Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
MOXKI01 | LHC: Construction and Commissioning Status | quadrupole, cryogenics, injection, insertion | 1 | |||||
The LHC is now in its final phase of hardware commissioning. The whole ring is complete apart from a few elements in the matching regions yet to be installed. The first of the eight sectors has been cooled down and power tests to full energy are underway. Beam commissioning will start as soon as the last sector becomes available, hopefully before the end of 2007. The commissioning plan foresees a short "engineering" run with colliding beams at or near the injection energy of 450 GeV. This will be followed by a shutdown to finish installing the detectors and to commission the last sectors to full current. A review of the commissioning status to date will be given.
MOZAAB02 | MAX-IV Design: Pushing the Envelope | emittance, linac, injection, lattice | 74 | |||||
The proposed MAX IV facility is meant as a successor to the existing MAX-lab. The acceleraor part will consist of three storage rings, two new ones operated at 3 and 1.5 GeV respectively and the existing MAX III ring. The two new rings have identical lattices and are placed on top of each other. Both these rings have a very small emittances, 0.86 and 0.4 nm rad respectively, and offer sychrotron radiation of very high mean brilliance. As an injector, a 3 GeV linear accelerator is planned. The design philosophy and the special technical solutions called for are presented in this paper.
MOOAAB01 | Philosophy for NSLS II Design with Sub-nanometer Horizontal Emittance | emittance, lattice, storage-ring, wiggler | 77 | |||||
In this paper we present design philosophy for reliable light sources with sub-nm horizontal emittance used for conceptual design of NSLS II. We discuss the fundamentals of the concept, such as using reliable achromatic low-emittance lattice with large bending radius and damping wigglers with modest peak field. We also discuss a natural scale of the emittance set by intra-beam scattering and its influence of the choice of the bending radius for the ring. In addition, we review a very weak dependence of the beam lifetime on the emittance, and present a clear physics explanation of the phenomena. Finally, we list main parameters of the 3 GeV NSLS II X-ray ring.
MOOAAB04 | Quadruple-bend Achromatic Low Emittance Lattice Studies | emittance, lattice, storage-ring, electron | 86 | |||||
A quadruple-bend-achromatic (QBA) cell, defined as a super cell made of two double-bend (DB) cells with different outer and inner dipole bend angles, is found to provide a factor of two in lowering the beam emittance of electron synchrotron light sources. The ratio of bending angles of the inner dipoles to that of the outer dipoles is numerically found to be about 1.51.6 for an optimal low beam emittance in the isomagnetic condition. The QBA lattice provides an advantage over the double-bend achromat or the double-bend non-achromat in performance by providing some zero dispersion straight-sections and a small natural beam emittance. A lattice with 12 QBA cells with a preliminary dynamic aperture study serves as an example. The effects of the different types of insertion devices (ID) on the emittance in dispersive long straight and non-dispersive long straight are also simulated and reported.
MOPAN011 | Upgrade Plans of the Vacuum System of the ESRF | quadrupole, vacuum, radiation, storage-ring | 164 | |||||
The ESRF has been delivering beams to users for well over 12 years. The performance of the storage ring has surpassed the original specifications with respect to many accelerator parameters, such as emittance, beam stability, beam availability and so on. Along the years, many of its sub-systems have been improved in order to cope with these more demanding conditions. Now new experimental techniques and arrangements, such as nanofocusing on the samples, call for a radical upgrade of the machine. Another reason to upgrade is the recent coming into operation of new, more modern machines, and the desire for the ESRF to stay at the forefront of synchrotron radiation research. A study group has been set up, with the aim of producing a conceptual design report for what is called a "Long Term Strategy" for the upgrade of the ESRF. This paper will detail the plans for the LTS upgrade of the storage ring vacuum system.
MOPAN021 | Magnetic Field Calculations of the Superconducting Dipole Magnets for the High- Energy Storage Ring at FAIR | superconducting-magnet, storage-ring, heavy-ion, quadrupole | 194 | |||||
For the High-Energy Storage Ring (HESR) to be established for the FAIR facility, magnetic field calculations have been carried out for the layout of the superconducting dipole magnets. Four configurations have been considered for the 2.72 m long magnets, straight ones and bent ones with a bending radius of 13,889 m, respectively, both for the cos(Θ) layout and for the double helix dipole layout. This contribution will focus particularly on the advantages and disadvantages of the individual configurations in terms of field quality in the diopole regions.
MOPAN025 | The Elettra Booster Magnets | sextupole, booster, quadrupole, multipole | 206 | |||||
The third generation light source ELETTRA has been in operation since 1993. A new 2.5 GeV full energy booster injector, that will replace the existing linear injector limited to a maximum energy of 1.2 GeV is now under construction and the commissioning will start this August. The paper reports on the construction of dipole, quadrupole, sextupole and steerer magnets and on the magnetic measurement results with a comparison with the requested specifications.
MOPAN029 | XAL Online Model Enhancements for J-PARC Commissioning and Operation | simulation, space-charge, emittance, controls | 218 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by a KEK foreign visiting researcher grant |
The XAL application development environment has been installed as a part of the control system for the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Center (J-PARC). XAL was initially developed at SNS and has been described at length in previous conference proceedings (e.g., Chu et. al. APAC07, Galambos et. al. PAC05, etc.). The fundamental tenet of XAL is to provide a consistent, high-level programming interface, along with a set of high-level application tools, all of which are independent of the underlying machine hardware. Control applications can be built that run at any accelerator site where XAL is installed. Of course each site typically has specific needs not supported by XAL and the framework was designed with this in mind: each institution can upgrade XAL which then is accessible to all users. We outline the upgrades and enhancements to the XAL online model necessary for accurate simulation of the J-PARC linac. For example, we have added permanent magnet quadrupoles and additional space charge capabilities such as off-centered and rotated beams and bending magnets with space charge. We present the physics models for the upgrades as well as the software architecture supporting them. |
MOPAN047 | Mechanical Design Considerations for Sesame Main Subsystems | vacuum, quadrupole, sextupole, storage-ring | 263 | |||||
Recent advances in the design and analysis of SESAME vacuum system engineering as well as magnets and girder system mechanical designs are described. Multi objective optimization techniques for the storage ring vacuum chambers design from mechanical design point view and the vibration and stability issues for the magnets will be presented.
MOPAN065 | The Conceptual Design and Thermal Analysis of ALBA Crotch Absorbers | radiation, vacuum, synchrotron, storage-ring | 299 | |||||
ALBA is a 3 GeV, 268.8 m storage ring with DBA structure under construction near Barcelona. With the design current of 400 mA, a total power of 407 kW is radiated by the circulating beam from the bending magnets. The design of the vacuum system was done by using the concept of the crotch absorbers which is used in many modern synchrotron light sources. These absorbers are not only going to absorb the power of the unused radiation but also will allow fast vacuum conditioning. 156 absorbers are need all around the machine in order to guarantee that no radiation will hit the chamber walls, the absorbers are grouped into three types, several design criteria have been studied in order to create our own one which is based on the number of allowed cycles before failure with the concept of the strain values. Finite element analysis has been performed to estimate the stress, strain, maximum overall temperature and the maximum cooling temperature for all the types. The results for the critical absorber under conservative conditions: max. overall temperature is 313 C, max. strain is 0.1% and max. stress is 112 MPa. With this strain, the absorber can withstand up to 1.105 cycles of operation.
MOPAN067 | Transport and Installation of the LHC Cryo-Magnets | factory, acceleration, insertion, controls | 305 | |||||
Eleven years have passed between the beginning of transport and handling studies in 1996 and the completion of the LHC cryo-magnets installation in 2007. More than 1700 heavy, long and fragile cryo-magnets had to be transported and installed in the 27 km long LHC tunnel with very restricted available space. The size and complexity of the project involved challenges in the field of equipment design and manufacturing, maintenance, training and follow-up of operators and logistics. The paper presents the milestones, problems to be overcome and lessons learned during this project.
MOPAN079 | Assembly and Quality Control of the LHC Cryostats at CERN. Motivations, Means, Results and Lessons Learned | controls, quadrupole, superconducting-magnet, lattice | 338 | |||||
In 2001 the project management decided to perform at CERN the final assembly of the LHC superconducting magnets,with cryostat parts and cold masses produced by European Industry in large series. This industrial-like production has required a very significant investment in tooling,production facilities,engineering and quality control efforts, in contractual partnership with a consortium of firms. This unusual endeavour of a limited lifetime represented more than 800'000 working hours spanning over four years,the work being done on a result oriented basis by the contractor. This paper presents the reasons for having insourced this project at CERN,describes the work breakdown structure,the production means and methods,the infrastructure specially developed,the tooling,logistics and quality control aspects of the work performed,and the results achieved, in analytical form. Finally the lessons learned are outlined.
MOPAN083 | 130 mm Aperture Quadrupoles for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade | quadrupole, optics, luminosity, magnet-design | 350 | |||||
Funding: We acknowledge the support of the European Community-Research Infrastructure Activity under the FP6 "Structuring the European Research Area" program (CARE, contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395) |
Studies for the LHC luminosity upgrade showed the need for quadrupoles with apertures much larger than the present baseline (70 mm). In this paper we focus on the design issues of a 130 mm aperture quadrupole. We first consider the Nb-Ti option, presenting the magnetic design with the LHC dipole cable. We study the Lorentz forces and we discuss the field quality constraints. For the Nb3Sn option we sketch two designs, the first based on the LARP 10 mm cable, and the second one on a 15 mm cable. The issue of the stress induced by the Lorentz forces, which is critical for the Nb3Sn, is discussed using both scaling laws and finite element models. |
MOPAN085 | Completion of the Series Fabrication of the Main Superconducting Quadrupole Magnets of LHC | quadrupole, factory, cryogenics, insertion | 356 | |||||
By end of November 2006, the last cold mass of the main superconducting quadrupole cold masses were delivered by ACCEL Instruments to CERN. This comprised 360 cold masses for the arc regions of the machine and 32 special units dedicated to the dispersion suppressor regions. The latter ones contain the same main magnet but different types of correctors and are of increased length with respect to the regular arc ones. The end of the fabrication of these magnets coincided with the end of the main dipole deliveries allowing a parallel assembly into their cryostats and installation into the LHC tunnel. The positioning into the tunnel was optimized using the warm field measurements performed in the factory. On the other hand the correct slotting of the quadrupoles was complicated due to the multitude of variants and by the fact that a number of units needed to be replaced by spares which in some cases required a reshuffling of the positioning. The paper gives some final data about the successful fabrication at ACCEL Instruments and explains the issue of their best positions in the machine.
MOPAN086 | Final Geometry of 1232 LHC Dipoles | controls, target, superconductivity, octupole | 359 | |||||
The 15 m long main dipoles for the Large Hadron Collider are now being installed in their final positions in the accelerator tunnel. Geometric measurements of the magnets after many of the production steps from industry to the cryostating, after cold tests and after preparation of the magnets for installation, have been made, permitting careful control of the shape of the magnet, the positioning of the field correctors, and the final positioning in the tunnel. The result of the geometry control at the different production stages, from industry to CERN, using different kinds of control procedures and analysis, will be reported.
MOPAN087 | Processing Magnet Geometry Measurements for Better Control of LHC Aperture | laser, simulation, controls, collider | 362 | |||||
The axis of the Large Hadron Collider superconducting magnets are measured from both ends. These two redundant measurements are combined to get a reliable measurement result. When the two measurements are put together, we observe a 'saw tooth' effect due to the fact that the two measurements are, in general, not identical. This is expected from the accuracy of the two measurements. However the effect observed is larger than expected, in the vertical plane. Effects of temperature gradients in the cold bore tube during measurements have been observed and we show that this effect is the most probable explanation for the observations of the large differences in the measurements between the two sides. This work proposes an algorithmic approach to filter this effect to improve measurement results. Magnets are positioned with an accuracy of 0.1 mm, and the error in positioning coming from measurement errors due to the temperature effects can be up to 0.3 mm. Our analysis shows that by applying this correction we can insure the best positioning of the magnets in the tunnel in the vertical plane. Analysis is done for the 14 m long main dipoles, for which the effect is most visible.
MOPAN088 | A Large Aperture Superconducting Dipole for Beta Beams to Minimize Heat Deposition in the Coil | ion, simulation, optics, multipole | 365 | |||||
The aim of "beta beams" in a decay ring is to produce highly energetic pure electron neutrino and anti-neutrino beams coming from b-decay of 18Ne10+ and 6He2+ ion beams. The decay products, having different magnetic rigidities than the ion beam, are deviated inside the dipole. The aperture and the length of the magnet have to be optimized to avoid that the decay products hit the coil. The decay products are intercepted by absorber blocks inside the beam pipe between the dipoles to protect the following dipole. A first design of a 6T arc dipole using a cosine theta layout of the coil with an aperture of 80 mm fulfils the optics requirements. Heat deposition in the coil has been calculated using different absorber materials to find a solution to efficiently protect the coil. Aspects of impedance minimization for the case of having the absorbers inside the beam pipe have also been addressed.
