Paper | Title | Page |
MOPMF001 | Bunch Schedules for the FCC-ee Pre-injector | 79 |
The latest design of the Future Circular electron-positron Collider (FCC-ee) foresees a luminosity per interaction point above 2.0·1036/cm2/s for operation at the Z pole. The filling from zero current occurs in collision to profit from the bunch lengthening due to beamstrahlung (so-called bootstrapping). At any time when new e- and e+ buckets or bunchlets are injected into the collider, they will collide instantly. For this reason, we may provide the charge in each injected bunch in a way to pre-compensate for anticipated beam loss, and to reach the target luminosity as soon as possible after the first injection. In this way, we optimise the injection schedules for Z-mode so as to reach the peak luminosity in less than 20 minutes by interleaved injection of the two species at some portion of full bucket charge. Filling from zero the injector should allow accumulating 1.7·1011 particles in one collider bucket within at least 10 injections, assuming a total transmission above 80%. In steady-state operation, the injector chain continually produces and accelerates lower bunch charges so as to maintain nearly constant bunch currents and constant peak luminosity. | ||
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MOPMF002 | Pre-Booster Ring Considerations for the FCC e+e− Injector | 83 |
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The FCC-e+e− injector complex needs to produce and to transport a high-intensity e+/e− beam at a fast repetition rate for topping up the collider at its collision energy. Two different options are under consideration as pre-accelerator before the bunches are transferred to the high-energy booster: using the existing SPS and a completely new ring. The purpose of this paper is to explore the needs and parameters of the existing SPS and the conceptual design of an alternative accelerator ring with injection and extraction energies of 6 and 20 GeV, respectively. In this study, the basic parameters of both choices are established, including the optics design and layout updates. Consideration for non-linear dynamics optimization and the impact of intra beam scattering are also presented. | ||
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MOPMF004 | Spin Dynamics in the JLEIC Alternative Pre-Booster Ring | 87 |
In order to reduce the foot-print of the JLEIC ion complex, we have designed a more compact and cost-effective octagonal 3-GeV pre-booster ring half the size of the orig-inal figure-8 design. However, this new ring does not preserve ion polarization by design as the figure-8 shape, making it necessary to study the spin dynamics to find the best solution for spin correction. Different codes, Zgoubi and COSY, are used to model and simu-late the spin dynamics in the octagonal 3 GeV ring, in-cluding spin correction with Siberian snakes. | ||
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MOPMF005 | Beam Formation in the Alternative JLEIC Ion Complex | 91 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy / ONP, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 for ANL and by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. The proposed alternative design approach for the JLab-EIC (JLEIC) ion complex uses a more compact linac and pre-booster, and consolidates the electron storage ring (e-ring) as a large booster for the ions. Following a parameter study* showing the feasibility of this alternative design approach, we have adapted the e-ring lattice by adding RF sections to accelerate ion beams**. In this study, we focus on the beam formation for protons and lead ions from the linac to the pre-booster, then into the e-ring until injection to the ion collider ring. Effects such as space charge, intra-beam scattering and the need for beam cooling will determine the total accumulated charge in each ring and the time required from injection from the injector linac to collision in the collider ring. * B. Mustapha et al, Proceedings of NAPAC-2016, October 9-14, Chicago, IL. ** B. Mustapha et al, Proceedings of IPAC-2017, May 14-19, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
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MOPMF006 | Test of Stepwise Electron Bunch Replacement in eRHIC Using an Electron Lens in RHIC | 95 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The electron-ion collider eRHIC requires an electron bunch replacement about every second to maintain both high luminosity and polarization. If the bunch can be replaced in several steps, the requirements for both the electron gun and the electron accelerator are greatly reduced due to the reduced bunch charge. However, a stepwise replacement of electron bunches in eRHIC will give rise to transient effects from the beam-beam interaction that will lead to emittance growth. Such a scheme was tested using one of the RHIC electron lenses with a multiple step increase of the electron current. The test provides an order-of-magnitude estimate of the effect without any further mitigating measures. |
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MOPMF010 | Measurement and Simulation of Betatron Coupling Beam Transfer Function in RHIC | 99 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Transfer function measurements are important for characterizing betatron tunes, betatron coupling, and beam spectrum in the routine operation of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). To counteract the linear betatron coupling, we developed a technique to continuously measure the betatron coupling coefficient with a base band phase lock loop tune meter in 2006. Based on this technique, we demonstrated and built a robust tune/coupling feedback in RHIC. In this article, we revisit the BTF measurement with betatron coupling to benchmark our BTF simulation code. We also compared the values of eigenmode projection ratios from BTF with those calculated with the single particle model. |
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MOPMF011 | Beam-Beam Issues With Two Interaction Points in eRHIC | 102 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. In this article, we study the beam-beam interaction related issues with two interaction points in the current eRHIC ring-ring design. We carried out strong-strong beam-beam simulation in a 2-d bunch intensity scan. We observed coherent beam-beam instability and emittance blowup with 2 collisions per turn at lower bunch intensities than the case with only 1 collision per turn. To deliver collisions to the two experiments simultaneously, we proposed a new bunch filling pattern to avoid 2 collisions per turn for any electron or proton bunch. We proved that the parasitic beam-beam effect with the new bunch filling pattern is negligible. |
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MOPMF012 | Study of Crabbed Collision in eRHIC With a Combination of Strong-Strong and Weak-Strong Simulations | 105 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. In the present design of the future electron-ion collider eRHIC at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, a crossing angle of 22~mrad between the electron and proton orbits at the interaction region is adopted. To compensate the geometric luminosity loss, a local compensation scheme with two sets of crab cavities for each beam is considered. In this article, we first carry out strong-strong beam-beam simulation to study possible coherent beam-beam instability. Under the assumption of no coherent beam-beam motion, we then carry out a weak-strong beam-beam simulation to determine the long-term stability of the proton beam with the equilibrium electron beam sizes extracted from the strong-strong beam-beam simulation. |
