Title |
Page |
RF Transfer in the Coupled-Cavity Free-Electron Laser Two-Beam Accelerator |
2548 |
Beam Dynamics and RF Evolution in a Multistage Klystron-Like Free-Electron Laser |
2551 |
Modelling of the Transverse Mode Suppressor for Dielectric Wake-Field Accelerator |
2554 |
Accelerating Field Step-up Transformer in Wake-Field Accelerators |
2557 |
- E. Chojnacki, W. Gai, P. Schoessow, J. Simpson
Suitability of Tunneling Ionization Produced Plasmas for the Plasma Beat Wave Accelerator |
2560 |
- W.P. Leemans, C.E. Clayton, A. Dyson, C. Joshi, K.A. Marsh
Vlasov-Maxwell Simulations of Nonlinear Plasma Dynamics in the Plasma Wakefield Accelerator |
2563 |
- J. Krall, E. Esary, G. Joyce
High Accelerating-Gradient Accelerator Based on Magnetic Field Decay Mechanism |
2566 |
An Active Particle Accelerator |
2569 |
Design of Micrograting Structures for Laser Acceleration of Electrons |
2572 |
- I.S. Lehrman, M.J. Arida, R.C. Fernow, H.G. Kirk
An Electrostatic Accelerator FEL Amplifier as a Possible Microwave Power Source for Linear Colliders |
2575 |
- L.R. Elias, I. Boscolo, D.J. Larson
Studies of Ion Acceleration in a One Meter Laser Controlled Collective Accelerator |
2578 |
- W.W. Destler, J. Rodgers, C.D. Striffler, R.L. Yao
Particle Trajectories through MIRRORTRON Configurations |
2581 |
Preliminary Design of a Dedicated Photon Therapy Linac |
2583 |
- R.W. Hamm, K.R. Crandall, J.M. Potter
Intensity Possibilities for the Loma Linda Medical Accelerator |
2586 |
Heavy Ion, Recirculating Linac, Design Optimization |
2589 |
- D.W. Hewett, T.F. Godlove
Physics Issues in the Design of a Recirculating Induction Accelerator for Heavy Ion Fusion |
2592 |
- J.J. Barnard, M.A. Newton, L.L. Reginato, W.M. Sharp, H.D. Shay, S.S. Yu
Engineering Systems Designs for a Recirculating Heavy Ion Induction Accelerator |
2595 |
- M.A. Newton, J.J. Barnard, L.L. Reginato, S.S. Yu
High-Power Proton Linac for Transmuting the Long-Lived Fission Products in Nuclear Waste |
2598 |
Electron Accelerator for Transmutation of Fission Products and Nuclear Fuel Cycle Actinides |
2601 |
- G.I. Batskikh, B.V. Bekhtev, V.A. Boiko, V.V. Elian, A.V. Mishchenko
Radioactive Beams with the HHIRF Accelerators |
2604 |
- D.K. Olsen, G.D. Alton, C. Baktash, H.K. Carter, D.T. Dowling, J.D. Garrett, D.L. Haynes, C.M. Jones, R.C. Juras, S.N. Lane, I.Y. Lee, M.J. Meigs, G.D. Mills, S.W. Mosko, B.A. Tatum, K.S. Toth
Accelerated Radioactive Beams at TRIUMF |
2607 |
- J. D'Auria, L. Buchmann, J.S. Fraser, H. Schneider
Acceleration and Mass-Separation of Radioactive Ion Beams in an Isochronous Cyclotron |
2610 |
- G. Berger, T. Daras, M. Loiselet, N. Postiau, G. Ryckewaert
Linear Resonant Accelerators for Industrial Applications |
2613 |
- O.A. Waldner, V.D. Danilov, V.G. Gass, A.A. Glaskov, A.A. Il'in, A.D. Koljaskin, A.I. Krivonosov, V.N. Leonov, N.R. Lobanov, O.S. Milovanov, A.A. Mishukov, A.N. Pronin, A.A. Revkov, P.B. Shurupov, N.P. Sobenin, Y.I. Tlekhas, B.V. Zverev
The Test Run of the AMS System at Peking University |
2616 |
- C.-e. Chen, Z. Guo, D. Jiang, B. Li, K. Li, R. Li, H. Liu, K. Liu, X. Lu, W. Qian, H. Si, M. Xiao, S. Yan, F. Yang, Z. Yang, J. Yuan, R. Zhang, Z. Zhang
The Ghent State University Linear Electron Accelerator Facilities: Status and Perspectives |
2619 |
EXDEP/CTX-An Explosive Detection System for Screening Luggage with High Energy X-Rays |
2622 |
- K.W. Habiger, J.R. Clifford, W.F. McCullough, R.B. Miller
CW 100MW Microwave Power Transfer in Space |
2625 |
- K. Takayama, S. Hiramatsu, M. Shiho
Ion Accelerators for Space |
2628 |
- R.J. Slobodrian, L. Potvin
Performance of the CERN Plasma Lens in Laboratory and Beam Tests at the Antiproton Source |
2631 |
- R. Kowalewicz, E. Boggasch, J. Christiansen, K. Frank, M. Lubrano di Scampamorte, S. Milner, F. Pedersen, H. Riege, M. Stetter, R. Tkotz