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MOIO01 |
Electron Cooling Performance at IMP Facility
ion, accumulation, storage-ring, acceleration |
1 |
- X. D. Yang, W. P. Chai, H. Jia, G. H. Li, J. Li, P. Li, X. M. Ma, L. J. Mao, R. S. Mao, M. T. Song, T. L. Yan, J. C. Yang, D. Y. Yin, Y. J. Yuan, W. Zhang, X. H. Zhang, T. C. Zhao, W. H. zheng
IMP, Lanzhou
The ion beam of 58Ni19+ with the energy of 6.39MeV/u was accumulated in the main ring of HIRFL-CSR with the help of electron cooling. The related angle between ion and electron beams in the horizontal and vertical planes was intentionally created by the steering coils in the cooling section after maximized the accumulated ion beam in the ring; the radial electron intensity distribution was changed by the ratio of potentials of grid electrode and anode of the electron gun, the different electron beam profiles were formed from solid to hollow in the experiments. In these conditions, the maximum accumulated ion beam intensity in the 10 seconds was measured, the lifetime of ion beam was measured, the momentum spread of the ion beam varying with particle number was measured during the ion beam decay, the power coefficient was derived from these data, in additional, the momentum spread in the case of constant particle number was plotted with the angle and electron beam profile. The oscillation and shift of the central frequency of the ion beam were observed during the experiments. The upgrade and improvement in the CSRm cooler and the progress in the CSRe cooler were presented. These results were useful to attempt the crystal beam forming investigation in the CSR.
MOIO05 |
Status of the 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY/HESR
vacuum, gun, proton, pick-up |
15 |
- J. Dietrich, V. Kamerdzhiev
FZJ, Jülich
- M. I. Bryzgunov, A. D. Goncharov, V. M. Panasyuk, V. V. Parkhomchuk, V. B. Reva, D. N. Skorobogatov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
The 2 MeV electron cooling system for COSY-Juelich was proposed to further boost the luminosity even in presence of strong heating effects of high-density internal targets. The project is funded since mid 2009. The design and construction of the cooler is accomplished in cooperation with the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in Novosibirsk, Russia. The 2 MeV cooler is also well suited in the start up phase of the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) at FAIR in Darmstadt. It can be used for beam cooling at injection energy and is intended to test new features of the high energy electron cooler for HESR. The infrastructure necessary for the operation of the cooler in the COSY ring (radiation shielding, cabling, water cooling etc.) is established. The electron beam commissioning at BINP Novosibirsk is scheduled to start at May of 2011. First results are reported. Final commissioning at COSY-Juelich is planned for the end of 2011.
MOIO06 |
Recent Status of Beam Cooling at S-LSR
ion, laser, proton, synchrotron |
19 |
- A. Noda, M. Nakao, H. Souda, H. Tongu
Kyoto ICR, Uji, Kyoto
- T. Fujimoto, S. I. Iwata, S. Shibuya
AEC, Chiba
- M. Grieser
MPI-K, Heidelberg
- I. N. Meshkov, A. V. Smirnov, E. Syresin
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- K. Noda, T. Shirai
NIRS, Chiba-shi
- H. Okamoto
HU/AdSM, Higashi-Hiroshima
At S-LSR in ICR, Kyoto University, approaches to multi-dimensional laser cooling of Mg ions with the use of synchro-betatron coupling has been applied in addition to the realization of one dimensional ordering of 7 MeV proton beam with application of an electron beam cooling. In the present paper, recent results of transverse cooling of bunched beam will be presented together with an aproach to provide a short bunch 7 MeV proton beam with a high peak current to make bio-medical irradiation of biological cells.
MOIO07 |
Application of Cooling Methods to NICA Project
ion, collider, luminosity, emittance |
25 |
Ultimate Performance of Relativistic Electron Cooling at Fermilab
ion, antiproton, focusing, emittance |
31 |
- A. V. Shemyakin, L. R. Prost
Fermilab, Batavia
The Fermilabs Recycler ring employs a 4.3 MeV, 0.1 A DC electron beam to cool antiprotons for accumulation and preparation of bunches for the Tevatron collider. The most important features that distinguish the Recycler cooler from other existing electron coolers are its relativistic energy, a low value of the longitudinal magnetic field in the cooling section, ~100 G, and the lumped focusing in the electron beam lines. The report will summarize the experience of designing, commissioning, and optimizing the performance of this unique machine.