MOPAN117 | Magnet System for Helical Muon Cooling Channels | emittance, quadrupole, simulation, lattice | 443 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by STTR Grant DE-FG02-04ER86191. |
A helical cooling channel consisting of a pressurized gas absorber imbedded in a magnetic channel that provides superimposed solenoidal, helical dipole and helical quadrupole fields has shown considerable promise in providing six-dimensional cooling of muon beams. The analysis of this muon cooling technique with both analytic and simulation studies has shown significant reduction of muon phase space. A particular channel that has been simulated is divided into four segments each with progressively stronger fields and smaller apertures to reduce the equilibrium emittance so that more cooling can occur. The fields in the helical channel are sufficiently large that the conductor for segments 1 and 2 can be Nb3Sn and the conductor for segments 3 and 4 may need to be high temperature superconductor. This paper will describe the magnetic specifications for the channel and two conceptual designs on how to implement the magnetic channel. |
MOPAS006 | Design and Fabrication of a Multi-element Corrector Magnet for the Fermilab Booster Synchrotron | quadrupole, sextupole, booster, synchrotron | 452 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000. |
To better control the beam position, tune, and chromaticity in the Fermilab Booster synchrotron, a new package of six corrector elements has been designed, incorporating both normal and skew orientations of dipole, quadrupole, and sextupole magnets. The devices are under construction and installation at 48 locations is planned. The density of elements and the rapid slew rate have posed special challenges. The magnet construction is presented along with DC measurements of the magnetic field. |
MOPAS012 | Magnets for the MANX 6-D Muon Cooling Demonstration Experiment | quadrupole, emittance, beam-cooling, simulation | 461 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE STTR grant DE-FG02-04ER86191 |
MANX is a 6-dimensional muon ionization-cooling experiment that has been proposed to Fermilab to demonstrate the use of a Helical Cooling Channel (HCC) for future muon colliders and neutrino factories. The HCC for MANX has solenoidal, helical dipole, and helical quadrupole magnetic components which diminish as the beam loses energy as it slows down in a liquid helium absorber inside the magnets. Two superconducting magnet system designs are described which use quite different approaches to providing the needed fields. Additional magnets that provide emittance matching between the HCC and upstream and downstream spectrometers are also described as are the results of G4Beamline simulations of the beam cooling behaviour of the complete magnet and absorber system. |
MOPAS013 | Design Study of a 2-in-1 Large-aperture IR Dipole (D2) for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade | dynamic-aperture, quadrupole, magnet-design, luminosity | 464 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
After LHC operates for several years at nominal parameters it will need an upgrade to higher luminosity. Replacing the low-beta insertions with a higher performance design based on advanced superconducting magnets is a straightforward step in this direction. One of the approaches being considered for the new LHC IRs is a "dipole-first: option with two separation dipoles placed in front of the focusing quadrupoles. It reduces the number of parasitic collisions with respect to the "quadrupole-first" option and allows independent field error corrections for each beam. Most of key magnet designs for the "dipole-first" option including high-field large-aperture dipoles (D1) and 2-in-1 quadrupoles have already been studied and reported. This paper focuses on design studies of the 2-in-1 separation dipole (D2) located between D1 and the quadrupoles. High operation field of the same polarity in large adjacent apertures imposes limitations on the maximum field, field quality and mechanics for this magnet. This paper analyses possible D2 magnet designs based on Nb3Sn superconductor and compares them in terms of the aperture size, maximum field, field quality and Lorents forces in the coil. |
MOPAS016 | New Corrector System for the Fermilab Booster | controls, booster, quadrupole, sextupole | 467 | |||||
Funding: Work supported under DOE contract DE-AC02-76CH03000. |
The Fermilab neutrino program places unprecedented demands on the lab's 8 GeV Booster synchrotron, which has not changed significantly since it was built almost 35 years ago. In particular, the existing corrector system is not adequate to control beam position and tune throughout the acceleration system, and provides limited compensation for higher order resonances. We present an ambitious ongoing project to build and install a set of 48 corrector packages, each containing horizontal and vertical dipoles, normal and skew quadrupoles, and normal and skew sextupoles. Space limitations in the machine have motivated a unique design, which utilizes custom wound coils around a 12 pole laminated core. Each of the 288 discrete multipole elements in the system will have a dedicated power supply, the output current of which is controlled by an individual programmable ramp. This provides for great flexibility in the system, but also presents a challenge in terms of designing the control hardware and software in such a way that the system can be operated in the most efficacious way. |
MOPAS019 | Focusing Solenoid for the Front End of a Linear RF Accelerator | focusing, linac, quadrupole, proton | 473 | |||||
Following a design study, a prototype of a focusing solenoid for use in a superconducting RF linac has been built and is being tested at FNAL. The solenoid cold mass is comprised of the main coil, two bucking coils, and a soft steel flux return. It is mounted inside a dedicated cryostat with a 20 mm diameter warm bore. At the maximum current of 250 A, the magnetic field reaches 7.2 T in the center of the solenoid and is less than 0.01 T at a distance of 200 mm from the center. The flange-to-flange length of the system is 270 mm. This report discusses the main design features of the solenoid and first test results.
MOPAS021 | Slowly Rotating Coil System for AC Field Measurements of Fermilab Booster Correctors | sextupole, booster, quadrupole, synchrotron | 476 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy |
A method for measurement of rapidly changing magnetic fields has been developed and applied to the testing of new room temperature corrector packages designed for the Fermilab Booster Synchrotron. The method is based on fast digitization of a slowly rotating tangential coil probe, with analysis combining the measured coil voltages across a set of successive magnet current cycles. This paper presents results on the field quality measured for normal and skew dipole, quadrupole, and sextupole magnets in several of these corrector packages. |
MOPAS023 | Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnet Technology R&D at Fermilab | sextupole, magnet-design, controls, vacuum | 482 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy |
Accelerator magnets based on Nb3Sn superconductor advances magnet operation fields above 10T and increases the coil temperature margin. Development of a new accelerator magnet technology includes the demonstration of main magnet parameters (maximum field, quench performance, field quality, etc.) and their reproducibility using short models, and then the demonstration of technology scale up using long coils. Fermilab is working on the development of Nb3Sn accelerator magnets using shell-type dipole coils and react-and-wind method. As a part of the first phase of technology development Fermilab built and tested six 1-m long dipole models and several dipole mirror configurations. The last three dipoles and two mirrors reached their design fields of 10-11 T. Reproducibility of magnet field quality was demonstrated by all six short models. The technology scale up phase has started by building 2m and 4m dipole coils and testing them in a mirror configuration. This effort complements the Nb3Sn scale up work being performed in the framework of US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP). The status and main results of the Nb3Sn accelerator magnet development at Fermilab are reported. |
MOPAS033 | A Robust Orbit-Steering and Control Algorithm Using Quadrupole-scans as a Diagnostic | quadrupole, controls, electron, alignment | 509 | |||||
Funding: This work is funded by US Dept. of Energy. |
Beam based alignment and control has been a critical issue for many accelerators. In this paper, we've developed a new approach that can correct the beam orbit using a systematic quad-scan method, where there is an insufficient number of beam position monitors. In this approach, we've proposed a calibrated response matrix. This matrix takes consideration of the different sensitivities of different quadrupoles in the lattice. With the calibrated response matrix, we can greatly enhance our ability to control the beam centroid motion and reduce the control effort. |
MOPAS035 | Rapid-Cycling Dipole using Block-Coil Geometry and Bronze-Process Nb3Sn Superconductor | synchrotron, injection, coupling, multipole | 512 | |||||
Funding: Doe gratn #DE-FG02-06ER41405 |
The block coil geometry utilized in recent high-field dipole development has significant benefit for applications requiring rapid cycling, since it intrinsically suppresses coupling currents between strands. A conceptual design for a 6 Tesla dipole has been studied for such applications, in which the intra-strand losses are minimized by using bronze-process Nb3Sn superconducting wire developed for ITER. That conductor provides isolated fine filaments and optimum matrix resistance between filaments. The block-coil geometry further accommodates placement of He cooling channels inside the coil, so that heat from radiation and from AC losses can be removed with minimum temperature rise in the coil. The design could be operated with supercritical helium cooling, and should make it possible to operate with a continuous ramp rate of 5-10 T/s. |
MOPAS038 | Power Supply System for a Compact 1.2 GeV Booster Synchrotron | power-supply, booster, extraction, synchrotron | 521 | |||||
Funding: Supported by US DoE grant #DE-FG02-01ER41175. |
A booster synchrotron has been recently commissioned at Duke University as part of the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIGS) upgrade. All dipole and quadrupole magnets are fed by the same power supply in order to facilitate synchronization. A 500kW retired thyristor controlled power supply has been completely rebuilt to provide high accuracy ramping of current in the range between 150A and 700A in a 1.3 sec repetition cycle. Reproducibility of current at extraction energy is better than 0.1% for entire operational range of energy. Conflict of a fast ramping operation and a magnet protection in the case of emergency shutdown was resolved using additional thyristor switches. All trim power supplies involved in ramp have been matched with the main power supply for the time response and voltage range. The injection and extraction schemes require rapidly ramping Y-correctors. The required peak power about 4 kW in these correctors is provided by a combining a low voltage DC power supply and a pulse boosting circuit. We present the challenges of designing and developing booster power supply system. And also we report measured performance and operational experience in this paper. |
MOPAS055 | Combined Function Magnets Using Double-Helix Coils | quadrupole, multipole, sextupole, focusing | 560 | |||||
We describe a technology for creating easy-to-manufacture combined function magnets. The field is produced by double-helix coils in which the axial path of the windings is defined by a sinusoidal function containing the superposition of the desired multipoles. The magnitude of the superimposed multipoles relative to the main field can be easily controlled to any level. For example, the combined function winding can contain a quadrupole magnet along with the dipole in an easily manufactured, low cost configuration. An example of a 5 T magnet with a main dipole field and a superimposed quadrupole is shown. We discuss the amplitude of the quadruple component and how it effects the maximum dipole field that can be obtained in the coil. We also show how low level (i.e. 0.1% - 1%) modulation amplitudes of superimposed multipoles can be used as built-in or "free" correction coils to compensate for iron saturation effects or geometrically-induced multipoles. An example is shown for a small bend radius (i.e. 718 mm), 100 mm aperture bent dipole in which the bent-yoke-induced quadrupole harmonic is completely corrected by the modulation function of the double helix turns.
This work is partially supported under U. S. Department of Energy grant : DoE SBIR DE-FG02-06ER 84492 |
MOPAS070 | The DC-Magnet Power Supplies for the LCLS Injector | power-supply, controls, quadrupole, diagnostics | 590 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed in support of the LCLS project at SLAC and funded by Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
The LCLS injector at SLAC requires 100+ dc-magnet power supply systems for its operation. Power supplies are divided into two main groups: intermediate rack-mounted type for output powers up to 20 kW at 375 A, and bipolar units rated 6 A, 12 A, and 30 A for corrector magnets and small quadrupoles. The intermediate power supplies are controlled by a 20-bit Ethernet power supply controller, specially developed at SLAC to be used in this project. The bipolar units are controlled via 12-bit DACs and ADCs housed in a VME crate. EPICS is the controls interface to all systems. For all systems, stability requirements are better than 1000 ppm. The Power Conversion Department at SLAC, in close cooperation with the LCLS Controls group, was responsible for defining the major characteristics of the power supply systems, their specification, procurement, installation, and commissioning. In this paper we describe the main characteristics of the power supply systems for the LCLS injector, including results from their successful commissioning early this year. |
MOPAS074 | Combined Panofsky Quadrupole & Corrector Dipole | quadrupole, power-supply, controls, electron | 602 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US DOE Contract #DE-AC05-84ER40150, the Office of Naval Research, The Air Force Research Laboratory, the US Army Night Vision Laboratory and the Commonwealth of Virginia, |
Two styles of Panofsky Quadrupoles with integral corrector dipole windings are in use in the electron beam line of the Free Electron Laser at Jefferson Lab. We combined the functions into single magnets, adding hundreds of Gauss-cm dipole corrector capability to existing quadrupoles because space is at a premium along the beam line. Superposing high quality dipole corrector field on a high quality, weak (600 to 1'000 Gauss) quadrupole is possible because the parallel slab iron yoke of the Panofsky Quadrupole acts as a window frame style dipole yoke. The dipole field is formed when two current sources, designed and made at Jlab, add and subtract current from the two opposite quadrupole current sheet windings parallel to the dipole field direction. The current sources also drive auxiliary coils at the yoke's inner corners that improve the dipole field. Magnet measurements yielded the control system field maps that characterize the two types of fields. Details of field analysis using OPERA, construction methods, wiring details, magnet measurements and the current sources are presented. |
MOPAS091 | RHIC Power Supplies-Failure Statistics for Runs 4, 5 and 6 | power-supply, insertion, collider, controls | 640 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U. S. Department of Energy. |
The two rings in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) require a total of 933 power supplies to supply current to highly inductive superconducting magnets. Failure statistics for the RHIC power supplies will be presented for the last three RHIC runs. The failures of the power supplies will be analyzed. The statistics associated with the power supply failures will be presented. Comparisons of the failure statistics for the last three RHIC runs will be shown. Improvements that have increased power supply availability will be discussed. Further improvements to increase the availability of the power supplies will also be discussed. |
MOPAS097 | Unique features in magnet designs for R&D Energy Recovery Linac at BNL | emittance, quadrupole, linac, electron | 655 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH1-886 |
In this paper we describe unique features of magnets for R&D ERL, which is under construction in Collider-Accelerator Department, BNL. The R&D ERL serves as a test-bed future BNL ERLs, such as electron-cooler-ERL for RHIC and 20 GeV ERL for future electron-hadron, eRHIC. We present selected designs of various dipole and quadrupole magnets, which are used in Z-bend merging systems and the returning loop, 3-D simulations of the fields in these magnets, particle tracking and analysis of magnet's influence on the beam parameters. We discuss an uncommon method of setting requirements on the quality of magnetic field and transferring them into measurable parameters as well as into manufacturing tolerances. We compare selected simulation with results magnetic measurements. |
MOPAS104 | Large Scale Distributed Parameter Model of Main Magnet System and Frequency Decomposition Analysis | coupling, simulation, power-supply, damping | 670 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under auspices of U. S. Department of Energy. |
Large accelerator main magnet system consists of hundreds, even thousands, of dipole magnets. They are linked together under selected configurations to provide highly uniform dipole fields when powered. Distributed capacitance, insulation resistance, coil resistance, magnet inductance, and coupling inductance of upper and lower pancakes make each magnet a complex network. When all dipole magnets are chained together in a circle, they become a coupled pair of very high order complex ladder networks. In this study, a network of more than thousand inductive, capacitive or resistive elements are used to model an actual system. The circuit is a large scale network. Its equivalent polynomial form has several hundred degrees. Analysis of this high order circuit and simulation of the response of any or all components is often computationally infeasible. We present methods to use frequency decomposition approach to effectively simulate and analyze magnet configuration and power supply topologies. |
MOPAS105 | Analysis and Simulation of Main Magnet Transmission Line Effect | coupling, simulation, impedance, power-supply | 673 | |||||
Funding: Wor performed under auspices of U. S. Departemnt of Energy. |
A main magnet chain forms a pair of transmission lines. Pulse-reflection-caused voltage and current differentiation throughout the magnet chain can have adverse effect on main magnet field quality. This effect is associated with magnet system configuration, coupling efficiency, and parasitic parameters. A better understanding of this phenomenon will help us in new design and existing system upgrade. In this paper, we exam the transmission line effect due to different input functions as well as configuration, coupling, and other parameters. |
TUZAKI02 | LHC Upgrade Scenarios | luminosity, quadrupole, interaction-region, hadron | 714 | |||||
Funding: We acknowledge the support of the European Community-Research Infrastructure Activity under the FP6 "Structuring the European Research Area" programme (CARE, contract number RII3-CT-2003-506395) |
The EU CARE-HHH and US-LARP programmes for an LHC upgrade aim at increasing the LHC luminosity by a factor of 10 around the year 2015. The upgrade plan envisages rebuilding the interaction regions (IRs) and modifying the beam parameters. In addition to advanced low-beta quadrupoles, the future IRs may accommodate other novel elements such slim s.c. dipoles or quadrupoles embedded deep inside the detectors, global low-angle crab cavities, and wire compensators of long-range beam-beam effects. Important constraints on the upgrade path are the maximum acceptable number of detector pile-up events, favoring many closely spaced bunches, and the heat load on the cold-magnet beam screens, pointing towards fewer and more intense bunches. In addition, the upgrade of the LHC ring proper should be complemented by an upgrade of the injector complex. I will present preferred luminosity upgrade scenarios for the LHC IRs and beam parameters, sketch accompanying injector enhancements, and comment on a longer-term LHC energy upgrade. |
TUZAAB03 | Emittance Measurement and Modeling for the Fermilab Booster | emittance, injection, space-charge, quadrupole | 799 | |||||
Funding: DOE/NSF |
We systematically measured the emittance evolution of a fast cycling proton accelerator on a turn-by-turn basis under various beam intensities via an ionization profile monitor (IPM). The vertical emittance growth rate was derived and phenomenologically analyzed. The transverse and longitudinal components in the horizontal beam size were separated by making use of their different evolution behaviors. The quadrupole mode beam size oscillation after transition crossing is also studied and explained. We found a considerable space-charge-induced emittance growth rate component in the vertical plane but not as much for the horizontal plane. We carried out multiparticle simulations to understand the mechanism of space-charge-induced emittance growth. The major sources of emittance growth were found to be the random skew-quadrupole and dipole field errors in the presence of large space-charge tune spread.
