Monday, 12 May: 2:00 p.m. - 5:40 p.m. Tuesday, 13 May: 9:00 a.m. - 5:40 p.m. Wednesday, 14 May: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noonThe exhibitors are:
For more information, contact:Advanced Ferrite Technology Inc. Alpha Scientific Electronics Bergoz Ceramic Magnetics, Inc. CERN Accelerator School CPI Danfysik A/S Ebco Technologies EEV, Inc. Engineered Magnetics, Inc. Everson Electric Co. Glassman Europe GMW Associates Inverpower Controls Ltd. Ion Beam Applications s.a. JP Accelerator Works, Inc. LINAC Systems Mega Industries Metaceram NTG Neue Technologien GmbH & Co.KG Oxford Instruments Inc. SICN SIGMAPHI Svetlana Electron Devices, Inc. Thomson Components & Tubes Corp. Titan Beta VAT Inc. Vista Control Systems, Inc.
Dr. Gary Wait at TRIUMF
Phone (604) 221-3211
Fax (604) 222-7309
The Conference Banquet will be held in the British Columbia Ballroom of the Hotel Vancouver at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 14, preceeded by no-host reception in the B.C. Foyer starting at 6:30 p.m. It will be followed by the presentation of APS, IEEE and USPAS prizes and other awards, and by some light entertainment by Lynda Williams, the "Physics Chanteuse" (see the March 1997 issue of Physics Today).
Banquet tickets will cost Cdn$50/US$36 until April 21 and Cdn$60/US$43 thereafter; no tickets will be sold after 2:00 p.m. on Monday, May 12.
Part sponsorship of the barbecue by TRIUMF and Advanced Ferrite Technology Inc., and of the banquet by MDS Nordion, is greatfully acknowledged.
David F. Sutter, "for forming and managing a highly effective federal R&D program for the advancement of particle accelerator technologies."
George James Caporaso, "for original contributions to the design and analysis of high-current electron accelerators, especially for instability studies which have greatly extended the utility of induction linacs."
Max Cornacchia, "for broad contributions to the development of several accelerators, particularly in the design and development of synchrotron light sources from the first generation through current studies on concepts for future sources."
John Nicolas Galayda, "for his key role in the design, construction, and commissioning of the National Synchrotron Light Source and the Advanced Photon Source."
John Irwin, "for significant contributions to the research, development and application of modern techniques of nonlinear dynamics to accelerator systems, in particular to electron-positron colliding beam devices."
Thomas Christos Katsouleas, "for original contributions to advanced particle acceleration concepts including the invention of the Surfatron accelerator, and his detailed studies of beam loading and emittance growth in plasma accelerators."
Thomas Roser, "for contributions to the accelerator physics of polarized proton beams, in particular the successful demonstration of the principle of the Partial Siberian Snake."
Chandrashekhar Joshi, "for pioneering experiments on high gradient, laser-driven, plasma beat-wave acceleration."
EPICS North American Collaboration Meeting May 13, 15, 16 in the Hotel Vancouver (rooms TBA) Contact: Bob Dalesio, LANL ( International Accelerator Database Group Meeting May 13 at 9 a.m. in the Boardroom, Hotel Vancouver Contact: John Poole, CERN ( URL: Photoelectron and Fast Ion Instabilities Meeting May 15 at 7.00 p.m. in the Garibaldi Room, Hotel Vancouver Contact: Joe Rogers, Cornell (607 255-4093, Accelerator Power Technology Group Meeting May 14 at 4 p.m. in the Moresby Island Room, Hotel Vancouver Contact: Ed Martin, TJNAF (757 269-7006, Muon Collider Workshop May 17 - 20 at the Rosario Resort, Orcas Island, Washington State Contact: Joy Kono, LBNL (510 486-6375, URL: Software Sharing Workshop (SOSH'97). May 19, 20 in the Hotel Vancouver Contact: Waltraud Dilling, TRIUMF (604 222-7492, URL: Radioactive Beam Diagnostics Workshop May 19, 20 at TRIUMF Contact: George Mackenzie, TRIUMF (604 222-7342,