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MO-06 Operational Experience with the EXCYT Facility target, ion, acceleration, diagnostics 5
  • D. Rifuggiato, L. Calabretta, L. Celona, F. Chines, L. Cosentino, G. Cuttone, P. Finocchiaro, A. Pappalardo, M. Re, A. Rovelli
    INFN/LNS, Catania

The EXCYT project has successfully come to conclusion at the end of 2006. As a consequence a new facility for production and acceleration of radioactive ion beams is now available at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania. This facility is based on the ISOL method: in particular the primary beam is delivered by a Superconducting Cyclotron, while the secondary beam is post-accelerated by a Tandem. A low energy radioactive beam is also available at the exit of the pre-injector. The main features of the commissioning of the facility will be described. Details will be given on the characteristics of the diagnostic devices. Future development activities are related both to the operative features of the new facility and to the improvements and upgrading that are planned to be introduced in the near future. All of these subjects will be extensively discussed.


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MO-10 Progress on the Commissioning of Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN Nishina Center cyclotron, acceleration, ion, electron 16
  • K. Yamada, T. Dantsuka, M. Fujimaki, T. Fujinawa, N. Fukunishi, A. Goto, H. Hasebe, Y. Higurashi, E. Ikezawa, O. Kamigaito, M. Kase, M. Kobayashi Komiyama, H. Kuboki, K. Kumagai, T. Maie, M. Nagase, T. Nakagawa, J. Ohnishi, H. Okuno, N. Sakamoto, Y. Sato, K. Suda, M. Wakasugi, H. Watanabe, T. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, Y. Yano, S. Yokouchi
    RIKEN, Wako, Saitama

The Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory at RIKEN Nishina Center is a next generation facility which is capable of providing the world’s most intense RI beams over the whole range of atomic masses. Three new ring cyclotrons have been constructed as post-accelerators for the existing facility in order to provide the intense heavy ion beam for the RI beam production by using a in-flight separation method. The beam commissioning of RIBF was started at July 2006 and we succeeded in the first beam extraction from the final booster cyclotron, SRC, by using 345 MeV/nucleon aluminum beam on December 28th 2006. The first uranium beam with energy of 345 MeV/nucleon was extracted from the SRC on March 23rd 2007. Various modifications for equipments and many beam studies were performed in order to improve the transmission efficiency and to gain up the beam intensity. Consequently, the world’s most intense 0.4 pnA 238U beam with energy of 345 MeV/nucleon and 170 pnA 48Ca beam with energy of 345 MeV/nucleon have been provided for experiments.


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TU-08 Status Report and Future Development FLNR JINR Heavy Ions Accelerator Complex ion, cyclotron, ECR, injection 59
  • G. Gulbekyan, B. Gikal, I. Kalagin, N. Kazarinov
    JINR/FLNR, Dubna

Four heavy ions cyclotrons are in operation at FLNR now. Heavy ion beams used for super heavy elements synthesis, RIB production and application. Plan for seven years accelerator development and operation are presented.


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TU-11 A Novel Design of a Cyclotron Based Accelerator System for Multi-Ion Therapy cyclotron, ion, cavity, injection 74
  • J.M. Schippers, A. Adelmann, W. Joho, M. Negrazus, M. Seidel, M.K. Stam
    PSI, Villigen
  • H. Homeyer
    HMI, Berlin

A cyclotron based system for hadron therapy is developed, which allows a phased installation: start with protons and Helium ions and add Carbon ions later. The concept is based on an accelerator system of two coupled cyclotrons. The first cyclotron provides protons or He ions that can be used for the full spectrum of treatments and “low energy” C-ions, with a range of 12.7 cm in water for a subset of tumours and radiobiological experiments. For treatments at all tumor sites with C-ions, the C-ions can be boosted subsequently up to 450 MeV/nucl in a separate sector cyclotron, consisting of six sector magnets with superconducting coils and three RF cavities. First studies of the separate sector cyclotron indicate a relatively robust design with straight forward beam dynamics. This system is smaller than corresponding synchrotrons and possesses the typical advantages for therapy applications of a cyclotron. Present efforts to optimize the design of the superconducting sector magnets indicate that the introduction of a radial gradient in the sector would have many advantages.


