Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
TUYKI01 | ISIS, Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source | target, synchrotron, proton, ion | 695 | |||||
At present, ISIS, located at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, is the world's leading pulsed neutron and muon source. First neutrons were produced in December 1984, and since then large neutron and muon user communities have been built up. Every year, typically 1600 visitors are welcomed to ISIS, and 800 experiments are carried out. Hitherto ISIS has been based on an 800 MeV proton synchrotron delivering a 160 kW 50 pps beam to a target station incorporating a tungsten neutron-producing target preceded by a graphite muon-producing target. However, a second target station optimised for cold neutrons and running at 10 pps is currently being built, and the first experiments on the second target station are scheduled for 2008. At the same time, extensive performance-enhancing programmes (e.g. a dual harmonic RF system for the synchrotron) and re-lifing programmes (e.g. replacement of the synchrotron main magnet power supplies) are being carried out. The talk will describe the ISIS accelerators, the associated enhancement and re-lifing programmes, the target stations, and will also look forward to schemes for megawatt neutrons in the UK.
TUPAN006 | Design of Slug Tuners for the SPIRAL2 RFQ | simulation, resonance, vacuum, ion | 1398 | |||||
Tuner parameters: number (or separation distance), diameter, position range, are determined in order to fit two main requirements: (1) compensation of construction errors specified between given bounds, and (2) compatibility with magnetic-field bead-pull measurements. Tuner slopes possibly derived from 2D or 3D simulations are compared. RFQ 4-wire transmission line model is used to calculate tuner position range required to compensate for given capacitance relative errors. The position of the bead guiding-wire is deduced from 3D field maps and magnetic-field-to-voltage calibration accuracy requirement.
TUPAN011 | Beam Operation of the SARAF Light Ion Injector | diagnostics, ion, ion-source, proton | 1410 | |||||
In beginning of 2007 the installation of the first stage of SARAF has been finalized. The system consists out of an ECR ion source, a low energy beam transport system, a four rod RFQ, a medium energy transport system and a superconducting module housing 6 half resonators and three superconducting solenoids. This injector will be characterized with a diagnostic plate. The installation allows continuous measurement of beam charge, position and phase. The diagnostic plate in addition provides a beam halo monitor, vertical and horizontal slit and wire systems, a slow and a fast faraday cup, which can only be used in pulsed operation. The paper will describe the status of commissioning, including results of the site acceptance test of major components.
TUPAN018 | The Frankfurt Funneling Experiment | simulation, ion, emittance, ion-source | 1431 | |||||
Funneling is a procedure to multiply beam currents at low energies in several stages. The Frankfurt Funneling Experiment is a prototype of such a stage. Our experiment consists of two ion sources, a Two-Beam RFQ accelerator, a funneling deflector and a beam diagnostic system. The two beams from the ion sources are injected into two RFQ beam lines. These two beams are accelerated in a Two-Beam RFQ and combined to one beam axis with a funneling deflector. The last parts of the RFQ electrodes have been replaced to achieve a 3d focus at the crossing point of the two beam axis. The newly designed multigap deflector is adapted to the optimized funneling section. First results and beam measurements with the new setup will be presented.
TUPAN019 | The Superconducting Linac Approach for IFMIF | linac, simulation, coupling, focusing | 1434 | |||||
The International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) which is under design will be a high flux source of fast neutrons for the development of new materials needed for future fusion reactors. IFMIF will deliver 250 mA of 40 MeV deuterons. The duty cycle is 100% and the beam power on the lithium target is 10 MW. The beam will be accelerated by two 175 MHz linacs in parallel operation. Beside the room temperature Alvarez solution an alternative design using superconducting CH-structures has been proposed. In this paper we present the superconducting approach for IFMIF with the emphasis on the beam dynamics simulations. The simulations have been performed using the LORASR code. A new space charge routing has been added to the code to increase the number of macro particles to more than 1 million. Additionally a new routine allows the simulation of randomly distributed RF and alignment errors. The optimized linac layout including error and loss studies will be presented.
