Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
MOZAAB01 | Generation of Subpicosecond X-ray Pulses in Storage Rings | electron, wiggler, radiation, synchrotron | 69 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by DoE under contract No: DE-AC02-05CH11231 |
Subpicosecond x-ray pulses are now routinely obtained at the ALS, BESSY and SLS light sources using laser e-beam slicing technique. Other x-ray pulse shortening techniques were also proposed and are now under consideration for ALS, APS, DIAMOND and PETRA light sources. In this talk I review current results and discuss R&D plans and activity. |
MOOAAB02 | Experimental Results with the SPARC Emittance-meter | emittance, simulation, cathode, electron | 80 | |||||
The SPARC project foresees the realization of a high brightness photo-injector to produce a 150-200 MeV electron beam to drive a SASE-FEL in the visible light. As a first stage of the commissioning a complete characterization of the photoinjector has been done with a detailed study of the emittance compensation process downstream the gun-solenoid system. For this purpose a novel beam diagnostic device, called emittance meter, has been developed and used at SPARC. This device has allowed to measure the evolution of beam sizes, energy spread and rms transverse emittances at different location along the beamline, in the region where space-charge effects dominate the electron dynamics and the emittance compensation process takes place. In this paper we report our commissioning experience and the results obtained. In particular a comparison between the performances of a Gaussian laser pulse versus a Flat Top laser pulse will be discussed. We report also the first experimental observation of the double emittance minima effect on which is based the optimised matching with the SPARC linac.
MOOAAB03 | High Power Operation of the JLab IR FEL Driver Accelerator | wiggler, electron, vacuum, beam-losses | 83 | |||||
Funding: This work supported by the Off. of Naval Research, the Joint Technology Off., the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Air Force Research Lab, Army Night Vision Lab, and by DOE Contract DE-AC05-060R23177. |
Operation of the JLab IR Upgrade FEL at CW powers in excess of 10 kW requires sustained production of high electron beam powers by the driver ERL. This in turn demands attention to numerous issues and effects, including: cathode lifetime; control of beamline and RF system vacuum during high current operation; longitudinal space charge; longitudinal and transverse matching of irregular/large volume phase space distributions; halo management; management of remnant dispersive effects; resistive wall, wake-field, and RF heating of beam vacuum chambers; the beam break up instability; the impact of coherent synchrotron radiation (both on beam quality and the performance of laser optics); magnetic component stability and reproducibility; and RF stability and reproducibility. We discuss our experience with these issues and describe the modus vivendi that has evolved during prolonged high current, high power beam and laser operation. |
MOZBAB03 | Compact Long Wavelength Free-Electron Lasers | electron, radiation, bunching, simulation | 99 | |||||
The idea of using the Smith-Purcell effect to build a compact (table-top) long wavelength (0.1 -1 mm) free-electron laser is quite old. However, it is only recently that a complete theory for the operation of such devices has been proposed. The current state of the theoretical and experimental efforts to understand these devices will be summarized.
MOOAC02 | A Short-Pulse Hard X-ray Source with Compact Electron LINAC Via Laser-Compton Scattering for Medical and Industrial Radiography | electron, scattering, photon, cathode | 121 | |||||
An intense, quasi-monochromatic hard X-ray beam has been generated via the laser-Compton scattering of a picosecond electron bunch with an intense femtosecond TW laser. A s-band linear accelerator of 40 MeV and Ti:Sa femtosecond TW laser were used to generate X-rays. We plan to increase the X-ray yield up to two-orders than the current one until FY2008. Our recent R&D for that purpose are generation of multi-pulse electron beam using a photo-cathode rf-gun, and multi-pulse laser cavity for Compton scattering. We briefly describe the specifications of the electron accelerator and the laser systems, together with the developments and modifications being undergone.
MOZBC03 | Applications for Energy Recovering Free Electron Lasers | electron, free-electron-laser, linac, controls | 132 | |||||
The availability of high-power, high-brilliance sources of tunable photons from energy-recovered Free Electron Lasers is opening up whole new fields of application of accelerators in industry. This talk will review some of the ideas that are already being put into production, and some of the newer ideas that are still under development.
MOOBC01 | Electron Accelerator Options for Photo-Detection of Fissile Materials | photon, electron, target, linac | 137 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DNDO of US Government |
For national security, it is important to detect the presence of Special Nuclear Materials (SNM), especially Highly-Enriched Uranium (HEU). Generally used methods for such detection include interrogation by photons and neutrons. For example, photofission in HEU can be initiated with 14-MeV photons. The resulting delayed neutrons and photons from the fission fragments are clear signatures of the presence of HEU. One can generate high-energy photons using electron accelerators via various mechanisms. In this paper, we will describe two of them, namely electron bremsstrahlung and Compton-backscattered photons. We focus on these two mechanisms because they cover a wide range of accelerator requirements. Electron bremsstrahlung can be generated using a compact low-energy electron linac while the generation of Compton-backscattered photons requires a high-energy electron accelerator of a few hundred MeV. We review these two options, describe their accelerator requirements, and compare their relative merits. |
MOPAN017 | Noise and drift characterization of direct laser to RF conversion scheme for the laser based synchronization system for FLASH at DESY | injection, controls, free-electron-laser, electron | 182 | |||||
Funding: This contribution is funded by the EUROFEL project. |
The next generation of FEL's (Free Electron Lasers) require a long and short term stable synchronisation of RF reference signals with an accuracy of 10 fs. For that an optical synchronisation system is developed for FLASH at DESY, that is based on optical pulse train which carry the timing information encoded in its precise repetition rate. The optical pulse train has to be converted into an RF signal to provide a local reference for calibration and operation of RF based devices. The drift and jitter performance of the optical to RF converter influences directly the phase stability of the accelerator. Three different methods for optical to RF converters, namely the direct photodiode detection, injection locking and a sagnac loop interferometer are currently under investigation. In this paper we concentrate on the jitter and drift performance of the direct photodiode conversion and show its limitations from measurement results. |
MOPAN020 | Status of the Laser Master Oscillator System at FLASH | diagnostics, feedback, electron, controls | 191 | |||||
An optical synchronization system based on the timing-stabilized distribution of ultra-short optical pulses has been proposed for next generation light sources, e.g. the European XFEL. The concept will be implemented and tested at FLASH at DESY. This paper describes the status of the optical master oscillator, which consists of two mode-locked Erbium-doped fiber lasers running in parallel.
MOPAN039 | Development of Hybrid Type Carbon Stripper Foils with High Durability at >1800K for RCS of J-PARC | injection, proton, ion, linac | 242 | |||||
The Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) requires thick carbon stripper foils (250-500 ug/cm2) to strip electrons from the H- beam supplied by the linac before injection into the RCS of J-PARC. For this high-intensity H- beam and circulating bunch beam, which gives much damage to conventional carbon stripper foils. Thus carbon stripper foils with high durability at 1800K produced by energy deposition in the foil are indispensable for this accelerator. Recently, we have successfully developed hybrid type thick boron mixed carbon stripper foils (HBC-foil). Namely, the lifetime measurement of the foils was tested by using a 3.2 MeV, Ne+ DC beams of 2.5 uA, in which a significant amount of energy was deposited in the foils. The maximum lifetime was found to be extremely long, 30-and 250-times longer than those of Diamond and commercially available best carbon foils, respectively. The foils were also found to be free from any shrinkage, and to show an extremely low thickness reduction rate even at a high temperature of 1800K during long beam irradiation. In this conference the foil preparation procedures and lifetime measurements with a 3.2 MeV, Ne+ is presented.
MOPAN077 | Geometry of the LHC Short Straight Sections Before Installation in the Tunnel: Resulting Aperture, Axis and BPM Positioning | quadrupole, insertion, alignment, controls | 335 | |||||
The Large Hadron Collider Short Straight Sections (SSS) are currently being installed in their final position in the accelerator tunnel. For all the SSSs, both those in the regular arcs as well as those in the insertion regions, magnetic and geometric measurements are made at different steps of their assembly. These stages range from production in the industry to the cryostating at CERN, as well as during and after cold tests or during installation of the BPM and the cold warm transition for the stand alone magnets. The results of the geometry at the various production stages by means of different procedures and analysis tools are reported and discussed in details in this paper.
MOPAN087 | Processing Magnet Geometry Measurements for Better Control of LHC Aperture | dipole, simulation, controls, collider | 362 | |||||
The axis of the Large Hadron Collider superconducting magnets are measured from both ends. These two redundant measurements are combined to get a reliable measurement result. When the two measurements are put together, we observe a 'saw tooth' effect due to the fact that the two measurements are, in general, not identical. This is expected from the accuracy of the two measurements. However the effect observed is larger than expected, in the vertical plane. Effects of temperature gradients in the cold bore tube during measurements have been observed and we show that this effect is the most probable explanation for the observations of the large differences in the measurements between the two sides. This work proposes an algorithmic approach to filter this effect to improve measurement results. Magnets are positioned with an accuracy of 0.1 mm, and the error in positioning coming from measurement errors due to the temperature effects can be up to 0.3 mm. Our analysis shows that by applying this correction we can insure the best positioning of the magnets in the tunnel in the vertical plane. Analysis is done for the 14 m long main dipoles, for which the effect is most visible.
MOPAN100 | Multiple Quadrupole Magnetic Center Alignment on the Girder | quadrupole, alignment, sextupole, storage-ring | 395 | |||||
Conventional alignments of quadrupole magnets on the girder based on the theodolite and fiducial was limited by human-eye resolution and fiducial precision. The accumulative error of group of magnetic centers may be more than 100 μm. In this paper, an automatic quadrupole magnetic center aligning method was proposed using pulsed wire method to align group of quadrupole magnets concentrically on one girder to higher precision. In order to increase the alignment precision, a short wire reduced sag problem in long wire, laser and position sensitive detector (PSD) system was to trace the wire position to level of micron. The precision of the alignment of quadrupole magnetic centers could be within 30μm. Descriptions of the setup and test results are presented.
MOPAN110 | A Technique for High-frequency Scanning of High Power Laser Light for Laser-wire Scanners at Electrons Accelerators | quadrupole, electron, controls, multipole | 422 | |||||
Funding: Work supported in part by PPARC LC-ABD Collaboration and the Commission of European Communities under the 6th Framework Programme Structuring the European Research Area, contract number RIDS-011899. |
Electro-optic techniques might allow implementing a laserwire scanner for intra-train scanning at the ILC with scanning speed in excess of 100 kHz. A scanner capable of running at such a rate would in fact provide information about the particle beam size in about one hundred different positions along the bunch train (approximately 1ms long for the ILC*). The design of an electro-optic deflector capable to scan within 10-100 microsecond is presented, discussed and analytically treated.
* ILC Baseline Conceptual Design (2006).: |
MOPAS017 | Upgrade of the A0 Photoinjector Laser System for NML Accelerator Test Facility at Fermilab | electron, controls, radiation, cathode | 470 | |||||
Funding: Operated by Universities Research Association, Inc. for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-76CH03000 |
The current Fermilab A0 Photoinjector laser system includes a seed laser, a flashlamp pumped multipass amplifier cavity, a flashlamp pumped 2-pass amplifier system followed by an IR to UV conversion stage. However the current system can only deliver up to 800 pulses due to the low efficiency of Nd:Glass used inside multi-pass cavity. In this paper we will report the effort to develop a new multi pass cavity based on Nd:YLF crystal end-pumped by diode laser. We will also discuss the foreseen design of the laser system for the NML accelerator test facility at Fermilab. |
MOPAS028 | Demonstration of Femtosecond-Phase Stabilization in 2 km Optical Fiber | controls, resonance, site, radiation | 494 | |||||
Funding: *This work is supported by the Director, Office of Science, High Energy Physics, U. S. Dept. of Energy under Contract no. DE-AC02-05CH1121 |
Long-term phase drifts of less than a femtosecond per hour have been demonstrated in a 2 km length of single-mode optical fiber, stabilized interferometrically at 1530 nm. Recent improvements include a wide-band phase detector that reduces the possibility of fringe jumping due to fast external perturbations of the fiber and locking of the master CW laser wavelength to a molecular absorption line. Mode-locked lasers may be synchronized using two wavelengths of the comb, multiplexed over one fiber, each wavelength individually interferometrically stabilized. |
MOPAS044 | The Laser System for the ERL Electron Source at Cornell University | electron, brightness, gun, polarization | 530 | |||||
Funding: Work Supported by the National Science Foundation under contract PHY 0131508 |
Cornell University is developing a high brightness, high average current electron source for the injector of an ERL based synchrotron radiation source. The source is a DC electron gun with a negative electron affinity photoemission cathode. The photocathode is illuminated by a 1300 MHz CW train of optical pulses to produce a 100 mA average current beam. The optical pulse train is generated by frequency doubling the output of a diode-pumped, mode-locked Yb-fiber oscillator-amplifier system. The 50 MHz fundamental frequency oscillator is locked on its 26th harmonic to produce the 1300 MHz train. The oscillator output is amplified in three stages and doubled to give 26 W in the green. The doubled beam is diffraction limited (M2 = 1.08) with a pulse width of 2.5 ps. This pulse is split and differentially delayed in a series of birefringent crystals to produce a flat top temporal profile with fast rise and fall times. The final pulse shape is measured by cross-correlation. The pulses are spatially shaped by a commercial aspheric lens system. A full power system operating at 50 MHz is in routine use for electron beam measurements. Detailed laser performance information will be presented. |
MOPAS045 | Fiber-Based, Spatially and Temporally Shaped Picosecond UV Laser for Advanced RF Gun Applications | electron, gun, simulation, scattering | 533 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-7504-Eng-48. |
The fiber-based, spatially and temporally shaped, picosecond UV laser system described here has been specifically designed for advanced rf gun applications, with a special emphasis on the production of high-brightness electron beams for free-electron lasers and Compton scattering light sources. The laser pulse can be shaped to a flat-top in both space and time with a duration of 10 ps FWHM and rise and fall times under 1 ps. The pulse energy is 100 micro-joules at 261.75 nm and the spot size diameter of the beam at the photocathode measures 2 mm. A fiber oscillator and amplifier system generates a chirped pump pulse at 1047 nm; stretching is achieved in a chirped fiber Bragg grating. A single multi-layer dielectric grating based compressor recompresses the input pulse to 250 fs FWHM and a two stage harmonic converter frequency quadruples the beam. A custom-designed diffractive optic reshapes the input pulse to a flat-top. Temporal shaping is achieved with a Michelson-based ultrafast pulse stacking device with nearly 100% throughput. The integration of the system, as well as preliminary electron beam measurements will be discussed. |
MOPAS077 | A Beat Frequency RF Modulator for Generation of Low Repetition Rate Electron Microbunches for the CEBAF Polarized Source | electron, gun, controls, feedback | 608 | |||||
Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 |
Recent upgrades to the CEBAF Polarized Source include a fiber-based seed laser, capable of producing pulses with frequency centered at 499 MHz. Combined with the existing three-beam Chopper, an aliasing, or beat frequency technique is used to produce long time intervals between individual electron microbunches (tens of nanoseconds) by merely varying the nominal 499 MHz drive laser frequency by <20%. This RF Laser modulator uses a divider and heterodyne scheme to maintain coherence with the accelerator Master Oscillator, while providing delay resolution in increments of 2ns. Laser repetition frequencies producing bunch repetition rates between 20 MHz and 100 MHz are demonstrated, resulting in time delays between 50 and 10 ns, respectively. Also, possible uses for such a beam are discussed as well as intended development. Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 |
MOPAS093 | Vibration Measurements to Study the Effect of Cryogen Flow in a Superconducting Quadrupole | quadrupole, cryogenics, superconducting-magnet, resonance | 643 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
The conceptual design of compact superconducting magnets for the International Linear Collider final focus is presently under development at BNL. A primary concern in using superconducting quadrupoles is the potential for inducing additional vibrations from cryogenic operation. We have employed a Laser Doppler Vibrometer system to measure the vibrations at resolutions ~1 nm (at frequencies above ~8 Hz) in a spare RHIC quadrupole coldmass under cryogenic conditions. Some preliminary results of these studies were presented at the Nanobeam 2005 workshop*. These results were limited in resolution due to a rather large motion of the laser head itself. As a first step towards improving the measurement quality, an actively stabilized isolation table was used to reduce the motion of the laser holder. The improved set-up will be described, and vibration spectra measured at cryogenic temperatures, both with and without helium flow, will be presented.
