Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page | |||||
MOPAN012 | Development of the Injection- and Extraction Systems for the Upgrade of SIS18 | injection, cathode, vacuum, electron | 167 | |||||
SIS18 will serve as booster synchrotron for the proposed International Accelerator Facility FAIR at GSI. The aim is to provide high intensity proton and heavy ion beams of e.g. U28+-ions with a repetition rate of 2.7 - 4 cycles per second for injection into SIS100. The operation with low charge state heavy ions requires modifications of the injection and extraction systems. The goal is to minimize beam losses and thereby ion induced gas desorption during the injection and extraction processes. In order to increase the acceptance and for an injection at the reference energy it is necessary to build and install a new electrostatic inflector septum and a new inflector magnet. The electrostatic injection septum is designed for an operation at high field strength and enables a bake-out temperature of 300°C. This may be achieved by means of new cathode surface treatment procedures, e.g. with pulsed high intensity electron beams. Another technique is also under investigation, the coating of alumina by a plasma spray technique.
MOPAN031 | Design Study of a Very Large Aperture Eddy Current Septum for J-PARC | injection, linac, beam-transport, extraction | 224 | |||||
An eddy current septum is selected as a backup of injection septum. Due to the high beam intensity and low beam energy, the injection beam size is very large. To accommodate the large size beam, large aperture septum is required. Large end field and large eddy current loss result in degradation of gap field. The paper discusses the eddy current loss effects on field distribution and introduces some correction methods.
MOPAN032 | Eddy Current Effects in an Opposite-field Septum | injection, power-supply, optics, simulation | 227 | |||||
A large aperture, thin septum, high field opposite-field septum magnet has been developed for the injection of 50GeV main ring of J-PARC. Due to the eddy current generated in septum conductor, magnet yoke and magnet end plate, the field distribution was degraded. In the paper, eddy current effects on both transverse field and longitudinal field distribution are calculated. Correction methods and experiment results are introduced.
MOPAN048 | Design of Injection Pulsed Magnets for SESAME Ring | kicker, injection, storage-ring, booster | 266 | |||||
In this paper the SESAME storage ring injection pulsed magnet system is described. The injection process in the SESAME storage ring requires septum and kicker magnets. In this paper we discuss the geometrical and magnetic field requirements for septum and kicker magnets and present the results obtained from magnetic field analysis and also the optimization of titanium coating for the injection kicker chambers. The final specification for thin septum and injection kickers are also presented.
MOPAN109 | Turnaround Feed-Forward Correction at the ILC | kicker, extraction, damping, linear-collider | 419 | |||||
Funding: The Commission of European Communities under 6th Framework Programme "Structuring the European Research Area", contract number RIDS-011899, and by the UK Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council. |
The RTML turnaround feed-forward correction scheme, as proposed in the ILC Baseline Configuration Document, is considered. Instabilities in the challenging Damping Ring extraction kicker system may give rise to betatron bunch-by-bunch jitter and position drift across the bunch train. A system is outlined in which the bunch trajectory is measured with an upstream pair of BPMs and corrected with a pair of downstream fast kickers. The beam turnaround time allows signal processing and calculation of the correction. A feed-forward algorithm is formulated and expressions are derived for the main system parameters and procedures: dynamic range, maximal kicker voltage, gain compression error, BPM resolution, system zero offset stability, BPM-to-kicker matrix measurement, feed-forward gain adjustment. This analysis will enable further consideration of system tolerances, and provides a basis for an engineering design. |
MOPAS084 | SNS Ring Extraction Septum Magnet and its Interference with Adjacent Quadrupole | simulation, extraction, shielding, quadrupole | 626 | |||||
Funding: ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
3D computing simulations have been performed to study the magnetic field distribution of the SNS ring extraction Lambertson septum magnet. The magnetic field for extracted beams is fully characterized in all the aspects. The stray field on the circulating beam line and the effect of a shielding box up-stream and a shielding cap down-stream is investigated. In addition, the magnetic interference between the Lambertson and an adjacent quadrupole has been studied. The simulations have provided valuable information for the SNS ring commissioning and operation. This paper reports our simulation techniques and the major results. |
TUODKI01 | Status of J-PARC Main Ring Synchrotron | extraction, injection, synchrotron, acceleration | 736 | |||||
The J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) accelerator facility consists of a 400-MeV linac, a 3.0-GeV rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS), a 50-GeV slow cycling main ring synchrotron (MR). Beam commissioning of the linac has been started from this November and construction of the synchrotrons is now underway. The MR accelerates the 3-GeV beam from the RCS up to 30 - 50 GeV and provides the beam to the hadron beam facility via slow extraction and to the neutrino beam facility via fast extraction. In this paper, we present recent status of the accelerator construction and test operation results for some components of the MR. Beam commissioning scenario and related beam dynamics studies are also discussed.