PRSTAB 9, 014202 (2006) |
TUOCAB02 | Measurements of Compression and Emittance Growth after the First LCLS Bunch Compressor Chicane | emittance, simulation, quadrupole, electron | 807 | |||||
Funding: U. S. Depertment of Energy contract #DE-AC02-76SF00515. |
The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) is a SASE x-ray free-electron laser project presently under construction at SLAC. The injector section from RF photocathode gun through the first bunch compressor chicane was installed during the Fall of 2006. The first bunch compressor chicane is located at 250 MeV and nominally compresses a 1-nC electron bunch from an rms length of about 1 mm to 0.2 mm. The degree of compression is highly adjustable using RF phasing and also chicane magnetic field variations. Transverse phase space and bunch length diagnostics are located immediately after the chicane. We present measurements and simulations of the longitudinal and transverse phase space after the chicane in various beam conditions, including extreme compression where coherent radiation effects are expected to be striking. |
TUZBC01 | Towards Simulation of Electromagnetics and Beam Physics at the Petascale | simulation, gun, damping, coupling | 889 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. |
Under the support of the U. S. DOE SciDAC program, SLAC has been developing a suite of 3D parallel finite-element codes aimed at high-accuracy, high-fidelity electromagnetic and beam physics simulations for the design and optimization of next-generation particle accelerators. Running on the latest supercomputers, these codes have made great strides in advancing the state of the art in applied math and computer science at the petascale that enable the integrated modeling of electromagnetics, self-consistent Particle-In-Cell (PIC) particle dynamics as well as thermal, mechanical, and multi-physics effects. This paper will present 3D results of trapped mode calculations in an ILC cryomodule and the modeling of the ILC Sheet Beam klystron, shape determination of superconducting RF (SCRF) cavities and multipacting studies of SCRF HOM couplers, as well as 2D and preliminary 3D PIC simulation results of the LCLS RF gun. |
TUODC02 | Development of 3D Beam-Beam Simulation for the Tevatron | simulation, impedance, collider, betatron | 905 | |||||
We present status of development of a 3D Beam-Beam simulation code. The essential features of the code are 3D particle-in-cell Poisson solver, multi-bunch beam transport and interaction, chromaticity and machine impedance. The simulations match synchro-betatron oscillations measured at the VEPP-2M collider. The impedance model is compared to analytic expressions for instability growth.
TUPMN005 | Optimizing Beam Brightness at the Canadian Light Source | brightness, emittance, coupling, undulator | 920 | |||||
The Canadian Light Source (CLS) storage ring has been operating routinely since commissioning was completed in the spring of 2004. Since that time the storage ring parameters have been adjusted in efforts to increase the brightness of the source. This includes changes to the operating point, reducing the transverse coupling and optimizing the dispersion at the source points. Depending on the photon energy brightness from undulators is increased by reducing the beam size or reducing the emittance. This is achieved with higher tunes which both decrease the emittance and beta-functions. Dispersion at the undulators can be optimized to minimize the effective beam emittance or beam size. Vertical coupling can be adjusted to less than 0.1% by both reducing the vertical dispersion and transverse coupling from the horizontal motion.
TUPMN017 | ''Jitter Free'' FEL Pulses for Pump and Probe Experiments | radiation, electron, simulation, laser | 953 | |||||
Funding: Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung and the Land Berlin |
The cascaded High Gain Harmonic Generation (HGHG) scheme proposed for the BESSY-FEL contains an inherent potential for providing jitter free radiation pulses for pump and probe experiments. In an HGHG stage an energy modulation is imprinted to the electron beam by a seeding radiation. A dispersive section converts this energy modulation to a spatial modulation which is optimized for a particular harmonic. The subsequent radiator is optimized for this harmonics and generates radiation with high power which is used as seeding radiation for the next stage. After passage through the modulator, the seeding radiation become redundant and can be separated from the prebunched electrons using a deflecting dispersive chicane. This radiation and the final FEL output will have a fixed temporal separation as the first one is the driving seeding radiation for the second one. Using the planned test facility for HGHG scheme at BESSY as an example, we present simulation studies for a sequences of two jitter free pump and probe pulses including the deflecting chicane and a suitable beam line. |
TUPMN021 | Status of Nb-Pb Superconducting RF-Gun Cavities | laser, cathode, emittance, electron | 962 | |||||
We report on the progress in the status of an electron RF-gun made of two superconductors: niobium and lead. The presented design combines the advantages of the RF performance of bulk niobium superconducting cavities and the reasonably high quantum efficiency of lead. Measured values of quantum efficiency for lead at 2K and the RF-performance of three half-cell niobium cavities with the lead spot exposed to high electric fields are reported in this contribution.
TUPMN023 | Status of the Optical Replica Synthesizer at FLASH | laser, electron, undulator, radiation | 965 | |||||
A novel laser-based method to measure the longitudinal profile of ultrashort electron bunches, known as Optical Replica Synthesizer*, will be implemented at the free-electron laser FLASH at DESY. The paper describes its technical layout and the status of the project.
* E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, M. Yurkov, NIM A 539 (2005), 499 |
TUPMN032 | The New Elettra Booster Injector | controls, booster, quadrupole, kicker | 983 | |||||
The new full energy injector for Elettra is under construction. The complex is made of a 100 MeV linac and a 2.5 GeV synchrotron, at 3 Hz repetition rate. With the new injector top-up operation shall be feasible. In the first semester of 2007 the machine assembly has been performed. In Summer 2007 the commissioning is scheduled, while in Fall 2007 the connection to the Storage Ring is planned. The status of the project will be reported in this paper.
TUPMN046 | Quadrupole HOM Damping with Eccentric-fluted Beam Pipes | quadrupole, damping, linac, ion | 1022 | |||||
HOM damping is important for superconducting cavities, especially for high current CW machines such as ERLs. The lower Q-values of HOMs lead to the lower requirement of a refrigerator system and the higher beam current against HOM BBU. Enlarged beam pipes, which have lower cutoff frequencies, are effective to damp HOMs of monopole and dipole, but insufficient for HOMs of quadrupole which have high cutoff frequencies. An eccentric-flute is proposed to damp the HOMs of quadrupole. The eccentric-flute is formed by displacing the flute from the center of the beam pipe and/or by jackknifing around the midpoint of the flute to couple two degenerate modes. The eccentric-flute acts as a mode converter from quadrupole to dipole of the lower cutoff frequency so that the RF power can propagate through the beam pipe. The result of calculation with MAFIA and measurement of a cold model with the eccentric-flute are presented.
TUPMN059 | The Nonlinear Effects of Fringe Fields in HLS | quadrupole, storage-ring, damping, sextupole | 1061 | |||||
As a small low energy electron storage ring, the fringe field effects on linear and nonlinear properties maybe can not be ignored. In this paper, the fringe field of dipole magnets and quadrupole magnets on linear optics parameters and nonlinear driving terms of general purpose operation mode in HLS storage ring were analyzed and calculated. The results showed that, for GPLS mode, the fringe field of dipole and quadrupole is the main source of tune shift with amplitude. The fringe field of dipole contributes non-ignorable part to vertical chromaticity. Similar behavour is also displayed in non linear driving terms.
TUPMN068 | Modelling of Gradient Bending Magnets for the Beam Dynamics Studies at ALBA | focusing, lattice, simulation, optics | 1076 | |||||
The performance of the ALBA light source will be strongly determined by the quality of the bending magnet. In the ALBA case, most of the vertical focusing takes place in the combined function bending magnet, and the contribution of the edge focusing is required to obtain a stable working point. Experience from other modern light sources using combined function magnets (CLS, ASP, Spear-III) shows that the usual hard model is not sufficient for an accurate modelling of the machine. In this paper, we review the methods to model the effect of the bending magnet, including fringe fields, and how to obtain a good model from the 3D magnetic model.
TUPMN072 | Current Status of Lattice Design and Accelerator Physics Issues of the 3 GeV Taiwan Synchrotron Light Source | emittance, lattice, dynamic-aperture, synchrotron | 1085 | |||||
In the past years, we have been conducting a design work for a synchrotron light facility with low emittance storage ring in the intermediate energy range in NSRRC. A number of design options with different lattice structure types, circumferences, etc., are compared. We present one design case with 24-cell DBA structure and 486 m circumference. The associated accelerator physics issues are discussed.
TUPMN096 | New Lattice Design for APS Storage Ring with Potential Tri-fold Increase of the Number of Insertion Devices | lattice, emittance, injection, dynamic-aperture | 1139 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 |
APS has recently held a round of discussions on upgrade options for the APS storage ring. Several options were discussed that included both storage ring and energy-recovery linac options. Here we present a storage ring lattice that fits into the APS tunnel and has a number of significant improvements over the existing storage ring. The present APS lattice has 40-fold symmetry with each sector having one 5-m-long straight section for insertion device (ID) placement. Each sector also provides one beamline for radiation from the bending magnet. The upgrade lattice preserves locations of the existing insertion devices but provides for increased ID straight section length to accommodate 8-m-long insertion devices. This lattice also decreases emittance by a factor of two down to 1.6 nm rad. And last but not least, it provides two additional 2.1-m-long ID straight sections per sector with one of these straight sections being parallel to the existing bending magnet beamline. We also present dynamic aperture optimization, lifetime calculations, and other nonlinear-dynamics-related simulations. |
TUPMN099 | An Energy Recovery Linac Upgrade for the Advanced Photon Source Located in the Storage Ring Infield | linac, injection, storage-ring, emittance | 1145 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
In the recent past, the Advanced Photon Source (APS) was asked by the U. S. Department of Energy to explore a revolutionary upgrade based on emerging energy recovery linac (ERL) technology. In an ERL, the energy of the 7-GeV, 100-mA beam is recovered after the beam passes through user beamlines by decelerating the beam back through the same superconducting linac cavities that accelerated it. The main constraint on this upgrade is that the existing APS beamlines not be disturbed. This requires that the APS storage ring be used as a single-pass transport line in the overall ERL beamline layout. A natural place to locate the ERL is inside the existing APS storage ring infield'' area, which has unoccupied space south of the existing APS injector complex. Other important constraints include minimal disturbance of existing building structures and injector beamlines. The existing injector complex would be preserved so that existing operation can be continued through and even possibly beyond ERL commissioning. In this paper, we describe a layout that satisfies these constraints. We also estimate the amount of emittance increase the beam will experience before ring injection. |
TUPMN102 | Electromagnetic Design of the RF Cavity Beam Position Monitor for the LCLS | coupling, simulation, impedance, linac | 1153 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract Nos DE-AC02-06CH11357 and DE-AC03-76SF00515. |
A high-resolution X-band cavity beam position monitor (BPM) has been developed for the LCLS in order to achieve micron-level accuracy of the beam position using a dipole mode cavity and a monopole mode reference cavity. The rf properties of the BPM will be discussed in this paper including output power, tuning, and issues of manufacturing. In addition, methods will be presented for improving the isolation of the output ports to differentiate between horizontal/vertical beam motion and to reject extraneous modes from affecting the output signal. The predicted simulation results will be compared to data collected from low-power experimental tests. |
TUPMS033 | Chicane Radiation Measurements with a Compressed Electron Beam at the BNL ATF | radiation, electron, diagnostics, polarization | 1254 | |||||
The radiation emitted from a chicane compressor has been studied at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Accelerator Test Facility (ATF). Coherent edge radiation (CER)is emitted from a compressed electron beam as it traverses sharp edge regions of a magnet. The compression is accompanied by strong self-fields, which are manifested as distortions in the momentum space called beam bifurcation. Recent measurements indicate that the bunch length is approximately 100 fs rms. The emitted THz chicane radiation displays strong signatures of CER. This paper reports on the experimental characterization and subsequent analysis of the chicane radiation measurements at the BNL ATF with a discussion of diagnostics development and implementation. The characterization includes spectral analysis, far-field intensity distribution, and polarization effects. Experimental data is benchmarked to a custom developed start-to-end simulation suite.
TUPMS093 | Computations of Wakefields in the ILC Collimators | simulation, quadrupole, insertion, emittance | 1383 | |||||
The collimators in the ILC serve the dual purpose of reducing the beam halo and as of a form of machine protection from potentially miss-steered beams. However, there is a significant wakefield in the immediate vicinity of the beam caused by their presence. It is important to be able to predict this short-range wakefield and the extent which it dilutes the emittance of the beam. We extend the previous analysis*, ** of wake-fields in collimators to realistic short bunches applicable to the ILC. We achieve these results using the finite difference code GdfidL. The angular wake is decomposed into its constituent components for rectangular collimators and compared with their circular collimator counterparts. Comparisons are made between these simulations, existing analytical models, and experimental results.
* C. Beard and R. M. Jones, EUROTeV-Report-2006-103** C. Beard and J. Smith, EPAC06 Proc. MOPLS070 |
TUPAN001 | Analytic Models for Quadrupole Fringe-Field Effects | quadrupole, focusing, proton, multipole | 1386 | |||||
Funding: TRIUMF receives federal funding via a contribution agreement through the National Research Council of Canada |
The linear-field non-scaling FFAG lattices originally proposed for multi-GeV muon acceleration are now being modified for application to order 100 MeV/u proton or carbon medical applications. The momentum range is large and the chromatic tune variation is significant. In the medical case, the time of flight variation is immaterial but the issue of resonance crossing is more acute owing to the much lower rate of energy gain. Magnets with non-normal entry/exit faces are considered as means to reduce the tune variation. Thus one is motivated to study fringe fields and their effects. We make a brief study of dipole and quadrupole magnets with normal and rotated entry/exit faces. For the artificial case of a cosine-squared fall off in the quadrupole field, analytic results are obtained which though approximate are superior to numerical integration. This property is achieved by insisting that the error in the equation of motion is zero and the determinant is unity at the entry, exit and centre of the fringe field. |
TUPAN014 | Status of the FAIR SIS100/300 Synchrotron Design | extraction, quadrupole, lattice, ion | 1419 | |||||
The project status of the main accelerators, the SIS100 and SIS300 synchrotrons of the FAIR project will be presented. In order to accommodate more preferable technical solutions, the structure of the magnet lattice had to be modified in both machines. After these changes, more appropriate technical solutions for the main magnets and quench protection systems could be adapted. The general machine layout and design, e.g. of the demanding extraction schemes, has been detailed and open design issues were solved. The developments and design of all major technical systems are in progress and prototyping has started or is in preparation.
TUPAN015 | Ion Optical Layout of the FAIR Synchrotron and Beam Line Systems | extraction, lattice, septum, kicker | 1422 | |||||
The ion-optical layout of the two main synchrotrons and the high energy beam transport system of the FAIR project is summarized. SIS100 will be used to generate high intensity beams of all ion species from protons to uranium with a maximum rigidity of 100 Tm. The ion optical layout is optimized for the operation with heavy ions of medium charge states. For this purpose we developed a new ion optical design which provides a separation of the ionized beam particles from the circulating beam in each lattice cell. The chosen lattice structure provides a peaked loss distribution and enables the suppression of beam loss induced pressure bumps. Furthermore a compact layout of the extraction systems for slow and fast extraction at 100 Tm and 300 Tm has been developed. Since both synchrotrons are situated in the same tunnel, the SIS300 ion optical layout has to match the geometrical shape of the SIS100 precisely - although both rings use different lattice structures. The design of the beam transport system allows an effective parallel operation of the two synchrotrons, storage rings and experiments of the FAIR complex.