*A. Jain, et al., Nanobeam 2005, Kyoto, Japan, Oct.17-21, 2005; paper WG2d-05; available at . |
MOPAS103 | Optical Parametric Amplifier Test for Optical Stochastic Cooling of RHIC | radiation, undulator, ion, pick-up | 667 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-98CH10886 |
Optical stochastic cooling for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) based on optical parametric amplification was proposed by M. Babzien et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams v.7, 012801, (2004). According to this proposal a CdGeAs2 nonlinear crystal is used as an active medium for the optical parametric amplifier because of extremely large nonlinear coefficient, wide transparency range, and possibility to be phase matched over the required spectral range. We discuss experimental results of the parametric amplifier gain and coherency for the conditions applicable to optical stochastic cooling for RHIC. |
TUOBC01 | Synchronizable High Voltage Pulser with Laser-Photocathode Trigger | gun, electron, vacuum, photon | 862 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DOE SBIR grant no. DE-FG02-03ER83878. |
High-gradient electron guns can suppress space-charge induced transverse emittance growth when the electron beam is still in the low-energy injection stage. A synchronizable, high-voltage pulser can be used to power up a high-gradient gun. We propose to build a 200 kV pulser using a special trigger that utilizes a laser-photocathode sub-system. A laser trigger beam will first energize a spark gap, and then provide a second trigger signal from a photocathode using its leftover energy, to further close the gap. This system will not only raise the utilization efficiency of the laser beam energy, but also enhance the reliability of the trigger circuit. Our preliminary analysis shows that the proposed system will significantly improve the performance of the laser trigger pulse with the jitter on the order of hundreds of picoseconds. It is expected that the pulser can be used in the applications of high gradient guns as well as in other devices that need high precision trigger such as short pulse lasers, streak cameras, impulse radiating antennas, etc. |
TUODC01 | Detailed Photoemission Modeling Using the 3D Finite-Element PIC Code MICHELLE | cathode, emittance, vacuum, simulation | 904 | |||||
Funding: We gratefully acknowledge funding by the Joint Technology Office and the Office of Naval Research. |
Low emittance, high current density sources are required to achieve the small beam size needed for high frequency vacuum electronic devices and for high power free electron lasers (FELs). Emission models are of particular importance in the emittance-dominated regime, where emission non-uniformity and surface structure of the cathode can have an impact on beam characteristics. We have been developing comprehensive time-dependent photoemission models for the simulation codes that account for laser and cathode material and surface characteristics. MICHELLE* is NRL's finite-element self-consistent electrostatic time-domain code: it has the ability to import an RF field, and has unique capabilities for modeling the emission and the self fields, near the cathode. In particular, some instances of surface irregularities and emission non-uniformity (due to work function variation) leading to such effects as beam emittance and high frequency oscillations are possible to model due to the code's conformal meshing capabilities. We will present results of the implementation of the 'next generation' photoemission models in the MICHELLE code for modeling surface roughness and non-uniformity.
* John Petillo, et al., "The MICHELLE Three-Dimensional Electron and Collector Modeling Tool: Theory and Design", IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 30, no. 3, June 2002, pp. 1238-1264. |
TUPMN012 | STARS - A Two-Stage High-Gain Harmonic Generation FEL Demonstrator | electron, free-electron-laser, simulation, acceleration | 938 | |||||
Funding: Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung and the Land Berlin |
BESSY is proposing a demonstration facility, called STARS, for a two-stage high-gain harmonic generation free electron laser (HGHG FEL). STARS is planned for lasing in the wavelength range 40 to 70 nm, requiring a beam energy of 325 MeV. The facility consists of a normal conducting gun, three superconducting TESLA-type acceleration modules modified for CW operation, a single stage bunch compressor and finally a two-stage HGHG cascaded FEL. This paper describes the faciliy layout and the rationale behind the operation parameters. |
TUPMN016 | Upgrade of the BESSY Femtoslicing Source | photon, undulator, background, electron | 950 | |||||
The BESSY femtoslicing source as the first undulator-based source has succesfully demonstrated its capabilities of providing ~100 fs x-ray pulses in an energy range from 300 to 1400 eV with linear and circular polarisation. With this type of slicing source exhibiting an excellent signal-to-noise ratio, the number of detected photons at the user frontend is still limited to ~103 / sec. Several improvements are underway to increase the photon flux and to improve the stability of the source. An upgrade of the present laser system will increase the pulse repetition rate from 1 to 3 kHz. Furthermore, a new evacuated laser beam path will be implemented to provide higher pointing stability and an automated postion feedback. The benefits and limitations of these improvements will be discussed, and new measurements will be presented.
TUPMN017 | ''Jitter Free'' FEL Pulses for Pump and Probe Experiments | radiation, electron, dipole, simulation | 953 | |||||
Funding: Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung and the Land Berlin |
The cascaded High Gain Harmonic Generation (HGHG) scheme proposed for the BESSY-FEL contains an inherent potential for providing jitter free radiation pulses for pump and probe experiments. In an HGHG stage an energy modulation is imprinted to the electron beam by a seeding radiation. A dispersive section converts this energy modulation to a spatial modulation which is optimized for a particular harmonic. The subsequent radiator is optimized for this harmonics and generates radiation with high power which is used as seeding radiation for the next stage. After passage through the modulator, the seeding radiation become redundant and can be separated from the prebunched electrons using a deflecting dispersive chicane. This radiation and the final FEL output will have a fixed temporal separation as the first one is the driving seeding radiation for the second one. Using the planned test facility for HGHG scheme at BESSY as an example, we present simulation studies for a sequences of two jitter free pump and probe pulses including the deflecting chicane and a suitable beam line. |
TUPMN020 | Velocity Bunching at the European XFEL | emittance, bunching, electron, gun | 959 | |||||
This paper explores the possibility to employ velocity bunching in the first RF module of the European XFEL to increase the peak current at the injector exit. The current increase will reduce the total longitudinal bunch compression factor and loosen rf jitter tolerances by the same amount. The relation between rf tolerances and micro-bunching instability gain is discussed and the injector optimization for cases of velocity bunching to 100A and 200A peak current are presented in detail. Finally, plans for velocity bunching experiments at the FLASH facility (Free Electron Laser in Hamburg) are laid out.
TUPMN021 | Status of Nb-Pb Superconducting RF-Gun Cavities | dipole, cathode, emittance, electron | 962 | |||||
We report on the progress in the status of an electron RF-gun made of two superconductors: niobium and lead. The presented design combines the advantages of the RF performance of bulk niobium superconducting cavities and the reasonably high quantum efficiency of lead. Measured values of quantum efficiency for lead at 2K and the RF-performance of three half-cell niobium cavities with the lead spot exposed to high electric fields are reported in this contribution.
TUPMN023 | Status of the Optical Replica Synthesizer at FLASH | electron, undulator, radiation, dipole | 965 | |||||
A novel laser-based method to measure the longitudinal profile of ultrashort electron bunches, known as Optical Replica Synthesizer*, will be implemented at the free-electron laser FLASH at DESY. The paper describes its technical layout and the status of the project.
* E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, M. Yurkov, NIM A 539 (2005), 499 |
TUPMN029 | Linac Upgrading Program for the Fermi Project : Status and Perspectives | linac, electron, undulator, controls | 977 | |||||
FERMI@ELETTRA is a soft X-ray forth generation light source under development at the ELETTRA laboratory. It will be based on the existing 1.0 GeV Linac, revised and upgraded to fulfil the stringent requirements expected from the machine. The overall time schedule of the project is very tight and ambitious, foreseeing to supply 10 nm photons to users within 2010. Here the machine upgrading program and the ongoing activities are presented and discussed.
TUPMN036 | Laser and RF Synchronization Measurements at SPARC | feedback, gun, linac, emittance | 992 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the EU Commission in the sixth framework programme, contract no. 011935 - EUROFEL. |
The SPARC project consists in a 150 MeV B-band, high-brilliance linac followed by 6 undulators for FEL radiation production at 530 nm. The linac assembly has been recently completed. During year 2006 a first experimental phase aimed at characterizing the beam emittance in the first 2m drift downstream the RF gun has been carried out. The low level RF control electronics to monitor and synchronize the RF phase in the gun and the laser shot on the photocathode has been commissioned and extensively tested during the emittance measurement campaign. The laser synchronization has been monitored by measuring the phase of the free oscillation of an RF cavity impulsively excited by the signal of a fast photodiode illuminated by the laser shot. Phase stability measurements are reported, both with and without feedback correction of the slow drifts. A fast intra-pulse phase feedback system to reduce the phase noise produced by the RF power station has been also positively tested. |
TUPMN037 | Power Tests of a PLD Film Mg Photo-cathode in a RF Gun | cathode, gun, target, photon | 995 | |||||
Metallic film photo-cathodes are rugged, have a fast response and good emission uniformity. Mg has also a relevant Quantum Efficiency in the near UV. A cathode suitable for a 1.5 cells S-band RF gun has been produced by depositing an Mg film on Cu by Pulsed Laser Deposition technique. After different optimizations, stable good results have been reached in the low field measurement scenario. A sample was deposited on a gun flange and tested in the 1.6 cell injector at UCLA Pegasus facility to prove cathode resistence in a high field environment. The results are described.
TUPMN040 | Drive Laser System for SPARC Photoinjector | emittance, cathode, electron, simulation | 1004 | |||||
In this paper we report the progress of the SPARC photoinjector laser system. In the high brightness photoinjector the quality of the electron beam is directly related to the photocathode drive laser. In fact the 3D distribution of the electron beam is determined by the incoming laser pulse. The SPARC laser is a 10 Hz frequency-tripled TW-class Ti:Sa commercial system. To achieve the required flat top temporal shape we perform a manipulation of the laser spectrum in the fundamental wavelength and in the third harmonic. The optical transfer-line has been implemented to limit the pointing instabilities and to preserve to the cathode the temporal and spatial features of the laser pulse. We present the recorded performances in terms of time pulse shape and rf-to-laser synchronization.
TUPMN041 | Three Dimensional Analysis of the X-Radiation Produced by a Collective Thomson Source | radiation, electron, emittance, scattering | 1007 | |||||
A set of 3-D equations that describes the collective head to head interaction between a laser pulse and a relativistic electron beam is presented and solved. The relevant dispersion relation is studied, as well as the gain properties of the system. The FEL instability dominates the radiation process. The radiation emitted is characterized by short wavelength, thin spectrum and high coherence. The most important three-dimensional effects are the emittance of the beam and the transverse distribution of the laser energy. The production of radiation wavelengths of 12 nm, 1nm, and 1 Angstron are presented.
TUPMN044 | Status of R&D Efforts Toward the ERL-based Future Light Source in Japan | gun, linac, synchrotron, radiation | 1016 | |||||
Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL), based on superconducting accelerators, are one of the most promising synchrotron light sources in future. The KEK and the JAEA, in collaboration with the ISSP, the UVSOR, and the SPring-8, are considering to realize together the ERL-based next-generation light source in Japan. To establish key technologies for that, active R&D efforts started. The R&D program includes the developments of ultra-low-emittance photocathode guns and of superconducting cavities, as well as experimental proofs of accelerator-physics issues at the ERL test facility, which will be built at the KEK campus. We are currently working on constructing a prototype photocathode gun, on designing superconducing cavities, and on designing a prototype ERL. The current plan of the prototype ERL comprises a full injector linac, one or two cryomodules for the main linac, and the beam return loop, which can be operated at beam energies from 60 to 160 MeV. The up-to-date R&D status will be reported.
TUPMN048 | Recent Developments at UVSOR-II | electron, undulator, radiation, storage-ring | 1028 | |||||
UVSOR, a 750 MeV synchrotron light source of 53m circumference had been operated for more than 20 years. After a major upgrade in 2003, this machine was renamed to be UVSOR-II. The ring is now routinely operated with low emittance of 27 nm-rad and with four undulators, two in-vacuum ones and two variably polarized ones. The injector and the beam transport line are being upgraded to be compatible with full energy injection, preparing for the top up operation in near future. A resonator type free electron laser is successfully operational in very wide range, from visible to deep UV, with high average power exceeding 1 W. A femto-second laser bunch slicing system was constructed by utilizing a part of the FEL system. Intense coherent terahertz radiation was successfully produced by the slicing. Coherent harmonic generation was successfully demonstrated by using the same laser system.
TUPMN049 | Improvement of Soft X-ray Generation System Based on Laser Compton Scattering | photon, electron, scattering, cathode | 1031 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by MECSST High Tech Research Center Project No. 707 and JSPS (B) (2) 18340079. |
At Waseda University, we have succeeded in generating soft X-rays based on laser Compton scattering. The energies are within "Water Window" part (250~500eV) where the X-ray absorption coefficient of water is much less than that of constituent elements of living body such as carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. For this reason, it is expected to apply to a bio-microscope with which we can observe living cells without dehydration. To improve the generation system, we remodeled our collision chamber and adopted 3-pass flash lamp amplifier system. With these modifications, we achieved high S/N ratio. The photon number detected by MCP was 278/pulse, tenfold increase of that in last year. Moreover, we succeeded in generating soft X-rays stably for more than 10 hours. Now we are planning to measure two-dimensional distribution of the X-rays by CCD. In this conference, experimental results and future plans will be reported. |
TUPMN050 | Development of Pulsed-Laser Super-Cavity for Compact X-Ray Source Based on Laser-Compton Scattering | electron, feedback, photon, storage-ring | 1034 | |||||
A compact and high quality x-ray source is required from various field, such as medical diagnosis, drug manifacturing and biological sciences. Laser-Compton based x-ray source that consist of a compact electron storage ring and a pulsed-laser super-cavity is one of the solutions of compact x-ray source. Pulsed-laser super-cavity has been developed for a compact high brightness x-ray sources at KEK-ATF. The pulsed-laser super-cavity increases the laser power and stably makes small laser beam size at the collision point with the electron beam. Recently, 357MHz mode-locked Nd:VAN laser pulses can be stacked stably in a 420mm long Fabry-Perot cavity with 1'000 enhancement in our R&D. Therefore, we have planned a compact hard x-ray sources using 50MeV multi-bunch electrons and a pulse stacking technology with 42cm Fabry-Perot cavity. (LUCX Project at KEK) The photon flux is multiplied with the number of bunches by using multi-bunch beam and super-cavity. Development of the super-cavity and present result of LUCX will be presented at the conference.
TUPMN051 | Development of Photocathode RF Gun and Laser System for Multi-collision Laser Compton Scattering | electron, photon, scattering, gun | 1037 | |||||
A compact soft and hard X-ray source via laser Compton scattering is required for biological, medical and industrial science because it has many benefits about generated X-rays such as short pulse, quasi-monochromatic, energy tunability and good directivity. Our X-ray source is conventionally the single collision system between an electron pulse and a laser pulse. To increase X-ray yield, we have developed a multi-collision system with a multi-bunch electron beam and a laser optical cavity. The multi-bunch beam will be generated from a Cs-Te photocathode rf gun sytem using a multi-pulse UV laser. The laser optical cavity will be built like the regenerative amplification including a collision point between the electron pulse and the laser pulse to enhance the laser peak power per 1 collision on laser Compton scattering. In this conference, we will describe the results of preliminary experiments for the multi-collision system and future plans.
TUPMN053 | Status of the Photocathode RF Gun at Tsinghua University | gun, electron, cathode, emittance | 1043 | |||||
The photocathode RF gun at Tsinghua University was built to develop electron source for the Thomson Scattering X-ray source. The main goal is to produce minimum transverse emittance beams with short bunch length at medium charge (~1nC). It includes a 1.6 cell S-band BNL/KEK/SHI type cavity, a solenoid for space charge compensation, a laser system to generate UV light, and different diagnostics tools. In this paper, it will include measurements of the dark current, the charge and quantum efficiency, momentum, transverse electron beam profiles at different locations and the transverse emittance.
This work was supported by the Chinese National Foundation of Natural Sciences under Contract no. 10645002. |
TUPMN054 | Design of a Source to Supply Ultra-fast Electron and X-Ray Pulses | electron, gun, linac, scattering | 1046 | |||||
In this paper we report the preliminary design and considerations on a multi-discipline ultra-fast source, which is capable of providing the user community with femtosecond electron bunch and light pulses with the wavelength ranging from IR to X-ray. The facility is based on photocathode RF gun driven by a Ti:Sapphire laser system. The low emittance subpicosecond electron bunch at the gun exit can be used in femtosecond electron diffraction setup to visualize the ultrafast structural dynamics. After acceleration and compression, the electron beam with the energy of 50 MeV is further used to provide high peak brightness X-ray by inverse Compton scattering with TW laser. We also consider the possibility and reliability of storing the electron beam in a compact storage ring and the laser pulse in a super-cavity. Operating in this scheme may increase the average flux of the X-ray photons by orders of magnitude.
TUPMN055 | First Principle Measurements of Thermal Emittance for Copper and Magnesium | emittance, electron, cathode, lattice | 1049 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Chinese National Foundation of Natural Sciences under Contract no. 10645002. |
There are growing interests in generation, preservation and applications of high brightness electron beam. With the rapid development in the techniques for emittance compensation and laser shaping, we are approaching the limit-the uncorrelated thermal emittance. In this paper, we report the measurements of thermal emittance for Cu and Mg. The measurement is conducted in a field-free region. The energy spectrum and angular distribution of the electrons are measured immediately after its emission and further used to reconstruct the initial phase space and the corresponding thermal emittance. We also show how cathode surface roughness* and laser incidence angle as well as its polarization state** affect the quantum efficiency and thermal emittance.
