Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
MOZAKI03 | PEP-II at 1.2·1034/cm2/s Luminosity | luminosity, kicker, emittance, vacuum | 37 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US DOE contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. |
For the PEP-II Operation Staff: PEP-II is an asymmetric e+e- collider operating at the Upsilon 4S and has recently set several performance records. The luminosity has reached 1.2x1034/cm2/s and has delivered an integrated luminosity of 910/pb in one day. PEP-II operates in continuous injection mode for both beams boosting the integrated luminosity. The peak positron current has reached 3.0 A of positrons and 1.9 A of electrons in 1732 bunches. The total integrated luminosity since turn on in 1999 has reached over 410/fb. This paper reviews the present performance issues of PEP-II and also the planned increase of luminosity in the near future to over 2 x 1034/cm2/s. |
MOZAAB02 | MAX-IV Design: Pushing the Envelope | dipole, emittance, linac, injection | 74 | |||||
The proposed MAX IV facility is meant as a successor to the existing MAX-lab. The acceleraor part will consist of three storage rings, two new ones operated at 3 and 1.5 GeV respectively and the existing MAX III ring. The two new rings have identical lattices and are placed on top of each other. Both these rings have a very small emittances, 0.86 and 0.4 nm rad respectively, and offer sychrotron radiation of very high mean brilliance. As an injector, a 3 GeV linear accelerator is planned. The design philosophy and the special technical solutions called for are presented in this paper.
MOOAAB01 | Philosophy for NSLS II Design with Sub-nanometer Horizontal Emittance | emittance, dipole, storage-ring, wiggler | 77 | |||||
In this paper we present design philosophy for reliable light sources with sub-nm horizontal emittance used for conceptual design of NSLS II. We discuss the fundamentals of the concept, such as using reliable achromatic low-emittance lattice with large bending radius and damping wigglers with modest peak field. We also discuss a natural scale of the emittance set by intra-beam scattering and its influence of the choice of the bending radius for the ring. In addition, we review a very weak dependence of the beam lifetime on the emittance, and present a clear physics explanation of the phenomena. Finally, we list main parameters of the 3 GeV NSLS II X-ray ring.
MOOAAB04 | Quadruple-bend Achromatic Low Emittance Lattice Studies | emittance, dipole, storage-ring, electron | 86 | |||||
A quadruple-bend-achromatic (QBA) cell, defined as a super cell made of two double-bend (DB) cells with different outer and inner dipole bend angles, is found to provide a factor of two in lowering the beam emittance of electron synchrotron light sources. The ratio of bending angles of the inner dipoles to that of the outer dipoles is numerically found to be about 1.51.6 for an optimal low beam emittance in the isomagnetic condition. The QBA lattice provides an advantage over the double-bend achromat or the double-bend non-achromat in performance by providing some zero dispersion straight-sections and a small natural beam emittance. A lattice with 12 QBA cells with a preliminary dynamic aperture study serves as an example. The effects of the different types of insertion devices (ID) on the emittance in dispersive long straight and non-dispersive long straight are also simulated and reported.
MOPAN044 | Development of Commissioning Software System for J-PARC LINAC | linac, controls, quadrupole, alignment | 257 | |||||
Beam commissioning of J-PARC LINAC has been performed since November 2006. A commissioning software framework and a database system have been developed for the commissioning. We first discuss the LINAC control system, and then our commissioning software framework. Then, we discuss our strategy of comparing online/offline data and models in our system with monitors, magnets, and the RF system. Commissioning tools developed during the commissioning will be presented in detail.
MOPAN079 | Assembly and Quality Control of the LHC Cryostats at CERN. Motivations, Means, Results and Lessons Learned | controls, dipole, quadrupole, superconducting-magnet | 338 | |||||
In 2001 the project management decided to perform at CERN the final assembly of the LHC superconducting magnets,with cryostat parts and cold masses produced by European Industry in large series. This industrial-like production has required a very significant investment in tooling,production facilities,engineering and quality control efforts, in contractual partnership with a consortium of firms. This unusual endeavour of a limited lifetime represented more than 800'000 working hours spanning over four years,the work being done on a result oriented basis by the contractor. This paper presents the reasons for having insourced this project at CERN,describes the work breakdown structure,the production means and methods,the infrastructure specially developed,the tooling,logistics and quality control aspects of the work performed,and the results achieved, in analytical form. Finally the lessons learned are outlined.
MOPAN104 | Current Monitor for the ISIS Synchrotron RF Cavity Bias Regulator | controls, monitoring, synchrotron, acceleration | 407 | |||||
The ISIS facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK is currently the world's most intense pulsed neutron source. The accelerator consists of a 70 MeV H- Linac and an 800 MeV, 50 Hz, proton Synchrotron. The synchrotron beam is accelerated using six, ferrite loaded, RF cavities each having its own high voltage r.f. drive amplifier and bias system. Each of these cavities is driven as a high Q tuned r.f. circuit; the resonant frequency being controlled by passing a current through a bias winding. This current comes from the Bias Regulator system which consists in part of eight banks of 40 transistors. This paper describes the design of a system which will use digital techniques to monitor and display the current of each of the 320 transistors in the Bias Regulator system.
MOPAN107 | Quadrupole Magnets for the 20 MeV FFAG, 'EMMA' | quadrupole, vacuum, injection, extraction | 413 | |||||
EMMA is a 20 MeV non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient accelerator (nsFFAG) proof-of-principle prototype, to be built at the Daresbury Laboratory as an accelerator physics experiment to explore the behaviour of such machines. Non-scaling FFAGs have potential applications in charged particle cancer therapy and also for particle physics; however, to date, no such accelerator has been constructed. The magnet designs present major challenges - the lattice is made up of 84 quadrupoles, with different horizontal offsets from the magnet centres in the focusing and defocusing quads. These offsets alone provide the necessary bending fields in the ring. The magnets are also very thin (55mm and 65mm yoke lengths) and end field effects therefore dominate. Careful design, followed by prototype construction and measurement, is essential. The magnets have been designed in 3D from the outset, using the CST EM Studio software. The paper will present the results of the design, showing how the magnets have been optimised to improve the integrated good gradient region, and will report on the progress of the prototyping work.
MOPAN117 | Magnet System for Helical Muon Cooling Channels | emittance, dipole, quadrupole, simulation | 443 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by STTR Grant DE-FG02-04ER86191. |
A helical cooling channel consisting of a pressurized gas absorber imbedded in a magnetic channel that provides superimposed solenoidal, helical dipole and helical quadrupole fields has shown considerable promise in providing six-dimensional cooling of muon beams. The analysis of this muon cooling technique with both analytic and simulation studies has shown significant reduction of muon phase space. A particular channel that has been simulated is divided into four segments each with progressively stronger fields and smaller apertures to reduce the equilibrium emittance so that more cooling can occur. The fields in the helical channel are sufficiently large that the conductor for segments 1 and 2 can be Nb3Sn and the conductor for segments 3 and 4 may need to be high temperature superconductor. This paper will describe the magnetic specifications for the channel and two conceptual designs on how to implement the magnetic channel. |
TUODKI02 | Optics Considerations for the PS2 | extraction, injection, proton, quadrupole | 739 | |||||
CERN envisages replacing the existing Proton Synchrotron (PS) with a larger synchrotron (PS2) capable of injecting at higher energy into the SPS. Since it should increase the performance not only of the LHC but also CNGS and other users of beams from CERN's hadron injector complex, the new accelerator must retain much of the flexibility of the present complex. A number of candidate optics, with and without transition crossing, have been evaluated systematically and compared.
TUXAB03 | Self-consistent 3D Modeling of Electron Cloud Dynamics and Beam Response | electron, simulation, proton, cyclotron | 764 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. DOE under Contracts DE-AC02-05CH11231 and W-7405-Eng-48, and by the US-LHC Accelerator Research Project (LARP). |
We present recent advances in the modeling of beam-electron-cloud dynamics, including surface effects such as secondary electron emission, gas desorption, etc, and volumetric effects such as ionization of residual gas and charge-exchange reactions. Simulations for the HCX facility with the code WARP/POSINST will be described and their validity demonstrated by benchmarks against measurements. The code models a wide range of physical processes and uses a number of novel techniques, including a large-timestep electron mover that smoothly interpolates between direct orbit calculation and guiding-center drift equations, and a new computational technique, based on a Lorentz transformation to a moving frame, that allows the cost of a fully 3D simulation to be reduced to that of a quasi-static approximation. |
TUOCAB01 | A New Code for Orbit Response Matrix Analysis | quadrupole, booster, closed-orbit, simulation | 804 | |||||
Funding: NSF PHY-0552389, DOE DE-FG02-92ER40747 |
The Orbit Response Matrix (ORM) has been successfully used extensively in accelerator modeling. However, in many cases, the existing codes can not find a correct model. We develop a new code that solve the convergence and coupling problems. We test our code by carrying out systematic study of accelerator models. Effects measurement errors and the completeness of information will be addressed in this study. Possible inclusion of phase information will be discussed. |
TUZBAB01 | Experiments on Transverse Bunch Compression on the Princeton Paul Trap Simulator Experiment | plasma, ion, emittance, focusing | 810 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
The Paul Trap Simulator Experiment is a compact laboratory Paul trap that simulates a long, thin charged-particle bunch coasting through a kilometers-long magnetic alternating-gradient (AG) transport system by putting the physicist in the beam's frame-of-reference. The transverse dynamics of particles in both systems are described by the same sets of equations, including all nonlinear space-charge effects. The time-dependent quadrupolar electric fields created by the confinement electrodes of a linear Paul trap correspond to the axially-dependent magnetic fields applied in the AG system. Results are presented from experiments in which the lattice period and strength are changed over the course of the experiment to transversely compress a beam with an initial depressed-tune of 0.9. Instantaneous and smooth changes are considered. Emphasis is placed on determining the conditions that minimize the emittance growth and the number of halo particles produced after the beam compression. The results of PIC simulations performed with the WARP code agree well with the experimental data. Initial results from a newly installed laser-induced fluorescence diagnostic will also be discussed. |
TUPMN055 | First Principle Measurements of Thermal Emittance for Copper and Magnesium | emittance, laser, electron, cathode | 1049 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Chinese National Foundation of Natural Sciences under Contract no. 10645002. |
There are growing interests in generation, preservation and applications of high brightness electron beam. With the rapid development in the techniques for emittance compensation and laser shaping, we are approaching the limit-the uncorrelated thermal emittance. In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal emittance for Cu and Mg. The measurement is conducted in a field-free region. The energy spectrum and angular distribution of the electrons are measured immediately after its emission and further used to reconstruct the initial phase space and the corresponding thermal emittance. We also show how cathode surface roughness* and laser incidence angle as well as its polarization state** affect the quantum efficiency and thermal emittance.
*X. Z. He, High energy physics and nuclear physics,28(2004)1007.**Dao Xiang,et al, NIM A,562(2006)48. |
TUPMN060 | A Low Emittance Lattice Design for HLS Storage Ring | emittance, radiation, dynamic-aperture, storage-ring | 1064 | |||||
Lower beam emittance is the most effective measure to higher brilliance of light source. To enhance performance of HLS ring, a new low emittance lattice was studied and introduced in this paper. The scale of new lattice is designed according to the current ground settlement of HLS ring, but the focusing structure and mangets were changed. The new designed lattice has two operation mode, low emittance mode and low momentum compaction mode. In this paper, the linear lattice function and dynamic aperutre of the new designed lattice was briefly introduced. Caculation results showed that, after upgrade, the brilliance of HLS storage ring can approach the level of third order light source.
