Paper | Title | Page |
MOPPH001 | Quantum Electrodynamics Theory of a Multimode Undulator Oscillator | |
We have studied the operation of a free electron oscillator (FEO) in a multimode regime. Our device includes a long undulator, two mirrors and a space-uniform e-beam of a Gaussian energy spread. Using the Heisenberg picture and neglecting both the contributions of the electron intrinsic magnetic moment and the positron fields we have derived a set of temporal equations for the operators of the electron and electromagnetic fields. The set correctly describes both the evolution of the modes fields from a spontaneous noise and the process of amplification. We have neglected the nonlinear losses and studied a non steady-state lasing regime. Namely, applying a perturbation theory for the electron operators and a technique of slowly varying functions for the electromagnetic field operators we have calculated the operators of the electric fields. Using this result we have estimated the oscillator energy flux in the forward direction. It is shown that within the framework of the chosen model the total flux is a sum of fluxes of unlocked modes. We have estimated the oscillator line width, the number of activated modes and, as a result, the power of the FEO that operates in the exponential regime with unlocked modes. | ||
MOPPH002 | Generation of Short Pulses by an Undulator Oscillator with an Electron Absorber Placed into Cavity | |
We have considered the operation of an e electron oscillator, which contains a long undulator, two mirrors, a space-uniform e-beam and an absorber which allows tuning the lifetime of the electrons within the cavity. Our study is based on the quantum electrodynamics approach. Using a Heisenberg picture we have derived two temporal deferential equations for the electromagnetic field operators. The equations describe the electron absorption by the absorber as well as a wide-band spontaneous noise produced by the electron, and the process of the amplification of the activated modes by the electron beam. To maintain a constant value of the system gain we have adopted that there is a pumping mechanism, which compensates the process of the electron absorption and supports the same density of the active medium. We have estimated the oscillator energy flux in the forward direction at a fixed point. It is shown that the device produces a chain of pulses. Since the contribution of losses is omitted the pulse amplitudes exponentially increase in time. The duration of the pulses may be short due to the large number of the locked modes. | ||
MOPPH003 | VOLC: Volume Free Electron Laser Simulation Code | 14 |
First lasing of Volume Free Electron Laser (VFEL) in mm wavelength range was obtained recently*. Мulti-wave volume distributed feedback where electromagnetic waves and electron beam spread angularly one to other in a spatially-periodic target is the VFEL distinctive feature**. Mathematical model and numerical methods for VFEL nonlinear stage simulation were proposed*** and implemented in computer code VOLC that means "VOLume Code". It was developed on the basis of multiple Fortran codes created in 1991-2006 years. VOLC allows to simulate different geometries of two- and three-wave VFEL in amplifier and oscillator regimes. Electron beam is modelled by averaging over initial phases of electrons. Dimensionality is 2D (one spatial coordinate and one phase space coordinate) plus time. All numerical results obtained using VOLC are in good agreement with analytical predictions of VFEL theory. Different roots to chaos in VFEL were investigated using VOLC. Some successful simulations of VFEL experimental setup at INP were carried out. A description of VOLC possibilities and representative numerical results are presented.
* V. G. Baryshevsky et al., NIMA483 (2002) 21. ** V. G. Baryshevsky, NIMA445 (2000) 281. *** K. Batrakov, S. Sytova, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 45 (2005) 666. |
MOPPH004 | Measurement and Analysis of CSR effects at FLASH | 18 |
The vacuum-ultra-violet Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) is a linac driven SASE-FEL. High peak currents are produced using magnetic bunch compression chicanes. In these magnetic chicanes, the energy distribution along an electron bunch is changed by effects of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR). Energy changes in dispersive bunch compressor chicanes lead to transverse displacements along the bunch. These CSR induced displacements are studied using a transverse deflecting rf-structure. Recent experiments and simulations concerning the charge dependence of such transverse displacements are presented and analyzed. In these experiments an over-compression scheme is used which reduces the peak current downstream the bunch compressor chicanes. Therefore other self interactions like space charge forces which might complicate the measurements are suppressed. | ||
MOPPH005 | Improvements of the Tracking Code Astra for the Simulation of Dark Current Losses in the FLASH Linac | 22 |
At the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg FLASH, the activation of components due to dark current emitted by the gun has become a serious problem. To improve the understanding of dark current transport in the linac, simulations with the Astra tracking code have been conducted. These studies require a big amount of computing time due to the high number of simulated macroparticles. Therefore, the parallelized version of Astra had to be enhanced by features like dynamic load balancing and an improved aperture model. The paper will provide an overview of the new features and discuss possible remedies of the dark current problem based on the simulation results. | ||
MOPPH006 | Longitudinal Wake Field for an Electron Beam Accelerated through a Ultra-High Field Gradient | 26 |
