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WE-06 Latest Developments in ECR Charge Breeders ion, ECR, injection, extraction 114
  • T. Lamy, J. Angot, C. Fourel
    CNRS-IN2P3/LPSC, Grenoble

The basic prin­ci­ples of the ECR charge state breed­er (CSB) are re­called, spe­cial at­ten­tion is paid to the crit­i­cal pa­ram­e­ters al­low­ing the op­ti­miza­tion of the ECR charge breed­ers char­ac­ter­is­tics (ef­fi­cien­cy yield, charge breed­ing time, cap­ture po­ten­tial deltaV). An overview is given on the pre­sent ECR charge breed­ers sit­u­a­tion and re­sults world­wide. Pos­si­ble means to in­crease the 1+ ion beam cap­ture for light ions is pre­sent­ed. In the con­text of ra­dioac­tive en­vi­ron­ment, pos­si­ble tech­no­log­i­cal im­prove­ments and/or sim­pli­fi­ca­tions are sug­gest­ed to fa­cil­i­tate the main­te­nance and to re­duce the human in­ter­ven­tion time in case of a sub­sys­tem fail­ure.


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WE-07 Initial Results of the ECR Charge Breeder for the 252Cf Fission Source Project (CARIBU) at ATLAS ECR, ion, injection, high-voltage 118
  • R.C. Vondrasek, J. Carr, R.C. Pardo, R. Scott
    ANL, Argonne

Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.

The con­struc­tion of the Cal­i­forni­um Rare Ion Breed­er Up­grade (CARIBU), a new ra­dioac­tive beam fa­cil­i­ty for the Ar­gonne Tan­dem Linac Ac­cel­er­a­tor Sys­tem (ATLAS), is near­ing com­ple­tion. The fa­cil­i­ty will use fis­sion frag­ments from a 1 Ci 252Cf source; ther­mal­ized and col­lect­ed into a low-en­er­gy par­ti­cle beam by a he­li­um gas catch­er. In order to reac­cel­er­ate these beams, the ex­ist­ing ATLAS ECR1 ion source was re­designed to func­tion as an ECR charge breed­er. The he­li­um gas catch­er sys­tem and the charge breed­er are lo­cat­ed on sep­a­rate high volt­age plat­forms. An ad­di­tion­al high volt­age plat­form was con­struct­ed to ac­com­mo­date a low charge state sta­ble beam source for charge breed­ing de­vel­op­ment work. Thus far the charge breed­er has been test­ed with sta­ble beams of ru­bid­i­um and ce­sium achiev­ing charge breed­ing ef­fi­cien­cies of 5.2% into 85Rb17+ and 2.9% into 133Cs20+.


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WE-08 Ion Beam Cocktail Development and ECR Ion Source Plasma Physics Experiments at JYFL ion, electron, ion-source, ECRIS 123
  • O. Tarvainen, J.E. Ärje, T. Kalvas, H. Koivisto, T. Ropponen, V. Toivanen, J.H. Vainionpää, A. Virtanen
    JYFL, Jyväskylä

Funding: This work has been supported by the Academy of Finland under the Finnish Centre of Excellence Programme 2006-2011 (Nuclear and Accelerator Based Physics Programme at JYFL).

The ac­cel­er­a­tor based ex­per­i­ments at JYFL (Uni­ver­si­ty of Jyväskylä, De­part­ment of Physics) range from basic re­search in nu­cle­ar physics to in­dus­tri­al ap­pli­ca­tions. A sub­stan­tial share of the beam time hours is al­lo­cat­ed for heavy ion beam cock­tails, used for ir­ra­di­a­tion tests of elec­tron­ics. Pro­duc­ing the re­quired ion beam cock­tails has re­quired ac­tive de­vel­op­ment of the JYFL ECR ion sources. This work is briefly dis­cussed to­geth­er with the im­pli­ca­tions of the beam cock­tail cam­paign to the beam time al­lo­ca­tion pro­ce­dure. The JYFL ion source group has con­duct­ed ex­per­i­ments on plas­ma physics of ECR ion sources in­clud­ing plas­ma po­ten­tial and time-re­solved bremsstrahlung mea­sure­ments, for ex­am­ple. The plas­ma physics ex­per­i­ments are dis­cussed from the point of view of beam cock­tail de­vel­op­ment.


