev, D. Bazin, M. Doleans, T. Grimm, F. Marti, J. Vincent and X. Wu, "RF-Kicker System for Secondary Beams at NSCL/MSU" PAC2005, Knoxville, Tennessee, 16th-20th, May 2005 |
THPAS040 | The Cyclotron Gas Stopper Project at the NSCL | extraction, cyclotron, simulation, space-charge | 3588 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DOE Grant # DE-FG02-06ER41413 |
Gas stopping is the method of choice to convert high-energy beams of rare isotopes produced by projectile fragmentation into low-energy beams. Fast ions are slowed down in solid degraders and stopped in a buffer gas in a stopping cell, presently linear. They have been successfully used for first precision experiments with rare isotopes*,** but they have beam-rate limitations due to space charge effects. Their extraction time is about 100 ms inducing decay losses for short-lived isotopes. At the NSCL a new gas stopper concept*** is under development, which avoids these limitations and fulfills the needs of next-generation rare isotope beam facilities. It uses a gas-filled cyclotron magnet. The large volume, and a separation of the regions where the ions stop and where the maximum ionization is observed are the key to a higher beam-rate capability. The longer stopping path due to the magnetic field allows a lower pressure to be used, which decreases the extraction times. The concepts of the cyclotron gas stopper will be discussed and the results from detailed simulation and design work towards the realization of such a device at the NSCL will be summarized.
* G. Bollen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 152501 ** R. Ringle Phys. Rev. C Submitted*** G. Bollen et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A550 (2005) 27 |
THPAS080 | Initial Density Profile Measurements using a Laser-Induced Fluorescence Diagnostic in the Paul Trap Simulator Experiment | laser, ion-source, diagnostics, plasma | 3666 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
Installation of a laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) diagnostic system has been completed and initial measurement of the beam density profile has been performed on the Paul trap simulator experiment (PTSX). The PTSX device is a linear Paul trap that simulates the collective processes and nonlinear transverse dynamics of an intense charged particle beam propagating through a periodic focusing quadrupole magnetic configuration. Although there are several visible transition lines for the laser excitation of barium ions, the transition from the metastable state has been considered first mainly because an operating, stable, broadband, and high-power laser system is available for experiments in this region of the red spectrum. The LIF system is composed of a dye laser, fiber optic cables, a line generator, which uses a Powell lens, collection optics, and a CCD camera system. Single-pass mode operation of the PTSX device is employed for the initial tests of the LIF system to make optimum use of the metastable ions. By minimizing the background light level, it is expected that enough signal to noise ratio can be obtained to re-construct the radial density profile of the ion beam. |
THPAS082 | Meter-Long Plasma Source for Heavy Ion Beam Space Charge Neutralization | plasma, focusing, space-charge, electron | 3672 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
Plasmas are sources of electrons for charge neutralizing ion beams to allow them to focus to small spot sizes and compress their axial pulse length. Sources must operate at low pressures and without strong electric/magnetic fields. To produce meter-long plasmas, sources based on ferroelectric ceramics with large dielectric coefficients were developed. The sources use BaTiO3 ceramic to form plasma. The drift tube inner wall of the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment (NDCX) is covered with ceramic and ~7 kV is applied across the wall of the ceramics. A 20-cm-long prototype source produced plasma densities of 5·1011 cm-3. It was integrated into the Neutralized Transport Experiment and successfully neutralized the K+ beam. A one-meter-long source comprised of five 20-cm-long sources has been tested and characterized, producing relatively uniform plasma over the length of the source in the 1·1010 cm-3 range. This source was integrated into NDCX for beam compression experiments. Experiments with this source yielded compression ratios ~80. Future work will consider longer and higher plasma density sources to support beam compression and high energy density experiments. |
THPAS083 | Charge and Current Neutralization of an Ion Beam Pulse by Background Plasma in Presence of Applied Magnetic Field and Gas Ionization | plasma, background, simulation, focusing | 3675 | |||||
Funding: *Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under the auspices of the Heavy Ion Fusion Science Virtual National Laboratory. |