*X. Z. He, High energy physics and nuclear physics,28(2004)1007.**Dao Xiang,et al, NIM A,562(2006)48. |
Funding: The work was supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10645002) |
The ultrashort ultraviolet (UV) laser system and the optical transport line for driving the photocathode RF gun at Accelerator Laboratory of Tsinghua University are introduced in the article. Temporal profile of the UV pulse was measured by non-colinear difference frequency generation (DFG) between the UV pulse itself and the jitter-free residual IR laser pulse after third harmonic generation (THG) process. Experiments to measure the dependence of quantum efficiency (QE) on laser polarization state are also performed. Results show that in our case the ratio of QE between p- and s- polarization is more than 2.6. |
TUPMN064 | Experimental Approaches for the Beam Dynamics Study in the PC RF Gun at the PAL | gun, injection, emittance, simulation | 1070 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported in parts by the Center for High Energy Physics at the KNU and the Grant No. R01-2006-000-11309-0 from the Basic Research Program of the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation. |
A high-brightness electron beam is emitted from a photo-cathode (PC) RF gun for use in the FIR (Far Infrared) facility being built at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL). The beam dynamics study for the PAL XFEL injector is essencial to generate low emittance electron beam from the PC RF gun. The XFEL injector requires 1 nC beam with short bunch length and low emittance. This conditions are simulated with PARMELA code and then are realized on experimental conditions. The experimental conditions for the XFEL injector are measured with beam diagnostic devices such as ICT and Faraday cup for charge measurement, a spectrometer for beam energy measurement. In this article, we present the experimental approaches of the beam dynamics study for the XFEL injector. (Jangho Park) |
TUPMN082 | Injector Design for the 4GLS High Average Current Loop | emittance, gun, electron, cathode | 1100 | |||||
The proposed 4th Generation Light Source (4GLS) consists of three electron branches. We present the design of the injector for the High Average Current Loop which feeds spontaneous light sources and a Vacuum Ultra-Violet FEL. The injector aims to provide 77 pC bunches at a repetition rate of up to 1.3 GHz which corresponds to an average current of 100 mA. It consists of a 500 kV GaAs based DC photocathode electron gun equipped with a photocathode preparation facility, followed by a normal-conducting buncher cavity and a 10 MeV superconducting RF booster. Simulations are presented which show the injector provides a beam with a normalised rms transverse emittance of less than 3 π·mm·mrad and a bunch length of about 2 ps.
TUPMN083 | Electron Beam Dynamics in 4GLS | electron, linac, sextupole, insertion | 1103 | |||||
Funding: Some of the work reported in this paper is supported by the EuroFEL programme. |
Studies of the electron beam dynamics for the 4GLS design are presented. 4GLS will provide three different electron bunch trains to a variety of user synchrotron sources. The 1 kHz XUV-FEL and 100 mA High Average Current branches share a common 540 MeV linac, whilst the 13 MHz IR-FEL must be well-synchronised to them. An overview of the injector designs, electron transport, and energy recovery is given, including ongoing studies of coherent synchrotron radiation, beam break-up and wakefields. This work is being pursued for the forthcoming Technical Design Report due in 2008. |
TUPMN084 | The Status of the Daresbury Energy Recovery Linac Prototype | gun, linac, electron, diagnostics | 1106 | |||||
As part of the UK's R&D programme to develop an advanced energy recovery linac-based light source (4GLS); a 35 MeV technology demonstrator called the Energy Recovery Linac Prototype (ERLP) has been constructed. It is based on a combination of a DC photocathode electron gun, a superconducting injector linac and main linac operating in energy recovery mode, driving an IR-FEL. The priorities for this machine are to gain experience of operating a photoinjector gun and superconducting linacs; to produce and maintain high-brightness electron beams; achieving energy recovery from an FEL-disrupted beam and studying important synchronisation issues. The current status of this project is presented, including construction and commissioning progress, including plans for the future exploitation of this scientific and technical R&D facility.
TUPMN104 | A Design Study for Photon Diagnostics for the APS Storage Ring Short-Pulse X-ray Source | electron, diagnostics, photon, undulator | 1156 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. |
A short x-ray pulse source based on the crab cavity scheme proposed by Zholents* is being developed at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). Photon diagnostics that visualizes the electron bunches with transverse momentum chirp and verifies the performance of the short x-ray pulse is required. We present a design study for the imaging diagnostics inside and outside of the crab cavity zone, utilizing both x-ray and visible synchrotron radiation. Several design options of monochromatic and polychromatic x-ray optics will be explored for their compatibility with the short-pulse source. The diagnostics outside of the crab cavity zone will be used to map out stable operation parameters of the storage ring with crab cavities, and to perform single-bunch single-pass imaging of the chirped bunch, which facilitates the tuning of the crab cavity rf phase and amplitude so the performance of the short pulse source can be optimized while other users around the ring will not be disturbed.
* A. Zholents et al., NIM A 425, 385 (1999). |
TUPMN109 | A High Repetition Rate VUV-Soft X-Ray FEL Concept | electron, emittance, gun, photon | 1167 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, High Energy Physics, U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. |
The FEL process increases radiation flux by several orders of magnitude above existing incoherent sources, and offers the additional enhancements attainable by optical manipulations of the electron beam: control of the temporal duration and bandwidth of the coherent output, and wavelength; utilization of harmonics to attain shorter wavelengths; and precise synchronization of the x-ray pulse with laser systems. We describe an FEL facility concept based on a high repetition rate RF photocathode gun, that would allow simultaneous operation of multiple independent FELs, each producing high average brightness, tunable over the soft x-ray-VUV range, and each with individual performance characteristics determined by the configuration of the FEL SASE, enhanced-SASE (ESASE), seeded, self-seeded, harmonic generation, and other configurations making use of optical manipulations of the electron beam may be employed, providing a wide range of photon beam properties to meet varied user demands. FELs would be tailored to specific experimental needs, including production of ultrafast pulses even into the attosecond domain, and high temporal coherence (i.e. high resolving power) beams. |
TUPMN114 | Simulation of the Microbunching Instability in Beam Delivery Systems for Free Electron Lasers | simulation, electron, space-charge, impedance | 1179 | |||||
In this paper, we examine the growth of the microbunching instability in the chain of linac sections and bunch compressor chicanes used in the electron beam delivery system of a free electron laser. We compare the results of two sets of simulations, one conducted using a direct Vlasov solver, the other using a particle-in-cell code Impact-Z with the number of simulation macroparticles ranging up to 100 million. The comparison is focused on the values of uncorrelated (slice) energy spread at different points in the lattice. In particular, we discuss the interplay between physical and numerical noise in particle-based simulations, and assess the agreement between the simulation results and theoretical predictions.
TUPMN119 | Energy Recovery Transport Design for Peking University FEL | wiggler, electron, recirculation, beam-transport | 1191 | |||||
Funding: supported by National 973 Projects and the U. S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 |
A free-electron laser based on a superconducting linac is under construction in Peking University. To increase FEL output power, energy recovery is chosen as one of the most potential and popular ways. The design of a beam transport system for energy recovery is presented, which is suitable for the Peking University construction area. Especially, a chicane structure is chosen to change path length at ±20 degree and M56 in the arc is adjusted for fully bunch compression. |
TUPMS002 | Successful Completion of the Femtosecond Slicing Upgrade at the ALS | undulator, insertion, insertion-device, coupling | 1194 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. |
An upgraded femtosecond slicing facility has been commissioned successfully at the Advanced Light Source. In contrast to the original facility at the ALS which pioneered the concept, the new beamline uses an undulator (the first in-vacuum undulator at the ALS) as the radiator producing the user photon beam. To spatially separate the femtosecond slices in the radiator, a local vertical dispersion bump produced with 12 skew quadrupoles is used. The facility was successfully commissioned during the last 1.5 years and is now used in routine operation. |
TUPMS010 | Fabrication and Measurement of Efficient, Robust Cesiated Dispenser Photocathodes | cathode, electron, ion, free-electron-laser | 1206 | |||||
Funding: This work is funded by the Office of Naval Research and the Joint Technology Office. |
Photocathodes for high power free electron lasers face significant engineering and physics challenges in the quest for efficient, robust, long-lived, prompt laser-switched operation. The most efficient semiconductor photocathodes, notably those responsive to visible wavelengths, suffer from poor lifetime due to surface layer degradation, contamination, and desorption. Using a novel dispenser photocathode design, rejuvenation of cesiated surface layers in situ is investigated for semiconductor coatings building on previous results for cesiated metals. Cesium from a sub-surface reservoir diffuses to the surface through a microscopically porous, sintered tungsten matrix to repair the degraded surface layer. The goal of this research is to engineer and demonstrate efficient, robust, long-lived regenerable photocathodes in support of predictive photocathode modeling efforts and suitable for photoinjection applications. |
TUPMS020 | Thermal Emittance Measurements from Negative Electron Affinity Photocathodes | emittance, gun, electron, cathode | 1221 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the National Science Foundation under contract PHY 0131508 |
Recent computational optimizations have demonstrated that it should be possible to construct electron injectors based on photoemission cathodes in very high voltage DC electron guns in which the beam emittance is dominated by the thermal emittance from the cathode. Negative electron affinity photocathodes have been shown to have a naturally low thermal emittance. However, the thermal emittance depends on the illuminating wavelength; the degree of negative affinity; and the band structure of the photocathode material. As part of the development of a high brightness, high average current photoemission electron gun for the injector of an ERL light source, we have measured the thermal emittance from negative affinity GaAs and GaAsP photocathodes. The measurements were made by measuring the electron beam spot size downstream of a counter-wound solenoid lens as a function of the lens strength. Electron beam spot sizes were measured by two techniques - a 20 micron wire scanner, and a CVD diamond screen. Both Gaussian and 'tophat' spatial profiles were used, and measurements were made at several wavelengths. Results will be presented for both cathode types. |
TUPMS028 | Commissioning of a High-Brightness Photoinjector for Compton Scattering X-Ray Sources | emittance, gun, cathode, electron | 1242 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. |
Compton scattering of intense laser pulses with ultra-relativistic electron beams has proven to be an attractive source of high-brightness x-rays with keV to MeV energies. This type of x-ray source requires the electron beam brightness to be comparable with that used in x-ray free-electron lasers and laser and plasma based advanced accelerators. We describe the development and commissioning of a 1.6 cell RF photoinjector for use in Compton scattering experiments at LLNL. Injector development issues such as RF cavity design, beam dynamics simulations, emittance diagnostic development, results of sputtered magnesium photo-cathode experiments, and UV laser pulse shaping are discussed. Initial operation of the photoinjector is described and transverse phase space measurements are presented. |
TUPMS029 | Gamma-Ray Compton Light Source Development at LLNL | electron, scattering, brightness, gun | 1245 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng-48. |
A new class of tunable, monochromatic gamma-ray sources capable of operating at high peak and average brightness is currently being developed at LLNL for nuclear photo-science and applications. These novel systems are based on Compton scattering of laser photons by a high brightness relativistic electron beam produced by an rf photoinjector. Key technologies, basic scaling laws, and recent experimental results will be presented, along with an overview of future research and development directions. |
TUPMS030 | Optimal Design of a Tunable Thomson-Scattering Based Gamma-Ray Source | electron, photon, emittance, scattering | 1248 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. |
Thomson-Scattering based systems offer a path to high-brightness high-energy (> 1 MeV) x-ray & gamma-ray sources due to their favorable scaling with electron energy. LLNL is currently engaged in an effort to optimize such a device, dubbed the "Thomson-Radiated Extreme X-Ray" (T-REX) source, targeting up to 680 keV photon energy. Such a system requires precise design of the interaction between a high-intensity laser pulse and a high-brightness electron beam. Presented here are the optimal design parameters for such an interaction, including factors such as the collision angle, focal spot size, optimal bunch charge and laser intensity, pulse duration, and laser beam path. These parameters were chosen based on extensive modelling using PARMELA and in-house, well-benchmarked scattering simulation codes. Also discussed are early experimental results from the newly commissioned system. |
TUPMS031 | High-energy Picosecond Laser Pulse Recirculation for Compton Scattering | recirculation, electron, scattering, accumulation | 1251 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the U. S Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. |
Frequency upconversion of laser-generated photons by inverse Compton scattering for applications such as nuclear spectroscopy and gamma-gamma collider concepts on the future ILC would benefit from an increase of average source brightness. The primary obstacle to higher average brightness is the relatively small Thomson scattering cross section. It has been proposed that this limitation can be partially overcome by use of laser pulse recirculation. The traditional approach to laser recirculation entails resonant coupling of low-energy pulse train to a cavity through a partially reflective mirror.* Here we present an alternative, passive approach that is akin to "burst-mode" operation and does not require interferometeric alignment accuracy. Injection of a short and energetic laser pulse is achieved by placing a thin frequency converter, such as a nonlinear optical crystal, into the cavity in the path of the incident laser pulse. This method leads to the increase of x-ray/gamma-ray energy proportional to the increase in photon energy in frequency conversion. Furthermore, frequency tunability can be achieved by utilizing parametric amplifier in place of the frequency converter.
* G. Klemz, K. Monig, and I. Will, "Design study of an optical cavity for a future photon-collider at ILC", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 564, 212-224 (2006). |
TUPMS034 | Seeded VISA: A 1064 nm Laser-Seeded FEL Amplifier at the BNL ATF | electron, radiation, undulator, simulation | 1257 | |||||
An experimental study of a seeded free electron laser (FEL) using the VISA undulator and a Nd:YAG seed laser will be performed at the Accelerator Test Facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The study is motivated by the demand for a short Rayleigh length FEL amplifier at 1 micron for high power transmission with minimal damage of transport optics. Planned measurements include transverse and longitudinal coherence, angular distribution, and wavelength spectrum of the FEL radiation. The effects of detuning the electron beam energy will be studied, with an emphasis on control of the radiation emission angles and increase of the amplifier efficiency. Results of start-to-end simulations will be presented with preliminary experimental results.
TUPMS035 | The FINDER Photoinjector | gun, emittance, quadrupole, cathode | 1260 | |||||
The FINDER project at LLNL is an inverse-Compton scattering demonstration, aimed at creating MeV-class, narrow band photons for interrogation of nuclear materials. The requirements experiment requires a state-of-the-art photoinjector. Such a device is under development by a UCLA/LLNL collaboration. We report on a number of design innovations, such as photocathode gun RF symmetrization and large mode separation, which sets this device apart from previous generations of the BNL/SLAC/UCLA 1.6 cell gun. Measurements characterizing the RF photocathode gun and emittance compensation solenoid are presented.
TUPMS036 | Characterization of Orbital Angular Momentum Modes in FEL Radiation | simulation, undulator, coupling, radiation | 1263 | |||||
Optical guiding of the radiation pulse through the source electron bunch in a free-electron laser is a well known phenomena that suppresses diffraction of the output radiation, and thus enhances the gain. The resulting radiation can be described by an expansion of orthogonal modes that are also composed of eigenstates of orbital angular momentum (OAM). In the VISA-FEL experiment at the ATF-BNL, gain guiding has been observed under self-amplified spontaneous emission conditions at 840 nm with a strongly chirped input electron beam. The resulting far-field transverse radiation profiles are observed to contain multiple modes in the angular intensity spectrum, and exhibit both hollow and spiral structures characteristic of single or multiply interfering OAM modes. Current efforts to characterize the transverse radiation profile both experimentally and through start-to-end simulations are presented.
TUPMS037 | Simulation of an Iris-guided Inverse Free-electron Laser Micro-bunching Experiment | bunching, radiation, electron, plasma | 1266 | |||||
The Free-Electron Laser code Genesis 1.3 has been modified to include waveguides within the undulator, reducing the diffraction effects for long wavelength FELs. Several types of waveguides are considered, which are rectangular and circular waveguides as well as iris-loaded open waveguides. Studies are presented here on the enhancement of FEL and IFEL with these wave-guiding structures in comparison to free-space propagation of the radiation wave.
TUPMS040 | Development of a THz Seed Source for FEL Microbunching Experiment at the Neptune Laboratory | radiation, plasma, electron, injection | 1275 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by US Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG03-92ER40727 |
Seeded FEL/IFEL techniques can be used for modulation of a relativistic electron beam longitudinally on the radiation wavelength. However, in the 1-10 THz range, which is of particular importance for matched injection of prebunched electrons into a laser-driven plasma accelerating structure, a suitable radiation source is not available. At the UCLA Neptune Laboratory we have built and fully characterized a radiation source tunable in the range of 1-3 THz. The THz pulse is produced by mixing two CO2 laser lines in a noncollinear phase-matched GaAs crystal at room temperature. The crystal is pumped by 200 ns pulses of a dual beam TEA CO2 laser running at 1 Hz. A grating placed in each lasing section allowed to cover the spectral range for the difference frequency from 0.5-4.5 THz with a step of 30-40 GHz. The achieved narrow bandwidth of ~10-5 and the output power of 2kW are sufficient for seeding a single-pass, waveguide FEL amplifier-prebuncher*. These pulses were used to measure the coupling efficiency and the attenuation for different types of THz waveguides and the results will be reported.