Electron accelerators with higher longitudinal field gradients can produce high-energy beams with compact, cheap setups. Laser-plasma acceleration appears to constitute the more promising breakthrough in this direction, delivering field gradients up to TV/m. Here we describe the impact of longitudinal wake fields on the electron beam, based on solution of Maxwell's equations for the longitudinal field. We consider an acceleration distance much smaller than the overtaking length (the length that electrons travel as a light signal from the tail of the bunch overtakes the head of the bunch), that is the case for laser-plasma devices. We give expressions for impedance and wake function that may be evaluated numerically. We show that the rate of energy loss in the bunch due to radiative interaction is equal to that of coherently radiated energy in the far-zone. A limiting expression is found for a large distance of the electron beam from the accelerator compared with the overtaking length. We derive analytical solutions for a Gaussian transverse and longitudinal bunch shape. We apply our analytical asymptote by studying the feasibility of a Table-Top FEL based on laser-plasma driver. Numerical estimations indicate that the effects of the time-dependent energy change induced by the longitudinal wake pose a serious threat to the operation of this device. (See DESY 06-222) | ||
MOPPH007 | Theory of Nonlinear Harmonic Generation in Free-Electron Lasers with Helical Wigglers | 30 |
Coherent Harmonic Generation (CHG), and in particular Nonlinear Harmonic Generation (NHG), is of importance for both short wavelength Free-Electron Lasers (FELs), in relation with the achievement of shorter wavelengths with a fixed electron-beam energy, and high-average power FEL resonators, in relation with destructive effects of higher harmonics radiation on mirrors. In this paper we present a treatment of NHG from helical wigglers with particular emphasis on the second harmonic. Our study is based on an exact analytical solution of Maxwell's equations, derived with the help of a Green's function method. In particular, we demonstrate that nonlinear harmonic generation (NHG) from helical wigglers vanishes on axis. Our conclusion is in open contrast with results in literature, that include a kinematical mistake in the description of the electron motion. (See DESY 07-058) | ||
MOPPH008 | Unaveraged Three-Dimensional Modelling of the FEL | |
A new three-dimensional model of the FEL is presented. A system of scaled, coupled Lorentz-Maxwell equations are derived in the paraxial limit. A minimal number of limiting assumptions are made and the equations are not averaged in the longitudinal direction of common radiation/electron beam propagation, allowing the effects of coherent spontaneous emission and non-localised electron propagation to be modelled. The equations are solved numerically using a parallel Fourier split-step method. | ||
MOPPH009 | Undulator Radiation in a Waveguide | 34 |
We propose an analytical approach to characterize undulator radiation near resonance, when the presence of the vacuum-pipe considerably affects radiation properties. This is the case of the far-infrared undulator beamline at the Free-electron LASer (FEL) in Hamburg (FLASH), that is designed to deliver pulses in the TeraHertz (THz) range. This undulator can be used for pump-probe experiments where THz pulses are naturally synchronized to the VUV pulse from the FEL, as well as the development of novel electron-beam diagnostics techniques. Since the THz radiation diffraction-size exceeds the vacuum-chamber dimensions, characterization of infrared radiation must be performed accounting for the presence of a waveguide. We developed a theory of undulator radiation in a waveguide based on paraxial and resonance approximation. We solved the field equation with a tensor Green's function technique, and extracted figure of merits describing in a simple way the influence of the vacuum-pipe on the radiation pulse as a function of the problem parameters. Our theory, that makes consistent use of dimensionless analysis, allows treatment and physical understanding of many asymptotes of the parameter space, together with their region of applicability. (See DESY 07-031) | ||
MOPPH010 | Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Surface Mode Supported by a Reflection Grating | 38 |
In a Smith-Purcell Free-Electron Laser (SP-FEL), the electron beam interacts with the surface mode supported by a metallic reflection grating to produce coherent radiation. All the previous analyses of SP-FEL had considered the localization of the surface mode only in the direction perpendicular to the grating surface and assumed translational invariance along the direction of grooves of the grating. In this paper, we include the localization of the surface mode along the direction of grooves and study the three-dimensional structure of the surface mode in order to include diffraction effects in the analysis of SP-FELs. Full three-dimensional Maxwell-Lorentz equations are derived for the self-consistent nonlinear analysis of SP-FELs. | ||
MOPPH011 | Comparison Between Kinetic and Fluid Description of Plasma-Loladed Free-Electron Laser | 42 |
In the kinetic treatment of the plasma-loaded FEL in Ref.* single particle equation of motion, for both beam and plasma electrons in the radiation fields, are used. Therefore, interaction terms between the wiggler and the space-charge wave, in the transverse velocity of electrons, which are important elements in the fluid model, are neglected. A dispersion relation of a plasma-loaded FEL with kinetic theory is found in Ref.* that takes into account the velocity spread of both beam and plasma electrons. In the present analysis, a dispersion relation is obtained, by the fluid theory, with the interaction terms between the wiggler and the space-charge wave in the transverse velocity of electrons taken into account. Since these interaction terms are inherently missing in the kinetic theory the two dispersion relation are compared to find out about the importance of these terms. It was found that although the absence of these terms has considerable effects on the growth rate, the general kinetic dispersion relation may be used to study the temperature effects of a warm beam/plasma on the instability of a free-electron laser with a plasma background.