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WE-09 Development of Metal Ion Beam and Beam Transmission at JYFL ion, ion-source, ECRIS, cyclotron 128
  • H. Koivisto, O. Tarvainen, T. Ropponen, M. Savonen, O. Steczkiewicz, V. Toivanen
    JYFL, Jyväskylä

Funding: This work has been supported by the Academy of Finland under the Finnish Centre of Excellence Programme 2006-2011 (Nuclear and Accelerator Based Physics Programme at JYFL).

The ac­tiv­i­ties of the JYFL ion source group cover the de­vel­op­ment of metal ion beams, im­prove­ment of beam trans­mis­sion and stud­ies of Elec­tron Cy­clotron Res­o­nance Ion Source (ECRIS) plas­ma pa­ram­e­ters. The de­vel­op­ment of metal ion beams is one of the most im­por­tant areas in the ac­cel­er­a­tor tech­nol­o­gy. The low en­er­gy beam in­jec­tion for K-130 cy­clotron is also stud­ied in order to im­prove its beam trans­mis­sion. It has been no­ticed that the ac­cel­er­at­ed beam in­ten­si­ty after the cy­clotron does not in­crease with the in­ten­si­ty ex­tract­ed from the JYFL 14 GHz ECR ion source, which in­di­cates that the beam trans­mis­sion ef­fi­cien­cy de­creas­es re­mark­ably as a func­tion of beam in­ten­si­ty. Three pos­si­ble ex­pla­na­tions have been found: 1) the ex­trac­tion of the JYFL 14 GHz ECRIS is not op­ti­mized for high in­ten­si­ty ion beams, 2) the solenoid fo­cus­ing in the in­jec­tion line caus­es degra­da­tion of beam qual­i­ty and 3) the fo­cus­ing prop­er­ties of the dipoles (analysing mag­nets) are not ad­e­quate. In many cases a hol­low beam struc­ture is gen­er­at­ed while the ori­gin of hol­low­ness re­mains un­known.


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WE-10 Superconducting ECR Ion Source Development at LBNL ion, ECR, ion-source, sextupole 133
  • D. Leitner, S. Caspi, P. Ferracin, C.M. Lyneis, S. Prestemon, G.L. Sabbi, D. Todd, F. Trillaud
    LBNL, Berkeley

Funding: This work was supported by the Director, Office of Energy Research, Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Physics Division of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE AC03-76SF00098.