TUPAN020 | A RFQ-Decelerator for HITRAP | ion, emittance, linac, vacuum | 1437 | |||||
The HITRAP linac at GSI will decelerate ions from 5 MeV/u to 6 keV/u for experiments with the large GSI Penning trap. The ions are decelerated at first in the existing experimental storage ring (ESR) down to an energy of 5 MeV/u and will be injected into a new Decelerator-Linac consisting of a IH-structure, which decelerates down to 500keV/u, and a 4-Rod RFQ , decelerating to 5 keV/u. The properties of the RFQ decelerator and the status of the project will be discussed.
TUPAN021 | RFQ and IH Accelerators for the new EBIS Injector at BNL | ion, linac, emittance, heavy-ion | 1439 | |||||
The new EBIS preinjector at BNL will accelerate ions from the EBIS source with specific mass to charge ratio of up to 6.25, from 17 keV/u to 2000 keV/u to inject into the Booster synchrotron, expanding experimental possibilities for RHIC and NASA experiments. The properties of the RFQ and IH accelerators and the status of the project will be discussed.
TUPAN111 | Status Report on the RAL Front End Test Stand | ion, linac, ion-source, emittance | 1634 | |||||
High power proton accelerators (HPPAs) with beam powers in the several megawatt range have many applications including drivers for spallation neutron sources, neutrino factories, waste transmuters and tritium production facilities. The UK's commitment to the development of the next generation of HPPAs is demonstrated by a test stand being constructed in collaboration between RAL, Imperial College London and the University of Warwick. The aim of the RAL Front End Test Stand is to demonstrate that chopped low energy beams of high quality can be produced and is intended to allow generic experiments exploring a variety of operational regimes. This paper describes the status of the RAL Front End Test Stand which consists of five main components: a 60 mA H- ion source, a low energy beam transport, a 324 MHz Radio Frequency Quadrupole accelerator, a high speed beam chopper and a comprehensive suite of diagnostics. The aim is to demonstrate production of a 60 mA, 2 ms, 50 pps, chopped H- beam at 3 MeV.
TUPAS002 | RFQ Cold Model RF Measurements and Waveguide-to-Coaxial line Transition Design for the Front-End Test Stand at RAL | simulation, klystron, quadrupole, factory | 1655 | |||||
A 324MHz four vane RFQ cold model has been built, as part of the development of a proton driver front end test stand at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the UK. This paper will present the results of RF measurements performed on the cold model, which include analysis of resonant modes, Q-value measurements and electric field profile measurements using a bead-pull perturbation method. These measurements were done before and after brazing of the four vanes and the results were compared to Microwave Studio simulations. Additionally a tuner has been designed, built and tested and the results will be presented together with the electromagnetic design of waveguide-to-coaxial line transition structures for the four vane RFQ.
TUPAS045 | Microwave Ion Source and Beam Injection for an Accelerator-driven Neutron Source | ion, ion-source, emittance, extraction | 1745 | |||||
Funding: Supported by Office of Science, of the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security under contract No. HSHQBP-05-X-00033. |
An over-dense microwave driven ion source capable of producing deuterium (or hydrogen) beams at 100-200 mA/cm2 with an atomic fraction > 90% was designed as a part of an Accelerator Driven Neutron Source (ADNS). The ion source was tested with an electrostatic low energy beam transport section (LEBT) and measured emittance data was compared to PBGUNS simulations. In our design a 40 mA D+ beam is produced from a 6 mm diameter aperture using a 60 kV extraction voltage. The LEBT section consists of 5 electrodes arranged to form 2 Einzel lenses that focus the beam into the RFQ entrance. To create the ECR condition, 2 induction coils are used to generate a ~875 Gauss magnetic field on axis inside the source chamber. To prevent HV breakdown in the LEBT, a magnetic field clamp is necessary to minimize the field in this region. The microwave power is matched to the plasma by an autotuner. A significant improvement in the atomic fracion of the beam was achieved by installing a boron nitride liner inside the ion source |
TUPAS053 | Beam Dynamics Studies for the Reacceleration of Low Energy RIBs at the NSCL | linac, emittance, simulation, target | 1769 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy |
Rare Isotope Beams (RIBs) are created at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) by the in-flight particle fragmentation method. A novel system is proposed to stop the RIBS in a helium filled gas system followed by reacceleration that will provide opportunities for an experimental program ranging from low-energy Coulomb excitation to transfer reaction studies of astrophysical reactions. The beam from the gas stopper will first be brought into a Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) charge breeder on a high voltage platform to increase its charge state and then accelerated initially up to about 3 MeV/u by a system consisting of an external multi-harmonic buncher and a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) followed a superconducting linac. The superconducting linac will use quarter-wave resonators with bopt of 0.047 and 0.085 for acceleration and superconducting solenoid magnets for transverse focusing. The paper will discuss the accelerator system design and present the end-to-end beam dynamics simulations. |
TUPAS054 | Design Studies of the Reaccelerator RFQ at NSCL | emittance, linac, focusing, quadrupole | 1772 | |||||
Rare Isotope Beams (RIBs) are created at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) by the in-flight particle fragmentation method. A novel system is proposed to stop the RIBS in a helium filled gas system followed by a reacceleration that will provide opportunities for an experimental program ranging from low-energy Coulomb excitation and to transfer reaction studies of astrophysical reactions. The beam from the gas stopper will first be brought into a Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) charge breeder on a high voltage platform to increase its charge state and then accelerated initially up to about 3 MeV/u by a system consisting of an external multi-harmonic buncher and a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) followed a superconducting linac. The planned RFQ will operate in the cw mode at a frequency of 80.5MHz to accelerate ion beams from ~12 keV/u to ≥ 300keV/u. An external multi-harmonic buncher will be used to produce a small longitudinal emittance beam out of the RFQ. In this paper, we will describe the design of the RFQ, present the beam dynamics simulation results, and also discuss the impact of the external buncher harmonics on the output beam properties.
TUPAS075 | The New LEBT for the Spallation Neutron Source Power Upgrade Project | quadrupole, dipole, ion, ion-source | 1823 | |||||
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U. S. Department of Energy. |
Beam envelope calculations show that a solenoid-drift-(singlet quad)-(sector dipole)-(singlet quad)-drift-solenoid LEBT allows for transporting 65-kV, high-current H- beams with smaller beam radii than the initially-explored (doublet quad)-drift-(double-focusing dipole)-drift-solenoid configuration. In addition, it appears that the new configuration is more robust because it allows for perfect matching of the final beam parameters for broad ranges of the parameters describing the lattice and the input beam. Such a LEBT with a dipole (switching-) magnet is required to assure meeting the 99% ion source availability requirement after upgrading the power of the Spallation Neutron Source. The SNS power upgrade will roughly double the neutron flux by increasing the proton beam energy from 1 to 1.3 GeV and by increasing the LINAC beam peak current from 38 to 59 mA. Because the RFQ losses increase with beam current and emittance, the RFQ input current needs to be increased from 41 to 67 mA if the normalized emittance can be maintained at 0.2 mm-mrad, or to 95 mA if the emittance increases to 0.35 mm-mrad. |
TUPAS081 | A 25-keV, 30-milliamp Hydrogen-ion Injector for a 200-MHz, 750-keV Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) | proton, plasma, ion, linac | 1838 | |||||
A four-bar, 200-MHz, 750-keV RFQ is being developed by Linac Systems. The RFQ design requires injection of a 25-keV, approximate 25-mA proton beam to produce a 20-mA 750-keV output beam bunched at 200 MHz. The injector is comprised of a microwave proton source and single einzel lens low-energy beam transport (LEBT) system. For an ideally matched injector beam, the RFQ design predicts > 90% beam transmission. Such a transmission has not yet been measured in the laboratory using a microwave proton source and a single einzel lens LEBT. PBGUNS* simulations are being performed to elucidate the injector performance. Model assumptions and various designs will be presented. Predicted injector phase-space distributions at the RFQ match point will be compared to the RFQ acceptance parameters. *Steve Bell, Thunderbird Simulations,
TUPAS083 | Design and Performance of the Matching Beamline between the BNL EBIS and an RFQ | ion, emittance, injection, quadrupole | 1844 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy and the U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. |