TUPAN024 | HESR at FAIR: Status of Technical Planning | target, antiproton, electron, cryogenics | 1442 | |||||
The High-Energy Storage Ring (HESR) of the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt is dedicated to Strong Interaction studies with antiprotons in the momentum range from 1.5 to 15 GeV/c. Powerful phase-space cooling is needed to reach demanding experimental requirements in terms of luminosity and beam quality. Status and details of technical planning including cryogenic concept will be presented.
TUPAN036 | DAPHNE Upgrade: A New Magnetic and Mechanical Layout | vacuum, quadrupole, kicker, interaction-region | 1466 | |||||
The DAPHNE Phi-Factory upgrade, foreseen for the Siddharta detector run in 2007, will require a new magnetic and mechanical layout to exploit the "large crossing angle" and "crabbed waist" concepts*. New permanent quadrupole magnets and aluminium vacuum chamber with thin window have been designed for the new interaction region, with the aim to reuse at maximum the present magnetic and vacuum chamber components. A vacuum chamber of novel design will allow separating the beams at the second interaction region. Designs and results for the new layout will be presented.
* DAPHNE Upgrade Team, "DAPHNE Upgrade for Siddharta run", DAPHNE Tech. Note G-68, Dec. 2006. |
TUPAN090 | Parametric Field Modelling for the LHC Main Magnets in Operating Conditions | quadrupole, injection, multipole, extraction | 1586 | |||||
The first injections and ramps in the LHC will require a prediction of the settings of the main ring powering circuits as well as the main correctors. For this reason we are developing a parametric model of the magnetic field generated by the LHC magnets that will provide the field dependence on current, ramp-rate, time, and history. The model of the field is fitted on magnetic field measurements performed during the acceptance tests in operating conditions before their installation in the machine. In this paper we summarise the different steps necessary to select the relevant data and identify the parameters: the data extraction, the cleaning and the validation of the measurements, and the fitting procedure that is used to obtain the parameters from the experimental results. The main result reported is a summary of the value of the parameters obtained with the above procedure, and describing the behaviour of the magnetic field in the LHC main superconducting magnets (i.e. arc, dispersion suppressors and matching sections).
TUPAN109 | 160 MeV H- Injection into the CERN PSB | injection, linac, septum, emittance | 1628 | |||||
The H- beam from the proposed LINAC4 will be injected into the four existing rings of the PS Booster at 160 MeV. A substantial upgrade of the injection region is required, including the modification of beam distribution system and the construction of a new H- injection system. This paper discusses beam dynamics and hardware requirements and presents the results of optimisation studies of the injection process for different beam characteristics and scenarios. The resulting conceptual design of the injection region is presented, together with the main hardware modifications and performance specifications.
TUPAS017 | Tune Drifts on the Tevatron Front Porch | sextupole, coupling, multipole, quadrupole | 1691 | |||||
Funding: Operated by Universities Research Association Inc. under Contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the United States Department of Energy. |
Measurements of the tune on the front porch of the Tevatron* showed a drift of the tune which tracked the time dependence of the sextupole moment in the dipoles. Calculations using survey data to calculate the closed orbit failed to reproduce the observed tune shifts. The feed down of these sextupole moments generates a quadrupole field at the ends of the dipoles. It is suggested, based on calculations, that the change in the sextupole moment of the dipoles also produces a change in the strength of the strength of the zero length quadrupole incorporated in the end of the dipoles and that this change can account for the observed tune drifts.
*Tevatron Chromaticity and Tune Drift and Snapshot Studies Report, G. Annala, P. Bauer, M. Martens, D. Still, G. Velev, Beams-doc-1236 (Jan. 5,2005) |
TUPAS018 | A Conceptual Design of an Internal Injection Absorber of 8 GeV H- Injection into the Fermilab Main Injector | injection, proton, linac, simulation | 1694 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by Universities Research Association, Inc. under contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the U. S. Dept. of Energy. |
A 8 GeV H- superconducting linac has been proposed as an alternative injector for the Main Injector to support a 2 MW Neutrino program. An injection absorber is required to accept protons generated after the secondary stripping foil which will intercept the un-stripped H- and H0 particles after the MI primary foil injection point. The motivations underlying the choice of a compact internal absorber over an external absorber will be discussed. We show that using a high-Z material (tungsten) for the inner shielding allows the construction a compact absorber that can take a very intense beam and fits within the existing enclosure. The absorber requirements and a shielding design and the results of energy deposition calculations are presented. |
TUPAS020 | An 8 GeV H- Multi-turn Injection System for the Fermilab Main Injector | injection, simulation, proton, linac | 1700 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by Universities Research Association, Inc. under contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the U. S. Dept. of Energy. |
The technique for H- charge exchange for multi-turn injection utilizing stripping foils in the energy range of a few hundred MeV has been used at many labs for decades and most recently up to 1 GeV at the SNS. Utilization the beam from the proposed Proton Driver* would permit the extension of this technique up to 8 GeV. The injection layout and required accelerator modifications are discussed. Results from transverse and longitudinal simulations are presented.
* W. G. Foster and J. A. MacLachlan, "A Multi-mission 8 GeV Injector Linac as a Fermilab Booster Replacement", Proc. Of LINAC-2002, Gyeongju, Korea, p.86. |
TUPAS033 | Field Fluctuation and Beam Screen Vibration Measurements in the LHC Magnets | quadrupole, betatron, emittance, resonance | 1724 | |||||
We present experimental methods and results of magnetic field fluctuation and beam screen vibration measurements in the LHC magnets. These noises can lead to an emittance grwoth in proton beams if they have spectral components at the betatron lines. A preliminary estimates of the effects are given.
TUPAS047 | Multi-turn Operation of the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) | quadrupole, injection, electron, space-charge | 1751 | |||||
Funding: This work is funded by US Dept. of Energy grant numbers DE-FG02-94ER40855 and DE-FG02-92ER54178. |
The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) is a low energy, high current recirculator for beam physics research. The electron beam current is adjustable from 0.7 mA, an emittance dominated beam, to 100 mA, a strongly space charge dominated beam. UMER is addressing issues in beam physics relevant to many applications that require intense beams of high quality such as advanced concept accelerators, free electron lasers, spallation neutron sources, and future heavy-ion drivers for inertial fusion. The primary focus of this presentation is experimental results and improvements in multi-turn operation of the electron ring. Transport of a low current beam over 100 turns (3600 full lattice periods) has been achieved. Results of high current, space charge dominated multi-turn transport will also be presented. |
TUPAS048 | Beam Extraction Concepts and Design for the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) | extraction, quadrupole, injection, electron | 1754 | |||||
Funding: This work is funded by US Dept. of Energy grant numbers DE-FG02-94ER40855 and DE-FG02-92ER54178. |
The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) is a low energy, high current recirculator for beam physics research. The electron storage ring has been closed and recent operations have been focused on achieving multi-turn transport. An entire suite of terminal diagnostics is available for time-resolved phase space measurements of the beam. These diagnostics have been mounted and tested at several points on the ring before it was closed. UMER utilizes a unique injection scheme which uses the fringe fields of an offset quadrupole to assist a pulsed dipole in bending the beam into the ring. Similar concepts, along with more traditional electrostatic methods, are being considered for beam extraction. This presentation will focus on the recent efforts to design and deploy these major subsystems required for beam extraction. |
TUPAS051 | Radiation Simulations for a Pre-Separator Area for Rare Isotope Production via Projectile Fragmentation | quadrupole, target, radiation, simulation | 1763 | |||||
Funding: U. S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER41313 |
To support pre-conceptual research and development for rare isotope beam production via projectile fragmentation at the Rare-Isotope Accelerator facility or similar next-generation exotic beam facilities, the interactions between primary beams and beryllium and liquid-lithium production targets in the fragment pre-separator area were simulated using the Monte-Carlo radiation transport code PHITS. The purpose of this simulation is to determine the magnitude of the radiation fields in the pre-separator area so that levels of hadron flux and energy deposition can be obtained. It was of particular interest to estimate the maximum radiation doses to magnet coils and other components such as the electromagnetic pump for a liquid-lithium loop, and to estimate component lifetimes. We will show a detailed geometry of the pre-separator area developed for these simulations. We will provide verification that trajectories of beams and fragments when transported in the PHITS simulations agree with results from standard ion-optics calculations. We will present estimates of radiation doses to pre-separator components and give estimates for component lifetimes. |
TUPAS067 | Electron Cloud in the Wigglers of The Positron Damping Ring of the International Linear Collider | electron, wiggler, damping, simulation | 1808 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
The ILC positron damping ring comprises hundreds of meters of wiggler sections, where many more photons than in the arcs are emitted, and with the smallest beam-pipe aperture of the ring. A significant electron-cloud density can therefore be accumulated via photo-emission and via beam-induced multipacting. In field-free regions the electron-cloud build up may be suppressed by adding weak solenoid fields, but the electron cloud remaining in the wigglers as well as in the arc dipole magnets can still drive single-bunch and multi-bunch beam instabilities. This paper studies the electron-cloud formation in an ILC wiggler section for various scenarios, as well as its character, and possible mitigation schemes. |
TUPAS075 | The New LEBT for the Spallation Neutron Source Power Upgrade Project | quadrupole, rfq, ion, ion-source | 1823 | |||||
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U. S. Department of Energy. |
Beam envelope calculations show that a solenoid-drift-(singlet quad)-(sector dipole)-(singlet quad)-drift-solenoid LEBT allows for transporting 65-kV, high-current H- beams with smaller beam radii than the initially-explored (doublet quad)-drift-(double-focusing dipole)-drift-solenoid configuration. In addition, it appears that the new configuration is more robust because it allows for perfect matching of the final beam parameters for broad ranges of the parameters describing the lattice and the input beam. Such a LEBT with a dipole (switching-) magnet is required to assure meeting the 99% ion source availability requirement after upgrading the power of the Spallation Neutron Source. The SNS power upgrade will roughly double the neutron flux by increasing the proton beam energy from 1 to 1.3 GeV and by increasing the LINAC beam peak current from 38 to 59 mA. Because the RFQ losses increase with beam current and emittance, the RFQ input current needs to be increased from 41 to 67 mA if the normalized emittance can be maintained at 0.2 mm-mrad, or to 95 mA if the emittance increases to 0.35 mm-mrad. |
TUPAS085 | RHIC Spin Flipper | proton, resonance, betatron, simulation | 1847 | |||||
Funding: The work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy. |
Full spin flip in the presence of full Siberian snake has been achieved by using an rf dipole or solenoid as spin flipper at IUCF and COSY. This technique requires one to change the snake configuration to move the spin tune away from half integer. However, this is not practical for an operational high energy polarized proton collider like RHIC where beam lifetime is sensitive to small betatron tune change. An new technique of achieving full spin flip with the spin tune staying at half integer is proposed. This paper presents the design of RHIC spin flipper along with simulation results. |
TUPAS098 | RHIC Beam-Based Sextupole Polarity Verification | sextupole, optics, injection, quadrupole | 1868 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
A beam-based method was proposed and applied to check the polarities of the arc sextupoles in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) with repetitive local horizontal bumps. Wrong sextupole polarities can be easily identified from mismatched signs and amplitudes of the horizontal and vertical tune shifts from bump to bump and/or from arc to arc. This check takes less than 2 hours for both RHIC Blue and Yellow rings. Tune shifts in both planes during this study were tracked with a high-resolution baseband tunemeter (BBQ) system. This method was successfully used to the sextupole polarity check in the RHIC run06. |
WEPMN050 | Model Cavity Investigations and Calculations on HOM for a X-Band Hybrid Dielectric-Iris-Loaded Accelerating Structure | resonance, linear-collider, collider, coupling | 2149 | |||||
Funding: National Nature Science Foundation of China, Grant No.10375060 and No.10675116 |
Some model cavities have been further developed and investigated for a X-band (f=9.37GHz) hybrid dielectric-iris-loaded accelerating structure based on the calculated results about the effect of the dimension tolerance on the RF properties. The dispersion curve fitted by using the measurement value is consistent with the one calculated. The r/Q values of the dipole modes have been calculated by the Mafia code. The theoretical results show that the r/Q values of dipole modes for the new accelerating structure are lower than those for the iris-load accelerating structure. |
WEPMN077 | Impedance Measurements on a Test Bench Model of the ILC Crab Cavity | impedance, coupling, simulation, higher-order-mode | 2206 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the EC under the FP6 'Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area' EUROTeV DS Project Contract no.011899, RIDS and PPARC. |
In order to verify detailed impedance simulations, the modes in an aluminium model of the ILC crab cavity were investigated using a bead-pulling technique as well as a stretched-wire frequency domain measurement. The combination of these techniques allow for a comprehensive study of the modes of interest. For the wire measurement, a transverse alignment system was fabricated and rf components were carefully designed to minimize any potential impedance mismatches. The measurements are compared with direct simulations of the stretched-wire experiments using numerical electromagnetic field codes. High impedance modes of particular relevance to the ILC crab cavity are identified and characterized |
WEPMN079 | Power Coupler for the ILC Crab Cavity | simulation, coupling, controls, beam-loading | 2212 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the EC under the FP6 "Research Infrasctructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area" EUROTeV DS Project Contract no.011899 RIDS and PPARC. |
The ILC crab cavity will require the design of an appropriate power coupler. The beamloading in dipole cavities is considerably more variable than accelerating cavities, hence simulations have been performed to establish the required external Q. Simulations of a suitable coupler were then performed and were verified using a normal conducting prototype with variable coupler tips. |
WEPMN082 | Global Scattering Matrix Technique Applied to the Calculation of Higher Order Modes for ILC Superconducting Cavities | scattering, simulation, linac, electromagnetic-fields | 2218 | |||||
A cascaded scattering matrix approach is used to determine the electromagnetic (e.m.) field in the main ILC cavities. This approach is used to compute higher order e.m. modes in the baseline configuration, and high gradient alternative configurations. We present results on three designs: TESLA, Cornell University's re-entrant and, KEK's "Ichiro". This approach allows realistic experimental errors to be incorporated in the studies in an efficient manner and allows several cavities to be modelled en masse. Simulations are presented on the wake-fields in super-structures and segments of entire modules. Details on trapped eigen-modes and means to avoid them are delineated. The influence of cell misalignments and cavity perturbations on the modes are also presented.
WEPMN098 | New HOM Coupler Design for 3.9 GHz Superconducting Cavities at FNAL | coupling, resonance, simulation, damping | 2259 | |||||
Last few years Fermilab is developing the superconducting third harmonic section for the FLASH (TTF/DESY) upgrade. The results of vertical tests of 9-cell Nb cavities didn't reached the designed accelerating gradient. The main gradient limitation is multipacting in HOM coupler. In this paper we present the results of vertical tests accompanied with 3D Analyst simulations of multipacting. Also we discuss the RF design of a new HOM couplers. The goal of a new design is to eliminate multipacting and to increase the frequency of second resonance of the HOM. Increasing the frequency will decrease the electric and magnetic fields having the goal to decrease the thermal load on antenna.