The First Commission Results of the High Voltage Magnetized Cooler for COSY
gun, ion, pick-up, power-supply |
37 |
- V. B. Reva, N. Alinovsky, A. M. Batrakov, T. V. Bedareva, E. A. Bekhtenev, O. V. Belikov, V. N. Bocharov, V. V. Borodich, M. I. Bryzgunov, A. V. Bubley, V. A. Chekavinskiy, V. G. Cheskidov, B. A. Dovzhenko, A. Erokhin, G. A. Fatkin, M. G. Fedotov, A. D. Goncharov, K. Gorchakov, V. K. Gosteev, I. A. Gusev, A. V. Ivanov, G. V. Karpov, Y. I. Koisin, M. N. Kondaurov, A. Kryuchkov, A. D. Lisitsyn, I. A. Lopatkin, V. R. Mamkin, A. S. Medvedko, V. M. Panasyuk, V. V. Parkhomchuk, I. V. Poletaev, V. A. Polukhin, A. Yu. Protopopov, D. N. Pureskin, A. A. Putmakov, E. P. Semenov, D. V. Senkov, D. N. Skorobogatov, N. P. Zapiatkin
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
The electron cooler of a 2 MeV for COSY storage ring FZJ is assembling in BINP. The cooler is designed on the classic scheme of low energy coolers like cooler CSRm, CSRe, LEIR that was produced in BINP before. The electron beam is transported inside the longitudinal magnetic field along whole trajectory from an electron gun to a collector. This optic scheme is stimulated by the wide range of the working energies 0.1(0.025)- 2 MeV. The electrostatic accelerator consists of 34 individual unify section. Each section contains two HV power supply (plus/minus 30 kV) and power supply of the magnetic coils. The electrical power to each section is provided by the cascade transformer. The cascade transformer is the set of the transformer connected in series with isolating winding. This paper describes the status of the electron cooling assembling.
The Advance Technology Extraction for Therapy Ions Beam from Carbon Storage Ring with Electron Cooling
ion, extraction, septum, storage-ring |
43 |
Radiactive Recombination of Heavy Bare Nuclei and Ions in Electron Cooling System
ion, collider, booster, heavy-ion |
48 |
- A. V. Philippov, A. B. Kuznetsov
JINR/VBLHEP, Dubna, Moscow region
- I. N. Meshkov
JINR/DLNP, Dubna, Moscow region
An attempt to present a comprehensive overview of experimental data of radiative recombination (RR) rate of nuclei (from protons to uranium) and various intermediate charge states of ions in electron coolers is presented at the report. A comparison of the experimental data for bare nuclei with theoretical models of H. Kramers, M. Bell and J. S. Bell, R. Schuch has been performed. It is shown that the RR rate of bare nucleus depends on the electron energy shift relatively (in the center of mass system) to optimal electron energy as dE−3/8 (in energy range dE > 1 meV) that is significantly different from the theoretical approaches, including averaging over the transverse electron temperature. Also it is shown that the RR rate of bare nucleus depends on transverse temperature as Ttr. Analysis of the experimental data for cooled heavy ions shows that the rates of the process critically depends on their charge state (electron configuration of ion shells) and for some charge states essentially increases having a resonant character. The estimations of RR rate losses of the Au32+, Au33+, Au43+, Au51+, Au61+, Au68+ and Au69+ ions beam due to RR process in the electron cooler of the Booster is presented. The bare nuclei Au79+ lifetime limitation due to RR process in the electron cooler of the Collider NICA is analyzed and measures of its increasing are considered.