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MOPMF013 | eRHIC EIC: Plans for Rapid Acceleration of Polarized Electron Bunch at Cornell Synchrotron | 108 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. An option as an injector into the polarized-electron storage ring of eRHIC EIC is a rapid-cycling synchrotron (RCS). Cornell's 10 GeV RCS injector to CESR presents a good opportunity for dedicated polarized bunch rapid-acceleration experiments, it can also serve as a test bed for source and polarimetry developments in the frame of the EIC R&D, as polarized bunch experiments require disposing of a polarized electron source, and of dedicated polarimetry in the linac region and in the RCS proper. This is as well an opportunity for a pluri-disciplinary collaboration between Laboratories. This paper is an introduction to the topic, and to on-going activities towards that EIC R&D project. |
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MOPMF014 | Polarization at eRHIC Electron Storage Ring, an Ergodic Approach | 112 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Based on considerations of ergodicity of the dynamical system of an electron bunch at equilibrium, the preservation of polarization in an electron storage ring is estimated from the tracking of a very limited number of electrons. This has a substantial impact on required High Power Computing resources, in noticeable contrast with the method generally used that tracks tens of electron bunches, each comprised of thousands of particles, for several thousands of turns. It is also shown that a minimum number of tracking turns is required in order to ensure the numerical convergence of the linear regressions that yield depolarizing time constant values from tracking, in both methods. |
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MOPMF016 | Progress on RCS eRHIC Injector Design | 115 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. We have refined the design for the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) polarized electron injector for eRHIC. The newer design includes bypasses for the eRHIC detectors and definition of the lattice layout in the existing RHIC tunnel. Additionally, we provide more details on the RF, alignment and orbit control, and magnet specifications. |
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MOPMF018 | Numerical Simulation of Spin Dynamics with Spin Flipper in RHIC | 118 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Spin flipper experiments during RHIC Run 17 were performed to study its effectiveness as a method for polarization sign reversal during stores. Numerical simulations are reported here, which were performed in accompaniment of these, and are being pursued with the aim of accurately reproducing the experimental conditions and providing thorough insight in the role of various key parameters participating in the dynamics of the spin flip, such as the sweep rate of the AC dipole, chromatic orbit control at RHIC snakes, RF parameters, possible effects of non-linear spin resonances, mirror resonance, tolerance on flipper magnet parameters, etc. The ultimate goal is for these simulations to serve as a guidance toward perfect flip to allow routine use during physics Runs. |
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MOPMF020 | Higher Order Mode Coupling Options for the eRHIC Crab Cavity | 121 |
Funding: This work was supported by the US Department of Energy via Brookhaven Science Associates LLC under contract no. DE-SC0012704. The eRHIC crab cavity adopts the double quarter wave structure developed at Brookhaven National Lab for the LHC Hi-Lumi upgrade crab cavities. The cavity's fundamental mode is at 338 MHz with the first higher order mode more than 180 MHz above that. We looked into the higher order mode distribution up to 2 GHz, and considered various locations and geometries of the coupling scheme. The cylindrical outer shell of the cavity allowed various possibilities for coupler port openings on all the walls, which were difficult for the narrow waist of the LHC double quarter wave crab cavities. Beam pipe absorbers are also options for simpler high frequency modes damping. Some preliminary high pass filter design will also be discussed in this paper. |
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MOPMF021 | Ground Motion Measurement and Analysis for HEPS | 125 |
HEPS have very challenging beam stability require-ments. Special cares are mandatory in developing site vibration specifications, stable building design concepts, and passive and active ways to minimize effects on the stability of the photon beam and critical accelerator and beamline components caused by ambient ground motion sources. However, among all these work, reasonable as-sessment of the vibration induced beam instability has to be the first step. This paper will focuses on the measure-ment results of the ground motion on HEPS site, the es-tablishment of reasonable beam dynamic models, the influences of ground motion to the beam of main ring. | ||
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MOPMF022 | Luminosity Reduction Caused by the Full-Detuning LLRF Scheme on the HL-LHC Crab Cavities | 129 |
The High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) crab cavities (CCs) will be installed on both sides of IP1 (ATLAS) and IP5 (CMS) to compensate for the geometric luminosity reduction due to the crossing angle. To cope with the increased beam current (0.55 A DC for LHC, 1.1 A for HL-LHC), the operation of the LLRF system has been changed: rather than fully compensating the transient beam loading, we allow the phase to vary along the turn (100 ps peak-peak with 1.1 A DC). This has been implemented at LHC since July 2017. The CCs have high loaded Q (5e5) and the available RF power is insufficient to follow the bunch phase modulation. The crabbing voltage is not modulated, causing a phase error w.r.t. the individual bunch centroids, leading to transverse kicks of the centroids and an asymmetric crabbing of the bunch cores. We present an analytical model for the resulting luminosity reduction and validate with particle tracking simulations. Due to the symmetry of the bunch filling patterns for the counter-rotating beams, the peak luminosity is reduced by only 2% for nominal HL-LHC parameters at IPs 1 and 5, which is within tolerable limits. | ||
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MOPMF023 | Updates on the Optic Corrections of FCC-hh | 133 |
The FCC-hh (Future Hadron-Hadron Circular Collider) is one of the options considered for the next generation accelerator in high-energy physics as recommended by the European Strategy Group, and the natural evolution of existing LHC. The evaluation of the various magnets mechanical error and field error tolerances in the arc sections of FCC-hh, as well as an estimation of the correctors strengths necessary to perform the error corrections, are important aspects of the collider design. In this study recommended values for the mechanical errors, dipole and quadrupole field errors tolerances are proposed, with the possible consequences on the correctors technological choice and on the beam screen design. Advanced correction schemes of the linear coupling (with skew quadrupoles) and of the beam tunes (with normal quadrupoles) are discussed. Also a combined correction scheme including the interaction regions is tested. | ||
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MOPMF024 | Dipole Field Quality and Dynamic Aperture for FCC-hh | 137 |
Funding: This Research and Innovation Action project submitted to call H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1 receives funding from the European Union's H2020 Framework Program under grant agreement No. 654305. The Nb3Sn dipole design for the hadron machine option of the Future Circular Colliders enters in an intense and long R&D phase. As a result, more realistic dipole field quality evaluations are available for beam dynamics studies. The paper discusses the impact of the main dipole field quality on the first and second order design of the hadron machine and on its dynamic aperture. |
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MOPMF025 | Overview of Arc Optics of FCC-hh | 141 |