WEPMS042 | Optimization of the Low-Loss SRF Cavity for the ILC | damping, coupling, simulation, superconductivity | 2439 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. |
The Low-Loss shape cavity design has been proposed as a possible alternative to the baseline TESLA cavity design for the ILC. The advantages of this design over the TESLA cavity are its lower cryogenic loss, and higher achievable gradient due to lower surface fields. High gradient prototypes for such designs have been tested at KEK (ICHIRO) and JLab (LL). However, issues related to HOM damping and multipacting (MP) still need to be addressed. Preliminary numerical studies of the prototype cavities have shown unacceptable damping for some higher-order dipole modes if the typical TESLA HOM couplers are directly adapted to the design. The resulting wakefield will dilute the beam emittance thus reduces the machine luminosity. Furthermore, high gradient tests on a 9-cell prototype at KEK have experienced MP barriers although a single LL cell had achieved a high gradient. From simulations, MP activities are found to occur in the end-groups of the cavity. In this paper, we will present the optimization results of the end-groups for the Low-Loss shape for effective HOM damping and alleviation of multipacting. Comparisons of simulation results with measurements will also be presented. |
WEPMS048 | Modelling Imperfection Effects on Dipole Modes in TESLA Cavity | damping, coupling, polarization, pick-up | 2454 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
The actual cell shape of the TESLA cavities differ from the ideal due to fabrication errors, the addition of stiffening rings and the frequency tuning process. Cavity imperfection shift the dipole mode frequencies and alter the Qext's from those computed for the idea cavity. A Qext increase could be problematic if its value exceeds the limit required for ILC beam stability. To study these effects, a cavity imperfection model was established using a mesh distortion method. The eigensolver Omega3P was then used to find the critical dimensions that contribute to the Qext spread and frequency shift by comparing predictions to TESLA cavity measurement data. Using the imperfection parameters obtained from these studies, artificial imperfection models were generated and the resulting wakefields were used as input to the beam tracking code Lucretia to study the effect on beam emittance. In this paper, we present the results of these studies and suggest tolerances for the cavity dimensions. |
WEPMS050 | HOM and LOM Coupler Optimizations for the ILC Crab Cavity | damping, coupling, pick-up, simulation | 2457 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
The FNAL 9-cell 3.9GHz deflecting cavity designed for the CKM experiment was chosen as the baseline design for the ILC BDS crab cavity. Effective damping is required for the lower-order TM01 modes (LOM), the same-order TM11 modes (SOM) as well as the HOM modes to minimize the beam loading and beam centroid steering due to wakefields. Simulation results of the original CKM design using the eigensolver Omega3P showed that both the notch filters of the HOM/LOM couplers are very sensitive to the notch gap, and the damping of the unwanted modes is suboptimal for the ILC. To meet the ILC requirements, the couplers were redesigned to improve the damping and tuning sensitivity. With the new design, the damping of the LOM/SOM/HOM modes is significantly improved, the sensitivity of the notch filter for the HOM coupler is reduced by one order of magnitude and appears mechanically feasible, and the LOM coupler is simplified by aligning it on the same plane as the SOM coupler and by eliminating the notch filter. In this paper, we will present the coupler optimization and tolerance studies for the crab cavity. |
WEPMS070 | Simulation and Measurements of a Heavily HOM-Damped Multi-cell SRF Cavity Prototype | simulation, impedance, damping, coupling | 2496 | |||||
Funding: This manuscript has been authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177, and by The Office of Naval Research under contract to the Dept. of Energy. |
After initial cavity shape optimization* and cryomodule development** for an Ampere-class FEL, we have simulated the whole 5-cell high-current (HC) cavity structure with six waveguide couplers for HOM damping and fundamental power coupling. The time-domain wakefield method using MAFIA is primarily used for calculation of the broadband impedance. Microwave Studio and Omega-3P are also used for the calculation of external Q (Qext) of individual HOMs. A half scale (1497MHz) single-cell model and a 5-cell copper cavity including dummy HOM waveguide loads were fabricated. Details of measurement results on these prototypes including HOM Qext spectrum, bead-pull data, data analysis technique and comparison to the simulations will be presented.
* H. Wang et. al., "Elliptical Cavity Shape Optimization for Acceleration and HOM Damping," Proc. PAC 05, Knoxville TN, USA, 2005* R. A.Rimmer et al.; EPAC 2006, paper MOPCH182 |
THXAB02 | Current Status of the FAIR-project | ion, lattice, storage-ring, antiproton | 2598 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by BMBF, State of Hessen and EU FP6 |
In 2006, GSI, together with a large international science community, presented the FAIR Baseline Technical Report (FBTR) on an unprecedented accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion beams Research in Europe, located in Darmstadt (Germany). This facility is based on extensive discussions and a broad range of workshops and working group reports, organized by the international user communities over a period of several years enabling unique experimental possibilities in the fields of nuclear- and astrophysics, hadron-, plasma and atomic physics as well as on applied physics. Following an in-depth evaluation of the proposal by the German Wissenschaftsrat and its recommendation to realize the facility, the Federal Government gave conditional approval for construction of FAIR in 2003. Since then the project has gone through major steps of development and significant progress has been achieved with regard to the scientific-technical and political preparation of the project under the governance of an international committee structure. The current status of the project will be reviewed. |
THOBAB02 | Commissioning the DARHT-II Scaled Accelerator Downstream Transport | target, quadrupole, kicker, septum | 2627 | |||||
The DARHT-II accelerator will produce a 2-kA, 17-MeV beam in a 1600-ns pulse when completed this summer. After exiting the accelerator, the long pulse is sliced into four short pulses by a kicker and quadrupole septum and then transported for several meters to a tantalum target for conversion to bremsstrahlung for radiography. We describe tests of the kicker, septum, transport, and multi-pulse converter target using a short accelerator assembled from the first available refurbished cells, which are now capable of operating of operating at over 200 kV. This scaled accelerator was operated at ~ 8 Mev and ~1 kA, which provides a beam with approximately the same nu/gamma as the final 17-MeV, 2-kA beam, and therefore the same beam dynamics in the downstream transport. The results of beam measurements made during the commissioning of this scaled accelerator downstream transport are described.
THOAC03 | Measurement of the Beam's Trajectory Using the Higher Order Modes it Generates in a Superconducting Accelerating Cavity | higher-order-mode, coupling, linac, electron | 2642 | |||||
Funding: US DOE Contract #DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
It is well known that an electron beam excites Higher Order Modes (HOMs) as it passes through an accelerating cavity~[panofsky68]. The properties of the excited signal depend not only on the cavity geometry, but on the charge and trajectory of the beam. It is, therefore, possible to use these signals as a monitor of the beam's position. Electronics were installed on all forty cavities present in the FLASH~[flashref] linac in DESY. These electronics filter out a mode known to have a strong dependence on the beam's position, and mix this down to a frequency suitable for digitisation. An analysis technique based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) was developed to calculate the beam's trajectory from the output of the electronics. The entire system has been integrated into the FLASH control system. |
THPMN012 | A 0.5 to 50 MeV Electron Linear Accelerator System | electron, beam-transport, quadrupole, bunching | 2731 | |||||
Since 1998 ACCEL delivers turn key accelerator for scientific applications. After three injector systems for synchrotron light sources have been successfully commissioned, ACCEL is currently producing a 5 to 50 MeV system for the German Metrological Institute in Braunschweig. Beside excellent beam energy qualities the accelerator has to operate in a wide energy range, delivering 1 to 100 W average beam power to the target. The paper will give a description of the system layout and related technical parameters. The status of the project and results of the factory acceptance test of some of the major components will be presented as well.
THPMN057 | New Concept for a CLIC Post-Collision Extraction Line | photon, extraction, quadrupole, vacuum | 2835 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the Commission of the European Communities under the 6th Framework Programme "Structuring the European Research Area", with contract number RIDS-011899. |
Strong beam-beam effects at the interaction point of a high-energy e+e- linear collider such as CLIC lead to an emittance growth for the outgoing beams, as well as to the production of beamstrahlung photons and e+e- coherent pairs. We present a conceptual design of the post-collision line for CLIC at 3 TeV, which separates the various components of the outgoing beam in a vertical magnetic chicane and then transports them to their respective dump. |
THPMN086 | Metamaterial-loaded Waveguides for Accelerator Applications | simulation, electron, radiation, higher-order-mode | 2906 | |||||
Funding: US Department of Energy National Science Foundation grant # 0237162 |
Metamaterials (MTM) are artificial periodic structures made of small elements and designed to obtain specific electromagnetic properties. As long as the periodicity and the size of the elements are much smaller than the wavelength of interest, an artificial structure can be described by a permittivity and permeability, just like natural materials. Metamaterials can be customized to have the permittivity and permeability desired for a particular application. Waveguides loaded with metamaterials are of interest because the metamaterials can change the dispersion relation of the waveguide significantly. Slow backward waves, for example, can be produced in a LHM-loaded waveguide without corrugations. In this paper we present theoretical studies and computer modeling of waveguides loaded with 2D anisotropic metamaterials, including the dispersion relation for a MTM-loaded waveguide. The dispersion relation of a MTM-loaded waveguide has several interesting frequency bands which are described. It is shown theoretically that dipole mode suppression may be possible. Therefore, metamaterials can be used to suppress wakefields in accelerating structures. |
THPMN094 | Simulations of Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling | lattice, simulation, resonance, emittance | 2927 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE SBIR grant DE-FG02-04ER84016 |
Parametric-resonance ionization cooling (PIC) is a muon-cooling technique that is useful for low-emittance muon colliders. This method requires a well-tuned focusing channel that is free of chromatic and spherical aberrations. In order to be of practical use in a muon collider, it also necessary that the focusing channel be as short as possible to minimize muon loss due to decay. G4Beamline numerical simulations are presented of a compact PIC focusing channel in which spherical aberrations are minimized by using design symmetry. |
THPMN110 | The MANX Muon Cooling Demonstration Experiment | emittance, collider, vacuum, quadrupole | 2969 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE STTR grant DE-FG02-06ER86282 |
MANX is an experiment to prove that effective six-dimensional (6D) muon beam cooling can be achieved a Helical Cooling Channel (HCC) using ionization-cooling with helical and solenoidal magnets in a novel configuration. The aim is to demonstrate that 6D muon beam cooling is understood well enough to plan intense neutrino factories and high-luminosity muon colliders. The experiment consists of the HCC magnets that envelop a liquid helium energy absorber, upstream and downstream instrumentation to measure the particle or beam parameters before and after cooling, and emittance matching sections between the detectors and the HCC. We describe and compare the experimental configuration for both single particle and beam profile measurement techniques based on G4Beamline simulations. |
THPMN118 | Modelling of E-cloud Build-up in Grooved Vacuum Chambers Using POSINST | electron, simulation, vacuum, accumulation | 2993 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DOE contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 |
Electron cloud build-up and related beam instabilities are a serious concern for the positron damping ring of the International Linear Collider (ILC). To mitigate the effect use of grooved vacuum-chamber walls is being actively investigated in addition to more conventional techniques like surface coating, scrubbing, and/or conditioning. Experimental and simulation studies have characterized the effectiveness of the grooved surface by means of an effective secondary emission yield (SEY), which has been measured to be significantly lower than the SEY of a smooth surface of the same material. However, some inconsistencies of the results, and the need to model the experimental testing of the grooved surface concept in more detail, have motivated us to simulate the grooved surfaces directly. Specifically, we have augmented the code POSINST by adding the option to simulate the electron-cloud build-up in the presence of a grooved surface geometry. By computing the accumulated e-cloud density and comparing it with the same quantity computed for a smooth surface, we infer an effective SEY, and we thereby make contact with the effective SEY estimates obtained from previous studies. |
THPMS019 | Comparison of 6D Ring Cooler Schemes and Dipole Cooler for Mu+Mu- Collider Development | collider, factory, emittance, simulation | 3038 | |||||
We discuss the various schemes to use ring coolers for 6D cooling for Mu+Mu- colliders. The earliest successful cooler used dipoles and quadrupoles and a high dispersion low beta region. This was also proposed in the form of solenoids. Recently, there have been many new ideas. The simplest is to use a simple dipole ring with high-pressure gas absorber or Li hydride. We show the results of simulations and compare with the results for other cooler schemes.
THPMS020 | Beam-Driven Dielectric Wakefield Accelerating Structure as a THz Radiation Source | radiation, electron, simulation, permanent-magnet | 3041 | |||||
Funding: United States Department of Energy |
Experimental work is planned to study the performance of a beam-driven cylindrical dielectric wakefield accelerating structure as a source of THz coherent Cerenkov radiation. For an appropriate choice of dielectric tube geometry and driving electron bunch parameters, the device operates in a single-mode regime, producing narrow-band radiation in the THz range. This source can potentially produce high power levels relative to currently available sources, with ~50 μJ radiated energy per pulse achievable using the electron beam currently in operation at the Neptune Advanced Accelerator Research Laboratory at UCLA (~13 MeV beam energy, ~200 μm RMS bunch length, ~500 pC bunch charge). Preparations underway for installation of the experiment are discussed. |
THPMS038 | Magnetic Measurements and Simulations of a 4-Magnet Dipole Chicane for the International Linear Collider | simulation, monitoring, linear-collider, collider | 3085 | |||||
T-474 at SLAC is a prototype BPM-based energy spectrometer for the ILC. We describe magnetic measurements and simulations for the 4-magnet chicane used in T-474. The ILC physics program requires better than 100 part-per-million (ppm) accuracy for energy measurements, which necessitates better than 50 ppm accuracy for magnetic field integral measurements. A 4-dipole chicane is used in T-474 with mid-chicane dispersion of 5-mm and magnetic fields of ~1 kGauss; similar to the current ILC parameters. Stability, reproducibility and consistency of magnetic measurements, including magnetic field maps for the T-474 dipole magnets, are presented using a moving wire, rotating coil, NMR probe, Hall probe and low-field fluxgate magnetometer. Measurements from SLAC's Magnet Test Lab facility as well as in situ measurements in End Station A (ESA) are presented, including measurements of residual magnetic fields in the T-474 chicane between the chicane magnets. Results are provided for an operational mode with a 1-hour calibration cycle, where the chicane magnets are operated in both polarities and at near-zero field.
THPMS049 | Investigations of the Wideband Spectrum of Higher Order Modes Measured on TESLA-style Cavities at the FLASH Linac | simulation, higher-order-mode, monitoring, electron | 3100 | |||||
Funding: US DOE Contract #DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
Higher Order Modes (HOMs) excited by the passage of the beam through an accelerating cavity depend on the properties of both the cavity and the beam. It is possible, therefore, to draw conclusions on the inner geometry of the cavities based on observations of the properties of the HOM spectrum. A data acquisition system based on two 20 GS/s, 6 GHz scopes has been set up at the FLASH facility, DESY, in order to measure a significant fraction of the HOM spectrum predicted to be generated by the TESLA cavities used for the acceleration of its beam. The HOMs from a particular cavity at FLASH were measured under a range of known beam conditions. The dipole modes have been identified in the data. 3D simulations of different manufacturing errors have been made, and it has been shown that these simulations can predict the measured modes. |
THPMS053 | Compensation of the Effect of a Detector Solenoid on the Beam Size in the ILC | simulation, multipole, electron, quadrupole | 3109 | |||||
In the International Linear Collider (ILC) [1] the colliding beams must be focused to the nanometre size in order to reach the desired luminosity. The method of Weak Antisolenoid is used for the compensation of the effect of the Detector Solenoid on the beam size [2, 3]. The studies of this method require the computer simulation of the charged particle's kinematics in the arbitrarily distributed solenoidal, dipole, quadrupole and higher multipole fields. We suggest the mathematical algorithm that allows to optimize parameters of antisolenoid for different configurations of Final Focus magnets and to compensate parasitic effects of the Detector Solenoid on the beam.
