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MOIO02 |
NICA Project at JINR
ion, luminosity, collider, proton |
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- I. N. Meshkov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
Status of the project of Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility NICA/MPD (MultiPurpose Detector) under development at JINR (Dubna) is presented. The general goals of the project are providing of colliding beams for experimental studies of both hot and dense strongly interacting baryonic matter and search for the mixed phase and critical endpoint. Spin physics experimental studies in collisions of polarized protons (deuterons) are planned as the second stage of the project. The first program requires providing of heavy ion collisions in the energy range of squrt(s) = 4-11 GeV at average luminosity of L = 1·1027 cm-2 s-1 for Au79+. The polarized beams mode is proposed to be used in energy range of squart(s) = 12-27 GeV (protons) at luminosity of L = 1·1030 cm-2 s-1. The key issue of the project is application of both stochastic and electron cooling methods at the NICA collider. The latter will be used in the NICA Booster for preliminary formation of the ion beam. The report contains description of the facility scheme and characteristics in heavy ion operation mode, the discussion of luminosity life time limitations, status and plans of the project development.
MOIO07 |
Application of Cooling Methods to NICA Project
ion, electron, collider, luminosity |
25 |
Ultimate Performance of Relativistic Electron Cooling at Fermilab
electron, ion, antiproton, focusing |
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- A. V. Shemyakin, L. R. Prost
Fermilab, Batavia
The Fermilabs Recycler ring employs a 4.3 MeV, 0.1 A DC electron beam to cool antiprotons for accumulation and preparation of bunches for the Tevatron collider. The most important features that distinguish the Recycler cooler from other existing electron coolers are its relativistic energy, a low value of the longitudinal magnetic field in the cooling section, ~100 G, and the lumped focusing in the electron beam lines. The report will summarize the experience of designing, commissioning, and optimizing the performance of this unique machine.
Numerical Investigation of Stochastic Cooling at NICA Collider
collider, accumulation, electron, ion |
52 |
- T. Katayama
GSI, Darmstadt
- I. N. Meshkov, G. V. Trubnikov
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
At the heavy ion collider NICA promoted at the Dubna, JINR, the stochastic cooling will play the crucial roles to manipulate the beam. The primary goal is to prevent the IBS diffusion effects to keep the high luminosity during the experimental cycle. The other main purpose is to accumulate the beam intensity up to several times 1·1010 from the injector NUCLOTRON with use of barrier bucket method. With this method, the short bunch formation is not necessary in the injector NUCLOTRON, and is transferred to the collider as a long bunch condition. After the BB accumulation the coasting beam is adiabatically bunched with the help of RF field and the stochastic cooling. In the present paper the detailed simulation results are presented for the above three process (mainly longitudinal freedom) .
Simulations of Stochastic Cooling of Antiprotons in the Collector Ring CR
pick-up, kicker, antiproton, betatron |
58 |
- C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskii, T. Katayama, F. Nolden, C. Peschke, M. Steck
GSI, Darmstadt
- D. Möhl, L. Thorndahl
CERN, Geneva
The Collector Ring at FAIR will be equipped with pertinent stochastic cooling systems in order to achieve fast cooling of the hot secondary beams, antiprotons and rare isotopes, thus profiting from the repetition rate of the SIS100 synchrotron. Detailed simulations of the system performance are needed for optimization as well as input for the users of the CR pre-coooled beams, e.g. HESR. We presently focus on the antiproton cooling in the band 1-2 GHz. After a short overview, results from Fokker-Planck simulations with the CERN code of the momentum cooling of antiprotons will be presented. The performance of the betatron cooling of antiprotons, which has to proceed simultaneously with the momentum cooling, was calculated separately by means of an analytical model. First results and their implications will be discussed, including an outlook to future simulation work.
Helical Cooling Channel Developments
dipole, simulation, collider, electron |
67 |
- R. P. Johnson, C. Y. Yoshikawa
Muons, Inc, Batavia
- Y. S. Derbenev, V. S. Morozov
JLAB, Newport News, Virginia
Helical Cooling Channels, based on the same helical dipole Siberian Snake magnets used for spin control in synchrotrons and storage rings, are now proposed for almost all stages of muon beam cooling that are required for high luminosity muon colliders. We review the status of the theory, simulations, and technology development for the capture, phase rotation, 6-D ionization cooling, parametric-resonance ionization cooling, and reverse emittance exchange sections of one of the candidate scenarios for a high-luminosity. high-energy muon collider.
MICE step I: First Measurement of Emittance with Particle Physics Detectors
simulation, optics, quadrupole, betatron |
71 |
- R. Asfandiyarov
DPNC, Genève
The muon ionization cooling experiment (MICE) is a strategic R&D project intending to demonstrate the only practical solution to prepare high brilliance beams necessary for a neutrino factory or muon colliders. MICE is under development at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). It comprises a dedicated beam line to generate a range of input emittance and momentum, with time-of-flight and Cherenkov detectors to ensure a pure muon beam. The emittance of the incoming beam is measured in the upstream magnetic spectrometer with a sci-fiber tracker. A cooling cell will then follow, alternating energy loss in Li-H absorbers and RF acceleration. A second spectrometer identical to the first and a second muon identification system measure the outgoing emittance. In the 2010 run the beam and most detectors have been fully commissioned and a first measurement of the emittance of a beam with particle physics (time-of-flight) detectors has been performed. The analysis of these data should be completed by the time of the Conference. The next steps of more precise measurements, of emittance and emittance reduction (cooling), that will follow in 2011 and later, will also be outlined.
Progress in the Construction of the MICE Cooling Channel
electron, target, factory, coupling |
75 |
- R. Asfandiyarov
DPNC, Genève
The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE), sited at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, aims to build and test one cell of a realistic ionization cooling channel lattice. This comprises three AbsorberFocus-Coil (AFC) modules and two RFCoupling-Coil (RFCC) modules; both are technically challenging. The Focus Coils are dual-coil superconducting solenoids, in close proximity, wound on a common mandrel. Each pair of coils is run in series, but can be configured with the coil polarities the same ("solenoid mode") or opposite ("gradient mode"). At the center of each FC there is a 20-L liquid-hydrogen absorber, operating at about 14 K, to serve as the energy loss medium for the ionization cooling process. The longitudinal beam momentum is restored in the RFCC modules, each of which houses four 201.25 MHz RF cavities whose irises are closed with 42 cm diameter thin Be windows. To contain the muon beam, each RFCC module also has a 1.4 m diameter superconducting coupling solenoid surrounding the cavities. Both types of magnet are cooled with multiple 2-stage cryo-coolers, each delivering 1.5 W of cooling at 4 K. Designs for all components are complete and fabrication is under way. Descriptions of the various components, design requirements, and construction status will be described.