Title |
Other Keywords |
Page |
Physics and Technology Challenges of BB Factories |
collider, factory, luminosity, synchrotron |
1 |
Physics and Technology Challenges of Ultra Low Emittance Synchrotron Light Sources |
brightness, electron, synchrotron, undulator |
11 |
Issues Confronting Vacuum System Design for e+e- Storage Rings |
factory, ion, synchrotron, vacuum |
24 |
PEP-II: An Asymmetric B Factory Based on PEP |
factory, feedback, synchrotron, vacuum |
84 |
Physics Issues of the Synchrotron Radiation Intercept at the Superconducting Super Collider |
collider, impedance, synchrotron, vacuum |
126 |
CESR-B, Upgrading the CESR Facility to B-Factory Capability |
accelerator, luminosity, synchrotron, vacuum |
132 |
A B-Factory in the PETRA Tunnel |
background, damping, feedback, quadrupole |
135 |
Crystal Optics of High Energy Beams |
crystal, extraction, halo, scattering |
177 |
- M.D. Bavizhev, V.M. Biryukov, A.I. Drozhdin, A.R. Dziba, Y.S. Fedotov, K.P. Myznikov, A.M. Taratin, S.A. Vorobiev, I.A. Yazunin
Geometrical (Lienard-Wichert) Approach in Accelerator Physics |
electron, field, synchrotron, vacuum |
198 |
- S.G. Arutunian, M.R. Mailian
Simulation of a Storage Ring Free Electron Laser with a Mapping Algorithm for Distribution Functions |
electron, equilibrium, laser, simulation |
201 |
Diffraction Radiation by a Charge Sheet Moving Past a Conducting Wedge |
field |
380 |
Constant of Motion and Dynamic Equations for One Dimensional Autonomous System, and Radiation Damping |
accelerator, collider, damping, proton |
392 |
Electron Density Enhancement in a Quasi Isochronous Storage Ring |
acceptance, betatron, brightness, synchrotron |
398 |
Properties of the Longitudinal Equilibrium Distribution in a Storage Ring |
damping, electron, equilibrium, synchrotron |
416 |
On the Impedance Due to Synchrotron Radiation |
field, impedance, ion, synchrotron |
458 |
- S. Heifets, A. Michailichenko
Synchrotron Radiation Perturbations in Long Transport Lines |
betatron, electron, emittance, synchrotron |
517 |
- G. Leleux, P. Nghiem, A. Tkatchenko
Developing a Clinical Proton Accelerator Facility: Consortium-Assisted Technology Transfer |
accelerator, maintenance, pion, proton |
532 |
- J.M. Slater, D.W. Miller, J.W. Slater
Overview of X-Ray Lithography at IBM Using a Compact Storage Ring |
alignment, electron, synchrotron, x-ray |
542 |
Application of Carbon Fibre Composite Materials for the Collision Sections of Particle Accelerators |
shielding, thermal, vacuum |
598 |
The SSC Collider Beam Halo Scraper System |
halo, lattice, scattering, target |
625 |
- R. Soundranayagam, M.A. Maslov, N.V. Mokhov, I.A. Yazynin
A Laser Alignment System for Low Beta Quadrupoles |
accelerator, alignment, laser, quadrupole |
631 |
A Second Harmonic Amplifier for Accelerator Applications |
bunching, feedback, field, gyroklystron |
734 |
- P.E. Latham, W. Lawson, W. Main, C.D. Striffler
Fast Ferrite Tuner for the BNL Synchrotron Light Source |
coupling, ferrite, field, synchrotron |
774 |
- E. Pivit, S.M. Hanna, J. Keane
Copper Plating the Ground Test Accelerator RFQ |
accelerator, cathode, quadrupole |