Background plasma can be used as a convenient tool for manipulating intense charge particle beams, for example, for ballistic focusing and steering, because the plasma can effectively reduce the space-charge potential and self-magnetic field of the beam pulse. We previously developed a reduced analytical model of beam charge and current neutralization for an ion beam pulse propagating in a cold background plasma. The reduced-fluid description provides an important benchmark for numerical codes and yields useful scaling relations for different beam and plasma parameters. This model has been extended to include the additional effects of a solenoidal magnetic field and gas ionization. Analytical studies show that a sufficiently large solenoidal magnetic field can increase the degree of current neutralization of the ion beam pulse. The linear system of equations has been solved analytically in Fourier space. For a strong enough applied magnetic field, poles emerge in Fourier space. These poles are an indication that whistler waves and lower hybrid waves are excited by the beam pulse. |
THPAS084 | Calculation of the Charge-changing Cross Sections of Ions or Atoms colliding with Fast Ions using the Classical Trajectory Method | electron, simulation, target, plasma | 3678 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under the auspices of the Heavy Ion Fusion Science Virtual National Laboratory. |
Evaluation of ion-atom charge-changing cross sections is needed for many accelerator applications. The validity of the classical trajectory approximation has been studied by comparing the results of simulations with available experimental data and full quantum-mechanical calculations [1]. Additionally, a theoretical criterion has been developed for the validity of the classical trajectory approximation [2]. For benchmarking purposes, a Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo simulation (CTMC) is used to calculate ionization and charge exchange cross sections for most simple, hydrogen and helium targets in collisions with various ions. The calculated cross sections compare favorably with the experimental results for projectile velocities near the projectile velocity corresponding to the maximum of cross section as a function of projectile velocity. At higher or lower velocities, quantum-mechanical effects become more significant and the CTMC results agree less well with the experimental values of the cross sections.
[1] I. D. Kaganovich, et al., , New Journal of Physics 8, 278 (2006). |
THPAS092 | Electron Cooling in the Presence of Undulator Fields | electron, undulator, simulation, heavy-ion | 3696 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
The traditional electron cooling system used in low-energy coolers employs an electron beam immersed in a longitudinal magnetic field. In the first relativistic cooler, which was recently commissioned at Fermilab, the friction force is dominated by the non-magnetized collisions between electrons and antiprotons. The design of the higher-energy cooler for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) recently adopted a non-magnetized approach which requires a low temperature electron beam. However, to avoid significant loss of heavy ions due to recombination with electrons in the cooling section, the temperature of the electron beam should be very high. These two contradictory requirements are satisfied in the design of the RHIC cooler with the help of the undulator fields. The model of the friction force in the presence of an undulator field was benchmarked vs direct numerical simulations with an excellent agreement. Simulations of ion beam dynamics in the presence of such a cooler and helical undulator is discussed in detail, including recombination suppression and resulting luminosities. |
THPAS093 | High-Energy Electron Cooling Based on Realistic Six-Dimensional Distribution of Electrons | electron, simulation, emittance, space-charge | 3699 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
The low-energy electron cooling system is based on an electron beam immersed in a longitudinal magnetic field of a solenoid. The coupling of the horizontal and vertical motion allows representation of the friction force as a sum of the transverse and longitudinal components. The analytic treatment proceeds by allowing several approximations, for example, uniform transverse density distribution of electron beam and Maxwellian distribution in the velocity space. The high-energy electron cooling system for RHIC is unique compared to standard coolers. It requires bunched electron beam. Electron bunches are produced by an Energy Recovery Linac (ERL), and cooling is planned without a longitudinal magnetic field. To address the unique features of the RHIC cooler, a generalized 3-D treatment of the cooling force was introduced in the BETACOOL code which allows to calculate the friction force from an arbitrary six-dimensional distribution of the electrons. Results based on this treatment are compared to typical approximations. Simulations for the RHIC cooler based on a realistic electron distribution from the ERL are presented. |