TUPMN066 | Status of the ALBA Project | vacuum, storage-ring, injection, booster | 1073 | |||||
The construction of ALBA, the 3 GeV third generation Synchrotron Light Source near Barcelona (Spain) is proceeding according to schedule. The works for the building started in June 2006 and access to the building for installation of the 100 MeV Linac is expected at the end of 2007. Most of the machine components are already under construction and some have already been delivered. This report will concentrate on recent design developments, component choices and current status. Also the results on the first prototypes will be discussed. Other papers at this conference deal with accelerator physics issues and low level RF.
TUPMN074 | Improvements to the Injection Efficiency at the Taiwan Light Source | injection, booster, storage-ring, quadrupole | 1091 | |||||
Taiwan light source started the 200 mA top-up operation in October 2005, and the stored beam current was subsequently ramped up to 300 mA top-up operation. In the early phase of top-up operation, the injection efficiency had large variation at different machine condition. We have developed the procedures to maintain the injection efficiency. These optimization procedures will be activated whenever the injection efficiency degrades during the top-up operation of TLS.
TUPMS007 | NSLS VUV Ring Lifetime Study | scattering, simulation, closed-orbit, injection | 1203 | |||||
Beam lifetime at VUV ring of National Synchrotron Light Source(NSLS) at BNL is limited by Touschek effect. This effect is affected by momentum acceptance and beam density. The geometry near injection septum, dynamic aperture and the RF acceptance all can limit the over all momentum acceptance. Extensive experiments including coupling, gas scattering, RF acceptance, have been done for understanding the lifetime, and the result is confirmed with theoretical predictions.
TUPAN015 | Ion Optical Layout of the FAIR Synchrotron and Beam Line Systems | extraction, lattice, dipole, kicker | 1422 | |||||
The ion-optical layout of the two main synchrotrons and the high energy beam transport system of the FAIR project is summarized. SIS100 will be used to generate high intensity beams of all ion species from protons to uranium with a maximum rigidity of 100 Tm. The ion optical layout is optimized for the operation with heavy ions of medium charge states. For this purpose we developed a new ion optical design which provides a separation of the ionized beam particles from the circulating beam in each lattice cell. The chosen lattice structure provides a peaked loss distribution and enables the suppression of beam loss induced pressure bumps. Furthermore a compact layout of the extraction systems for slow and fast extraction at 100 Tm and 300 Tm has been developed. Since both synchrotrons are situated in the same tunnel, the SIS300 ion optical layout has to match the geometrical shape of the SIS100 precisely - although both rings use different lattice structures. The design of the beam transport system allows an effective parallel operation of the two synchrotrons, storage rings and experiments of the FAIR complex.
TUPAN094 | PS2 Injection, Extraction and Beam Transfer Concepts | extraction, injection, kicker, ion | 1598 | |||||
The replacement of CERN's existing 26 GeV Proton Synchrotron (PS) machine with a separated-function synchrotron PS2 has been identified as an important part of the possible future upgrade programme of the CERN accelerator complex. The PS2 will require a number of new beam transfer systems associated with injection, extraction, beam dumping and transfer. The different requirements are briefly presented, together with an overview of the conceptual design of these systems, based on the initial PS2 parameter set. The required equipment sub-system performance is derived and discussed. Possible limitations are analysed and the impact on the overall design and parameter set is discussed.
TUPAN098 | Beam Commissioning of the SPS LSS6 Extraction and TT60 for LHC | extraction, kicker, controls, instrumentation | 1610 | |||||
The new fast extraction system in LSS6 of the SPS and the first 100 m of transfer line TT60 was commissioned with low intensity beam in late 2006. The layout and functionality of the main elements are briefly explained, including the various hardware subsystems and the control system. The systems safety procedures, test objectives and measurements performed during the beam commissioning are described.
TUPAN109 | 160 MeV H- Injection into the CERN PSB | injection, linac, dipole, emittance | 1628 | |||||
The H- beam from the proposed LINAC4 will be injected into the four existing rings of the PS Booster at 160 MeV. A substantial upgrade of the injection region is required, including the modification of beam distribution system and the construction of a new H- injection system. This paper discusses beam dynamics and hardware requirements and presents the results of optimisation studies of the injection process for different beam characteristics and scenarios. The resulting conceptual design of the injection region is presented, together with the main hardware modifications and performance specifications.
