Paper | Title | Page |
MOPAB29 | Efficient 3D Poisson Solvers or Space-charge Simulation | 94 |
Funding: This work was partially supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC02- 05CH11231. Three-dimensional Poisson solver plays an important role in the self-consistent space-charge simulation. In this paper, we present several efficient 3D Poisson solvers inside an open rectangular conducting pipe for space-charge simulation. We describe numerical algorithm of each solver, show comparative results for these solvers and discuss the pros and cons associated with each solver. |
MOPAB30 | A Multi-particle Online Beam Dynamics Simulator for High Power Ion Linac Operations | 99 |
Funding: Work supported by DOE under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 During high-power ion-linac operations, the low-beam-loss operational settings are typically extrapolated from the low-power mode through highly subjective empirical adjustments. Existing simulation tools in accelerator control rooms are too simplified to handle the complex beam dynamics and the strong space charge effects, therefore providing no useful guidance for the high power beam tuning. We have been developing a GPU accelerated multi-particle beam dynamics simulator to try to bridge the gap. By combining the GPU technology and the multi-particle beam dynamics simulation algorithms, we have created a realistic beam simulator that is both accurate and fast enough to be useful in accelerator control rooms. Once connected to the EPICS control system, the simulator can rapidly respond to any control set point changes and predict beam properties along an ion linac in pseudo real time. Its applications include virtual diagnostics during operations, test-bed for new operation/control schemes, operation optimization and operator training. |
MOPAB31 | Space Charge Map Extraction and Analysis in a Differential Algebraic Framework | 103 |
Funding: This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics, under Contract Nos. DE-FG02-08ER41532 and DE-SC0011831, with Northern Illinois University. Space charge is a leading concern in high-intensity beams, causing effects such as emittance growth, beam halos, etc. As the need for high-intensity beams spreads, the demand for efficient space charge analysis grows. We developed a self consistent space charge simulation method for this purpose [*]. In order to facilitate space charge analysis, we implemented a method that allows space charge map extraction and analysis from any tracking method [*,**]. We demonstrate the method by calculating the transverse space charge. We compare the method of moments and the fast multipole method as the tracking methods employed in the transfer map extraction process. We show results from analysis of the raw map elements as well as quantities obtained from normal forms. [*] Erdelyi, Nissen, and Manikonda. A Differential Algebraic Method for the Solution of the Poisson Equation for Charged Particle Beams. [**] Berz. Modern Map Methods in Particle Beam Physics. |
TUO2LR01 | Needs and Considerations for a Consortium of Accelerator Modeling | 175 |
Funding: This work is supported by US-DOE Contracts DE-AC02-05CH11231. Thanks to sustained advances in hardware and software technologies, computer modeling is playing an increasingly important role in the design of particle accelerators. This rise in importance is further fueled by the economic pressure for reducing uncertainties and costs of development, construction and commissioning, thus pushing the field toward an increased use of “virtual prototyping”. Until now, the development of accelerator codes has been left to projects without mandate and programmatic funding for coordination, distribution and user support. While this is adequate for the development of relatively small-scale codes on targeted applications, a more coordinated approach is needed to enable general codes with user bases that extend beyond individual projects, as well as cross-cutting activities. In light of this, it is desirable to strengthen and coordinate programmatic activities of particle accelerator modeling within the accelerator community. This increased focus on computational activities is all the more timely as computer architectures are transitioning to new technologies that require the adaptation of existing - and emergence of new - algorithms and codes. |
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Slides TUO2LR01 [2.509 MB] | |
TUO2LR02 |
Development for End-to-end Modeling of Accelerators | |
Funding: This work was partially supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC02- 05CH11231. In this paper, we will report on the progress of development for end-to-end modeling of accelerators. We will discuss about some challenges in the study and suggest some potential solutions. |
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TUO2LR03 | Recent Results from the S-POD Trap Systems on the Stability of Intense Hadron Beams | 178 |
S-POD (Simulator of Particle Orbit Dynamics) is a tabletop experimental apparatus developed at Hiroshima University for systematic studies of various beam dynamic effects in modern particle accelerators. This novel experiment is based on an isomorphism between the basic equations governing the collective motion of a non-neutral plasma in a trap and that of a charged-particle beam in an alternating-gradient (AG) focusing channel. The system is particularly useful in exploring space-charge-induced collective phenomena whose accurate study is often troublesome in practice or quite time-consuming even with high-performance computers. The present talk addresses recent experimental results on the stability of intense hadron beams traveling through long periodic AG transport channels. Emphasis is placed upon coherent resonances that occur depending on the lattice design, beam intensity, error fields, etc. | ||
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Slides TUO2LR03 [10.864 MB] | |
TUO4LR01 |
The IOTA Ring: Present Status and Plans | |
The Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) is a small low-energy test storage ring, which is being constructed at Fermilab. The goal of this ring is to conduct research in the area of novel concepts in nonlinear beam optics, space-charge compensation and beam cooling. This talk will report on the present status and future plans of this research program. | ||
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TUO4LR02 | Chromatic and Space Charge Effects in Nonlinear Integrable Optics | 216 |
The IOTA test accelerator is under construction at FNAL to study a novel method of advancing the intensity frontier in storage rings: nonlinear integrable optics. For particles at the design momentum, the lattice has two invariants and the dynamics is integrable. In the ideal single-particle two-dimensional case, this yields bounded, regular orbits with extremely large tune spreads. Off-momentum effects such as dispersion and chromaticity, and collective effects such as direct space charge, break the integrability. We discuss the origin of this broken integrability for both single- and many-particle effects, and present simulation results for the IOTA lattice used as a high intensity proton storage ring. | ||