TUPMN068 | Modelling of Gradient Bending Magnets for the Beam Dynamics Studies at ALBA | focusing, dipole, simulation, optics | 1076 | |||||
The performance of the ALBA light source will be strongly determined by the quality of the bending magnet. In the ALBA case, most of the vertical focusing takes place in the combined function bending magnet, and the contribution of the edge focusing is required to obtain a stable working point. Experience from other modern light sources using combined function magnets (CLS, ASP, Spear-III) shows that the usual hard model is not sufficient for an accurate modelling of the machine. In this paper, we review the methods to model the effect of the bending magnet, including fringe fields, and how to obtain a good model from the 3D magnetic model.
TUPMN072 | Current Status of Lattice Design and Accelerator Physics Issues of the 3 GeV Taiwan Synchrotron Light Source | emittance, dynamic-aperture, dipole, synchrotron | 1085 | |||||
In the past years, we have been conducting a design work for a synchrotron light facility with low emittance storage ring in the intermediate energy range in NSRRC. A number of design options with different lattice structure types, circumferences, etc., are compared. We present one design case with 24-cell DBA structure and 486 m circumference. The associated accelerator physics issues are discussed.
TUPMN075 | BEAM LIFETIME ESTIMATION FOR TAIWAN 3GEV SYNCHROTRON LIGHT SOURCE | scattering, emittance, synchrotron, electron | 1094 | |||||
The demanding design features of Taiwan Photon Source (TPS), low emittance and small gap undulator vacuum vessels, cause Touschek scattering and gas scattering to play a major limitation role for beam lifetime. We calculate the Touschek lifetime based on the tracking procedure determining energy acceptance. The nonlinear synchrotron oscillation due to large second-order momentum compaction factor is included in the energy acceptance calculations. Small vertical ID gaps are imposed in the tracking procedure. Besides, the gas scattering lifetime is estimated with varying gas pressure. The possible improvement solutions for lifetime will be addressed.
TUPMN087 | Electron Beam Dynamics Studies During Commissioning of the Diamond Storage Ring | storage-ring, coupling, quadrupole, optics | 1115 | |||||
The Diamond Light Source is the new medium energy 3rd generation light source located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in the UK. The storage ring was successfully commissioned at full energy during the period Sept. to Dec. 2006, and is now delivering synchrotron light to users. During the commissioning period, operation of the storage ring at the design specifications was established in terms of closed orbit distortion, linear optics, coupling correction and emittance. In this report we provide details of these studies as well as more recent investigations of non-linear beam dynamics.
TUPMN090 | Evaluation of the Possibility of Using Damping Wigglers in the Advanced Photon Source | wiggler, emittance, damping, storage-ring | 1124 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
The Advanced Photon Source (APS) is a 7-GeV storage ring light source that has been in operation for over a decade. Over time, the performance of the APS has been increased by reduction of the emittance from 8 nm to 3.1 nm and by the use of top-up mode. We continue to explore options for improving the performance further. This paper discusses the possible improvements in emittance that could result from the use of damping wigglers. We also discuss rf and space requirements. |
TUPMN096 | New Lattice Design for APS Storage Ring with Potential Tri-fold Increase of the Number of Insertion Devices | emittance, injection, dynamic-aperture, dipole | 1139 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 |
APS has recently held a round of discussions on upgrade options for the APS storage ring. Several options were discussed that included both storage ring and energy-recovery linac options. Here we present a storage ring lattice that fits into the APS tunnel and has a number of significant improvements over the existing storage ring. The present APS lattice has 40-fold symmetry with each sector having one 5-m-long straight section for insertion device (ID) placement. Each sector also provides one beamline for radiation from the bending magnet. The upgrade lattice preserves locations of the existing insertion devices but provides for increased ID straight section length to accommodate 8-m-long insertion devices. This lattice also decreases emittance by a factor of two down to 1.6 nm rad. And last but not least, it provides two additional 2.1-m-long ID straight sections per sector with one of these straight sections being parallel to the existing bending magnet beamline. We also present dynamic aperture optimization, lifetime calculations, and other nonlinear-dynamics-related simulations. |
TUPMN107 | A Proposed Multipole Wiggler for CAMD | wiggler, storage-ring, injection, radiation | 1161 | |||||
It is proposed to replace the 7 Tesla wavelength shifter, which has been operating in CAMD since 1998, with a superconducting Multi Pole Wiggler (MPW). This will have 11 main poles with peak fields of 7.5 Tesla and will be accommodated in a cryo-cooled cryostat whose overall length will be 2.5 m. It will be necessary to modify the storage ring lattice parameters in order to inject into the reduced 20 mm vertical aperture of this MPW. The results are presented of tests which have been made of several different lattice configurations which have low vertical beta at the proposed location of the MPW.
TUPMN111 | A Low Emittance Lattice for the Advanced Light Source | sextupole, emittance, dynamic-aperture, quadrupole | 1170 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098 |
The possibility exists of achieving significantly lower emittances in an electron storage ring by increasing its horizontal betatron tune. However, existing magnet locations and strengths in a given ring may be inadequate to implement such an operational mode. For example, the ALS storage ring could lower its emittance to one third of the current value by increasing the horizontal tune from 14.25 to 16.25. However, this would come with the cost of large chromaticities that could not be corrected with our existing sextupole magnets. We discuss such operational issues and possible options in this paper. |
TUPMN117 | Exploring the Limits of the ALS Triple Bend Lattice | emittance, quadrupole, storage-ring | 1188 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098 |
The triple bend achromat cell of the ALS has been shown to be very flexible and compact. It has been operated in a low emittance mode and a low momentum compaction mode. In fact the lattice can be operated in a large range of different stable modes. Until recently most of these recently discovered modes had not been explored or even known about. Many of these modes have potentially attractive features as compared with the present operational mode. In this paper we take a step back and look at the general stability limits of the lattice. We employ a technique we call GLASS that allows us to rapidly scan and find all possible stable modes and then characterize their associated properties. In this paper we illustrate how the GLASS technique gives a global and comprehensive vision of the capabilities of the lattice. |
TUPMS022 | Beam Breakup Simulations for the Cornell X-ray ERL | linac, simulation, quadrupole, electron | 1227 | |||||
Funding: Supported by Cornell University and NSF grant PHY 0131508 |
Multi-pass, multi-bunch beam-breakup (BBU) can limit the current in linac-based recirculating accelerators. We have therefore made the computation of the transverse and longitudinal BBU-threshold current available in Cornell's main optics design and beam simulation library BMAD. The coupling of horizontal and vertical motion as well as time of flight effects are automatically contained. Subsequently we present a detailed simulation study of transverse and longitudinal BBU in the proposed 5GeV Energy Recovery Linac light source at Cornell University, including the use of frequency randomization, polarized cavities and optical manipulations to improve the threshold current. |
TUPMS050 | Simulation of Ultra-Short Pulses in a Storage Ring | electron, simulation, shielding, synchrotron | 1305 | |||||
Simulation study was performed with the tracking code Elegant [M. Borland, APS Report LS-287] to show beam quality evolution for a short, intense electron bunch after being injected to the SPEAR3 storage ring. The electron bunch with an intensity of 1mA (0.78nC) and a length of nearly 1ps (FWHM) is found to degrade rapidly due to coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) which causes large uneven longitudinal phase space distortion. The bunch length remains short and the longitudinal line density remains smooth for about 10 turns. For such a beam to circulate in the ring, a total of 10MV rf power is needed to compensate for the energy loss.
* M. Borland, APS Report LS-287 |
TUPMS051 | Low Alpha Mode for SPEAR3 | sextupole, injection, electron, synchrotron | 1308 | |||||
In the interest of obtaining shorter bunch length for shorter X-ray pulses, we have developed a low-alpha operational mode for SPEAR3. In this mode the momentum compaction factor is reduced by a factor of 21 or more from the usual achromat mode by introducing negative dispersion at the straight sections. We successfully stored 100~mA with the normal fill pattern at a lifetime of 30hrs. The bunch length was measured to be 6.9ps, compared to 17ps in the normal mode. In this paper we report our studies on the lattice design and calibration, orbit stability, higher order alpha measurement, lifetime measurement and its dependence on the sextupoles, injection efficiency and bunch lengths.
TUPMS077 | Injection Simulations for NSLS-II Storage Ring | injection, simulation, storage-ring, emittance | 1350 | |||||
Operation of the NSLS-II storage ring in the top-up mode requires highly reliable injection with low losses. In this paper we provide results of the injection simulations for the storage ring. The alignment tolerances as well as requirements for the injected beam parameters are also discussed.
TUPMS078 | IBS Effects in a Wiggler Dominated Light Source | emittance, radiation, damping, coupling | 1353 | |||||
Intra-beam scattering (IBS) is often thought of as a fundamental limitation to achieving lower emittance and hence higher brightness in modern storage ring light sources. However, as we show in this paper analytically and by simulations using SAD code, this limitation may no longer be relevant in a wiggler dominated 3rd generation light source. Instead, lowering the emittance by increasing the amount of wiggler radiation does not result in significant IBS induced emittance blow-up, as higher beam density (and IBS rates) is compensated by faster radiation damping. We show that under some practical assumptions the relative ratio of the emittance including the IBS effect to the emittance at zero current is emittance independent.
TUPMS083 | Conceptual Design of the NSLS-II Injection System | booster, injection, storage-ring, emittance | 1362 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
We present conceptual design of the NSLS-II injection system. The injection system consists of low-energy linac, booster and transport lines. We review the requirements on the injection system imposed by the storage ring design and means of meeting these requirements. We discuss main parameters and layout of the injection system components. |
TUPAN002 | Large Displacement and Divergence Analytic Transfer Maps Through Quadrupoles | quadrupole, focusing, proton, beam-transport | 1389 | |||||
Funding: TRIUMF receives federal funding via a contribution agreement through the National Research Council of Canada. |
Linear-field non-scaling FFAGs are proposed for multi-GeV muon acceleration and order hundred MeV/u proton or carbon medical applications. The periodic lattices, which have large momentum acceptance (factor >3), employ cells comprised of combined function magnets. In one implementation, rectangular-shaped quadrupoles are used, with the dipole component generated by off-setting the magnet centre. This feature, coupled with the large radial aperture, gives rise to orbits with large displacement and/or divergence from the quadrupole centre. The angles may be so large that there is a partial interchange of longitudinal and radial momenta. We examine two methods to devise maps (through the body field) that are third order in radial coordinate and higher order in momentum. The WKBJ approximation is concluded to be no better than the usual linear transfer matrix. A Green's function approach is carried through to non-linear mappings for the dynamical variables, which are coupled. The first partial derivative of this map (relates to tune variation) produces a linear transfer matrix which must have unity determinant. For the FFAG application, the map is comparable with numerical integration. |
TUPAN007 | 3-D Magnetic Calculation Methods for Spiral Scaling FFAG Magnet Design | magnet-design, acceleration, background, extraction | 1401 | |||||
Funding: ANR (French Research Agency) |
2-D and 3-D magnetic calculation tools and methods have been developed at SIGMAPHI, in collaboration with IN2P3/LPSC, to design spiral FFAG magnets. These tools are currently being used for RACCAM spiral scaling FFAG magnet design. In the particular case of a spiral gap shaped magnet, a careful magnetic design has to be realized in order to keep both vertical and horizontal tunes constant during acceleration process. Promising results, obtained from tracking in 3-D field maps, demonstrate the efficiency of the horizontal and vertical tune adjustment methods presented in this paper. |
TUPAN008 | Spiral FFAG for Protontherapy | extraction, injection, magnet-design, cyclotron | 1404 | |||||
High rep rate of the FFAG accelerator and compactness of the spiral type of the design makes it a good candidate as medical machine for protontherapy and for biological research. The variable energy extraction with various methods is discussed. The principle of the lattice design together with the injection scheme and the beam dynamics simulations are presented. The spiral magnet design undertaken in the frame of the RACCAM project is briefly described.
