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MOPPH040 |
A Study of Detection Schemes in Electro-Optic Sampling Technique
laser, electron, diagnostics, polarization |
101 |
Magnetic Measurements, Tuning and Fiducialization of LCLS Undulators at SLAC
undulator, alignment, linac, quadrupole |
314 |
- V. Kaplounenko, A. W. Weidemann, Z. R. Wolf, Yu. I. Levashov
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
A new Magnetic Measurement Facility (MMF) has been built at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) to measure, tune and fiducialize undulators for Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) project. Climate controlled MMF utilizes two magnetic measurement benches and a large Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) and provides a throughput of one undulator segment a week. Magnetic measurement, tuning and fiducialization process is being presented and first tuning results are discussed.
WEPPH007 |
MCP-based Photon Detector with Extended Wavelength Range for FLASH
radiation, target, photon, undulator |
334 |
- O. I. Brovko, D. Kharlamov, E. A. Matyushevskiy, A. V. Shabunov
JINR/LHE, Moscow
- J. Feldhaus, U. Hahn, M. Hesse, U. Jastrow, V. Kocharyan, P. Radcliffe, E. Saldin, E. Schneidmiller, K. I. Tiedtke, R. Treusch, M. V. Yurkov, N. von Bargen, L. Bittner
DESY, Hamburg
- V. I. Lokhmatov, E. Syresin
JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
Experimental experience gained at the extreme ultraviolet SASE FEL FLASH (DESY, Hamburg) has shown that successful operation of the facility strongly depends on the quality of the radiation detectors. Here key issues are: wide wavelength range (6 to 100 nm for FLASH), wide dynamic range (from the level of spontaneous emission to the saturation level), and high relative accuracy of measurements which is crucial for detection of a signature of amplification and characterization of statistical properties of the radiation. In this report we describe MCP-based radiation detector for FLASH which meets these requirements. Key element of the detector is wide dynamic range micro-channel plate (MCP) which detects scattered radiation from a target. With five different targets and MCPs in combination with optical attenuators present detector covers operating wavelength range from 6 to 100 nm, and dynamic range of the radiation intensities, from the level of spontaneous emission up to the saturation level of SASE FEL.
WEPPH047 |
Electro-Optic Spectral Decoding for Single-Shot Characterisation of the Coherent Transition Radiation Time Structure at FLASH
laser, radiation, vacuum, electron |
453 |
- E.-A. Knabbe, B. Schmidt, P. Schmüser, B. Steffen, V. R. Arsov
DESY, Hamburg
Characterisation of the longitudinal profiles of ultrashort electron bunches is of primary importance for controlling the lasing process of SASE FEL. Non-destructive, single-shot techniques, are preferable. Presently the most promising ones are the Electro-Оptic (EO) laser diagnostics and the THz spectroscopy of coherent transition radiation (CTR). Whereas the former are applied directly in the electron beam line, the latter offer possibility to detect shorter temporal structures, but outside the tunnel. Therefore it is important to know the transfer function of the CTR beam line. We present a single-shot EO detection of temporal CTR profiles, generated from electron bunches, kicked to an off-axis screen at DESY's VUV-FEL (FLASH). The THz radiation is transported through a 20 m long line from the accelerator tunnel to an experimental station outside. The measurements are performed in air and in vacuum with 0.5 mm ZnTe and 0.175 mm GaP crystals in crossed-polarisers detection scheme. Pulses with less than 1 ps FWHM have been measured.
WEPPH049 |
Test of a Wiresanner in the Diagnostic Section of PITZ
electron, diagnostics, cathode, undulator |
461 |
- G. Asova, J. W. Baehr, J. H. Han, S. Khodyachykh, S. A. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, V. Miltchev, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, M. Sachwitz, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, H.-J. Grabosch
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
The Photo Injector Test facility at Zeuthen (PITZ) has been established to optimize electron beams of high brilliance needed for short wavelength FELs. In a first step one wire scanner station, developed and used in the undulator section of FLASH at DESY, was tested in the diagnostic section of PITZ. Measurements of the beam-profile and the beam-position were performed to test the useability of such type of wire scanner at PITZ. The obtained results are presented and discussed. The test has shown that wire scanners of this type can be used successfully as complementary measurement device for beam-profile measurements at PITZ. In the final state of extension of PITZ , two wire scanners are foreseen as standard diagnostic tools.