Funding: The European Circular Energy-Frontier Collider Study (EuroCirCol) project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant No 654305. The FCC-hh (Future Hadron-Hadron Circular Collider) is one of the options considered for the next generation accelerator in high-energy physics as recommended by the European Strategy Group. In this overview the status and the evolution of the design of optics integration of FCC-hh are described, focusing on design of the arcs, alternatives, and tuning procedures. |
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MOPMF028 | A Superconvergent Algorithm for Invariant Spin Field Stroboscopic Calculations | 145 |
Funding: National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy Stroboscopic averaging can be used to calculate the invariant spin field \bfn for particles with a finite oscillation amplitude in phase space. The standard technique starts with making a guess for \bfn(\bfr), which is a function of the phase space position \bfr. By tracking a particle's orbital position forward in time and then projecting the guessed \bfn backwards to the starting phase space point, the average of the backward projected spins will converge to the invariant spin direction linearly as 1/N where N is the number of turns tracked. The convergence can be accelerated by an iterative method that uses an approximate invariant spin field constructed by averaging the calculated spin field over points that are close in orbital phase space. This superconvergent algorithm has been built into a new program based upon the Bmad toolkit for charged particle and X-ray simulations. |
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MOPMF029 | FCC-hh transverse impedance budget | 149 |
Contributions of different machine elements of the proposed Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) impedance budget are calculated based on beam stability considerations. For each element (the beamscreen, the collimators, etc), effective impedances are calculated at the injection energy and at the collision energy for considered instabilities. The considered instabilities include the transverse coupled bunch instability (TCBI) and the transverse mode coupling instability (TMCI). Limitations to each total effective impedance are estimated and the critical points in the impedance budget are determined. | ||
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MOPMF030 | Broadband Impedance of Pumping Holes and Interconnects in the FCC-hh Beamscreen | 153 |
In the proposed Future Circular Collider (FCC-hh) pumping holes and interconnects between sections of the beamscreen can be sources of unwanted broadband impedance, potentially leading to the transverse mode coupling instability (TMCI). The pumping holes pose a greater challenge to the impedance calculation due to their small contribution per hole. Unlike for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), analytical methods cannot be applied due to the complex beamscreen geometry and the greater size of the holes. Instead, two computational methods are used and compared to each other. For the interconnects, the impedance due to a sophisticated system of tapers is also estimated using computational methods. | ||
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MOPMF031 | Modelling Wake Impedance of a Rough Surface in Application to the FCC-hh Beamscreen | 157 |
The inner surface of the future circular collider (FCC-hh) beamscreen is proposed to be laser-treated in order to mitigate the electron cloud build-up. However, the rough structure of the treated surface can result in unwanted impedance increase, potentially leading to the transverse mode coupling instability (TMCI). Three models have been adopted to estimate the wake impedance of a beamscreen with a rough surface. The models use the resistive wall formalism generalized for the case of an arbitrary surface impedance. The results apply to a beamscreen of a circular cross-section with the homogeneously rough inner surface for the case of ultrarelativistic particles. The free parameters of the models were fit into preliminary measurements of the surface resistivity, giving, as a result, a range of the real and the imaginary parts of the wake impedance. | ||
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MOPMF032 | Nonlinear Correction Strategies for the LHC Using Resonance Driving Terms | 161 |
The correction of nonlinearities in future colliders is critical to reach operational conditions and pose a significant challenge for commissioning schemes. Several approaches have been succesfully used in the LHC to correct sextupolar and octupolar sources in the LHC insertion regions. Measurements of resonance driving terms at top energy in the LHC have improved and now offer a new observable to calculate and validate nonlinear corrections. This paper reports on measurements of resonance driving terms in the LHC and the relevant strategies used for nonlinear corrections. | ||
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MOPMF033 | Probing the Forced Dynamic Aperture in the LHC at Top Energy Using AC Dipoles | 165 |
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Measurements of the dynamic aperture in colliders are a common method to ensure machine performance and offer an insight in the nonlinear content of the machine. Such direct measurements are very challenging for the LHC and High Luminosity LHC. Forced dynamic aperture has been demonstrated for the first time in the LHC at injection energy as a potential new observable to safely probe the nonlinear content of the machine. This paper presents the first measurements of forced dynamic aperture at top energy and discusses the proposed measurement schemes and challenges. | ||
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MOPMF034 | Layout and Performance of the FCC-ee Pre-Injector Chain | 169 |
The Future Circular e+e− Collider pre-injector chain consists of a 6 GeV S-Band linac, a damping ring at 1.54 GeV and pre-booster ring to reach 20 GeV for injection to the main booster. The electron and positron beams use the same accelerator chain alternatively. The e+ beam is generated from a novel low level RF-gun providing 6.5 nC charge at 11 MeV with 0.5 micron geometric emittance. The e+ beam is produced by the impact of a 4.46 GeV e- beam onto a hybrid target, accelerated in the linac up to 1.54 GeV, and injected to the damping ring for emittance cooling. Simulations on the performance of the DR are presented for reaching the required equilibrium emittances at the required damping time. As an alternative option, a 20 GeV linac is considered utilising C-Band cavities and simulations studies have been undertaken regarding the beam transport and transmission efficiency up to that energy. | ||
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MOPMF036 | FCC-ee Hybrid RF Scheme | 173 |
Funding: Research supported by the FCC design study For FCC-ee, the range of beam energies and beam currents is large between each mode of operation, all scaled to an available 50 MW maximum power per beam. The two limiting scenarios for the RF system design are at low energy (45 GeV) with high beam current (1.45 A) and the highest energy (182.5 GeV) with a radiation loss reaching 8.92 GeV per turn. In this paper, RF staging with a hybrid scheme using both 400 MHz and 800 MHz is proposed to mitigate the requirements on the two extremes. Relevant comparisons are made with respect to using only a single frequency for all modes. |
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MOPMF038 | Cleaning Performance of the Collimation System with Xe Beams at the Large Hadron Collider | 176 |
The LHC heavy-ion program with Pb ions has delivered substantial physics results since the startup of the LHC. There was a Xe run in 2017 in which collimation losses and cleaning were assessed. These studies give a unique opportunity for very valuable benchmark of simulation models with measurements, which could also be very important to understand limitations for future runs with Pb and other species. In this paper, we present collimation loss maps measured in the first ever operation of the LHC with Xe ions. The measurements are compared with simulations and first conclusions are discussed for possible future operation. | ||