TUPAN013 | FAIR Synchrotron Operation with Low Charge State Heavy Ions | ion, beam-losses, vacuum, synchrotron | 1416 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by EU, contract No. 515876 |
Beam loss caused by charge changing process in connection with dynamic vacuum effects may limit the maximum number of accelerated heavy ions with low charge states in the existing synchrotron SIS18 and the planned SIS100/SIS300 of the FAIR project. With the aim to stabilize the vacuum dynamics and to control ionization beam loss, a substantial upgrade program has been defined for SIS18 and is presently realized. For SIS100, a new lattice design concept has been developed, where each lattice cell acts as a charge seperator and thereby enables the local control of beam loss. Simulation, conducted with the code STRAHLSIM, of the time dependent evolution of beam loss, dynamic residual gas pressure and the effect of the proposed dedicated ion catcher systems will be presented. |
TUPAN014 | Status of the FAIR SIS100/300 Synchrotron Design | dipole, extraction, quadrupole, ion | 1419 | |||||
The project status of the main accelerators, the SIS100 and SIS300 synchrotrons of the FAIR project will be presented. In order to accommodate more preferable technical solutions, the structure of the magnet lattice had to be modified in both machines. After these changes, more appropriate technical solutions for the main magnets and quench protection systems could be adapted. The general machine layout and design, e.g. of the demanding extraction schemes, has been detailed and open design issues were solved. The developments and design of all major technical systems are in progress and prototyping has started or is in preparation.
TUPAN015 | Ion Optical Layout of the FAIR Synchrotron and Beam Line Systems | extraction, dipole, septum, kicker | 1422 | |||||
The ion-optical layout of the two main synchrotrons and the high energy beam transport system of the FAIR project is summarized. SIS100 will be used to generate high intensity beams of all ion species from protons to uranium with a maximum rigidity of 100 Tm. The ion optical layout is optimized for the operation with heavy ions of medium charge states. For this purpose we developed a new ion optical design which provides a separation of the ionized beam particles from the circulating beam in each lattice cell. The chosen lattice structure provides a peaked loss distribution and enables the suppression of beam loss induced pressure bumps. Furthermore a compact layout of the extraction systems for slow and fast extraction at 100 Tm and 300 Tm has been developed. Since both synchrotrons are situated in the same tunnel, the SIS300 ion optical layout has to match the geometrical shape of the SIS100 precisely - although both rings use different lattice structures. The design of the beam transport system allows an effective parallel operation of the two synchrotrons, storage rings and experiments of the FAIR complex.
TUPAN049 | Low Emittance Lattices and Final Focus Design for the SuperB Project | sextupole, emittance, dynamic-aperture, betatron | 1499 | |||||
For the SuperB project* very low emittances (horizontal < 1 nm) and small beta functions at the Interaction Points are required to achieve the design luminosity of 1036/cm2/s. Low emittance lattice have been designed, using the PEP-II magnets, for the two rings of 4 and 7 GeV, which will have the same emittances and damping times. A new Final Focus section has also been designed to get the strong focusing at the Interaction Point, at the same time providing local correction of the high chromaticity and exploiting the large crossing angle and crabbed waist concepts. Lattice features and chromaticity correction schemes will be discussed. Dynamic apertures, with damping wigglers similar to the ILC ones, will also be presented.
* P. Raimondi, "New Developments for SuperB Factories", Invited talk, this Conference |
TUPAN113 | Injection Studies on the ISIS Synchrotron | injection, space-charge, emittance, simulation | 1640 | |||||
The ISIS Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK produces intense neutron and muon beams for condensed matter research. It is based on a 50 Hz proton synchrotron which, once the commissioning of a new dual harmonic RF system is complete, will accelerate about 3.5·1013 protons per pulse from 70 to 800 MeV, corresponding to mean beam powers of 0.2 MW. The multi-turn charge-exchange injection process strongly affects transverse beam distributions, space charge forces, beam loss and therefore operational intensity. The evolution of longitudinal distributions and subsequent trapping efficiency is also intimately linked with injection. Optimising injection is therefore a key consideration for present and future upgrades. Work is now under way looking at this process in more detail, and relates closely to other transverse space charge studies on the ring. This paper presents work including: space charge simulations of the present machine and comparison with observations; assessment of related loss mechanisms; and study of optimal painting schemes. Plans and preparations for more detailed experimental work are also summarised.
TUPAS004 | A Driver LINAC for the Advanced Exotic Beam Laboratory: Physics Design and Beam Dynamics Simulations | linac, simulation, beam-losses, emittance | 1661 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC-02-06CH11357 |
The Advanced Exotic Beam Laboratory (AEBL) being developed at ANL consists of an 833 MV heavy-ion driver linac capable of producing uranium ions up to 200 MeV/u and protons to 580 MeV with 400 kW beam power. We have designed all accelerator components including a two charge state LEBT, an RFQ, a MEBT, a superconducting linac, a stripper section and beam switchyard. We present the results of an optimized linac design and end-to-end simulations which include possible machine errors. |
TUPAS012 | Start-to-End Simulations for the Proposed Fermilab High Intensity Proton Source | simulation, quadrupole, emittance, collimation | 1676 | |||||
A High Intensity Proton Source consisting in an 8 GeV superconducting H-minus linac and transfer line to the Main Injector has been proposed. The primary mission is to increase the intensity of the Fermilab Main Injector for the production of neutrino superbeams. Start-to-end simulations from the RFQ to the stripping foil using the simulation code TRACK (ANL) will be presented in this paper. In particular, we will study the impact of errors (jitters and alignments) on the H- phase space at the entrance of the stripping foil.
TUPAS015 | Operational Aspects of the Main Injector Large Aperture Quadrupole | quadrupole, beam-losses, extraction, injection | 1685 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by Universities Research Association, Inc. under contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the U. S. Dept. of Energy. |
A two-year Large Aperture Quadrupole (WQB) Project was completed in the summer of 2006 at Fermilab.* Nine WQBs were designed, fabricated and bench-tested by the Technical Division. Seven of them were installed in the Main Injector and the other two for spares. They perform well. The aperture increase meets the design goal and the perturbation to the lattice is minimal. The machine acceptance in the injection and extraction regions is increased from 40π to 60π mm-mrad. This paper gives a brief report of the operation and performance of these magnets. Details can be found in Ref**.
* D. Harding et al, "A Wide Aperture Quadrupole for the Fermilab Main Injector," this conference. |
TUPAS019 | A Dynamic Dispersion Insert for the Fermilab Main Injector for Momentum Collimation | collimation, closed-orbit, beam-losses, collider | 1697 | |||||
The Fermilab Main Injector accelerator is designed as a FODO lattice with zero dispersion straight sections. A scheme will be presented that can dynamically alter the dispersion of one of the long straight sections to create a non-zero dispersion straight section suitable for momentum collimation. During the process of slip stacking DC beam is generated which is lost during the first few milliseconds of the ramp. A stationary massive primary collimator/absorber with optional secondary masks could be utilized to isolate beam loss due to uncaptured beam.
TUPAS026 | Operation and Performance of the New Fermilab Booster H- Injection System | injection, booster, closed-orbit, optics | 1709 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000. |
The operation and performance of the new, 15 Hz, H- charge exchange injection system for the FNAL Booster is described. The new system installed in 2006 was necessary to allow injection into the Booster at up to 15 Hz. It was built using radiation hardened materials which will allow the Booster to reliably meet the high intensity and repetition rate requirements of the Fermilab's HEP program. The new design uses three orbit bump magnets (Orbmps) rather than the usual four and permits injection into the Booster without a septum magnet. Injection beam line modification and compensation for the quadrupole gradients of the Orbmp magnets is discussed. |
TUPAS038 | The Concept Design of a New Transfer Line from Booster to Recycler for the Fermilab Proton Plan Phase 2 Campaign | injection, booster, emittance, kicker | 1727 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by URA under contract No. DEAC02-76CH03000 with the U. S.Dept. of Energy. |
Upon the termination of the Fermilab Collider program, the current Recycler anti-proton storage ring will be converted to a proton pre-injector for the Main Injector synchrotron. This is scheduled to increase the beam power for the 120 GeV Neutrino program to upwards of 700KW. A transport line that can provide direct injection from the Booster to the Recycler while preserving direct injection from the Booster into the Main Injector and the 8 GeV Booster Neutrino program will be discussed,and its concept design will be presented. |
TUPAS039 | The Concept Design of a Transfer Line from the Recycler to the Main Injector for the Fermilab Nova Project | extraction, kicker, proton, closed-orbit | 1730 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by URA under contract No. DEAC02-76CH03000 with the U. S.Dept. of Energy. |
Upon the termination of the Fermilab Collider program, the current Recycler anti-proton storage ring will be converted to a proton pre-injector for the Main Injector synchrotron. This is scheduled to increase the beam power for the 120 GeV Neutrino program to upwards of 700KW. Due to momentum aperture restriction, a new transport line that extracts the beam from the Recycler at a dispersion free region to the main injector will be discussed, and its concept design will be presented. |
TUPAS070 | Optimization of Chromatic Optics Near the Half Integer in PEP-II | luminosity, sextupole, optics, quadrupole | 1814 | |||||
Measurements of the W-function in PEP-II during Run 5 revealed that the chromatic beta functions in both the HER and LER were not optimized. Through a process of measurement, offline analysis and modelling, and high-current run implementation the PEP-II collider luminosity performance was increased by at least 10% by reconfiguring the strengths of sextupoles near the IP to take advantage of a minimized W and increased IP bandwidth.
TUPAS104 | Heavy Ion Driver with the Non-Scaling FFAG | injection, acceleration, ion, emittance | 1880 | |||||
Funding: Supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. ** Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 |
We explore the possibility of using two non-scaling FFAG with a smaller number of distributed RF cavities for a high power heavy ion driver. The pulsed heavy ion source would consist of an Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), fed continuously from a high charge state Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) source. The Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) and a short 10 MeV/u linac would follow the ion source. Microseconds long heavy ion beam bunches from the EBIS would be injected in a single turn into a multi-pass small aperture non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator. The heavy ion maximum kinetic energy is assumed to be 400 MeV/u with a total of 400 kW power for uranium ion beams. Partially stripped heavy ions would be accelerated from 10 MeV/u to 67 MeV/u with a first non-scaling FFAG, while, after further stripping, a second non-scaling FFAG would accelerate from 67 to 400 MeV/u. |
WEOCC04 | Recent Progress on the Diamond Amplified Photo-cathode Experiment | electron, emittance, laser, vacuum | 2044 | |||||
We report recent progress on the Diamond Amplified Photo-cathode (DAP). The use of a pulsed electron gun provides detailed information about the DAP physics. The secondary electron gain has been measured under various electric fields. We have achieved gains of a few hundred in the transmission mode and observed evidence of emission of electrons from the surface. A model based on recombination of electrons and holes during generation well describes the field dependence of the gain. The emittance measurement system for the DAP has been designed, constructed and is ready for use. The capsule design of the DAP is also being studied in parallel.
