Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
WGA15 | Orbit Response Matrix Analysis Applied at SNS Ring | quadrupole, optics, power-supply, coupling | 89 |
Recently, discrepancies between model-based and observed linear optics, such as the tune and the closed orbit, have been observed in the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Accurate accelerator modeling is very important for machine control during the ongoing power ramp up. The Orbit Response Matrix (ORM) method is applied here to find and correct errors in the linear optics of the SNS ring. With the closed orbit data (4472 data points), we are able to calibrate the strength of the steering magnets, the BPM gain factors, and 6 quadrupole power supplies. Current results and remaining challenges will be presented and discussed. |
WGE08 | Using Project X as a Proton Driver for Muon Colliders and Neutrino Factories | proton, collider, emittance, factory | 410 |
Muon colliders and neutrino factories impose demanding requirements on the proton accelerator systems that are used to produce the muons. Various concepts to meet those needs have been developed. A scheme that uses a powerful 8-GeV H- linac followed by storage rings for accumulation and bunch manipulations will be described and compared with other ideas. |