Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
WECOB01 | Methods for Optimization of the Dynamics of the Storage of Positrons in the Surko Trap | positron, accumulation, electron, antiproton | 81 | |||||
Surko traps are used successfully, example, for the accumulation of positrons and antiprotons in the experiments on the generation of antihydrogen atoms the ALPHA/CERN. The report presents methods for optimizing the dynamics of the storage of positrons in the Surko trap based on experimental studies on the trap the facility LEPTA/JINR and theoretical estimates of the accumulation and dynamics of particles with technique "Rotating Wall".
TUPS21 | The Nonlinear Transformation of a Ions Beam in the Plasma Lens | ion, focusing, target, cathode | 144 | |||||
The plasma lens can carry out not only sharp focusing of ions beam. At those stages at which the magnetic field is nonlinear, formation of other interesting configurations of beams is possible. Plasma lens provides formation of hollow beams of ions in a wide range of parameters*. Application of the several plasma lenses allow to create some nontrivial spatial configurations of ions beams**: to get a conic and a cylindrical beams. The plasma lens can be used for transformation of beams with Gaussian distribution of particles density in a beams with homogeneous spatial distribution. The calculations showed that it is possible for a case of equilibrium Bennett's distribution of a discharge current . This requires a long duration of a discharge current pulse of > 10 mks. The first beam tests have essentially confirmed expected result. Calculations and measurements were performed for a C+6 and Fe+26 beams of 200-300 MeV/a.u.m. energy. The obtained results and analysis are reported.
* A. Drozdovskiy et al., IPAC'10, Kioto, Japan, /MOPE040. |