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MOPMF039 | First Xenon-Xenon Collisions in the LHC | 180 |
In 2017, the CERN accelerator complex once again demonstrated its flexibility by producing beams of a new ion species, xenon, that were successfully injected into LHC. On 12 October, collisions of fully stripped xenon nuclei were recorded for the first time in the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy per colliding nucleon pair of 5.44 TeV. Physics data taking started 9.5 h after the first injection of xenon beams and lasted a total of 6 h. The integrated luminosity delivered to the four LHC experiments was sufficient that new physics results can be expected soon. We provide a general overview of this Xe-Xe pilot run before focussing on beam data at injection energy and at flat-top. | ||
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MOPMF040 | Crossing Angle Anti-Leveling at the LHC in 2017 | 184 |
In 2017, LHC incorporated in operation an anti-leveling procedure of adapting in steps the crossing angle of the colliding beams to increase the integrated luminosity. In this paper, we present the Dynamic Aperture simulations that were employed to identify the operational margins, and therefore define the leveling steps. The results are complemented by observations from nominal operation and projections for the 2018 operation. Additional anti-leveling techniques, investigated in dedicated machine studies are also discussed | ||
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MOPMF041 | Refining the HL-LHC Operational Settings with Inputs From Dynamic Aperture Simulations: A Progress Report | 188 |
Recent Dynamic Aperture (DA) simulations aimed at providing guidance for the latest updates of the operational scenario for the High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC. The impact of the increased chromaticity and octupole current has been assessed considering the latest updates of the optics. Additional means to improve the lifetime, such as tune optimization, have been identified and deployed. We also briefly discuss the impact of delivering high luminosity to the LHCb experiment. | ||
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MOPMF042 | Crab Cavity Failures Combined with a Loss of the Beam-Beam Kick in the High Luminosity LHC | 192 |
Crab cavities are an essential component of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project. In case of a failure they can create large transverse kicks on the beam within tens of microseconds and, therefore, require a fast extraction of the circulating beam. In this paper, the effects of different crab cavity failures in combination with the missing beam-beam kick following the dump of only one LHC beam are presented and consequences for the interlocking strategy of crab cavities are discussed.
Work supported by the High Luminosity LHC project. |
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MOPMF043 | Tuning of CLIC-Final Focus System 3 TeV Baseline Design Under Static and Dynamic Imperfections | 196 |
In this paper we present the tuning study of the Compact Linear Collider - Final Focus System (CLIC-FFS) 3~TeV baseline design under static and dynamic imperfections for the first time. The motion of the FFS magnets due to ground motion and the impact of active and passive mechanisms envisaged to stabilize both e- and e+ systems are described. It is found that the Pre-isolator required for stabilization of the Final Doublet drives the performance of the collider at the final stages of the tuning process. The obtained tuning performance depending on the stabilization techniques are discussed in detail. | ||
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MOPMF044 | New Coordination Tools to Prepare Programmed Stops in the LHC and its Injectors | 200 |
The LHC and its Injectors are submitted to an overall lifecycle of three to four years of physics delivery to Experiments with a two-year long stop, also known as Long Shutdown (LS). The years of physics delivery are ended by a programmed stop for the immediate preventive and corrective maintenance, also known as (Extended)-Year-End Technical Stop - (E)YETS. This regular cycle is to be addressed in parallel with other projects: the upgrade projects to the accelerator complex of the LHC (High-Luminosity project) and to its Injectors (LHC Injectors Upgrade), and the "standard" consolidation tasks. This paper describes the way the programmed stops coordination group prepares the activities to take place during the stop with a set of new tools and processes that ease the communication between the stakeholders of the coordination. | ||
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MOPMF046 | Simulation of Hydrodynamic Tunneling Caused by High Energy Proton Beam in Copper through Coupling of FLUKA and Autodyn | 204 |
For machine protection of high-energy colliders, it is important to assess potential damages caused to accelerator components in case large number of bunches are lost at the same place. The numerical assessment requires an iterative execution of an energy-deposition code and a hydrodynamic code, since the hydrodynamic tunneling effect will likely play an important role in the beam-matter interactions. For proton accelerators at CERN and for the Future Circular Collider (FCC), case studies were performed, coupling FLUKA and BIG2. To compare different hydrocodes and not to rely only on BIG2, FLUKA and a commercial tool, Autodyn, have been used to perform these simulations. This paper reports a benchmarking study against a beam test performed at the HiRadMat (High-Radiation to Materials) facility using beams at 440 GeV from the Super Proton Synchrotron. Good agreement has been found between the simulation results and the test as well as previous simulations with FLUKA and BIG2, particularly in terms of penetration depth of the beam in copper. This makes the coupling of FLUKA and Autodyn an alternative solution to simulating the hydrodynamic tunneling. More case studies are planned for FCC and other high-beam-power accelerators. | ||
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MOPMF047 | Transverse Coupling Measurements With High Intensity Beams Using Driven Oscillations | 208 |
Transverse coupling has been linked to instabilities and reduction in dynamic aperture and is hence a crucial parameter to control in the LHC. In this article we describe the development to use driven oscillations to measure the transverse coupling with high intensity beams. The method relies on the use of the transverse damper to drive an oscillation in a similar way as with an AC-dipole. The calculation of the coupling is based on the turn-by-turn data from all available BPMs gated for the excited bunch. | ||
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MOPMF048 | Aperture Measurements with AC Dipole at the Large Hadron Collider | 212 |
Global aperture measurements are crucial for a safe operation and to push the performance of the LHC, in particular, the knowledge of aperture at top energy allows pushing the optics to reduce the colliding beam sizes. The standard method used in the LHC commissioning requires using several bunches for one measurement and makes bunches un-usable for other activities. This paper presents first global aperture measurements performed at injection with a new method using the AC dipole. This method consists in exciting large coherent oscillations of the beam without spoiling its emittance. A gentle control of the oscillation amplitude enables re-using the beams for several measurements. These measurements are compared with aperture measurements performed using the standard method and possible benefits, for example for optics measurements, at top energy with squeezed optics, are elaborated. | ||
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MOPMF050 | LHC Operational Experience of the 6.5 TeV Proton Run with ATS Optics | 216 |