[1] 'International Linear Collider Reference Design Report', April 2007 |
THPMS078 | Status of the Microwave PASER Experiment | acceleration, electron, permanent-magnet, resonance | 3166 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US Department of Energy |
The PASER is a new method for particle acceleration, in which energy from an active medium is transferred to a charged particle beam. The effect is similar to the action of a maser or laser with the stimulated emission of radiation being produced by the virtual photons in the electromagnetic field of the beam. We are developing a demonstration PASER device operating at X-band, based on the availability of a new class of active materials that exhibit photoinduced electron spin polarization. We will report on the status of active material development and measurements, numerical simulations, and preparations for microwave PASER experiments at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator facility. |
THPMS082 | Muon Acceleration to 750 GeV in the Tevatron Tunnel for a 1.5 TeV mu+ mu- Collider | acceleration, lattice, quadrupole, emittance | 3178 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DE-FG02-91ER40622 and DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
Muon acceleration from 30 to 750 GeV in 72 orbits using two rings in the 1000m radius Tevatron tunnel is explored. The first ring ramps at 400 Hz and accelerates muons from 30 to 400 GeV in 28 orbits using 14 GV of 1.3 GHz superconducting RF. The ring duplicates the Fermilab 400 GeV main ring FODO lattice, which had a 61m cell length. Muon survival is 80%. The second ring accelerates muons from 400 to 750 GeV in 44 orbits using 8 GV of 1.3 GHz superconducting RF. The 30 T/m main ring quadrupoles are lengthened 87% to 3.3m. The four main ring dipoles in each half cell are replaced by three dipoles which ramp at 550 Hz from -1.8T to +1.8T interleaved with two 8T fixed superconducting dipoles. The ramping and superconducting dipoles oppose each other at 400 GeV and act in unison at 750 GeV. Muon survival is 92%. Two mm copper wire, 0.28mm grain oriented silicon steel laminations, and a low duty cycle mitigate eddy current losses. Low emittance muon bunches allow small aperatures and permit magnets to ramp with a few thousand volts. Little civil construction is required. The tunnel exists. |
THPMS091 | The Superconducting Magnets of the ILC Beam Delivery System | octupole, superconducting-magnet, extraction, background | 3196 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
A wide variety of superconducting magnets are needed in the ILC Beam Delivery System (BDS) to maximize luminosity and minimize experimental backgrounds. Compact final focus quadrupoles and multifunction correction coils are used with 14 mr total crossing angle to focus incoming beams to few nanometer spot sizes while focusing outgoing disrupted beams into a separate extraction beam line. Large aperture anti-solenoids correct deleterious nonlinear effects that arise due to the overlap of focusing fields with the main detector solenoid. Far from the interaction point (IP) sets of strong small aperture octupoles help minimize backgrounds at the IP due to beam halo particles while weak large aperture dipoles integrated with the experimental detector reduce backgrounds due to beamstrahlung pairs generated at the IP. The physics requirements and magnetic design solutions for these magnets are reviewed in this paper. |
THPMS092 | Superconducting Non-Scaling FFAG Gantry for Carbon/Proton Cancer Therapy | proton, hadron, ion, betatron | 3199 | |||||
Funding: * Supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. ** Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 |
We report on improvements in the non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) gantry design. As we previously reported*, a major challenge of the carbon/proton cancer therapy facilities is isocentric gantry design. The weight of the isocentric gantry transport elements in the latest Heidelberg carbon/proton facility is 135 tons**. In this report we detail improvements to the previous non-scaling gantry design. We estimate that this non-scaling FFAG gantry would be almost hundred times lighter than traditional heavy ion gantries. Very strong focusing with small dispersion permits passage of different energies of carbon beams through the gantry's fixed magnetic field.* |
THPAN006 | Simulation of Decays and Secondary Ion Losses in a Betabeam Decay Ring | ion, simulation, quadrupole, lattice | 3232 | |||||
The beta decay of circulating ions in the decay ring of a Betabeam facility will give rise to secondary ions which differ in charge from the primary ions and will follow widely off-momentum orbits. A small fraction of these ions will be lost in the long straights, but the great majority of them will be lost in the arcs. Profiling of the losses requires detailed knowledge of the paths of these ions, which are distributed in phase space as well as around the ring circumference. We describe here a comprehensive model of ion decay, secondary ion tracking, and loss detection, which has been implemented in the tracking and simulation code Accsim. Methods have been developed to accurately track ions at large momentum deviations not amenable to conventional multiparticle tracking codes, as well as to detect their impact coordinates on vacuum chamber walls (possibly inside magnetic elements). In our simulation we have also included absorbers which are needed, along with appropriate lattice optimisations, to localize the majority of losses outside of the dipoles. From simulation results, some estimates of decay ring performance (in terms of loss concentration and management) will be given.
THPAN019 | Utilizing a Wien Filter within the Beam Dynamics Simulation Tool V-Code | simulation, multipole, electron, extraction | 3265 | |||||
Funding: This work was partially funded by EUROFEL (RIDS-011935), DESY Hamburg, and DFG (SFB 634). |
Beam dynamics simulations for computationally large problems are challenging tasks. On the one hand, to accurately simulate the electromagnetic field distribution within the whole device and the surrounding environment it is essential to consider all necessary device components including even small geometry details, complicated material distributions and the field excitations. On the other hand, further computational effort has to be put into precise modeling of the injected particle beam for detailed beam dynamics simulations. Under linear conditions, it is possible to separate the field calculation of the device from the computation of the particles self-field which can result in the proper application of diverse numerical schemes for the individual field contributions. In the paper it is demonstrated how the static electric and magnetic fields of a Wien filter beam line element can be treated as applied external fields within the beam dynamics simulation tool V-Code under the assumption that the interaction of the particle beam with the surrounding materials can be neglected. |
THPAN033 | Design Study of the Dipole Magnet for the RHIC EBIS High Energy Transport Line | multipole, quadrupole, sextupole, simulation | 3301 | |||||
The design studies of the dipole magnet for EBIS HEBT line is proceeding. The RHIC EBIS is a new high current highly charged heavy ion preinjector for RHIC. The dipole magnet discussed in this paper will be used to guide the beam to existing heavy ion injection line to Booster. A total of 145 degrees bend is provided by two identical dipole magnets with a slit between these magnets to pass only intended charge state ions. Also this magnet has a hole in the side wall to pass the beam from the existing Tandem Van de Graaff. The performance of this magnet calculated by TOSCA and the results of the particle tracking calculation are described.
THPAN036 | ABCI Progresses and Plans: Parallel Computing and Transverse Napoly-Shobuda Integral | vacuum, impedance | 3306 | |||||
In this paper, we report the recent progress and future plans of ABCI. First, ABCI now supports parallel processing in OpenMP for a shared memory system, such as a PC with multiple CPUs or a CPU with multiple cores. The new ABCI also supports the dynamic memory allocation for nearly all arrays for field calculations so that the amount of memory needed for a run is determined dynamically during runtime. A user can use any number of mesh points as far as the total allocated memory is within a physical memory of his PC. As a important progress of the features, the transverse extension of Napoly integral (derived by Shobuda) has been implemented to the new ABCI: it permits calculations of wake potentials in structures extending to the inside of the beam tube radius or having unequal tube radii at the two sides not only for longitudinal but also for transverse cases, and still the integration path can be confined to a finite length, by having the integration contour beginning and ending on the beam tubes. The future upgrade plans will be also discussed. The new ABCI is available as a Windows stand-alone executable module so that no installation of the program is necessary.
THPAN046 | Extension of Napoly Integral for Transverse Wake Potentials to General Axisymmetric Structure | electromagnetic-fields | 3333 | |||||
The Napoly integral for wake potential calculations in the axisymmetric structure is a very useful method because the integration of Ez field can be confined in a finite length instead of infinite length by deforming the integration path, which reduces CPU time for accurate calculations. However, his original method cannot be applied to the transverse wake potentials in a structure where the two beam tubes on both sides have unequal radii. In this case, the integration path needs be a straight line and the integration stretches out to an infinite in principle. We generalize the Napoly integrals so that integrals are always confined in a finite length even when the two beam tubes have unequal radii, for both longitudinal and transverse wake potential calculations. The extended method has been successfully implemented to ABCI.
THPAN052 | Study of Generic Front-end Designs for ERL Based Light Sources | emittance, space-charge, cathode, electron | 3345 | |||||
Funding: supported by National 973 Projects and the U. S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 |
We present work directed at examining the performance of various front end components of an ERL based light source. These include electron source, bunch compression, merger, and accelerating sections, with parameter space dictated by proposed facilities (at FSU and Beijing University). These facilities share enough common structural features to make the study applicable to both to a large extent. In this report we will discuss the 6D phase space evolution through the front end based on simulation, with reliable modeling of magnetic and superconducting RF fields. Discussion will be devoted to relative merits of alternative designs, robustness and operational scenarios. |
THPAN057 | Error Analyses of the PEFP 20/100-MeV Beamlines | quadrupole, proton, linac, lattice | 3357 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the 21C Frontier R&D program sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Korean Government. |
The proton engineering frontier project (PEFP) 100-MeV proton linac has two main beamline systems to extract and deliver the proton beam to the user. The one is designed to extract 20-MeV proton beams at the medium energy transport system of the linac and to deliver them to five target stations through a beam switching system. The other is able to extract 100-MeV proton beams at the end of the linac and to deliver them to another five target stations trough a beam distribution system. We have completed the detailed beam optics designs of the beamline system and performed intensive error analyses to set the marginal limits of engineering errors of the beamline components by using a dedicated beam transport code. The paper presents the error analysis results of the PEFP beamline systems along with their characteristics and beam optics designs. |
THPAN058 | Beam Tracking Simulations for a BPM-based Energy Spectrometer Prototype for ILC | electron, simulation, synchrotron, radiation | 3360 | |||||
T-474 at SLAC is a prototype BPM-based energy spectrometer for the ILC. A 4-dipole chicane is used with mid-chicane dispersion of 5-mm and magnetic fields of ~1 kGauss; these match the current ILC parameters. Better than 100 part-per-million (ppm) accuracy is needed for ILC energy measurements, requiring better than 50 ppm accuracy for magnetic field integral measurements. Code for beam tracking through the spectrometer chicane was developed. Magnetic field maps for dipole magnets obtained from the measurements at SLAC are used. Different aspects of the magnetic field influence to the beam deflection value are discussed. Results of the beam dynamics study using the measured magnetic fields for T-474 chicane to estimate magnetic effects on capabilities for the energy measurements are also reported.
THPAN066 | Improvements in FAKTOR2, a Code to Simulate Collective Effect of Electrons and Ions | electron, wiggler, damping, vacuum | 3375 | |||||
Funding: Supported by the European Community under the 6th Framework Programme "Structuring the European Research Area". |
The electrostatic Particle in Cell code 'Faktor2' is extended to 3D, and is parallelised. Results for electron cloud buildup in end regions of damping ring dipoles for next generation linear colliders are presented. |
THPAN068 | Wakefield Models for Particle Tracking Codes | multipole, simulation, quadrupole, collective-effects | 3378 | |||||
Wakefields have a considerable effect on beam dynamics and they must not be neglected for emittance growth studies, background estimates and other problems. The codes used for these problems are normally not capable of self-consistent wakefield calculations. They should thus be extended with either analytical models or export the wakefields numerically evaluated with other codes (such as Gdfidl) when analytical models are not feasible. We discuss both approaches and present their implementation in PLACET, MERLIN and BDSIM. The simulation results for the ILC and CLIC beam delivery systems are given as an example. Results produced with different codes are compared.
THPAN072 | A Concept for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade Based on Strong Beta* Reduction Combined with a Minimized Geometrical Luminosity Loss Factor | luminosity, separation-scheme, quadrupole, collimation | 3387 | |||||
A significant increase of the LHC beam current touches physics limits as collective effects, electron-cloud, heat load, collimation and machine protection. We propose an upgrade scheme mainly based on a stronger focusing, with a beta* of 10 cm, requiring a triplet quadrupole aperture of around 130 mm. The performance is further improved if the triplet is based on the Nb3Sn technology. In the present baseline, this beta* reduction provides a negligible luminosity increase: this approach requires a drastic action to minimize the crossing angle, while the beam separation at the long-range encounters has to be increased. This is provided by an early separation scheme made of small dipoles inside the detectors. Optionally, a small angle crab cavity scheme may totally suppress the residual crossing angle. The quadrupole aperture is calculated to allow a larger gap for the collimator, suppressing their impedance limitation. This concept offers high performance while significantly reducing the risks associated to a beam current increase; it opens as well new issues that deserve further studies, such as the dipole integration in the detector, and the correction of the triplet aberrations.
THPAN088 | Optical Effects of Energy Degraders on the Performance of Fragment Separators | optics, sextupole, target, antiproton | 3426 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 |
An exotic beam facility for the production of rare isotopes requires investigation of higher order optical effects, while taking into account beam-material interactions. An important component of the fragment separator is the absorber wedge, which is necessary for isotope separation. The properties of the absorber, such as the type and shape of material used, determine the resolution and transmission of the fragment separator. Nuclear reactions such as the fission and fragmentation of radioactive isotopes within the target or absorber contribute to the phase space and isotopic distributions of the beam. We have computed these distributions for all isotopes emerging from the target or absorber by implementing a limited fission model from within COSY Infinity that uses polynomial interpolations. Higher order optical aberrations have been computed and successfully eliminated by the shaping of the absorber material. COSY allows us to find the parameters of the absorber that maximize the resolution and transmission of the fragment separator. In addition, beam purity tests have been performed. From our results we have determined an appropriate location for a dump of the primary beam. |
THPAN094 | Design Study of a Transverse-to-Longitudinal Emittance Exchange Proof-of-principle Experiment | emittance, simulation, space-charge, quadrupole | 3441 | |||||
Funding: Dr. Sun's work is supported by U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38. |
Transverse-to-longitudinal emittance exchange can be achieved through certain arrangements of dipole magnets and dipole mode rf cavity. Theory on such schemes has been developed in the past several years. In this paper we report our numerical simulations on the emittance exchange using particle tracking codes. Photoelectron beams with energy less than 20 MeV are used, as our purpose of simulations is to study the feasibility of performing such emittance exchange at existing facilities of beam energy at this level. Parametric studies of the dipole magnets and cavity strengths, as well as initial beam parameters, are presented. |
THPAN102 | Tevatron Optics Measurements using an AC Dipole | betatron, optics, synchrotron, kicker | 3465 | |||||
The AC dipole is a device that can be used to study beam optics of hadron synchrotrons. It can produce sustained large amplitude oscillations with virtually no emittance growth. A vertical AC dipole for the Tevatron was recently implemented and a maximum oscillation amplitude of 2 (4) σ beam size at 980 (150) GeV was achieved. If such large oscillations are combined with the Tevatron's BPM system (20 micron resolution), not only linear but even nonlinear optics can be measured not depending on machine models. This paper discusses how to make model independent measurements of ring-wide beta functions using the AC dipole and shows test results and comparisons to other methods. The emittance preserving nature of the AC dipole allows multiple measurements on the same beam. By repeating measurements with a small change to the optics every time, the accuracy of measurements using the AC dipole can be determined. Results of such tests are also presented.