WEPMN076 | Digital Master Oscillator Results for the ISIS Synchrotron | synchrotron, controls, target, proton | 2203 | |||||
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire is home to an 800MeV synchrotron particle accelerator called ISIS. Its main function is to direct a beam of protons into a heavy metal target to produce neutrons for scientists to analyse condensed matter. A second harmonic system is being developed to upgrade the beam current from 200uA to 300uA in order to drive a second target station. This is being achieved by the inclusion of four second harmonic cavities to increase the width of the RF bucket. In the past the six fundamental cavities were driven by an analogue master oscillator but the extra cavities will bring more difficultly in the phasing of the system. This could be more easily and precisely controlled by embedding a Direct Digital Synthesis core into an FPGA chip as the heart of a new digital Master Oscillator. This paper describes the results of the setting up and performance of the prototype instrument and the implications it has for the synchrotron.
WEPMN110 | Fabrication and Test of the First Normal-Conducting Crossbar H-type Accelerating Cavity at Fermilab for HINS | focusing, linac, vacuum, radio-frequency | 2292 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC02-76CH03000 |
The proposed High Intensity Neutrino Source at Fermilab is based on an 8 GeV linear proton accelerator which consists of a normal-conducting and a superconducting section. The normal-conducting (warm) section is composed of an ion source, a radio frequency quadrupole, a medium energy beam transport and 16 normal-conducting crossbar H-type cavities that accelerate the beam from 2.5 MeV to 10 MeV (from β=0.0744 to β=0.1422). These warm cavities are separated by superconducting solenoids enclosed in individual cryostats. Beyond 10 MeV, the design uses superconducting spoke resonators to accelerate the beam up to 8 GeV. In this paper, we illustrate the completion of the first normal-conducting crossbar h-type cavity (β=0.0744) explaining in detail the mechanical engineering aspects related to the machining and brazing processes. The radio-frequency measurements and tuning performed at Fermilab on the resonator and the comparisons with the former simulations are also discussed. |
WEPMN120 | Photonic Band Gap Higher Order Mode Coupler for the International Linear Collider | simulation, higher-order-mode, damping, collider | 2319 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by US Department of Energy, Office of High-Energy Physics, Grant No. DE-FG02-95ER40919 and Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Grant No. FA9550-06-1-0269. |
A photonic band gap (PBG) higher-order-mode (HOM) coupler is proposed as an Alternative Configuration Design (ACD) for the HOM coupler for the International Linear Collider (ILC). The PBG HOM coupler uses a two-dimensional triangular PBG structure with good axial symmetry. Simulation studies of a PBG HOM coupler show that it maintains the operating mode at 1.3 GHz with . While a PBG HOM coupler provides superior damping for all the higher order modes in principle, detailed studies of the effectiveness of HOM damping are being carried out, and results will be discussed. |
WEPMS091 | Conceptual Design of the NSLS-II RF Systems | damping, wiggler, booster, injection | 2550 | |||||
RF system requirements are derived from machine parameters and beam stability specifications. The conceptual design of the RF system for NSLS-II to meet these requirements is presented, consisting of 500 MHz superconducting main cavities, 1500 MHz SCRF harmonic cavities for bunch lengthening, and the RF power and cryogenic systems.
THXAB02 | Current Status of the FAIR-project | dipole, ion, storage-ring, antiproton | 2598 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by BMBF, State of Hessen and EU FP6 |
In 2006, GSI, together with a large international science community, presented the FAIR Baseline Technical Report (FBTR) on an unprecedented accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion beams Research in Europe, located in Darmstadt (Germany). This facility is based on extensive discussions and a broad range of workshops and working group reports, organized by the international user communities over a period of several years enabling unique experimental possibilities in the fields of nuclear- and astrophysics, hadron-, plasma and atomic physics as well as on applied physics. Following an in-depth evaluation of the proposal by the German Wissenschaftsrat and its recommendation to realize the facility, the Federal Government gave conditional approval for construction of FAIR in 2003. Since then the project has gone through major steps of development and significant progress has been achieved with regard to the scientific-technical and political preparation of the project under the governance of an international committee structure. The current status of the project will be reviewed. |
THPMN045 | Design and Control of Emittance Growth of Short Bunch Compressor for International Linear Collider | emittance, quadrupole, optics, alignment | 2814 | |||||
We present an alternative design with the short system length in the bunch compressors for the International Linear Collider(ILC). We show the characteristics and performances of the designed system in detail. We also present orbit and dispersion correction schemes for the compensation of emittance growths, vertical dispersion and skew-component that may be generated by several machine errors in the system. In result, it is shown that the short bunch compressor system satisfies the required beam conditions for the ILC.
THPMN046 | Conceptual Design of the PEFP Rapid Cycling Synchrotron | extraction, injection, proton, synchrotron | 2817 | |||||
Funding: *This work was supported by the 21C Frontier R&D program sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Korean Government |
The Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP) is a research project to develop a 100 MeV, 20 mA pulsed proton linear accelerator to be used in basic/applied scientific R&D programs and industrial applications. The PEFP proposes the 1.0 GeV synchrotron accelerator as an extension of the PEFP linac, which is a 30 Hz rapid-cycling synchrotron (RCS) with the injection energy of 100 MeV. The target beam power is 87 kW at 1.0GeV in the first stage. The high intensity RCS is one of the important challenges for the spallation neutron source. The conceptual lattice design of the RCS as well as the simulations of an injection system is described in this paper. |
THPMN056 | Comparison of ILC Fast Beam-Beam Feedback Performance in the e-e- and e+e- Modes of Operation | luminosity, feedback, ground-motion, simulation | 2832 | |||||
Several feedback loops are required in the Beam Delivery System (BDS) of the International Linear Collider (ILC) to preserve the luminosity in the presence of dynamic imperfections. Realistic simulations have been carried out to study the performance of the beam-beam deflection based fast feedback system, for both e+e- and e-e- modes of operation. The beam-beam effects in the e-e- collisions make both the luminosity and the deflections more sensitive to offsets at the IP than in the case of the e+e- collisions. This reduces the performance of the feedback system in comparison to the standard e+e- collisions, and may require a different beam parameter optimization.
THPMN073 | Collimation Optimisation in the Beam Delivery System of the International Linear Collider | collimation, luminosity, betatron, quadrupole | 2871 | |||||
The collimation systems of the International Linear Collider (ILC) Beam Delivery System (BDS) must perform efficient removal of halo particles which lie outside the acceptable ranges of energy and spatial spread. An optimisation strategy based on earlier work is applied to the latest version of the BDS lattice. The resulting improvement in collimation performance is studied by halo tracking simulations, and the luminosity performance of the optimised lattice is also examined.
THPMN075 | Alignment Sensitivities in the ILC Damping Rings | alignment, emittance, quadrupole, damping | 2877 | |||||
For the International Linear Collider to reach its design luminosity, the damping rings must achieve a vertical emittance that is a factor of two below that achieved in any operating storage ring so far. Magnet alignment, orbit control and coupling correction are therefore critical issues for the ILC damping rings. We compare alignment sensitivities in some recent designs for the ILC damping ring lattices, and discuss the results of tuning simulations using different algorithms for correcting the vertical dispersion and the coupling.
THPMN094 | Simulations of Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling | simulation, dipole, resonance, emittance | 2927 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE SBIR grant DE-FG02-04ER84016 |
Parametric-resonance ionization cooling (PIC) is a muon-cooling technique that is useful for low-emittance muon colliders. This method requires a well-tuned focusing channel that is free of chromatic and spherical aberrations. In order to be of practical use in a muon collider, it also necessary that the focusing channel be as short as possible to minimize muon loss due to decay. G4Beamline numerical simulations are presented of a compact PIC focusing channel in which spherical aberrations are minimized by using design symmetry. |
THPMN095 | Muon Bunch Coalescing | collider, emittance, factory, luminosity | 2930 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE STTR grants DE-FG02-04ER86191 and -05ER86253. |
The idea of coalescing multiple muon bunches at high energy to enhance the luminosity of a muon collider provides many advantages. It circumvents space-charge, beam loading, and wakefield problems of intense low-energy bunches while restoring the synergy between muon colliders and neutrino factories based on muon storage rings. A sampling of initial conceptual design work for a coalescing ring is presented here. |
THPMN102 | A Muon Beam for Cooling Experiments | proton, target, emittance, linac | 2948 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy |
Within the framework of the Fermilab Muon Collider Task Force, the possibility of developing a dedicated muon test beam for cooling experiments has been investigated. Cooling experiments can be performed in a very low intensity muon beam by tracking single particles through the cooling device. With sufficient muon intensity and large enough cooling decrement, a cooling demonstration experiment may also be performed without resolving single particle trajectories, but rather by measuring the average size and position of the beam. This allows simpler, and thus cheaper, detectors and readout electronics to be used. This paper discusses muon production using 400MeV protons from the linac, decay channel and beamline design, as well as the instrumentation required for such an experiment, in particular as applied to testing the Helical Cooling Channel (HCC) proposed by Muons Inc. |
THPMN106 | Use of Harmonics in RF Cavities in Muon Capture for a Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider | target, factory, collider, proton | 2957 | |||||
Funding: Supported in part by DOE STTR grant DE-FG02-05ER86252 |
Common to various front end designs for a muon collider or neutrino factory are costly low frequency RF cavities used to bunch muons. In this paper we show that adding higher harmonic RF cavities to the bunching section of a muon capture channel can provide as good or better bunching efficiency than the case where only the fundamental is used. Since higher harmonic cavities are less expensive to build and operate, this approach implies significant cost savings. |
THPMN108 | Study of Adaptive Alignment as Beam Based Alignment in ILC Main Linac in the Presence of Ground Motion | emittance, linac, alignment, ground-motion | 2963 | |||||
Funding: U. S. Department of Energy |
The proposed International Linear Collider (ILC) machine requires extremely small transverse emittances of the beam to achieve desired luminosity. A very precise alignment of the beamline elements, both in main linac and in beam delivery system, is required to limit the emittance growth. However, ground motion (GM) and technical noise continuously misaligns the elements and hence spoils the effect of alignment. It is thus very important to understand and analyze the effect of GM on the performance of ILC. Also, it is imperative to find an effective dynamic alignment procedure to preserve the transverse emittances in the presence of GM. In this paper we study the effect of GM and technical noise on the proposed ILC main linac. Initial alignment of the Linac is performed through one-to-one and dispersion free steering (DFS). We then study "Adaptive Alignment" method to mitigate the effects of GM and technical noise. |
THPMN109 | Status of the ILC Main Linac Lattice Design | linac, synchrotron, quadrupole, synchrotron-radiation | 2966 | |||||
The report describes the present design of the ILC Main Linac lattice. The topics covered include basic element layout, optical functions, and issues centered around the linac following of the Earth's curvature. Also discussed are beam parameter measurements and instrumentation requirements.
