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MOPPH004 |
Measurement and Analysis of CSR effects at FLASH
simulation, space-charge, optics, acceleration |
18 |
- W. Decking, T. Limberg, M. Roehrs, B. Beutner
DESY, Hamburg
The vacuum-ultra-violet Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) is a linac driven SASE-FEL. High peak currents are produced using magnetic bunch compression chicanes. In these magnetic chicanes, the energy distribution along an electron bunch is changed by effects of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR). Energy changes in dispersive bunch compressor chicanes lead to transverse displacements along the bunch. These CSR induced displacements are studied using a transverse deflecting rf-structure. Recent experiments and simulations concerning the charge dependence of such transverse displacements are presented and analyzed. In these experiments an over-compression scheme is used which reduces the peak current downstream the bunch compressor chicanes. Therefore other self interactions like space charge forces which might complicate the measurements are suppressed.
MOPPH009 |
Undulator Radiation in a Waveguide
undulator, resonance, radiation, vacuum |
34 |
- E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, M. V. Yurkov, G. Geloni
DESY, Hamburg
We propose an analytical approach to characterize undulator radiation near resonance, when the presence of the vacuum-pipe considerably affects radiation properties. This is the case of the far-infrared undulator beamline at the Free-electron LASer (FEL) in Hamburg (FLASH), that is designed to deliver pulses in the TeraHertz (THz) range. This undulator can be used for pump-probe experiments where THz pulses are naturally synchronized to the VUV pulse from the FEL, as well as the development of novel electron-beam diagnostics techniques. Since the THz radiation diffraction-size exceeds the vacuum-chamber dimensions, characterization of infrared radiation must be performed accounting for the presence of a waveguide. We developed a theory of undulator radiation in a waveguide based on paraxial and resonance approximation. We solved the field equation with a tensor Green's function technique, and extracted figure of merits describing in a simple way the influence of the vacuum-pipe on the radiation pulse as a function of the problem parameters. Our theory, that makes consistent use of dimensionless analysis, allows treatment and physical understanding of many asymptotes of the parameter space, together with their region of applicability. (See DESY 07-031)
MOPPH031 |
Spectroscopy and Spectrally Resolved Radioscopy of Biological Substances Using Terahertz Free Electron Laser Radiation
radiation, free-electron-laser, laser, electron |
86 |
- V. V. Gerasimov
NSU, Novosibirsk
- A. M. Gonchar
ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk
- B. A. Knyazev
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
High average power and monochromacity of terahertz Novosibirsk free electron laser are favorable for the development of time and space resolved spectroscopic and radioscopic techniques for study of highly absorbing substances, in particular, biological ones. To study highly absorbing objects we applied a homemade attenuated total reflection spectrometer, which enables operation in both conventional and imaging mode. By measuring the reflection coefficients for p- and s-polarized radiation, the real (n) and imaginary (k) parts of refractive index can be derived. Using a microbolometer matrix (see the paper by Esaev et al. at this conference), imaging radioscopy of the samples containing amino acids and DNA had been performed. The methods developed were applied also for examination of bones of intact and senescence-accelerated mice that, probably, would lead to study osteoporosis development.
MOPPH034 |
Diagnostics of an Electron Beam using Coherent Cherenkov Radiation
radiation, electron, laser, undulator |
95 |
MOPPH040 |
A Study of Detection Schemes in Electro-Optic Sampling Technique
laser, electron, background, polarization |
101 |
MOPPH043 |
Control and Diagnostic System of Novosibirsk FEL Radiation
radiation, controls, undulator, linac |
111 |
- V. V. Kubarev, E. V. Makashov, K. S. Palagin, S. S. Serednyakov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
The architecture the main capabilities of control and diagnostic system of the Novosibirsk FEL coherent radiation are described. The client-server model is used for software, controlling this system. The developed software is capable to work both in client and server mode. Also it can control various equipment from FEL optical cavity mirrors to local equipment of users stations. The mode of control program operation and controlled equipment are determinates by external configuration files. Some results of the system operation are also presented.
