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MOIO05 |
Status of the 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY/HESR
electron, gun, proton, pick-up |
15 |
- J. Dietrich, V. Kamerdzhiev
FZJ, Jülich
- M. I. Bryzgunov, A. D. Goncharov, V. M. Panasyuk, V. V. Parkhomchuk, V. B. Reva, D. N. Skorobogatov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
The 2 MeV electron cooling system for COSY-Juelich was proposed to further boost the luminosity even in presence of strong heating effects of high-density internal targets. The project is funded since mid 2009. The design and construction of the cooler is accomplished in cooperation with the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in Novosibirsk, Russia. The 2 MeV cooler is also well suited in the start up phase of the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) at FAIR in Darmstadt. It can be used for beam cooling at injection energy and is intended to test new features of the high energy electron cooler for HESR. The infrastructure necessary for the operation of the cooler in the COSY ring (radiation shielding, cabling, water cooling etc.) is established. The electron beam commissioning at BINP Novosibirsk is scheduled to start at May of 2011. First results are reported. Final commissioning at COSY-Juelich is planned for the end of 2011.
Stochastic Cooling Project at the Experimental Storage Ring, CSRe at IMP
pick-up, kicker, simulation, impedance |
64 |
- J. X. Wu, J. W. Xia, Y. Zhang
IMP, Lanzhou
- F. Caspers
CERN, Geneva
- T. Katayama, F. Nolden
GSI, Darmstadt
Stochastic cooling at the experimental Cooler Storage Ring, CSRe at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) in China, will be used mainly for the experiments with radioactive fragment beams. Those RI beams arrive from the fragment separator with the emittance of 20-50 mm. mrad and the momentum spread Dp/p of ± 0.5~1.0 %. The equipped electron cooler is not able to cool down this hot beam within enough short period. Stochastic cooling is effective for these RI beams to reduce the emittance to less than 5 mm.mrad and Dp/p of 5·10-4 within 2-20 sec. After the stochastic pre-cooling, the electron cooling will further cool down the emittance and Dp/p within several seconds. The paper gives the design of the stochastic cooling system and the simulation results. The new developed forward traveling wave structure is presented as well as the measured results of test model.
TUPS07 |
Electron Collector for 2 MeV Electron Cooler for COSY
electron, gun, radiation, power-supply |
103 |
- M. I. Bryzgunov, A. V. Bubley, V. A. Chekavinskiy, I. A. Gusev, A. V. Ivanov, M. N. Kondaurov, V. M. Panasyuk, V. V. Parkhomchuk, D. N. Pureskin, A. A. Putmakov, V. B. Reva, D. V. Senkov, D. N. Skorobogatov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
New electron collector for 2 MeV electron cooler for COSY ring is presented. In electron coolers efficiency of collector is important for high voltage power supply. In 2 MeV cooler for COSY it is also important from the point of view of radiation safety because secondary electrons, reflected from the collector go back to accelerating tube. Besides radiation effect it can cause problems with vacuum and electric strength. The collector presented in the article is supplemented with Wien filter which allows increase efficiency of the system by deflection secondary electron flux in crossed transverse electric and magnetic fields. Results of calculation and experimental results achieved on special test bench are presented.
TUPS08 |
System for Measurement of Magnetic Field Line Straightness in Solenoid of Electron Cooler for COSY
electron, laser, feedback, optics |
107 |
TUPS11 |
Superconducting Shield for Solenoid of Electron Cooling System
simulation, electron, power-supply, collider |
118 |