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MOIO05 |
Status of the 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY/HESR
electron, vacuum, proton, pick-up |
15 |
- J. Dietrich, V. Kamerdzhiev
FZJ, Jülich
- M. I. Bryzgunov, A. D. Goncharov, V. M. Panasyuk, V. V. Parkhomchuk, V. B. Reva, D. N. Skorobogatov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
The 2 MeV electron cooling system for COSY-Juelich was proposed to further boost the luminosity even in presence of strong heating effects of high-density internal targets. The project is funded since mid 2009. The design and construction of the cooler is accomplished in cooperation with the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in Novosibirsk, Russia. The 2 MeV cooler is also well suited in the start up phase of the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) at FAIR in Darmstadt. It can be used for beam cooling at injection energy and is intended to test new features of the high energy electron cooler for HESR. The infrastructure necessary for the operation of the cooler in the COSY ring (radiation shielding, cabling, water cooling etc.) is established. The electron beam commissioning at BINP Novosibirsk is scheduled to start at May of 2011. First results are reported. Final commissioning at COSY-Juelich is planned for the end of 2011.
The First Commission Results of the High Voltage Magnetized Cooler for COSY
electron, ion, pick-up, power-supply |
37 |
- V. B. Reva, N. Alinovsky, A. M. Batrakov, T. V. Bedareva, E. A. Bekhtenev, O. V. Belikov, V. N. Bocharov, V. V. Borodich, M. I. Bryzgunov, A. V. Bubley, V. A. Chekavinskiy, V. G. Cheskidov, B. A. Dovzhenko, A. Erokhin, G. A. Fatkin, M. G. Fedotov, A. D. Goncharov, K. Gorchakov, V. K. Gosteev, I. A. Gusev, A. V. Ivanov, G. V. Karpov, Y. I. Koisin, M. N. Kondaurov, A. Kryuchkov, A. D. Lisitsyn, I. A. Lopatkin, V. R. Mamkin, A. S. Medvedko, V. M. Panasyuk, V. V. Parkhomchuk, I. V. Poletaev, V. A. Polukhin, A. Yu. Protopopov, D. N. Pureskin, A. A. Putmakov, E. P. Semenov, D. V. Senkov, D. N. Skorobogatov, N. P. Zapiatkin
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
The electron cooler of a 2 MeV for COSY storage ring FZJ is assembling in BINP. The cooler is designed on the classic scheme of low energy coolers like cooler CSRm, CSRe, LEIR that was produced in BINP before. The electron beam is transported inside the longitudinal magnetic field along whole trajectory from an electron gun to a collector. This optic scheme is stimulated by the wide range of the working energies 0.1(0.025)- 2 MeV. The electrostatic accelerator consists of 34 individual unify section. Each section contains two HV power supply (plus/minus 30 kV) and power supply of the magnetic coils. The electrical power to each section is provided by the cascade transformer. The cascade transformer is the set of the transformer connected in series with isolating winding. This paper describes the status of the electron cooling assembling.
TUPS06 |
Electron Gun with Variable Beam Profile for COSY Cooler
electron, simulation, controls, cathode |
99 |
TUPS07 |
Electron Collector for 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY
electron, vacuum, radiation, power-supply |
103 |
- M. I. Bryzgunov, A. V. Bubley, V. A. Chekavinskiy, I. A. Gusev, A. V. Ivanov, M. N. Kondaurov, V. M. Panasyuk, V. V. Parkhomchuk, D. N. Pureskin, A. A. Putmakov, V. B. Reva, D. V. Senkov, D. N. Skorobogatov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
New electron collector for 2 MeV electron cooler for COSY ring is presented. In electron coolers efficiency of collector is important for high voltage power supply. In 2 MeV cooler for COSY it is also important from the point of view of radiation safety because secondary electrons, reflected from the collector go back to accelerating tube. Besides radiation effect it can cause problems with vacuum and electric strength. The collector presented in the article is supplemented with Wien filter which allows increase efficiency of the system by deflection secondary electron flux in crossed transverse electric and magnetic fields. Results of calculation and experimental results achieved on special test bench are presented.
TUPS09 |
LEPTA Project: Towards Positrons
electron, positron, kicker, focusing |
111 |
- A. G. Kobets, E. V. Ahmanova, V. I. Lokhmatov, V. N. Malakhov, V. Pavlov, A. Yu. Rudakov, A. A. Sidorin, S. Yakovenko
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- M. K. Eseev
NAFU, Arkhangelsk
The Low Energy Positron Toroidal Accumulator (LEPTA) at JINR is under commissioning with circulating positron beam. The LEPTA facility is a small positron storage ring equipped with the electron cooling system and positron injector. The maximum positron energy is of 10 keV. The main goal of the project is generation of intensive flux of Positronium (Ps) atoms - the bound state of electron and positron, and setting up experiments on Ps in-flight. The report presents an advance in the project: up-grade of LEPTA ring magnetic system, status of the commissioning of positron transfer channel, the results of the electron cooling system tests, results of low energy positrons storage positron beam formation using Na22 radioactive positron source of radioactivity of 25 mCi.
TUPS13 |
Electron Cooler for NICA Collider
electron, acceleration, cathode, feedback |
125 |
- S. Yakovenko, E. V. Ahmanova, A. G. Kobets, I. N. Meshkov, R. Pivin, A. Yu. Rudakov, A. V. Smirnov, N. D. Topilin, Yu. A. Tumanova
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
- A. A. Filippov
Allrussian Electrotechnical Institute, Moskow
- A. V. Shabunov
The electron cooling system at electron energy up to 2.5 MeV for the NICA collider is under design at JINR. The electron cooler is developed according to the available world practice of similar systems manufacturing. The main peculiarity of the electron cooler for the NICA collider is using of two cooling electron beams (one electron beam per each ring of the collider) that never has been done before. The acceleration and deceleration of the electron beams is produced by common high-voltage generator. The conceptual design of the electron cooling system has been developed. The cooler consist of three tanks. Two of them contain acceleration/deceleration tubes and are immersed in superconducting solenoids. The third one contains HV generator, which design is based on voltage multiplying scheme