* C. Sung et al. "Seeded FEL/IFEL techniques for radiation amplification and electron microbunching in the terahertz range" Phys. Rev. STAB, 2006 (to be published) |
TUPMS041 | The Wisconsin VUV/Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser Project | electron, linac, scattering, photon | 1278 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the University of Wisconsin - Madison. SRC is supported by the U. S. National Science Foundation under Award No. DMR-0537588. |
The University of Wisconsin-Madison and its partners are developing a design for an FEL operating in the UV to soft x-ray range that will be proposed as a new multidisciplinary user facility. Key features of this facility include seeded, fully coherent output with tunable photon energy and polarization over the range 5 eV to 1240 eV, and simultaneous, independent operation of multiple beamlines. The different beamlines will support a wide range of science from femto-chemistry requiring ultrashort pulses with kHz repetition rates to photoemission and spectroscopy requiring high average flux and narrow bandwidth at MHz rates. The facility will take advantage of the flexibility, stability, and high average pulse rates available from a CW superconducting linac driven by a photoinjector. This unique facility is expected to enable new science through ultra-high resolution in the time and frequency domains, as well as coherent imaging and nano-fabrication. This project is being developed through collaboration between the UW Synchrotron Radiation Center and MIT. We present an overview of the facility, including the motivating science, and its laser, accelerator, and experimental systems. |
TUPMS042 | A Superconducting Linac Driver for the Wisconsin Free Electron Laser | electron, linac, gun, cathode | 1281 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the University of Wisconsin - Madison. SRC is supported by the U. S. National Science Foundation under Award No. DMR-0537588. |
We present an initial design of the driver for the Wisconsin VUV/Soft Xray FEL facility, which will provide high intensity coherent photons from 5 eV to 1.2 keV. It uses a 2.5 GeV, L-band CW superconducting linac with a 1.7 GeV tap-off to feed the lower energy FELs. In order to support multiple high rep-rate FELs, the average design current is 1 mA. Sub-nanocoulomb bunches with normalized transverse emittances of order 1 micron are generated in a photoinjector for beamlines operating at repetition rates from kHz to MHz. Multi-stage bunch compression provides 1 kA peak current to the FELs, with low energy spread and a suitable current profile. Compressed bunch lengths of several hundred femtoseconds will allow generation of photon pulses in the range 10 to 100 fs using cascaded FELs. Consideration has been given to removing the residual energy chirp from the beam, and minimizing the effects of space charge, coherent synchrotron radiation, and microbunching instabilities. A beam switchyard using RF separators and fast kickers delivers the desired electron bunches to each of the FELs. Details of the design will be presented, including those areas requiring the most development work. |
TUPMS046 | Integration of the Optical Replica Ultrashort Electron Bunch Diagnostics with the Current-Enhanced SASE in the LCLS | electron, radiation, wiggler, diagnostics | 1293 | |||||
In this paper, we present a feasibility study of integrating the optical replica (OR) ultrashort electron bunch diagnostics * with the current-enhanced SASE (ESASE) scheme ** in the LCLS. Both techniques involve using an external laser to energy-modulate the electron beam in a short wiggler and converting the energy modulation to a density modulation in a dispersive section. While ESASE proposes to use the high-current spikes to enhance the FEL signal, the OR method extracts the optical coherent radiation produced by a density modulated electron beam for frequency resolved optical gating (FROG) diagnostics. We discuss the optimization studies of combining the OR method with the ESASE after the second bunch compressor in the LCLS. Simulation results show that the OR method is capable of reproducing the expected double-horn current profile of a 200-fs bunch. The possibilities and limitations of reconstructing the longitudinal phase space profile are also explored.
* E. Saldin et al, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 539, 499 (2005).** A. Zholents, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, 040701 (2005); A. Zholents et al., in Proceedings of FEL2004, 582 (2004). |
TUPMS049 | Initial Commissioning Experience with the LCLS Injector | gun, cathode, emittance, linac | 1302 | |||||
Funding: U. S. Department of Energy contract #DE-AC02-76SF00515. |
The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) is a SASE x-ray Free-Electron Laser (FEL) project presently under construction at SLAC. The injector section, from drive-laser and RF photocathode gun through the first bunch compressor chicane, was installed during the Fall of 2006. Initial system commissioning with an electron beam takes place in the Spring and Summer of 2007. The second phase of construction, including the second bunch compressor and the FEL undulator, will begin later, in the Fall of 2007. We report here on experience gained during the first phase of machine commissioning, including RF photocathode gun, linac booster section, energy spectrometers, S-band and X-band RF systems, the first bunch compressor stage, and the various beam diagnostics. |
TUPMS057 | An Efficient 95-GHz, RF-Coupled Antenna | radiation, undulator, electron, impedance | 1314 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. Dept. of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. |
This paper presents an efficient, RF-coupled, 95-GHz undulatory (snake-like) antenna that can be fabricated using IC technology. While there are many uses for directed power at this frequency our interest is in understanding the propagation of the input power through the circuit and its radiative characteristics for comparison to earlier work in the THz range (see PAC05). 95 GHz was chosen because test equipment was available (WR-10 waveguide and HP network analyzer). Different materials, heights and widths of the circuit were considered on a low-loss, 0.10-mm thick quartz substrate e.g. 0.75 microns of elevated gold corresponding to three skin depths. The design is compared to more conventional RF technology using a low energy, high power electron beam and to higher energy, lower power Smith Purcell gratings and free-electron-lasers (FELs). The FDTD results show narrow-band, 80% radiation efficiency with a dipole-like radiation pattern that is enhanced by adding periods. The radiated power was calculated using two different techniques that agreed quite well i.e. by integrating the far-field Poynting vector as well as subtracting the output power from input power. |
TUPMS058 | The LCLS Injector Drive Laser | cathode, beam-transport, gun, controls | 1317 | |||||
Requirements for the LCLS injector drive laser present significant challenges to the design of the system. While progress has been demonstrated in spatial shape, temporal shape, UV generation and rep-rate, a laser that meets all of the LCLS specifications simultaneously has yet to be demonstrated. These challenges are compounded by the stability and reliability requirements. The drive laser and transport system has been installed and tested. We will report on the current operational state of the laser and plans for future improvements.
TUPMS069 | Proposed Tabletop Laser-driven Coherent X-Ray Source | undulator, electron, vacuum, polarization | 1332 | |||||
Laser-driven particle acceleration shows promise for compact ultra-low emittance, GeV/m electron sources. The first proof-of-principle demonstration for this particle acceleration technique has been carried out and a comprehensive experimental program to develop dielectric based micro-accelerator structures is under way. Therefore it is natural to explore the possibility for applying these future accelerators for SASE-FEL based X-ray generation. We employ well-established numerical models based on the standard SASE-FEL theory to find a plausible set of undulator and electron beam parameters to accomplish the desired X-ray pulse structure.
TUPMS079 | Ion Trapping and Cathode Bombardment by Trapped Ions in DC Photoguns | ion, cathode, gun, electron | 1356 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH1-886, Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. |
DC photoguns are used to produce high-quality, high-intensity electron beams for accelerator driven applications. Ion bombardment is credited as the major cause of degradation of the photocathode efficiency. Additionally to ions produced in the accelerating cathode-anode gap, the electron beam can ionize the residual gas in the transport line. These ions are trapped transversely within the beam and can drift back to the accelerating gap and contribute to the bombardment rate of the cathode. This paper proposes a method to reduce the flow of ions produced in the beam transport line and drifting back to the cathode-anode gap by introducing a positive potential barrier that repels the trapped ions. The reduced ion bombardment rate and increased life time of photocathodes will reduce the downtime required to service photoinjectors and associated costs. |
TUPMS085 | Photoemission Tests of a Pb/Nb Superconducting Photoinjector | cathode, electron, linac, optics | 1365 | |||||
Funding: This work has been partially supported by the EU Commission, contract no. 011935 EUROFEL-DS5, US DOE under contract number DE-AC02-98CH10886. |
We report recent progress in the development of a hybrid lead/niobium superconducting (SC) injector. The goal of this effort is to produce an all-SC injector with the SCRF properties of a niobium cavity along with the superior quantum efficiency (QE) of a lead photocathode. Two prototype hybrid injectors have been constructed, one utilizing a cavity with a removable cathode plug, and a second consisting of an all-niobium cavity arc-deposited with lead in the cathode region. We present the results of QE measurements on these cavities, along with tests of the effect of the laser on the cavity RF performance. |
TUPMS088 | Efficiency Enhancement Experiment with a Tapered Undulator in a Single-pass Seeded FEL at the NSLS SDL | undulator, electron, simulation, radiation | 1371 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the Office of Naval Research under contract No. N0002405MP70325 and U. S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC02-98CH1-886. |
We report the experimental characterization of the FEL efficiency enhancement using a tapered undulator in a single-pass seeded FEL amplifier at the NSLS SDL. The last 3 m of the 10 m NISUS undulator was linearly tapered so that the magnetic field strength at the end of the undulator was reduced by 5 %. The FEL energy gain along the undulator was measured for both the tapered and un-tapered undulator. The FEL energy with the taper was measured to be about 3.2 times higher than that without the taper. We also experimentally characterized the spectrum and the transverse distribution of the FEL light for both the tapered and un-tapered undulator. The experimental results are compared with the numerical simulation code, GENESIS 1.3. |
TUPMS091 | A Theoretical Photocathode Emittance Model Including Temperature and Field Effects | emittance, electron, brightness, photon | 1377 | |||||
Funding: We gratefully acknowledge funding by the Joint Technology Office and the Office of Naval Research. |
A recently developed model* of the emittance and brightness of a photocathode based on the evaluation of the moments of the electron emission distribution function admits an analytical solution for the zero-field and zero-temperature asymptotic model. Here, the model has been extended to account for the critical modifications of temperature and field dependence, which are tied to material issues with the cathode. Temperature impacts the nature of scattering within the photoemitter material and therefore affects quantum efficiency significantly. Field changes the emission probability at the surface barrier, and is particularly important for low work function coatings, as occur for the cesiated surfaces characteristic of our controlled porosity dispenser photocathodes. Extensions of the theoretical models shall be given, followed by an analysis of their comparison with numerical simulations of the intrinsic emittance and brightness of a photocathode. The methodology is designed to facilitate the development of photoemission models into comprehensive particle-in-cell (PIC) codes to address issues otherwise not readily treated, e.g., variation in surface coverage and topology.
* K. L. Jensen, P. G. O'Shea, D. W. Feldman, and N. A. Moody, Applied Physics Letters 89, 224103 (2006). |
TUPAN059 | The Precise Survey and the Alignment Results of the J-PARC Linac | linac, survey, alignment, beam-transport | 1520 | |||||
J-PARC linear accelerator components have been installed and the beam commissioning has been started in Nov. 2006. A total length is more than 400 m including the beam transport line to the 3GeV RCS(Rapid Cycling Synchrotron). Precise alignment of the accelerator components is essential for high quality beam acceleration. After the completion of the linac building, floor elevation was surveyed periodically for more than one year to adjust the beam height from the ion source to the RCS. Before the beam commissioning, a metrological survey has been done. The reference points on the tunnel wall were set up to form a survey network to reduce the survey error less than 1mm in the entire linac. Based on the survey results, the linac components were re-aligned finely to satisfy the requirement. In this paper, the results of the floor elevation and the final alignment are described.
TUPAN060 | The DTL/SDTL Alignment of the J-PARC Linac | alignment, linac, target, survey | 1523 | |||||
J-PARC linear accelerator components have been installed and the beam commissioning has been started in Nov. 2006. The length of the linear section is about 300 m which consists of the ion source, the radio frequency quadropole linac(RFQ), the drift tube linac(DTL), separated type DTL(SDTL), and the beam transport line. Precise alignment of the accelerator components is essential for high quality beam acceleration. The required alignment error in the J-PARC linac is 0.1mm in transverse direction. In the DTL/SDTL section, the fine alignment was carried out by using an optical alignment telescope along with the cavity installation. The relay targets were placed at short intervals for smooth connection between neighboring components. After the installation, the DTL/SDTL positions were confirmed by measuring the reference base by using a laser tracker. In this paper, the alignment procedure for the DTL/SDTL section and the results by the laser tracker measurements are described.
TUPAN064 | Use of Solidified Gas Target to Laser Ion Source | ion, target, plasma, ion-source | 1535 | |||||
We examined a laser produced neon plasma as part of a future laser ion source. The ion source is capable of generating highly ionized particles and high intensity beams by irradiating a solid target with a pulsed laser. Rare gases, which are in gas state at room temperature, need to be cooled to solid targets for laser irradiation. We generated solid neon targets by equipping our laser ion source chamber with a cryogenic cooler. This method will generate high current rare gas beams.
TUPAN065 | Proton Beam Quality Improvement by a Tailored Target Illuminated by an Intense Short-Pulse Laser | proton, target, ion, electron | 1538 | |||||
Suppression of a transverse proton divergence is focused by using a controlled electron cloud. When an intense short pulse laser illuminates a foil plasma target, first electrons are accelerated and they form a strong electric field at the target surface, then protons can be accelerated by the strong field created. An electron cloud is limited in the transverse direction by plasma at the protuberant part, if the target has a hole at the opposite side of the laser illumination*. The proton beam is accelerated and also controlled by the transverse shaped electron cloud, and consequently the transverse divergence of the beam can be suppressed. In 2.5D particle-in-cell simulations, the transverse shape of the electron cloud is controlled well.
* R. Sonobe, S. Kawata, et. al., Phys. Plasmas 12 (2005) 073104. |
WEXKI01 | First Experimental Evidence for PASER: Particle Acceleration by Stimulated Emission of Radiation | electron, acceleration, radiation, resonance | 1889 | |||||
Funding: Israel Science Foundation - ISF and United States Department of Energy -DoE |
Franck and Hertz in 1914 were the first to demonstrate that free electrons can be decelerated by mercury atoms in discrete energy quanta. In 1930 Latyscheff and Leipunsky have demonstrated the inverse effect namely; free electrons can be accelerated by energy stored in the mercury atoms (collision of the second kind). It was only in 1958 that Townes has used multiple collisions between photons and excited atoms to amplify radiation (MASER & LASER). In 1995 Schachter suggested to use excited atoms for coherently accelerate particles. The results of a proof-of-principle experiment (2006) demonstrating the PASER scheme are reported here. Performed at the BNL-ATF, the essence of the experiment is to inject a 45MeV density modulated beam into an excited CO2 gas mixture. Resonance is insured by having the beam bunched by its interaction with a high-power CO2 laser pulse within a wiggler. The electrons experienced 0.15% relative change in their kinetic energy, in less than 40cm long interaction region. The experimental results indicate that a fraction of these electrons have gained 200keV each, implying that such an electron has undergone 2,000,000 collisions of the second kind. |
WEXKI02 | Demonstration of Optical Microbunching and Net Acceleration at 0.8 microns | acceleration, electron, simulation, undulator | 1894 | |||||
Formation, diagnosis, and acceleration of electron microbunches from an rf linac generated beam is presented. A PM-EM hybrid IFEL/chicane buncher was designed and commissioned to produce optical bunch trains suitable for injection into solid-state laser accelerators. Microbunching is independently diagnosed via coherent optical tranisition radiation (COTR). Net acceleration is obtained by splitting the laser power between the IFEL and an inverse transition radiation (ITR) accelerator.
WEYKI01 | Results of the Energy Doubler Experiment at SLAC | plasma, electron, collider | 1910 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the Department of Energy contracts DE-AC02-76SF00515, DE-FG02-92ER40727, DE-FG02-92-ER40745. DE-FG02-03ER54721, DE-FC02-01ER41179 and NSF grant Phy-0321345. |
The costs and the time scales of colliders intended to reach the energy frontier are such that it is important to explore new methods of accelerating particles to high energies. Plasma-based accelerators are particularly attractive because they are capable of producing accelerating fields that are orders of magnitude larger than those used in conventional colliders. In these accelerators a drive beam, either laser or particle, produces a plasma wave (wakefield) that accelerates charged particles. The ultimate utility of plasma accelerators will depend on sustaining ultra-high accelerating fields over a substantial length to achieve a significant energy gain. More than 42 GeV energy gain was achieved in an 85 cm long plasma wakefield accelerator driven by a 42 GeV electron drive beam at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). Most of the beam electrons lose energy to the plasma wave, but some electrons in the back of the same beam pulse are accelerated with a field of ~52 GV/m. This effectively doubles their energy, producing the energy gain of the 3 km long SLAC accelerator in less than a metre for a small fraction of the electrons in the injected bunch. |
WEYKI02 | Experimental Demonstration of 1 GeV Energy Gain in a Laser Wakefield Accelerator | electron, plasma, injection, simulation | 1911 | |||||
GeV-class electron accelerators have a broad range of uses, including synchrotron facilities, free electron lasers, and high-energy particle physics. The accelerating gradient achievable with conventional radio frequency (RF) accelerators is limited by electrical breakdown within the accelerating cavity to a few tens of MeV, so the production of energetic beams requires large, expensive accelerators. One promising technology to reduce the cost and size of these accelerators (and to push the energy frontier for high-energy physics) is the laser-wakefield accelerator (LWFA), since these devices can sustain electric fields of hundreds of GV/m. In this talk, results will be presented on the first demonstration of GeV-class beams using an intense laser beam. Laser pulses with peak power ranging from 10-40TW were guided in a 3.3 cm long gas-filled capillary discharge waveguide, allowing the production of high-quality electron beams with energy up to 1 GeV. The electron beam characteristics and laser guiding, and their dependence on laser and plasma parameters will be discussed and compared to simulations.