777 |
Gamma Ray Activation of the Fermilab Pbar Target |
accelerator, collider, radioactivity, target |
831 |
Construction of a New Tevatron Collider Beam Abort Dump |
collider, extraction, thermal, vacuum |
970 |
On the Design of Beam Absorbers for the SSC |
accelerator, collider, kicker, plasma |
1002 |
Personnel Protection and Beam Containment Systems for the 3 GeV Injector |
accelerator, booster, diagnostics, linac |
1028 |
- R. Yotam, E. Benson, J. Cerino, K. Crook, J. Fitch, R. Garoutte, R. Hettel, M. Horton, N. Ipe, G. Nelson, J. Sebek, H. Smith
On Sustaining Short, Intense Bunches in Linear and Circular Accelerators |
coupling, impedance, instability, synchrotron |
1054 |
New Developments on the Generation of Arbitrary Polarized Radiation from Insertion Devices |
electron, field, polarization, undulator |
1083 |
Rapidly-Modulated Variable-Polarization Cross-Undulator Source |
modulator, polarization, undulator, vacuum |
1088 |
- M.A. Green, K.-J. Kim, W.S. Trzeciak, P.J. Viccaro
Short Wavelength FELs |
accelerator, electron, laser, wiggler |
1110 |
Spectrum of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation |
bunching, electron, spectrum, synchrotron |
1118 |
- T. Nakazato, F. Arai, M. Ikezawa, K. Ishi, R. Kato, Y. Kondo, H. Mishiro, N. Niimura, S. Niwano, T. Ohsaka, M. Oyamada, Y. Shibasaki, Y. Shibata, T. (Tokohu) Takahashi, T. Tsutaya, S. Urasawa
A Beam Position Detector for SSC Collider Rings |
collider, impedance, thermal, vacuum |
1124 |
Beam Position Measurement System for SRRC |
electron, feedback, monitoring, synchrotron |
1157 |
Intensity Interferometry and Its Application to Beam Diagnostics |
laser, photon, undulator, x-ray |
1169 |
Results from a Prototype Beam Monitor in the Tevatron Using Synchrotron Light |
field, proton, spectrum, synchrotron |
1177 |
Wire Scanners at LEP |
coupling, emittance, synchrotron, vacuum |
1186 |
- B. Bouchet, C. Bovet, A. Burns, J. Camas, G. Ferioli, C. Fischer, R. Jung, Q. King, K.H. Kissler, J. Koopman, J. Mann, H. Michel, R. Schmidt, L. Vos
Beam Size Measurement at High Radiation Levels |
accelerator, betatron, emittance, field |
1192 |
Wire Scanners for Beam Size and Emittance Measurements at the SLC |
accelerator, emittance, field, vacuum |
1201 |
- M.C. Ross, E. Bong, L. Hendrickson, D. McCormick, L. Sanchez-Chopitea, J.T. Seeman
Beam Spot Size Measurement Using Beamstrahlung Signals at the SLC Interaction Point |
electron, field, photon, positron |
1207 |
- E. Gero, P. Chen, W. Kozanecki
The Commissioning of the LEP Polarimeter |
laser, photon, polarization, synchrotron |
1213 |
- J. Badier, A. Blondel, C. Bovet, P. Castro-Garcia, M. Crozon, J. De Vries, B. Dehning, G.P. Ferri, M. Glaser, C. Grunhagel, R. Jung, L. Knudsen, F. Lemeilleur, J. Mann, M. Placidi, R. Schmidt, K. Unser
The AGS Booster Beam Loss Monitor System |
accelerator, booster, injection, software |
1231 |
- E.R. Beadle, G.W. Bennett, R.L. Witkover
Fast Ion Chambers for SLC |
accelerator, electron, impedance, ion |
1240 |
Instrumentation for SSC Test Beams |
beamline, collider, instrumentation, muon |
1281 |
- H. Fenker, R. Schailey, F. Stocker
