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MOBAU01 Self-Force-Derived Mass of an Electron Bunch electron, electromagnetic-fields, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation 1
  • E. Saldin
    DESY, Hamburg
  The properties of Lorentz transformations for energy and momentum in electromagnetic systems are illustrated in a simple example involving a short electron bunch moving in a bending magnet. The famous 4/3 problem in electromagnetic mass is discussed.  
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MOPPH004 Measurement and Analysis of CSR effects at FLASH simulation, space-charge, optics, diagnostics 18
  • W. Decking, T. Limberg, M. Roehrs, B. Beutner
    DESY, Hamburg
  The vacuum-ultra-violet Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) is a linac driven SASE-FEL. High peak currents are produced using magnetic bunch compression chicanes. In these magnetic chicanes, the energy distribution along an electron bunch is changed by effects of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR). Energy changes in dispersive bunch compressor chicanes lead to transverse displacements along the bunch. These CSR induced displacements are studied using a transverse deflecting rf-structure. Recent experiments and simulations concerning the charge dependence of such transverse displacements are presented and analyzed. In these experiments an over-compression scheme is used which reduces the peak current downstream the bunch compressor chicanes. Therefore other self interactions like space charge forces which might complicate the measurements are suppressed.  
MOPPH006 Longitudinal Wake Field for an Electron Beam Accelerated through a Ultra-High Field Gradient electron, impedance, undulator, radiation 26
  • E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, M. V. Yurkov, G. Geloni
    DESY, Hamburg
  Electron accelerators with higher longitudinal field gradients can produce high-energy beams with compact, cheap setups. Laser-plasma acceleration appears to constitute the more promising breakthrough in this direction, delivering field gradients up to TV/m. Here we describe the impact of longitudinal wake fields on the electron beam, based on solution of Maxwell's equations for the longitudinal field. We consider an acceleration distance much smaller than the overtaking length (the length that electrons travel as a light signal from the tail of the bunch overtakes the head of the bunch), that is the case for laser-plasma devices. We give expressions for impedance and wake function that may be evaluated numerically. We show that the rate of energy loss in the bunch due to radiative interaction is equal to that of coherently radiated energy in the far-zone. A limiting expression is found for a large distance of the electron beam from the accelerator compared with the overtaking length. We derive analytical solutions for a Gaussian transverse and longitudinal bunch shape. We apply our analytical asymptote by studying the feasibility of a Table-Top FEL based on laser-plasma driver. Numerical estimations indicate that the effects of the time-dependent energy change induced by the longitudinal wake pose a serious threat to the operation of this device. (See DESY 06-222)  
MOCAU05 Space Charge Effect in an Accelerated Beam space-charge, radiation, electron, electromagnetic-fields 200
  • Z. Huang, G. V. Stupakov
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  It is usually assumed that the space charge effects in relativistic beams scale with the energy of the beam as the inverse relativistic factor gamma factor squared. We show that for a beam accelerated in the longitudinal direction there is an additional space charge effect in free space that scales as the ratio of the accelerating field to the gamma factor. This space charge field has the same origin as the "electromagnetic mass of the electron" discussed in textbooks on electrodynamics. It keeps the balance between the kinetic energy of the beam and the energy of the electromagnetic field of the beam. We then consider the effect of this field on a beam generated in an RF gun and calculate the energy spread produced by this field in the beam.  
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TUBAU04 Towards a Low Emittance X-ray FEL at PSI emittance, electron, cathode, simulation 224
  • A. Adelmann, A. Anghel, R. J. Bakker, M. Dehler, R. Ganter, C. Gough, S. Ivkovic, F. Jenni, C. Kraus, F. Le Pimpec, S. C. Leemann, K. B. Li, P. Ming, B. S.C. Oswald, M. Paraliev, M. Pedrozzi, J.-Y. Raguin, L. Rivkin, T. Schietinger, V. Schlott, L. Schulz, A. Streun, F. Stulle, D. Vermeulen, F. Q. Wei, A. F. Wrulich, A. Oppelt
    PSI, Villigen
  The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland aims at building a compact and cost-effective X-ray FEL facility for the wavelength range 0.1 - 10 nm. Based on the generation of very low emittance beams, it consists of a low-emittance electron gun (LEG) followed by high-gradient acceleration, and advanced accelerator technology for preserving the initial low emittance during further acceleration and bunch compression. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept and the emittance preservation, a 250 MeV test facility will be built. This machine has been designed to be used as injector for the X-ray FEL at a later date. The accelerator design of the 250 MeV linac will be presented in the paper together with the status of the LEG and high gradient acceleration.  
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WEPPH056 Gain and Coherence Enhancement for SASE FEL using Laser pre-modulated Electrons electron, bunching, wiggler, radiation 484
  • H.-L. Chang, C. H. Chen, W. C. Cheng, A.-C. Chiang, Y.-C. Huang
    NTHU, Hsinchu
  • W. K. Lau, G.-H. Luo
    NSRRC, Hsinchu
  SASE FEL built up from shot noises exhibits noisy temporal and spectral structures at the output. We propose to use a laser to modulate the electron density at low beam energy and improve the emission characteristics of the SASE FEL at high beam energy. In this scheme, a laser beat wave is incident on the photocathode of an electron gun to generate periodically bunched electrons at the beat-wave frequency. The density modulated electrons can generate superradiance at the harmonics of the beat frequency in all types of single-pass FEL, including Smith-Purcell FEL, Cherenkov FEL, and undulator FEL. The bunching frequency can be further increased by a factor of 10-100 by compressing a chirped, density-modulated, low-energy electron pulse in an alpha magnet, which is subsequently accelerated to high energy for SASE FEL. Computer simulation using particle-in-cell codes, including ASTRA, ELEGANT, and GINGER, shows significant improvements on the gain and coherence of SASE FEL. We will report our detailed study and experimental progress in the conference.