WEOBKI01 | Stable Electron Beams with Low Absolute Energy Spread from a Laser Wakefield Accelerator with Plasma Density Ramp Controlled Injection | plasma, electron, simulation, injection | 1916 | |||||
Funding: Supported by DOE, including grant DE-AC02-05CH11231, DARPA, and by an INCITE computational award. |
Laser wakefield accelerators produce accelerating gradients up to hundreds of GeV/m and narrow energy spread, and have recently demonstrated energies up to GeV and improved stability [*,**] using electrons self trapped from the plasma. Controlled injection and staging can further improve beam quality by circumventing tradeoffs between energy, stability, and energy spread/emittance. We present experiments demonstrating production of a stable electron beam near 1 MeV with 100 keV level energy spread and central energy stability by using the plasma density profile to control self injection, and supporting simulations. A 10 TW laser pulse was focused near the downstream edge of a mm-long hydrogen gas jet. The plasma density near focus is decreasing in the laser propagation direction, which changes the wake phase velocity and reduces the trapping threshold. This allows stable self trapping and low absolute energy spread. Simulations indicate that such beams can be post accelerated to form high energy, high quality, stable beams, and experiments are under investigation.
* Geddes et al, Nature v431 no7008, 538 (2004).** Leemans et al, Nature Physics v2 no10, p696 (2006) |
WEOBKI02 | Evolution of Relativistic Plasma Wave-Front in LWFA | plasma, electron, diagnostics, scattering | 1919 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by DOE Grant Nos. DE-FG52-03NA00138 and DE-FG02-92ER40727, and Grant POCI/FIS/58776/2004 (FCT-Portugal) |
In a laser wakefield accelerator experiment where the length of the pump laser pulse is several plasma period long, the leading edge of the laser pulse undergoes frequency downshifting as the laser energy is transferred to the wake. Therefore, after some propagation distance, the group velocity of the leading edge of of the pump pulseand therefore of the driven electron plasma wavewill slow down. This can have implications for the dephasing length of the accelerated electrons and therefore needs to be understood experimentally. We have carried out an experimental investigation where we have measured the velocity vf of the 'wave-front' of the plasma wave driven by a nominally 50fs (FWHM), intense (a0~1), 0.8 micron laser pulse. To determine the speed of the wave front, time- and space-resolved shadowgraphy, interferometry, and Thomson scattering were used. Although low density data (ne ~ 1018 cm-3) showed no significant changes in vf over 1.5mm (and no accelerated electrons), high-density data shows accelerated electrons and an approximately 5% drop in vf after a propagation distance of about 800 microns. |
WEXAB03 | ATF Results and ATF-II Plans | damping, extraction, emittance, kicker | 1950 | |||||
The ATF (Accelerator Test Facility at KEK) International collaboration has been launched formally under the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) from August 1, 2005, so as to maximally contribute to the world design and development efforts in the areas of particle sources, damping rings, beam focusing and beam instrumentation towards the International Linear Collider (ILC) project. I will give a talk on the recent ATF results and future plans of ATF2 project. I am sure that ATF International collaboration group will give a right direction regarding the development of fast kicker for ILC damping ring and clear experimental results on fast ion instability with very flat beam. Several considerations for ATF-II beam commissioning strategy will be discussed with the explanation of the beam instrumentation.
WEOCC01 | Experimental Approach to Ultra-Cold Ion Beam at S-LSR | electron, proton, ion, beam-cooling | 2035 | |||||
Funding: The present work was supported from Advanced Compact Accelerator project by MEXT, Japan. Support from the 21COE at Kyoto University-Diversity and Universality in Physics- is also greatly appreciated. |
S-LSR is a storage and cooler ring with the circumference of 22.56 m applied for an electron beam cooling of 7 MeV proton beam and laser cooling of 24Mg+ beam with 35 keV. From the measurement with the use of Schottky pich-up of the momentum spread of 7 MeV proton beam reducing the particle number to suppress the effect of intra-beam scattering,abrupt jump in fractional momentum spread and Schottky power has been observed, which is considered the 1 dimensional phase transition to the ordered state*. The situation has also been expected from numerical simulation**. Laser cooling with much stronger cooling force is expected to realize 2Dand 3D crystalline states if the maintenance condition can be satisfied. Experimental approaches to realize such a condition at S-LSR as dispersion free lattice and "tapered cooling" are also decribed in the present paper.
* A Noda, et al., , New Journal of Physics, 8 (2006)288.** A. Smirnov et al., Beam Science and Technology, 10 (2006) 6*** J. Wei, X-P, Li and A. M. Sessler, , Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 3089. |
WEOCC02 | Overview of warm-dense-matter experiments with intense heavy ion beams at GSI-Darmstadt | target, ion, heavy-ion, diagnostics | 2038 | |||||
Recently, a series of high energy density (HED) physics experiments with heavy ion beams have been carried out at the GSI heavy ion accelerator. The ion beam spot of heating uranium beam size of about 1 mm, pulse length about 120 ns and intensity 109 particles/bunch. In these experiments, metallic solid and porous targets of macroscopic volumes were heated by intense heavy ion beams uniformly and quasi-isochorically, and temperature, pressure and expansion velocity were measured during the heating and cooling of the sample using a fast multi-channel radiation pyrometer, laser Doppler interferometer (VISAR), Michelson displacement interferometer and streak-camera-based-backlighting system. In the performed experiments target temperatures varying from 1'000 K to 12'000 K and pressure in kbar range were measured. Expansion velocities up to 2600 m/s have been registered for lead and up to 1700 m/s for tungsten targets.
WEOCC04 | Recent Progress on the Diamond Amplified Photo-cathode Experiment | electron, emittance, vacuum, lattice | 2044 | |||||
We report recent progress on the Diamond Amplified Photo-cathode (DAP). The use of a pulsed electron gun provides detailed information about the DAP physics. The secondary electron gain has been measured under various electric fields. We have achieved gains of a few hundred in the transmission mode and observed evidence of emission of electrons from the surface. A model based on recombination of electrons and holes during generation well describes the field dependence of the gain. The emittance measurement system for the DAP has been designed, constructed and is ready for use. The capsule design of the DAP is also being studied in parallel.
WEPMN011 | Multichannel Downconverter for the Next Generation RF Field Control for VUV- and X-Ray Free Electron Lasers | controls, free-electron-laser, electron, insertion | 2071 | |||||
Funding: We acknowledge financial support by DESY Hamburg and the EUROFEL project. |
For pump- and probe experiments at VUV- and X-ray free-electron lasers the stability of the electron beam and timing reference must be guaranteed in phase for the injector and bunch compression section within a resolution of 0.01 degree (rms) and in amplitude within 1 10-4 (rms). The performance of the field detection and regulation of the acceleration RF critically influences the phase and amplitude stability. For the RF field control, a multichannel RF downconverter is used to detect the field vectors and control the vectorsum of 32 cavities. In this paper a new design of an 8 channel downconverter is presented. The downconverter frontend consists of a passive rf double balanced mixer input stage, intermediate filters and an integrated 16bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The design includes a digital motherboard for data preprocessing and communication with the controller. In addition we characterize the downconverter performance in amplitude and phase jitter, temperature drifts and channel crosstalk in laboratory environment as well as for accelerator operation. |
WEPMN036 | High Field Performance in Reduced Cross-sectional X-Band Waveguides Made of Different Materials | linac, simulation, acceleration | 2119 | |||||
To study the characteristics of different materials on high-field rf breakdown we designed a simplified waveguide, where the field of 200MV/m is realized at rf power of 100MW. The geometry is transformed from the WR90, where the height and the width are reduced from 10.16 mm to 1mm and from 22.86mm to 14mm, respectively. This paper reports on the high-gradient testing of copper and stainless-steel waveguides. We have observed rf breakdowns by bursts of x-rays, flashes of visible lights and acoustic signals. Frequent breakdowns are observed at about 100MV/m level in copper case and the study on the stainless-steel waveguide will be performed to be compared to that of copper case.
WEPMN072 | Material Selection and Characterization for High Gradient RF Applications | target, linear-collider, collider, insertion | 2197 | |||||
The selection of candidate materials for the accelerating cavities of the Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) is carried out in parallel with high power RF testing. The DC breakdown field of copper, copper alloys, refractory metals, titanium and aluminium have been measured with a dedicated setup. Higher maximum fields are obtained for refractory metals and for titanium, which exhibits important damages after conditioning. Fatigue behaviour of copper alloys has been studied for surface and bulk by pulsed laser irradiation and ultrasonic excitation, respectively. The selected copper alloys show consistently higher fatigue resistance than copper in both experiments. RF tests are planned. In order to obtain the best local properties a bi-metallic assembly is being studied for the accelerating structures. The mechanical strength of junctions of molybdenum and copper-zirconium C15000, made either by Hot Isostatic Pressing or explosion bonding was evaluated. The reliability of the results obtained with either technique should be improved. Testing in DC and RF is continued in order to select materials for a bi-metal exhibiting superior properties with respect to the combination C15000-Mo.
WEPMS036 | LCLS LLRF Upgrades to the SLAC Linac | linac, klystron, controls, feedback | 2421 | |||||
Funding: DOE |
The Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC will be the brightest X-ray laser in the world when it comes on line. In order to achieve the brightness a 100fS length electron bunch is passed through an undulator. To creat the 100fS bunch, a 10pS electron bunch, created from a photo cathode in an RF gun, is run off crest on the RF to set up a position to energy correlation. The bunch is then compressed chicanes. The stability of the RF system is critical in setting up the position to energy correlation. Specifications derived from simulations require the RF system to be stable to below 100fS in several critical injector stations and the last kilometer of linac. The SLAC linac RF system is being upgraded to meet these requirements. |
WEPMS040 | Active RF Pulse Compression Using Electrically Controlled Semiconductor Switches | simulation, coupling, resonance, linear-collider | 2433 | |||||
In this paper, we will present our recent results on the research of the ultrafast high power RF switches based on silicon. We have developed a switch module at X-band which can use a silicon window as the switch, and scaled it to 30GHz for the CLIC application. The switching is realized by generation of carriers in the bulk silicon. The carriers can be generated electrically or/and optically. The electrically controlled switches use PIN diodes to inject carrier. We have built the PIN diode switches at X-band, with <300ns switching time. The optically controlled switches use powerful laser to excite carriers. By combining the laser excitation and electrical carrier generation, significant reduction in the required power of both the laser and the electrical driver is expected. High power test is under going.
THOAKI01 | Advances in Large Grain/Single Crystal SC Resonators at DESY | free-electron-laser, electron | 2569 | |||||
The main aim of the DESY large grain R&D program is to check whether this option is reasonable to apply for fabrication of ca. 1'000 XFEL cavities. Two aspects are being pursued. On one hand the basic material investigation, on the other hand the material availability, fabrication and preparation procedure. Several single cell large grain cavities of TESLA shape have been fabricated and tested. The best accelerating gradients of 41 MV/m was measured on electropolished cavity. First large grain nine-cell cavities worldwide have been produced under contract of DESY with ACCEL Instruments Co. All three cavities fulfil the XFEL specification already in first RF test after only BCP (Buffered Chemical Polishing) treatment and 800 degrees C annealing. Accelerating gradient of 27 - 29 MV/m was reached. A fabrication method of single crystal cavity of ILC like shape was proposed. A single cell single crystal cavity was build at the company ACCEL. Accelerating gradient of 37.5 MV/m reached after only 112 microns BCP and in situ baking 120 degrees C for 6 hrs with the quality factor higher as 2x1010. The developed method can be extended on fabrication of multi cell single crystal cavities.
THYKI01 | Ultra-High Intensity Laser Acceleration of Ions to Mev/Nucleon Energies | ion, target, acceleration | 2581 | |||||
Advances have been made in using ultra-high intensity lasers to directly produce high-current beams of MeV/nucleon ions in solid targets. Experimental results using the LANL Trident Laser will be discussed including beam quality and possible applications.
THYKI02 | Laser Stripping of H- beams: Theory and Experiments | ion, linac, proton, electron | 2582 | |||||
Funding: Research sponsored by LDRD Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
Thin carbon foils are used as strippers for charge exchange injection into high intensity proton rings. However, the stripping foils become radioactive and produce uncontrolled beam loss, which is one of the main factors limiting beam power in high intensity proton rings. Recently, we presented a scheme for laser stripping an H- beam for the Spallation Neutron Source ring. First, H- atoms are converted to H0 by a magnetic field, then H0 atoms are excited from the ground state to the upper levels by a laser, and the excited states are converted to protons by a magnetic field. In this paper we report on the first successful proof-of-principle demonstration of this scheme to give high efficiency (around 90%) conversion of H- beam into protons at SNS in Oak Ridge. The experimental setup is described, and comparison of the experimental data with simulations is presented. In addition, future plans on building a practical laser stripping device are discussed. |
THOAC01 | ATF Extraction Line Laser-Wire System | electron, extraction, photon, background | 2636 | |||||
Funding: PPARC LC-ABD Collaboration Royal Society Daiwa Foundation Commission of European Communities under the 6th Framework Programme Structuring the European Research Area, contract number RIDS-011899 |
The ATF extraction line laser-wire (LW) aims to achieve a micron-scale laser spot size and to verify that micron-scale beam profile measurements can be performed at the International Linear Collider beam delivery system. Recent upgrades to the LW system are presented together with recent results including the first use of the LW as a beam diagnostic tool. |
THPMN021 | Ultrafast Beam Research at the Pegasus Laboratory | cathode, electron, emittance, gun | 2751 | |||||
The PEGASUS laboratory at the UCLA Physics Department is a photoinjector laboratory. With a new ultrafast photoinjector laser driver, the laboratory capabilities are greatly expanded. We discuss the near term scientific goals and technical solutions proposed. The marriage of ultra short laser pulse techniques and a high brightness electron source allows also the development of advanced longitudinal beam diagnostics with time-resolution comparable to the ultrashort laser probe pulse derived from the photocathode driver.
THPMN025 | High QE Photocathodes Performance during Operation at FLASH/PITZ Photoinjectors | cathode, gun, vacuum, controls | 2763 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the European Community, contract number RII3-CT-2004-506008 |
The FLASH (DESY-Hamburg) and PITZ (DESY-Zeuthen) photoinjectors routinely use high quantum efficiency (QE) photocathodes produced at LASA (INFN-Milano), since 1998. To further understand the photocathode behavior during beam operation, photocathode QE measurements have been performed at different operating conditions in both RF photoinjectors. The analysis of these measurements will be used to improve the photocathode preparation procedures and to deeper understand the photocathode properties, whose final goal would be the further increase of their lifetime and beam quality preservation during the RF gun operations. |
THPMN032 | Beam Generation and Acceleration Experiments of X-Band Linac and Monochromatic keV X-Ray Source of the University of Tokyo | scattering, electron, gun, cathode | 2784 | |||||
In the Nuclear Professional School, the University of Tokyo, we are constructing an X-band linear accelerator that consists of an X-band thermionic cathode RF gun and X-band accelerating structure. This system is considered for a compact inverse Compton scattering monochromatic X-ray source for the medical application. The injector of this system consists of the 3.5-cell coaxial RF feed coupler type X-band thermionic cathode RF gun and an alpha-magnet. The X-band accelerating structure is round detuned structure (RDS) type that developed for the future linear collider are fully adopted. So far, we have constructed the whole RF system and beam line for the X-band linac and achieved 2 MeV electron beam generation from the X-band thermionic cathode RF gun. In addition, we achieved 40 MW RF feeding to the accelerating structure. The laser system for the X-ray generation via Compton scattering was also constructed and evaluated its properties. In this presentation, we will present the details of our system and progress of beam acceleration experiment and the performance of the laser system for the Compton scattering experiment.
THPMN033 | Commissioning a Cartridge-Type Photocathode RF Gun System at University of Tokyo | cathode, electron, gun, vacuum | 2787 | |||||
We have been developing a compact-sized cartridge-type cathode exchanging system installed in BNL-type IV photocathode RF gun. We can replace a cathode without breaking the vacuum of RF gun, so that a high quantum efficiency photocathode is not surrounded by oxygen or moisture. The advantage of this system can be controlled the quality of the each cathode by making cathode plugs in a factory. Moreover we can easily change a cathode material, such as visible light driven cathode (AgOCs NaK2Sb) the high QE cathode(Cs2Te) for high brightness beam, metal cathode(Mg) for ultra-fast phenomena. Therefore we can investigate characterization of variable cathode materials in high gradient electric field of ~100MV/m. The cavity with the exchanging port and the beam trajectory is calculated by superfish and GPT, respectively. We found that the parameters of the cavity with a plug is almost same compared with normal back plate. Using this system, we can investigate the cathode material and deliver the stable electron beam by one RF gun.
THPMN034 | Manipulation of Electron Beam Generation with Modified Magnetic Circuit on Laser-wakefield Acceleration | electron, plasma, acceleration, cathode | 2790 | |||||
Electron beam injection triggered by intense ultrashort laser pulses, which is called as plasma cathode, is presented. We have studied generation of relativistic electrons by interaction between a high intensity ultra-short laser pulse and gas jet. When a static magnetic field of 0.2 T is applied, the modification of the preplasma cavity, and significant enhancement of emittance and an increase of the total charge of electron beams produced by a 12 TW, 40 fs laser pulse tightly focused in a He gas jet, were observed. And very high stability and reproducibility of the characteristics and position of well-collimated electron beams was detected. Now we are planning to experiment with a magnetic circuit that has more intense magnetic field of 1 T. The present report aims at presenting these experimental and analytical results.
