Accelerator Systems and Facilities

Title Page
Invited Paper-On the Status of Accelerator Facilities and Their Progress in Japan 3124
  • K. Kikuchi
Invited Paper-Design Study of a Large Electron-Positron Colliding Beam Machine-LEP 3130
  • W. Schnell
DORIS at 2 x 5 GeV 3135
  • D. Degele, W. Bothe, H.C. Dehne, A. Febel, H. Gerke, D. Heins, G. Hemmie, K. Hoffmann, K. Holm, E. Jandt, R.D. Kohaupt, H. Kumpfert, G. Mulhaupt, H. Narciss, H. Nesemann, S. Patzold, A. Piwinski, R. Rossmanith, J. Susta, K. Wille, A. Wrulich
Status Report in Rejuvenating SATURNE and Future Aspects 3138
  • J.P. Aknin, J.P. Auclair, D. Boireau, A. Cabrespine, P.A. Chamouard, J.C. Ciret, L. Degueurce, J. Faure, C. Fougeron, P. Gavard, J. Geard, A. Gorry, E. Grorud, J.L. Hamel, C. Henriot, C. Herve, J.L. LaClare, P. Leaux, H. Lecroart, J.M. Lefebvre, G. Leleux, J.L. Lemaire, G. Matichard, G. Milleret, C. N'Guyen Kanh, A. Nakach, M. Olivier, J.P. Penicaud, A. Ropert, L. Roussier, R. Schoen, J. Sole, J. Tilmont, B. Tournesac, R. Vienet
Operating Experience with MUSL-2 3143
  • P. Axel, L.S. Cardman, H.D. Graef, A.O. Hanson, R.A. Hoffswell, D. Jamnik, D.C. Sutton, R.H. Taylor, L.M. Young
Acceleration of Polarized Electronics in the 2.5 GeV Synchrotron at Bonn 3146
  • W. Brefeld, V. Burkert, E. Ehses, M. Hofmann, D. Husmann, G. Knop, W. Paul, H.R. Schaefer, W. von Drachtenfels
The Multiturn Charge Exchange Injection System for the Fermilab Booster Accelerator 3149
  • C. Hovjat, C. Ankenbrandt, B. Brown, D. Cosgrove, J. Garvey, R.P. Johnson, M. Joy, J. Lackey, K. Meisner, T. Schmitz, L. Teng, R.C. Webber
A Superconducting Storage Ring for Very Slow Neutrons 3152
  • K.J. Kügler, W. Paul, U. Trinks
Performance of the CERN ISR at 31.4 GeV 3155
  • C. Fischer, P. Jacquiot, J.P. Koutchouk, F. Lemeilleur, D. Lewis, S. Myers, D. Neet, H. O'Hanlon, T. Risselada, L. Vos
Initial Operation of the Fermilab Antiproton Cooling Ring 3158
  • D.B. Cline, J.C. Gannon, E.R. Gray, J. Griffin, F.R. Huson, D.E. Johnson, W. Kells, P. McIntyre, F.E. Mills, C.D. Moore, L. Oleksiuk, T.G. Rhoades, M.F. Shea, D.E. Young
A Report on the Operational Reliability of the Fermilab Main Ring Magnets 3161
  • R.E. Gerig
ALFA, Feasibility Study of an Electron Pulse Stretcher to Increase the Duty Factor of the Frascati Linac 3164
  • S. Guiducci, G. Martinelli, M.A. Preger
AGS Slow Extraction Improvements 3167
  • J.W. Glenn, L. Repeta, J.N. Sandberg, G.A. Smith, H. Weisberg
Slow Extraction from KEK-PS Main Ring 3170
  • K. Endo, Y. Kimura, S. Mitsunobu, S. Ninomiya, Y. Sakamoto, H. Sato, Y. Takeuchi, S. Tokumoto
Design of an Additional Extraction/Injection Area for the Fermilab Booster 3173
  • B.C. Brown, C.M. Ankenbrandt, D. Cosgrove, J.D. Garvey, R.P. Johnson, K. Meisner
The Present Performance of the SPS 3176
  • W.P.C. Mills
A Superconducting High-Luminosity Insertion in the Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) 3179
  • J. Billan, K.N. Henrichsen, H. Laeger, P. Lebrun, R. Perin, S. Pichler, P. Pugin, L. Resegotti, P. Rohmig, T. Tortschanoff, A. Verdier, L. Walckiers, R. Wolf
Plans for the LEP Control System 3182
  • R. Keyser, J.P. Koutchouk, C.R.C.B. Parker, J. Pett, P. Wolstenholme
Implications of the Low Field Levels in the LEP Magnets 3185
  • J.P. Gourber, L. Resegotti
Injector for LEP 3188