The de­vel­op­ment of the su­per­con­duct­ing 28 GHz ECR ion source VENUS at the Lawrence Berke­ley Na­tion­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry (LBNL) has pi­o­neered high field su­per­con­duct­ing ECR ion sources and opened a path to a new gen­er­a­tion of heavy ion ac­cel­er­a­tors. Be­cause of the suc­cess of the VENUS ECR ion source, su­per­con­duct­ing 28 GHz ECR ion sources are now key com­po­nents for pro­posed ra­dioac­tive ion beam fa­cil­i­ties. This paper will re­view the re­cent ion source de­vel­op­ment pro­gram for the VENUS source with a par­tic­u­lar focus on the pro­duc­tion of high in­ten­si­ty ura­ni­um beams. In ad­di­tion, the paper will dis­cuss a new R&D pro­gram start­ed at LBNL to de­vel­op ECR ion sources uti­liz­ing fre­quen­cies high­er than 28 GHz. This pro­gram ad­dress­es the de­mand for fur­ther in­creas­es of ion beam in­ten­si­ties for fu­ture ra­dioac­tive ion beam fa­cil­i­ties. The most crit­i­cal tech­ni­cal de­vel­op­ment re­quired for this new gen­er­a­tion of sources is the high-field su­per­con­duct­ing mag­net sys­tem. For in­stance, the mag­net­ic field strengths nec­es­sary for 56 GHz op­er­a­tion pro­duce a peak field in the mag­net coils of 12-14 T, re­quir­ing new su­per­con­duc­tor ma­te­ri­al such as Nb3Sn. LBNL has re­cent­ly con­clud­ed a con­cep­tu­al, com­par­a­tive de­sign anal­y­sis of dif­fer­ent coil con­fig­u­ra­tions in terms of mag­net­ic per­for­mance and has de­vel­oped a struc­tural sup­port con­cept com­pat­i­ble with the pre­ferred mag­net­ic de­sign so­lu­tion. This de­sign ef­fort con­cludes that a sex­tupole-in-solenoid ECR mag­net struc­ture (VENUS type) is fea­si­ble with pre­sent Nb3Sn tech­nol­o­gy, but that an in­vert­ed ge­om­e­try (solenoid-in sex­tupole) ex­ceeds the ca­pa­bil­i­ty of Nb3Sn su­per­con­duc­tors and can be ruled out as can­di­date for a 56 GHz ECR ion source.


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WE-14 Ion Sources at the Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory: Capabilities and Performance ion, target, ion-source, electron 147
  • F. Naab, O. Toader
    Michigan University/MIBL, Ann Arbor

The Michi­gan Ion Beam Lab­o­ra­to­ry (MIBL) at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan has in­stru­ments equipped with ion sources ca­pa­ble of gen­er­at­ing a wide va­ri­ety of ions. The 1.7-MV Tan­dem ac­cel­er­a­tor can op­er­ate with three dif­fer­ent sources: a Torvis source, a Duo­plas­ma­tron source and a Sput­ter source. The 400-kV ion im­planter is equipped with a CHORDIS source that can op­er­ate in three dif­fer­ent modes (gas, sput­ter, and oven) and is ca­pa­ble of pro­duc­ing ion beams for most of the el­e­ments in the pe­ri­od­ic table. In this work, we dis­cuss the prin­ci­ple of op­er­a­tion of each source, their per­for­mances and the lat­est ap­pli­ca­tions and pro­jects con­duct­ed at MIBL using these sources.


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C-04 NDCX-II, a New Induction Linear Accelerator for Warm Dense Matter Research target, ion, induction, heavy-ion 256
  • M. Leitner, F. Bieniosek, J.W. Kwan, G. Logan, W.L. Waldron
    LBNL, Berkeley
  • E.P. Gilson, R. Davidson
    PPPL, Princeton
  • J.J. Barnard, A. Friedman, B. Sharp
    LLNL, Livermore

Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.

The Heavy Ion Fu­sion Sci­ence Vir­tu­al Na­tion­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry (HIFS-VNL), a col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween Lawrence Berke­ley Na­tion­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry (LBNL), Lawrence Liv­er­more Na­tion­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry (LLNL), and Prince­ton Plas­ma Physics Lab­o­ra­to­ry (PPPL), is cur­rent­ly con­struct­ing a new in­duc­tion lin­ear ac­cel­er­a­tor, called Neu­tral­ized Drift Com­pres­sion eX­per­i­ment ND­CX-II. The ac­cel­er­a­tor de­sign makes ef­fec­tive use of ex­ist­ing com­po­nents from LLNL’s de­com­mis­sioned Ad­vanced Test Ac­cel­er­a­tor (ATA), es­pe­cial­ly in­duc­tion cells and Blum­lein volt­age sources that have been trans­ferred to LBNL. We have de­vel­oped an ag­gres­sive ac­cel­er­a­tion “sched­ule” that com­press­es the emit­ted ion pulse from 500 ns to 1 ns in just 15 me­ters. In the nom­i­nal de­sign con­cept, 30 nC of Li+ are ac­cel­er­at­ed to 3.5 MeV and al­lowed to drift-com­press to a peak cur­rent of about 30 A. That beam will be uti­lized for warm dense mat­ter ex­per­i­ments in­ves­ti­gat­ing the in­ter­ac­tion of ion beams with mat­ter at high tem­per­a­ture and pres­sure. Con­struc­tion of the ac­cel­er­a­tor will be com­plete with­in a pe­ri­od of ap­prox­i­mate­ly two and a half years and will pro­vide a world­wide unique op­por­tu­ni­ty for ion-driv­en warm dense mat­ter ex­per­i­ments as well as re­search re­lat­ed to novel beam ma­nip­u­la­tions for heavy ion fu­sion drivers.

