Paper | Title | Page |
WGF01 | Overview of Beam Instrumentations for High-Power Operation of the Spallation Neutron Source | 439 |
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) has been in commissioning and then operation since 2002. Beam Instruments for full operation and transition to beam powers of 1.0 MW and beyond needs to evolve to mostly non-intrusive, parasitically available and functioning at 30-60 Hz. High power operation necessitates careful monitoring to minimize un-controlled losses. In this paper, we discuss the overview of all diagnostics and present new improvements to, beam loss monitoring system, transverse and longitudinal laser profile monitors, introduction of laser emittance, addition of view screens at various locations and Mid-IR camera to observe electron deposit due to carbon foils at ring injection area. We also present the challenges in the ring instrumentations to have three decades of response and .01% losses. |
WGF02 | Beam Instrumentation for Future High Intense Hadron Accelerator at Fermilab | 440 |
High intense hadron beams of > 2 MW beam power are a key element for the new proposed Neutrino experiments at Fermilab. Therefore a new beam facility, called Project-X, is under discussion. We will present requirements, and first conceptual ideas for beam instrumentation and diagnostics, and the related R&D initiatives taking place in the high intense test accelerators, currently under construction. First results of beam profile measurements using OTR screens and laser wires are shown. |
WGF03 | Beam Loss Monitoring Using Proportional Counters at J-PARC | 450 |
Proportional counter is adopted as a main beam loss monitor system for the RCS and MR of J-PARC. The advantages are signal amplification and radiation hardness. In our case the signal amplification more than 500 and the radiation hardness of not only component materials but also its sensitivity which keeps constant upto the charge accumulation of 0.0035 C/mm by Co-60 γ-ray source irradiation, corresponds more than several years operation. The rise time is an order of μs which satisfies the requirement of MPS (Machine Protection System). The system will be overviewed and the performance with radiation sources and beams will be reported comparing with the MARS simulation. |
WGF04 | SNS BLM System Overview: Detectors, Measurements, Simulations | 453 |
SNS is a 1.5 MW hadron beam facility; so the Beam Loss Monitor (BLM) system is a crucial part of MPS and an important tool for beam tuning. We have installed a number of Neutron Detectors (ND), Ionization Chambers and Photo-Multiplier Tubes (PMT) along the SNS beamline. In this paper we present the current status of equipment installed and experimental data obtained during SNS commissioning and operations. We compare several different types of BLMs and show advantages and disadvantages of every type. The losses are simulated by 3-D transport codes (GEANT4, SHIELD) for different loss scenarios and compared with experimental data. Also we discuss equipment issues like part obsolescence and our vision of next generation BLM system. |
WGF05 | Fermilab Booster Diagnostics, Monitors, and Software for Operational Control of Residual Radiation | 454 |
The FNAL Booster Accelerator delivers about 1017 8 GeV protons/hour. The Booster present cycling rate is 8 Hz but can go as high as 10 Hz with plans to run at 15 Hz. Booster's current operations and future plans required upgrades to most of Booster 30 year old diagnostic hardware and software. Beam quality as well as beam intensity and cycle repetition rate first became an issue when the neutrino experiment BooNE started in 2002. Since then MI slip stacking and continuation of running to MiniBooNE continues to push Booster diagnostics and software upgrades. Control of residual radiation while increasing the Booster throughput over 10 fold has been successful but the work is not done. |
WGF06 | Computation of Space-Charge Effect in Allison Scanner and its Application to the Measurement of Emittance | 455 |
Space charge effect has an impact on emittance measurement of low energy H- ion beam injected into the SNS RFQ. This paper presents numerical investigations of space charge effect of the beam on transverse emittance measurement using an Allison style scanner attached to the front-end test stand at SNS. The investigations are based on mathematical modelling the emittance measurement by the scanner taking into account space charge of the beam. We present a method of emittance data analysis that includes the modelling and allows more accurate measurements of the emittance. We also give an example of the emittance measurement with the scanner applying the developed method. |
WGF07 | Beam Diagnostics at the RAL Front-End Test Stand First Results and New Ideas | 458 |
In order to contribute to the development of high power proton accelerators in the MW range a front end test stand (FETS) is being constructed at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the UK. The aim of the FETS is to demonstrate the production of a 60 mA, 2 ms, 50 pps chopped beam at 3 MeV with sufficient beam quality. Therefore a comprehensive set of diagnostic tools have been developed or are in the design and construction phase. To improve the beam quality delivered by the Penning H- ion source using a slit extraction, a pepper pot emittance measurement device and a 2D-transversal profile scanner has been built and used on the ion source development rig and results of the beam measurements will be presented. As destructive diagnostic devices suffer from the high beam power deposited on the device surfaces, two new diagnostic devices based on the photo detachment principle are under construction: A laser wire scanner allowing the reconstruction of the full 2D-transversal density distribution using tomographic techniques and an emittance scanner device. The design and status of construction of both devices will be presented and new ideas for the data analyses discussed. |