Control System at the Synchrotron Radiation Research Center |
accelerator, monitoring, software, synchrotron |
1380 |
A Longitudinal Multibunch Feedback System for PEP |
electron, emittance, feedback, synchrotron |
1410 |
- H.-D. Nuhn, P. Friedrichs, H. Schwarz, Y. Sun, H. Winick, W. Xie, R. Yotam
Fiber Optics in the BNL Booster Radiation Environment |
booster, controls, instrumentation, timing |
1493 |
Beam Diagnostics Using Transition Radiation Produced by a 100 MeV Electron Beam |
diagnostics, electron, transition radiation, vacuum |
1534 |
- M. Jablonka, J.C. Derost, X. Hanus, J. Leroy, L. Wartski
Optical Fiber Cherenkov Detector for Beam Current Monitoring |
Cherenkov radiation, electron, monitoring, photon |
1567 |
- I.V. Pishchulin, O.B. Romashkin, N.G. Solov'ev
Electron Beam Pumped Semiconductor Laser for Particle Beam Diagnostics |
accelerator, electron, ion, laser |
1570 |
- O.V. Garkusha, I.V. Pishchulin, O.V. Romashkin, N.G. Solov'ev
Correlation Method of Nonperturbing Measurements of Ion Beam Energy Spectra |
ion, laser, photon, target |
1576 |
Non-Linear Resonance Studies at the Synchrotron Radiation Center, Stoughton, Wisconsin |
damping, resonance, sextupole, simulation |
1624 |
- E. Crosbie, J. Bridges, Y. Cho, D. Ciarlette, R. Kustom, Y. Liu, K. Symon, L. Teng, W. Trzeciak
LEP Dynamic Aperture with Asymmetrical RF Distribution |
acceptance, lattice, synchrotron, tune |
1666 |
Uniform Beam Distributions Using Octupoles |
focusing, octupole, optics, target |
1695 |
- N. Tsoupas, H.A. Enge, R. Lankshear, C.L. Snead Jr., T.E. Ward, M. Zucker
Coupled-Bunch Instabilites in the APS Ring |
damping, impedance, synchrotron, tune |
1713 |
Multibunch Instability Investigation on a Cavity Equipped with a Broad HOM Suppressor |
damping, impedance, instability, waveguide |
1782 |
Simulation of Longitudinal Phase Space in the SLC |
bunch compression, damping, linac, spectrum |
1800 |
Shielded Coherent Synchrotron Radiation and its Possible Effect in the Next Linear Collider |
field, impedance, shielding, vacuum |
1824 |
Simulation of Multibunch Instabilites in the Damping Ring of JLC |
betatron, damping, field, tune |
1833 |
Simulation and Stability of a Crab Cavity |
damping, feedback, resonance, synchrotron |
1857 |
- Z. Greenwald, S. Greenwald, D. Rice
Observations on Field-Emission Electrons from the Los Alamos FEL Photoinjector |
accelerator, background, field, laser |
1967 |
Channeling Crystals for Positron Production |
channeling, crystal, positron, target |
2002 |
New Final Focus System for the SLAC Linear Collider |
commissioning, electron, field, quadrupole |
2152 |
- N. Toge, W.W. Ash, H. Band, A.O. Bazarko, Y.-C. Chao, R. Erickson, R. Gray, S.S. Hertzbach, R.R. Kofler, D. Mansour, C.M. Spencer, J. Turk, C. Zeitlin, V. Ziemann
Mechanical Analysis of Beam Tube Assemblies for SSC Dipoles During a Quench |
Lorentz force, collider, field, quench |
2206 |
- S.A. Smith, C. Haddock, R. Jayakumar, J. Turner, J. Zbasnik
Quench Analysis of the Energy Deposition in the SSC Magnets and Radiation Shielding of the Low- IR Quadrupoles |
field, lifetime, quench, shielding |
2212 |