In May 2017, the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) restarted operations at 6.5 TeV using the Achromatic Telescopic Squeeze (ATS) scheme with a target beta-star of 40 cm in ATLAS and CMS. The number of bunches was progressively increased to a maximum of 2556 with emittances of 2.5 um. In August, several machine parameters had to be re-tuned to mitigate beam loss induced instabilities and maintain a steady increase of the instantaneous luminosity. The use of a novel beam type and filling pattern produced in the injectors, allowed filling the machine with very low emittance beam (1.5 um) achieving an equivalent luminosity with 1868 bunches. In September, the beta-star was further lowered to 30 cm (using, for the first time, the telescopic technique of the ATS) and the bunch intensity pushed to 1.25·1011 protons. In the last 3 months of 2017, the LHC produced more than 500 pb-1 of integrated luminosity per day, delivering to each of the high luminosity experiments 50.6 fb-1, 10% above the 2017 target. A general overview of the operational aspects of the 2017 proton run will be presented. | ||
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MOPMF051 | LHC Operational Scenarios During 2017 Run | 220 |
During 2017, the Large Hadron Collider LHC delivered luminosity for different physics configuration in addtion to the nominal 6.5 TeV proton-proton run. About 18.5 days were dedicated to commission and to deliver special physics to the experiments. Condifurations with large beta-star of 19 m and 24 m were prepared for luminosity calibration with Van de Meer scans. A proton-proton run at 2.51 TeV took place during the last weeks of November to provide reference data for the heavy ion (Pb-Pb, p-Pb) collisions at the same equivalent nucleon energy . A very short (0.5 days) but effective ion run was scheduled where the LHC saw the first Xe beams collissions and delivered around 3 ub-1 to ATLAS and CMS. The run ended with a low event pile-up run at 6.5TeV. This contribution summarizes the operational aspects and delivered targets for the different configurations. | ||
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MOPMF052 | Monitoring and Modeling of the LHC Luminosity Evolution in 2017 | 224 |
In 2017, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) restarted operation at 6.5 TeV, after an extended end-of-the-year stop, scheduled to deliver 45/fb to the two general-purpose experiments. Continuous monitoring of the key beam parameters and machine configurations that impact the delivered luminosity was introduced, providing fast feedback to operations for further optimisation. The numerical model based on simulations and use of selected machine parameters to estimate the machine luminosity was further developed. The luminosity evolution and comparisons to the model predictions is presented in this paper. The impact of the dynamic variation of the crossing angle, which was incorporated into nominal LHC operation, is also discussed. | ||
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MOPMF053 | Observations, Analysis and Mitigation of Recurrent LHC Beam Dumps Caused by Fast Losses in Arc Half-Cell 16L2 | 228 |
Recurrent beam dumps significantly perturbed the operation of the CERN LHC in the summer months of 2017, especially in August. These unexpected beam dumps were triggered by fast beam losses that built up in the cryogenic beam vacuum at the half-cell 16 left of LHC-IP2 and were detected either at that location but mainly in the collimation insertions. This contribution details the experimental observables (beam losses, coherent instabilities, heat load to cryogenic system, vacuum signals), the extent of the understanding of the beam loss and instability mechanisms and the mitigation steps and new settings that allowed recovering the luminosity performance of the LHC for the rest of the Run. | ||
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MOPMF054 | Comparison of Different Transverse Emittance Measurement Techniques in the Proton Synchrotron Booster | 232 |
The measurement of the transverse emittance in an accelerator is a crucial parameter to evaluate the performance of the machine and to understand beam dynamics processes. In recent years, controlling and understanding the emittance became particularly relevant in the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) at CERN as part of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU). The LIU project is a necessary step to achieve the goals of the High-Luminosity LHC project. In this framework, an accurate and reliable emittance measurement of high brightness beams is mandatory to study the brightness reach of the LHC injectors. In the PSB there are two main instruments available for emittance measurements: wire scanners and secondary-emission (SEM) grids. In this paper emittance measurements performed during the 2017 physics run with these two systems are compared, taking into account various systematic error sources. | ||
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MOPMF055 | Update of the CLIC Positron Source | 236 |
The baseline positron source of CLIC has been optimised for the 3 TeV c.o.m. energy. Now the first stage of the CLIC is proposed to be at 380 GeV. Recently, the positron transmission efficiency from the tungsten target to the damping rings injection has been improved by 2.5 times. This opened the possibility for an optimisation of the whole positron source, comprising the injector linacs, aimed at improving its performance and its overall power efficiency. In this paper the key parameters of the positron source, which include the current and the energy of the primary electron beam, the thickness of the crystal and amorphous tungsten targets, the distance between the two targets, the adiabatic matching device (AMD) and pre-injector linacs, are optimized to improve the overall power efficiency. | ||
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MOPMF056 | The Second LHC Long Shutdown (LS2) for the Superconducting Magnets | 240 |
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been delivering data to the physics experiments since 2009. It first operated at a centre of mass energy of 7 TeV and 8 TeV up to the first long shutdown (LS1) in 2013-14. The 13 kA splices between the main LHC cryomagnets were consolidated during LS1. Then, it was possible to increase safely the centre of mass energy to 13 TeV. During the training campaigns, metallic debris caused short circuits in the dipole diode containers, leading to an unacceptable risk. Major interventions can only take place during multiyear shutdowns. To ensure safe operation at higher energies, hence requiring further magnets training, the electrical insulation of the 1232 dipole diodes bus-bars will be consolidated during the second LHC long shutdown (LS2) in 2019-20. The design of the reinforced electrical insulation of the dipole cold diodes and the associated project organisation are presented, including the validation tests, especially at cryogenics temperature. During LS2, maintenance interventions on the LHC cryomagnets will also be performed, following the plan based on a statistical analysis of the electrical faults. It is inscribed in the overall strategy to produce collisions at 14 TeV, the LHC design energy, and to push it further towards 15 TeV. We give a first guess on the impact on the LHC failure rate. | ||
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MOPMF057 | FCC-ee Dynamic Aperture Studies and Frequency Map Analysis | 244 |
The FCC-ee Lepton Collider will provide e+e− collisions in the beam energy range of 45.6 GeV to 182.5 GeV. FCC-ee will be a precision measurement tool for Z, W, H and t physics with expected luminosities of 2.07× 1036 cm-2 s-1 at the Z-pole and 1.3 × 1034 cm-2 s-1 at the tt- threshold. In order to achieve the foreseen luminosities, a vertical β* of 1 mm to 2 mm is mandatory. Dynamic aperture and frequency map analysis for the 97.75 km machine with such a squeezed accelerator optics are studied. Furthermore, effects of machine misalignments on dynamic and momentum aperture are presented and estimations for the required tolerances are given | ||
