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Keyword: software

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Pulsed Operation of the CERN SPS Collider collider, lifetime, proton, tune 1653
  • R. Lauckner
Beam Position Monitor System for the Fermilab Tevatron accelerator, betatron, injection, monitoring 1868
  • A.E. Baumbaugh, K.L. Knickerbocker, A.B. Lynch, J.R. Simanton, C.R. Wegner
The Basic Tool: The STARBURST J-11 High-Speed Front-End Processor CAMAC, booster, spectrum, tune 1923
  • E.H. Worm, D.V. Klotz
Beam Profile Monitor System for the Bevalac Transfer Line acceleration, ion, monitoring, vacuum 1988
  • G. Stover
Control System Features of the Argonne 6 GeV Synchrotron Light Source accelerator, insertion, photon, synchrotron 2014
  • M. Knott, G. Gunderson, F. Lenkszus, W. McDowell
A CAMAC-Based Intelligent Subsystem for ATLAS, Example Application: Cryogenic Monitoring and Control CAMAC, accelerator, linac, monitoring 2017
  • R. Pardo, Y. Kawarasaki, K. Wasniewski
Magnet Power Supply Control of the NSLS VUV and X-Ray Storage Rings Transfer Lines booster, controls, quadrupole, x-ray 2020
  • J.D. Klein, S. Ramamoorthy, O. Singh, J.D. Smith
Distribution of Computer Functionality for Accelerator Control at the Brookhaven AGS accelerator, controls, ion, proton 2023
  • A. Stevens, T. Clifford, R. Frankel
The New Control System of the Saclay Linear Accelerator CAMAC, accelerator, electron, linac 2026
  • J.F. Gournay, F. Garreau, A. Giraud, G. Gourcy, J. Rouault
Engineering a Large Application Software Project: The Controls of the CERN PS Accelerator Complex CAMAC, accelerator, controls, proton 2029
  • G.P. Benincasa, A. Daneels, P. Heymans, Ch. Serre
Data Requirements and Handshake for the CERN Antiproton Transfer Operations from the AA and PS to Client Machines accelerator, antiproton, collider, timing 2035
  • V. Chohan
Macintrotte CAMAC, accelerator, controls, field 2038
  • F. Di Maio, F. Perriollat
Controls for the LEP Preinjector CAMAC, accelerator, controls, timing 2044
  • B. Kuiper
The Main Operator Consoles of the PS Accelerator Complex CAMAC, accelerator, field, proton 2047
  • F. Perriollat, R. Debordes, A. Gagnaire
Data Acquisition System Design for Production Measurements of Magnets for the Fermilab Antiproton Source CAMAC, accelerator, antiproton, field 2050
  • B.C. Brown, M.F. Gormley, D.J. Harding, M.E. Johnson, A.J. Lennox, K.J. McGuire, J.E. Pachnik, J.K. Plymale, R.A. Shenk, A.A. Wehmann
The Fermilab Timeline Generation System CAMAC, accelerator, booster, field 2053
  • R.P. Johnson, W.R. Knopf, A.D. Thomas
Computer Upgrade in the IUCF Control System accelerator, algorithms, cyclotron, maintenance 2059
  • J.C. Collins, Wm. Manwaring
Performance of the TRISTAN Computer Control Network accelerator, accumulation, controls, vacuum 2068
  • H. Koiso, K. Abe, A. Akiyama, T. Katoh, E. Kikutani, N. Kurihara, S. Kurokawa, K. Oide, M. Shinomoto
Design of New Control System for the KEK 12 GeV PS acceleration, accelerator, feedback, proton 2074
  • H. Nakagawa, K. Ishii, E. Kadokura, T. Katoh
A Low Cost Local Area Network for Connecting Accelerator Equipment accelerator, coupling, field, neutron 2077
  • K. Zwoll, B. Peters, T. Vashegyi
Optimizing Data Access in the LAMPF Control System CAMAC, accelerator, acceptance, algorithms 2080
  • S.C. Schaller, J.K. Corley, P.A. Rose
FASTBUS for the Particle Accelerator Laboratories CAMAC, accelerator, collider 2089
  • W.K. Dawson, L. Costrell, H. Ikeda, P.J. Ponting, H.V. Walz
Modified Betatron Accelerator Data Acquistion and Control System CAMAC, accelerator, controls, field 2092
  • L. Floyd, E. Day, J. Golden, S.J. Marsh, T. Smith
Beam Position Monitor Readout and Control in the SLC Linac CAMAC, beam position monitor, linac, timing 2101
  • J. Bogart, N. Phinney, M. Ross, D. Yaffe
A Portable Database-Driven Control System for SPEAR CAMAC, field, lattice, photon 2104
  • S. Howry, T. Gromme, A. King, M. Sullenberger
Hardware Upgrade for Klystrons in the SLC controls, klystron, modulator, monitoring 2107
  • R.K. Jobe, M.J. Browne, K.P. Slattery
Klystron Control Software in the SLC accelerator, algorithms, klystron, modulator 2110
  • R.K. Jobe, N. Phinney, K. Thompson
A Programmable Delay Unit Incorporating a Semi-Custom Integrated Circuit CAMAC, accelerator, field, timing 2112
  • E. Linstadt
Dissecting the COW accelerator, collider, instrumentation 2115
  • E. Linstadt
Report on the SLC Control System CAMAC, algorithms, monitoring, timing 2117
  • N. Phinney
Error Message Recording and Reporting in the SLC Control System CAMAC, accelerator, controls, timing 2120
  • N. Spencer, J. Bogart, N. Phinney, K. Thompson
Timing System Control Software in the SLC CAMAC, accelerator, linac, timing 2123
  • K. Thompson, N. Phinney
Tevatron Extraction Microcomputer accelerator, algorithms, controls, extraction 2144
  • L. Chapman, D.A. Finley, M. Harrison, W. Merz
Beam Steering in the SLC Linac betatron, electron, linac, positron 2180
  • J.C. Sheppard, M.J. Lee, M.C. Ross, J.T. Seeman, R.F. Stiening, M.D. Woodley
Magnetic Field Computations of Fringe Fields between a Dipole and a Quadrupole Magnet antiproton, field, finite element, quadrupole 3616
  • L. Rinolfi, K. Preis, K.H. Richter, H. Stögner
A Precision Pulser for Main Ring Extraction accelerator, extraction, impedance, injection 3760
  • J. Dinkel, J. Biggs
Steering Magnet Power Supply Control System for the TRISTAN AR CAMAC, acceleration, accelerator, timing 3772
  • T. Kubo, K. Endo, H. Fukuma, A. Kabe, T. Ozaki