Numerical Investigation of Stochastic Cooling at NICA Collider
collider, accumulation, ion, emittance |
52 |
- T. Katayama
GSI, Darmstadt
- I. N. Meshkov, G. V. Trubnikov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
At the heavy ion collider NICA promoted at the Dubna, JINR, the stochastic cooling will play the crucial roles to manipulate the beam. The primary goal is to prevent the IBS diffusion effects to keep the high luminosity during the experimental cycle. The other main purpose is to accumulate the beam intensity up to several times 1·1010 from the injector NUCLOTRON with use of barrier bucket method. With this method, the short bunch formation is not necessary in the injector NUCLOTRON, and is transferred to the collider as a long bunch condition. After the BB accumulation the coasting beam is adiabatically bunched with the help of RF field and the stochastic cooling. In the present paper the detailed simulation results are presented for the above three process (mainly longitudinal freedom) .
Helical Cooling Channel Developments
dipole, emittance, simulation, collider |
67 |
- R. P. Johnson, C. Y. Yoshikawa
Muons, Inc, Batavia
- Y. S. Derbenev, V. S. Morozov
JLAB, Newport News, Virginia
Helical Cooling Channels, based on the same helical dipole Siberian Snake magnets used for spin control in synchrotrons and storage rings, are now proposed for almost all stages of muon beam cooling that are required for high luminosity muon colliders. We review the status of the theory, simulations, and technology development for the capture, phase rotation, 6-D ionization cooling, parametric-resonance ionization cooling, and reverse emittance exchange sections of one of the candidate scenarios for a high-luminosity. high-energy muon collider.
Progress in the Construction of the MICE Cooling Channel
emittance, target, factory, coupling |
75 |
- R. Asfandiyarov
DPNC, Genève
The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE), sited at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, aims to build and test one cell of a realistic ionization cooling channel lattice. This comprises three AbsorberFocus-Coil (AFC) modules and two RFCoupling-Coil (RFCC) modules; both are technically challenging. The Focus Coils are dual-coil superconducting solenoids, in close proximity, wound on a common mandrel. Each pair of coils is run in series, but can be configured with the coil polarities the same ("solenoid mode") or opposite ("gradient mode"). At the center of each FC there is a 20-L liquid-hydrogen absorber, operating at about 14 K, to serve as the energy loss medium for the ionization cooling process. The longitudinal beam momentum is restored in the RFCC modules, each of which houses four 201.25 MHz RF cavities whose irises are closed with 42 cm diameter thin Be windows. To contain the muon beam, each RFCC module also has a 1.4 m diameter superconducting coupling solenoid surrounding the cavities. Both types of magnet are cooled with multiple 2-stage cryo-coolers, each delivering 1.5 W of cooling at 4 K. Designs for all components are complete and fabrication is under way. Descriptions of the various components, design requirements, and construction status will be described.
Methods for Optimization of the Dynamics of the Storage of Positrons in the Surko Trap
positron, accumulation, plasma, antiproton |
81 |
- M. K. Eseev, A. G. Kobets, I. N. Meshkov, A. Yu. Rudakov, S. Yakovenko
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
Surko traps are used successfully, example, for the accumulation of positrons and antiprotons in the experiments on the generation of antihydrogen atoms the ALPHA/CERN. The report presents methods for optimizing the dynamics of the storage of positrons in the Surko trap based on experimental studies on the trap the facility LEPTA/JINR and theoretical estimates of the accumulation and dynamics of particles with technique "Rotating Wall".
Ion Kinetics in the Ultra-low Energy Electrostatic Storage Ring (USR)
ion, target, storage-ring, antiproton |
89 |
- A. I. Papash
MPI-K, Heidelberg
- A. V. Smirnov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- C. P. Welsch
The University of Liverpool, Liverpool
The Ultra-low energy Storage Ring (USR) at the Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research (FLAIR) will provide cooled beams of antiprotons in the energy range between 300 keV down to 20 keV and possibly less. A large variety of the envisaged experiments including in-ring collision experiments with a reaction microscope require a comprehensive study of the long term beam dynamics processes in the ring. Detailed investigations into the ion kinetics under consideration of the effects from electron cooling and multiple scattering of the beam on a supersonic gas jet target have been carried out using the BETACOOL code. The life time, equilibrium momentum spread and equilibrium lateral spread during collisions with this internal gas jet target were estimated. The results from simulations were benchmarked against experimental data of beam losses in the ELISA storage ring. In addition, the results from experiments at the TSR ring where a 93 keV/u beam CF+ ions has been shrunk to extremely small dimensions have been reproduced. Based on these simulations, conditions for stable ring operation with extremely low emittance beam are presented. Finally, results from studies into the interaction of ions with a gas jet target at very low energies are summarized.