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MOPMF058 | Status of the LHC Schottky Monitors | 247 |
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) features four transverse Schottky monitors detecting Schottky noise from the beam. From the Schottky noise signal, beam properties like tune, chromaticity, and bunch by bunch relative emittances, can be extracted. Being a non-destructive and purely parasitic method of measurement, the Schottky system is of great interest for real-time determination of beam chromaticities especially. Studies, including a dedicated machine development shift as well as parasitic measurements, concerning its capability to accurately measure the beam chromaticities are presented. | ||
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MOPMF059 | Status of the FCC-ee Top-Up Booster Synchrotron | 250 |
This contribution presents the status of the top-up booster synchrotron for the FCC electron-positron collider FCC-ee, which is a 100 km electron-positron collider being designed for precision studies and rare decay observations in the range of 90 to 365 GeV centre-of-mass energy. In order to keep the luminosity at a level of the order of 1035 cm-2s-1 continuous top-up injection is required, because of the short beam lifetime of less than one hour. The top-up booster synchrotron will be housed in the same tunnel as the collider rings and will ramp up the beam energy from 20 GeV at injection to the full energy between 45.5 GeV and 182.5 GeV depending on operation mode. The lattice design and two possible optics will be presented. The dynamic aperture was investigated for different sextupole schemes with and without misalignments of the lattice components. In addition, wigglers were installed to decrease the damping time and mitigate intra-beam-scattering. | ||
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MOPMF060 | Safe Disposal of the LHC Beam without Beam Dump - Method and Experimental Verification | 253 |
Funding: Research supported by the HL-LHC project. In the extremely unlikely event of a non-working beam dumping system in the LHC, the 360 MJ of stored beam energy can be dissipated in the collimation system as a last mitigation measure. In such a situation, it is important to reduce the stored beam energy both quickly and at the same time as smoothly as possible in order to limit the risk of trips of critical systems, to avoid quenches of superconducting magnets (which would lead to changes of the beam trajectory and damage to the accelerator) and ultimately damage to the collimators themselves. Detailed steps and parameters have been developed and validated during two dedicated experiments with beam in the LHC. This paper summarizes the key aspects in view of the preparation of such a procedure for operational use, which will allow for the safe disposal of the full LHC beam by the operation crews. |
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MOPMF061 | Emittance Growth in Coast in the SPS at CERN | 257 |
Funding: Research supported by the HL-LHC project. The HL-LHC prototype crab-cavities are installed in the CERN SPS, which will allow for a comprehensive beam test with high energy protons for the first time. As the time available for experimental beam dynamics studies with the crab cavities installed in the machine will be limited, a very good preparation is required. One of the main concerns is the induced emittance growth, driven by phase amplitude jitter in the crab cavities. In this respect, several machine development (MD) studies were performed during the past years to quantify and characterize the long term emittance evolution of proton beams in the SPS. In these proceedings, the experimental observations from past years are summarized and the MD studies from 2016 and 2017 are presented. |
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MOPMF062 | Upgrade of the Dilution System for HL-LHC | 261 |
The LHC Beam Dump System is one of the most critical systems for reliable and safe operation of the LHC. A dedicated dilution system is required to sweep the beam over the front face of the graphite dump core in order to reduce the deposited energy density. The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project foresees to increase the total beam intensity in the ring by nearly a factor of two, resulting in a correspondingly higher energy deposition in the dump core. In this paper, the beam sweep pattern and energy deposition for the case of normal dilution as well as for the relevant failure cases are presented. The implications as well as possible mitigations and upgrade measures for the dilution system, such as decreasing the pulse-generator voltage, adding two additional kickers, and implementing a retrigger system, are discussed. | ||
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MOPMF063 | Asynchronous Beam Dump Tests at LHC | 265 |
The detailed understanding of the beam-loss pattern in case of an asynchronous beam dump is essential for the safe operation of the future High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) with nearly twice the nominal LHC beam intensity, leading to correspondingly higher energy deposition on the protection elements. An asynchronous beam dump is provoked when the rise time of the extraction kickers is not synchronized to the 3 us long particle-free abort gap. Thus, particles that are not absorbed by dedicated protection elements can be lost on the machine aperture. Since asynchronous beam dumps are among the most critical failure cases of the LHC, experimental tests at low intensity are performed routinely. This paper reviews recent asynchronous beam dump tests performed in the LHC. It describes the test conditions, discusses the beam-loss behaviour and presents simulation and measurement results. In particular, it examines a test event from May 2016, which led to the quench of four superconducting magnets in the extraction region and which was studied by a dedicated beam experiment in December 2017. | ||
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MOPMF064 | High-Energy LHC Design | 269 |
In the frame of the FCC study we are designing a 27 TeV hadron collider in the LHC tunnel, called the High Energy LHC (HE-LHC). | ||
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MOPMF065 | LHC- and FCC-Based Muon Colliders | 273 |
Funding: Work supported by the European Commission under the HORIZON 2020 project ARIES, grant agreement no. 730871. In recent years, three schemes for producing low-emittance muon beams have been proposed: (1) e+e− annihilation above threshold using a positron storage ring with a thin target [M. Boscolo, P. Raimondi et al.], (2) laser/FEL-Compton back-scattering off high-energy proton beams circulating in the LHC or FCC-hh [L. Serafini et al.], (3) the Gamma factory concept, where partially stripped heavy ions collide with a laser pulse to directly generating muons [W. Krasny]. The Gamma factory would also generate copious amounts of positrons which could in turn be used as source for option (1). On the other hand the top-up booster of the FCC-ee design would be an outstanding e+ storage ring, at the right beam energy, around 45 GeV. After rapid acceleration the muons, produced in one of the three ways, could be collided in machines like the SPS, LHC or FCC-hh. Possible collider layouts are suggested. |
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MOPMF067 | Optimized Arc Optics for the HE-LHC | 277 |
