Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
TUIOA02 | Progress in the Construction of the MICE Cooling Channel | electron, emittance, factory, coupling | 75 | |||||
The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE), sited at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, aims to build and test one cell of a realistic ionization cooling channel lattice. This comprises three AbsorberFocus-Coil (AFC) modules and two RFCoupling-Coil (RFCC) modules; both are technically challenging. The Focus Coils are dual-coil superconducting solenoids, in close proximity, wound on a common mandrel. Each pair of coils is run in series, but can be configured with the coil polarities the same ("solenoid mode") or opposite ("gradient mode"). At the center of each FC there is a 20-L liquid-hydrogen absorber, operating at about 14 K, to serve as the energy loss medium for the ionization cooling process. The longitudinal beam momentum is restored in the RFCC modules, each of which houses four 201.25 MHz RF cavities whose irises are closed with 42 cm diameter thin Be windows. To contain the muon beam, each RFCC module also has a 1.4 m diameter superconducting coupling solenoid surrounding the cavities. Both types of magnet are cooled with multiple 2-stage cryo-coolers, each delivering 1.5 W of cooling at 4 K. Designs for all components are complete and fabrication is under way. Descriptions of the various components, design requirements, and construction status will be described.
WECOA01 | Ion Kinetics in the Ultra-low Energy Electrostatic Storage Ring (USR) | ion, electron, storage-ring, antiproton | 89 | |||||
The Ultra-low energy Storage Ring (USR) at the Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research (FLAIR) will provide cooled beams of antiprotons in the energy range between 300 keV down to 20 keV and possibly less. A large variety of the envisaged experiments including in-ring collision experiments with a reaction microscope require a comprehensive study of the long term beam dynamics processes in the ring. Detailed investigations into the ion kinetics under consideration of the effects from electron cooling and multiple scattering of the beam on a supersonic gas jet target have been carried out using the BETACOOL code. The life time, equilibrium momentum spread and equilibrium lateral spread during collisions with this internal gas jet target were estimated. The results from simulations were benchmarked against experimental data of beam losses in the ELISA storage ring. In addition, the results from experiments at the TSR ring where a 93 keV/u beam CF+ ions has been shrunk to extremely small dimensions have been reproduced. Based on these simulations, conditions for stable ring operation with extremely low emittance beam are presented. Finally, results from studies into the interaction of ions with a gas jet target at very low energies are summarized.
TUPS05 | Simulation of High-Energy Electron Cooling at COSY with BETACOOL Program | electron, simulation, luminosity, proton | 95 | |||||
A 2 MeV electron cooling device will be installed at COSY in order to boost the luminosity of pellet target experiments. The magnetized electron cooling technique is used to compensate the energy loss and emittance growth for future COSY pellet target experiments. In this article, a numerical simulation of cooling process is performed with BETACOOL code. The cooling time is calculated for variant cooler setting parameters. The intrabeam scattering (IBS) and target effect are essential for prediction of equilibrium beam parameters. The influence of the pellet target on the beam parameters is demonstrated.
TUPS21 | The Nonlinear Transformation of a Ions Beam in the Plasma Lens | plasma, ion, focusing, cathode | 144 | |||||
The plasma lens can carry out not only sharp focusing of ions beam. At those stages at which the magnetic field is nonlinear, formation of other interesting configurations of beams is possible. Plasma lens provides formation of hollow beams of ions in a wide range of parameters*. Application of the several plasma lenses allow to create some nontrivial spatial configurations of ions beams**: to get a conic and a cylindrical beams. The plasma lens can be used for transformation of beams with Gaussian distribution of particles density in a beams with homogeneous spatial distribution. The calculations showed that it is possible for a case of equilibrium Bennett's distribution of a discharge current . This requires a long duration of a discharge current pulse of > 10 mks. The first beam tests have essentially confirmed expected result. Calculations and measurements were performed for a C+6 and Fe+26 beams of 200-300 MeV/a.u.m. energy. The obtained results and analysis are reported.
* A. Drozdovskiy et al., IPAC'10, Kioto, Japan, /MOPE040. |