THPMN116 | Frequency Map Studies for the ILC Damping Rings | dynamic-aperture, resonance, sextupole, quadrupole | 2987 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. |
Designing a lattice with sufficient dynamic aperture for the ILC Damping Rings is very challenging as the lattice needs to provide a small equilibrium emittance and at the same time a large aperture for the injected beam including a large momentum acceptance. In addition outside constraints have forced layout changes in the damping ring. Some of the layout changes had an impact on the dynamic aperture. In order to better understand the changes in dynamic aperture, frequency maps are studied. Those studies can help in identifying the reason for the changed dynamic aperture and in finding a good location for the betatron tunes and determining an upper limit for the chromaticities. A summary of recent studies and suggestions improving the dynamic aperture by choosing a different tune are presented. |
THPMS006 | Photonic Bandgap (PBG) Accelerator Structure Design | simulation, damping, higher-order-mode, acceleration | 3005 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the Department of Energy, High Energy Physics, under contract DE-FG02-91ER40648. |
High gradient structure design entails optimization of the gradient, while minimizing surface electric fields (associated with breakdown) and surface magnetic fields (associated with pulsed heating). Design studies are reported comparing metallic and dielectric PBG structures and standard disk-loaded waveguide. Operation in a higher order mode is considered. A variety of codes; HFSS, CST MWS, and Superfish have been used to compare and refine designs. Final design work is in preparation for a structure to be cold tested, tuned, and then processed to high gradient operation at the MIT HRC 17 GHz accelerator facility. |
THPMS007 | Surface Waves on Interface of 3D Metal-wire Diamond Lattice for Accelerator Applications. | plasma, simulation, vacuum, resonance | 3008 | |||||
Funding: Dept. of Energy, High Energy Physics |
We present the results of our recent research on 3D metal-wire lattices operating at microwave frequencies, with applications to advanced accelerator structures and radiation sources based on the Smith-Purcell effect. Bulk and surface electromagnetic waves supported by a diamond-like lattice are calculated using HFSS. The bulk modes are determined using primitive cell calculations. The surface mode is determined using the simulations of the stack of cells with the perfect-matching layer (PML) boundary. |
THPMS013 | Comparison of Tracking Codes for the International Linear Collider | emittance, simulation, linac, linear-collider | 3020 | |||||
Funding: Supported by the US Department of Energy, the US National Science Foundation and the Commission of the European Communities under the 6th Framework Programme "Structuring the European Research Area". |
In an effort to compare beam dynamics and create a benchmark'' for Dispersion Free Steering (DFS) a comparison was made between different International Linear Collider (ILC) simulation programs while performing DFS. This study consisted of three parts. First, a simple betatron oscillation was tracked through each code. Secondly, a set of component misalignments and corrector settings generated from one program was read into the other to confirm similar emittance dilution. Thirdly, given the same set of component misalignments DFS was performed independently in each program and the resulting emittance dilution was compared. Performance was found to agree exceptionally well in all three studies. |
THPMS050 | Designing Photonic Bandgap Fibers for Particle Acceleration | acceleration, vacuum, emittance, impedance | 3103 | |||||
Funding: Supported by U. S. Dept. of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
Photonic bandgap (PBG) fibers with hollow core defects have been suggested for use as laser driven accelerator structures. The modes of a periodic PBG fiber lie in a set of allowed bands. A fiber with a central vacuum defect can support so-called defect modes with frequencies in the bandgap and electromagnetic fields confined spatially near the central defect. A defect mode suitable for relativistic particle acceleration must have a longitudinal electric field in the central defect and a phase velocity near the speed of light (SOL). We explore the design of the defect geometry to support well-confined accelerating modes in such PBG fibers. The details of the surface boundary separating the defect from the surrounding matrix are found to be the critical ingredients for optimizing the accelerating mode properties. We give examples of improved accelerating modes in fiber geometries with modified defect surfaces. |
THPMS082 | Muon Acceleration to 750 GeV in the Tevatron Tunnel for a 1.5 TeV mu+ mu- Collider | dipole, acceleration, quadrupole, emittance | 3178 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DE-FG02-91ER40622 and DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
Muon acceleration from 30 to 750 GeV in 72 orbits using two rings in the 1000m radius Tevatron tunnel is explored. The first ring ramps at 400 Hz and accelerates muons from 30 to 400 GeV in 28 orbits using 14 GV of 1.3 GHz superconducting RF. The ring duplicates the Fermilab 400 GeV main ring FODO lattice, which had a 61m cell length. Muon survival is 80%. The second ring accelerates muons from 400 to 750 GeV in 44 orbits using 8 GV of 1.3 GHz superconducting RF. The 30 T/m main ring quadrupoles are lengthened 87% to 3.3m. The four main ring dipoles in each half cell are replaced by three dipoles which ramp at 550 Hz from -1.8T to +1.8T interleaved with two 8T fixed superconducting dipoles. The ramping and superconducting dipoles oppose each other at 400 GeV and act in unison at 750 GeV. Muon survival is 92%. Two mm copper wire, 0.28mm grain oriented silicon steel laminations, and a low duty cycle mitigate eddy current losses. Low emittance muon bunches allow small aperatures and permit magnets to ramp with a few thousand volts. Little civil construction is required. The tunnel exists. |
THPMS083 | The EMMA Lattice Design | acceleration, resonance, quadrupole, longitudinal-dynamics | 3181 | |||||
Funding: Work Supported by the United States Department of Energy, Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
EMMA is a 10 to 20 MeV electron ring designed to test our understanding of beam dynamics in a relativistic linear non-scaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerator (FFAG). This paper describes the design of the EMMA lattice. We begin with a description of the experimental goals that impact the lattice design. We then describe what motivated the choice for the basic lattice parameters, such as the type of cells, the number of cells, and the RF frequency. We next list the different configurations that we wish to operate the machine in so as to accomplish our experimental goals. Finally, we enumerate the detailed lattice parameters, showing how these parameters result from the various lattice configurations. |
THPMS090 | A Complete Scheme of Ionization Cooling for a Muon Collider | simulation, collider, emittance, single-bunch | 3193 | |||||
Funding: Work Supported by the United States Department of Energy, Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
We propose a complete scheme for cooling a muon beam for a muon collider. We first outline the parameters required for a multi-TeV muon collider. The cooling scheme starts with the front end of the Study 2a proposed Neutrino Factory. This yields bunch trains of both muon signs. Emittance exchange cooling in upward climbing helical lattices then reduces the longitudinal emittance until it becomes possible to combine the trains into single bunches, one of each sign. Further cooling is now possible in emittance exchange cooling rings. Final cooling to the required parameters is achieved in 50 T solenoids that use high temperature superconductor. Preliminary simulations of each element will be presented. |
THPMS093 | Muon Acceleration with the Racetrack FFAG | acceleration, extraction, injection, betatron | 3202 | |||||
Funding: Supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
Muon acceleration for muon collider or neutrino factory is still in the stage where further improvements are likely as a result of further study. This report presents a design of the racetrack non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (NS-FFAG) accelerator to allow fast muon acceleration in small number of turns. The racetrack design is made of four arcs: two arcs at opposite sides have a smaller radius and are made of closely packed combined function magnets, while two additional arcs with a very large radius are used for muon extraction, injection, and RF accelerating cavities. The ends of the large radii arcs are geometrically matched at the connections to the arcs with smaller radii. The dispersion and both horizontal and vertical amplitude functions are matched at the central energy. |
THPMS094 | Acceleration of Electrons with the Racetrack Non-Scaling FFAG for e-RHIC | linac, betatron, acceleration, electron | 3205 | |||||
Funding: Supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 |
Acceleration of electrons up to 10 GeV for a future electron-ion collider eRHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) could be performed with the energy recovery linac with multiple passes. An energy recovery scheme is required if a superconducting linac is used for acceleration. We report on an attempt to make a combination of a multi-pass linac with non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (NS-FFAG) arcs. Two NS-FFAG arcs would allow electrons to pass through the same structure with different energies. The beam will be accelerated by the superconducting linac at the top of the sine function, and returned to the front of the linac by the non-scaling FFAG. This process is repeated until the total energy of 10 GeV is reached. After collisions the beam is brought back by the NS-FFAG and decelerated before being dumped. |
THPAN006 | Simulation of Decays and Secondary Ion Losses in a Betabeam Decay Ring | ion, dipole, simulation, quadrupole | 3232 | |||||
The beta decay of circulating ions in the decay ring of a Betabeam facility will give rise to secondary ions which differ in charge from the primary ions and will follow widely off-momentum orbits. A small fraction of these ions will be lost in the long straights, but the great majority of them will be lost in the arcs. Profiling of the losses requires detailed knowledge of the paths of these ions, which are distributed in phase space as well as around the ring circumference. We describe here a comprehensive model of ion decay, secondary ion tracking, and loss detection, which has been implemented in the tracking and simulation code Accsim. Methods have been developed to accurately track ions at large momentum deviations not amenable to conventional multiparticle tracking codes, as well as to detect their impact coordinates on vacuum chamber walls (possibly inside magnetic elements). In our simulation we have also included absorbers which are needed, along with appropriate lattice optimisations, to localize the majority of losses outside of the dipoles. From simulation results, some estimates of decay ring performance (in terms of loss concentration and management) will be given.
THPAN009 | Orbit Properties of Non-Scaling FFAG Accelerators Using Constant-Gradient Magnets | quadrupole, betatron, synchrotron, vacuum | 3241 | |||||
Very high momentum compaction can be obtained in non-scaling FFAG accelerators using constant-gradient magnets with their field strengths decreasing outwards - sufficiently high that the magnet apertures (and vacuum chamber) need be little wider than in a strong-focusing synchrotron. Such machines are of great potential interest for applications in the 0.1 - 50 GeV energy range requiring higher intensities or pulse repetition rates than synchrotrons can provide. Analytic formulae have been developed for the basic orbit properties, particularly their momentum dependence, in various lattices, and give accurate enough results to provide a useful tool for choosing the magnet parameters. In this paper the dependences of orbit offset and circumference on momentum are explored for doublet lattices, and numerical results from the formulae are compared with those from lattice codes.
THPAN010 | Local Magnetic Error Estimation using Action and Phase Jump Analysis of Orbit Data | quadrupole, simulation, interaction-region, proton | 3244 | |||||
Funding: This work is funded by DINAIN, Division Nacional de Investigacion, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota Colombia |
It's been shown in previous conferences [*,**] that action and phase jump analysis is a promising method to measure normal quadrupole components, skew quadrupole components and even normal sextupole components. In this paper, the action and phase jump analysis is evaluated using new RHIC data.
*J. Cardona,et al, Procceedings of PAC 2005, Knoxville, Tennesse.**J. Cardona,et al, Procceedings of EPAC 2004, Lucerne, Switzerland. |
THPAN016 | Improving the SIS18 Performance by use of the Orbit Response Method | quadrupole, focusing, simulation, closed-orbit | 3256 | |||||
The SIS18 will be used as a booster for the new FAIR facility SIS100. A well-controlled linear optics of the SIS18 is necessary for further optimisation studies of nonlinear dynamics, resonance induced beam loss, dynamic aperture and nonlinear error measurements. The analysis of the orbit response matrix (ORM) is a powerful tool to calibrate the linear lattice models. We present results of several measurements on the SIS18 using the ORM and discuss the achieved improvement of the SIS18 performance.
