Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
THIOA01 | Ultimate Performance of Relativistic Electron Cooling at Fermilab | electron, ion, antiproton, emittance | 31 | |||||
The Fermilabs Recycler ring employs a 4.3 MeV, 0.1 A DC electron beam to cool antiprotons for accumulation and preparation of bunches for the Tevatron collider. The most important features that distinguish the Recycler cooler from other existing electron coolers are its relativistic energy, a low value of the longitudinal magnetic field in the cooling section, ~100 G, and the lumped focusing in the electron beam lines. The report will summarize the experience of designing, commissioning, and optimizing the performance of this unique machine.
TUPS09 | LEPTA Project: Towards Positrons | electron, positron, gun, kicker | 111 | |||||
The Low Energy Positron Toroidal Accumulator (LEPTA) at JINR is under commissioning with circulating positron beam. The LEPTA facility is a small positron storage ring equipped with the electron cooling system and positron injector. The maximum positron energy is of 10 keV. The main goal of the project is generation of intensive flux of Positronium (Ps) atoms - the bound state of electron and positron, and setting up experiments on Ps in-flight. The report presents an advance in the project: up-grade of LEPTA ring magnetic system, status of the commissioning of positron transfer channel, the results of the electron cooling system tests, results of low energy positrons storage positron beam formation using Na22 radioactive positron source of radioactivity of 25 mCi.
TUPS21 | The Nonlinear Transformation of a Ions Beam in the Plasma Lens | plasma, ion, target, cathode | 144 | |||||
The plasma lens can carry out not only sharp focusing of ions beam. At those stages at which the magnetic field is nonlinear, formation of other interesting configurations of beams is possible. Plasma lens provides formation of hollow beams of ions in a wide range of parameters*. Application of the several plasma lenses allow to create some nontrivial spatial configurations of ions beams**: to get a conic and a cylindrical beams. The plasma lens can be used for transformation of beams with Gaussian distribution of particles density in a beams with homogeneous spatial distribution. The calculations showed that it is possible for a case of equilibrium Bennett's distribution of a discharge current . This requires a long duration of a discharge current pulse of > 10 mks. The first beam tests have essentially confirmed expected result. Calculations and measurements were performed for a C+6 and Fe+26 beams of 200-300 MeV/a.u.m. energy. The obtained results and analysis are reported.
* A. Drozdovskiy et al., IPAC'10, Kioto, Japan, /MOPE040. |