Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
MOPAN086 | Final Geometry of 1232 LHC Dipoles | dipole, controls, target, octupole | 359 | |||||
The 15 m long main dipoles for the Large Hadron Collider are now being installed in their final positions in the accelerator tunnel. Geometric measurements of the magnets after many of the production steps from industry to the cryostating, after cold tests and after preparation of the magnets for installation, have been made, permitting careful control of the shape of the magnet, the positioning of the field correctors, and the final positioning in the tunnel. The result of the geometry control at the different production stages, from industry to CERN, using different kinds of control procedures and analysis, will be reported.
MOPAN091 | Design of Mechanical Structure and Cryostat for IASW Superconducting Wiggler at NSRRC | vacuum, wiggler, cryogenics, shielding | 374 | |||||
An in-achromatic superconducting wiggler (IASW) was successfully constructed and installed at the Taiwan Light Source (TLS) in January 2006. The cryostat with a 30 L liquid nitrogen aluminum reservoir shielding surrounds the helium vessel, which comprises the cold mass and 100 L liquid helium. The helium vessel is suspended by eight suspension links, which are thermally intercepted at 80 K and can be adjusted by applying tension, such that the center of the cold mass does not move during cooled to 4.2 K. A three-layered stainless tube was designed to prevent the transfer port from freezing and the steam- electricity separation system is designed to supply electricity and return the helium gas to prevent freezing of the power feedthrough.
MOPAS029 | Progress on the Design and Fabrication of the MICE Spectrometer Solenoids | vacuum, emittance, radiation, power-supply | 497 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. |
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) will demonstrate ionization cooling in a short section of a realistic cooling channel using a muon beam at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the UK. A five-coil, superconducting spectrometer solenoid magnet at each end of the cooling channel will provide a 4 T uniform field region for the scintillating fiber tracker within the magnet bore tubes. The tracker modules are used to measure the muon beam emittance as it enters and exits the cooling channel. The cold mass for the 400 mm warm bore magnet consists of two sections: a three-coil spectrometer magnet and a two-coil matching section that matches the uniform field of the solenoid into the MICE cooling channel. The detailed design and analysis of the two spectrometer solenoids has been completed, and the fabrication of the magnets is in its final stages. The primary features of the spectrometer solenoid magnetic and mechanical designs are presented along with a summary of key fabrication issues and photos of the fabrication process. |
MOPAS030 | Progress on the Design of the Coupling Coils for Mice and Mucool | coupling, vacuum, magnet-design, power-supply | 500 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. |
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) will demonstrate ionization cooling in a short section of a realistic cooling channel using a muon beam at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the UK. The MICE RF and Coupling Coil Module comprises a superconducting solenoid mounted around four normal conducting 201.25-MHz RF cavities. Each cavity has a pair of thin curved beryllium windows to close the conventional open beam irises. The coil package that surrounds the RF cavities is to be mounted on the outside of a 1.4 m diameter vacuum vessel. The coupling coil confines the beam in the cavity module and, in particular, within the radius of the cavity beam windows. The two MICE coupling solenoids will be operated in series using a 300 A, 10 V power supply. The maximum longitudinal force that will be carried by the cold mass support system is 0.5 MN during the expected operating and failure modes of the experiment. The detailed design and analysis of the two coupling coils has been completed, and the fabrication of the magnets is under way. The primary magnetic and mechanical design features of the coils are presented along with a summary of key fabrication issues. |
