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MOBAU02 Technology Challenges Towards Short-Wavelength FELs electron, emittance, undulator, radiation 9
  • J. Rossbach
    Uni HH, Hamburg
  Since the very first proposal of high-gain FELs for the X-ray wavelength regime it was obvious that realization of such a device, potentially rewarding revolutionary science opportunities, would impose extraordinary challenges in terms of accelerator physics and technology. The talk will review the major steps that had to be taken to finally construct an FEL user facility for soft X-rays. Also, a few issues will be pointed out that are to be addressed in order to make full profit of the FEL principle at X-ray wavelengts.  
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MOPPH004 Measurement and Analysis of CSR effects at FLASH simulation, optics, diagnostics, acceleration 18
  • W. Decking, T. Limberg, M. Roehrs, B. Beutner
    DESY, Hamburg
  The vacuum-ultra-violet Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) is a linac driven SASE-FEL. High peak currents are produced using magnetic bunch compression chicanes. In these magnetic chicanes, the energy distribution along an electron bunch is changed by effects of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR). Energy changes in dispersive bunch compressor chicanes lead to transverse displacements along the bunch. These CSR induced displacements are studied using a transverse deflecting rf-structure. Recent experiments and simulations concerning the charge dependence of such transverse displacements are presented and analyzed. In these experiments an over-compression scheme is used which reduces the peak current downstream the bunch compressor chicanes. Therefore other self interactions like space charge forces which might complicate the measurements are suppressed.  
MOPPH005 Improvements of the Tracking Code Astra for the Simulation of Dark Current Losses in the FLASH Linac simulation, gun, linac, vacuum 22
  • S. M. Meykopff, L. Fröhlich
    DESY, Hamburg
  At the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg FLASH, the activation of components due to dark current emitted by the gun has become a serious problem. To improve the understanding of dark current transport in the linac, simulations with the Astra tracking code have been conducted. These studies require a big amount of computing time due to the high number of simulated macroparticles. Therefore, the parallelized version of Astra had to be enhanced by features like dynamic load balancing and an improved aperture model. The paper will provide an overview of the new features and discuss possible remedies of the dark current problem based on the simulation results.  
MOPPH011 Comparison Between Kinetic and Fluid Description of Plasma-Loladed Free-Electron Laser plasma, radiation, electron, wiggler 42
  • S. Babaei, B. Maraghechi
    AUT, Tehran
  In the kinetic treatment of the plasma-loaded FEL in Ref.* single particle equation of motion, for both beam and plasma electrons in the radiation fields, are used. Therefore, interaction terms between the wiggler and the space-charge wave, in the transverse velocity of electrons, which are important elements in the fluid model, are neglected. A dispersion relation of a plasma-loaded FEL with kinetic theory is found in Ref.* that takes into account the velocity spread of both beam and plasma electrons. In the present analysis, a dispersion relation is obtained, by the fluid theory, with the interaction terms between the wiggler and the space-charge wave in the transverse velocity of electrons taken into account. Since these interaction terms are inherently missing in the kinetic theory the two dispersion relation are compared to find out about the importance of these terms. It was found that although the absence of these terms has considerable effects on the growth rate, the general kinetic dispersion relation may be used to study the temperature effects of a warm beam/plasma on the instability of a free-electron laser with a plasma background.

* S. Babaei and B. Maraghechi, "Kinetic description of plasma-loaded free-electron laser", Phys. Plasmas, to be published.

MOPPH012 Conservation Laws in Quasilinear Theory of Raman Free-Electron Laser electron, plasma, free-electron-laser, laser 46
  • A. Chakhmachi
    AEOI, Tehran
  • B. Maraghechi
    AUT, Tehran
  A quasilinear theory of the free-electron laser, in Raman regime, is presented to establish that conservation laws on number, energy, and momentum are upheld. A high density electron beam is assumed so that the space-charge potential is no longer negligible. A sufficiently broad band spectrum of waves is assumed so that saturation will be due to the quasilinear spread of the beam electrons. Otherwise, for the single mode excitation, saturation will be due to the electron trapping in the space-charge potential. It is shown that the quasilinear slow variation of the background distribution function is in the form of the diffusion equation in momentum space. An expression for the time evolution of the spectral energy density is derived. Conservation laws to the quasilinear order (second order) are derived and are proved to be satisfied. Results of the present investigation may be used to study the quasilinear saturation of free-electron laser in the presence of the space-charge wave.  
MOCAU04 Impact of Longitudinal Space-charge Wake from FEL Undulators on Current-enhanced SASE Schemes impedance, undulator, radiation, electron 196
  • E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, M. V. Yurkov, G. Geloni
    DESY, Hamburg
  In this article we present a description of longitudinal wake fields in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers (XFELs) that is of relevance in relation with Enhanced Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ESASE) schemes. We consider wakes in XFELs, in the limit when the electron beam has gone inside the undulator for a distance longer than the overtaking length (the length that electrons travel as a light signal from the tail of the bunch overtakes the head of the bunch). We find that the magnitude of the resulting energy chirp constitutes a reason of concern for the practical realization of ESASE schemes.  
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MOCAU05 Space Charge Effect in an Accelerated Beam acceleration, radiation, electron, electromagnetic-fields 200
  • Z. Huang, G. V. Stupakov
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  It is usually assumed that the space charge effects in relativistic beams scale with the energy of the beam as the inverse relativistic factor gamma factor squared. We show that for a beam accelerated in the longitudinal direction there is an additional space charge effect in free space that scales as the ratio of the accelerating field to the gamma factor. This space charge field has the same origin as the "electromagnetic mass of the electron" discussed in textbooks on electrodynamics. It keeps the balance between the kinetic energy of the beam and the energy of the electromagnetic field of the beam. We then consider the effect of this field on a beam generated in an RF gun and calculate the energy spread produced by this field in the beam.  
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WEPPH037 Coherence of Space Charge Vibrarion and Parameters of Electron Guns gun, emittance, electron, cathode 432
  • S. V. Miginsky
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
  Space charge effect always determines the motion of particles in electron guns. Coherence of space charge vibration leads to oscillation of the emittance along a gun or a charge affected beamline. This phenomenon is closely related to a technique known as emittance compensation. These phenomena together with others (non-coherent) have been considered in the paper. The optimal parameters of guns and the expected emittance of the beam from the optimal ones have been estimated and scaled.