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TU-12 Design Study of Medical Cyclotron SCENT300 cyclotron, cavity, ion, proton 79
  • M. Maggiore, L. Calabretta, M. Camarda, G. Gallo, S. Passarello, L.A.C. Piazza
    INFN/LNS, Catania
  • D. Campo, D. Garufi, R. La Rosa
    Catania University/Dept. Phys. and Eng., Catania

The study of the Superconducting Cyclotron named SCENT300 was carried out by the accelerator R&D team of Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS-INFN) of Catania in collaboration with the University of Catania and supported by IBA (Belgium). Combining the compactness of a superconducting cyclotron, with the advantage of this kind of machine as its continuous beam and its very good current control, the accelerator R&D group of LNS, by its ten-year of experience with this kind of machine, has developed a concept for a multiparticle therapy cyclotron which is described in the following report.


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WE-06 Latest Developments in ECR Charge Breeders ion, ECR, injection, plasma 114
  • T. Lamy, J. Angot, C. Fourel
    CNRS-IN2P3/LPSC, Grenoble

The basic principles of the ECR charge state breeder (CSB) are recalled, special attention is paid to the critical parameters allowing the optimization of the ECR charge breeders characteristics (efficiency yield, charge breeding time, capture potential deltaV). An overview is given on the present ECR charge breeders situation and results worldwide. Possible means to increase the 1+ ion beam capture for light ions is presented. In the context of radioactive environment, possible technological improvements and/or simplifications are suggested to facilitate the maintenance and to reduce the human intervention time in case of a subsystem failure.


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D-02 Extraction by Stripping of Heavy Ion Beams from Cyclotrons ion, cyclotron, heavy-ion, radiation 286
  • G. Gulbekyan, O.N. Borisov, V.I. Kazacha
    JINR, Dubna

Accelerated heavy ions get a charge spectrum on passing a thing target. The charge dispersion and its maximum depend on the ion type, its energy, material, and the foil thickness. Change of the ion charge leads to change of the ion magnetic rigidity. Heavy ion beam extraction from the AVF cyclotrons by stripping in the thing targets is based on loss of the radial stability of the accelerated beam after its magnetic rigidity change. Property data of carbon foils used for the heavy ion beam extraction by stripping are given. Experience of using heavy ion beam extraction from the AVF cyclotrons of FLNR (Dubna) by stripping is considered.

D-07 Lattice Study of a Compact Synchrotron for Carbon Therapy synchrotron, septum, injection, resonance 303
  • H. Yim, D. H. An, G. Hahn, Y.-S. Kim
    KIRAMS, Seoul

A magnet lattice of the carbon-ion synchrotron was studied for cancer therapy, which requires maximum 400 MeV/u carbon beam, at KIRAMS. In the study, we optimized the magnet lattice configuration to fit into the therapy purpose. Major requirements for the purpose are (1) long extraction time (about 1 second), (2) compact size, and (3) low cost. For the requirement (1), a slow extraction scheme was adopted by the use of third integer resonance. For (2) and (3), we minimized the circumference as 69.6m and a number of the magnet elements as 16 and 20 for bending magnet and quadrupole magnet, respectively. The study was carried out by the use of a simulation codes for beam particle dynamics and optics. A detail of the conceptual lattice design of the carbon-ion synchrotron is described in the paper.

D-09 Simulation and Design of the Compact Superconducting Cyclotron C400 for Hadron Therapy cyclotron, ion, proton, simulation 311
  • Y. Jongen, M. Abs, A. Blondin, W. Kleeven, S. Zaremba, D. Vandeplassche
    IBA, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • V. Alexandrov, S. Gursky, G. Karamysheva, N. Kazarinov, S. Kostromin, N. Morozov, V. Romanov, N. Rybakov, A. Samartsev, E. Samsonov, G. Shirkov, V. Shvetsov, E. Syresin, A. Tuzikov
    JINR, Dubna

Carbon therapy is most effective method to treat the resistant tumors. A compact superconducting isochronous cyclotron C400 has been designed by IBA-JINR collaboration. This cyclotron will be used for radiotherapy with proton, helium and carbon ions. The 12C6+ and 4He2+ ions will be accelerated to the energy of 400 MeV/amu and will be extracted by electrostatic deflector, H2+ ions will be accelerated to the energy 265 MeV/amu and protons will be extracted by stripping. The magnet yoke has a diameter of 6.6 m, the total weight of the magnet is about 700 t. The designed magnetic field corresponds to 4.5 T in the hills and 2.45 T in the valleys. Superconducting coils will be enclosed in a cryostat; all other parts will be warm. Three external ion sources will be mounted on the switching magnet on the injection line located bellow of the cyclotron. The main parameters of the cyclotron, its design, the current status of development work on the cyclotron systems and simulations of beam dynamic will be presented.