THPAN115 | Direct Measurements of Beta-star in the Tevatron | closed-orbit, emittance, interaction-region, optics | 3495 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000. |
Until recently, values of the amplitude functions through the Interaction Regions of the Tevatron collider detectors have been inferred either by reconstructing event locations through the detector and mapping out the luminous region to deduce the beam emittance and amplitude function or by performing differential closed orbit measurements while varying steering magnets and producing detailed models of the synchrotron's optical properties which reproduce the observed orbital deviations. Both of these methods rely on often lengthy off-line analyses and sometimes many hours of experimental data to obtain a meaningful result. The new Tevatron Beam Position Monitor system, commissioned in 2005, has allowed unprecedented detail of turn-by-turn motion to be measured at the 20-micron level and for thousands of beam revolutions. Such measurements performed with a freely oscillating proton beam, excited by a kicker magnet, allow for the direct measurement of the amplitude function which is model independent. A simple measurement procedure, data analysis method, and typical results for the Tevatron experimental regions are presented. |
THPAS030 | Low-current, Space-Charge Dominated Beam Transport at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) | lattice, space-charge, quadrupole, injection | 3561 | |||||
Funding: This work is funded by the US Dept. of Energy and by the Office of Naval Research. |
The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) is designed for the transport of low energy (10 keV), high current (100 mA) electrons in a 72-magnetic-quadrupole lattice over an 11.5 m circumference. With these parameters, and a typical single-particle phase advance per period of 76 deg., space charge is extreme. However, high current is not necessary for establishing space charge dominated transport in UMER. In fact, low current (0.6 mA) beam transport in combination with longer full-lattice periods can yield strong space charge conditions. All 72 quadrupoles are needed, though, to yield beams with relatively small cross sections, as required for emittance-dominated transport. We present results of calculations and experiments that demonstrate the low-current, high space charge regime in UMER. We also discuss the use of Collins-type insertions for matching into the ring lattice. |
THPAS067 | Adaptive Impedance Analysis of Grooved Surface Using the Finite Element Method | impedance, electromagnetic-fields, controls, linear-collider | 3639 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
Grooved surface is proposed to reduce the secondary emission yield in a dipole and wiggler magnet of International Linear Collider. An analysis of the impedance of the grooved surface based on adaptive finite element is presented in this paper. The performance of the adaptive algorithms, based on an element-element h-refinement technique, is assessed. The features of the refinement indictors, adaptation criteria and error estimation parameters are discussed. |
THPAS074 | The Effective CSR Forces for an Energy-Chirped Bunch Under Magnetic Compression | simulation, optics, electron, synchrotron | 3654 | |||||
Funding: The work is supported by JSA/DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. |
In this study, we analyze the longitudinal effective CSR force for an energy-chirped Gaussian bunch moving relativistically on a circular orbit. With the geometry of the bunch tilt in dispersive regions (as induced by the initial energy-chirp) included in the retardation relation, the longitudinal effective CSR force thus calculated displays a variety of behaviors depending on the level of bunch compression. The variety ranges from the suppression of the longitudinal CSR force, for an undercompressed thin bunch, to an enhancement of the CSR interaction above that for a projected bunch, in a duration of path length shortly after the bunch crosses over the full compression point. The amplitude and duration of the enhancement depends on the bunch and lattice parameters. During this enhancement, the longitudinal effective CSR force depends sensitively on the particle's transverse position in the bunch. The physical picture of this phenomenon will be discussed. |
THPAS076 | ORBIT Injection Dump Simulations of the H0 and H- Beams | injection, septum, scattering, beam-losses | 3657 | |||||
Funding: ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
Simulations of the transport of H0 and H- beams to the SNS ring injection dump are carried out using the ORBIT code. During commissioning and early operations, beam losses in this region have been the highest in the accelerator and presented the most obvious hurdle to cross in achieving high intensity operation. Two tracking models are employed: |
THPAS078 | 3D Modeling of SNS Ring Injection Dump Beam Line | injection, simulation, beam-losses, emittance | 3660 | |||||
Funding: ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
The SNS ring injection dump beam line has been suffering high beam losses since its commissioning. In order to understand the mechanisms of the beam losses, we have built a 3D simulation model consisting of three injection chicane dipoles and one injection dump septum. The magnetic field distributions and the 3D particle trajectories in the model are obtained. The study has clearly shown two design problems causing beam losses in the injection dump beam line. This paper reports our simulation model, particle trajectory calculations, beam losses due to small vertical aperture of the injection dump septum and inadequate focusing down stream. The remedy of the beam losses is also discussed. |
THPAS090 | A Multipurpose Coherent Instability Simulation Code | radiation, damping, simulation, synchrotron | 3690 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the United States Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH1-886 |
A multipurpose coherent instability simulation code has been written, documented, and released for use. TRANFT (tran-eff-tee) uses fast Fourier transforms to model transverse wakefields, transverse detuning wakes and longitudinal wakefields in a computationally efficient way. Dual harmonic RF allows for the study of enhanced synchrotron frequency spread. When coupled with chromaticity, the theoretically challenging but highly practical post head-tail regime is open to study. Detuning wakes allow for transverse space charge forces in low energy hadron beams, and a switch allowing for radiation damping makes the code useful for electrons. |
THPAS094 | Transverse to Longitudinal Emittance Exchange Beamline at the A0 Photoinjector | emittance, simulation, quadrupole, radiation | 3702 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by Universities Research Association Inc. under contract DE-AC02-76CH00300 with the U. S. DOE. |
The A0 photoinjector is being reconfigured to test the principal of transverse to longitudinal emittance exchange as proposed by Emma et. al., Kim and Sessler, and others. The ability to perform such an exchange could have major advantages to FELs by reducing the transverse emittance. Several schemes to carry out the exchange are possible and will be reported separately. At the Fermilab A0 Photoinjector we are constructing a beamline to demonstrate this transverse to longitudinal emittance exchange. This beamline will consist of a dogleg, and a TM110 5 cell copper cavity followed by another dogleg. The beamline is designed to reuse the bunch compressor dipoles of the photoinjector, along with some existing diagnostics. Beamline layout and optics discussed along with inital data. Future possibilites of performing a similar experiment at the proposed NML facility at Fermilab are also discussed. |
THPAS095 | Ferrite-lined HOM Absorber for the e-Cool ERL | simulation, resonance, damping, electron | 3705 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH1-886 with the U. S. Department of Energy. |
An R&D facility for an Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) intended as part of the 'Electron-Cooling Xperiment' for RHIC is being constructed at this laboratory. The center piece of the project is the experimental 5-cell 703.75 MHz superconducting ECX cavity. Successful operation will depend on effective HOM suppression, and it is planned to achieve HOM damping exclusively with room temperature ferrite absorbers. A ferrite-lined pillbox model with dimensions reflecting the operational unit was assembled, and the cavity resonances and quality factors were determined from scattering coefficient measurements and were interpreted as surface impedance. Results from a 5-cell copper cavity with an attached ferrite absorber prototype are used for the prediction of the ECX cavity HOM damping. A rotational symmetric ferrite-lined pillbox was analyzed theoretically and compared with the simulation codesμWave Studio, GdfidL, and Superfish. Discrepancies of the resonance frequencies and Q-values were found, and steps to reach agreement are discussed. |
THPAS105 | Stern-Gerlach Force on a Precessing Magnetic Moment | radio-frequency, storage-ring | 3729 | |||||
The use of the Stern-Gerlach interaction for attaining the spin-states separation of an (anti)proton beam circulating in a ring is reconsidered in a new method where the particle magnetic moments are made to precess while they are undergoing energy exchanges, either positive or negative, with the e.m. fields of an array of radio frequency resonators tuned in the Transverse Electric mode. This proposal represents an improvement with respect to cases considered in the past when the magnetic moments were conserving their directions in space.
FRXKI01 | Superconducting Magnet Needs for the ILC | quadrupole, superconducting-magnet, undulator, wiggler | 3732 | |||||
The ILC Reference Design Report will be completed early in 2007. The Magnet Systems Group was formed to translate magnetic field requirements into magnet designs and cost estimates for the Reference Design. As presently configured, the ILC will have more than 11,000 magnetic elements of which more than 1200 will be based on superconducting technology. This paper will describe the major superconducting magnet needs for the ILC as presently determined by the Magnet Systems Group and the leaders of the Area Systems Groups, responsible for beamline design. The superconducting magnet components include the Main Linac quadrupoles, the Positron Source undulators, the Damping Ring wigglers, and the complex array of Final Focus superconducting elements in the Beam Delivery System.
FROAKI01 | Magnet Acceptance and Allocation at the LHC Magnet Evaluation Board | quadrupole, superconducting-magnet, insertion, alignment | 3739 | |||||
The normal- and superconducting magnets for the LHC ring have been carefully examined to insure that each of the more than 1800 assemblies is suitable for the operation in the accelerator. Magnet coordinators, hardware experts and accelerator physicists, joined in the LHC Magnet Evaluation Board, have contributed to this work that consists in the magnet acceptance, and the optimisation achieved by sorting magnets according to their geometry, field quality and quench level. This paper gives a description of the magnet approval mechanism that has been running since four years, reporting in a concise summary on the main results achieved. We take as specific indicators the computed mechanical aperture, the sorting efficiency with respect to systematic and random field errors in the magnets, and the case-by-case analysis necessary to accommodate hardware limitations such as quench limits and training.
FROAKI02 | LHC Magnet Tests: Operational Techniques and Empowerment for Successful Completion | cryogenics, quadrupole, feedback, superconducting-magnet | 3742 | |||||
The LHC magnet tests operation team* developed various innovative techniques, particularly since early 2004, to complete the superconductor magnet testing by end 2006. Overall and cryogenic priority handling, rapid on-bench thermal cycling, rule-based goodness evaluation on round-the-clock basis, multiple, mashed web systems are some of these techniques applied with rigour for successful tests completion in time. This paper highlights these operation empowerment tools which had a pivotal role for success. A priority handling method was put in place to enable maximum throughput from twelve test benches, having many different constraints. For the cryogenics infrastructure, it implied judicious allocation of limited resources to the benches. Rapid On-Bench Thermal Cycle was a key strategy to accelerate magnets tests throughput, saving time and simplifying logistics. First level magnet appraisal was developed for 24 hr decision making so as to prepare a magnet further for LHC or keep it on standby. Web based systems (Tests Management and E-Traveller) were other essential ideas to track & coordinate various stages of tests handled by different teams.
FRYKI01 | Radidly-Cyling Superconducting Accelerator Magnets for FAIR at GSI | synchrotron, cryogenics, storage-ring, antiproton | 3745 | |||||
The demand for high beam intensities leads to the requirement of rapidly cycling cycling magnets for synchrotrons. An example is FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) at GSI, which will consist of two synchrotrons (SIS 100 and SIS 300) in one tunnel and several storage rings. The high field ramp rate (up to 1 T/s) and the repetition frequency of up to 1 Hz require R&D for the superconducting magnets of these rings. Persistent currents in the superconductor and eddy currents in wire, cable, iron and vacuum chamber reduce the field quality and generate cryogenic losses. A magnet lifetime of 20 years is desired, resulting in up to 108 magnet cycles. Therefore, special attention has to be paid to magnet material fatigue problems. R&D work is being done, in collaboration with many institutions, to reach the requirements mentioned above. Model dipoles were built and tested. The results of the R&D are reported. Full length dipoles for SIS 100 are under construction.
FROAC03 | The Commissioning of the LHC Technical Systems | cryogenics, insertion, extraction, simulation | 3801 | |||||
The LHC is an accelerator with unprecedented complexity; in addition, the energy stored in magnets and the beams exceeds other accelerators by one to two orders of magnitude. To avoid a plague of technical problems and ensure a safe machine start-up, the hardware commissioning phase was emphasized: the thorough commissioning of technical systems (vacuum, cryogenics, quench protection, power converters, electrical circuits, AC distribution, ventilation, demineralised water, injection system, beam dumping system, beam instrumentation, etc) is carried-out without beam. Activity started in June 2005 with the commissioning of individual systems, followed by operating a full sector of the machine as a whole. LHC architecture allows the commissioning of each of the eight sectors independently from the others, before the installation of other sectors is complete. Important effort went into the definition of the programme and the organization of the coordination in the field, as well as in the tools to record and analyze test results. This paper presents the experience with this approach, results from the commissioning of the first LHC sectors and gives an outlook for future activities.
FRPMN011 | Studies of Dipole Field Quality for the Beta-Beam Decay Ring | dynamic-aperture, multipole, sextupole, resonance | 3904 | |||||
Funding: European Community under the FP6 - Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area - EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS. |
The aim of the beta-beams is to produce highly energetic beams of pure electron neutrino and anti-neutrino, coming from beta-decays of the 18Ne10+ and 6He2+, both at γ=100, directed towards experimental halls situated in the Frejus tunnel. The high intensity ion beams are stored in a ring until the ions decay. The beta decay products have a magnetic rigidity different from the one of the parent ions and are differently deflected in the 6T superconducting dipoles. Consequently, all the injected ions are lost anywhere in the ring, generating a high level of irradiation. So, the dipole apertures need to be large enough to avoid the decay products hitting their walls, which may worsen the field quality. A study on its tolerances has been carried out. Since the decay ring has to accept the beam during a large number of turns, the chosen criteria is the size of the dynamic aperture that the multipolar defects in the dipoles may shrink. Tolerances on the systematic and random errors of these defects have been investigated. In order to relax the tolerances, a routine was written which enlarges automatically the dynamic aperture in presence of field errors. |
FRPMN023 | New Beam Diagnostic Developments at the Photo-Injector Test Facility PITZ | diagnostics, electron, booster, quadrupole | 3967 | |||||
Funding: This work has partly been supported by the European Community, contracts RII3-CT-2004-506008 and 011935, and by the "Impuls- und Vernetzungsfonds" of the Helmholtz Association, contract VH-FZ-005. |
The Photo-Injector Test Facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) is an electron accelerator which was built to develop and optimize high brightness electron sources suitable for SASE FEL operation. Currently, in parallel to the operation of the existing setup, a large extension of the facility and its research program is ongoing. The beam line which has a present length of about 13 meters will be extended up to about 21 meters within the next two years. Many additional diagnostics components will be added to the present layout. Two high-energy dispersive arms, an RF deflecting cavity and a phase space tomography module will extend the existing diagnostic system of the photo injector and will contribute to the full characterization of new electron sources. We will report on the latest developments of the beam diagnostics at PITZ. |
FRPMN030 | RF measurements results of the final brazed SPARC RF Deflector | coupling, controls, scattering, emittance | 3994 | |||||
The longitudinal phase space and the horizontal beam slice emittance measurements of the SPARC 150MeV-1nC electron beam, foresee the use of a RF deflector. The device is a five cells standing wave structure operating on the TM110-like dipole mode at 2.856GHz and allows reaching a longitudinal resolution of 12μm with 2MW of peak input power. In the paper we illustrate the RF measurements on the final copper device.