THPAS100 | Collective Effects in the RHIC-II Electron Cooler | electron, space-charge, vacuum, focusing | 3717 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH1-886 |
Electron cooling at RHIC-II upgrade imposes strict requirements on the quality of the electron beam at the cooling section. Beam current dependent effects such as the space charge, wake fields, CSR in bending magnets, trapped ions, etc., will tend to spoil the beam quality and decrease the cooling efficiency. In this paper, we estimate the defocusing effect of the space charge at the cooling section and describe our plan to compensate the defocusing space charge force by focusing solenoids. We also estimate the energy spread and emittance growth cased by wake fields. Finally, we discuss ion trapping in the electron cooler and consider different techniques to minimize the effect of ion trapping. |
THPAS102 | Uniform Beam Distributions at the Target of the NSRL Beam Transfer Line | target, octupole, booster, beam-transport | 3720 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy |
Uniform irradiation of biological or material samples with charged particle beams is desired by experimentalist because it reduces radiation-dose-errors which are introduced by a non-uniform irradiation of the samples. In this paper we present results of uniform beams produced in the NASA SPACE RADIATION LABORATORY (NSRL) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) by a method which was conceived theoretically and tested experimentally at BNL. This method* of producing uniform beams in the transverse beam direction, is based on purely magnetic focusing of the beam and requires no collimation of the beam or any other type of beam interaction with materials. The method is favorably compared with alternative methods** of producing uniform beam distributions normal to the beam direction and can be applied to the whole energy spectrum of the charged particle beams that are delivered by the Booster synchrotron at BNL.
*Uniform Particle Beam Distribution Produced by Octupole Focusing N. Tsoupas et. al. NSE: 126, 71-79 (1997) |
THPAS104 | Simulations of RHIC Coherent Stabilities Due To Wakefield and Electron Cooling | electron, simulation, impedance, damping | 3726 | |||||
A circulating ion beam in the presence of electron cooling can experience varies instabilities if the electron beam intensity is above a certain threshold. Firstly the electric field generated by the electron beam can introduce two stream instabilities of varies modes; this has already been observed in the Fermilab Recycler ring. Secondly, longitudinal cooling of the momentum spread will reduce the Landau damping efficiency and thus may make the overcooled ion beam unstable. The thresholds and growth rates of varies two stream instability modes are discussed for the existing RHIC electron cooler design. Both simulation and theoretical results are shown for the thresholds of the instabilities caused by overcooling.
FRXAB02 | Review of Laser Driven Sources for Multi-charged Ions | laser, target, plasma, ion-source | 3761 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC-02-06CH11357 |
Laser beams have been widely used in the accelerator field for various applications. Here, we focus on ion beam production usage as an ion source. The laser ion source (LIS) already has about thirty years history and was developed for providing pulsed beam to synchrotrons. Since 2000 we have concentrated on the use of the high brightness of induced laser plasma to provide intense highly charged ions efficiently. To take advantage of the intrinsic density of the plasma, Direct Plasma Injection Scheme (DPIS) has been developed. The induced laser plasma has initial expanding velocity and can be delivered directly to the RFQ. The presentation will discuss general features of the laser ion sources and advantages of the DPIS. |
FRXAB03 | Design, Construction and Commissioning of the SuSI ECR | plasma, sextupole, ion-source, extraction | 3766 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant PHY-0110253. |
An ECR ion source was constructed at the NSCL/MSU to replace the existing SC-ECRIS. This ECRIS operates at 18+14.5 GHz microwave frequencies and it is planned an upgrade to 24-28 GHz in the second phase of commissioning. A superconducting hexapole coil produces the radial magnetic field; the axial trapping is produced with six superconducting solenoids enclosed in an iron yoke to allow tuning the distance between the plasma electrode and resonant zone in the plasma. The plasma chamber of the ion source can be biased at +30 kV, the beam line at -30 kV. The voltage of the beam line vacuum pipe must be kept constant from the ECRIS to the point of full separation of the beam charge states near the image plane of the analyzing magnet. At this point, an insulator is used to increase the voltage up to zero value. The kinetic energy of the beam is decreased to 30 kV per unit charge after this point, as required for the injection in the Coupled Cyclotron Facility. To decrease the beam divergence, a focusing solenoid is installed after the vacuum pipe break. We report the details of the design, construction and initial commissioning results of this new ECIS. |