THPAN017 | Scaling Laws for Space Charge Driven Resonances | emittance, resonance, space-charge, simulation | 3259 | |||||
Intrinsic fourth order space charge resonances may occur in linear as well as circular accelerators. The difference resonance ("emittance exchange" or "Montague" resonance) and the fourth order structure resonance lead to emittance variations depending on the strength of space charge, the crossing rate and the lattice. We present scaling laws for the Montague coupling resonance and for the fourth order structure resonance in terms of simple power law expressions that allow a straightforward application in design of accelerators subject to these mechanism.
THPAN026 | Beam Profile Measurements and Analysis at FLASH | emittance, undulator, electron, simulation | 3283 | |||||
FLASH (Free Electron LASer in Hamburg) is a SASE FEL user facility at DESY, Hamburg. It serves also as a pilot project for the European XFEL. Although the slice emittance is a more appropriate parameter to characterize the SASE process, the projected emittance is a good indicator of the electron beam quality which can be measured in an easy and fast way. In this paper we present measurements of the projected emittance along FLASH. We also analyze the effect of the dispersion on transverse electron beam profiles.
THPAN027 | The Optimum Chromaticity Correction Scheme for Monochromatic and Non-Monochromatic Beam in HESR | sextupole, multipole, quadrupole, octupole | 3286 | |||||
The High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) of FAIR project consists of two achromatic arcs and two dispersionless straight sections. Due to the multi-functional purpose of the straight sections their contribution into the total chromaticity of the first and second order exceeds the arc's contribution and can affect on the non-monochromatic beam dynamic aperture. We investigate the optimum sextupole and octupole correction scheme for monochromatic and non-monochromatic beam to reach the larger dynamic aperture.
THPAN028 | HESR Lattice with Non-similar Arcs for the Stochastic Cooling | quadrupole, pick-up, kicker, dynamic-aperture | 3289 | |||||
The advanced HESR lattice with two arcs having the identical layout and the different slip factors are developed. The conception of arcs with three families of quadrupole allows easy adjusting the imaginary transition energy in one arc and the real transition energy in another arc with the absolute value close to the beam energy in whole required region from 3.0 GeV to 14 GeV. The arcs have the special feature, when the high order non-linearities are fully compensated inside of each arc, and therefore the dynamic aperture of the whole machine is conserved. We consider and compare two lattices with the same absolute value of transition energy: the current lattice with the negative momentum compaction factor in both arcs and the lattice having the negative and positive momentum compaction factors in different arcs correspondingly. Simultaneously we analyzed the 4 and 6 fold symmetry arcs machine. It allows making the conclusion that the 4 fold symmetry lattice is more suitable to get the required slip factors. At the lowest energy 3 GeV, the absolute value of slip factor in the imaginary and the real arc is related as ~0.09/0.02 correspondingly. For the higher beam energy this ratio is much bigger.
THPAN030 | Transverse Self-Consistent Modeling of a 3D Bunch in SIS100 with MICROMAP | synchrotron, simulation, space-charge, emittance | 3292 | |||||
Funding: EU-DESIGN STUDY (contract 515873 - DIRACsecondary-Beams) |
We present the upgrade of the MICROMAP beam dynamics simulation library to include a 2 1/2 D space charge modeling of a 3D bunch using local slices in z. We discuss the parallelization technique, the performances, several tests and comparison with existing well-established analytical/numerical results in order to validate the code. An application to the SIS100 synchrotron of the FAIR project at GSI is outlined. |
THPAN044 | Global COD Correction of SAGA-LS Storage Ring | storage-ring, controls, quadrupole, closed-orbit | 3327 | |||||
SAGA Light Source is a medium size light source which has been operated from February, 2006. The stored beam orbit has been corrected by a closed orbit correction system consisted of 24 beam position monitors, 40 steering magnets and PC-LabView based control system. The singular value decomposition method has been applied for the global COD correction by using a measured response matrix. As a result, the standard deviation of the orbit error around the ring was reduced to 20 micro-meters both for horizontal plane and for vertical plane, respectively.
THPAN051 | Update on the ILC DR Alternative Lattice Design | damping, dynamic-aperture, sextupole, wiggler | 3342 | |||||
In order to reduce the cost for ILC damping rings, an alternative lattice which is different from the baseline configuration design has been designed previously with modified FODO arc cells, and the total quadrupole and sextupole number has been reduced largely, compared with the baseline design. At the same time, to decrease the total cost involved in constructing access shafts needed to supply power, cryogenics etc. for the wigglers and other systems, the number of wiggler sections is decreased from 8 to 4, and further to 2. However, the momentum compaction of this lattice can not be tuned freely. In this paper, a new ILC damping ring lattice design with a variable momentum compaction will be presented, followed by the single particle dynamics associated studies.
* |
THPAN055 | Theoretical Study of Medium Emittance Lattice at HLS | emittance, synchrotron, dynamic-aperture, synchrotron-radiation | 3351 | |||||
Funding: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 10175062 & No.17175100 |
A method of injection analysis of small electron storage ring is introduced, and several medium emittance lattices are proposed. By analyzing the injection, working point of the lattice is selected at the vicinity of half integer resonance lines, and emittance is around 60nmrad, the linear and nonlinear properties can be satisfied for injection and store.
LIU Zu-Ping, Li Wei-Min. Progress of the NSRL Phase Two Project. In proceedings of the Second Asia Particle Accelerator Conference, Beijing, China, 2001, 235-238 |
THPAN057 | Error Analyses of the PEFP 20/100-MeV Beamlines | quadrupole, proton, linac, dipole | 3357 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the 21C Frontier R&D program sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Korean Government. |
The proton engineering frontier project (PEFP) 100-MeV proton linac has two main beamline systems to extract and deliver the proton beam to the user. The one is designed to extract 20-MeV proton beams at the medium energy transport system of the linac and to deliver them to five target stations through a beam switching system. The other is able to extract 100-MeV proton beams at the end of the linac and to deliver them to another five target stations trough a beam distribution system. We have completed the detailed beam optics designs of the beamline system and performed intensive error analyses to set the marginal limits of engineering errors of the beamline components by using a dedicated beam transport code. The paper presents the error analysis results of the PEFP beamline systems along with their characteristics and beam optics designs. |
THPAN070 | Advances in MAD-X using PTC | controls, linac, survey | 3381 | |||||
For the last few years the MAD-X program makes use of the Polymorphic Tracking Code (PTC) to perform calculations related to beam dynamics in the nonlinear regime. An important new feature is the extension of the matching module to allow fitting of non-linear parameters to any order. Moreover, calculations can now be performed with parameter dependence defined in the MAD-X input. In addition, the user can access the PTC routines for the placement of a magnet with arbitrary position and orientation. This facilitates the design of non-standard lattices, in particular since a 3D visualization of a lattice is now available. For the LHC studies during commissioning it is of special interest that one has access to within the thick PTC elements which allows e.g. to find PTC Twiss parameters at any point in the ring. Lastly, the beam-beam element has been added to PTC to complete the set of elements available in MAD-X proper.
THPAN093 | Booster Requirements for Advanced Photon Source 1-nm Emittance Upgrade Lattices | injection, booster, emittance, simulation | 3438 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 |
In recent years, we have explored various upgrade options for the Advanced Photon Source (APS) storage ring that would provide the user community higher brightness. Increased brightness would be accomplished by reducing the emittance of the storage ring as well as increasing the stored beam current from 100 mA to 200 mA. Two upgrade lattices were developed that reduce the effective beam emittance to 1 nm from the present 2.7 nm. These lattices have reduced dynamic aperture compared to the present ring lattice, which may require a reduced emittance booster to minimize injection losses. This paper describes injection tracking simulations that explore how high the booster emittance can be and still have no losses at injection for the 1-nm ring upgrade lattices. An alternative booster lattice is presented with reduced emittance compared to the present booster lattice (65 nm). The proposed low-emittance booster lattice would add pole-face windings to the existing booster dipoles and hence would not require replacement of the existing booster magnets. |
THPAN096 | A 1-nm Emittance Lattice for the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring | dynamic-aperture, emittance, damping, undulator | 3447 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
We present a triple-bend lattice design that uses the current APS tunnel. The new lattice has a 1 nm-rad effective emittance at 7 GeV. A forty-period symmetric optics is presented. For the benefit of some X-ray user experiments, an optics with four special straight sections of one-third the beam size of normal sections was investigated as well. The associated nonlinear optical difficulties are addressed and simulation results are presented. |
THPAN097 | International Linear Collider Damping Ring Lattice Design | injection, damping, dynamic-aperture, emittance | 3450 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
We present a lattice design based on the theoretical-minimum-emittance (TME) cell for the International Linear Collider (ILC0 6.6-km 5-GeV damping ring. Several areas are discussed: momentum compaction, lattice layout, injection and extraction, circumference adjusters, phase adjuster, and dynamic aperture calculation with multipole errors. |
THPAN104 | Coupled Optics Reconstruction from TBT Data using MAD-X | optics, quadrupole, betatron, injection | 3471 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the Universities Research Assoc., Inc., under contract DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the U. S. Dept. of Energy |
Turn-by-turn BPM data provide immediate information on the coupledoptics functions at BPM locations. In the case of small deviations from the known (design) uncoupled optics some cognizance of the sources of perturbation, BPM calibration errors and tilts can also be inferred without detailed lattice modelling. In practical situations, however, fitting the lattice model with the help of some optics code would lead to more reliable results. We present an algorithm for coupled optics reconstruction from TBT data on the basis of MAD-X and give examples of its application for the Fermilab Tevatron and Booster accelerators. |
THPAN109 | A New Lattice Design for a 1.5 TeV CoM Muon Collider Consistent with the Tevatron Tunnel | collider, sextupole, dynamic-aperture, quadrupole | 3483 | |||||
A recent effort is underway to design an efficient match of a Muon Collider to the Fermilab site, potentially using the Tevatron tunnel after decommissioning. This work represents a new design for such a collider with emphasis on shortened IR and systematic high-order correction and dynamics studies. With a 1 cm β*, simultaneous control of geometric and chromatic aberrations is critical and can only be achieved through the deliberate addition of nonlinear fields in the Interaction Region itself. This work studies both the correction schemes and the unavoidable impact of high-order correctors sextupoles, octupoles and even duodecapoles located in the Interaction Region close to the low-beta quadrupoles or focusing elements. This study proposes and systematically addresses the aberrations for different systems of nonlinear correctors and optimizes performance of an advanced IR.