A part of a new EBIS-based heavy ion preinjector, the low energy beam transport (LEBT) section between the high current EBIS and the RFQ is a challenging design, because it must serve many functions. In addition to the requirement to provide an efficient matching between the EBIS and the RFQ, this line must serve as a fast switchyard, allowing singly charged ions from external sources to be transported into the EBIS trap region, and extracted, highly charged ions to be deflected to off-axis diagnostics (time-of-flight, or emittance). The space charge of the 5-10 mA extracted heavy ion beam is a major consideration in the design, and the space charge force varies for different ion beams having Q/m from 1-0.16. The line includes electrostatic lenses, spherical and parallel-plate deflectors, magnetic solenoid, and diagnostics for measuring current, charge state distributions, emittance, and profile. A prototype of this beamline has been built, and results of tests will be presented. |
TUPAS102 | End-to-End Simulation for the EBIS Preinjector | ion, booster, emittance, simulation | 1874 | |||||
Funding: This manuscript has been authored by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH1-886 with the U. S. Department of Energy. . |
The EBIS (Electron Beam Ion Source) Project at Brookhaven National Laboratory is in the second year of a four-year project. It will replace the Tandem Van de Graaff accelerators with an EBIS, an RFQ, and one IH Linac cavity as the heavy ion preinjector for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), and for the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). The preinjector will provide all ions species, He to U, (Q/m>0.16) at 2 MeV/amu at a repetition rate of 5 Hz, pulse length of 1040 μs, and intensities of ~2.0 mA. End-to-end simulations (from EBIS to the Booster injection) as well as error sensitivity studies will be presented and physics issues will be discussed. |
WEPMN057 | Development of the PEFP Low Level RF Control System | controls, feedback, proton, simulation | 2167 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the 21C frontier R&D program in the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Korean government. |
The RF amplitude and the phase stability requirements of the LLRF system for the PEFP(Proton Engineering Frontier Project) proton linac are within 1% and 1 degree, respectively. As a prototype of the LLRF, a simple digital PI control system based on commercial FPGA board is designed and tested. The main features are a sampling rate of 40 MHz which is four times higher than the down-converted cavity signal frequency, digital in-phase and quadrature detection, pulsed mode operation with the external trigger, and a simple proportional-integral feedback algorithm implemented in a FPGA. The developed system was tested with 3 MeV RFQ and 20 MeV DTL, and satisfied the stability requirements. |
WEPMN058 | Analog Components Configuration and Test results for PEFP LLRF system | controls, feedback, proton, pick-up | 2170 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the 21C Frontier R&D program in the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Korean government. |
The PEFP LLRF system for the 3MeV RFQ and 20MeV DTL has been developed. The stability of ±1% in the amplitude and ±1˚ in the phase is required. Therefore, the drift of the analog components should be low to satisfy the requirement. Analog chassis as a prototype of LLRF system is configured and tested. RF components including an IQ modulator, an RF switch, a mixer, phase comparators, RF splitters, RF filters and trip circuit for high VSWR are installed in this chassis. This performs the shift of RF amplitude and phase from IQ signal, down-conversion to 10MHz IF signal, interlock for arc and high VSWR, and RF/clock distribution. The amplitude and phase stability of each component are measured to check the effect on the whole system performance. The detailed configuration and test results are presented. |
WEPMN118 | Mechanical Design and Analysis of a 200 MHz, Bolt-together RFQ for the Accelerator Driven Neutron Source | vacuum, quadrupole, target, gun | 2313 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Dept. of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and by the Dept. of Homeland Security's Domestic Nuclear Detection Office under Award No. HSHQPB-05-X-00033. |