FROAAB02 | Advanced RF-Driven H- Ion Sources at the SNS | plasma, extraction, ion-source, emittance | 3774 | |||||
The power upgrade of the US Spallation Neutron Source* (SNS) will require substantially higher average H- beam current from the ion source than can be produced using the baseline source. H- currents of 70-100 mA with an RMS emittance of 0.20-0.35 mm mrad, respectively, and a ~7% duty-factor will have to be injected into the accelerator. We are, therefore, investigating several advanced ion source concepts based on RF-excited plasmas. We have designed and tested three inductively coupled ion sources featuring external antennas. First, a simple prototype source was developed based on a ceramic plasma chamber and no magnetic plasma confinement. Next, a source featuring an internal Faraday shield with integrated magnetic multicusp plasma confinement was investigated as well as an ion source based on an AlN plasma chamber and external multicusp confinement field. H- generation in each source is quantified and compared. Also, experiments investigating the possibility of using helicon-wave coupling were performed and are reported. Finally, an advanced elemental Cs collar and feed system was developed and tested with each source.
ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 |
FRYAB01 | A Multi-beamlet Injector for Heavy Ion Fusion: Experiments and Modeling | emittance, simulation, plasma, extraction | 3777 | |||||
Funding: This work has been performed under the auspices of the US DOE by UC-LBNL under contract DE-AC03-76SF00098 and by UC-LLNL under contract W-7405-ENG-48. |
To provide a compact high-brightness heavy-ion beam source for Heavy Ion Fusion, we have performed experiments to study a proposed merging beamlet approach for the injector. We used an RF plasma source to produce the initial beamlets. An extraction current density of 100 mA/cm2 was achieved, and the thermal temperature of the ions was below 1 eV. An array of converging beamlets was used to produce a beam with the envelope radius, convergence, and ellipticity matched to an electrostatic quadrupole channel. Experimental results were in good quantitative agreement with simulation and have demonstrated the feasibility of this concept. The size of a driver-scale injector system using this approach will be several times smaller than one designed using traditional single large-aperture beams. The success of this experiment has possible significant economical and technical impacts on the architecture of HIF drivers. |
FRYAB02 | High-Performance EBIS for RHIC | electron, injection, heavy-ion, rfq | 3782 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy and the U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. |
An Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), capable of producing high charge states and high beam currents of any heavy ion species in short pulses, is ideally suited for injection into a synchrotron. An EBIS-based, high current, heavy ion preinjector is now being built at Brookhaven to provide increased capabilities for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), and the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). Benefits of the new preinjector include the ability to produce ions of any species, fast switching between species to serve the simultaneous needs of multiple programs, and lower operating and maintenance costs. A state-of-the-art EBIS, operating with an electron beam current of up to 10 A, and producing multi-milliamperes of high charge state heavy ions, has been developed at Brookhaven, and has been operating very successfully on a test bench for several years. The present performance of this high-current EBIS will be presented, along with details of the design of the scaled-up EBIS for RHIC, and the status of its construction. Other aspects of the project, including design and construction of the heavy ion RFQ, Linac, and matching beamlines, will also be mentioned. |
FROBAB01 | Simulation-driven Optimization of Heavy-ion Production in ECR Sources | plasma, simulation, electron, ion-source | 3786 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. DOE Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics, under grant DE-FG02-05ER84173. |
