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Submission of Abstracts
Original papers are solicited, not previously published or presented,
describing technical contributions, new developments, and operational aspects
of accelerators. The acceptance of contributed papers for poster sessions or
10-minute oral presentations will be based upon the abstracts submitted. These
abstracts will be published in the Bulletin of the American Physical Society
and must be submitted according to the procedures and conform to the
format standards given therein or in APS Meeting News. Note, however,
that some APS rules are waived for this conference: papers may be submitted by
non-members of the APS, and more than one abstract may be submitted with the
same first author (the first author is expected to make any oral
The deadline for the submission of all abstracts (contributed and
invited) is 10 January 1997, 5:00 pm EST at the APS Headquarters in
Maryland. This deadline is firm, so don't wait until the last minute! Send
early and save yourself the stress.
Submitting abstracts electronically proved popular for PAC'95 and EPAC'96
and will provide advantages not available with paper submission:
- E-mail message confirming receipt of your abstract
- E-mail notification of the scheduling of your paper
- The complete abstract will appear in the electronic version of the
program, which will be posted on the
APS Home Page well in advance of the
printed program.
For information on how to submit an abstract of a contributed paper
electronically, send an e-mail message to
abs-info@aps.org and use the
word info as the text of your message. To receive the template, send a
message to abs-request@aps.org with
the words request PAC97 as the text. The information and/or template
will be returned to you by e-mail. If you have particular questions regarding
the information, or need assistance, send a message to
Invited abstracts are handled in a similar way, but there is a special
request address for the proper template and files. Invited authors should send
a message to absreqinv@aps.org with the
phrase request PAC97 as the text.
Submitting electronically is easy. The mark-up language APS uses is LaTeX, but
you do not need to know LaTeX in order to submit an abstract. Simple ASCII text
will suffice, unless you need to put mathematical symbols or Greek characters
in the text of your abstract - and most of those instructions are simple.
Please do NOT also send a paper abstract if you are submitting your
abstract electronically.
Some Electronic Do's and Don't's
Do not simply "reply" to the address from which you received the abstract
template. Send the abstract to
abs-submit@aps.org. Make sure you have
the correct meeting ID: PAC97.
One abstract per message! The system is automated. Sending two or more
abstracts in one message increases the likelihood that all but the first
abstract will disappear into the ether.
Use only one sorting category for your abstract in the "Sort Category"
field. In order to sort the papers properly, it is important that the system
deal with only one request. If you wish to give additional guidance to those
who are arranging the program, please do so in the "Special Instructions"
field. The "Sort Category" field has four pairs of curly braces. Please use
them as follows:
\Sort Category {A}{9}{}{}
\Sort Category {A9}{}{}{}
\Sort Category {A}{9}{T}{16}.
Do not remove left-over braces.
Only submit your abstract once. You should receive an e-mail message within
24 hours, verifying that APS received your message. If you do not, contact
Be sure to include your full postal address in the \Special Instructions
{} field, so that we can send you the instructions for preparating papers and a
copy of the Program Booklet.
Basic audio-visual equipment will be provided in all meeting rooms. All
contributed and invited session rooms are equipped with an overhead projector,
screen and pointer. If you would like to request additional equipment, please
include the request in the \Special Instructions {} field in the electronic
template, or at the bottom of your paper.
Useful Resources
Abstracts received via postal mail will be accepted, but only the title and
authors of the paper are guaranteed to appear in the APS Bulletin,
either in the printed or the World Wide Web versions; text will only be
included if there is enough spare typing effort.
To ensure that your abstract fits in the allowed space, please follow the
instructions for the preparation of abstracts of contributed papers as
they appear in each issue of APS Meeting News. Below the abstract be
sure to add:
- your name
- full postal address
- e-mail address
- sorting category
- presentation option (oral/poster/no preference)
- any special equipment request.
All abstracts must be at the APS office by the deadline date. APS assumes no
responsibility for mail delays. Receipt of paper abstracts will not be
confirmed unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Abstracts
should be addressed to:
PAC97 Meeting Abstracts
APS Meetings Department
One Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740-3844
Abstracts of invited papers are printed in a special format;
instructions will be sent to the authors.
- Accelerators and Storage Rings
- A 1
- High-Energy Hadron Accelerators and Colliders
- A 2
- Electron Storage Rings and Circular Accelerators
- A 3
- Linear Colliders
- A 4
- Low- and Medium-Energy Circular Accelerators
- A 5
- Synchrotron Radiation Facilities
- A 6
- Free Electron Lasers
- A 7
- Electrostatic Accelerators
- A 8
- Linear Accelerators
- A 9
- Pulsed Power Accelerators
- A 10
- New Acceleration Techniques
- A 11
- Accelerators and Storage Rings, Other
- Subsystems Technology and Components
- T 1
- Particle Sources (including Polarized Sources)
- T 2
- RF Guns and Linac Injectors
- T 3
- Beam Diagnostics Instrumentation
- T 4
- Accelerator/Storage Ring Control Systems
- T 5
- Feedback Systems (including Beam)
- T 6
- Room-Temperature RF
- T 7
- Superconducting RF
- T 8
- RF Power Sources
- T 9
- Room-Temperature Magnets
- T 10
- Superconducting Magnets
- T 11
- Power Supplies
- T 12
- Beam Injection/Extraction, Transport and Targetry
- T 13
- Cryogenics
- T 14
- Vacuum Technology
- T 15
- Insertion Devices
- T 16
- Pulsed Power Technology
- T 17
- Alignment and Survey
- T 18
- Radiation Monitoring and Safety
- T 19
- Subsystems Technology and Components, Other
- Beam Dynamics
- D 1
- Linear and Nonlinear Orbit Theory
- D 2
- Transverse and Longitudinal Instabilities and Cures
- D 3
- Beam-Beam Interaction
- D 4
- Beam Cooling
- D 5
- High Current Dynamics
- D 6
- Computer Codes (Design, Simulation, and Field Calculation)
- D 7
- Beam Dynamics, Other
- Applications of Accelerators
- U 1
- Medical Therapy
- U 2
- Isotope Production and Diagnostic Applications
- U 3
- Energy Production and Environmental Applications
- U 4
- Applications of Synchrotron Radiation
- U 5
- Industrial Applications
- U 6
- Applications of Accelerators, Other
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Last updated 30-APR-1997