Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MO-07 | The SPES project: an ISOL facility for exotic beams | target, neutron, ion, cyclotron | 9 |
SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) is an INFN project to develop a Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility as an intermediate step toward EURISOL. The SPES project is part of the INFN Road Map for the Nuclear Physics development in Italy and is supported by LNL and LNS the INFN National Laboratories of Nuclear Physics in Legnaro and Catania. The Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) was chosen as the facility site due to the presence of the PIAVE-ALPI accelerator complex, which will be used as re-accelerator for the RIBs. The SPES project is based on the ISOL method with an UCx Direct Target and makes use of a proton driver of at least 40 MeV energy and 200 microA current. Neutron-rich radioactive beams will be produced by Uranium fission at an expected fission rate in the target in the order of 1013 fissions per second. The key feature of SPES is to provide high intensity and highquality beams of neutron rich nuclei to perform forefront research in nuclear structure, reaction dynamics and interdisciplinary fields like medical, biological and material sciences. The exotic isotopes will be re-accelerated by the ALPI superconducting linac at energies up to 10AMeV for masses in the region of A=130 amu with an expected rate on target of 109 pps. |
MO-08 | The SPES project: Research and Development for the Multi-Foil Direct Target | target, ion, ion-source, laser | 12 |
SPES is a facility to be built at National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN laboratory, Legnaro, Italy) intended to provide intense neutron-rich Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) directly hitting a UCx target with a proton beam of 40 MeV and 0.2 mA; RIBs will be produced according to the ISOL technique and the new idea that characterize the SPES project is the design of the production target: we propose a target configuration capable to keep high the number of fissions, low the power deposition and fast the release of the produced isotopes. In this work we will present the recent results on the R&D activities regarding the multi-foil direct UCx target. |
TU-12 | Design Study of Medical Cyclotron SCENT300 | cyclotron, cavity, ion, extraction | 79 |
The study of the Superconducting Cyclotron named SCENT300 was carried out by the accelerator R&D team of Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS-INFN) of Catania in collaboration with the University of Catania and supported by IBA (Belgium). Combining the compactness of a superconducting cyclotron, with the advantage of this kind of machine as its continuous beam and its very good current control, the accelerator R&D group of LNS, by its ten-year of experience with this kind of machine, has developed a concept for a multiparticle therapy cyclotron which is described in the following report. |
WE-02 | Review on HI Accelerator for Hadrontherapy | ion, synchrotron, target, heavy-ion | 94 |
Heavy-ion beams have attractive growing interest for cancer treatment owing to their high dose localization at the Bragg peak as well as high biological effect there. Recently, therefore, heavy-ion cancer treatments have been successfully carried out at various facilities and several construction projects for the facility of the heavy-ion therapy have also been progressing in the world, based on the development of accelerator technologies. |
WE-04 | The Radiation Assurance Test Facility at INFN-LNS Catania | ion, site, monitoring, controls | 104 |
This paper describes the beam monitoring system that has been developed at the Superconducting Cyclotron at INFN-LNS (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy) in order to monitor the beam parameters such as energy, flux, beam profile, for SEE (Single Event Effects) cross-sections determination and DD (Displacement Damage) studies. In order to have an accurate and continuous monitoring of beam parameters we have developed fully automatic dosimetry setup to be used during SEE (with heavy ions) and DD (with protons of 60 MeV/n) tests of electronic devices and systems. The final goal of our activity is to demonstrate how operating in air, which in our experience is easier than in vacuum, is not detrimental to the accuracy on controlling the beam profile, energy and fluence delivered onto the DUT (Device Under Test) surface, even with non relativistic heavy ions. We have exposed during the same session, two beam calibration systems, the "Reference SEU monitor" developed by ESA/ESTEC and the beam monitoring and dosimetry setup developed by our group. The results are compared and discussed here. |
FR-06 | Laser Accelerated Ions and Their Potential Use for Therapy Accelerators | laser, emittance, acceleration, ion | 213 |
Funding: Work supported by EURATOM (IFE KiT Program). The recent development in laser acceleration of protons and ions has stimulated ideas for using this concept as innovative and compact therapy accelerator. While currently achieved parameters do not allow a realistic conceptual study yet we find that our simulation studies on ion collimation and transport, based on output data from the PHELIX experiment, already give a useful guidance. Of particular importance are the chromatic and geometric aberrations of the first collimator as interface between the production target and a conventional accelerator structure. We show that the resulting 6D phase space matches well with the requirements for synchrotron injection. |
A-05 | Depth-Profiling of the Residual Activity Induced by High-Energy Uranium Ions in Thin Stainless Steel Target | target, ion, simulation, radiation | 231 |
Funding: Work is partially supported by project VEGA 1/0129/09. In the frame of the FAIR project irradiation test of superconducting magnet components was performed at GSI Darmstadt in May 2008. As a part of the experiment stainless steel samples were irradiated by 1 GeV/u 238U ions. In contrast to the previous experimental studies performed with thick cylindrical samples, the target was a thin plate irradiated at small angle. The target was constituted as a set of individual foils. This stacked-foil target configuration was foreseen for depth-profiling of residual activity. Gamma-ray spectroscopy was used as the main analytical technique. The isotopes with dominating contribution to the residual activity induced in the samples were identified and their contributions were quantified. Depth-profiling of the residual activity of all identified isotopes was performed by measurements of the individual target foils. The characteristic shape of the depth-profiles for the products of target activation and projectile fragments was found and described. Monte Carlo code FLUKA was used for simulations of the residual activity and for estimation of the number of ions delivered to the target and their distribution. The measured data are relevant for assessment of radiation situation at high-energy accelerators during the “hands-on” maintenance as well for assessment of the tolerable beam-losses. |
B-01 | Current Status Report of RAPID, The University of Tokyo | ion, ion-source, target, tandem-accelerator | 241 |
The 1.7 MV tandem accelerator RAPID (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopic Analyzer with Particle Induced X-ray Emission and Ion Implantation Devices), the University of Tokyo has been dedicated to various scientific and engineering studies in a wide range of fields by the ion beam analysis availability, including RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy), PIXE (Particle induced X-ray emission) and ion implantation. Total accelerator operation time amounted 9,358 hours since its installation with the highest annual operation time recorded in 2007. RAPID-PIXE analysis system has been contributed to many environmental studies by analyzing elemental composition of water and sediments samples. It is also applied to the analysis of several cultural heritages such as a works of gilded frame from Renaissance in Italy. Recently, the low level ion irradiation system was also developed and applied for the study of CR-39 track detector with proton beam. |
D-09 | Simulation and Design of the Compact Superconducting Cyclotron C400 for Hadron Therapy | cyclotron, extraction, ion, simulation | 311 |
Carbon therapy is most effective method to treat the resistant tumors. A compact superconducting isochronous cyclotron C400 has been designed by IBA-JINR collaboration. This cyclotron will be used for radiotherapy with proton, helium and carbon ions. The 12C6+ and 4He2+ ions will be accelerated to the energy of 400 MeV/amu and will be extracted by electrostatic deflector, H2+ ions will be accelerated to the energy 265 MeV/amu and protons will be extracted by stripping. The magnet yoke has a diameter of 6.6 m, the total weight of the magnet is about 700 t. The designed magnetic field corresponds to 4.5 T in the hills and 2.45 T in the valleys. Superconducting coils will be enclosed in a cryostat; all other parts will be warm. Three external ion sources will be mounted on the switching magnet on the injection line located bellow of the cyclotron. The main parameters of the cyclotron, its design, the current status of development work on the cyclotron systems and simulations of beam dynamic will be presented. |