WEPMN060 | Fabrication of ICHIRO Nine-cell Cavities in PAL for STF of KEK | electron, focusing, cryogenics, linac | 2173 | |||||
Funding: Korea Ministry of Science & Technology |
Pohang Accelerator Laboratory has studied SRF cavity and set up SRF test laboratory from January 2006. The first activity for SRF research was to develop SRF 3rd harmonic cavity for Pohang Light Source, which was designed, fabricated and tested in 2006. The cryostat are under design. The fabrication of ICHIRO cavity, which is ILC ACD cavity, is PAL's second activity related to SRF. Deep drawing, trimming and welding by electron beam for a 9-cell ICHIRO cavity were done in PAL. The polishing processes for the RF surface including electropolishing were done in KEK under the collaboration between two institutes. This will be tested with real beam in STF-1 of KEK in second half period of 2007. This paper reports the results of fabrication of ICHIRO single- and nine-cell cavities performed in PAL. |
WEPMS003 | Design of Half-Reentrant SRF Cavities for Heavy Ion Linacs | linac, cryogenics, ion, heavy-ion | 2328 | |||||
Funding: DOE #DE-FG02-06ER41411 |
The Spallation Neutron Source (Oak Ridge), the proposed 8 GeV Proton Driver (Fermilab), and the proposed Rare Isotope Accelerator use multicell elliptical SRF cavities to provide much of the accelerating voltage. This makes the elliptical cavity segment the most expensive part of the linac. A new type of accelerating structure called a half-reentrant elliptical cavity can potentially improve upon existing elliptical designs by reducing the cryogenic load by as much as 30% for the same accelerating voltage. Alternatively, with the same peak surface magnetic field as traditional elliptical cavities, it is anticipated that half-reentrant designs could operate at up to 25% higher accelerating gradient. With a half-reentrant shape, liquids can drain easily during chemical etching and high pressure rinsing, which allows standard multicell processing techniques to be used. A half-reentrant cavity for β = v/c = 1, suitable for the proposed ILC, has been designed and fabricated, with RF tests in progress*. In this paper, we present electromagnetic designs for three half-reentrant cell shapes suitable for an ion or proton linac (β = 0.47, 0.61 and 0.81, f = 805 or 1300 MHz).
* M. Meidlinger et al., in Proc. XXIII Int. Linac Conf., Knoxville, TN, Aug 2006 |
WEPMS005 | Temperature Mapping Results on the High-Field Q-Slope of 1500 MHz Single Cell Superconducting Radiofrequency Cavities Baked In-situ at 400 C. | vacuum, radio-frequency | 2334 | |||||
Funding: NSF |
The heat treatment of a niobium cavity between 100 C - 120 C for 48 hours substantially improves cavity performance, presumably by healing the nature of the oxide-metal interface, although the nature of the healing is not yet understood. The heat treatment at higher temperatures is found to deteriorate the performance. Our tests on 1500 MHz single cell cavities are always equipped with a temperature mapping system consisting of 700 thermometers. The effect of heat treatment at various temperatures has been studied in detail using the temperature mapping system. In this contribution we report on several interesting findings from studies of a 400 C heat treatment. |
WEPMS011 | Comparative Surface Studies on Fine-grain and Single Crystal Niobium Using XPS, AES, EBSD and Profilometry | electron, survey, synchrotron-radiation | 2349 | |||||
Funding: Supported by NSF |
As the surface magnetic field in niobium cavities approaches the theoretical critical field, rf losses begin to grow sensitive to increasingly subtle features of the material and the surface. A striking example is the familiar occurrence of the high-field Q-slope, where rf losses increase exponentially with field above an onset field. A surprising feature of the high-field Q slope is its positive response to mild baking at 120 C. But the Q-slope returns after the first 20 nm of the niobium metal surface is converted to loss-less pentoxide via anodization, a key feature. The latter result suggests that the cause of the fast growing losses resides in the first 20 nm of the rf surface. Although there are several propositions, the exact mechanism for the high-field Q-slope is not yet fully understood and demands further research. We are conducting surface analytic studies with XPS, SIMS, and Auger to shed light on the mechanism of the high-field Q-slope. We are comparing the behavior of fine-grain samples with single crystal samples, BCP treatments with EP treatments and properties before and after 120 C bake. We also study the effect of baking at temperatures up to 400 C. |