Funding: Work supported by the European Commission under Capacities 7th Framework Programme project EuCARD-2, grant agreement 312453, and the HORIZON 2020 project EuroCirCol, grant agreement 654305. The High Energy LHC (HE-LHC) proton-proton collider is a proposed replacement of the LHC in the existing 27-km tunnel, with the goal of reaching the centre-of-mass beam energy of 27 TeV. The required higher dipole field can be realized by using 16-T dipoles being developed for the FCC-hh design. A major concern is the dynamic aperture at injection energy due to degraded field quality of the new dipole based on Nb3Sn superconductor, the potentially large energy swing between injection and collision, and the slightly reduced magnet aperture. Another issue is the field in quadrupoles and sextupoles at top energy, for which it may be cost-effective, wherever possible, to stay with Nb-Ti technology. In this study, we explore design options differed by arc lattice, for three choices of injection energy, with the goal of attaining acceptable magnet field and maximum injection dynamic aperture with dipole non-linear field errors. |
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MOPMF068 | Quantum Excitation due to Classical Beamstrahlung in Circular Colliders | 281 |
In the collisions of proposed future circular colliders, like FCC-ee and CEPC, the beamstrahlung regime is classical, i.e. with an "Upsilon parameter" much smaller than 1. In the classical regime, for a constant electromagnetic field a simple relation exists between the average photon energy u and the average squared photon energy u2, which is the same as for standard synchrotron radiation in storage rings. This relation breaks down, however, if the electromagnetic field is not constant in time and position, as is the case for a beam-beam collision. We derive an analytical expression for u2/u2, considering the case of Gaussian-bunch collisions with crossing angle (and possibly crab waist). We compare our result with the photon energies obtained in beam-beam simulation for FCC-ee at beam energies of 45.6 GeV and 175 GeV, using the two independent codes BBWS and Guineapig. Finally, we re-optimize the FCC-ee parameters of a possible mono-chromatization scheme for direct Higgs production at 125 GeV, derived previously, by applying the refined expression for the rms photon energy. | ||
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MOPMF069 | The High Energy LHC Beam-Beam Effects studies | 285 |
Funding: This work is supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI. We present in this paper the studies of beam-beam effects for the High Energy Large Hadron Collider. We will describe and review the different aspects of beam-beam interactions (i.e. orbit effects, Landau damping, compensation schemes and operational set-up). An operational scenario for the collider will also be given as a result of the study. |
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MOPMF070 | High Voltage Design for the Electrostatic Septum for the Mu2e Beam Resonant Extraction | 289 |
Two electrostatic septa (ESS) are being designed for the slow extraction of 8GeV proton beam for the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab. Special attention is given to the high voltage components that affect the performance of the septa. The components under consideration are the high voltage (HV) feedthrough, cathode standoff (CS), and clearing electrode ceramic standoffs (CECS). Previous experience with similar HV systems at Fermilab was used to define the evaluation criteria of the design of the high voltage components. Using electric field simulation software, high E-field intensities on the components and integrated field strength along the surface of the dielectric material were minimized. Here we discuss the limitations found and improvements made based on those studies. | ||
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MOPMF071 | Polarization Studies for the eRHIC electron Storage Ring | 292 |
Funding: Manuscript authored by Fermi Res. All., LLC under Contr. No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 and Brookhaven Sc. Ass., LLC under Contr. No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. DOE, Office of Science, Office of HEP. A hadron/lepton collider with polarized beams has been under consideration by the scientific community since some years, in the U.S. and Europe. Among the various proposals, those by JLAB and BNL with polarized electron and proton beams are currently under closer study in the U.S. Experimenters call for the simultaneous storage of electron bunches with both spin helicity. In the BNL based Ring-Ring design, electrons are stored at top energy in a ring to be accommodated in the existing RHIC tunnel. The transversely polarized electron beam is injected into the storage ring at variable energies, between 5 and 18 GeV. Polarization is brought into the longitudinal direction at the IP by a couple of spin rotators. In this paper results of first studies of the attainable beam polarization level and lifetime in the storage ring at 18 GeV are presented. |
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MOPMF072 | On the Feasibility of a Pulsed 14 TeV C.M.E. Muon Collider in the LHC Tunnel | 296 |
We will consider technical feasibility, key machine parameters and major challenges of the recently proposed 14 TeV c.m.e. muon-muon collider in the LHC tunnel. | ||
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MOPMF073 | Rejuvenation of 7-Gev SuperKEKB Injector Linac | 300 |
KEK injector linac has delivered electrons and positrons for particle physics and photon science experiments for more than 30 years. It was upgraded for the SuperKEKB project, which aims at a 40-fold increase in luminosity over the previous project KEKB, in order to increase our understanding of flavor physics beyond the standard model of elementary particle physics. SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric electron-positron collider with its extremely high luminosity requires a high current, low emittance and low energy spread injection beam from the injector. The electron beam is generated by a new type of RF gun, that provides a much higher beam current to correspond to a large stored beam current and a short lifetime in the ring. The positron source is another major challenge that enhances the positron bunch intensity from 1 to 4 nC by increasing the positron capture efficiency, and the positron beam emittance is reduced from 2000 μm to 10 μm in the vertical plane by introducing a damping ring, followed by the bunch compressor and energy compressor. The summary of the rejuvenation is reported. | ||
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MOPMF074 | Beam Phase Space Jitter and Effective Emittance for SuperKEKB Injector Linac | 304 |
In SuperKEKB linac, stable high charged low emittance beam is necessary. Transported beam to SuperKEKB Main Ring (MR) must be stable to the extent that the beam can be injected inside MR acceptance. SuperKEKB requirement must be satisfied for emittance including beam phase space jitter, called as effective emittance. Large amplitude beam position jitter has been measured at linac end. We evaluated that the effect of the beam position jitter on effective emittance and investigated the source of the beam phase space jitter. | ||
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MOPMF076 | Energy Spread Compensation in Arbitrary Format Multi-Bunch Acceleration With Standing Wave and Traveling Wave Accelerators | 307 |
In the E-driven ILC (International Linear Collider) positron source, the beam is generated and accelerated in a multi-bunch format with mini-trains. The macro-pulse contains 2 to 8 mini-trains with several train gaps, because the pulse format is a copy of a part of the bunch storage pattern in DR (Damping Ring). This pulse format causes a variation of the accelerator field in the pulse due to the transient beam loading and an intensity fluctuation of captured positron. In this article, we discuss the compensation of the energy spread of such beam in standing wave and traveling wave accelerators. For standing wave accelerator, it can be compensated by switching input RF at appropriate timings. For traveling wave accelerator, it can be compensated by amplitude modulation of the input RF. | ||
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MOPMF077 | A Design Study of the Electron-driven ILC Positron Source Including Beam Loading Effect | 311 |
