Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
WE-04 | The Radiation Assurance Test Facility at INFN-LNS Catania | ion, proton, monitoring, controls | 104 |
This paper describes the beam monitoring system that has been developed at the Superconducting Cyclotron at INFN-LNS (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania, Italy) in order to monitor the beam parameters such as energy, flux, beam profile, for SEE (Single Event Effects) cross-sections determination and DD (Displacement Damage) studies. In order to have an accurate and continuous monitoring of beam parameters we have developed fully automatic dosimetry setup to be used during SEE (with heavy ions) and DD (with protons of 60 MeV/n) tests of electronic devices and systems. The final goal of our activity is to demonstrate how operating in air, which in our experience is easier than in vacuum, is not detrimental to the accuracy on controlling the beam profile, energy and fluence delivered onto the DUT (Device Under Test) surface, even with non relativistic heavy ions. We have exposed during the same session, two beam calibration systems, the "Reference SEU monitor" developed by ESA/ESTEC and the beam monitoring and dosimetry setup developed by our group. The results are compared and discussed here. |
G-06 | Developement of Treatment Planning Software for Carbon-Ion Scanning at HIMAC | ion, target, heavy-ion, secondary-beams | 378 |
In order to use an intensity-controlled raster scan method at the new treatment facility in HIMAC, we have developed a code system dedicated to the planning of radiotherapy with the scanned 12C beam. Inverse planning techniques are implemented in the software in order to obtain the uniform biological dose distribution within the planned target volume (PTV) as well as reduce the dose delivered to the organ at risks (OARs) delineated on clinical CT images. The scan trajectory is determined so that the path length will be minimized by applying a fast simulated annealing algorithm for scan trajectory optimisation. Furthermore, the extra dose inevitably delivered to the irradiated site during the beam transition time from one spot to the next spot is integrated into the inverse planning process to shorten the treatment time. The code also copes with the planning for intensity modulated ion therapy (IMIT). The reliability of the developed code has been confirmed through the irradiation experiments at the secondary beam line in HIMAC. |