WEPMS012 | Low Loss and High Gradient SC Cavities with Different Wall Slope Angles | coupling, impedance | 2352 | |||||
Funding: NSF |
The introduction of reentrant shape for superconducting cavities has made it possible to achieve record high gradients. In this paper it is shown that lowest losses in the cavities are also achievable employing the reentrant shape. Influence of the cavity wall slope angle on the extreme gradient and losses is analyzed. |
WEPMS013 | High Power Tests of First Input Couplers for Cornell ERL Injector Cavities | vacuum, coupling, linac, impedance | 2355 | |||||
Funding: Work is supported by the National Science Foundation grant PHY 0131508 |
First RF power couplers for the ERL injector, currently under construction at Cornell University, have been fabricated. The couplers were assembled in pairs in the liquid nitrogen cryostat, built for their tests. A 15 kW CW IOT transmitter was available for coupler tests. A resonant ring was used for additional increase of the power. The couplers were successfully tested up to the goal power level of 50 kW CW. However, the first pair of couplers showed excessive temperature rise in some points. Therefore, minor changes in the design have been done to improve cooling. |
WEPMS018 | Superconducting Materials Testing with a High-Q Copper RF Cavity | klystron, cryogenics, monitoring, feedback | 2370 | |||||
Magnesium diboride (MgB2) has a transition temperature (Tc) of ~40 K, i.e., about 4 times higher than niobium (Nb) that has been used for recent accelerators. The studies in the last 3 years have shown that it could have about one order of magnitude less RF surface resistance (Rs) than Nb and much less power dependence compared to high-Tc materials such as YBCO up to ~400 Oe. The tests to check the RF critical magnetic field, an important parameter to determine the feasibility for accelerator application, are underway. We are planning to test different thickness films and with different coating methods. This paper describes the results obtained so far. One of the objectives is to verify Gurevich's theory of getting higher critical field than Nb by adding a very thin layer (less than penetration depth) to Nb. In addition, some CW tests on power dependence up to higher magnetic fields are planned and some results will be shown if available at the time of conference.
WEPMS031 | Development of a Temperature Mapping System for 1.3-GHz 9-Cell SRF Cavities | diagnostics, radio-frequency, linear-collider, collider | 2406 | |||||
The mapping of outer wall temperature during the vertical test of a superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavity has been one of the most useful tools to detect bad spots of the cavity. However, few systems except a rotating-arm type one have been developed so far for 9-cell cavities. Since it will be an essential tool to identify the failure of the cavities, we started to develop a fix-type temperature mapping system that will enable us to map the temperature of 9-cell cavities in a much shorter time than rotating-arm type. This paper describes the design, status of the development and hopefully some results of the mapping of actual cavities.
WEPMS032 | Pre-conceptual Design of Automated Systems for SRF Cavity Assembly and Optical Inspection | linear-collider, radio-frequency, feedback, vacuum | 2409 | |||||
The International Linear Collider (ILC) will require ~20,000 Superconducting Radio- Frequency (SRF) cavities. Improving the yield of high-gradient (>35 MV/m) cavities is currently one of the most critical issues for the ILC. The LANL has been tasked to analyze the failure and feedback the results to the industry and academia. We have started an effort to develop a pre-conceptual design of an automated system to optically inspect the inner surface that showed heating with a thermometry system. We have also started a pre-conceptual design of an automated system for assembling and sealing the flanges after high-pressure rinsing in the clean room. This could reduce the chance of particle contamination due to touch labor, leading to a field emission free cavities and higher yield of high-gradient cavities.