THPAN112 | CHEF: A Status Report | linac, optics, emittance, simulation | 3486 | |||||
Funding: Authored by Universities Research Association, Inc. under contract No. DE-AC02-76CH03000 with the U. S. Department of Energy. |
CHEF is both a framework and an interactive application emphasizing accelerator optics calculations. The framework supports, using a common infrastructure, multiple domains of applications: e.g. nonlinear analysis, perturbation theory, and tracking. Its underlying philosophy is to provide infrastructure with minimum hidden implicit assumptions, general enough to facilitate both routine and specialized computational tasks and to minimize duplication of necessary, complex bookkeeping tasks. CHEF was already described in recent conferences. In this paper we present a status report on the most recent developments, including issues related to its application to high energy linacs. |
THPAN116 | Lattice Measurement for Fermilab Main Injector | quadrupole, injection, extraction, focusing | 3498 | |||||
The installation of seven large aperture quadrupoles during the shut-down of 2006 necessitates new measurements to ascertain the state of machine lattice, both at injection and at extraction. These new quadrupoles replaced existing quadrupoles at each of the seven injection/extraction locations around the Fermilab Main Injector. Though extensive magnet measurement had been made the effect of trim coils used to compensate differences in magnet characteristics has to be verified. The result of lattice analysis and others will be discussed.
THPAS003 | Exact Analytic Solution of the Envelope Equations for a Matched Quadrupole-Focused Beam in the Low Space Charge Limit | focusing, space-charge, quadrupole, emittance | 3513 | |||||
Funding: Supported by U. S. Depatment of Energy under contract number DE-AC02-05CH11231 |
The Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij equations describe the evolution of the beam envelopes in a periodic system of quadrupole focusing cells and are widely used to help predict the performance of such systems. Being nonlinear, they are usually solved by numerical integration. There have been numerous papers describing approximate solutions with varying degrees of accuracy. We have found an exact solution for a matched beam in the limit of zero space charge. The model is FODO with a full occupancy, piecewise-constant focusing function. Our explicit result for the envelope a(z) is exact for phase advances up to 180 degrees and all other values except multiples of 180 degrees. The peak envelope size is minimized at 90 degrees. The higher stable bands require larger, very accurate, field strengths while producing significantly larger envelope excursions. |
THPAS009 | On the Stability of the Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij Equations | simulation, focusing, quadrupole, ion | 3528 | |||||
The stability of the linearized Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij (KV) equations around a matched solution, which constitute a linear periodic Hamiltonian system, is studied. By using Floquet theorem, symplectic algebra and the eigenvalue distribution theory, a critical stability condition for the linearized particle beam envelope equations is obtained. The stability conditions are expressed in terms of the time-averaged Hamiltonian system.
THPAS019 | A Beam Dynamics Application Based on the Common Component Architecture | simulation, quadrupole, booster, target | 3552 | |||||
Funding: Department of Engergy, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, SBIR grant: DE-FG02-06ER84520 |
A component-based beam dynamics application for modeling collective effects in particle accelerators has been developed. The Common Component Architecture (CCA) software infrastructure was used to compose a new Python-steered accelerator simulation from a set of services provided by two separate beam dynamics packages (Synergia and MaryLie/Impact) and two high-performance computer science packages (PETSc and FFTW). The development of the proof-of-concept application was accomplished via the following tasks: |
THPAS020 | 3D Simulations of Secondary Electron Generation and Transport in a Diamond Amplifier for Photocathodes | electron, scattering, simulation, acceleration | 3555 | |||||
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) contributes fundamental advances to nuclear physics by colliding a wide range of ions. A novel electron cooling section, which is a key component of the proposed luminosity upgrade for RHIC, requires the acceleration of high-charge electron bunches with low emittance and energy spread. A promising candidate for the electron source is the recently developed concept of a high quantum efficiency photoinjector with a diamond amplifier. We have started to implement algorithms, within the VORPAL particle-in-cell framework, for modeling of secondary electron and hole generation, and for charge transport in diamond. The algorithms include elastic and various inelastic scattering processes over a wide range of charge carrier energies. Initial results from the implemented capabilities will be presented and discussed.
The work at Tech-X Corp. is supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under a Phase I SBIR grant. |
THPAS030 | Low-current, Space-Charge Dominated Beam Transport at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) | space-charge, quadrupole, dipole, injection | 3561 | |||||
Funding: This work is funded by the US Dept. of Energy and by the Office of Naval Research. |
The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) is designed for the transport of low energy (10 keV), high current (100 mA) electrons in a 72-magnetic-quadrupole lattice over an 11.5 m circumference. With these parameters, and a typical single-particle phase advance per period of 76 deg., space charge is extreme. However, high current is not necessary for establishing space charge dominated transport in UMER. In fact, low current (0.6 mA) beam transport in combination with longer full-lattice periods can yield strong space charge conditions. All 72 quadrupoles are needed, though, to yield beams with relatively small cross sections, as required for emittance-dominated transport. We present results of calculations and experiments that demonstrate the low-current, high space charge regime in UMER. We also discuss the use of Collins-type insertions for matching into the ring lattice. |
THPAS043 | Controlling Coupler-kick Emittance Growth in the Cornell ERL Main Linac | emittance, linac, simulation, controls | 3591 | |||||
Funding: Supported by Cornell University and NSF grant PHY 0131508 |
One of the main concerns in the design of a high energy Energy Recovery Linac x-ray source is the preservation of beam emittance. Discussed is one possible source of emittance dilution due to transverse electromagnetic fields in the accelerating cavities of the linac caused by the power coupler geometry. This has already been found to be a significant effect in Cornell's ERL injector cavities if only one coupler per cavity is chosen. Here we present results of simulations for Cornell's main ERL linac with three possible coupler configurations and compare them with regards to total normalized emittance growth after one complete pass through the linac. We explain why the sign of the phase between the transverse kick and the accelerating force alternates each cavity, which leads to a cancellation of the emittance growth to acceptable values. We also investigate the effect of cavity detuning on the coupler-kick effect. |
THPAS045 | Method of Perturbative-PIC Simulation for Interactions between a Bunch and Its Synchrotron Radiation | radiation, simulation, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation | 3594 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the US Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER41288. |
A self-consistant simulation method is developed for the study of coherent synchrotron radiation effects by using a perturbation expansion of retarded radiation field and the particle-in-cell method. The perturbation expansion of the radiation field is based on the fact that the time dependance of a bunch particle distribution has typically two significantly different time scales, a fast time scale related to the linear dynamics and a slow time scale of the beam-size growth due to nonlinear perturbations. Since the scale of the retardation of the radiation field is usually much shorter than the slow time scale of the particle distribution, the retardation on the slow time scale of the particle distribution is treated perturbatively while the retardation on the fast time scale is removed by transformations associated the linear lattice. With this method, the particle-radiation interaction can be calculated in configuration space without memorizing the history of the particle distribution. |
THPAS050 | Simulating Electron Effects in Heavy-Ion Accelerators with Solenoid Focusing | electron, simulation, target, diagnostics | 3603 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of US DOE by the University of California Lawrence Livermore and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories under contracts W-7405-Eng-48 and DE-AC03-76SF00098. |
Contamination from electrons is a concern for solenoid-focused ion accelerators being developed for experiments in high-energy-density physics (HEDP). These electrons, produced directly by beam ions hitting lattice elements or indirectly by ionization of desorbed neutral gas, can potentially alter the beam dynamics, leading to a time-varying focal spot, increased emittance, halo, and possibly electron-ion instabilities. The electrostatic particle-in-cell code WARP is used to simulate electron-cloud studies on the solenoid-transport experiment (STX) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. We present self-consistent simulations of several STX configurations to show the evolution of the electron and ion-beam distributions first in idealized 2-D solenoid fields and then in the 3-D field values obtained from probes. Comparisons are made with experimental data, and several techniques to mitigate electron effects are demonstrated numerically. |
THPAS054 | QUINDI - A Code to Simulate Coherent Emission from Bending Systems | radiation, electron, acceleration, diagnostics | 3612 | |||||
With this, we present a newly developed code, QUINDI, to address the numerical challenge of calculating the radiation spectra from electron bunches in bending magnet systems. This provides a better tool for designing diagnostic systems such as bunch length monitors in magnetic chicanes. The program calculates emission on a first principle basis, combining the dominant emission processes in a bending magnet system - edge and synchrotron radiation. The core algorithm is based on the Lienard-Wiechert potential and utilizes parallel computer architecture to cover complete electron beam distributions with a high resolution spatial grid. The program is aimed towards long frequency components to model the coherence level of the emitted radiation from the electron bunch.
THPAS057 | Significant Lifetime and Background Improvements in PEP-II by Reducing the 3rd Order Chromaticity in LER with Orbit Bumps | sextupole, background, coupling, luminosity | 3618 | |||||
Funding: *Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE-AC03-76SF00515. |
Orbit bumps in sextupoles are routinely used for tuning the luminosity in the PEP-II B-Factory. Anti-symmetric bumps in a sextupole pair generate dispersion, while symmetric bumps induce a tune shift and beta beat. By coming two of these symmetric bumps with opposite signs where the second pair is 90 degree away, the tune shift cancels and the beta beat doubles. In the low energy ring (LER) we have four sextupole pairs per arc, where pair 1 and 3 are at the same betatron phase and pair 2 and 4are 90 degree away. By making two symmetric bumps with opposite sign in pair 1 and 3 the tune shift and the beta beat outside this region cancel, BUT the LER lifetime improved by a factor of three, losses by a factor of five, and the beam-beam background in the drift chamber of the BaBar detector by 20%. Simulations showed that the phase change at the second sextupole pair introduced by the beta beat can completely cancel the third order chromaticity. |
THPAS062 | Recent Progress in a Beam-Beam Simulation Code for Circular Hadron Machines | simulation, sextupole, beam-beam-effects, storage-ring | 3627 | |||||
Over the past years, we have developed a set of codes (PLIBB and NIMZOVICH) applicable to weak-strong and strong-strong beam-beam interactions in hadron machines. We have unified these codes into a single application and augmented the modeled physics to include arbitrary-order magnetic elements, noise sources and wire compensators; algorithmic improvements include diferential-algebraic methods, thick magnetic elements, and a fully-coupled, six-dimensional and symplectic treatment of lumped sections. A novel weighted-macroparticle approach allows for the immediate calculation of very low beam loss rates by particle tracking. The parallelization scheme of the code allows for a highly efficient simulation of colliders with a high number of parasitic crossings and/or pronounced hourglass effect in the IP. Areas of applicability include the LHC and the wire-compensation experiments performed at RHIC. Typical results will be presented.