MOPPH072 |
The IR-Beam Transport System from the ELBE-FELs to the User Labs
laser, electron, radiation, focusing |
171 |
- M. Justus, K.-W. Leege, D. Proehl, R. Schlenk, A. Winter, D. Wohlfarth, R. Wuensch, W. Seidel
FZD, Dresden
In the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, two free-electron lasers (FELs) have been put into operation. They produce laser light in the medium and the far infrared wavelength range (4-200 microns). The IR light is transported to several laboratories in the same building and to the adjacent building of the High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) as well. The latter is up to 70m away from the FELs. Constructional peculiarities, the large wavelength range (a factor of 50 between the shortest and the longest wavelengths), the high average power in cw regime, and the beam property requirements of the users pose a challenge to the beam line design. The transport system includes vacuum pipes, plane and toroidal gold-covered copper mirrors, exit windows, and diagnostic elements. The designed transport system produces a beam waist at selected spots in each laboratory representing an image of the outcoupling hole. Spot size and position are independent of the wavelength. In the HLD the beam is fed into a circulare waveguide, guiding the radiation to the sample inside of a cryostat. To ensure the desired beam properties, the transport system has been analyzed by means of various ray and wave optical models.
TUPPH015 |
Diffraction Effects in the Coherent Transition Radiation Bunch Length Diagnostics
electron, radiation, injection, photon |
256 |
WEPPH011 |
Photocathode Laser Pulse Diagnostics at PITZ
laser, cathode, electron, emittance |
346 |
- J. W. Baehr, S. A. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, F. Stephan, M. Hänel
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
- Ye. Ivanisenko
KhNU, Kharkov
The main objective of the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) is the development of electron sources that meet the requirements for existing and future FELs such as FLASH or the European XFEL. The goal is the minimization of the transverse emittance of the produced electron bunches. In this respect one of the key issues is the cathode laser system, which should provide longitudinal and transversal flat-top pulses with an excellent long-term stability. In this work we present the full system of laser diagnostics that is currently used at PITZ to monitor the laser pulse parameters.
WEPPH013 |
Status and Perspectives of the PITZ Facility Upgrade
gun, emittance, cathode, booster |
354 |
- G. Asova, J. W. Baehr, C. H. Boulware, H.-J. Grabosch, L. H. Hakobyan, M. Hänel, S. Khodyachykh, S. A. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, S. Lederer, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, S. Riemann, T. A. Scholz, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, S. Rimjaem
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
- K. Boyanov
INRNE, Sofia
- K. Floettmann
DESY, Hamburg
- R. Richter
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
- J. Roensch
Uni HH, Hamburg
- K. Rosbach
Humboldt University Berlin, Institut für Physik, Berlin
- A. Shapovalov
MEPhI, Moscow
The Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) has been established to develop and optimize electron sources that cover requirements of FEL facilities such as FLASH and the European XFEL. A major upgrade of the facility is ongoing in steps, in parallel to the commissioning of the extended setup and first experiments. The new setup towards the final design mainly includes a photo cathode RF gun, a post acceleration booster cavity and several diagnostic systems. In order to fulfil the high brightness electron source characterization, the diagnostic systems will consist of three emittance measurement systems, two high-energy dispersive arms, an RF deflecting cavity and a longitudinal phase space tomography module as well as bunch length diagnostics. In this paper, results of the commissioning of the new RF gun, which has been installed and conditioned at PITZ in spring and summer of 2007, the current PITZ status and details of the future facility upgrade will be presented.
WEPPH049 |
Test of a Wiresanner in the Diagnostic Section of PITZ
electron, cathode, undulator, background |
461 |
- G. Asova, J. W. Baehr, J. H. Han, S. Khodyachykh, S. A. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, V. Miltchev, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, M. Sachwitz, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, H.-J. Grabosch
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
The Photo Injector Test facility at Zeuthen (PITZ) has been established to optimize electron beams of high brilliance needed for short wavelength FELs. In a first step one wire scanner station, developed and used in the undulator section of FLASH at DESY, was tested in the diagnostic section of PITZ. Measurements of the beam-profile and the beam-position were performed to test the useability of such type of wire scanner at PITZ. The obtained results are presented and discussed. The test has shown that wire scanners of this type can be used successfully as complementary measurement device for beam-profile measurements at PITZ. In the final state of extension of PITZ , two wire scanners are foreseen as standard diagnostic tools.