WEPMS042 | Optimization of the Low-Loss SRF Cavity for the ILC | damping, coupling, dipole, simulation | 2439 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. |
The Low-Loss shape cavity design has been proposed as a possible alternative to the baseline TESLA cavity design for the ILC. The advantages of this design over the TESLA cavity are its lower cryogenic loss, and higher achievable gradient due to lower surface fields. High gradient prototypes for such designs have been tested at KEK (ICHIRO) and JLab (LL). However, issues related to HOM damping and multipacting (MP) still need to be addressed. Preliminary numerical studies of the prototype cavities have shown unacceptable damping for some higher-order dipole modes if the typical TESLA HOM couplers are directly adapted to the design. The resulting wakefield will dilute the beam emittance thus reduces the machine luminosity. Furthermore, high gradient tests on a 9-cell prototype at KEK have experienced MP barriers although a single LL cell had achieved a high gradient. From simulations, MP activities are found to occur in the end-groups of the cavity. In this paper, we will present the optimization results of the end-groups for the Low-Loss shape for effective HOM damping and alleviation of multipacting. Comparisons of simulation results with measurements will also be presented. |
WEPMS055 | SQUID-based Nondestructive Testing Instrument of Dished Niobium Sheets for SRF Cavities | pick-up, superconducting-RF, controls, micro-particles | 2469 | |||||
Funding: Acknowledgment: This work is supported by DOE grant DE-FG02-05ER84241 |
Currently available technology can only inspect flat sheets and allow the elimination of defective flat sheets before the expensive forming and machining of the SRF cavity half-cells, but it does not eliminate the problem of remaining or uncovered surface impurities after partial chemical etching of the half-cells, nor does it detect any defects that may have been added during the fabrication of the half-cells. AMAC has developed a SQUID scanning system based on eddy current technique that allows the scanning of curved Nb samples that are welded to make superconducting RF cavity half-cells. AMAC SQUID scanning system successfully located the defects (Ta macro particles about 100 mm diameter) in a flat Nb sample (top side) and was able to also locate the defects in a cylindrical surface sample (top side). It is more significant that the system successfully located the defects on the backside of the flat sample and curved sample or 3-mm from the top surface. The 3-D SQUID-based Nondestructive instrument will be further optimized and improved in making SRF cavities and allow inspection and detection during cavity manufacturing for achieving highest accelarating fields. |
WEPMS062 | Development of a Superconducting Connection for Niobium Cavities | feedback, vacuum, electron, coupling | 2484 | |||||
Funding: This manuscript has been authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. |
Several, partially successful attempts have been made to develop a superconducting connection between adjacent niobium cavities with the capability to carry up to 30 mT of the magnetic flux. Such a connection would be particularly of great benefit to layouts of long accelerators like ILC because it would shorten the distances between structures and therefore the total length of an accelerator with the associated cost reductions. In addition the superconducting connection would be ideal for a super-structure, two multi-cell cavities connected through a half wavelength long beam pipe providing the coupling. Two welded prototypes of super-structure have been successfully tested with the beam at DESY. The chemical treatment and water rinsing was rather complicated for these prototypes. We have engaged in a program to develop such a connection based on the Nb55Ti material. Several options are pursued such as e.g.a two-cell cavity is being used to explore the reachable magnetic flux for the TESLA like connection with a squeezed niobium gasket between the flanges. In this contribution we will report about the progress of our investigations. |
WEPMS071 | EVIDENCE FOR FOWLER-NORDHEIM BEHAVIOR IN RF BREAKDOWN | electron, vacuum, electromagnetic-fields, ion | 2499 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE STTR grant DE-FG02-05ER86252 |
Microscopic images of the surfaces of metallic electrodes used in high-pressure gas-filled 800 MHz RF cavity experiments are used to investigate the mechanism of RF breakdown. The images show evidence for melting and boiling in small regions of ~10 micron diameter on tungsten, molybdenum, and beryllium electrode surfaces. In these experiments, the dense hydrogen gas in the cavity prevents electrons or ions from being accelerated to high enough energy to participate in the breakdown process so that the only important variables are the fields and the metallic surfaces. The distributions of breakdown remnants on the electrode surfaces are compared to the maximum surface gradient E predicted by an ANSYS model of the cavity. The surface local density of spark remnants, presumably the probability of breakdown, shows a power law dependence on the maximum gradient, with E10 for tungsten and molybdenum and E7 for beryllium. This is reminiscent of Fowler-Nordheim behavior of electron emission from a cold cathode, which is explained by the quantum-mechanical penetration of a barrier that is characterized by the work function of the metal. |
THXKI01 | R&D in RF Superconductivity to Support the International Linear Collider | linear-collider, collider, acceleration, insertion | 2559 | |||||
ILC-related R&D in SRF spans a broad range of topics, ranging from the search for high gradients through improved processes and cavity geometries, through the use of new materials (large-grain and single-crystal niobium metal) and development of superconducting joints to enable superstructure concepts and minimum length vacuum joints. This talk will review the status of the global ILC SRF R&D program and discuss plans for the future.