* S. Babaei and B. Maraghechi, "Kinetic description of plasma-loaded free-electron laser", Phys. Plasmas, to be published. |
MOPPH012 | Conservation Laws in Quasilinear Theory of Raman Free-Electron Laser | 46 |
A quasilinear theory of the free-electron laser, in Raman regime, is presented to establish that conservation laws on number, energy, and momentum are upheld. A high density electron beam is assumed so that the space-charge potential is no longer negligible. A sufficiently broad band spectrum of waves is assumed so that saturation will be due to the quasilinear spread of the beam electrons. Otherwise, for the single mode excitation, saturation will be due to the electron trapping in the space-charge potential. It is shown that the quasilinear slow variation of the background distribution function is in the form of the diffusion equation in momentum space. An expression for the time evolution of the spectral energy density is derived. Conservation laws to the quasilinear order (second order) are derived and are proved to be satisfied. Results of the present investigation may be used to study the quasilinear saturation of free-electron laser in the presence of the space-charge wave. | ||
MOPPH013 | Raman Scattering of a Perturbed TM Mode in a Dielectric Loaded Plasma Waveguide | |
The stimulated Raman scattering of a perturbed TM mode in a dielectric loaded partially filled plasma waveguide is considered. The radiation is the result of the scattering of the pump electromagnetic wave, which is EH waveguide mode, off of a space-charge wave. In the analysis, a non linear wave equation for the three-wave interaction is used to investigate the coupling of the space-charge and the waveguide modes. Dispersion relations for electromagnetic modes are solved numerically to study the frequency characteristics of the interaction of the EH waveguide modes with the space-charge modes. Formulas for the spatial and temporal growth rates of the backscattered wave near the electron cyclotron frequency are derived and the effect of the dielectric liner on the growth rates is investigated. The numerical studies show that the presence of the dielectric liner has an effect on the phase matching condition and leads to a rather larger growth rates close to the electron cyclotron resonance. | ||
MOPPH014 | Velocity Shot Noise, Space Charge Effects and Coherence Enhancement Schemes in SASE FEL | |
We employ a formulation of the linear transfer matrix of FEL to explore new operating schemes and limiting effects in the high gain regime of FEL. These include analysis of SASE seed radiation injection, pre-bunching schemes, study of the role of velocity shot noise and collective (space charge effects). We propose new schemes for enhancement of the temporal coherence of SASE radiation, and study them by employing the transfer matrix formulation. The numerical computations indicate that X-Ray pulses, spatially and temporally (Fourier transform limited) coherent, are attainable with available high gain FEL parameters. The theoretical model is based presently on single transverse mode excitation (optically guided). Extension to a multi transverse modes excitation model will be outlined. | ||
MOPPH015 | Limit for Harmonic Conversion in a Single Cascade of Coherent Harmonic Generation | 50 |
Harmonic generation is a reliable method for producing coherent high-brightness photon pulses from relativistic electron bunches. The standard process leading to Coherent Harmonic Generation (CHG) is initiated by a powerful seed laser. As a consequence, reaching short wavelengths generally requires a high order frequency conversion. For that reason some of the projects which are presently under development for coherent VUV and soft-Xray emission are based on a series of two or more consecutive "cascades". In these setups, the radiation produced into one CHG stage is used as a seed in a following CHG cascade. The required number of cascades is related to the maximum harmonic conversion which can be obtained in single stages. In this paper the mechanism underlying the CHG, i.e. the bunching creation into the modulator, is studied in detail and the physical limits for the single-stage CHG are investigated. The identification of the limiting parameters may allow the implementation of new methods for enhancing the conversion efficiency. One of these methods, which relies on a simple modification of the standard CHG scheme, has been recently proposed* and shown to be able to significantly improve the system performance. Results are confirmed by numerical simulations using the codes Ginger and Genesis. Expected impact on some of the existing projects for CHG is also presented.