WGF08 | HEBT Diagnostics for Commissioning, Control, and Characterization of the IFMIF-EVEDA Accelerator | 459 |
The IFMIF-EVEDA accelerator will be a 9 MeV, 125 mA CW deuteron accelerator which aims to validate the technology that will be used in the future IFMIF accelerator. It is essential then to implement the necessary instrumentation for the commissioning and operation of the accelerator prototype, as well as for a correct characterization of the beam properties. A set of instrumentation will be installed in the last part of the accelerator, at the first section of the High Energy Beam Transport Line (HEBT), between the superconducting HWR and the Beam Dump (BD), in the so-called Diagnostics Plate (DP) to fully characterize the beam properties both from the RFQ and the HWR. In addition, there will be dedicated diagnostics all along the HEBT to transport and control the beam safely down to the BD. Moreover, the closest area to the BD with high radiation levels and big pipe aperture- can be used for the tests of IFMIF profilers. In this contribution the requirements imposed by the high-intensity deuteron accelerator to the instrumentation along the HEBT, the type of techniques that will be used and a preliminary layout and specifications of the diagnostics in the line will be presented. |
WGF09 | Status and Implementation of a Wideband Feedback System for e-p Instabilities in the SNS | 462 |
An analog wideband feedback system for damping e-p instabilities has been demonstrated at the PSR at Lansce. A mixed signal system is being developed and deployed at SNS. The status and expected performance of the of the system is discussed. |
WGF10 | Beam Diagnostics at ISIS | 466 |
ISIS is the spallation neutron source based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. There are currently 227 individual diagnostic devices distributed between the 70MeV Linac, the 800MeV accelerator ring and the two target beam lines (TS1, TS2). This paper summaries the current state of the ISIS diagnostic systems and describes how the various diagnostics are used to tune the machine, to monitor beam intensity and beam losses and to provide fast machine protection. The limitations and accuracy of the various diagnostic systems (e.g. spatial and energy resolution, sensitivity, speed) are explored along with the steps that are being carried out to tackle any shortcomings. This paper will also briefly look at the new PXI based data acquisition and diagnostic control electronics used on ISIS and the problems encountered in using these systems within radiation environments. |
WGF11 | Beam Diagnostic System of the Main Ring Synchrotron of J-PARC | 472 |
The beam commissioning of the J-PARC Main Ring synchrotron (MR) has been started from May of this year. A single bunch beam from 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) was injected to the ring through 3-50 beam transporting (3-50BT) and then was extracted to the beam dump after 1000 turns (typically) without acceleration. The beam intensity was 4·1011 ppb that is 2 orders of magnitude smaller than that of the design intensity. The beam diagnostic system was used to establish the beam operational parameters. The system includes the instrumentations as follows; 3 types of Current Transformers (CTs), DCCT, fast CT (FCT), and Wall Current Monitor (WCM); Beam Position Monitors (BPMs); proportional counter type Beam Loss Monitors (BLMs) at each quadropole magnet; horizontal and vertical tune monitors with exciter systems; and 3 types of beam profile monitors, Multi Wire Profile Monitors (MWPMs) at 3-50BT and downstream of injection septa, a horizontal Flying Wire Profile Monitor (FWPM) and a vertical residual gas Ionization Profile Monitor (IPM) in the ring. At the workshop, the present status of the system will be presented. |
WGF12 | NuMI Proton Beam Diagnostics and Control: Achieving 2 Megawatt Capability | 475 |
The NuMI proton beam at Fermilab currently delivers 120 GeV protons to the neutrino production target at beam powers up to 320 kW, with design capability to 400 kW. We are preparing for upgrade to 700 kW, and are in planning stage for delivering 2.3 MW beam provided by the Project X accelerator upgrade. We will report on the system of beam diagnostics and control used in operation of the NuMI beam, and the experience to date. Also covered will be the steps to provide a robust system for transport and targeting beam of 2 MW and beyond. |
WGF13 | Extracting Information Content within Noisy, Sampled Profile Data from Charged Particle Beams | 479 |
Charged-particle beam diagnostic devices such as wire scanners and wire harps provide data sets describing the one-dimensional density distributions at a particular location; these data are commonly called profile data. We use these data for further computations, usually beam properties such as position and size. Typically these data require subjective, human, processing to extract meaningful results; this is inefficient and labor intensive. Our ultimate goal is to automate these computations, at least streamline the process. If we hope to implement any type of automation we must make real world considerations. Specifically, we consider information content, noise in the data, and sampling theory. Within this framework we create a general model for the data sets. Using signal processing techniques we identify the minimal sampling requirements for maintaining information content. Using Bayesian analysis we identify the most probable Gaussian signal within the data. We present the major obstacles currently faced concerning robust automation techniques. |