This work has been partially supported by the EU in the sixth framework program, Contract no. 011935 EUROFEL-DS1. |
FRPMN043 | Measurement of Beam Position Monitor Using HOM Couplers of Superconducting Cavities | linac, pick-up, electron, monitoring | 4060 | |||||
The offset beam from the axis induces the HOMs in the cavities. These HOMs in superconducting cavities are usually damped by HOM couplers to suppress the beam instability. The induced HOM power is proportional to the beam offset and can be used to measure the beam position inside the cavity. The shifter magnet is installed to the JAEA superconducting ERL-FEL to vary the beam position. The HOM power from the HOM coupler with various beam position is measured. The result of the beam test is presented.
FRPMN054 | The Design Study of IP-BPM for the ILC | coupling, extraction, simulation, controls | 4120 | |||||
Beam position monitors (BPMs) with a resolution in a few nanometers range are required to control beams in the locations that are close to the interaction point (IP) of the International Linear Collider (ILC). ATF2 at KEK has considered as a test facilitiy to investigate this requirement. We have performed the design study for IP-BPM by using of the electromagnetic simulation program MAFIA and HFSS. The designed IP-BPM consists of one cell sensor cavity and one cell reference cavity. The results of the design studies showed signal decay time of 20 ns and orbit sensitivity of a few nm. The signal voltage from sensor cavity showed increasing of a factor of 3 and 2 in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, than the IP-BPM that was installed ATF extraction beam line. We present the results of design studies in which include effects of common mode contamination in the IP-BPM.
FRPMN069 | Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instabilities in the CERN PS | impedance, emittance, feedback, brightness | 4180 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by EU Design Study DIRACsecondary-Beams (contract 515873). |
Longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities in the CERN PS represent a major limitation to the high brightness beam delivered for the LHC. To identify possible impedance sources for these instabilities, machine development studies have been carried out. The growth rates of coupled bunch modes have been measured, and modes have been identified using mountain range data. Growth rate estimations from coupled bunch mode theory are compared to these results. It is shown that the longitudinal impedance of the broad resonance curve of the main 10 MHz RF system can be identified as the most probable source. Possible methods to improve the beam stability are analyzed together with the performance of a damping system. |
FRPMN090 | A Prototype Energy Spectrometer for the ILC at End Station A in SLAC | linac, feedback, collider, linear-collider | 4285 | |||||
The main physics programme of the international linear collider requires a measurement of the beam energy with a relative precision on the order of 10-4 or better. To achieve this goal a magnetic spectrometer using high resolution beam position monitors (BPM) has been proposed. A prototype spectrometer chicane using 4 dipole magnets is currently under development at the End Station A in SLAC, intending to demonstrate the required stability of this method and investigate possible systematic effects and operational issues. This contribution reports on the successful commissioning of the beam position monitor system and the resolution and stability achieved. Also, the initial results from a run with a full spectrometer chicane are presented.
FRPMN091 | Simulation of HOM Wakefields in the Main ILC Cavities | linac, simulation, emittance, damping | 4288 | |||||
We investigate the electromagnetic field (e.m.) excited by a train of multiple bunches in the main superconducting linacs of the ILC. These e.m. fields are represented as a wake-field. Detailed simulations are made for the modes which constitute the long-range wake-field in new high gradient cavity structures. In particular, we focus our study on the modes in re-entrant and low loss Ichiro cavities. Modes trapped within a limited number of cells can give rise to a significant diminution in the emittance of the beam and we pay particular attention to these modes. Beam tracking simulations on the resulting emittance dilution over the entire length of the linac are made in order to provide details on the damping which is necessary for modes with particularly large kick factors.
FRPMN108 | Coupled-Bunch Instability Study of Multi-cell Deflecting Mode Cavities for the Advanced Photon Source | damping, impedance, photon, feedback | 4348 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
The short-pulse X-ray project at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) uses three room-temperature nine-cell 2.815 GHz deflecting-mode cavities in a straight section. Undamped, these cavities' higher-order and lower-order resonator modes will cause multi-bunch instabilities in longitudinal and transverse planes for any bunch pattern of a 1'000mA store. Damping of these modes must be part of the design of the cavities. We report calculations of instability growth rates and tracking simulations that were essential in specifying the rf design of the damping structures. We used various operating bunch patterns and scanned levels of damping of the cavities. Because one of the operating bunch patterns is not symmetric, we used a normal mode analysis * implemented in the APS code clinchor. Our calculation included random sampling of resonator frequencies in a reasonable range. We found that staggering of frequencies is only effective for modes that could not be heavily damped.
* K. Thompson and R. Ruth, PAC 1989 |
FRPMN111 | Design and Performance of the LCLS Cavity BPM System | undulator, linac, coupling, alignment | 4366 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. Department of Energy under Contract Nos. DE-AC02-06CH11357 and DE-AC03-76SF00515 |
In this paper we present the design of the beam position monitor (BPM) system for the LCLS undulator, which features a high resolution X-band cavity BPM. Each BPM has a TM010 monopole reference cavity and a TM110 dipole cavity designed to operate at a center frequency of 11.384 GHz. The signal processing electronics features a low-noise single-stage three-channel heterodyne receiver that has selectable gain and a phase locking local oscillator. We will discuss the system specifications, design, and prototype test results. |
FRPMS005 | The Tevatron AC Dipole System | impedance, emittance, betatron, synchrotron | 3868 | |||||
The AC dipole is an oscillating dipole magnet which can induce large amplitude oscillations without causing emittance growth. This makes it a good tool to measure optics of a hadron synchrotron. The vertical AC dipole for the Tevatron is powered by an inexpensive high-power audio amplifier since its operating frequency is approximately 20 kHz. The low impedance magnet is incorporated into a parallel resonant system to form an 8 Ω equivalent circuit to maximize the power output of the amplifier. The magnet used is a vertical pinger previously installed in the Tevatron making the cost relatively inexpensive. Recently, the initial system was upgraded with a more powerful amplifier and oscillation amplitudes up to 2-σ beam size were achieved at 980 GeV. The paper discusses details of the resonant circuit. It also shows test results of the system both on the bench and with the beam.
FRPMS037 | Impact of Transverse Irregularities at the Photocathode on High-Charge Electron Bunches | laser, simulation, emittance, space-charge | 4027 | |||||
Electron beam properties in photoinjectors are strongly dependent on the initial conditions, e.g., non-uniformities in the drive-laser pulse and/or the photocathode surface. We explore the impact of well-defined transverse perturbation modes on the evolution of the electron beam phase space, and paying special attention to how certain types of perturbations mix. Numerical simulations performed with IMPACT-T (both the standard version and a new wavelet-based version) are presented along with experimental results aimed at validating the simulation codes. The experiments are conducted at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator facility.
FRPMS050 | LANSCE-Linac Beam-Centroid Jitter in Transverse Phase Space | simulation, target, quadrupole, diagnostics | 4093 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. |
In order to characterize the beam-centroid jitter in transverse phase space, sets of position data of the 100-MeV H+ beam and 800-MeV H- beam were taken in the transport lines of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) accelerator complex. Subsequent data evaluation produced initially puzzling inconsistencies in the phase-space plots from different pairs of beam-position monitors. It is shown that very small random measurement errors will produce systematic differences between plots that should nominally be identical. The actual beam-centroid jitter and the amount of random error in the measurements can be extracted from the data by performing simulations and determining the parameters for which the resulting plots are consistent with the results from the data. Examples will be shown. |
FRPMS069 | Simulations of Stretched Wire Measurements of 3.9GHz Cavities for the ILC | impedance, simulation, scattering, coupling | 4177 | |||||
We present wake-field simulations on both the main superconducting cavities and on the beam delivery system crab cavities of the ILC. We utilize both finite difference and finite element computer codes to simulate the electromagnetic fields in these cavities in the presence of a stretched wire. This study is intended to both predict the wake-field in experiments on the modal characterisation of 3.9 GHz cavities in progress at the Cockcroft Institute and, to explore practical issues concerning the feasibility of using this stretched wire method to investigate modes in the ILC main cavities. Multi-cell scattering matrices and the modes in infinite periodic structures are calculated with a view to aiding the interpretation of experimental results. A modal convergence study is also included
FRPMS071 | Relative Bunch Length Monitor for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) using Coherent Edge Radiation | radiation, electron, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation | 4189 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract DE-AC03-76SF00515 |
The ultra-short bunches of the electron beam for LCLS are generated in two 4-dipole bunch compressors located at energies of 250 MeV and 4.3 GeV. Although an absolute measurement of the bunch length can be done by using a transverse deflecting cavity in an interceptive mode, a non-interceptive single shot method is needed as a relative measurement of the bunch length used in the continuous feedback for beam energy and peak current. We report on the design and implementation of two monitors measuring the integrated power of coherent edge radiation from the last dipole in each chicane. The first monitor is installed in early 2007 and we compare its performance with the transverse cavity measurement and other techniques. |
FRPMS076 | A New Q2-Bellows Absorber for the PEP-II SLAC B-Factory | radiation, simulation, impedance, luminosity | 4219 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
A new Q2-bellows absorber will damp only transverse wake fields and will not produce additional beam losses due to Cherenkov radiation. The design is based on the results of the HOM analysis. Geometry of the slots and absorbing tiles was optimized to get maximum absorbing effect. |
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
The development of an electron cloud in the vacuum chambers of high intensity positron and proton storage rings may limit machine performance. The suppression of electrons in a magnet is a challenge for the positron damping ring of the International Linear Collider (ILC) as well as the Large Hadron Collider. Simulation show that grooved surfaces can significantly reduce the electron yield in a magnet. Some of the secondary electrons emitted from the grooved surface return to the surface within a few gyrations, resulting in a low effective secondary electron yield (SEY) of below 1.0 A triangular surface is an effective, technologically attractive mitigation with a low SEY and a weak dependence on the scale of the corrugations and the external magnetic field. A chamber with triangular grooved surface is proposed for the dipole and wiggler sections of the ILC and will be tested in PEP-II in 2007. The strategy of electron cloud control in ILC and the optimization of the grooved chamber such as the SEY, impedance as well as the manufacturing of the chamber, are also discussed.
SLAC-PUB-11933 & NIMA in publication |
FRPMS082 | Precise Calculation of Traveling-Wave Periodic Structure | emittance, acceleration, synchrotron, higher-order-mode | 4249 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
The effects of the round edge beam hole on the frequency and wake field are studied using variational method, which allows for rounded iris disk hole without any approximation in shape treatment. The frequency and wake field of accelerating mode and dipole mode are studied for different edge radius cases, including the flat edge shape that is often used to approximately represent the actual structure geometry. The edge hole shape has weak effect on the frequency, but much effect on the wake field. Our study shows that the amounts of wake fields are not precise enough with the assumption of the flat edge beam hole instead of round edge. |
FRPMS085 | Transverse Effect due to Short-range Resistive Wall Wakefield | impedance, vacuum, focusing, electron | 4267 | |||||
Funding: AWC and JW were supported by US DOE under contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515. JRD was supported by US DOE under contract No. DE-AC05-84-ER40150 and No. DE-AC05-00-OR22725. |
For accelerator projects with ultra short electron beam, beam dynamics study has to invoke the short-range wakefield. In this paper, we first obtain the short-range dipole mode resistive wall wakefield. Analytical approach is then developed to study the single bunch transverse beam dynamics due to this short-range resistive wall wake. The results are applied to the LCLS undulator and some other proposed accelerators. |
FRPMS097 | Realistic Non-linear Model and Field Quality Analysis in RHIC Interaction Regions | multipole, quadrupole, sextupole, interaction-region | 4309 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the United States Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH1-886. |
The existence of multipolar components in the dipole and quadrupole magnets is one of the factors limiting the beam stability in the RHIC operations. So, a realistic non-linear model is crucial for understanding the beam behavior and to achieve the ultimate performance in RHIC. A procedure is developed to build a non-linear model using the available multipolar component data obtained from measurements of RHIC magnets. We first discuss the measurements performed at different stages of manufacturing of the magnets in relation to their current state in RHIC. We then describe the procedure to implement these measurement data into tracking models, including the implementation of the multipole feed down effect due to the beam orbit offset from the magnet center. Finally, the field quality analysis in the RHIC interaction regions is presented. |
FRPMS104 | Impedance of Electron Beam Vacuum Chambers for the NSLS-II Storage Ring | impedance, vacuum, extraction, storage-ring | 4333 | |||||
In this paper we discuss computation of the coupling impedance of the vacuum chambers for the NSLS-II storage ring using the electromagnetic simulator GdfidL. The impedance of the vacuum chambers depends on the geometric dimensions of the cross-section and height of the slot in the chamber wall. Of particular concern is the complex geometry of the infrared extraction chambers to be installed in special large-gap dipole magnets. In this case, wakefields are generated due to tapered transitions and large vertical-aperture ports with mirrors near the electron beam.
FRPMS109 | Measurement and Correction of Third Resonance Driving Term in the RHIC | resonance, sextupole, betatron, proton | 4351 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
To further improve the polarized proton (pp) run collision luminosity in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, correction of the horizontal two-third resonance is desirable to increase the available tune space. The third resonance driving term (RTD) is measured with the turn-by-turn (TBT) beam position monitor (BPM) data with AC dipole excitation. A first order RTD response matrix based on the optics model is used to on-line compensate the third resonance driving term h30000 while keeping other first order RTDs and first order chromaticities unchanged. The results of beam experiment and simulation correction are presented and discussed. |
FRPMS110 | Online Nonlinear Chromaticity Correction Using Off-Momentum Tune Response Matrix | sextupole, optics, simulation, betatron | 4357 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
With 8 arc sextupole families in each RHIC ring, the nonlinear chromaticities can be corrected on-line by matching the off-momentum tunes onto the wanted off-momentum tunes with linear chromaticity only. The Newton method with singular value decomposition (SVD) technique is used for this multi-dimensional nonlinear optimization, where the off-momentum tune response matrix with respect to sextupole strength changes is adopted to simplify and fasten the on-line optimization process. The off-momentum tune response matrix can be calculated with the on-line accelerator optics model or directly measured with the real beam. This correction method will be verified and used in the coming RHIC run'07. |
FRPMS111 | Dynamic Aperture Evaluation at the Current Working Point for RHIC Polarized Proton Operation | dynamic-aperture, sextupole, resonance, multipole | 4363 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
To further improve the the polarized proton (pp) luminosity in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, the beta functions at the two interaction points (IPs) will be reduced from 1.0 m to 0.9m in 2007. In addition, it is planned to increase the bunch intensity from 1.5*1011 to 2.0*1011. To accommodate these changes, the nonlinear chromaticities and the third resonance driving term should be corrected. In 2007, the number of the arc sextupole power supplies will be doubled from 12 to 24, which allows nonlinear chromaticity correction. With the updated field errors in the interaction regions (IRs), detailed dynamic aperture studies are carried out to optimize the nonlinear correction schemes, and increase the available tune space in collision. |