E-03 Large Bore ECR Ion Source with Cylindorically Comb-Shaped Magnetic Fields Configuration ion, ECRIS, ECR, ion-source 326
  • Y. Kato, T. Iida, F. Sato
    Osaka Univ., Suita

An elec­tron cy­clotron res­o­nance ion source (ECRIS) has been de­vel­op­ing long time and their per­for­mance is still ex­tend­ing at pre­sent. Re­cent­ly, they are not only used in pro­duc­ing mul­ti-charged ions, but also molecules and clus­ter ions. A new type of ion source with a wide op­er­a­tion win­dow is ex­pect­ed for var­i­ous uses. We de­vel­oped a novel mag­net­ic field con­fig­u­ra­tion ECRIS. The mag­net­ic field con­fig­u­ra­tion is con­struct­ed by a pair of comb-shaped mag­net­ic field by all per­ma­nent mag­nets and has op­po­site po­lar­i­ty each other with ring-mag­nets. This mag­net­ic con­fig­u­ra­tion sup­press­es the loss due to E×B drift, and then plas­ma con­fine­ment is en­hanced. We con­duct pre­lim­i­nary ex­tract­ing and form­ing large bore ion beam from this source. We will make this source a part of tan­dem type ion source for the first stage. Broad ion beams ex­tract­ed from the first stage and trans­fer like a show­er to plas­ma gen­er­at­ed by the sec­ond stage. We hope to re­al­ize a de­vice which has a very wide range op­er­a­tion win­dow in a sin­gle de­vice to pro­duce many kinds of ion beams. We try to con­trol plas­ma pa­ram­e­ters by mul­ti­ply fre­quen­cy mi­crowaves for broad ion beam ex­trac­tion. It is found that plas­ma and beam can be con­trol­lable on spa­tial pro­files be­yond wide op­er­a­tion win­dow of plas­ma pa­ram­e­ters. We in­ves­ti­gat­ed fea­si­bil­i­ty of the de­vice which has wide range op­er­a­tion win­dow in a sin­gle de­vice to pro­duce many kinds of ion beams as like uni­ver­sal source based on ECRIS.

E-04 Novel Modes of Vacuum Discharge in Magnetic Field as the Base for Effective Ion Generation electron, ion, gun, ion-source 331
  • S.A. Cherenshchykov
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov

New prop­er­ties of vac­u­um dis­charges in mag­net­ic field with un­con­ven­tion­al dis­charge gaps at low pres­sure up to high vac­u­um are briefly de­scribed. Both sin­gle- and mul­ti-charge ion sources may be de­vel­oped on basis of such new dis­charge modes. Such ion sources may have ad­van­tages in com­par­i­son with con­ven­tion­al ones. The main ad­van­tages are the long life­time due to the ab­sence of fil­a­ments and arc spots, high en­er­gy and gas ef­fi­cien­cy due to high plas­ma elec­tron tem­per­a­ture. The de­vel­op­ment of the dis­charge re­search and re­cent re­sults are dis­cussed.