* E. Allaria, G. De Ninno, Phys. Rev. Lett., to be published. |
MOPPH017 | 1D Linear Intensity Spiking Evolution in a Single Shot of a SASE FEL | 54 |
The analysis is based on the 1D Maxwell-Lorentz equations which are reduced to the usual averaged linear equation in the limit of vanishingly small radiation field A(z,t) and average length lm. It is shown that if this equation is solved with initial shot noise conditions in which the widths of the spikes and the average distance between successive spikes are both uniformly smaller than the cooperation length Lc, it may lead to large amplitude coherent signals. The intensity spiking RMS relative amplitude decreases from the 100% values it has at t=0, down to values of the order or less than 0.1% in time intervals from ten to twenty gain times. | ||
MOPPH018 | Particle-in-cell Simulation of Two-stream Smith-Purcell Free-electron Laser | |
An approach to enhancement of terahertz (THz) Smith-Purcell (SP) radiation from an open rectangular grating driven by two electron beams is presented in this paper. The two electron beams with a velocity separation propagate over the grating. With the help of a two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation, some nonlinear processes from spontaneous emission to superradiant radiation are demonstrated. The optimum voltage ratio is obtained where the SP radiation power achieves the maximum. The simulation results show that the enhancements of radiation power, the shortened saturation time, and the decrease of critical current for spontaneous SPR to superradiant at a proper voltage ratio. The simulation results can correspond to the linear analyses. | ||
MOPPH019 | Optimized Designs for CAEP IR Free-electron Laser | 58 |
The characteristics of CAEP IR free-electron laser are estimated and the optimized designs of the resonator parameters such as radius of output hole, the size of mirror, the resonator length is carried out using our 3D FEL oscillator code. Based on the appropriate parameters, the saturated power, output power, gain and construction of optical modes are calculated. | ||
MOPPH020 | FEL with Orotron Type Feedback | 61 |
In microwave electronics orotron is widely used as a source of RF radiation in millimeter and submillimeter wavebands. In this device an electron beam is coupled to a mode of quasi-optical resonator by means of the periodical grating one of the resonator mirror. In our paper we discuss a relativistic modification of such a device. A novel FEL scheme is suggested in which the slow wave structure of orotron is replaced by shallow Bragg corrugation which provides the coupling of the transverse (with respect to direction of beam propagation) mode of a two-mirror cavity with longitudinally propagating wave. The latter can be excited by the electron beam wiggling in undulator field. Described scheme allows to combine selective properties of an orotron with relativistic frequency conversion of a free electron laser. The transverse mode provides the feedback in the system thus leading to self-excitation, while the propagating wave is responsible for energy extraction in the steady-state regime of operation. The discussed system was investigated both analytically and numerically using direct codes and averaged equations approach. | ||
MOPPH021 | Karat Pic-Cod Simulation of Smith-Purcell Radiation from Gratings with Different Profiles | |
Particle-in-cell simulation of Smith-Purcell radiation from gratings with lamellar, triangle, "volume" and "flat" profile using PIC-code KARAT is carried out. The paper present some calculation results compared with experimental data obtained on the 6-Mev microtron. It is shown that the maximal SPR yield for different gratings are in agreement with experiment. | ||
MOPPH022 | A Description of Guided FEL Radiation Using Dielectric Waveguide Eigenmodes | 65 |
An analysis of the radiation field of an FEL in terms of eigenmodes of a linear dielectric waveguide is presented. | ||
MOPPH023 | Enhancing FEL Power with Phase Shifters | 69 |
Undulator taper is a well-known technique to increase the FEL efficiency past saturation by maintaining the resonant condition. In this paper, we demonstrate that shifting the electron bunch phase relative to the radiation is equivalent to tapering the undulator parameter. Using discrete phase changes derived from optimized undulator tapers for the LCLS x-ray FEL, we show that placing appropriate phase shifters between undulator sections can reproduce the power enhancement of these undulator tapers. The phase shifters are relatively easy to implement and operate, and hence can be used to aid or replace the undulator taper for optimizing the FEL performance. | ||
MOPPH025 | Three-dimensional Theory of the Cerenkov Free-Electron Laser | 73 |
We present an analytical theory for the operation of a Cerenkov free-electron laser which includes diffraction of the optical mode in the direction transverse to the electron beam. Because the width of the optical mode depends on the gain, the usual cubic dispersion relation is replaced by a 5/2-power dispersion relation, however, only two of these roots are allowed. These two roots both have positive real parts, indicating that they are slow waves. For a narrow electron beam, the optical mode is much wider than the beam, thus reducing the gain by an order of magnitude from that predicted by the two dimensional theory. In the limit of a wide electron beam, the two dimensional theory is recovered. | ||