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Slides TUO4LR02 [2.373 MB] | |
TUO4LR03 |
UMER 2.0: Adapting the University of Maryland Electron Ring to Explore Intermediate Space-charge and Nonlinear Optics for Hadron Beam Facilities | |
Funding: This work is supported by the US Dept. of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics and by the National Science Foundation. Scaled experiments at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) facility have a long history of successes in understanding space-charge dynamics. Recent experiments included beam halo and losses, resonances with space-charge, longitudinal space-charge waves, solitons, and longitudinal confinement with induction cells. This talk presents progress in the design of next-generation UMER-based experimental research, with expanded capabilities to study nonlinear lattices. The work is complementary and in collaboration with the proposed IOTA ring at FNAL. UMER offers 3 advantages for this type of research: (1) the ability to assess the effects of intermediate space charge strength relevant to conventional Hadron rings on the performance on nonlinear lattices; (2) its low-cost printed-circuit magnets (enabled by the 10 keV electron beam energy) can be easily replaced to test different lattice concepts; and (3) the detailed diagnostics already in place facilitate benchmarking of simulation codes in this new regime. |
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WEO2LR01 | Code Requirements for Long Term Tracking with Space Charge | 249 |
In view of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) for the LHC pre-accelerators Leir, PSB, PS, SPS we have started a new working group at CERN to deal with space charge issues of these machines. The goal is to operate these machines with basically twice the number of particles per bunch which will further increase the space charge tune shifts which are large already now in present operation. Besides the obvious remedies of increasing the injection energy we are obliged to better understand the space charge force to optimize our machines. To this end it has become clear that we need computer models that faithfully represent the linear but also the non-linear features of our machines. We have started close collaborations with several laboratories around the world to upgrade existing self-consistent Space Charge Particle-In-Cell (PIC) codes for our CERN needs. In parallel, we have created a frozen space charge facility in CERN's MAD-X code. Both types of codes are being used to study long-term stability of our machines and to compare it with machine experiments. | ||
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WEO2LR02 | Status of PY-ORBIT: Benchmarking and Noise Control in PIC Codes | 254 |
Funding: ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy. PY-ORBIT is a broad collection of accelerator beam dynamics simulation models, written primarily in C++, but accessed by the user through Python scripts. PY-ORBIT was conceived as a modernization, standardization, and architectural improvement of ORBIT, a beam dynamics code designed primarily for rings. Although this goal has been substantially achieved, PY-ORBIT has now incorporated additional capabilities. A major consideration in high intensity beam dynamics codes, such as PY-ORBIT and ORBIT, is the simulation of space charge effects. Computational space charge simulation is, of necessity, accompanied by noise due to discretization errors, which can compromise results over long time scales. Discretization errors occur due to finite step sizes between space charge kicks, due to graininess of the numerical space charge distribution, and due to the effects of spatial grids embedded in certain solvers. In order to simulate space charge, most tracking codes use solvers containing some or all of these effects. We compare the manifestation of discretization effects in different types of space charge solvers with the object of long time scale space charge simulation. |
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WEO2LR03 | Artificial Noise in PIC Codes and Consequences on Long Term Tracking | 259 |
Particle in Cell codes are widely used in studies on beam-beam, space charge and electron cloud effects. Numerical noise due to macro-particle statistics appears in orbit offset and beam size (beta function). The noise induces artficial emittance growth. It is indispensable to understand underlying mechanism of the emittance growth for the validity of simulation results. | ||
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Slides WEO2LR03 [4.279 MB] | |
THO3LR03 |
The Physics and Use of Electron Lenses at BNL | |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy To compensate for the beam-beam effects from the proton-proton interactions at the two interaction points in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), two electron lenses (e-lenses) have been installed and commissioned in 2014. In this report, the physics of electron lens is briefly introduced, followed by the electron lens hardware and electron beam commissioning results in 2014 RHIC run. Although in 2014, RHIC is operating with gold and 3He beams, and the luminosity is not limited by head on beam-beam interactions, we still aligned the electron beam with the hadron beam to get the first experience with the electron-hadron beam interaction. The demonstration of electron and gold beam overlap has been achieved via electron backscattered detector, as well as the demonstration of electron beam parameters that are sufficiently stable to have no negative impact on the gold beam life time. With the experience of using electron lens on hadron beam, head on beam-beam compensation can be commissioned in the following year with proton beams, with a lattice which phase advance has a multiple of 180 degrees between the beam-beam interaction and electron lens locations. |
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THO3LR04 | Recent Results on Beam-Beam Effects in Space Charge Dominated Colliding Ion Beams at RHIC | 379 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. To search for the critical point in the QCD phase diagram, RHIC has been colliding gold ions at a variety of beam energies ranging from 2.5 GeV/n to 9.8 GeV/n. During these low energy operations below the regular injection energy, significant lifetime reductions due to the beam-beam interaction in conjunction with large space charge tune shifts have been observed. Extensive simulation studies as well as beam experiments have been performed to understand this phenomenon, leading to improved performance during the 7.3 GeV run in FY2014. |
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