  • P. Brunet, O. Gröbner, K. Hübner, A. Hutton, G. Le Meur, L. Melard, B. Mouton, H. O'Hanlon, M. Renard, J.C. Schnuriger, M. Sommer, L. Vos, C. Wyss
Low Energy Kaon Beam Lines at KEK 3191
  • H. Hirabayashi, S. Kurokawa, A. Kusumegi, A. Yamamoto
A High Flux Muon Channel Incorporating a High Quality Spectrometer Field 3194
  • D.E. Lobb
"Cloud" and "Surface" Muon Beam Characteristics 3197
  • O.B. van Dyck, J.K. Black, E.W. Hoffman, R.J. Macek, G. Sanders, R.D. Werbeck
High Energy Polarized Deuterons at the Argonne National Laboratory Zero Gradient Synchrotron 3200
  • E.F. Parker, F.E. Brandeberry, E.A. Crosbie, M.J. Knott, C.W. Potts, L.G. Ratner, P.F. Schultz, D.E. Suddeth
The Possibility of Acceleration of Polarized Protons in the Broookhaven AGS 3203
  • D.G. Crabb, B. Cork, E.D. Courant, A. Feltman, A.D. Krisch, E.F. Parker, L.G. Ratner, R.D. Ruth, K.M. Terwilliger
A 1-12 GeV/c Beam Transport for Transverse or Longitudinally Polarized Protons 3206
  • E.P. Colton
Crossing of Depolarization Resonances in Strongly Modulated Structures 3209
  • E. Grorud, J.L. Laclare, G. Leleux
Jumping an Intrinsic Depolarization Resonance in Synchrotrons 3212
  • A. Turrin
The Variable Energy Polarized Proton Beam at TRIUMF 3215
  • J.L. Beveridge, M.K. Craddock, G. Dutto, G.H. Mackenzie, C. Oram, L.W. Root, G. Roy, P.W. Schmor
Improved Beam Quality at TRIUMF 3218
  • E.W. Blackmore, M.K. Craddock, G. Dutto, D.A. Hutcheon, C.J. Kost, R. Liljestrand, G.H. MacKenzie, C.A. Miller, J.G. Rogers, P.W. Schmor
Proposed Transfer Beamline for the NAC 3221
  • J.C. Cornell, C.M. Merry
1.5 GeV/c Multiturn Shaving Extraction and Its Transport Line for the Brookhaven AGS 3224
  • W.T. Weng, L.N. Blumberg, E. Egleman, E. Gill, J. LoSecco, A. Soukas, L. Sulak, R.L. Witkover
Fast Resonant Extraction from the CERN SPS 3228
  • K.H. Kissler, J. Riche, W. Scandale, G. Schröder
Acceleration in the CERN-SPS - Present Status and Future Developments 3231
  • D. Boussard, G. Dome, T.P.R. Linnecar
A Project to Operate the CERN Intersecting Storage Ring (ISR) with Antiprotons 3234
  • P.J. Bryant
The Electron Beam for the Fermilab Electron Cooling Experiment 3237
  • W.B. Herrmannsfeldt, W. Kells, P.M. McIntyre, F. Mills, J. Misek, L. Oleksiuk
Injection, Magnet, and Vacuum Systems for the Fermilab Antiproton Cooling Ring 3241
  • J.C. Gannon, E.R. Gray, J. Klen, F.E. Mills, C.D. Moore, T. Rhoades, S. Snowdon, D.E. Young
PIA, the Positron Intensity Accumulator for the PETRA Injection 3244
  • A. Febel, G. Hemmie
The Stanford Superconducting Recyclotron 3246
  • C.M. Lyneis, M.S. McAshan, R.E. Rand, H.A. Schwettman, T.I. Smith, J.P. Turneaure
A.L.A. - A 1.2 GeV High Luminosity Electron-Positron Storage Ring Design Study 3249
  • M. Bassetti, M.E. Biagini, R. Boni, A. Cattoni, V. Chimenti, S. Guiducci, G. Martinelli, M.A. Preger, C. Sanelli, M. Serio, S. Tazzari, F. Tazzioli
Superconducting Accelerating Cavities for High Energy e+ - e- - Storage Rings 3252
  • W. Bauer, A. Brandelik, A. Citron, W. Lehmann, L. Szecsi, M. Yoshioka
Pulsed RF Systems for Large Storage Rings 3255
  • P.B. Wilson
Electron-Proton Colliding Beams at Fermilab 3258
  • A.G. Ruggiero
A Superconducting Proton Storage Ring for PEP 3261
  • A.A. Garren, E.L. Molishever, J.M. Peterson, R.C. Sah
MIMAS: Project of Low Energy Accumulator-Injector for Saturne 3264
  • J. Faure, J.L. Laclare, G. Leleux, M. Olivier, A. Ropert