A high-yield neutron source to screen sea-land cargo containers for shielded Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) has been designed at LBNL. The Accelerator-Driven Neutron Source (ADNS) utilizes the D(d,n)3He reaction to produce a forward directed neutron beam. Key components are a high-current radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator and a high-power neutron production target capable of delivering a neutron flux of >107 n/(cm2 s) at a distance of 2.5 m. The mechanical design and analysis of the four-module, bolt-together RFQ will be presented here. Operating at 200 MHz, the 5.1 m long RFQ will accelerate a 40 mA deuteron beam to 6 MeV. At a 5% duty factor, the time-average d+ beam current on target is 1.5 mA. Each of the 1.27 m long RFQ modules will consist of four solid OFHC copper vanes. A specially designed 3-D O-ring will be used to provide vacuum sealing between both the vanes and the modules. RF connections are made by means of canted coil spring contacts. Quadrupole mode stabilization is obtained with a series of 60 water-cooled pi-mode rods. A set of 80 evenly spaced fixed slug tuners is used for final frequency adjustment and local field perturbation correction. |
WEPMS074 | Design and High Power Processing of RFQ Input Power Couplers | vacuum, coupling, linac, klystron | 2505 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by SNS through UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U. S. Department of Energy. |
A RF power coupling system has been developed for future upgrade of input coupling of the RFQ in the SNS linac. The design employs two coaxial loop couplers for 402.5 MHz operation. Each loop is fed through a coaxial ceramic window that is connected to an output of a magic-T waveguide hybrid through a coaxial to waveguide transition. The coaxial loop couplers are designed, manufactured, and high power processed. Two couplers will be used in parallel to power the accelerating structure with up to total 800 kW peak power at 8% duty cycle. RF and mechanical properties of the couplers are discussed. Result of high power RF conditioning that is performed in the RF test facility of the SNS is presented. |
THXKI02 | Room Temperature Structure Development for High-Current Applications | linac, proton, focusing, quadrupole | 2564 | |||||
A lot of new high current accelerators use both room temperature and superconducting structures. While it is clear that low beam current, low duty cycle accelerator should push for superconducting cavities, high current CW applications still prefers room temperature structure. This mainly depends on the accelerator constrains and objectives. This talk will present an overview of the worldwide activities and recent developments of room temperature structures for high-current applications.
THOAAB02 | Upgrade of the LENS Proton Linac: Commissioning and Results | target, proton, klystron, scattering | 2611 | |||||
Funding: The LENS project is supported by the NSF (grants DMR-0220560, DMR-0242300), the 21st Century Science and Technology fund of Indiana, Indiana University, and the Department of Defense |
A Low Energy Neutron Source at Indiana University provides cold neutrons for material research and neutron physics as well as neutrons in the MeV energy range for the neutron radiation effects studies. Neutrons are being produced by a 7 MeV proton beam incident on a Beryllium target. Presently, the Proton Delivery System has been routinely running at 7 MeV, 8 mA and with up to 0.5% duty factor. The RF system of the accelerator is currently being upgraded by replacing 350 kW 425 MHz 12 tube amplifiers with two Litton 5773 klystron RF tubes capable of running at 425 MHz and 1 MW. A new DTL section will be added to increase proton beam energy from 7 to 13 MeV. A 3 MeV RFQ and 13 MeV DTL will be powered by the klystrons. The expected output is 20 mA and 13 MeV of proton current at more than 1% duty factor. Other upgrades include construction of the 2nd beamline, which copies the 1st line, and a new target station for the production of cold neutrons. In this contribution we discuss the results of the commissioning of the new DTL accelerator, new RF system and 2nd beamline. The future plans will also be outlined. |
THYAB02 | Commissioning of the J-PARC Linac | linac, klystron, acceleration, proton | 2619 | |||||
The J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex?is a joint project between the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) to construct and operate the high-intensity proton accelerator facility. The J-PARC comprises a 400 MeV linac, a 3 GeV rapid-cycling synchrotron (RCS), a 50 GeV main ring synchrotron (MR) and experimental facilities. The energy of the linac is reduced to 181 MeV for the time being, and it will be increased to 400 MeV in the near future. The 3 MeV RFQ, which is a front end of the linac, has been beam commissioned since November 2006, and we will continue to work on the rest of the linac such as a 50 MeV DTL and a 181 MeV Separated-type DTL. The results and status of the J-PARC linac beam commissioning will be presented.
