Title |
Page |
Beam Acceleration in the LBL 88-Inch Cyclotron with Injection from the AECR Source |
2796 |
- D.J. Clark, C.M. Lyneis, Z. Xie
Recent Improvements and New Possibilities of the GANIL Facility |
2799 |
Superconducting Booster Cyclotron Studies at GANIL |
2802 |
- A. Chabert, C. Bieth, P. Bricault, M. Duval, J. Ferme, A. Joubert, M.H. Moscatello, F. Ripouteau, Q.V. Truong
Developing the Chalk River Superconducting Cyclotron for Operation in -Mode |
2805 |
The COSY-Jülich Project April 1991 Status |
2808 |
- R. Maier, U. Pfister, J. Range
ASTRID-A Storage Ring for Ions and Electrons |
2811 |
Status of the CRYRING Project |
2814 |
Advanced Stacking Methods Using Electron Cooling at the TSR Heidelberg |
2817 |
- M. Grieser, D. Habs, R.v. Hahn, E. Jaeschke, C.M. Kleffner, R. Repnow, M. Stampfer, M. Steck
The ADRIA Project |
2820 |
- A. Dainelli, A. Lombardi, A. Ratti, A.G. Ruggiero
The Proposal of the Accelerator Complex of the Moscow Kaon Factory |
2823 |
- V.V. Balandin, G.I. Batskikh, V.P. Belov, A.G. Chursin, G.A. Dubinsky, S.K. Esin, V.A. Glukhikh, N.I. Golubeva, A.I. Iliev, Y.D. Ivanov, Y.S. Ivanov, V.A. Konovalov, L.V. Kravchuk, N.D. Malitskiy, A.V. Matveev, R.A. Meshcherov, B.P. Murin, V. Paramonov, A.S. Pashenkov, Y.F. Semunkin, Yu.V. Senichev, Y.P. Severgin, E.N. Shaposhnikova, I.A. Shukeilo, M.N. Tarovik, S.P. Volin
Application of a New Scheme for Passing through Transition Energy to the Fermilab Main Ring and Main Injector |
2826 |
- J.A. MacLachlan, J.E. Griffin
Low Momentrum Compaction Lattice Study for the SSC Low Energy Booster |
2829 |
- E.D. Courant, A. Garren, U. Wienands
Operational Aspects of Electron Cooling at the Low Energy Antiproton Ring (LEAR) |
2832 |
- J. Bosser, M. Chanel, R. Ley, D. Mohl, J.C. Perrier, G. Tranquille, D.J. Williams
A Combined Symmetric and Asymmetric B-Factory with Monochromatization |
2835 |
- A.N. Dubrovin, A.A. Zholents
B-Factory Optics and Beam-Beam Interaction for Millimeter and Locally Shortened Bunches |
2838 |
- Y.F. Orlov, C.M. O'Neill, R.H. Siemann, J.J. Welch
Apiary B Factory Lattice Design |
2841 |
- M.H.R. Donald, A.A. Garren
Apiary B-Factory Separation Scheme |
2844 |
Feasibility of a Factory in KEK |
2847 |
DANE Storage Rings |
2850 |
- S. Bartalucci, M. Bassetti, M.E. Biagini, C. Biscari, R. Boni, A. Gallo, S. Guiducci, M.R. Masullo, L. Palumbo, M. Serio, B. Spataro, G. Vignola
Conceptual Design of a High Luminosity 510 MeV Collider |
2853 |
- C. Pellegrini, M. Cornacchia, D. Robin
A High Luminosity Superconducting Mini Collider for Phi Meson Production and Particle Beam Physics |
2856 |
- C. Pellegrini, C. Anderson, W. Barletta, A. Chargin, D. Cline, M. Cornacchia, G. Dalbacka, K. Halbach, F. Kimball, J. Kolonko, E. Lueng, D. Madura, L. Patterson, D. Robin
DELTA Optics |
2859 |
Status of DELTA and Design of its Vacuum System |
2862 |
Commissioning of the SSRL Injector |
2865 |
An Isochronous Lattice for PEP |
2868 |
- W.J. Corbett, M.H.R. Donald, A.A. Garren
Lattice Studies for a Small Storage Ring |
2871 |
High Frequency Betatrons |
2874 |
Improvement of 150 MeV Racetrack Microtron |
2877 |
- T. Hori, T. Mitsumoto, Y. Sasaki, M. Sugitani
Measurement and Tuning of Beam Parameters in the Heavy Ion Storage Ring ESR |
2880 |
- F. Nolden, S. Baumann, K. Beckert, H. Eickhoff, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, O. Klepper, W. Konig, U. Schaaf, H. Schulte, P. Spadtke, M. Steck, J. Struckmeier
Algorithm for the Deflector Plates of the 1 MHz Chopper for the Kaon Factory |
2883 |
Conception of the 200 MeV/u Booster for the Nuclotron |
2886 |
- I.B. Issinsky, V.A. Mikhailov
The Project of the Heavy Ion Storage Rings Complex of the JINR at Dubna |
2888 |
- O.N. Malyshev, I.N. Meshkov, R.T. Oganessian, Y.T. Oganessian, V.V. Parkhomchuk, P. Pokorny, A.A. Sery, S.V. Stepantsov, Y.A. Syresin, G.M. Ter-Akopian, V.A. Timakov