Quench Simulation Studies of the TAC Jelly Roll Superferric Dipole Corrector Elements for the SSC |
field, focusing, quench, simulation |
2224 |
A Design Concept for the LHC Insertion Quadrupoles |
field, insertion, lattice, quadrupole |
2260 |
Vacuum Chamber for the 3 GeV SPEAR Injector Synchrotron |
accelerator, booster, synchrotron, vacuum |
2278 |
- H. Morales, U. Cummings, P. Golceff, N. Hower, W. Li, J. Safranek, J. Voss, H. Wiedemann
Modeling Photo-Desorption in High Current Storage Rings |
photon, synchrotron, thermal, vacuum |
2289 |
Performance Estimation of Vacuum System Components including Crotch and Absorber |
photon, shielding, synchrotron, vacuum |
2298 |
- T. Nishidono, S.H. Be, H. Daibo, T. Hanasaka, Y. Hirano, S.R. In, Y. Oikawa, H.A. Sakaue, S. Takahashi, K. Watanabe, S. Yokouchi
ANL Advanced Photon Source Crotch Absorber Design |
electron, photon, thermal, vacuum |
2301 |
- M. Choi, J.D. Gonczy, J.W. Howell, R.C. Niemann
Vacuum Design for a Superconducting Mini-Collider |
factory, synchrotron, thermal, vacuum |
2307 |
Design of the Vacuum System for the High Energy Ring of an Asymmetric B-Factory Based on PEP |
ion, synchrotron, thermal, vacuum |
2310 |
- W. Barletta, M. Calderon, T. Jenkins, R. Wong
A Closed Cycle Cryogenic System for Testing Superconducting RF Cavities |
controls, software, solenoid, vacuum |
2325 |
- C. Reece, B. Almeida, T. Powers, J. Susta
Synchrotron Radiation Masking on Asymmetric 6.5 x 4.3-GeV B-Factory |
background, field, scattering, spectrum |
2342 |
- V.E. Blinov, V.A. Lebedev, A.V. Matveev, V.A. Tayursky, A.A. Zholents
A Radiation-Hardened Pulsed Magnet for the Tevatron-I Target Station |
antiproton, field, proton, target |
2360 |
- P. Hurh, M. Gormley, J. Hangst, J. Howell, S. O'Day
The Ring Magnets for the SSRL SPEAR Injector |
alignment, field, quadrupole, vacuum |
2369 |
- M.M. Baltay, J. Cerino, R. Hettel, J. Safranek, J. Voss, H. Wiedemann, K. Zuo
Operational Experience with the TRISTAN Superconducting RF System |
acceleration, field, multipacting, vacuum |
2405 |
- K. Akai, T. Furuya, E. Kako, K. Kubo, S. Noguchi, T. Shishido
Status of the Superconducting Cavity Program for HERA |
coupling, electron, field, klystron |
2429 |
- B. Dwersteg, G. Enderlein, W. Korber, A. Matheisen, W.-D. Moller, D. Proch, D. Renken, J. Sekutowicz
Design of Micrograting Structures for Laser Acceleration of Electrons |
acceleration, electron, laser, simulation |
2572 |
- I.S. Lehrman, M.J. Arida, R.C. Fernow, H.G. Kirk
The Ghent State University Linear Electron Accelerator Facilities: Status and Perspectives |
accelerator, electron, irradiation, positron |
2619 |
The ALS-A High-Brightness XUV Synchrotron Radiation Source |
brightness, photon, synchrotron, x-ray |
2640 |
- A.L. Robinson, A.S. Schlachter
Aladdin II+ |
betatron, lattice, quadrupole, synchrotron |
2643 |
- W.S. Trzeciak, D.C. Morin
The DARPA Compact Superconducting X-Ray Lithography Source Features |
field, linac, vacuum, x-ray |
2652 |
- R. Heese, S. Kalsi, E. Leung
Undulator Based Synchrotron Radiation Source in the 5-30 eV Spectral Region |
electron, lifetime, photon, undulator |
2676 |