TUPS03 |
Closed Orbit Correction in 2 MeV Electron Cooler Section at COSY-Juelich
ion, dipole, injection, closed-orbit |
92 |
- L. J. Mao, J. Dietrich, V. Kamerdzhiev, B. Lorentz, H.-J. Stein
FZJ, Jülich
A 2 MeV magnetized electron cooling system will be installed in COSY to boost the luminosity for future high density internal target experiments. For an effective electron cooling, the proton beam and electron beam have to overlap coaxially, it lead to the necessity of a good orbit correction in cooler section. Since the toroid magnets, the proton beam orbit distortion is anti-symmetric in horizontal plane. With steerers at each side of cooler, the proton beam can be made coaxial in the cooler and the deflection can be compensated. The distortion caused by bending coils in toroid is symmetric in vertical plane. A four-bump method is suggested for correction. Using the magnetic field data measured in BINP, we calculated the orbit distortion of proton beam at injection energy, and investigated the scheme of closed orbit correction. The simulation of orbit distortion and result of the correction are presented in this paper.
TUPS05 |
Simulation of High-Energy Electron Cooling at COSY with BETACOOL Program
target, simulation, luminosity, proton |
95 |
- L. J. Mao, J. Dietrich
FZJ, Jülich
A 2 MeV electron cooling device will be installed at COSY in order to boost the luminosity of pellet target experiments. The magnetized electron cooling technique is used to compensate the energy loss and emittance growth for future COSY pellet target experiments. In this article, a numerical simulation of cooling process is performed with BETACOOL code. The cooling time is calculated for variant cooler setting parameters. The intrabeam scattering (IBS) and target effect are essential for prediction of equilibrium beam parameters. The influence of the pellet target on the beam parameters is demonstrated.
TUPS06 |
Electron Gun with Variable Beam Profile for COSY Cooler
gun, simulation, controls, cathode |
99 |
TUPS07 |
Electron Collector for 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY
vacuum, gun, radiation, power-supply |
103 |
- M. I. Bryzgunov, A. V. Bubley, V. A. Chekavinskiy, I. A. Gusev, A. V. Ivanov, M. N. Kondaurov, V. M. Panasyuk, V. V. Parkhomchuk, D. N. Pureskin, A. A. Putmakov, V. B. Reva, D. V. Senkov, D. N. Skorobogatov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
New electron collector for 2 MeV electron cooler for COSY ring is presented. In electron coolers efficiency of collector is important for high voltage power supply. In 2 MeV cooler for COSY it is also important from the point of view of radiation safety because secondary electrons, reflected from the collector go back to accelerating tube. Besides radiation effect it can cause problems with vacuum and electric strength. The collector presented in the article is supplemented with Wien filter which allows increase efficiency of the system by deflection secondary electron flux in crossed transverse electric and magnetic fields. Results of calculation and experimental results achieved on special test bench are presented.
TUPS08 |
System for Measurement of Magnetic Field Line Straightness in Solenoid of Electron Cooler for COSY
vacuum, laser, feedback, optics |
107 |
TUPS09 |
LEPTA Project: Towards Positrons
positron, gun, kicker, focusing |
111 |
- A. G. Kobets, E. V. Ahmanova, V. I. Lokhmatov, V. N. Malakhov, V. Pavlov, A. Yu. Rudakov, A. A. Sidorin, S. Yakovenko
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- M. K. Eseev
NAFU, Arkhangelsk
The Low Energy Positron Toroidal Accumulator (LEPTA) at JINR is under commissioning with circulating positron beam. The LEPTA facility is a small positron storage ring equipped with the electron cooling system and positron injector. The maximum positron energy is of 10 keV. The main goal of the project is generation of intensive flux of Positronium (Ps) atoms - the bound state of electron and positron, and setting up experiments on Ps in-flight. The report presents an advance in the project: up-grade of LEPTA ring magnetic system, status of the commissioning of positron transfer channel, the results of the electron cooling system tests, results of low energy positrons storage positron beam formation using Na22 radioactive positron source of radioactivity of 25 mCi.