Next-generation heavy-ion beam accelerators require a great variety of high charge state ion beams (from protons to uranium) with up to an order of magnitude higher intensity than demonstrated with conventional Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion sources. Optimization of the ion beam production for each element is therefore required. Efficient loading of the material into the ECR plasma is one of the key elements for optimizing the ion beam production. High-fidelity simulations provide a means to understanding where along the interior walls the uncaptured metal atoms are deposited and, hence, how to optimize loading of the metal into the ECR plasma. We are currently extending the plasma simulation framework VORPAL with models to investigate effective loading of heavy metals into ECR ion sources via alternate mechanisms, including vapor loading, ion sputtering and laser ablation. Here we will present the models, simulation results of vapor loading and initial comparisons with experiments at the VENUS source at LBNL. |
FROBAB02 | Inhomogeneities in Beams Extracted from ECR Ion Sources | ion-source, simulation, sextupole, plasma | 3789 | |||||
Funding: This work has been supported by National Science Foundation under grant PHY-0110253 and EURONS Contract 506065 |
An examination of heavy ion beam profiles using viewing targets and CCD cameras at both the GSI and NSCL shows highly structured patterns. These structures generally have a 3-fold symmetry reflecting the highly-magnetized nature of the ion formation within the plasma chamber. A program of experiment and three-dimensional modeling with KOBRA3d is continuing. Results of this program to date are discussed. |
FRPMN037 | Ion Instability in the ILC Damping Ring | damping, simulation, feedback, electron | 4030 | |||||
Ions created by electron beam trapped in a bunch oscillate with a certain frequency, with the result that the beam oscillate with the same frequency. Recent high intensity and low emittance rings, the growth rate of this ion instability is very rapid. Super B factory and ILC damping ring, which are similar design parameter, are extremely low emittance. We discuss the ion instability for these rings.
FRPMN081 | A Preliminary Study of Beam Instabilities in Top-up Operation at Taiwan Light Source | feedback, storage-ring, vacuum, synchrotron | 4246 | |||||
The storage ring of Taiwan Light Source started to operate fully in top-up mode since October 2005. The beam current has been gradually increased to 300 mA in routine user operation. Phenomena of collective effects were observed at 300 mA in top-up operation mode. Active feedback systems were implemented to stabilize the beam in top-up mode. Results of beam observation and analysis will be presented.
FRPMS018 | 1-MeV Electrostatic Ion Energy Analyzer | space-charge, sextupole, quadrupole, diagnostics | 3940 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by the university of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC03-76F00098. |
We describe a high resolution (a few x 10-4) 90-degree cylindrical electrostatic energy analyzer for 1-MeV (singly ionized) heavy ions for experiments in the Heavy Ion Fusion Science Virtual National Laboratory. By adding a stripping cell, the energy reach of the analyzer is extended to 2 MeV. This analyzer has high dispersion in a first-order focus with bipolar deflection-plate voltages in the range of ±50 kV. We will present 2- and 3-D calculations of vacuum-field beam trajectories, space-charge effects, field errors, and a multipole corrector. The corrector consists of 12 rods arranged in a circle around the beam. Such a corrector has excellent properties as an electrostatic quadrupole, sextupole, or linear combination. The improved energy diagnostic allows measurements of beam charge state and energy spread, such as caused by charge exchange or temperature anisotropy, and better understanding of experimental results in longitudinal beam studies. |
FRPMS080 | Simulation of the Beam-Ion Instability in the Electron Damping Ring of the International Linear Collider | damping, emittance, simulation, electron | 4240 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
Ion induced beam instability is one critical issue for the electron damping ring of the International Linear Collider (ILC) due to its ultra small emittance of 2pm. Bunch train filling pattern is proposed to mitigate the instability and bunch-by-bunch feedback is applied to suppress it. Multi-bunch train fill pattern is introduced in the electron beam to reduce the number of trapped ions. Our study shows that the ion effects can be significantly mitigated by using multiple gaps. However, the beam can still suffer from the beam-ion instability driven by the accumulated ions that cannot escape from the beam during the gaps. The effects of beam fill pattern, emittance, vacuum and various damping mechanism are studied using self-consistent program, which includes the optics of the ring. |