- X. Zhang, S. Krinsky, J.B. Murphy
Magnets with Full Apertures for Extracting Synchrotron Radiation at the Photon Factory Ring |
field, photon, quadrupole, sextupole |
2709 |
- Y. Kobayashi, A. Araki, Y. Kamiya
Status of Development of the Insertion Devices for ELETTRA |
field, insertion, undulator, wiggler |
2712 |
- C. Poloni, R. Bracco, B. Diviacco, R.P. Walker, D. Zangrando
A Wedged Pole Hybrid Type Undulator as a Synchrotron Radiation Source |
electron, field, photon, undulator |
2715 |
- S. Sasaki, N. Matsuki, H. Ohno, S. Sasaki, T. Takada
Design Considerations for a Fast Modulator in a 'Crossed Undulator' |
electron, field, modulator, wiggler |
2718 |
The U5.0 Undulator for the ALS |
field, insertion, undulator, vacuum |
2721 |
- E. Hoyer, J. Chin, K. Halbach, W.V. Hassenzahl, D. Humphries, B. Kincaid, H. Lancaster, D. Plate
Incorporation of a 5 T Superconducting Wiggler in an MLI Synchrotron Light Source |
field, lattice, synchrotron, wiggler |
2727 |
- D.Y. Wang, H. Wiedemann, F.C. Younger
Coherent X-Rays from PEP |
damping, emittance, field, undulator |
2748 |
- S. Baird, A.S. Fisher, J.C. Gallardo, H.-D. Nuhn, C. Pellegrini, R. Tatchyn, H. Winick
SATURNUS: The UCLA Infrared Free-Electron Laser Project |
electron, emittance, field, undulator |
2751 |
- J.W. Dodd, W.A. Barletta, D.B. Cline, J.G. Davis, G. Hairapetian, S.C. Hartman, S.N. Ivanchenkov, C.J. Joshi, A.S. Khlebnikov, J. Kolonko, Y.Y. Lachin, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., S. Park, C. Pellegrini, J.B. Rosenzweig, J.A. Smolin, A.A. Varfolomeev
Reduction of Undulator Radiation and FEL Small Gain due to Wiggler Errors |
electron, field, undulator, wiggler |
2766 |
A New Possibility of Coherent Microwave Radiation by Relativistic Particles |
electron, field, instability, undulator |
2775 |
A Bypass for Synchrotron Radiation Experiments at the Storage Ring PETRA II |
booster, electron, synchrotron, undulator |
2793 |
A Combined Symmetric and Asymmetric B-Factory with Monochromatization |
factory, focusing, luminosity, synchrotron |
2835 |
- A.N. Dubrovin, A.A. Zholents
Apiary B-Factory Separation Scheme |
lattice, quadrupole, septum, synchrotron |
2844 |
An Isochronous Lattice for PEP |
electron, factory, lattice, synchrotron |
2868 |
- W.J. Corbett, M.H.R. Donald, A.A. Garren
45 MeV Linac for the 800 MeV Synchrotron Radiation Light Source |
linac, quadrupole, synchrotron, x-ray |
2990 |
- N. Kaneko, O. Azuma, Y. Hoshi, H. Iwata, T. Nakashizu, M.Y. Yamamoto
Modeling of Switch Cores for Induction Accelerators |
accelerator, field, impedance, induction |
3088 |
- H.D. Shay, G.D. Craig, J.F. DeFord
High Power Microwave Generation in Virtual Cathode Systems |
cathode, electron, ion, plasma |
3111 |
- A. N. Didenko, V.I. Rashchikov
High-Intensity Flash X-Ray Source for HERMES III |
accelerator, cathode, electron, target |
3135 |
- T.W.L. Sanford, J.A. Halbleib, W.H. McAtee, R.C. Mock
Fermilab Linac Upgrade Side Coupled Cavity Temperature Control System |
accelerator, klystron, linac, thermal |
3189 |
A Traveling Wave Accelerator with HOM Outcouplers for FEL's |
accelerator, electron, emittance, gun |
3276 |