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Status of PLS 2 GeV Linac Project |
electron, gun, linac, vacuum |
575 |
- W. Namkung, M. Cho, I.S. Ko, T.N. Lee, Y.X. Luo, C. Ryu, S. Won
Energy Compression System Design for the MIT-Bates Accelerator Center |
accelerator, insertion, linac, recirculation |
601 |
- J.B. Flanz, P.T. Demos, K.D. Jacobs, A. Zolfaghari
Efficiency and Frequency Stability in a High Power Microwave Gap |
cathode, electron, tune, vacuum |
637 |
High-Current Relativistic Klystron Amplifier Development for Microsecond Pulse Lengths |
cathode, electron, impedance, waveguide |
649 |
- M.V. Fazio, B.E. Carlsten, R. Faehl, T.J. Kwan, D.G. Rickel, R.M. Stringfield, P.J. Tallerico
High-Power Radio-Frequency Binary Pulse-Compression Experiment at SLAC |
accelerator, insertion, waveguide, x-band |
652 |
- T.L. Lavine, Z.D. Farkas, A. Menegat, R.H. Miller, C. Nantista, G. Spalek, P.B. Wilson
Overview of the Superconducting Super Collider RF Systems |
booster, collider, ferrite, linac |
661 |
- J.D. Rogers, J.H. Ferrell
Current Status of RF System for the SPring-8 |
damping, impedance, insertion, synchrotron |
667 |
- K. Inoue, M. Hara, Y. Kawashima, T. Nakamura
Recycling of a LAMPF Klystron |
accelerator, cathode, electron, modulator |
670 |
- P.J. Tallerico, R.L. Cady
Prototype 500 MHz Planar RF Input Window for a B-Factory Accelerating Cavity |
coupling, electron, vacuum, waveguide |
678 |
- J. Kirchgessner, P. Barnes, R. Gerlack, D. Moffat, H. Padamsee, D. Rubin, Q.S. Shu
A Fast Amplitude and Phase Modulated RF Source for AmPS |
cw, extraction, field, injection |
684 |
- F.B. Kroes, E. Heine, T.G.B.W. Sluijk
Performance Characteristics of the CEBAF Klystron Amplifier |
accelerator, cathode, cw, electron |
705 |
- E.W. McCune, R.A. Fickett
Component Development for X-Band above 100 MW |
coupling, field, vacuum, waveguide |
713 |
- W.R. Fowkes, R.S. Callin, M. Studzinski
Analysis and Optimisation of RF Power-Klystrons by FCI-Code |
bunching, electron, field, simulation |
757 |
- E.-G. Schweppe, E. Demmel, S. Isagawa, H. Seifert, T. Shintake, M. Yoshida
Numerical Simulation of the SLAC X-100 Klystron Using RKTW2D |
accelerator, electron, field, simulation |
760 |
100 MW Klystron Development at SLAC |
electron, field, gun, solenoid |
798 |
- A.E. Vlieks, R.S. Callin, G. Caryotakis, K.S. Fant, W.R. Fowkes, T.G. Lee, E.L. Wright
Low Power RF System for the ALS Linac |
accelerator, gun, linac, timing |
807 |
- C.C. Lo, H. Lancaster, B. Taylor
CONDOR Simulation of an 11.4GHz Traveling Wave Output Cavity |
electron, field, impedance, simulation |
813 |
Blumlein-Type X-Band Klystron Modulator for Japan Linear Collider |
collider, impedance, modulator, x-band |
1034 |
- T. Shidara, M. Akemoto, I. Ohshima, K. Takata, S. Takeda, T. Teranishi, M. Yoshida
X-Band Klystron Modulator for the Accelerator Test Facility |
accelerator, impedance, modulator, x-band |
1040 |
- M. Akemoto, T. Shidara, S. Takeda, J. Urakawa
Performance Test of a 65-MW Klystron Unit Relevant to the Microwave Source Upgrade of the KEK 2.5-GeV Linac |
factory, linac, modulator, positron |
1043 |
- T. Shidara, S. Anami, A. Asami, H. Honma, K. Nakao
Tuning and Coupling Mismatch Tolerance in Cavities Driven by a Quadrature Hybrid |
accelerator, coupling, resonance, standing wave |
1051 |
Feed Forward RF Control System of the Accelerator Test Facility |
electron, field, linac, target |
1323 |
- I. Ben-Zvi, J. Xie, R. Zhang
Phase and Amplitude Stabilization of Short-Pulsed, High-Power Microwave Amplifiers |
electron, feedback, induction, simulation |
1335 |
- D. Hopkins, T. Orzechowski, G. Westenskow, D. Yu, S. Yu
PLS Linac Instrument and Control System |
accelerator, electron, linac, timing |
1368 |
- C. Ryu, S.S. Chang, J.H. Kim, M.S. Kim, D.K. Liu, W. Namkung, S. Won
Energy Feedback System for the SSRL Injector Linac |
accelerator, booster, feedback, linac |
1413 |
Accelerator and Feedback Control Simulation Using Neural Networks |
accelerator, beamline, feedback, simulation |
1437 |
- D. Nguyen, M. Lee, R. Sass, H. Shoaee
The CEBAF Frequency Distribution System |
accelerator, coupling, insertion, linac |
1470 |
- A. Krycuk, J. Fugitt, K. Mahoney, S. Simrock
Use of Ethernet and TCP/IP Socket Communications Library Routines for Data Acquisition and Control in the LEP RF System |
accelerator, controls, diagnostics, software |
1490 |
- E. Ciapala, P. Collier, P. Lienard
Accelerator Test Facility for the JLC Project |
accelerator, damping, electron, x-band |
2047 |
High Gradient Experiments by the ATF |
accelerator, dielectric, field, spectrum |
2061 |
- S. Takeda, M. Akemoto, H. Hayano, H. Matsumoto, T. Naito
Status of the Superconducting Cavity Program for HERA |
coupling, electron, field, radiation |
2429 |
- B. Dwersteg, G. Enderlein, W. Korber, A. Matheisen, W.-D. Moller, D. Proch, D. Renken, J. Sekutowicz
Multimegawatt RF Power Sources for Linear Colliders |
accelerator, collider, electron, field |
2928 |
Preliminary Conceptual Design for a 510 MeV Electron/Positron Injector for a UCLA Factory |
factory, gun, linac, positron |
2976 |
- G. Dahlbacka, W. Barletta, R. Hartline, C. Pellegrini
The 3/4 Backward TW Structure for the ELETTRA 1.5 GeV Electron Injector |
coupling, electron, field, impedance |
3005 |
The ELETTRA 1.5 GeV Electron Injector |
chopper, electron, field, linac |
3180 |
- D. Tronc, C. Bourat, P. Girault, P. Letellier, A. Massarotti, G. Meyrand, S. Sierra, D.T. Tran
Fermilab Linac Upgrade Side Coupled Cavity Temperature Control System |
accelerator, linac, radiation, thermal |
3189 |
Multibunch Energy and Spectrum Control in the SLC High Energy Linac |
damping, extraction, linac, spectrum |
3210 |
- J.T. Seeman, F.-J. Decker, I. Hsu, R.K. Jobe