TUPS10 |
Magnetic System of Electron Cooler for COSY
dipole, simulation, power-supply, pick-up |
114 |
- V. M. Panasyuk, M. I. Bryzgunov, A. V. Bubley, V. K. Gosteev, V. V. Parkhomchuk, V. B. Reva
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Cooler magnetic system for COSY is described. Electron beam energy range is wide (24 keV- 2 MeV), typical bending radiuses of electrons are near 1 m, typical magnetic fields are 0.5 2 kG. Under such conditions transport channels with longitudinal magnet field for motion of electrons from high voltage terminal of cascade transformer into cooling section and their return for recuperation are discussed. Results of Hall device measurements are compared with suitable computations. Also some steps were taken for improve of the magnetic field line straightness in the cooling section.
TUPS11 |
Superconducting Shield for Solenoid of Electron Cooling System
simulation, power-supply, vacuum, collider |
118 |
TUPS12 |
Optical Electron Beam Diagnostics for Relativistic Electron Cooling Devices
laser, scattering, photon, background |
121 |
TUPS13 |
Electron Cooler for NICA Collider
acceleration, gun, cathode, feedback |
125 |
- S. Yakovenko, E. V. Ahmanova, A. G. Kobets, I. N. Meshkov, R. Pivin, A. Yu. Rudakov, A. V. Smirnov, N. D. Topilin, Yu. A. Tumanova
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- A. A. Filippov
Allrussian Electrotechnical Institute, Moskow
- A. V. Shabunov
The electron cooling system at electron energy up to 2.5 MeV for the NICA collider is under design at JINR. The electron cooler is developed according to the available world practice of similar systems manufacturing. The main peculiarity of the electron cooler for the NICA collider is using of two cooling electron beams (one electron beam per each ring of the collider) that never has been done before. The acceleration and deceleration of the electron beams is produced by common high-voltage generator. The conceptual design of the electron cooling system has been developed. The cooler consist of three tanks. Two of them contain acceleration/deceleration tubes and are immersed in superconducting solenoids. The third one contains HV generator, which design is based on voltage multiplying scheme
TUPS19 |
Simulation Study of Barrier Bucket Accumulation with Stochastic Cooling at the GSI ESR
accumulation, simulation, injection, kicker |
136 |
- T. Katayama, F. Nolden, G. Schreiber, M. Steck
GSI, Darmstadt
- T. Kikuchi
Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Niigata
- H. Stockhorst
FZJ, Jülich
The beam accumulation experiments with use of barrier bucket cavity and stochastic cooling was successfully performed at the ESR, GSI. The two methods of barrier voltage operation, moving barrier and fixed barrier cases were tried, and for some cases the electron cooling was additionally employed as well as the stochastic cooling. In the present paper, the beam accumulation process are simulated with particle tracking method where the cooling force (stochastic and electron cooling), the diffusion force and the barrier voltage force are included as well as the IBS diffusion effects. The simulation results are well in agreement with the experimental results.
TUPS22 |
Deceleration of Carbon Ions at the Heavy Ion Storage Ring TSR
ion, controls, injection, storage-ring |
147 |
- S. T. Artikova, K. Blaum, M. Grieser, J. Ullrich, A. Wolf
MPI-K, Heidelberg
In order to evaluate the beam quality obtained after deceleration of 12C6+ ions at the heavy ion storage ring TSR, it is important to consider the possible sources of beam heating. In our experiments at the TSR Heidelberg carbon ions are injected at an energy of 73.3 MeV and decelerated them to 9.7 MeV in a cycle that includes two steps where beam cooling are applied. In this contribution we discuss the influences of intrabeam scattering (IBS) and the heating mechanisms on circulating ions. We will present results on the deceleration efficiency, the scaling of IBS rates with the beam energy and intensity, and studies of the phase space distribution during deceleration.