THPMN014 | Commissioning of the Linac for the Heidelberg Heavy Ion Cancer Therapy Centre (HIT) | linac, ion, synchrotron, diagnostics | 2734 | |||||
A clinical facility for cancer therapy using energetic proton and ion beams (C, He and O) is under construction and will be installed at the Radiologische Universitätsklinik in Heidelberg, Germany. It consists of two ECR ion sources, a 7 MeV/u linac injector, and a 6.5 Tm synchrotron to accelerate the ions to final energies of 50-430 MeV/u. The linac comprises a 400 keV/u RFQ and a 7 MeV/u IH-DTL operating at 216.8 MHz. The commissioning of the linac with beam was performed in three steps for the LEBT, the RFQ, and the IH-DTL. For this purpose a versatile beam diagnostic test bench has been used consisting of a slit-grid emittance measurement device, transverse pick-ups providing for time of flight energy measurements, SEM-profile grids, and different devices for beam current measurements. In this contribution the procedure and the results of the successful commissioning in the year 2006 of the linear accelerator are reported.
THPMN015 | Longitudinal Electrode Voltage Distribution on a 4-rod RFQ Simulation Model | simulation, quadrupole | 2737 | |||||
For a proper working RFQ with minimized particle losses, a constant longitudinal voltage distribution on the electrodes is needed. This assures a sufficient compensation of the beam space change. The local electrode voltage and its change is mainly given by the varying aperture of the quadrupole and in consequence the changing local capacity. The simulation of the RFQ model with modulated electrodes is a very complex thread. An example for such a model will be given here.
THPMN076 | PAMELA - A Model for an FFAG based Hadron Therapy Machine | proton, ion, hadron, acceleration | 2880 | |||||
Approximately one third of the world?s 15000 accelerators are used for tumour therapy and other medical applications. Most of these are room temperature cyclotrons: a few are synchrotrons. Neither of these have ideal characteristics for a dedicated medical accelerator. The characteristics of FFAGs make them ideally suited to such applications, as the much smaller magnet size, greater compactness and variable energy offers considerable cost and operational benefits especially in a hospital setting. In the first stage the work on PAMELA will focus on the optimization of the FFAG design to deliver the specific machine parameters demanded by therapy applications. In this phase of the PAMELA project the effort will concentrate on the design of a semi-scaling type FFAGs to deliver a 450 MeV/u carbon ion beam, including detailed lattice and tracking studies. The second stage will use the existing expertise in the BASROC consortium to undertake a design of the magnets and RF system for PAMELA. An outline of the overall concept of PAMELA will be discussed and the actual status of the work will be presented.
THPMS017 | Design of Muon Accelerators for an Advanced Muon Facility | acceleration, linac, proton, target | 3032 | |||||
Muon beams are produced at Muon Facilities all over the world. They are commonly used in condensed matter physics with mSR (Muon Spin Rotation / Relaxation / Resonance) spectroscopy. Up to today, the applications of mSR are limited by the large sizes of the muon beams (typically 10 cm2). We carried out design works of an Advanced Muon Facility at LANSCE that produces a 'muonμbeam'. The muonμbeam improves beam brightness by three orders of magnitude from that at conventional Muon Facilities and would revolutionize not only material research using mSR spectroscopy but also numerous applications in nano-technology, high-pressure science and bioscience. The designed facility mainly consists of a large acceptance muon channel 'LA Omega' followed by novel muon linear accelerators. This equipment is capable of producing the world?s most intense muon beam of ~109 muon/s at LANSCE. The intense muon beam of LA Omega will be cooled and accelerated with the muon linear accelerators to produce a 50-keV and a separate 10-MeV muonμbeam. The unique time structure of the muon beam produced by the LANSCE linear accelerator optimally matches the muon accelerator.
