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MOPPH033 Diffraction Optical Elements and Optical Systems with a High Power Monochromatic Terahertz Source radiation, free-electron-laser, laser, electron 93
  • H. J. Cha, Y. U. Jeong
    KAERI, Daejon
  • V. S. Cherkassky, L. A. Merzhievsky, S. A. Zhigach
    NSU, Novosibirsk
  • A. V. Fanova, B. A. Knyazev, G. N. Kulipanov, N. Vinokurov, I. A. Polskikh
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
  We have developed reflective diffraction optical elements (DOE) for focusing radiation of terahertz free electron lasers (FEL). Metal-dielectric Fresnel zone plates and metallic kinoform "lenses" were fabricated and tested using FEL radiation. A microbolometer camera (see the paper by Esaev et al. at this conference) sensitive to THz radiation had been applied for recording both terahertz beam caustic and terahertz images. Diffraction efficiency of a kinoform lens appears to be about unity. Quality of images obtained with the kinoform lens was studied. The lens was used as a key element for a Toepler optical system, which were used for studying condense matter non-uniformities and deformations. The experiments were performed at Novosibirsk and KAERI FELs.  
MOPPH048 ARC-EN-CIEL Project Electron Beam Dynamics electron, emittance, linac, quadrupole 118
  • M.-E. Couprie, A. Loulergue, C. Bruni
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
  ARC-EN-CIEL project is based on the development of fourth generation light source of high brilliance and tunable in the UV-X domain. The project will evolved into three phases leading to different light performances: first and second phases are in single pass configuration with energy of 220 MeV and 1 GeV respectively, while third phase comports recirculation loops at 1 GeV and 2 GeV. For delivering a high brilliance light source with high peak power short pulses, the high charge electron beam should have subpicoseconde duration with low emittance and energy spread. In order to keep optimal slice characteristics for light production, phase space non linearities due to optics aberrations and collective effects should be minimized. In ERL configuration, a critical consequence of collective effects is the Beam Break Up instability, which forms a feedback loop between the beam and the cavities. This contribution aims at presenting the electron beam dynamics for the ARC-EN-CIEL project in single pass and ERL configuration, especially on the conditions for minimizing non linearities and Beam Break Up instability.  
MOPPH072 The IR-Beam Transport System from the ELBE-FELs to the User Labs diagnostics, laser, electron, radiation 171
  • M. Justus, K.-W. Leege, D. Proehl, R. Schlenk, A. Winter, D. Wohlfarth, R. Wuensch, W. Seidel
    FZD, Dresden
  In the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, two free-electron lasers (FELs) have been put into operation. They produce laser light in the medium and the far infrared wavelength range (4-200 microns). The IR light is transported to several laboratories in the same building and to the adjacent building of the High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) as well. The latter is up to 70m away from the FELs. Constructional peculiarities, the large wavelength range (a factor of 50 between the shortest and the longest wavelengths), the high average power in cw regime, and the beam property requirements of the users pose a challenge to the beam line design. The transport system includes vacuum pipes, plane and toroidal gold-covered copper mirrors, exit windows, and diagnostic elements. The designed transport system produces a beam waist at selected spots in each laboratory representing an image of the outcoupling hole. Spot size and position are independent of the wavelength. In the HLD the beam is fed into a circulare waveguide, guiding the radiation to the sample inside of a cryostat. To ensure the desired beam properties, the transport system has been analyzed by means of various ray and wave optical models.  
TUPPH002 High Order Mode Analyses for the Rossendorf SRF Gun gun, emittance, resonance, coupling 228
  • D. Janssen
    FZD, Dresden
  • V. Volkov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
  High Order Modes (HOM) excited by the beam in a superconducting RF gun (SRF gun) could destroy the quality of the electron beam. This problem is studied on the base of frequency domain description by considering of the equivalent RLC circuit contour for each HOM, periodical excited by a pulsed current source. Expression for the voltage, the field amplitude and the phase of the excited HOM has been obtained. The equations for the coupling impedances of monopole TM-HOM and TE-HOM in the RF gun cavity has been derived. In this calculation the change of the particle velocity due to acceleration is taken into account. Resonance frequencies, coupling impedances, unloaded and external quality factors, excitation voltages and field distributions for each HOM including trapped HOM are calculated for Rossendorf SRF gun up to the frequency of 7.5 GHz, using the complex field solver CLANS. The dependence of the calculated parameters from a cavity deformation has been studied. The influence of the seven most dangerous HOM on the beam quality has been estimated by particle tracking using the ASTRA code.  
WEPPH022 Feasibility Test of Shottoky Effect-Gated Photocathode RF Gun laser, cathode, polarization, gun 382
  • M. Kobayashi
    Nanophoton corporation, Osaka
  • H. T. Tomizawa
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
  We proposed Shottoky effect-gated photocathode RF gun using z-polarization of laser source. Radically polarized laser propagation modes exist theoretically and were recently generated practically. Focusing a radically polarized beam on the photocathode, the z-polarization of laser is generated at the focusing point. The generated Z-polarization can exceed an electrical field of 1GV/m easily with fundamental wavelength from compact femtosecond laser systems. According to our calculations, the z-field of 1GV/m needs 100MW at peak power for fundamental wavelength (790nm) and 25MW for SHG. In the field of 1GV/m, the work function of copper cathode reduces ~2 eV. The quantum efficiency will be ~10-4 at SHG by the Shottoky effect associated with the 1GV/m. This Shottky effect can be used as a gate of photo-emission process. In our design of Shottoky effect-gated Photocathode, the fundamental is used as gate pulse and SHG as laser source for photo-emission process. The same single laser pulse can also gate its emission by itself. To keep normal incidence on the cathode, we developed modified-Cessegrain-type incident optics combining with axicon lens pair. In the first test run, we are preparing z-polarizer for SHG to generate radial and azimuth polarizations. Comparing photo-emission process with these polarizations, we make clear the feasibility of this new concept of photocathode.