THPMN035 | Pinpoint keV/MeV X-ray Sources for X-ray Drug Delivery System | linac, radiation, electron, scattering | 2793 | |||||
X-ray Drug Delivery System (DDS) is the most advanced radiation therapy coming after IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) and IGRT (Image Guided). DDS uses advanced nano-scaled polymers which contain and deliver drug or contrast agent to cancers without side effects. Several X-ray DDS poses high-Z atoms like Pt and Au to absorb X-rays effectively and used as contrast agent for inspection. Moreover, they have radiation enhancement effect by emission of Auger electron and successive characteristic X-rays. The enhancement factor off Pt and Au is more than five. This can be used for therapy. This new modality must be very important for inspection and therapy of deep cancers. We are making use of our Compton scattering monochromatic keV X-ray source and MeV linac aspinpoint keV/MeV X-ray sources for the purpose. Physical analysis and evaluation of the contrast efficiency and radiation enhancement of the X-ray DDS are under way. Furthermore, a new compact X-band linac with a multi-beam klystron for a pinpoint X-ray source is proposed and designed. Updated research status and result are presented.
THPMN037 | Development of Compact EUV Source based on Laser Compton Scattering | electron, scattering, undulator, radiation | 2799 | |||||
High-power extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source is required for next generation semiconductor lithography. We start to develop a compact EUV source in the spectral range of 13-14 nm, which is based on laser Compton scattering between a 7 MeV electron beam and a high intensity CO2 laser pulse. Electron beam is pre-bunched using two different wavelengths of laser pulses with a dispersion section of beam transport line*,**. In this conference, we describe the results of numerical study for the EUV source and a plan of test experiment generating micro-bunched electron beam.
*M. Goldstein et al., Proc. of the 27th Int. FEL conference, Stanford, California, USA (2005) pp.422-425**A. Endo, Sematic EUV source workshop, Barcelona, Spain (2006) |
THPMN038 | Dynamic Optical Modulation of the Electron Beam for the High Performance Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy | electron, radiation, cathode, gun | 2802 | |||||
Radiation therapy attracts attention as one of cancer therapies nowadays. Recently, the radiation therapy of cancer is developing to un-uniform irradiation as IMRT, for reduce dose to normal tissue and concentrate dose to cancer tissue. A photo cathode RF gun is able to generate a low emittance electron beam pulse using a laser light pulse. We thought that a photo cathode RF gun can generate intensity modulated electron beam by optical modulation at the incident optics dynamically. Because of a low emittance, the modulated electron beam pulse is able to accelerate keeping shape. Accelerated electron pulses will be converted to X-ray pulses by a metal target bremsstrahlung method or by a laser inverse Compton scattering method. For the high performance intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), dynamic optical modulation of the electron beam pulse were studied using a Photo cathode RF gun LINAC. Modulated and Moving electron beam will be reported.
THPMN039 | Femtosecond Electron Beam Dynamics in Photocathode Accelerator | electron, gun, emittance, injection | 2805 | |||||
Ultrashort electron beams, of the order of 100 fs, are essential to reveal the hidden dynamics of intricate molecular and atomic processes in nanofabrication through experimentation such as time-resolved electron diffraction and femto-chemistry. The transverse and longitudinal dynamics of ultrashort electron beam in a photocathode linear accelerator were studied for femtosecond electron beam generation. The emittance growth and bunch length increase due to the rf and the space charge effects in the rf gun were investigated with the laser injection phase. The dependences of the emittance, bunch length and energy spread on the bunch charge were measured experimentally and compared with the theoretical simulation. The increase of the bunch length due to the space charge effect was also investigated during the bunch compression in magnetic field.
THPMN040 | Development of an S-band Cs2Te-Cathode RF Gun with New RF Tuners | gun, cathode, electron, vacuum | 2808 | |||||
We have been studying an S-band Cs2Te-Cathode RF Gun with 1.6 cells. The new gun cavity reported in this poster has new RF tuners, which are compact and, therefore, can be attached even on the half-cell. RF balance between the full- and half-cells is adjustable by using the tuners on both cells. Compared to the existing cavity, a Helicoflex seal for half-cell adjustment is not needed for new one. This structure is expected to have advantages for gun machining, for Q factor of the cavity, and for reduction of dark current from the RF gun. The cathode is made by evaporation on a Mo plug, and the plug is attached by a load lock system. We report status of the gun development.
THPMN055 | Effect of Amplification of Cherenkov Radiation in an Active Medium with Two Resonant Frequencies | radiation, plasma, acceleration, resonance | 2829 | |||||
Funding: Russian Foundation for Basic Research; Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. |
The possibility of using an active medium to amplify the generated wakefield of an electron beam and employing the amplified wakefield to accelerate a second beam has been recognized recently*. This acceleration scheme is one of several related methods referred to as the Particle Acceleration by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (PASER). However, only the case of an active medium with a single resonant frequency has been analyzed until now. In this paper we present the results of analytical and numerical studies of Cherenkov radiation (CR) in an active medium with two resonant frequencies. We show that this medium can amplify CR even in the case of a purely real refractive index. In contrast to a medium with a single resonant frequency the amplification effect takes place in the absence of metal boundaries but only for sufficiently strong restrictions on the parameters of the medium. The amplification can be effective even for a medium with a relatively small inversion. Examples of CR amplification are given for several active materials. The effect may be useful both for wakefield accelerators and Cherenkov detectors.
*L. Schachter, Phys. Rev., E, 62, 1252 (2000); N. V.Ivanov, A. V.Tyukhtin, Tech. Phys. Lett., 32, 449 (2006). |
THPMN065 | Laser Collimation for Linear Colliders | collimation, electron, linear-collider, collider | 2856 | |||||
We explore the possibility of laser-based postlinac beam collimation in future linear colliders. A laser employed as a spoiler can neither be 'destroyed' by the beam impact and nor generate collimator wake fields. In addition, the postlinac collimation section, presently the longest part of linear-collider beam delivery systems, can be shortened. In this paper, we investigate different types of laser modes for use as spoiler. Suitable laser beam parameters and modes are discussed for collimation in both CLIC and ILC.
THPMN085 | Proposed Dark Current Studies at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility | cathode, gun, electron, diagnostics | 2904 | |||||
Funding: US Department of Energy |
A study of breakdown mechanism has been initiated at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility (AWA). Breakdown may include several factors such as local field enhancement, explosive electron emission, Ohmic heating, tensile stress produced by electric field, and others. The AWA is building a dedicated facility to test various models for breakdown mechanisms and to determine the roles of different factors in the breakdown. An imaging system is being put together to identify single emitters on the cathode surface. This will allow us to study dark current properties in the gun. We also plan to trigger breakdown events with a high-powered laser at various wavelengths (IR to UV). Another experimental idea follows from the recent work on a Schottky-enabled photoemission in an RF photoinjector that allows us to determine in situ the field enhancement factor on a cathode surface. Monitoring the field enhancement factor before and after can shed some light on a modification of metal surface after the breakdown. |
THPMN097 | Envelope and Multi-slit Emittance Measurements at Fermilab A0-Photoinjector and Comparison with Simulations | emittance, simulation, space-charge, gun | 2936 | |||||
Funding: Operated by Universities Research Association, Inc. for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-76CH03000. |
Recently we have measured the transverse emittance using both multi-screen as well as muli-slit methods for a range of electron beam intensities from 1 nC to 4 nC at A0 Photoinjector facility at Fermilab. The data have been taken with un-stacked 2.5 ps laser pulse. In this paper we report on these measurements and compare the results with the predictions from beam dynamics calculations using ASTRA and General Particle Tracer including 3D space charge effects. |
THPMN112 | Colliding Pulse Injection Experiments in Non-Collinear Geometry for Controlled Laser Plasma Wakefield Acceleration of Electrons | plasma, electron, injection, collider | 2975 | |||||
Funding: Supported by DOE grant DE-AC02-05CH11231, DARPA, and and INCITE computational grant. |
Colliding laser pulses* have been proposed as a method for controlling injection of electrons into a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) and hence producing high quality relativistic electron beams with energy spread below 1% and normalized emittances below 1 micron. The original proposal relied on three coaxial pulsesI. One pulse excites a plasma wake, and a collinear pulse following behind it collides with a counterpropagating pulse forming a beat pattern that boosts background electrons into accelerating phase. A variation of this method uses only two laser pulses** which may be non-collinear. The first pulse drives the wake, and beating of the trailing edge of this pulse with the colliding pulse injects electrons. Non-collinear injection avoids optical elements on the electron beam path (avoiding emittance growth). We report on progress of non-collinear experiments at LBNL, using the Ti:Sapphire laser at the LOASIS facility of LBNL. Preliminary results indicate that electron beam properties are affected by the second beam. Details of the experiment will be presented.
* E. Esarey, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett 79, 2682 (1997).** G. Fubiani, Phys. Rev. E 70, 016402 (2004). |
THPMN113 | Performance of Capillary Discharge Guided Laser Plasma Wakefield Accelerator | electron, plasma, beam-loading, simulation | 2978 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by US DoE office of High Energy Physics under contract DE-AC02-05CH11231 and DARPA. |
A GeV-class laser-driven plasma-based wakefield accelerator has been realized at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). The device consists of a 100 TW-class high repetition rate Ti:sapphire LOASIS laser system of LBNL and a gas-filled capillary discharge waveguide developed at Oxford University. Results will be presented on the generation of GeV-class electron beams with a 3.3 cm long preformed plasma channel. The use of a discharge-based waveguide permitted operation at an order of magnitude lower density and 15 times longer distance than in previous experiments that relied on laser-preformed plasma channels. Laser pulses with peak power ranging from 10-50 TW were guided over more than 20 Rayleigh ranges and high-quality electron beams with energy up to 1 GeV were obtained. The dependence of the electron beam characteristics on plasma channel properties and laser parameters are discussed. |
THPMN114 | Recent Progress at LBNL on Characterization of Laser Wakefield Accelerated Electron Bunches Using Coherent Transition Radiation | electron, plasma, radiation, injection | 2981 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US DoE Office of High Energy Physics under contract DE-AC03-76SF0098 and DARPA. |
At LBNL, laser wakefield accelerators (LWFA) now produce ultra-short electron bunches with energies up to 1 GeV[1]. As femtosecond electron bunches exit the plasma they radiate a strong burst in the terahertz range[2,3], via coherent transition radiation (CTR). Measuring the CTR properties allows non-invasive bunch-length diagnostics[4], a key to continuing rapid advance in LWFA technology. In addition, this method of CTR generation provides very high peak power that can lead novel THz-based applications. Experimental bunch length characterizations through electro-optic sampling as well as bolometric analysis are presented. Measurements demonstrate both the shot-by-shot stability of bunch parameters, and femtosecond synchronization between bunch, THz pulse, and laser beam.
[1] W. P. Leemans et al., Nature Physics 2, 696(2006)[2] W. P. Leemans et al., PRL 91, 074802(2003)[3] C. B. Schroeder et al., PRE 69, 016501(2004)[4] J. van Tilborg et al., PRL 96, 014801(2006) |
THPMS010 | Polarized Pulsed Beam Source for Electron Microscopy | cathode, electron, vacuum, simulation | 3011 | |||||
A novel source of polarized pulsed electron beam is discussed. Unlike conventional devices based either on a thermionic cathodes or field-emission needle cathodes, in this source the electrons are produced by a laser beam hitting the cathode surface. Using a combination of gallium arsenide (GaAs) planar cathode and a suitable laser one can obtain a polarized picosecond electron bunch. Numerical simulations of the electron dynamics in the optimized cathode-anode geometry have shown that the beam with initial transverse size of a few mm can be focused down to 1 mm RMS at a distance of about 4 cm from the cathode. The suggested source can be installed instead of a tungsten filament source in an existing electron microscope with no modification of any column elements. The main advantages of this approach are that the beam can be easily pulsed, the beam is polarized which makes it an effective probe of some magnetic phenomena, and the laser can be used to provide larger beam intensity. The design of the source and subsequent fabrication has been completed. The paper presents numerical studies, conceptual design of the device, and results of beam measurements.
THPMS015 | Observation of Multi-GeV Breakdown Thresholds in Dielectric Wakefield Structures | electron, radiation, alignment, simulation | 3026 | |||||
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy under Contracts No. DE-FG03-92ER40693, DE-AC02-76SF00515, W-7405-ENG-48, and DE-FG02-92-ER40745. |
The breakdown threshold of a dielectric subjected to the GV/m-scale electric-fields of an intense electron-beam has been measured. In this experiment at the Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) facility, the 30 GeV SLAC electron beam was focused down and propagated through short fused-silica capillary-tubes with internal diameters of as little as 100 microns. The electric field at the inner surface of the tubes was varied from about 1 GV/m to 22 GV/m by adjusting the longitudinal compression of the electron bunch. The onset of breakdown, as indicated by a bright discharge, was found to correlate to a surface field of about 4 GV/m. An analysis of the damage sustained to the beam-exposed fibers, and its correlation to field amplitude, is also reported. |
THPMS021 | Optimum Electron Bunch Creation in a Photoinjector Using Space Charge Expansion | emittance, electron, simulation, space-charge | 3044 | |||||
Recent studies have shown that by illuminating a photocathode with an ultra-short laser pulse of appropriate transverse profile, a uniform density, ellipsoidally shaped electron bunch can be dynamically formed. Linear space-charge fields then exist in all dimensions inside of the bunch, which minimizes emittance growth. Here we study this process, and its marriage to the standard emittance compensation scenario that is implemented in most modern photoinjectors. We show that the two processes are compatible, with simulations indicating that a very high brightness beam can be obtained. An initial time-resolved experiment has been performed at the SPARC injector in Frascati, involving Cerenkov radiation produced at an aerogel. We discuss the results of this preliminary experiment, as well as plans for future experiments to resolve the ellipsoidal bunch shape at low energy. Future measurements at high energy based on fs resolution RF sweepers are also discussed.
THPMS023 | Designing LWFA in the Blowout Regime | plasma, electron, acceleration, injection | 3050 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by DOE and NSF under grant Nos. DE-FG03-92ER40727, DE-FC02-01ER41179, DE-FG02-03ER54721, and NSF-Phy-0321345. |
The extraordinary ability of space-charge waves in plasmas to accelerate charged particles at gradients that are orders of magnitude greater than that in current accelerators has been well documented. We develop a phenomenological framework for Laser Wakefield Acceleration (LWFA) in the 3D nonlinear regime, in which the plasma electrons are expelled by the radiation pressure of a short pulse laser, leading to nearly complete blowout. This theory provides a recipe for designing a LWFA for given laser and plasma parameters and estimates the number and the energy of the accelerated electrons whether self-injected or externally injected. These formulas apply for self-guided as well as externally guided pulses (e.g. by plasma channels). Based on this theory, we will present scenarios on how to build a single stage accelerator with output energies from GeV to TeV. Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations are used to verify our theory. This work was supported by DOE and NSF under grant Nos. DE-FG03-92ER40727, DE-FC02-01ER41179, DE-FG02-03ER54721, and NSF-Phy-0321345. |
THPMS024 | Experimental Investigation of Self-guiding using a Matched Laser Beam in a cm Scale Length Underdense Plasma | plasma, electron, diagnostics, simulation | 3052 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by NNSA Grant no. DE-FG52- 03NA00138, and DOE Grant no. DE-FG02-92ER40727. |
High-intensity short-pulse laser guiding in plasma channels has extended the length over which acceleration occurs in laser wake field accelerators*. Recent multidimensional nonlinear plasma wave theory predicts a range of optimal characteristics for self-guiding of laser pulses in the blowout regime for pulses shorter than a plasma wavelength**. This theory predicts a robust, stable parameter space for self-guiding and wake production and has been verified through multidimensional particle-in-cell simulations. We experimentally explore the plasma dynamics and laser pulse propagation using a 50 fs multi-terawatt Ti:Sapphire laser in a helium plasma at plasma densities, laser powers, and spot sizes within this parameter space. Our parameters are in the range where the plasma is underdense and the laser power is much greater than the critical power for self focusing. The evolution of the laser pulse and plasma channel will be followed over several Rayleigh lengths.
* C. Geddes et. al., Nature (London) 431, 538 (2004)** W. Lu et. al., Phys. Plasmas 13, 056709 (2006) |
THPMS026 | The UCLA Helical Permanent-Magnet Inverse Free Electron Laser | undulator, electron, simulation, permanent-magnet | 3055 | |||||
The Inverse Free Electron Laser (IFEL) is capable, in principle, of reaching accelerating gradients of up to 1 GV/m making it a prospective accelerator scheme for linear colliders. The Neptune IFEL at UCLA utilizes a 15 MeV Photoinjector-generated electron beam of 0.5 nC and a CO2 laser with peak energy of up to 100 J, and will be able to accelerate electrons to 100 MeV over an 80 cm long, novel helical permanent-magnet undulator. Past IFELs have been limited in their average accelerating gradient due to the Gouy phase shift caused by tight focusing of the drive laser. Here, laser guiding is implemented via an innovative Open Iris-Loaded Waveguide Structure scheme which ensures that the laser mode size and wave front are conserved through the undulator. The results of the first phase of the experiment are discussed in this paper, including the design and construction of a short micro-bunching undulator, testing of the OILS waveguide, as well as the results of corresponding simulations.