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The International Linear Collider (ILC) is a next-generation accelerator for high-energy physics to study the Higgs and top sector in the Standard Model, and new physics such as supersymmetry and dark matter. ILC positron source based on Electron-driven method has been proposed as a reliable technical backup. In this article, we report the design study of the positron source based on the off-the-shelf RF components. The positron is generated and accelerated in a multi-bunch format. To compensate the energy variation by the transient beam loading effect, we employ AM (Amplitude Modulation) technique and the results were 16.60 ± 0.14 MV (peak-to-peak) for L-band 2m cavity driven by 22.5 MW power and 25.76 ± 0.19 MV (peak-to-peak) for S-band 2m ac-celerator driven by 36 MW power with 0.78 A beam load-ing. | ||
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MOPMF079 | The CEPC lattice design with combined dipole magnet | 315 |
For the lattice of CEPC collider ring, the combined magnet (dipole+sextupole) scheme has been developed to reduce the power consumption of the stand-alone sextu-poles. The power consumption of sextupoles has been decreased by 75% due to 50% reduction of strength. The dynamic aperture for the combined magnet scheme is as good as the original lattice. The magnet design for this kind of combined dipole has been done which provides a good support for this new idea. | ||
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MOPMF084 | The Progress of CEPC Positron Source Design | 319 |
Circular Electron-Positron Collider (CEPC) is a 100 km ring e+ e− collider for a Higgs factory. The injector is composed of 10 GeV linac and 120 GeV booster. The linac of CEPC is a normal conducting S-band linac with frequency in 2856.75 MHz and provide electron and positron beam at an energy up to 10 GeV and repetition frequency in 100 Hz. The positron source of CEPC is composed of target, flux concentrator, pre-accelerating section and beam separation system. The detailed design of each section of positron source will be presented and discussed, meanwhile the start-to-end dynamic simulation results will be presented also in this paper. | ||
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MOPMF085 | Beam-gas Background Characterization in the FCC-ee IR | 322 |
The MDISim toolkit is used to evaluate and characterize the beam-gas induced background in the FCC-ee Interaction Region. MDISim allows a full characterization of this beam background source with the locations where the beam-gas scattering occurs as well as the loss points, as a function of different vacuum conditions and composition, for the nominal optics and parameters. Detailed pressure distribution profiles have been obtained running coupled synchrotron radiation and molecular flow montecarlo codes, as an input to the GEANT4 calculations. The particles hitting the pipe in the IR can be tracked in the detectors with a full Geant-4 simulation. Semi-analytic estimates for the expected rates and lifetime are also performed. | ||
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MOPMF086 | Proposal of an Experimental Test at DAΦNE for the Low Emittance Muon Beam Production From Positrons on Target | 326 |
We present in this paper the proposal of an experimental test at DAΦNE of the positron-ring-plus-target scheme foreseen in the Low EMittance Muon Accelerator. This test would be a validation of the on-going studies for LEMMA and it would be synergic with other proposals at DAΦNE after the SIDDHARTA run. We discuss the beam dynamics studies for different targets inserted in a proper location through the ring, i.e. where the beam is focused and dispersion-free. Optimization of beam parameters, thickness and material of target and optics of the target insertion are shown as well. The development of the existent diagnostic needed to test the behavior of the circulating beam is described together with the turn-by-turn measurement systems of charge, lifetime and transverse size. Measurements on the temperature and thermo-mechanical stress on the target are also under study. | ||
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MOPMF087 | Muon Accumulator Ring Requirements for a Low Emittance Muon Collider from Positrons on Target | 330 |
Very low emittance muon beams can be produced by direct annihilation of about 45~GeV positrons on atomic electrons in a thin target. With such a muon beam source, a mu+mu- collider can be designed in the multi-TeV range at very high luminosities. In this scheme two muon accumulator rings are foreseen to recollect the muon bunches that will be injected in the collider. We present in this paper the first consideration of the muon accumulator rings. Realistic muon beam emittance and energy spread coming from the muon target are described. Constraints on the accumulator ring requirements are derived. | ||
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MOPMF088 | Preparation Activity for the Siddharta-2 Run at DAΦNE | 334 |
DAΦNE, the Frascati lepton collider working at the c.m. energy of the F resonance, continues to be a very suitable infrastructure to realize experiments aimed at studying elementary particles and nuclear physics. The motivations of this long lasting interest are related to the DAΦNE ability of increasing its performances in terms of luminosity thanks to the innovative Crab-Waist collision scheme. In this framework, a new run for the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment has been planned in the year 2019. The detector presently installed in the interaction region, KLOE-2, will be removed and a new low-beta session, equipped with new permanent magnets quadrupoles, will be installed. Diagnostics tools will be improved especially the ones used to keep under control the beam-beam interaction. The horizontal feedback in the positron ring will be potentiated in order to achieve a higher positron current. The design and development work done in view of the SIDDHARTA-2 run is presented and discussed. | ||
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MOPMF089 | DAΦNE Luminosity Monitor | 338 |
This work presents a new method to measure the DAΦNE collider instantaneous luminosity. The method is based on the identification of Bhabha scattering events at low polar angle (∼10 degree) around the beam axis by using two small crystal calorimeters shared with the KLOE-2 experiment. A new experimental setup has been designed and realized in order to implement the fast luminosity monitor, also in view of the DAΦNE future physics runs. Besides total instantaneous luminosity the new diagnostic measures also Bunch-by-Bunch (BBB) luminosity. This peculiarity allows to investigate the beam-beam interaction for the Crab- Waist collisions at DAΦNE and luminosity dependence on the bunch train structure. | ||
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MOPMF090 | First Studies of Ion Collimation for the LHC Using BDSIM | 341 |
At the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN ion physics runs are performed in addition to proton physics runs. In ion operation the cleaning efficiency of the collimation system is lower than in the case of protons and the ion showering process is more complicated and produces a larger variety of secondary particles. In particular, lighter ion species can be produced as fragmentation products in the collimation system and specialised physics lists are required to simulate their production and propagation in matter. The Geant4 toolkit offers comprehensive physics process lists that extend to the case of arbitrary ion species at high energies. First results from a study of ion collimation for the LHC using the Geant4 physics library in BDSIM are presented here. These include simulations of a full ring loss map and particle spectra for collimator leakage for a Pb beam at injection energy in the LHC. | ||
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