E-06 High Current Ion Sources, Beam Diagnostics and Emittance Measurement ion, extraction, ion-source, emittance 341
  • M. Cavenago, M. Comunian, E. Fagotti, M. Poggi
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro
  • T. Kulevoy, S. Petrenko
    ITEP, Moscow

Singly charged ion sources can eas­i­ly sur­pass the 1 kW beam power, as in TRIPS (H+, 60 mA, 80 kV, now in­stalled at LNL) or in NIO1 (H-, 130 mA dis­tribut­ed into 9 beam­lets, 60 kV, a pro­ject of RFX and INFN-LNL). Beam di­ag­nos­tic con­sti­tutes an im­por­tant in­stru­ment in the high cur­rent source de­vel­op­ment. Even if calori­met­ric and op­ti­cal beam pro­file mon­i­tors be­come pos­si­ble, still a phase space plot of the beam will be the most use­ful tool for val­i­da­tion of ex­trac­tion sim­u­la­tion and for input of sub­se­quent beam trans­port op­ti­miza­tion. Im­prove­ments in ex­trac­tion beam sim­u­la­tions are briefly re­port­ed, and ef­fect of space charge neu­tral­iza­tion is dis­cussed. Since pre­lim­i­nary de­sign of the tra­di­tion­al two mov­ing slit beam emit­tance meter show prob­lems with slit de­for­ma­tions and tol­er­ances and with sec­ondary emis­sion, an Al­li­son scan­ner was cho­sen with the ad­van­tages: only one move­ment is need­ed; data ac­qui­si­tion is se­ri­al and sig­nal can have an ad­e­quate sup­pres­sion of sec­ondary elec­trons. The de­sign of a com­pact Al­li­son scan­ner head is dis­cussed in de­tail, show­ing: 1) the pa­ram­e­ter op­ti­miza­tion; 2) the seg­ment­ed con­struc­tion of elec­trodes. Ex­per­i­men­tal com­mis­sion­ing at lower power seems ad­vis­able.

F-04 The Light Ion Guide CB-ECRIS Project at the Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute ion, ECRIS, cyclotron, light-ion 354
  • G. Tabacaru, D.P. May
    Texas A&M University, College Station
  • J.E. Ärje
    JYFL, Jyväskylä

Texas A&M Uni­ver­si­ty is cur­rent­ly con­fig­ur­ing a scheme for the pro­duc­tion of ra­dioac­tive-ion beams that in­cor­po­rates a light-ion guide (LIG) cou­pled with an ECRIS con­struct­ed for charge-boost­ing (CB-ECRIS). This scheme is part of an up­grade to the Cy­clotron In­sti­tute and is in­tend­ed to pro­duce ra­dioac­tive beams suit­able for in­jec­tion into the K500 su­per­con­duct­ing cy­clotron. The prin­ci­ple of op­er­a­tion is the fol­low­ing: the pri­ma­ry beam in­ter­acts with a pro­duc­tion tar­get placed in the gas cell. A con­tin­u­ous flow of he­li­um gas main­tains a con­stant pres­sure of 500 mbar max­i­mum in the cell. Re­coils are ther­mal­ized in the he­li­um buffer gas and eject­ed from the cell with­in the gas flow through a small exit hole. The pos­i­tive­ly charged re­coil ions (1+ ) are guid­ed into a 2.43 m long rf-on­ly hexapole and will be trans­port­ed in this man­ner on-ax­is into the CB-ECRIS (Charge Breed­ing - ECRIS). The CB-ECRIS will op­er­ate at 14.5 GHz and has been spe­cial­ly con­struct­ed by Sci­en­tif­ic So­lu­tions of San Diego, Cal­i­for­nia for charge­boost­ing. An over­all image of the en­tire pro­ject will be pre­sent­ed with de­tails on dif­fer­ent con­struc­tion phas­es. Spe­cif­ic mea­sure­ments and re­sults will be pre­sent­ed as well as fu­ture de­vel­op­ments.