THPMS028 | The Physical Picture of Beam Loading in the Blowout Regime | electron, plasma, beam-loading, simulation | 3061 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by DOE and NSF under grant Nos. DE-FG03-92ER40727, DE-FC02-01ER41179, DE-FG02-03ER54721, and NSF-Phy-0321345. |
The realization of high quality LWFA-produced electron beams requires laser pulses that remain focused for distances exceeding the Rayleigh length. It is often thought that a short pulse laser cannot be self-guided and some form of external optical guiding is needed. As short pulse lasers with higher power are rapidly coming online to test the LWFA concept it is vital to understand the nature of their propagation through centimeters of plasma. We argue that a degree of self-guiding is possible for short ultra-intense pulses that have been shown to lead to complete ponderomotive expulsion of plasma electrons. Furthermore, the generation of a high quality electron beam requires proper loading of the wake. We have developed a theoretical framework which predicts the maximum number of electrons which can be loaded in the wake, as well as the optimal charge density profile for beam loading. Using the PIC codes OSIRIS and QuickPIC we present designs of LWFA accelerators that verify our theoretical estimates as well as demonstrate the potential of LWFA to produce high energy electron beams with high beam quality. |
THPMS052 | Optical Wakefield from a Photonic Bandgap Fiber Accelerator | electron, simulation, quadrupole, vacuum | 3106 | |||||
Photonic Bandgap (PBG) structures have recently been proposed as optical accelerators for there high coupling impedance and high damage threshold (>2 GV/m). As a first step in preparing a PBG accelerator, we propose to first observe the optical wakefield induced incoherently by an electron beam traversing the structure in the absence of a coupled laser pulse. The electrons are coupled into the fiber via a permanent magnet quadrupole triplet. The electrons excite fiber modes with speed-of-light phase velocities. By observing the wakefield using a spectrometer, the accelerating mode frequencies are determined.
THPMS055 | Beam Dynamics Measurements for the SLAC Laser Acceleration Experiment | linac, gun, emittance, electron | 3115 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by U. S. Dept. of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. |
The NLC Test Accelerator (NLCTA) at SLAC was built to address various beam dynamics issues for the Next Linear Collider. An S-Band RF gun has been installed with diagnostics and a low energy spectrometer (LES) at 6 MeV together with a large-angle extraction line at 60 MeV. This is followed by a matching section, buncher and final focus for the laser acceleration experiment, E163. The laser-electron interaction area is followed by a broad range (2\%), high resolving power (104) spectrometer (HES) for electron bunch analysis. Emittance compensating solenoids and the LES are used to tune for best operating point and match to the linac. Optical symmetries in the design of the 25.5° extraction line provide 1:1 phase space transfer without use of sextupoles for a large, 6D phase space volume and range of input conditions. Spot sizes of a few microns at the IP (or HES object) allow tests of microscale structures as well as high resolving power at the image of the HES. Tolerances, tuning sensitivities and diagnostics are discussed together with the latest commissioning results and their comparison to design expectations. |
THPMS059 | Correlating Pulses from Two Spitfire, 800nm Lasers | acceleration, photon, electron, background | 3121 | |||||
Funding: Department of Energy contracts DE-AC02-76SF00515, DE-FG03-97ER41043-III |
The E163 laser acceleration experiments conducted at SLAC have stringent requirements on the temporal properties of two regeneratively amplified, 800nm, Spitfire laser systems. To determine the magnitude and cause of timing instabilities between the two Ti:Sapphire amplifiers, we pass the two beams through a cross-correlator and focus the combined beam onto a Hamamatsu G1117 photodiode. The photodiode has a bandgap such that single photon processes are suppressed and only the second order, two-photon process produces an observable response. The response is proportional to the square of the intensity. The diode is also useful as a diagnostic to determine the optimal configuration of the compression cavity.
Yoshihiro Takagi et al, 'Multiple- and Single-shot autocorrelator based on two-photon conductivity in semiconductors.' Optics Letters, Vol. 17, No. 9, May 1, 1992. |
THPMS064 | Lifetime Measurements of High Polarization Strained-Superlattice Gallium Arsenide at Beam Current > 1 Milliamp using a New 100kV Load Lock Photogun | polarization, vacuum, electron, gun | 3130 | |||||
Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U. S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. |
A new 100 kV GaAs DC Load Lock Photogun has been constructed at Jefferson Laboratory, with improvements for photocathode preparation and for operation in a high voltage, ultra-high vacuum environment. Although difficult to gauge directly, we believe that the new gun design has better vacuum conditions compared to the previous gun design, as evidenced by longer photocathode lifetime, that is, the amount of charge extracted before the quantum efficiency of the photocathode drops by 1/e of the initial value via the ion back-bombardment mechanism. Photocathode lifetime measurements at DC beam intensity of up to 10 mA have been performed to benchmark operation of the new gun and for fundamental studies of the use of GaAs photocathodes at high average current*. These measurements demonstrate photocathode lifetime longer than one million Coulombs per square centimeter at a beam intensity higher than 1 mA. The photogun has been reconfigured with a high polarization strained superlattice photocathode (GaAs/GaAsP) and a mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser operating near band-gap. Photocathode lifetime measurements at beam intensity greater than 1 mA are measured and presented for comparison.
"Further Measurements of Photocathode Operational Lifetime at Beam Intensity >1mA using the CEBAF 100 kV DC GaAs Photogun", J. Grames et al., Proc. of the 17th Inter. Spin Symposium, Japan (2006). |
THPMS068 | Systems Testing of a Free Hg Jet System for Use in a High-Power Target Experiment | target, proton, diagnostics, factory | 3136 | |||||
Funding: U. S. Deparment of Energy contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 |
The design and operational testing of a mercury jet delivery system is presented. The equipment is part of the Mercury Intense Target (MERIT) Experiment, which is a proof-of-principle experiment to be conducted at CERN in the summer of 2007 to determine the feasibility of using an unconstrained jet of mercury as a target in a Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider. The Hg system is capable of producing a 1 cm diameter, 20 m/s jet of Hg inside a high-field solenoid magnet. A high-speed optical diagnostic system allows observation of the interaction of the jet with a 24 GeV proton beam. Performance of the Hg system will be presented, along with results of integrated systems testing without a beam. |
THPMS071 | Laser-Powered Dielectric Structure as a Micron-Scale Electron Source | electron, cathode, focusing, coupling | 3145 | |||||
We describe a resonant laser-powered structure, measuring 1 mm or less in every dimension, that is capable of generating and accelerating electron beams to low energies (~1-2 MeV). Like several other recently investigated dielectric-based accelerators,* the device is planar and resonantly excited with a side-coupled laser; however, extensive modifications are necessary for synchronous acceleration and focusing of nonrelativistic particles. Electrons are generated within the device via a novel ferroelectric-based cathode. The accelerator is constructed from dielectric material using conventional microfabrication techniques and powered by a 1μm gigawatt-class laser. The electron beams produced are suitable for a number of existing industrial and medical applications.
*R. Yoder and J. Rosenzweig, Phys. Rev. STAB 8, 111301 (2005); Z. Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. STAB 8, 071302 (2005); A. Mizrahi and L. Schachter, Phys. Rev. E 70, 016505 (2004). |
THPMS074 | High Transformer Ratios in Collinear Wakefield Accelerators | gun, simulation, target, linac | 3154 | |||||
Funding: DOE SBIR Phase II, DE-FG02-02ER83418. |
Based on our previous experiment that successfully demonstrated wakefield transformer ratio enhancement in a 13.625 GHz dielectric-loaded collinear wakefield accelerator using the ramped bunch train technique, we present here a redesigned experimental scheme for even higher enhancement of the efficiency of this accelerator. Design of a collinear wakefield device with a transformer ratio R>>2, is presented. Using a ramped bunch train (RBT) rather than a single drive bunch, the enhanced transformer ratio (ETR) technique is able to increase the transformer ratio R above the ordinary limit of 2. To match the wavelength of the fundamental mode of the wakefield with the bunch length (σz=2 mm) of the new Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) drive gun, where the experiment will be performed, a 26.625 GHz dielectric based accelerating structure is required. This transformer ratio enhancement technique based on our dielectric-loaded waveguide design will result in a compact, high efficiency accelerating structure for future wakefield accelerators. |
THPMS080 | Inverse-Transition Radiation Laser Acceleration Experiments at SLAC | electron, acceleration, radiation, vacuum | 3172 | |||||
We present a series of laser-driven particle acceleration experiments that are aimed at studying laser-particle acceleration as an inverse-radiation process. To this end we employ a semi-open vacuum setup with a thin planar boundary that interacts with the laser and the electromagnetic field of the electron beam. Particle acceleration from different types of boundaries will be studied and compared to the theoretical expectations from the Inverse-radiation picture and the field path integral method. We plan to measure the particle acceleration effect from transparent, reflective, black, and rough surface boundaries. While the agreement between the two acceleration pictures is straightforward to prove analytically for the transparent and reflective boundaries the equivalence is not clear-cut for the absorbing and rough-surface boundaries. Therefore, experimental observation may be the most reliable method for establishing the appropriate model for the interaction of the laser field with the particle beam in the presence of a loaded vacuum structure.
THPMS081 | Proposed Few-cycle Laser-particle Accelerator Structure | electron, vacuum, impedance, coupling | 3175 | |||||
We describe a proposed transparent dielectric grating accelerator structure that is designed for ultra-short laser pulse operation. The structure is not a waveguide, but rather it is based on the principle of periodic field reversal to achieve phase synchronicity for relativistic particles. To preserve ultra-short pulse operation it does not resonate the laser field in the vacuum channel. The geometry of the structure appears well suited for application with high average power lasers and high thermal loading. It shows potential for an unloaded gradient of several GeV/m with 10 fsec laser pulses and the possibility to accelerate high bunch charges. The fabrication procedure and proposed near-term experiments with this accelerator structure are presented.
THPMS095 | Experimental Demonstration of Feasibility of a Polarized Gamma-source for ILC Based on Compton Backscattering Inside a CO2 Laser Cavity | electron, positron, photon, scattering | 3208 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-98CH10886 |
Compton interaction point incorporated into a high-average-power laser cavity is the key element of the Polarized Positron Source (PPS) concept proposed for ILC [1]. According to this proposal, circularly polarized gamma rays are produced in Compton backscattering from a 6 GeV linac e-beam inside a CO2 laser amplifier cavity. Intra-cavity positioning of the interaction point allows multiple laser recycling to match the electron bunch train format. We conducted experimental tests of multi-pulse operation of such active Compton cavity upon injection of a picosecond CO2 laser beam. Together with earlier demonstration of a high x-ray yield via the e-beam/CO2-laser backscattering, these new results show a viability of the entire PPS concept and closely prototype the laser source requirements for ILC.
[1] V. Yakimenko and I. V. Pogorelsky, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 091001 (2006) |
THPMS097 | Laser Plasma Acceleration Experiment at the Naval Research Laboratory | electron, plasma, injection, acceleration | 3214 | |||||
The traditional long term strategy for producing high quality electron beams in a single stage LWFA involves three elements: operation in the resonant or standard regime, the use of optical guiding to extend the acceleration region, and external injection of a precisely-phased, high quality injection electron bunch. The standard regime and optical guiding has been studied by many research groups and promise good results for the acceleration. The creation of the electron beam for external injection is still a very problematic issue. Recently, quasi-monoenergetic acceleration of particles from the background plasma has been observed in simulations and experiments operating in a shorter pulse regime. Such quasi-monoenergetic electrons could be a candidate for injection into a following stage of standard LWFA. We are in the initial stage of experiments to generate injection electrons using the HD-LIPA schemes with a 10 TW 50 fs laser system. The second stage accelerator is a capillary discharge plasma channel for extended acceleration distance. Preliminary results, including statistics on the stability of quasi-monoenergetic acceleration, will be presented.
THPAN021 | Analysis of a Particle-In-Cell Code Based on a Time-Adaptive Mesh | simulation, cathode, space-charge, electromagnetic-fields | 3271 | |||||
Funding: This work was partially funded by HGF (VH-FZ-005) and DESY Hamburg. |
For the coupled simulation of charged particles and electromagnetic fields several techniques are known. In order to achieve accurate results various parameters have to be taken into account. The number of macro-particles per cell, the resolution of the computational grid, and other parameters strongly affect the accuracy of the results. In the code tamBCI, based on a time-adaptive mesh, additional variables related to the adaptive grid refinement have to be chosen appropriately. An analysis of these values is carried out and the results are applied to the self-consistent simulation of the injector section of FLASH in 3D. |
THPAN031 | Optimization of the Beam Line Characteristics by Means of a Genetic Algorithm | electron, photon, scattering, emittance | 3295 | |||||
The optimization of the optics in a LINAC requires a very demanding tuning of the involved parameters, particularly in the case of high brightness electron beams applied to the production of X-ray in a Thomson back-scattering source. The relationship between the parameters is non-linear and it is not possible to treat them as independent variables, causing the impossibility of setting them handily. A genetic algorithm is a powerful tool able to circumvent this difficulty. We have applied the genetic algorithm to the case of the SPARC beam line.
THPAN038 | Generation and Acceleration of High Brightness Electron Bunch Train in ATF of KEK | electron, beam-loading, gun, injection | 3312 | |||||
Laser Undulator Compact X-ray source (LUCX) is a test bench for compact high brightness X-ray generator at KEK in order to demonstrate the possibility on K-edge digital subtraction angiography, based on the Compton Scattering. For this project, one of the challenging problems is to generate and accelerate high brightness multi-bunch electron beams, compensating the energy difference due to beam loading effect. In this paper, we calculate the transient beam loading voltage and energy gain from RF field in standing wave gun cavity and traveling wave accelerating tube for multi-bunch train, considering the process of propagation, buildup of RF field in them and the special RF pulse shape. We generated and accelerated 100 bunch electron beam train with 50nC, which beam loading effect was compensated effectively by adjusting the laser injection timing. By BPM and OTR system, we measured the electron beam energy bunch by bunch. The average energy of 100 bunch train is 40.5MeV and maximum energy difference bunch to bunch is 0.26MeV, the relative energy spread of single bunch is about 0.13%. The transverse emittance can be optimized roughly to 3.6 pimm.mrad.
THPAS033 | Evolution of Laser Induced Perturbation and Experimental Observation of Space Charge Waves in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) | space-charge, electron, simulation, cathode | 3570 | |||||
Funding: This work is funded by US Dept. of Energy grant numbers DE-FG02-94ER40855 |
The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) is a scaled model to investigate the transverse and longitudinal physics of space charge dominated beams. It uses a 10-keV electron beam along with other scaled beam parameters that model the larger machines but at a lower cost. Understanding collective behavior of intense, charged particle beams due to their space charge effects is crucial for advanced accelerator research and applications. This paper presents the experimental study of longitudinal dynamics of an initial density modulation on a spacecharge dominated beam. A novel experimental technique of producing a perturbation using a laser is discussed. Using a laser to produce a perturbation provides the ability to launch a pure density modulation and to have better control over the amount of perturbation introduced. Collective effects like space charge waves and its propagation over long distances in a quadrupole channel are studied. One dimensional cold fluid model is used for theoretical analysis and simulations are carried out in WARP-RZ. |
THPAS080 | Initial Density Profile Measurements using a Laser-Induced Fluorescence Diagnostic in the Paul Trap Simulator Experiment | ion, ion-source, diagnostics, plasma | 3666 | |||||
Funding: Research supported by the U. S. Department of Energy. |
Installation of a laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) diagnostic system has been completed and initial measurement of the beam density profile has been performed on the Paul trap simulator experiment (PTSX). The PTSX device is a linear Paul trap that simulates the collective processes and nonlinear transverse dynamics of an intense charged particle beam propagating through a periodic focusing quadrupole magnetic configuration. Although there are several visible transition lines for the laser excitation of barium ions, the transition from the metastable state has been considered first mainly because an operating, stable, broadband, and high-power laser system is available for experiments in this region of the red spectrum. The LIF system is composed of a dye laser, fiber optic cables, a line generator, which uses a Powell lens, collection optics, and a CCD camera system. Single-pass mode operation of the PTSX device is employed for the initial tests of the LIF system to make optimum use of the metastable ions. By minimizing the background light level, it is expected that enough signal to noise ratio can be obtained to re-construct the radial density profile of the ion beam. |
FRXAB01 | Status of High Polarization DC High Voltage GaAs Photoguns | vacuum, gun, polarization, electron | 3756 | |||||
This talk will review the state of the art of high polarization GaAs photoguns used worldwide. Subject matter will include drive laser technology, photocathode material, gun design, vacuum requirements and photocathode lifetime as a function of beam current. Recent results have demonstrated high current, 85% polarized beams with high reliability and long lifetime under operational conditions. Research initiatives for ensuring production of high average and peak current beams for future accelerator facilities such as ELIC and the ILC will be also discussed.