THOBAB02 | Commissioning the DARHT-II Scaled Accelerator Downstream Transport | target, quadrupole, kicker, dipole | 2627 | |||||
The DARHT-II accelerator will produce a 2-kA, 17-MeV beam in a 1600-ns pulse when completed this summer. After exiting the accelerator, the long pulse is sliced into four short pulses by a kicker and quadrupole septum and then transported for several meters to a tantalum target for conversion to bremsstrahlung for radiography. We describe tests of the kicker, septum, transport, and multi-pulse converter target using a short accelerator assembled from the first available refurbished cells, which are now capable of operating of operating at over 200 kV. This scaled accelerator was operated at ~ 8 Mev and ~1 kA, which provides a beam with approximately the same nu/gamma as the final 17-MeV, 2-kA beam, and therefore the same beam dynamics in the downstream transport. The results of beam measurements made during the commissioning of this scaled accelerator downstream transport are described.
THPMN082 | Beam Injection Into EMMA Non-scaling FFAG | injection, kicker, extraction, acceleration | 2898 | |||||
FFAG accelerators have been getting attention as promising candidates for the muon accelerators of a neutrino factory due to their large transverse acceptance and the capability of fast particle acceleration. Non-scaling FFAGs, which are a variation of FFAGs, are nowadays being intensively studied for their simple structure and operational flexibility. To demonstrate the technical feasibility of non-scaling FFAGs and to investigate their beam dynamics, a project to construct a small electron non-scaling FFAG (EMMA) has been proposed in the UK. In EMMA the injection and extraction energies must be arbitrarily changed for a beam with emittance of 3 mm to study the beam dynamics in detail for the entire range of operating energy. In addition, in the planned machine the betatron tunes vary more than a factor of two during acceleration. The requirement of variable injection or extraction energy requires careful optimisation of the of injection elements and operational conditions. The details and design status of the scheme will be described in this paper.
THPAN065 | Beam Loss Map Simulations and Measurements in the CERN PS | beam-losses, simulation, collimation, extraction | 3372 | |||||
Numerical tools providing detailed beam loss maps, recently developed for the design of the LHC collimation system, were adapted to the CERN Proton Synchrotron in order to reproduce the observed beam loss patterns. Using a MADX optics sequence model, these tools are able to track a large number of particles with Sixtrack and interact with a realistic aperture model to simulate particle losses all around the ring. The modeled loss maps were finally compared with beam loss measurements at several energies and for a variety of beams accelerated in the synchrotron.
THPAS038 | Compensation of the Beam Dynamics Effects Caused by the Extraction Lambertson Septum of the HIGS Booster | extraction, booster, injection, coupling | 3582 | |||||
Funding: Supported by US DoE grant #DE-FG02-01ER41175 |
As part of the High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source (HIGS) upgrade, the booster synchrotron has been recently commissioned. The booster ramps the electron beam between 0.27 and 1.2 GeV for top-off injection into the Duke storage ring. It has symmetrical injection/extraction schemes with a bumped orbit. The injection/extraction kickers and corresponding septa are located in the opposite straight sections of the booster ring separated by about 1/4 of the vertical betatron wave. Due to the nonideal properties of the magnetic material, the magnetic field leaks out into the stored beam chamber, which directly results in orbit distortion, tune and chromaticity shifts and change of coupling. These effects caused by the extraction septum have been measured as a function of extraction energy. Based upon the measurements, we have developed a scheme to compensate the dynamics effects mentioned above. |
THPAS076 | ORBIT Injection Dump Simulations of the H0 and H- Beams | injection, dipole, scattering, beam-losses | 3657 | |||||
Funding: ORNL/SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U. S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. |
Simulations of the transport of H0 and H- beams to the SNS ring injection dump are carried out using the ORBIT code. During commissioning and early operations, beam losses in this region have been the highest in the accelerator and presented the most obvious hurdle to cross in achieving high intensity operation. Two tracking models are employed: |
FRPMN021 | Investigation of the Injection into the ANKA Storage Ring by a Turn by Turn BPM System | injection, kicker, booster, storage-ring | 3958 | |||||
Modern BPM Electronics allow turn by turn acquisition of the position for both the injected and stored beam. This offers additional opportunities for diagnostics. In addition to the slow acquisition system installed at ANKA, two LIBERA ELECTRON units ( have been installed. I. E. the system was used to investigate and optimize the Injection. The stray field of the Septum causes a bump of the stored beam. The settings of the Kicker could be optimized for minimized the orbit distortion. By measuring the phase space of the injected beam the injection efficiency will be improved.