THPAN022 | Conceptual Studies of the EUROTRANS Front-End | linac, emittance, acceleration, beam-losses | 3274 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by European Commission (contract number: FI6W-CT-2004-516520) |
EUROTRANS (EUROpean Research Programme for the TRANSmutation of High Level Nuclear Waste in an Accelerator Driven System) is calling for an efficient high-current CW front-end accelerator system. A combination of RFQ, normal conducting CH- (Crossbar H-mode) and super-conducting CH-DTL which aims to work at 352MHz and accelerate a 30mA proton beam to 17MeV has been studied as a promising candidate. The preliminary conceptual study results are reported with respect to beam dynamics design. |
THPAS051 | The RIAPMTQ/IMPACT Beam-Dynamics Simulation Package | linac, simulation, heavy-ion, beam-losses | 3606 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, DOE contract number:W-7405-ENG-36 |
RIAPMTQ/IMPACT is a pair of linked beam-dynamics simulation codes that have been developed for end-to-end computer simulations of multiple-charge state heavy-ion linacs for future exotic-beam facilities. The simulations can extend from the low-energy beam transport after the ECR source to the end of the linac. The work has been performed by a collaboration including LANL, LBNL, ANL, MSU, and TechSource. The code RIAPMTQ simulates the linac front end including the LEBT, RFQ, and MEBT, and the code IMPACT simulates the main superconducting linac. The codes have been benchmarked for rms beam properties against previously existing codes at ANL and MSU. The codes allow high-statistics runs on parallel supercomputing platforms, such as NERSC at LBNL, as well as runs on desktop PC computers for low-statistics design work. We will show results from 10-million-particle simulations of RIA designs by ANL and MSU, carried out at the NERSC facility. These simulation codes will allow evaluations of candidate designs with respect to beam-dynamics performance including beam losses. |
FRYAB02 | High-Performance EBIS for RHIC | ion, electron, injection, heavy-ion | 3782 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy and the U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. |
An Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), capable of producing high charge states and high beam currents of any heavy ion species in short pulses, is ideally suited for injection into a synchrotron. An EBIS-based, high current, heavy ion preinjector is now being built at Brookhaven to provide increased capabilities for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), and the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). Benefits of the new preinjector include the ability to produce ions of any species, fast switching between species to serve the simultaneous needs of multiple programs, and lower operating and maintenance costs. A state-of-the-art EBIS, operating with an electron beam current of up to 10 A, and producing multi-milliamperes of high charge state heavy ions, has been developed at Brookhaven, and has been operating very successfully on a test bench for several years. The present performance of this high-current EBIS will be presented, along with details of the design of the scaled-up EBIS for RHIC, and the status of its construction. Other aspects of the project, including design and construction of the heavy ion RFQ, Linac, and matching beamlines, will also be mentioned. |
FROBC03 | Efficient Accelerating Structures for Low-Energy Light Ions | focusing, quadrupole, impedance, linac | 3824 | |||||
The radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator is the best structure immediately after an ion source for accelerating light-ion beams with considerable currents. On the other hand, the higher-energy part of the RFQ is known to be not a very efficient accelerator. We consider alternative room-temperature RF accelerating structures for the beam velocities in the range of a few percent of the speed of light - including H-mode cavities and drift-tube linacs - and compare them with respect to their efficiency, compactness, ease of fabrication, and overall cost. Options for the beam transverse focusing in such structures are discussed. Possible applications include a compact deuteron-beam accelerator up to the energy of a few MeV for homeland defense.
FRPMN056 | Beam Current and Energy Measurement of the PEFP 20 MeV Accelerator | proton, linac, controls, diagnostics | 4129 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the 21C Frontier R&D program in the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Korean government. |
The beam test of the Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP) 20 MeV proton linear accelerator started again, after the upgrade of the RF control system, One of the important goals of the test is to increase the beam current to the design level. Tuned current transformers were installed along the DTL tanks to measure the beam current itself and possible beam loss along the accelerator. Because there were no empty drift tubes, the current transformers should be installed between DTL tanks. Therefore, the tuning plans were developed to obtain the desired beam properties with the limited number of beam diagnostic devices. Also two BPMs for the time of flight measurement and energy degrader were installed at the end of the 20 MeV accelerator to measure the beam energy. In this paper, the overall test results including beam current and energy measurement are presented. |