FRXAB02 | Review of Laser Driven Sources for Multi-charged Ions | ion, target, plasma, ion-source | 3761 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC-02-06CH11357 |
Laser beams have been widely used in the accelerator field for various applications. Here, we focus on ion beam production usage as an ion source. The laser ion source (LIS) already has about thirty years history and was developed for providing pulsed beam to synchrotrons. Since 2000 we have concentrated on the use of the high brightness of induced laser plasma to provide intense highly charged ions efficiently. To take advantage of the intrinsic density of the plasma, Direct Plasma Injection Scheme (DPIS) has been developed. The induced laser plasma has initial expanding velocity and can be delivered directly to the RFQ. The presentation will discuss general features of the laser ion sources and advantages of the DPIS. |
FROAC04 | Sub-10 Femtosecond Stabilization of a Fiber Link Using a Balanced Optical Cross Correlator | polarization, free-electron-laser, feedback, electron | 3804 | |||||
Synchronization of various components with fs stability is needed for the operation of free-electron-lasers such as FLASH or the European XFEL. One possibility to realize a high precision synchronization is to use a mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser as a master clock and to distribute ultra short laser pulses inside the machine using actively stabilized fiber links. In this paper we demonstrate the stabilization of a 300 m long fiber link with a self-aligned balanced cross-correlator using a single type II phase-matched PPKTP crystal. This approach allowed us to reduce the timing jitter added by the link to below 10 fs.
FROAC05 | Systems Design Concepts for Optical Synchronization in Accelerators | controls, linac, site | 3807 | |||||
Funding: This work is supported by the Director, Office of Science, High Energy Physics, U. S. Dept. of Energy under Contract no. DE-AC02-05CH1121 |
Development of accelerator-based light sources is expanding the size of femtosecond laser systems from tabletop devices up to kilometer-scale facilities. New optical techniques are needed to maintain temporal stability in these large systems. We present methods for distributing timing information over optical fiber using continuous optical waves, and how these can be employed in advanced accelerators requiring less than 100fs timing stability. Different techniques combine to form a tool set that can provide for synchronization down to a few femtoseconds. Practical examples are given for timing systems applicable to FELs now under construction, with experimental results to show these systems can be built with required performance. For example, have demonstrated 2km fiber links with 5fs timing stability over 24 hours, and synchronized femtosecond lasers separated by a fiber link with 20fs RMS relative jitter. |
FRZKI03 | Next Generation Advanced Light Source Science | radiation, controls, photon, proton | 3840 | |||||
Recent advances in accelerator science make feasible the provision of XUV and harder X-ray FELs that will generate short (fs regime) pulses of light that is broadly tuneable and >106 times more intense than spontaneous undulator radiation*. Energy recovery technology** offers the promise of short pulse, high peak flux spontaneous radiation, with particular advantages in the IR and THz parts of the spectrum. The new science enabled by these 4th generation sources is reviewed. A key feature is dynamic measurements. Pump-probe experiments will allow real-time measurements of reaction pathways and short-lived intermediates. The high intensity of FEL radiation will allow very high resolution in imaging applications. The very high field intensity of the XUV radiation will lead to the creation of new states of matter, while at the highest X-ray energies, the goal is to achieve single molecule diffraction. The talk will be illustrated by experiments proposed in the Science Cases for the major world 4th generation projects. Some of the science already undertaken using IR and UV FELs, and results obtained from new XUV sources (such as FLASH at DESY***) will be discussed.
* e.g. J Andruszkow et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 85, 3825, (2000).**e.g. G. R. Neil et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 662, (2000).*** e.g. H Wabnitz et al., Nature, 420, 467, (2002), T Laarmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 063402 (2005) |
FRZKI04 | Plasma Accelerators - Progress and the Future | plasma, electron, injection, acceleration | 3845 | |||||
In recent months plasma accelerators have set new records: The first laser wakefield accelerator to demonstarte near GeV beam with large charge and good beam quality in a table-top device at LBNL, and the energy-doubling of the SLAC beam in a short plasma channel by the plasma wakefield acceleration technique. These two events, happening at two different laboratories signifies a coming of age of advanced accelerator R&D.
FRPMN017 | Beam Position Monitor Calibration at the FLASH Linac at DESY | pick-up, undulator, electron, free-electron-laser | 3937 | |||||
In the FLASH (Free electron LASer in Hamburg) facility at DESY more than 60 beam position monitors (BPM) with single bunch resolution are currently installed, and more are planned for future installation. Their calibration has been initially made by measuring each electronics board in the RF laboratory. However the ultimate calibration of each monitor is made by measuring its response to beam movement. This is a time-consuming procedure depending on the availability and accuracy of other components of the machine such as corrector magnets. On the other hand it has the advantage of getting in one measurement the answer of the monitor with all its components and of being independent of the monitor type. The calibration procedure and particularities for various types of BPMs in various parts of the linac will be discussed. A procedure based on the response matrices is also now under study. This would significantly speed up the calibration procedure, which is particularly important in larger accelerators such as the European XFEL (X-ray Free Electron Laser), to be built at DESY.
FRPMN044 | Measurement of Ultra-short Electron Bunch Duration by Coherent Radiation Analysis in Laser Plasma Catode | electron, radiation, plasma, cathode | 4066 | |||||
Laser plasma accelerator can recently generate monochromatic and low-emittanced electron bunchs. Its pulse duration is femtoseconds, 40fs by the PIC simulation and about 250fs by measurement at University of Tokyo. But in such measurements only time-averaged spectrum and pulse duration were obtained by a few bolometers and coherent transition radiation (CTR) interferometer. Since the electron generation and acceleration are not stable yet, we need to know shot-by-shot behavior to improve its mechanism. Here we introduce the polychromator with ten channel-sensors for the single shot measurement. By this polychromator, we can obtain such a discrete spectrum of CTR by a single shot, thus the bunch duration can also be obtained shot-by-shot. This polychromator has ten channels to observe infrared radiation, and is mainly sensitive for the wavelengths around 1~2mm. We select this range of wavelength as the measurement tool, because the electron bunch duration changes shot-by-shot during traveling along the distance between the plasma and Ti foil (CTR emitter) due to their energy spectrum fluctuation. Further results and discussion will be presented on the spot.
FRPMN053 | Beam Instability and Correction for "DRAGON-I" | induction, electron, simulation, impedance | 4114 | |||||
'Dragon-I' is a high current pulse electron linear induction accelerator designed and constructed in IFP/CAEP. It generates a 20MeV, 2.5kA, 60ns pulse electron beam. The whole facility has three parts: injector; accelerator and beam focus system. The accelerator consists of 72 induction cells and 18 connection cells. A solenoid was installed inside each cell forming beam transport sysem. During the initial beam test both high frequency and low frequency oscillation were found. A lot of simulation and experiment investigations were done to get the transverse impedance of the cells and the corkscrew motion of the electron beam. Details of both the simulation and the experimental methods to correct the instability are presented.
FRPMN094 | Beam Profile Measurements with the 2-D Laser-Wire at PETRA | electron, photon, positron, simulation | 4303 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the PPARC LC-ABD collaboration and the Commission of the European Communities under the 6th Framework Programme Structuring the European Research Area, contract number RIDS-011899. |
The current PETRA II Laser-Wire system, being developed for the ILC and PETRA III, uses a piezo-driven mirror to scan laser light across an electron bunch. This paper reports on the recently installed electron-beam finding system, presenting recent horizontal and vertical profile scans with corresponding studies. |
FRPMN098 | Compact PCI/PXI Based High Voltage Cards. | controls, monitoring, coupling, impedance | 4312 | |||||
Funding: BiRa Systems, Albuquerque, New Mexico |
High voltage power modules find uses in many applications like the Photo multiplier Tubes (PMT), Ionization chambers, CRT systems testing, high voltage biasing for Avalanche Photodiodes, Photo detectors, X-ray tubes, Pulse generators which are used in radars, lasers, EMC testing and other imaging applications. Providing high voltage, to these applications, which can be remotely controlled in a small, confined area, is a problem many laboratories around the world face. The LV and the HV series of high voltage systems from BiRa Systems present experimenters with voltages ranging from several hundreds upto ± 5kV in a rugged CompactPCI / PXI chassis, running National Instruments' LabView. The CompactPCI architecture offers modularity, tight integration and low cost. Apart from that, the deterministic and real time nature of the operating system also allows these modules to be remotely controlled and monitored over the Ethernet. The high voltage cards can be easily custom tailored to a particular voltage and current requirement |
FRPMN117 | Pepper-pot Based Emittance Measurements of the AWA Photoinjector | emittance, gun, space-charge, background | 4393 | |||||
The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) RF photocathode gun is a 1.5 cell, L-band, RF photocathode gun operating at 80 MV/m, with an emittance compensating solenoid, and a magnesium photocathode and generates an 8 MeV, 1 nC - 100 nC beam. In this paper, we report on a parametric set of measurements to characterize the transverse trace space of the 1 nC electron beam directly out of the gun. The entire experiment is simulated with PARMELA, from the photocathode, through the pepper pot, and to the imaging screen. The transverse trace-space is sampled with a 2-D pepper pot which allows for simultaneous, single-shot measurements, of both the x and y distributions. A series of pepper pots were available during the experiment to increase the dynamic range of emittance measurements. Realistic particle distributions are used for the simulations and are derived from actual laser profiles, which were captured from a virtual cathode and generated with MATLAB-based particle generator. We report both the second moment (emittance) and the detailed phase space distribution over a gun launch phase range of approximately 50 degrees.
FRPMS011 | Design of an Electro-Optical Sampling Experiment at the AWA Facility | background, electron, monitoring, alignment | 3901 | |||||
Funding: Supported by US DOE |
The free space electro-optical (EO) sampling technique is a powerful tool for analyzing the longitudinal charge density of an ultrashort e-beam. In this paper, we present * Yuelin Li, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 251108, 2006 |
FRPMS020 | Optical Beam Timing Monitor Experiments at the Advanced Light Source | storage-ring, instrumentation, diagnostics, pick-up | 3952 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC0-05CH11231. |
We present the results of an experimental study of a beam timing monitor based on a technique demonstrated by Loehl*. This technique uses the electrical signal from a beam position monitor to amplitude-modulate a train of laser pulses, converting timing jitter into an amplitude jitter. This modulation is then measured with a photodetector and sampled by a fast ADC. This approach has already demonstrated sub-100 fsec resolution and promises even better results. Our study focuses on the use of this technique for precision timing for storage rings. We show results of measurements using signals from the Advanced Light Source.
* F. Loehl, et al., Proc. of the 2006 EPAC., p. 2781. |
FRPMS025 | Streak Camera Temporal Resolution Improvement Using a Time-Dependent Field | electron, cathode, space-charge, acceleration | 3973 | |||||
Funding: This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231. |
Streak camera is an important diagnostic device in the studies of laser plasma interaction, the detailed structure of photo reaction from material science to biochemistry, and in the measurement of the longitudinal distribution of a beam in accelerators. In this paper, we report on a new method which can potentially improve the temporal resolution of a streak camera down to femtoseconds. This method uses a time-dependent acceleration field to defocus the photo electrons longitudinally. This not only reduces the time dispersion distortion caused by initial energy spread but also mitigates the effects from the space-charge forces. An illustration of the method shows significant improvement of the modulation transfer function (MFT) compared with the conventional design. |
FRPMS035 | Vector Diffraction Theory and Coherent Transition Radiation Interferometry in Electron Linacs | radiation, electron, simulation, photon | 4015 | |||||
Funding: Work supported by US. Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-FG02-06ER41435 with Northern Illinois University |
Electrons impinging on a thin metallic foil are seen to deliver small bursts of transition radiation (TR) as they cross the boundary from one medium to the next. A popular diagnostic application is found for compact electron bunches. In this case they will emit radiation more or less coherently with an N-squared enhancement of the intensity on wavelengths comparable to the bunch size, generating coherent transition radiation (CTR). Several detailed analytical descriptions have been proposed for describing the resulting spectral distribution, often making different simplifying assumptions. Given that bunches tenths of millimeters long can generate measurable spectra into the millimeter range, concern may arise as to weak diffraction effects produced by optical interference devices containing elements with dimensions in the centimeter range. The work presented here is a report on an upcoming graduate thesis exploring these effects as they apply to the Fermilab/NICADD photoinjector laboratory using a minimal C++ code that implements the methods of virtual quanta and vector diffraction theory. |
FRPMS037 | Impact of Transverse Irregularities at the Photocathode on High-Charge Electron Bunches | simulation, emittance, space-charge, dipole | 4027 | |||||
Electron beam properties in photoinjectors are strongly dependent on the initial conditions, e.g., non-uniformities in the drive-laser pulse and/or the photocathode surface. We explore the impact of well-defined transverse perturbation modes on the evolution of the electron beam phase space, and paying special attention to how certain types of perturbations mix. Numerical simulations performed with IMPACT-T (both the standard version and a new wavelet-based version) are presented along with experimental results aimed at validating the simulation codes. The experiments are conducted at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator facility.
FRPMS043 | The Feasibility Study of Measuring the Polarization of a Relativistic Electron Beam using a Compton Scattering Gamma-Ray Source | electron, photon, polarization, scattering | 4057 | |||||
The Compton scattering of a circularly polarized photon beam and a polarized electron beam leads to an asymmetric distribution of the gamma rays. This asymmetry has been calculated for the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIGS) beam at Duke University. Owing to the high intensity of the HIGS beam, this asymmetry is determined to be measurable with a small statistic error using a simple gamma-ray beam imaging system. We propose to set up this system to measure the polarization of the electron beam in the Duke storage ring.
FRPMS046 | Optical-Fiber NOTCH Filter for Storage Ring Transverse Feedback System | feedback, storage-ring, insertion, betatron | 4075 | |||||
An optical-fiber two-tap FIR filter has been developed for storage ring transverse feedback system. The optical FIR filter has advantage of low loss which is not related to the size of the storage ring, and high-frequency response, compact in size. Measurements have been done with storage ring beam signal. The paper will present the principle and the experimental results.
FRPMS049 | Resolution of a High Performance Cavity Beam Position Monitor System | extraction, coupling, alignment, emittance | 4090 | |||||
International Linear Collider (ILC) interaction region beam sizes and component position stability requirements will be as small as a few nanometers. It is important to the ILC design effort to demonstrate that these tolerances can be achieved ideally using beam-based stability measurements. It has been estimated that RF cavity beam position monitors (BPMs) could provide position measurement resolutions of less than one nanometer and could form the basis of the desired beam-based stability measurement. We have developed a high resolution RF cavity BPM system. A triplet of these BPMs has been installed in the extraction line of the KEK Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) for testing with its ultra-low emittance beam. A metrology system for the three BPMs was recently installed. This system employed optical encoders to measure each BPM's position and orientation relative to a zero-coefficient of thermal expansion carbon fiber frame and has demonstrated that the three BPMs behave as a rigid-body to less than 5 nm. To date, we have demonstrated a BPM resolution of less than 20 nm over a dynamic range of ± 20 microns.
FRPMS060 | Commissioning of the UCLA Neptune X-Band Deflecting Cavity and Applications to Current Profile Measurement of Ramped Electron Bunches | electron, sextupole, plasma, linac | 4135 | |||||
Funding: Department of Energy Grant # DE-FG02-92ER40693 |
A 9-cell standing wave deflecting cavity has recently been constructed and installed at the UCLA Neptune Laboratory for use as a temporal diagnostic for the 13 MeV, 300 to 700 pC electron bunches generated by the Neptune photoinjector beamline. The cavity is a center-fed Glid-Cop structure operating in at TM110-like deflecting mode at 9.59616 GHz with a pi phase advance per cell. At the maximum deflecting voltage of 500 kV, the theoretical resolution limit of the device is 50 fs, although with current beam parameters and a spot size of 460 microns RMS the effective resolution is approximately 400 fs. We discuss the operation and testing of the cavity as well as its intended application: measuring the temporal current profile of ramped electron bunches generated using the Neptune dogleg compressor, and we present the first measurements of the electron beam current profile obtained using the deflecting cavity. |
FRPMS072 | Timing Stability and Control at the E163 Laser Acceleration Experiment | electron, gun, controls, radiation | 4195 | |||||
Funding: DOE: DE-AC02-76SF00515 and DE-FG06-97ER41276 |
The laser acceleration experiments conducted for the E163 project at the NLC Test Accelerator facility at SLAC have stringent requirements on the temporal properties of the electron and laser beams. A system has been implemented to measure the relative phase stability between the RF sent to the gun, the RF sent to the accelerator, and the laser used to generate the electrons. This system shows rms timing stability better than 1 psec. Temporal synchronicity between the 0.5 psec electron bunch, and the 0.5 psec laser pulse is also of great importance. Cherenkov radiation is used to measure the arrival time of the electron bunch with respect to the laser pulse, and the path length of the laser transport is adjusted to optimize temporal overlap. A linear stage mounted onto a voice coil is used to make shot-by-shot fine timing adjustments to the laser path. The final verification of the desired time stability and control is demonstrated by observing the peak of the laser-electron interaction signal over the course of several minutes. |