E-02 Simulation and Design of Tubular Electron String Ion Source electron, ion, gun, cathode 321
  • D. E. Donets, E. D. Donets, E. E. Donets, V.M. Drobin, A.V. Shabunov, Yu. A. Shishov, V.B. Shutov, E.M. Syresin
    JINR, Dubna
  • A.E. Dubinov, R.M. Garipov, I.V. Makarov
    VNIIEF, Sarov

The so-called reflex mode of Electron String Ion Source (ESIS) operation has been under intense study, both experimental and theoretical at JINR during the last decade. The idea of using a tubular electron string ion source (TESIS) has been put forward recently to obtain 1- 2 orders of magnitude increase in the ion output as compared with ESIS. The project is aimed at creating TESIS and studying an electron string in the tubular geometry. The new tubular source with a superconducting solenoid up to 5 T should be constructed in 2010. The method of the off-axis TESIS ion extraction will be used to get TESIS beam emittance comparable with ESIS emittance. It is expected that this new TESIS (Krion T1) will meet all rigid conceptual and technological requirements and should provide an ion output approaching 10 mA of Ar16+ ions in the pulse mode and about 10 μA of Ar16+ ions in the average current mode. Analytical, numerical study of the tubular electron strings and the design of the TESIS construction are given in this report. The experiments with quasi tubular electron beams performed on the modified ESIS Krion 2 are also discussed there.

E-06 High Current Ion Sources, Beam Diagnostics and Emittance Measurement ion, plasma, ion-source, emittance 341
  • M. Cavenago, M. Comunian, E. Fagotti, M. Poggi
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro
  • T. Kulevoy, S. Petrenko
    ITEP, Moscow

Singly charged ion sources can easily surpass the 1 kW beam power, as in TRIPS (H+, 60 mA, 80 kV, now installed at LNL) or in NIO1 (H-, 130 mA distributed into 9 beamlets, 60 kV, a project of RFX and INFN-LNL). Beam diagnostic constitutes an important instrument in the high current source development. Even if calorimetric and optical beam profile monitors become possible, still a phase space plot of the beam will be the most useful tool for validation of extraction simulation and for input of subsequent beam transport optimization. Improvements in extraction beam simulations are briefly reported, and effect of space charge neutralization is discussed. Since preliminary design of the traditional two moving slit beam emittance meter show problems with slit deformations and tolerances and with secondary emission, an Allison scanner was chosen with the advantages: only one movement is needed; data acquisition is serial and signal can have an adequate suppression of secondary electrons. The design of a compact Allison scanner head is discussed in detail, showing: 1) the parameter optimization; 2) the segmented construction of electrodes. Experimental commissioning at lower power seems advisable.

F-01 A Secondary Radioactive Beam Line for the SPIRAL 2 Project: First Step, the Design Study ion, radiation, beam-transport, remote-handling 346
  • F. Osswald, A. Khouaja, M. Rousseau
    CNRS/IN2P3, Strasbourg

This second generation radioactive ion beam facility will be constructed at GANIL and be operational in 2012 with stable beams and 2013 with radioactive ion beams. The aim of the installation is to produce high-intensity, high-quality radioactive ion beams of isotopes from large regions of the chart of nuclei in the range of 3 to 240u. Following description corresponds to the conceptual design study of a low energy RIB transport line for the SPIRAL 2 project.

G-07 Research on Measurement of 126Sn by AMS ion, target, ion-source, background 381
  • H.-T. Shen, X.-G. Wang, S. Jiang, M. He, K.-J. Dong, C.-L. Li, G.-Z. He, S.-L. Wu, J. Gong, L.-Y. Lu, S.-Y. Wu
    CIAE, Beijing
  • S.-Z. Li, D.-W. Zhang, S. Jiang, G.-Z. Shi, C.-T. Huang
    Guangxi University, Nanning

Funding: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (10576040).

A new method was developed for AMS measurement of 126Sn. Major features of the method include the use of SnF2 as target material, the selection of SnF3- molecular ions for extraction form from the target, and the transmission of 126Sn beam current. A sensitivity of (1.92±1.13)×10-10 (126Sn/Sn) has been reached by measuring a blank sample.