Keyword: lattice
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MOP1WB01 Lattice Design for PETRA IV: Towards a Diffraction-Limited Storage Ring ion, emittance, undulator, dynamic-aperture 12
  • I.V. Agapov, R. Brinkmann, Y.-C. Chae, X.N. Gavaldà, J. Keil, R. Wanzenberg
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Machine design for the PETRA III storage ring upgrade – PETRA IV – aiming at a 10-30 pm emittance range has been ongoing at DESY. We present the design challenges and approaches for this machine, the baseline lattice and the alternative lattice concepts currently under consideration.  
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MOP1WB03 Current and Future of Storage Ring Based Light Sources in KEK ion, emittance, dynamic-aperture, photon 17
  • N. Higashi, K. Harada, T. Honda, Y. Kobayashi, N. Nakamura
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Hirano
    Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
  KEK has two storage-ring light sources. One is Photon Factory (PF). This is the first storage-ring light source in X-ray region in Japan, and the user-run started in 1983. The ring energy is 2.5 GeV, and the emittance has been reduced to 36 nm·rad from 460 nm·rad through some improvements. Another is Photon Factory Advanced Ring (PF-AR). The ring energy is 6.5 GeV, and the single-bunch operation and hard X-ray are featured. The user-run started in 1987, and the emittance is 293 nm·rad. The magnetic lattice is almost the same as the original one. Now we consider the future plans of KEK light sources. One is the fully new facility applying DQBA lattice, named KEK-LS. The circumstance is 571 m, and the emittance is 315 pm·rad @ 3 GeV and 500 mA. In parallel with that, two plans of the only replacements of the lattices reusing existing tunnels of PF and PF-AR are considered. For the PF upgrade, only the arc lattice will be replaced with a new lattice employing combined bends, and the emittance will be improved to 8 nm·rad from 35 nm·rad. For the PF-AR update, fully replacement will be carried out with a new HMBA lattice, and the expected emittance is 520 pm·rad @ 3 GeV and 500 mA.  
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MOP2WB01 Accelerator Physics Studies for the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) in Beijing ion, emittance, storage-ring, booster 22
  • Y. Jiao, X. Cui, Z. Duan, Y.Y. Guo, D. Ji, J.Y. Li, X.Y. Li, Y.M. Peng, Q. Qin, S.K. Tian, J.Q. Wang, N. Wang, Y. Wei, G. Xu, H.S. Xu, F. Yan, C.H. Yu, Y.L. Zhao
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is the next ring-based light source with an emittance of tens of picometers, and a circumference of about 1.3 km to be built in China soon in a few years. After 10 years' evolution, the design for the High Energy Photon Source is recently bascially determined. We will report the lattice design and physics studies on HEPS, covering issues of storage lattice design and optimization, booster design, injection design, collective effects, error study, insertion device effects, longitudinal dynamics, etc.  
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MOP2WB04 Study of Multi-bend Achromat Lattices for the HALS Diffraction-limited Storage Ring ion, storage-ring, sextupole, emittance 25
  • Z.H. Bai, L. Wang
    USTC/NSRL, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China
  In this paper, two multi-bend achromat (MBA) lattice concepts, the locally symmetric MBA and MBA with interleaved dispersion bumps, are described, which have been used to design the Hefei Advanced Light Source (HALS), a soft X-ray diffraction-limited storage ring proposed at NSRL. In these two MBA concepts, most of the nonlinear effects caused by sextupoles can be cancelled out within one lattice cell as in the hybrid MBA proposed by ESRF EBS, but the available family number of sextupoles in one cell can be more than that in the hybrid MBA so that, for example, the tune shift with momentum can be better controlled to increase the dynamic momentum aperture (MA). Using the two MBA concepts, three kinds of lattices, 8BA, 6BA and 7BA, have been studied for the HALS, showing large on- and off-momentum dynamic apertures and large enough dynamic MA.  
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TUA2WB02 Multi-Bend Lattice Analysis Towards a Diffraction Limited Ring Based Light Source ion, dipole, emittance, insertion 28
  • E. Karantzoulis
    Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Italy
  An analysis of lattice configurations up to 10 bend achromat is presented aiming towards diffraction limited ring based light source. The described analysis can apply to any type of a ring based light source however for practical reasons we consider Elettra that has been operating for users for 24 years; to stay competitive for world-class photon science in the future a massive upgrade of the storage ring is needed. The optimum solution is based on certain design criteria, constraints regarding certain accelerator components and their implications on beam dynamics and user requirements. The space available for insertion devices as well as the impact of anti-bends on the design is also addressed. Two proposed realistic lattices are further discussed taking into account different criteria and user requirements. Those lattices reduce the emittance of the present machine by more than one order of magnitude but at the same time respect many other criteria such as realistic magnet gradients, magnets with magnetic length equal to the physical length, drift space enough for radiation extraction, large available space for insertion devices, minimal shift of the beam lines etc.  