THPAS066 | CMAD: A New Self-consistent Parallel Code to Simulate the Electron Cloud Build-up and Instabilities | electron, simulation, damping, storage-ring | 3636 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the Director, Office of Science, High Energy Physics, U. S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515. |
We present the features of CMAD, a newly developed self-consistent code which simulates both the electron cloud build-up and related beam instabilities. By means of parallel (Message Passing Interface - MPI) computation, the code tracks the beam in an existing (MAD-type) lattice and continuously resolve the interaction between the beam and the cloud at each element location, with different cloud distributions at each magnet location. CMAD simulates single-and coupled-bunch instability, allows tune shift, dynamic aperture and frequency map analysis and the determination of the secondary electron yield instability threshold. Preliminary results are presented. |
THPAS068 | Calculating IP Tuning Knobs for the PEP II High Energy Ring using Singular Value Decomposition, Response Matrices and an Adapted Moore Penrose Method | quadrupole, coupling, simulation, collider | 3642 | |||||
Funding: US-DOE |
The PEP II lattices are unique in their detector solenoid field compensation scheme by utilizing a set of skew quadrupoles in the IR region and the adjacent arcs left and right from the IP. Additionally the design orbit through this region is nonzero. This combined with the strong local coupling wave makes it very difficult to calculate IP tuning knobs which are orthogonal and closed. The usual approach results either in non-closure, not being orthogonal or the change in magnet strength being too big. To find a solution the set of tuning quads had to be extended which resulted having more degrees of freedom than constrains. To find the optimal set of quadrupoles which creates a linear, orthogonal and closed knob and simultaneously minimizing the changes in magnet strength, the method using Singular Value Decomposition, Response Matrices and an Adapted Moore Penrose Method had to be extended. The results of these simulations are discussed below and the results of first implementation in the machine are shown. |
THPAS070 | Validation of PEP-II Resonantly Excited Turn-by-Turn BPM Data | optics, coupling, betatron, storage-ring | 3645 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US DOE un contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
For optics measurement and modeling of the PEP-II electron (HER) and position (LER) storage rings, we have been doing well with MIA* which requires analyzing turn-by-turn Beam Position Monitor (BPM) data that are resonantly excited at the horizontal, vertical, and longitudinal tunes respectively. However, in anticipating that certain BPM buttons or even pins in the PEP-II IR region will be missing for the next run starting in January 2007, we have been developing a data validation process, hoping to reduce the effect due to the reduced BPM data accuracy on PEP-II optics measurement and modeling. Besides the routine process for ranking BPM noise level through data correlation among BPMs, allowing BPMs to have linear gains and linear cross couplings, we can also check BPM data symplecticity by comparing the invariant ratios. We may also work out nonlinear BPM data correction if needed. Results on PEP-II measurement will be presented.
* Y. T. Yan, et. al. EPAC06 Proceedings, WEPCH062, (2006) |
THPAS073 | Simplified Charged Particle Beam Transport Modeling Using Commonly Available Commercial Software | emittance, controls, optics, beam-transport | 3651 | |||||
Funding: Supported by the Office of Naval Research, the Joint Technology Office, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Air Force Research Laboratory, Army Night Vision Lab, and by DOE Contract DE-AC05-060R23177. |
Particle beam modeling in accelerators has been the focus of much effort (at great expense) since the 1950s. Several generations of tools have resulted from this process, each leveraging both the understanding provided by predecessors and the availability of increasingly powerful computer hardware. Nonetheless, the process remains on-going, in part due to innovations in accelerator design, construction, and operation that result in machines not easily described by existing tools. We discuss a novel response to this issue, which was encountered when Jefferson Lab began operation of its energy-recovering linacs. As such machines are not conveniently described using legacy software, a machine model was been built using Microsoft Excel. This interactive simulation can query data from the accelerator, use it to compute machine parameters, analyze difference orbit data, and evaluate beam properties. It can also derive new accelerator tunings and rapidly evaluate the impact of changes in machine configuration. As it is spreadsheet-based, it can be easily user-modified in response to changing requirements. Examples for the JLab IR Upgrade FEL are presented. |
THPAS081 | Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Halo Particle Production in Intense Charged Particle Beams Propagating Through a Quadrupole Focusing Field with Varying Lattice Amplitude | betatron, simulation, focusing, emittance | 3669 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
The transverse compression and dynamics of intense charged particle beams, propagating through a periodic quadrupole lattice, play an important role in many accelerator physics applications. Typically, the compression can be achieved by means of increasing the focusing strength of the lattice along the beam propagation direction. However, beam propagation through the lattice transition region inevitably leads to a certain level of beam mismatch and halo formation. In this paper we present a detailed analysis of these phenomena using particle-in-cell (PIC) numerical simulations performed with the WARP code. A new definition of beam halo is proposed in this work that provides the opportunity to carry out a quantitative analysis of halo production by a beam mismatch. |
THPAS087 | ACCELVIEW: A Graphical Means for Driving Integrated Numerical Experiments | simulation, controls, linac, quadrupole | 3687 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy. |
Many simulation efforts make use of integrated numerical experiments, where the inputs and outputs of several accelerator codes are tied together. This is usually accomplished by writing custom scripts that launch the underlying programs and perform data format translation. We present a way to simplify this process by using a graphical user interface that allows one to describe the data flow in the style of the LabVIEW and Simulink environments. A module to support a new accelerator code involves writing data translators to/from a common format (SDDS or HDF5), and a function to generate an input file based on a standard way of specifying an accelerator lattice (such as Accelerator Markup Language, or AML). |
THPAS098 | A Low γt Injection Lattice for Polarized Protons in RHIC | quadrupole, injection, optics, proton | 3714 | |||||
Funding: Work performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy. |
Polarized protons are injected into the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) just above transition energy. When installation of a cold partial Siberian snake in the AGS required lowering the injection energy by Delta gamma=0.56, the transition energy in RHIC had to be lowered accordingly to ensure proper longitudinal matching. This paper presents lattice modifications implemented to lower the transition energy by ∆ γt=0.8. |
FRYKI03 | New Developments in Light Source Magnet Design | insertion-device, undulator, insertion, radiation | 3751 | |||||
The rapid growth in the light source community throughout the world has served to motivate innovation in the magnet technologies that serve as the foundations for both the storage ring lattice magnet systems and the primary radiation sources, the insertion devices. Here a sampling of magnet system developments being pursued at diverse facilities are discussed, including combined-function magnets that minimize space requirements and improve accelerator performance, high performance bend magnets that provide enhanced radiation characteristics, and novel and untested concepts for future lattice magnets. Finally, we review developments in insertion devices that promise new performance characteristics to better serve the light source community.
FRPMN013 | Precise Tune Measurements from Multiple Beam Position Monitors | storage-ring, optics, synchrotron, simulation | 3913 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship No MEIF-CT-2006-025678 |
One of the main limitations for precise tune measurements using kicked turn-by-turn data is the beam decoherence, which can limit the available signal to a reduced number of turns. Applying Laskar's frequency analysis, on measurements from several beam position monitors, a fast and accurate determination of the real tune is possible. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated when applied in turn-by-turn data from the ESRF storage ring and CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron. Estimates from tracking simulations and analytical considerations are further compared with the experimental results. |
FRPMN019 | The Regular and Random Multi-Pole Errors Influence on the HESR Dynamic Aperture | multipole, sextupole, quadrupole, octupole | 3949 | |||||
The High Energy Storage Ring has the racetrack lattice, where each arc has the even number of super-periods S and the tune with one unit smaller ν=S-1 in both planes. Due to this fundamental feature the total n-order multi-pole is entirely cancelled and the regular errors can be fully compensated inside of one arc. In case of the random multi-pole errors the dynamic aperture is determined by the structure resonances excitation. We consider both regular and random multi-pole influence on the dynamic aperture and the possible correction scheme.
FRPMN103 | Single-Bunch Instability Estimates for the 1-nm APS Storage Ring Upgrade with a Smaller Vacuum Chamber | impedance, storage-ring, single-bunch, simulation | 4330 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
We recently studied a lattice achieving 1-nm emittance at the APS storage ring*. The successful design required very strong sextupoles in order to tune the machine to the desired positive chromaticity. A preliminary design of such magnets indicated saturation in the poles unless the vacuum chamber gets smaller by a factor of two compared to the existing APS chamber. Since the resistive wall impedance scales as 1/b3, where b is the radius of the chamber, we questioned how much current we can store in a single bunch at the 1-nm storage ring. In order to answer this question quantitatively, we calculated all wake potentials of impedance elements of the existing APS storage ring with the transverse dimension properly scaled but with the longitudinal dimension kept unchanged. With the newly calculated impedance of a smaller chamber, we estimated the single-bunch current limit. It turned out that the ring with a smaller chamber would not diminish the single-bunch current limit substantially. We present both wake potentials of 1-nm and the existing rings followed by the simulation results carried out for determining the accumulation limit to the ring.
* A. Xiao, "A 1-nm Lattice for the APS Storage Ring" these proceedings. |
FRPMN112 | Far-Field OTR and ODR Images Produced by 7-GeV Electron Beams at APS | radiation, quadrupole, polarization, optics | 4372 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 |
We have investigated the angular distribution patterns (far-field focus) of optical transition radiation (OTR) and optical diffraction radiation (ODR) generated by 7-GeV electron beams passing through and near an Al metal plane, respectively. The 70-μrad opening angles of the OTR patterns provide calibration factors for the system. Effects of the upstream quadrupole focusing strength on the patterns as well as polarization effects were observed. The OTR data are compared to an existing OTR single-foil model, while ODR profile results are compared to expressions for single-edge diffraction. ODR was studied with impact parameters of about 1.25 mm, close to the gamma λ?bar value of 1.4 mm for 628-nm radiation. We expect angle-pointing information along the x axis parallel to the mirror edge is available from the single-lobe ODR data as well as divergence information at the sub-100-μrad level. Experimental and model results will be presented. |
FRPMS009 | Calculating the Nonlinear Tune Shifts with Amplitude using Measured BPM Data | optics, damping, synchrotron, resonance | 3889 | |||||
An algorithm is proposed to calculate the approximate tune shifts with amplitude using only the linear transfer map of a circular accelerator and with little or no information on higher order nonlinearities. To extract information about the nonlinear dynamics, the decay rate of the average amplitude of the particle distribution after an instantaneous transversal horizontal or vertical kick is used. This method works when strong low-order resonances are not present, that is where the linear lattice rather than the nonlinear driving terms dominates the machine dynamics. Nonlinear normal form transformation and differential algebra methods are employed to establish the connection between measurement results and the nonlinear tune shifts with amplitude. Proposed algorithm is applicable to a wide range of circular accelerators.
FRPMS016 | A BPM Calibration Procedure using TBT Data | closed-orbit, emittance, injection, kicker | 3928 | |||||
Accurate BPM calibration is important in most lattice analysis. This paper describes a procedure developed as a logical extension of TBT data lattice analysis to extract relative calibration between BPMs in the machine. The method has been applied previously to the Recycler Ring and recently to Main Injector at Fermilab with amazing success. The results will be presented. The BPM position resolution is crucial to the procedure and will also be addressed.
FRPMS061 | Impedance and Single Bunch Instability Calculations for the ILC Damping Rings | impedance, damping, single-bunch, simulation | 4141 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 |
One of the action items for the damping rings of the International Linear Collider (ILC) is to compute the broad-band impedance and, from it, the threshold to the microwave instability. For the ILC it is essential that the operating current be below threshold. Operating above threshold would mean that the longitudinal emittance of the beam would be increased. More seriously, above threshold there is the possibility of time dependent variation in beam properties (e.g. the "sawtooth" effect) that can greatly degrade collider performance. In this report, we present the status of our study including calculations of: an impedance budget, a pseudo-Green's function suitable for Haissinski equation and instability calculations, and instability calculations themselves. |
FRPMS099 | The Poincare Map, Lie Generator, Nonlinear Invariant, Parameter Dependance, and Dynamic Aperture for Rings | controls, optics, dynamic-aperture, sextupole | 4315 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE, Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
In earlier work related to the NSLS-II project we have outlined a control theory approach for the dynamic aperture problem. In particular, an algorithm for the joint optimization of the Lie generator and the working point for the Poincare map. This time we report on how the Lie generator provides guidelines on acceptable magnitudes for e.g. the intrinsic nonlinear effects from insertion devices, and the nonlinear pseudo-invariant can be used to optimize the dynamic aperture. We also show how a polymorphic beam line class can be used to study the parameter dependance and rank conditions for control of optics and dynamic aperture. |