MOPPH026 | Three-Dimensional Theory of the Smith-Purcell Free-Electron Laser | 77 |
We present an analytic theory for the operation of a Smith-Purcell free-electron laser (SPFEL) that includes transverse diffraction of the optical beam. For the case of an infinitely wide electron beam, this theory agrees with previous two-dimensional analyses. When the electron beam is narrow compared to the mode, the gain (amplifier regime) is substantially reduced by diffraction, while its dependence on the beam current is increased due to gain guiding. A 5/2-power dispersion relation replaces the conventional cubic dispersion relation. Additionally, the constituent waves of the laser mode are found to have different transverse decay rates. An estimate of the start current (oscillator regime) of the device is obtained by satisfying the appropriate boundary conditions on the beam axis. | ||
MOCAU01 | Short Wavelength Regenerative Amplifier FELs | 182 |
In this paper we discuss the possibility of extending the operating wavelength range of tunable Regenerative Amplifier FELs to shorter wavelengths than current design proposals, notably into the XUV regions of the spectrum and beyond where the reflectivity of broadband optics is very low. Simulation studies are presented which demonstrate the development of good temporal coherence in generic systems with a broadband radiation feedback of less than one part in ten thousand. | ||
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MOCAU02 | Numerical Solution of the FEL Correlation Function Equation | 188 |
The equation for two-particle correlation function in FEL was derived recently to provide a new way of noise calculations in FELs*. In this paper this equation is solved numerically for the simplest case of narrow electron beam. Time independent solution with saturation is obtained. It is compared with the results of quasilinear theory and results of previous SASE linewidth estimates.
* O. A. Shevchenko, N. A. Vinokurov, NIM A507 (2003) 84-88 |
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MOCAU03 | Numerical Propagation Simulations and Coherence Analysis of SASE Wavefronts | 192 |
Examples of wavefront propagation simulation and coherence analysis of SASE, seeded and started-up from noise, are presented. The calculations are performed using SRW the wave-optics computer code optimized for synchrotron radiation, and the 3D FEL simulation code GENESIS 1.3. To ensure easy inter-operation and data exchange between the two codes, GENESIS has been integrated into the "emission" part of the SRW, which is dedicated for calculation of initial wavefronts in the form ready for subsequent propagation simulations. In the examples described, after each run of GENESIS in time-dependent mode, the electric field is transformed from time to frequency domain, and the wavefront obtained this way is numerically propagated, using Fourier-optics methods implemented in the SRW, from the exit of the FEL undulator to image plane of a simple interferometer-type optical scheme. Intensity-averaged patterns, obtained after multiple cycles of the SASE (in presence of shot noise and/or a timing jitter) and the wavefront propagation calculations, allow for straightforward characterization of spatial coherence by visibility of interference fringes. SRW code can also be used for complete optimization of optical beamlines for 4th generation synchrotron radiation sources, which require accurate treatment of wave-optical phenomena in the frequency and time domains. | ||
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MOCAU04 | Impact of Longitudinal Space-charge Wake from FEL Undulators on Current-enhanced SASE Schemes | 196 |
In this article we present a description of longitudinal wake fields in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers (XFELs) that is of relevance in relation with Enhanced Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ESASE) schemes. We consider wakes in XFELs, in the limit when the electron beam has gone inside the undulator for a distance longer than the overtaking length (the length that electrons travel as a light signal from the tail of the bunch overtakes the head of the bunch). We find that the magnitude of the resulting energy chirp constitutes a reason of concern for the practical realization of ESASE schemes. | ||
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MOCAU05 | Space Charge Effect in an Accelerated Beam | 200 |
It is usually assumed that the space charge effects in relativistic beams scale with the energy of the beam as the inverse relativistic factor gamma factor squared. We show that for a beam accelerated in the longitudinal direction there is an additional space charge effect in free space that scales as the ratio of the accelerating field to the gamma factor. This space charge field has the same origin as the "electromagnetic mass of the electron" discussed in textbooks on electrodynamics. It keeps the balance between the kinetic energy of the beam and the energy of the electromagnetic field of the beam. We then consider the effect of this field on a beam generated in an RF gun and calculate the energy spread produced by this field in the beam. | ||
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WEPPH058 | Modeling a RF Linac Based Short Pulse Waveguide FEL | 487 |
We discuss modeling a highly slippage dominated short pulse, long wavelength rf linac based THz FEL in a waveguide cavity. |