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WEP2PT014 Strong Focusing Lattice Design for SSMB ion, photon, dipole, electron 113
  • T. Rui, X.J. Deng, W.-H. Huang, C.-X. Tang
    TUB, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • A. Chao
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  A storage ring applicable for SSMB operation is a critical part of a high average power SSMB EUV light source. A lattice for SSMB based on longitudinal strong focusing is under design in Tsinghua University. To generate and maintain micro-bunching in a storage ring in this scenario, the momentum compaction has to be small. A lattice with low momentum compaction factor is presented in this work. The lattice of the current design consists of two MBA cells with isochronous unit cells to minimize local and global momentum compaction, and two straight sections for insertion devices. The design energy of the ring is 400MeV and the circumference is 94 meters. Nonlinear effects such as higher order momentum compactions will continue to be optimized.  
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WEP2PT038 Conceptual Design for SLS-2 ion, vacuum, quadrupole, emittance 150
  • M.M. Dehler, A. Citterio, T. Garvey, M. Hahn, M. Negrazus, L. Schulz, A. Streun, V. Vranković
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  After 17 years of user operation, we plan to do an upgrade of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) for the period of 2021-2024. The entire storage ring will be replaced with a new layout allowing operation at emittances lowered by factors of 40-50. This is made possible to one part by small aperture magnets allowing for a multi bend achromat design and to the other - a special feature for SLS-2 - reverse bends combined with longitudinal gradient bends (LGB) leading to zero dispersion at the maximum magnetic field, thus minimizing the quantum excitation of the beam due to synchrotron radiation. The compact magnet layout makes use of offset quadrupoles, combined function magnets and longitudinal gradient bends. The chamber with a cross section of 20 mm will be fully NEG coated to ensure good pumping and a quick vacuum conditioning. Numerical simulation of instability thresholds has been performed, we expect values in the order of 2 mA for the single bunch current.  
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THP2WB02 An Overview of the Progress on SSMB ion, radiation, storage-ring, focusing 166
  • C.-X. Tang, X.J. Deng, W.-H. Huang, T. Rui
    TUB, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • A. Chao, D.F. Ratner
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • J. Feikes, J. Li, M. Ries
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • C. Feng, B.C. Jiang, X.F. Wang
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  • E. Granados
    MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
  • A. Hoehl
    PTB, Berlin, Germany
  Steady State Microbunching (SSMB) is an electron stor- age ring based scheme proposed by Ratner and Chao to generate high average power coherent radiation and is one of the promising candidates to address the need of kW level EUV source for lithography. After the idea of SSMB was put forward, it has attracted much attention. Recently, with the promote of Chao, in collaboration with colleagues from other institutes, a SSMB task force has been established in Tsinghua University. The experimental proof of the SSMB principle and a feasible lattice design for EUV SSMB are the two main tasks at this moment. SSMB related physics for the formation and maintenance of microbunches will be explored in the first optical proof-of-principle experiment at the MLS storage ring in Berlin. For EUV SSMB lattice design, longitudinal strong focusing and reversible seeding are the two schemes on which the team focuses. The pro- gresses made as well as some challenges from physical and technological aspects for EUV SSMB will be presented in this paper.
on behalf of the SSMB team: C. Tang, Alex Chao, X. Deng, W. Huang, and T. Rui of THU; D. Ratner of SLAC; J. Feikes and M. Ries of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin; C. Feng, B. Jiang, and X. Wang of SINAP
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THP2WB03 Transparent Lattice Characterization with Gated Turn-by-Turn Data of Diagnostic Bunch-Train ion, operation, wakefield, storage-ring 171
  • Y. Li, W.X. Cheng, K. Ha, R.S. Rainer
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Funding: This work was supported by Depart- ment of Energy Contract No. DE-SC0012704.
Methods of characterization of a storage ring's lattice have traditionally been intrusive to routine operations. More importantly, the lattice seen by particles can drift with the beam current due to collective effects. To circumvent this, we have developed a novel approach for dynamically characterizing a storage ring's lattice that is transparent to operations. Our approach adopts a dedicated filling pattern which has a short, separate Diagnostic Bunch-Train (DBT). Gated functionality of a beam position monitor system is capable of collecting turn-by-turn data of the DBT, from which the lattice can then be characterized after excitation. As the DBT comprises only about one percent of the total operational bunches, the effects of its excitation are negligible to users. This approach allows us to localize the distributed quadrupolar wake fields generated in the storage ring vacuum chamber during beam accumulation. While effectively transparent to operations, our approach enables us to dynamically control the beta-beat and phase-beat, and unobtrusively optimize performance of National Synchrotron Light Source-II accelerator during routine operations.
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FRA1PL02 Summary of Working Group B: Ring-Based Light Sources ion, emittance, impedance, injection 202
  • R.P. Walker
    DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  • Y. Li
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  • Q. Qin
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  This is the summary report of the ring-based light sources working group.  
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